Milverton Sun, 28 Aug 1902, p. 4

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THE MARKETS — 5 Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc sam de C “sim Trade Centres. BREADSTUFFS, Tor ronto, Aug. 26.—Wheat—The of ferings of new wheat are smal arket is weaker, wil No, 2 new untae at 80 to™3le out- | side. Corn—The market is dull, with . 8 yellow, 66 to 67¢ on track, ye—The market is alee nba No. 2 quoted at 48 to 49¢ B thing doing, oi ~No. 2 nominal at 40 to 45c. he market is quiet, with ‘c west. 1p. See ee lots in bbls, $5, on | Fo: $4.90. Broken Chie $23 in sacks, Toro: COUNTRY PRODUC! Hops— ‘Trade suet with prices un- changed at lings, 7c. Honey— The Bacal ie steady, mith strained jobbing 5. [fain trede in stockers and feeders at er, fo. 1 old timothy ana ten to $11.50, and new 10. 0 Straw—The market is quiet. lots on track quoted at $5.50 to Poultry—The market is qu quote : ‘Se per pair. Turkeys, 1D. fe easier, with fair receipts. They aol. at B50 Per bush in quantities, and a 0 4c in small lots. THE DAIRY Lane Butter—The market is ac- “tive, with receipts large, nas prices asier. Choice in good emenn We quote :—Choice 1-Ib rolls, as selected dairy, tubs, Mics eLaretoes e Strictly. tres, to 154¢; ordinary candled, 14 Adie: low grades and checks, 11 ib ee (Chistes —Darket steady. We quote : —Finest, 103c; seconds, 93 to 10c. HOG PRODUCTS. ressed hogs are unchanged, products are in good deman: ¢ ; [inthe Province l Winter Pair Build- breakfast bacon, 12° tol, cks, 15 to Ioie: “shoulders, market is steady. “Wo |S —Tierces 11 to 114¢; tubs, |Sue ide; pails 114¢ BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Aug. 26.—The markets ‘genera!ly continue steady, and there dition of the flour trade jus quoting of lower figures ore batons akers er eee ‘n 10 to $110" Rolled” patel eee to jobbers, fh 40 to i and. $5. ti Manitoba seed $16, and shorts, $23 | bags included; Ontario bran, in’ bulk | $15.50 to $16; shorts, in bulk, $22 2A, ons—Heavy Cana- dianethort eae atk, $25; compound refined lard, 9 to 9$¢; pure Cana- 0 Ibs. eee Ife, Choice _creamei tte 10 to 1916; held stock, 18. to, 1846; ‘aight dairy, 16 to 16%c. eee nt. receipts, 144 to 15¢; No. 2, 13 cae 13kc. ey UNITED STATES MARKET. ®Woledo, Aug. 26.—Wheat — Active, fetched a oO - | Co’ Calves, . ae spring, 684c; September, 68$c; Dec- ber, OO4e. Oats—B24e; December, ffalo, Aug. 26.—Flour—Steady. Wheat-Spring higher; No. 1 North- 564c. Canal frelghts—Stou ady. jeapolis, September, ‘ack, ported fair, and wheat and Heiter com output. LIVE STOCK M MARKBTS. . 26.—At the Western eed spent Wee Gee fue dace ee ere; ht i price ices. Some left ‘over. cher cattle were reported ae fetching ac ner poun co ganic $i gar eet Ties wie unchanged _ price: here is change in export bulls. In e weak, nee Following is the range of tions: Cattle. sen fer emt Do. Butel i er, Bu oe ordinary to Choice Lambs, Bucks, per Cee > Culls, each + Milk Sao Sows, bp ss Hogi Choice hogs, per one Light hogs, per ewt ... 6.75 per ewt.. 6.75 KONE AS Coke SSbwa Pts) Stags, a HIGH-PRICED PIGS. Lot of 100 0 offered, at at Guelph Net- A Guelph despatch says: The first ennual sale of pure-bred swine uw ernment was held here on Thursday Texistered our, br ered she highest price ever pai the continent. |sow bred by Brethour ond oe © jof Burford, was sold al poaksipcelnge at | CUT HIS WIFE’S THROAT, pec in Quebec ¢ Caused by Jeal- 3 A aichos: Dey says: About |2.80 on Wednes: pee morning a Bike murder ae mitted at Moi aes ys A man named eels athurin “killed his wife by cutting ‘The murderer and his Fictim are both 85 years old. te in kept a meee in the vi f Mont- High Constant Cpoctin, of |the district of Montmagny, arrested murderer about 8 o'clock the Mathurin confessed | to his pea ‘immedic ately after th murder. ealousy and drunkenness are said to ae the moti’ ——2——- MONT PELEE AGAIN. Another Severe Eruption on rsday Last. The ed “Ties printe a | dee: ee from Thomas, dated Prpedayy wnalens says the foll fee ‘he ine gee ‘that there Was a severe eruption on Mont | Pelee at noon on Aug. cro) Ws are unchanged at from iar the: auspices oF the Oniario’ Gov. tg ~ CROPS IN N BRITAIN. of th ¢ Summer Has- Had a Sariang Effect. ci nmepntlon despatch says: en fine and sunny, and plea- santly but not too warm. Summer g this year, be- robably the absence of anything ot the kind for a long hi brought about the ‘preva eer Bee state of at If you go in’ ae git Sean new generation would have another ‘‘year of short corn” everything from, for the farmers are more desperate than ev- er about their crops. Now the ato disease has made its appear- ae with excellent twenty faaarsdvveignt eects Lee is cee Ge t. Other cg mains be AFTER THE COAL MINERS. 30,000 sé Then HM May Be Brought to the West. A as Ohio, despaich says . Whitne; of Detroi racts un in begin. Bes if up their homestead grai for ERA Eee janadian Govern: fa doh ion Whitney says n Government is anxious to that hundreds of them favor the pro- ject | WASHINGTON’S ANCESTORS. Manor House in England Offered x Sale. Was shington, in the V bury, 86 miles ‘operty _ includes atte of farm ocal honorary Queen ie awing is £5,500 ($27,500), eal ter. that price} it may be transported to the United ey States. es —+— | CUNARDS TO STAY OUT. | Will Not a e Part of the Ior- | Soe ndicate. A aorteh London Pos! Steamship Com tirely British, t | increase its mail | ee Sarcanec tye subsidy, but Company. to be attacked |The bodies were burned Sad Story of One oe the Boers’ ether the outlook all round re- | Pots bad. t that the manor | gan, r The walls Bae ce with ian iceseneateres ee hb Bor e antique carving! mong whic! is |g FATALITIES IN LONDON. Holiday Season Marked by Many Casualties. A London despatch have been accidental Wo cousins— Paddled across the shallow water to a higher pao of iffculty. None of the Bodies Se the children has been found ur to last accounts. jews Killed by lightning. The other bodies One of the guides’ ice axe was found siren seep into the snow at f the peak. eee gr SCOURGE OF WAR. et se the es to i aah aflai DR. Nek asia TRIP Thinks Inspection at the Boundary M rpea. Victoria, B. ©. aie teh ae Sener basen ees Columbia from the Unit- ee tekes" br tau end fereanas PROTECTING THE KING. Story About Plot to pesg Up the ing was passing under it rowned. It is a d on absurdity, wild admiration for them expressed by the Shah of Persia is measurably phated Wyscycry woitee Gan ebrd ge anes WILL GET COUNTRY BACK So Says Reitz te ih aE Letter to Col. A Paris despatch s: A letter from Mr. Reitz, nee cretary of oe in the Transvaal Government, able oe ong some o: rs. In course o| the letter ee itz mayer ave me much pleasure tore waive your letter on the 18th inst., b ir countries will be as as God meant sey should be.”” WILL RUN Pe BUSHELS. Prophecy of a Member of Manito- ba House. pass is onane. a ee lion more under cultivation than year, and the wheat crop may equal twenty-five per cent. more than last rs |year, aaah pee ce greatest in the . The ie one to ncisco and ha pure and eages supply Tey: te ob Fained when necessary. BOER CHIEFS DISAGREE. Paper Refers rots Bis Ee as a Ran- A Vier ee ays: The Neue seas Tagedlatt “pubshen a Bas ng fuse the King’ e generals are the author- huntory0 ir. Burrows tant onli “the average crop ight 25 as high as thirt, Sapa pate PRISONER IS 100 FAT. Cannot ae Into Court’and May fe Tried Outside, ace Ky., despa a prisoner is too tat through the court-room doo: Commissioner 489 pounds ee LARGEST LINER AFLOAT, s Cedric Successfully Launched in Belfast Yards. A Belfast, Ireland, serait says: says the article, and in their recep- que «Ringe onfland ubox with the whole gallant na- |Drought in Anstralia Has Led to mai An Ottawa ats patch save: drought in Australia has demaud | thers ctor Scien butter and ‘a tarlona : from < the algary jcreamery Wa: n Saturday s' ped by the steamship Miowera trom an I aid | por oi ee that a_sh ye: “dome: duct ohystocthes “OOH ma fetes sie severe the drought must | |200. 000 afloat Har Thu fee’ t of aa jer carr has = feet ty | WANT CANADIAN BUTTER. city is 18,400 tons, and jodation for 3,000 xpected that she will be: feat |tor Sete abe anaem oes a TRADE CF AUSTRALIA. | Yl erports and Experts of a Year— | Big Crop Decline, 1 An Ottawa despatch says Le from J. 2,881,424. . stralia’s crop fell short by 1 ju ne Production of the previous year, to the American taste, and ie house bushels, or 22.4 per cent. of and Is sold only in lead packets. 9 Biack, Mixed and Green. Ask for the Octagon Bar ‘opan tea drinkers try “Salada” Green tea, Ragged clothes quickly— /3 guartatte—darkness,, irt, disease that’s what common soaps 5 with “premiums” cost; but |places %irarcisa et, ere, ae ind the di REDUCES EXPENSE Shade anode be ey tds the house, ‘at’ a “oO prone De eee hours irs of ease, es a Unc and hard to please." > ere is one thing that & Sate rill please you, ae it, and | that the sun may shine direct] it i 2 | This will ‘keep it dry 4 Rue ¢ ome. Seylon Tea Is the finest UNLIGHT i ‘Another evil which comes © with oO many trees is ik #4 Tea the world produces, the nts of air eces: n it is very hot. Heat it: A rs more | i ty o} : S tad & i air taan it i there i: FE a ee ae I re ae refers to SHODDY IN BRITISH used in’ 1900. 7a AME Hine 000 Te displacing 229 200,- ead eliiages | THE BIBLE. nting of the Dible ia the 1 the wool in the oe most aieieely gua —— work RICAN WOOLENS. 000 pounds of wool, or equal Mr, Alfred Mansell, of Shrews- bury, Eng., Tells of the Tricks of the Trad sudan isk the great feature in the of the leading towns of fe '‘voolen District of York- is well aathee year ibs, the material being out an enormous! “An j is given of the. discov- | imgdom, a the fact that and the like, to ei conned mostly of shoddy, meecrton most reputable (?) and well-known who had a contract to teenpence per yard (broad width), is | supply ie Government se De tae the price of these so-called woolei/army blankets, w: roods, and lente of attractive fab-| stuffing ene same with shod; tics are mac t less. t is also ies that Scotch mai afacturers O is al cent. of the piaterial that: leave: was} The rapid increase i largely composed of shoddy produc-|shoddy ie ait od a dae Yorkshire towns and 1 re. 18 manufacture of _ artificial i estal &|product value at $9, 208, O11. THE POSTMASTER, ae GENT LEMAW'S NARROW SCAPE FROM DEATH. Very Interesting Personal Ex * perdaee Which Contains Lives May Be Threatened. wool enters, but it is | very welder is a hale old gentiem: - i 784 fee of age, 8d. per cae form another important branch, at thi fearfully run down fer da complete wreck with Bright's wont | Disease. Wool He s jaused by Me eee rae Oat ee Lace Jot admissibl Are eaten Soeatiss ar pying to ee oe Was at ti Point of with Bright's Disease, 9 EET am 1 f my years I ‘all “pnoay, snd healthy. but is classed as woolen goods, W. “AS a ‘aster I come in con- tact with a great many people, and ° oe ‘eb wisage| in this country e using ‘Doaas laey Pills with e Such evidence should be most c vincing to who may still doubt Bright's Disease. honest, earnest, straighttor- eee testimony of stich _reput. 001 falloff 0 |200PI certainly, devorves the aie ate ee aig weer ie ea Ranier cre argely d's ‘Blaney. Pits can and do +E thorougtily agree with his dodue- | Sure Breas Disease, which is gahorpaanly iu Pe st form of Kidney Trou ee Pamlnly will cure any of lesser for: —-+— THE ABUSE OF SHADE. Possible to Have Too Many Trees Around the House. hot summers oe around the house seems to absolute necessity. It is well is a h|member, however, that, like most nting will cloth Particularly: adapted Tittle shade it is is 5 healthful, but ater made very wel ae Megitre : when a| Advice for-Others Whose Lovett, Ont., Aug. 25. 25.—(Special)— render eee a ‘xpect is an ies cies for | fective as tea eras" >| Mipad's Llalment Cues Diptt hela, ye was given up by the eae Postmaster at #|ma.” What do ae ant a Little “|Girl—“Did you see uncle’s new that Dodd's "Kidney Pills will cure oe use eu pers pug oe I to Mr. 0 dense cut some of ds of wool. The aa: Life | them out. “Remember the WHY WOOL IS $0 CHEAP a ee en fast to that whieh ts goed s. pee ar spine es Matt! having ae ly been printed one, ae althoug ch the st 2 ly to the wk obviously w: erintae word o 1- Printers had in 1 ie places where Bi. sare printed so reer, Soap—disinfectant = is infectious! diseases. In Bohemia 63. 000 Sure Re; Lestat’ eal Nac aud dai delion are snd imy Bills “and serve selutary TO CURE A COLD IV pied Day. going pean a Little oe ie a peer ee “Don’t say ‘ma’ say ‘ Ppnamamma Ainord’sLiniment Cures Gorgel In Cows. vessels passing through the Suez Canal yearly is about Hee of an average burden ‘of 5,000 ton: Wor Over Sixty Yearn. xp Wer Tare md take no other Ei nee alive, Mike; we're rescu el” Voice from the Debris— Glaney up there wid ye?!’ “Ast him wud 5 " step aff the rooins. | Tv, Hes av me wi im." Dyspep nervous yh er init rates | Fesults, ‘giving taper tone to the digestive oa they restore equilibrium to the nerve centres, Lady—"It’s a shame .to have to good Pr ‘ate Col- supply the pipes, you see, nae c|Minat's Uisiment Cures Colds el Miss Maleon—"Bxcuse poy ignor- fais tae are een people who know you intimately, are cases of season so far}, | aavanced lias Rickie s eae venir ee non tha’ For cou and mM aitections of the throat, specific he germs of most |' and it is| of ae formii ane eas Rheumat- | ph, “co ee thrive espe: tthe stentest salty 1 seh aa aac the rt s rampant in dirt ¢ sumption BF shoddy i _ States "40,000,000 the arch and cere ness. rey then in darkness and dirt | is 4 Ww se whet 01 iv. 1 and Mark | #1“ Headlight” Re inve capital “'S,"" it —eet given a capi- Nothing Satter by | Hbittle Comet” may be ngly recommended by the medi- fession as a safeguard against nobles own the| Mother Graves! é Greater part of the eountry. None | has the lar, t eale of any-similar pre “Mr, les," sai ‘estates are less than 12,-| tion sold in Canadas Te always, "gives aris aye ie es, Restor: *y > indasia ng 8 composition of |drowning accidents each year The Dead Sea has recently risen| Divers’ boots : welah x {nearly 5 fect. It is supposed that The helmet weighs 401D., and the and considering hi {its bottom . hes been raised b, advanced years is remarkably well | canic disturbances. thy. CEYLON TEA. Lead packets. TEMONS Extra Fine Stcok k $3. 50 300 or 350 size, PER BOX, 5 COMMISSION CO., Limited, TORONTO. “ Viotoria” Tt as Abr cess stated that 60. in @ hurry can cover 128} miles. in faonias free Bo scores easels wath endear n hour. nae ‘ere Cnet ‘BRIGLTON, Palcfold, Lows, U8, atisfaction by restoring health to the a “LESS ee nia onde pass ttie folks. Greenland’s Se by the t so I thought it must hundred yearly. /be something fine usually 20 to 25 fatal A Life Saved.—Mr. James Bryson panera states: Vite tae to ae i Taflmimation ‘of th nd folank. carmel he bor advised 20%. apiece, d diver carries also 80ID. of lead to enable him to keep pe balance at tho bottom of the se Mind's Lniment Cures Diemer than 1,132,: 257 of Italy's No There are now 36,788 medical| town Sponiiaiiee above the age a m-| practitioners in Great Britain, and j fifteen Apite Win ek the number increases at the rate of| that, “Whole population, oh eight per weel sailors can neither read nor write. Hard and soft corns cannot withstand Holloway’ fe Gara Bare ote toe aera every time. Geta bottle at once and be was reduced to such a state that ‘Tdoubted the power of aby remedy to do me any good.” bought a ho-se with a supposed All the cork used in the world in a year weighs just over 1,000 t Tt comes from Hranee, Spain, ee Biontne for #8500, Bras tugal, Italy, and North Afr: it on Liniment, $54. MOISE DiROSCE, otel ue i - St. Phittip’s, ue., Nov. aa 09 1, ajo "No Gare, No Ba Brees, gare 8 cold in one P's, Que., No ot 8 nada has forests, which at the Seleea zt oe of tim- ber for paper, would supply the BIGGEST world rit Bape pulp for 840 years on ae to com According to the pues Arbeiter Peal tig the bi, Reutenbourg, a German ieee ith 444 inhabitants, rejoices in curious distinction of having ex: be equal number of men and women. E Pa = IMPERIAL AL AAPLE SYRUP o2ean nose SEs esata real. Only King Baward wn. B ff risings will be brought before a military tribunal. S100 Reward $100. lmirala in the British at} { THE “21 [- | constitutic ad a ox THE “au cnwruny cine| Bedi es : This for the New ne col Bas fer fade Hun hat ie tals to cure. ve hist, a restirannt rs tek F. J. CHENEY & CO., To'odo, 0 enter rate, aa Connecting the ends of the Empire State, The finest erapevine. in Burope Rushing through forest and rolling/at Auchmore House, Lord Bi through val bane’s Scotch Bice: Climbing the hills and skirting the With. wing as flect as the god of light, “ines of steel to guide its light, A griertca bee, at the lever. stood, himself that he'd “male | White hehina him rolled i fence second-class ti style aes - | from Chicago Utah, Montana, Washi Men of finance, , of let letters and rail, Ready, to cheer Pate joyous hail he greatest train that ever was

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