ing one of the best in the country. are : He has worked in some of the larg-| ys oss aa er ve firm is possibly the|est bakeries in the United States anq fancy ca per ae eres . LOT. : J. G. GROSCH & SO as it ae be by a thorough | ‘he abo Mf sou feel that you DEMME SY ESM SES SY SY SY SIL SY SY SL SY SY SY Si fongest established business in the 3 é: , a Age > — ee eR the ade en gabe ta ot ie Steeda telooten x e h started h the /prtcle. Mr. Mohr who runs the inerenn ; . m good aa newaad Lo give shoe business about the year 1861 and | grocery department has been. in thi pgs aay The: having, one of good as new and to give 4 did a flourishing trade with the mercantile business all his life and thet tar geatetn a in tees fn fancy as a new o 5 : 5 ne now the wants of the public and| Gress goods all, che newest shades ays en) line of jewelry and such ry ry raid Aas r. J. Bro oh poe menloxees iRbavors 'be Jenteal Be rae are. ane that are in vogue at this iiiner ee anctiag tte baniees on ith & great respected | ayn enjoy more |eseets 2 ee a ey ae d s ever since. The first {han an ordinary popular Sone tenes. ae mess occupied the me z Groschs stood where the Queens hotel : now stands. After occupying sev- THE QUEEN'S HOTEL eral build i guar: si ee the aoe eee asom y with | What) great improvements have Messrs. Weiderind & Honderiel whieh been made in the bat ef business to- Kert jewelry store and repair shop fitted up in the mo ode fashion, Mr. _ Bastendorf ve Ps i ilverton Se all Opening .. «= Thursday, Friday ta tuemselv Ss oc! eI an aturaa til kinds, carrying else the celebrated | more in touch with the publ Th Ed “Slater Shoe,” which hus establishes | Quegns Howl, “Milverton, 1a. one ot tient) fection Ho the best hotels in the country and i carries a superb line of fine ‘Ameri: can shoes. His shoes ete the eae the Pre ER RD ROE Es Mr Wm. a Spe 3 at fed ee ; Sept. 25th, 26th & 27th there ‘would be no sTousekeepong, Ee yhile arriage Would mes derhol n a > trade ca at. er wards the village's prosperity, Mr. fell manufactured in ou! hee Spencer has alto been encrusted for nadian tanneries, which are SI WIEDERHOLD & HONDERICH. THE GRAND CENTRAL HOT vi Will be the it = if my AT: be the best im the world. i e country, while r ; i ag ieee i ( ‘The Method! st Parsonage. ill be the days of our Fall Mil- Grosch has been largely identi- | Waiters anticipate yous wants. The Identified with the business inter- |, I one of the best conducted country = — a — = : 7 : = . 283 path epoch making in the village |Tooms are farge and airy and there pais of all Eee 1 town a ate. stars ho sche Ontario and it ughly j linery Opening, and cordially invite the one of the first to advorave |# a homelike appearance, | about re warer itho mS facorporati ion, believing that the vil- the place that makes the tired travel- Jage would make greater progress by | fer in quest of rest feel thoroughly favg a free hand in its own |at bome. In the bar there legislation, and the material growth | ways the best of liquors and cigars and progress, made by the village | Good sample rooms and good stabling, JAS. TORRANG JOHN BARR, V. S. Mr. James Torrance is the propric- | Mr. John Wi Barr, V. tor of the Mile rton Dru of Toronto Nene ladies of Milverton and_ surrounding country to attend. is agrad- Colleg: an ) will. be found haibeat brand.ot wet / goods, Mr. Hasenptiug, priding fim- | rel nd ha cl aed ila i ge as ; ae coi See ee arr | | since’ serve {0 show the wisdom ef | Mr. Henry Rose is the proprietor of . eae sae Mir, Groseh’s contention, “From the | the Queens and is held in high esteem Mr. W. K. Loth. a : Bovenprrn a ae | — mcorporation of the village in 1881| by all classes and by none more so | — self upon (“setting up" the enw til his resignation of the reeve-! than the travellers. ‘one Vandieenbriees” allebbe st a : - headgear that is being worn this sea- stocked, store fi i ed the place is in proper shape ana tt s known io be one Besides ale ‘drm x bs of the leading rries a full s tI furniture see Wi : can never make a mis- O get new furnitua miry and the toilet 'e = = rr hat at Lo! n’s srhclieerdpadacls| toc! Thi i 4 : | Ww H ig a i ened and popular landlord, "Mr. stablishe R ady to ea ats The price 1s always an important |can save you money on your invest- | Hasenpfiui naa tiadest oe r here and nis ate Rem 19 that |ment. Your home can be beaut fied by investing in one of the one, and he is ret ino al constantly goods are and he races ors to satis- friends among the eoavetlngs bubtie, as yn: rd We have a large range of beautiful ready-to-wear Hats now on sale. Come early and get first choice, a large stoc to select from. want of a rig for an afternoon’s drive either on business or pleasure, Hasenpfiug pr hi ng hove! fa sineas was in the’ wager mak- ing de . ous customers who engage his outfi ae gue guatomers who sngaoe his outfits | : and hus word 1s his bon commodate his increasing trade | September and October Fashion Sheets Free. as mpelled to build a new livery barn a ee ee ee eee ee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee * : BIS TE ISTE ISTE ISIE AS TE IS EAS TE ISIE AIS TE ISTE AS TEAS TE ISTE AS TE AS TS AS TS AS AE AS TE AS ISAS TB AS TS AS IS AS AS AS TS AS IS AS geon at this c ant tie thas made a. good repa- elf as a clever and i His ex- been of, a as which is equipped in the most modern fashion. Mr. no a posi- Delineator for October, price 15c, per copy. "| by trade a brick- Ht at it eee err ORE oa OR 1 constanily ni as | moa:hs. i al uw a ed be am ‘diffi he | fancy youtcr y ent Al site nie the reais all diseases of do- | tr he e e Seine thet wie itatneineneieeaa takes a gr i ane cil and on the public school board. ) Hee aT Mr. J. G. Grosch. He has for a imam ai of years Aer ke | undoubtedly — identified with the Mornington Agri- 5 future, i 3 aaa eee and alway: : not n 2 Te ee | Butter 14¢c., Eggs 15ce. x shrp in 1895 Mr. {Grosoh was out of GEO. PFAFF. Sap ae anything thet Loan 1 sa good ju ze |dorst i | < | the council but two years. For seven) pye subject of this . a promote | its interests. AS a of a horse, faa Suge ally has @ pair n they | , years he occupied the reeve’s chair | t Milverton o1 urs | tow: . Loth is Bos popular, | ep or when | | and ciation that time on has ae and grew up fi es ats: il a | ie may | : acclamatioi sere |i Saft tre FRERARE RAR ER RERARARARER EHS sagen, mana oc re cee ee [inhortee ener. nget | | may e e part. thet cape aaeedl ition on ‘the pu ie 6 second to Mr saree ‘sacri ne, Puss [fact that their f on, seldoun finding, tane for ire- Fi eps ings thai w mothing | their different p of busines oe 5 mu Sun, Central Perth's week passed for qua on apart his profession, freien consigned to them. Mr. Kert- , also maki in which -he takes a. delight. cher a contracts for moving tJ raming and ys n RSS Sa hous cho furniiare, ‘ood and port- el Zea & (4) r & full stock i “a Furnitu See ea eee i te able gobds. He is also under con- is repaire' asona He "i the public, Keeping the office open tract with Pfeffer Bros, millers, for dertake ee eee ae the transportation of ¥ and flour | Jong after the fied hy for th pee: Bone thespunlices ore between the mill sane modation of the public. Mr. has served the village pub- ell as privately and has Bakers, Confectioners & Grocers WM. ZIMMERMAN. galt, Wim, Zimmerman, conducts at 5 lbs Raisins for 25c. b) his point the age icy he cele- shoe firm doing a fu fren ipaeee Se brated Frost & Wood Implemeat | a f havin Co. Smit hs Falls “and Oshawa, | 4 Ibs. Prunes for 25c. Bed enjore, She aletinction ot iaeepall r ceries, i ar. or ndie ders, ‘mowers, Ib. t | aa pl He is champion sprinter, of : . 2 are | pels papers, ete. His stock of ary 2 Ib. bar laundry Tartan Soap. 1 gusta nttts”is he Province _ fe a i Leper 1 eee a, Ae ae x he ong, ab vO 9 anal sed the Coulthard & hava aud since "hat | 10 lbs. Coffee for $1.00. time have added large additions to He 1s popular around Milverton and on the always enlists os ‘mest support. he invites you to help it along lie pene ss Hi JOHN SCHMIDT. orks to dgtommodate he in- ae aie - ASE ih HERR. | eee : ing. S. sill 1 | t machinery. Finest selected raisins in package. ee ae ‘another of our notsworthy citi-| office of oth ounclinr aod, truste, | In house Euznishings le stock, ae kash nee | 2 oldest and best | ong is Ghict of Police Herr, Mr, | filled the office | complete. He can rig ys Us oat | OG iG Dates “6 established "Hotels in the county, end | Herr has been a resident of the vile| mn peste occasions, but oe with either curtain’ | window stil oe ea ee | a Since Mr. W, Pollock took possession | 149 cor about . five years, former. | + shades or carpets. In groceries his oout | a ae well snow hestsiey he es iy having lived at Wartburg and Scted towards | Stock is new and fresh and has been i building a Hi the agricultural ee = as Eee AP RS | t the | place, ana "today he has one of the carpenter aia an be ployed by Messrs. | best paying trades in the county, Widderhold. & Honderieh, _ builders | 1 fe een indefatigable in his offorts towards promoting the this, insti 23 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00. d contractors. a rei te ew elected to the village council, w a | Mr. dining room you have everything to | ho sat for n | | y Macweth. to his efforts. | Butter 15c., Eggs 14c. He always drives Mr. P. H. Bastendorff. eye lindi. = | ies 288 your taste. Good stabling in con: | ji, otfice distasteful to him le refus- | the fall of 799 from Mr. T. W: Whal- i Ree tl rach ae carries eXPress | cost you twice what it awguld other: Weitzel & Moh ection. Mr. Pollock, is well and /ed to agai me goto the |Iy' who founded it, in. December of MILLER & KELTERHOR Mr. Schmidt is a man that keeps | Wise ‘do. Mr. can build e1ltze onr favorably known to the “public: 5y ballot le. it anuary ap-| 791. Like all other businesses in Mil: ected by his own counsel and as a Citizen is bieyeles as well as repair them, be- is Peens held in high esteem. He pointed chief of. polles and makes a vetton The Sun has enjoyed of late eae Seed i Kalienbote, whine. Richly, weeueobed by allel ; |ing a thoroughly experienced me- subli SSS = = - = — ‘ood trade with shippers, as | ye, at officer Mi years a due measure of prosperity | ceeded Mr. Wettlaufer, ‘The only SEAL Sb denarii ‘ chanic and his length of service in | j ERENT fa ears a weigh scales are located near his aise resident of the public Me racy through the upbuilding of its sub- Termanent way in which any community. are) business qualifies hind ag actinee: lad ae now filline ene eres ee E hotel. aes also enjoys a good coun- | poqr, ei in which aoe takes made by the and ieee oe ane oat be ee a it cla Fae have a bieyele the reeve’s chair ae ezieainecmitat| | Wi d h Id & H d h ry patronai agreat interest. He is as teem- e e merchants 0 -lby satistgi tr ee ee Se ee ce iederho onderic ae SAP ae iii te cee sue ee : s AND. i ib So a —____— red ito Rook z derstand the Conduct @ well-appointed and up-to- idence eelianl und i 3 _~<> FURNITURE DEALERS Bene eae tra and eater to their : attended to. Mr. Dorland ha been dp ne — ss Be Be nc arc toe and. courteously attended co and to _We have in stock, just arrived, the biggest Couches=;,; handsomest line of Couches ever put before your eyes, prices ranging from $3.50 to $20. Solid patterns. t faction than he does. Mr. is one of the oldest and most mated ae y Mr. E. H. Dierlamm. gr everything that go es to furnish a house. Paints Apts & Mow and oils of all kinds kept in stock Now that fall is at band, Hi and LOUNGING CHAIRS, we Me Wikio aeccetios nothing bat ath close attention to the likely be doi ae “panting y arior setts . parse on eget patisty the people now- ipalaeebt Finkbeiner aR, i aeoaad have them in large quantities to lays, Inthigh class g rocexies you | the advan age of article in isfy APF Sm Mit the time at Weitzel & celebrated Sherwin-Wi satisly any taste, Mohr’s new grocery, Milverton. Th _ | Tange of the latest Seaitinc aber thie’ earth. eee finn only be. rest and a ple freshest goods that cannot fail to wall as Ie Call in and examine our stock, our salesman will m: nishings before doing so see Mr 7 vith this house you are no’ we », al be pleased to show you through. Seen ee ert libaral-trest= Ho iy Dierlamm’s ex stoc! a rs Hee spi ei Mir, Merlantn personally is a young ment but you can always depend, tp- born essed 0 a anne gmanner and. affable erettine the! best of poe ra ties and loves to sit a tein ie x bias and ded oy firm’s t as increa: a that can. if necessary, strike a 2. pos: y “eH Be eee clip. Both gentlemen are popular in’ &, Othe pees the wants . ‘ It al ing good value: x the village. i i Undertaking and Contractin auiae jee and goods. Th of his customers, having worked in 2 ° = isfaction as to price and eS Oe rge stores in Buffalo, N.Y., Wat- D. McKinnon will e his salutar: ge sermon in Burns church, is a gradua Milverton, and Zion church, Welles “qwo Maples,” Residence of Mrs. MacBeth. Jey, on Sunday, Oct. 5th. in his methods of doing business. y ice | confectionery. The bakery is under the supervision of Mr. Weitzel whe has established a reputation of be- Wiederhold & Honderich ; ing 01 f py tis “triendship and rele cs | | Residence of Mr. J. G. Grosch. z % nearly every citiz