Milverton Sun, 25 Sep 1902, p. 4

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| THE GROSCH Co. GEO. BERK ong the oldest mercantile firms established here te He generally keeps on, hand f bu: utters, sleighs and Among, the manufacturing indus- fried” of Milverton: pam eect cluded Mr. Geo. Berkner's, who runs general blacksmithing business and a wagon shop. Mr. Berkner keeps in the b i Y¥ goods, siap! ods, keeping on hand a or I | verses through ctaepesoge fires, but A. D. ALEXANDER. | Hs dition Me he never allowed himself to be con-| Every village or town of any pre- the introdue! to ihe “write a man of honest quered but resolutely set to work | tensions must have an output for the op Eiouniamie aareral typographi~ won for himself and again established himself on a | produce of its surrounding district. cal errors have ciept in. On ge 4 ‘He solid footing. He Milverton in thi: pect is not be- the railroad bonus should read $40,- |of years bee as il | bind, as it has an elevator and grain/000 instead ‘of $4,000. Mr. John ee 0] and has in no small meas _contri- | ktorehouse wit a capacity of 20.- ere on resig: Milverton pos pede qynerests tn in — buted to the progre a 000 bushels managed by Mr. A. Din 1889 instead eat 7899. Cite Mi manage by Mr. & G ae Threshing hand wanted at once. that has made the v Alexanderja very shrewd business dist chureb. cyan talao sbailt? in 1880, Tatcorieeeereh Sie clasesa tat the mupicial tee Apply to David Allan most ug = daie in the Country. man. r. Alexander has been classes of the | [om xE ‘ pesca ag business since the fail of 1900, when ae pete ty. oe Pe ive single b! sage zp ae ' “ae Do not fail to see the pianola, a a puiet and inotfen: r Specialty Co., with eet one of the most wonderful inventions Besides buy./ of the age, in connection with the Besides buy-| Mason & Risch exhibit atthe fair, he A 20 performers, at Grosch’s hall, fair DAVID SMITH. ne night other citizen who ee er ee ule iaeattied swith the business WY HASENPFLUG. Mr. and Mrs 2, I. Grimm and fam- ae rte oreo bs ‘on for i iends in a ‘4 years 1s Mr David amie who built oldest busin peeii nd Duluth: Sega paar ‘osidea near ae G. T. R. Time Table a period cov pumps for field lage for a earn | Traina due to'}eaye: Milverton that time he The. pump reps son |18 a man well thought oF if tholoodt | WhcyWinees OING SOUTH. > toro Wwoode: f the Milverton car: id to every ro | Mixed 10. Express am Taare Since oper Ba fe ‘about two years ago they Mixed. = S00 pm he he Teputa- | o¢ tion of turaing out the finest veh in the country. Th M. PAN’ fice open ever: : : > | Block, Main St. Express . hee ce er known firm is there ip Ja his success has laid in Riince ae If known as reliable busi- et than Messrs. PRR.) on eee hess men, and it 18 known that they | & Son, cattle and hog « JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, werk ave seeuise i : Do You Want Ts a iat Sinan z ributed to M. BUNDSCHO. cuuaren eels fambee,: Taine, Se ae niso for the clean-| cessions of the. townshiy UNDSCH | rs GALLor. | the wood’ work and ironing of the| 1a ner, Ont 1og wells. If od. mow | mgton,. lee, -Elmay W Mz, afilton Bundscho about a year| Mr. A. Gallop conducts at this point| International Harvester _Co.’s Works, Hamilton. sae ear a well dug. call on Noil & | No th ‘Easthope, buying ho pureh see ago opened out a, new barber shop, exoellent livery. ee kee) | Disraeli Be laa Ssrehsy hed ous and as time went on he added tole |mettied but docile thor 7 j Sree oratine e eet A Watch? tation of bidding what an anima ‘3 ? T. PB. ROE. | ARCH. SMITH. Stoves! Stoves a restaurant and confectionery store. | *quipped rigs, fitted out Mr. Bundscho this year has gone|"#gs And dusters. He worth. He usually ships at least a O ok a Lage tate. tha eetines Fone | rubber tired buggy tor fine weather. Mr. T. Roe, is agent the | Another resident of Milverton who var of stock a week ands Repnonablaiiteattas ee the pros | fis stables a: Weare prepared to show you the Largest and Best ering division of the International made a favorable impression on | den' he disposes of several. son, Bert,, If so, give usacall and get our Et time ieeniaaalings a laeee don front street : 1 i 5 st imple- the citizens uri © [the Beerines tntscadt entered into partnership with chim {se satan sa nee One Genta’ (Gold ity of atoes, p > ph ware rooms. asSOEteC. AINE O! tablishment | brief time that |heving at this “point evap el ieearaigine, anid cataee chet tame he Ladies’ and Gents’ Gol Grapes: ete. During exhibition week [eT largely (o the Arcbi where he-may be found on Tharsday RES ae ge aS Here inereas- and Silver Watches. he will be found with a large as-|%e0 and also makes a specia Cook Stoves and Ranges, Base Burners ie aoe ed quantity of stock. Mr. Coutts Onta: | tien of the country and is an es- airuistionaetn Gene fan! j teemed resident of the village. |Rings, Lockets and Charms has oe ild |iness in his native county of Ostora, Their corn | After establishing a Bs = and Heaters E lees : & 7 rates | well and favorably known in this see-) 91. stock of Watahies,2 Clocks | | | ee eta meg on igred a Oc ck cod, ever iamelic Wey ots asl nll anndaanen taka’ o ntia: | town and 1s cae a good business. or coal or wood, ever shown in Milv On We can also prove celled, and|was engaged by MEIC caon, the D. WEIE. | never been equalled. est in sport and has established a a ie to you that we bande the BE make of Stoves made Another prominent and well known) reputation of being a foot-ball player GHO. B. GoopITAND. in Canada, viz., “ THE GR/ AND JEWEL STOVES Maa wal was bal | If your vision is dim consult Of sams) soba i Heyes, ong GF MENS) Mikey Milyenton Cheese B 7 ~ itt of | the | Division | Court. s most valued players last year | yuilt about AND RANGE ie eaoti Bale competent optician without eir jones | the counties of Perth and Water] |delay. We examine eyes free If you need a FURNACE, or think of getting one, let us know, and we will submit plans and _ prices Satisfac tion guaranteed. References given. Ter SEgSRE & g league. As time progresses | Mr...| nacsed into pos Bundscho may become one of our] ir, MacGilvra iS leading mercantile men. nd aes s/and guarantee satisfaction. | h S. RUMFORD. yrnty 4 % . r mike 25 ever vessniane ne ash We also wish to call your attention to our Hardware De- padi and 3 pian poe Ore by ness makers, I e Mr. David Smith. partm2untin the line Builders Supplies. Extra fine Westman a We appointment m the se valng | iP, H. Bastendor ff an é nt of Milverton | © Chatham Wa stock Pump and ‘Wnamial ‘Co. tion tor line of Inside and Front Door Locks and Fittings, n what | is ° ji ae ¥ The only genuine Optician TES fe hls Tal é ae personally Bie cea Civesadeal ae Hinges, Glass, Paints, and Oils. also handles the best bustle | ta a e a se thoroug! ts p and | : a i ; | ree 4 rah a ters made. Payne a practical men in th tod: after ths |@taining the highest vote ever giv @ the best. Mr Res Mr. Panton has work- | Ynown throughout pene ‘avorabiy and Jeweller in Milverton. ve h f at the rear ore. Call and in- bee ee? ay Be Bet Honest Prices, Honest Goods, and Fair Dealing s one of Fy S ing is our Motto. fa sipresent pr : : 18 ng th a eal al FINKBEINER BROS. uture, Will, however, v cau euitatt Probability Spend the a winter in Milve. 2 QL Order Now . .« bight P me of Milverion’s most | x, : rc Seay Soul canes numer 2 | greta fewemed 6 Or nano Next door to Sovereign bank. ous clients He is ipefaonally l ular wits p of 2ERT ee most ned cit r ‘through arth ducts. When Mr. Goodha isfaction Try him when you nae & new dt, “pot withstanding pesition of three larger firms ear, contrived t sell nearly thre 1 ee the machinery ed fi Mr, Bas 4 Malltineietjasniacle mm Mr. turns out a good quality of brick and bert blocks here have pualled in the large towns : ies and requently consulted by me And Secure Your Choice M. I. GRIMM. y legen irectity nok nl, uch as mn ltar perry could of his exte atook of aC Binda is Mev tb Gris | enabled’ to keep up {0 the ema. plements in stock, and tt 0 he business for a| eI Shey eles telly 3 in a practic a ving | s rills’ and cutting boxes ctor ys keeps himse’ pooes etree ee tral ee pu emeey Coates $1,500 worth of New Goods nate ist aes sells are all guaranteed to PT Soe of the times. by visiting the | ‘ a i ve a fine . Fred goes about most Taedtone ospitals in London, | tor f years.. Mr. Grimm and consist mostly of imported goods. We have eed soe ical tevbos tone Hestibass in oadce Company considers |in disrepute, but in the course of |surgery is stocked with the latest iat, gone of their most ef- d s appliances that tend to aid him in | -|alleviating suffering. humanity. | Dr. | tendance last year. being 85 register- |Egbert bh en an interest | | Scotch Tweeds, Irish Serges and ga ed stud also 200 |in public ecially in the ed- eyoted to the buying of butchers’ | os iv oe Eee Ane Geen im BopaIaz aa | Helis 5 always appreciat an: Worsteds. . ER. adivs attonting eit anon ine, Teas Milverton where hi as formed fort made towards Forthering the in- is S é Mr. C. Ieortenee pana a barber class, and the pro: apeets Ser the com-|a valued member of th wide circle of acquaintances, who are dustrial progress of the village. We have also a fine line of Overcoatings phogin biily erin nye bowe tee ive a ate [iia staan) iar) board. He Ce von shins weteneecers | See Trae | cumulated he added fruit, confoption- flora. fendecnedsiry qoarivin (ands coany couuts Mapenian ap 24 3 aE 213 ae line of 3 3 3 3 a | a ——— E. KNECHTEL ns f it s s c ds are nd frequent scor RALPH LEDERMAN, LD.S. | Mr. G. E. Goodhand. nortiante Bie. ne Gieeieading” cee! Customers can rely upon the fact that our goo am conventions bolt ae gy mn honor graduate of Toronto | —________ |¢hant tailoring businesses in | SJ always up-to-date, Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices the ioe A eae quality, suitable other POLICE CONSTABLE HARTMIER. “ if Fy | i i i e is horough prace i ih University, a ficentiate of dental|took charge of this factory | the an- this district. He is a t ‘fal nt with fi ss goods and the best abe The subject of this sketch is Mr. pinesry: aed: @ eunares of TRS: Been dual augue ne ole el aid tical cutter and tailor, lowest, consistent with first-class g ns ante) Olas bOre tener ob lait vm. Hartmier who has been a resi- é dent of Milverton for about sixteen workmanship. | College of Dental Surgeons of On- | ceed fitty tons, while mae ae out. | Years’ tario. His course of study has put| put is 110 tons. ITT sour |fings during his residence here. For lasting reputation es raiale| hibteon years Mr. Hartmier had high-class ordered clothing, and for | this season he is showing a very y ing 0 Ma turned to good ount. His r 3 ei years, during which time he has him thoroughly up-to-date, while Goodtand’s. business x {needs no commendation ‘in this arge dair been engaged: in ¢' carpentering his practice | steadily _ increases. my years Mr. Good on town and vicinity, he has estab side of the iine, but has pre to and contracting business. He has hile practicing "every branch of Udentitiea satin athe | lished a splendid name for himself nec Cis ixe Botad npn pelparete Varaey caer er dentistry Lederman has ade He was for as a cutter of high merit. He de- | Si Present working on a |building up the town by dabbling in “votes himse clusively nen’s | se 1, will re- a estate, having built five age | Smith has large eral factories in western Ontario. Three Carloads of Cement DUCKLOW. Mr. Peter Ducklow has bee his own business, found the peblic and occupied the chair for a period of t ta member vot ihe publi on it onducts a blacksmith a. Have been ordered by us for this seasons’ trade. Leave d and Taeatlonedis tii eamsection? Bae dept at the pre- ' candidature of North Perth. your order for a supely, rfering. Mr. Duck- Mr. W. D. Weir, Auctioneer. GEO. Furnace Work pega attended to. JOHN YUNDT. | ! hn Yunde is the proprietor | NOTICE ! y- | George hes nther for th eine yeuts) vied in the village qdvevantalled enon ‘ - i oSeeepe ee gr a the ss baker Robertson’s celebrated prepared Paints. Duckiow ts personally popular i she of 1 i Mil fenton Taxtndry,, one t a joe sah ind: a Fee eeningen ey | oat nds 9 “1, | Revision oe _ Voters’ List gives th a est alt kept in stock, in all colors. Me, 2 Paints in bulk. Mr. €. 8. Kertcher. nen Gabe ease : Hamar cyelleyney eerie? io | Nome is, ere given that i sea i ‘ e The work is all d y held, pursuant Mr, aiph Lederman, 1.D.S A large range of Stoves and Ranges in =e like new, ‘The work JS auured like | the Ontario Voters’ List Act, by His stock. ara oe ee aie Leah ied JACOB BUNDSCHO. that which comes through the steam | Ho Cae a es uw ee of the County crown and bridge work, gold and a pelane vepieare 8 een uit Among the old and long established ABIDES aundries. ou want work done Go of Age pepe ay jot P rth it oo Plumbing done and Gas Fixtures kept.. Be webaies Seve ery wetoe: | Gea cance at (elma ecto aus | Sey rmemeematactiom do uals fal 2) Dod ney’ e Village of New- sive deafer in fruit and fair d: Y/and is at present @ county con-| Cane cise, has his special recrea- h DAY OF OCTOB Ge i hand. erally finds him with several tons|tw stable which office he has had for | Cyorsone ce, OVS, ot ‘ith DA OBER, 1902, eerplosodity spring su ose A large stock of Tinware on ha ° kinds on hand. Mr. Kericher aver ert fourteen years. Mr. Hartmier has | 0m u not all the clothing he tu 8 | is at present a member of the vil-| bes served the h Finkbe’ ardware stor > |e sat itdake. van: eet (ele y | Shelf and Heavy Hardware. fage council and is generally strong ing alich Yow imestnse ie iaeee amo ya Aaegidiommad AL CT Milverton. Dr, teu isan ie ere a Pen ality ae’ wall @epreing: sults | tn ‘his advocacy of anything that hast Scene rather limited, also Keeps | grant of thusiastic football pla an plays 3a| Gubseribe for the Milverton Sun for |from 7.50 up. 5 st e | S h k & R th } Goro cites opjecto+. the. f star ¢&me. He is very popular in |next year and get the balance of this |you__ buy. a townsman, Mr. C. neu er 0 aerme nce of the interests of as one of thi as ae a ei having business at the ra village. Mr. Kericher rt are required to attend at the y. As 2 . Knechtel is esteemed and popular. : as | co ee re take! ten | said time avd plat Milverton. lyear free | + n favor of putting down the sub- | tw straightforward dealings and ster-| you would not sae cextient t walks that we have|constant employment ling character, and makes a niticea, dollars for it twenty years from | Dated the 16th rn a Are ibe Clerk. at present. |men. Mr. Bundscho has met with re-| that any place might be proud o} now. | Dated the y D'

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