Milverton Sun, 2 Oct 1902, p. 4

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-SCOFF AT THE WARNING ae f the fi Multitudes in the Palaces e Palaces of the the Rich and Great iz ieee Haye Perished From Indifference iat [Spreading until the skin bloats and Pi gS the hair falls out. So /maseus we) a seemingly sptead- | from Chicago says: 6 deformed. It may ki spreading for years until at last tho fatal leprous sin will destroy the body as well as the soul. Leprosy is an iatentlene.dlesase, “rt @ i8 infectio} capital. wielded a higher indu- ence than that which belongs even | othe u ; _ to Sia! oo i seas aa a foe is in a condition favorable for the Kita Epa TS ew of ae and Honorable,"* o Fone tor site the era othi aie, eee the infectious Se is dangerous, reckless insan: "A thie dimtane of lepriny ta fatally infectious, so ar Leprosy, humanly amie is an "incurable disease. "the leprous poison in. his s: no Lope from medicine. He Faust germ: grow wen ind worse until h COMES TO "TITS GRAVE. sirable Ge thet dieaze Poniy aut feed: fatal ae ite dais a and repulsive resul' companionship teingiw a: tha] os the poor the ‘or that 1 oi thrivesatly. te (he pestilentinl alibya: ead p= -are doomed by leprous i from our standpoint RIMINAL’S RETREAT. By handling vel coin which is sed ii to “0 Kae of asta a leprous beggar ha it. ‘ince, arrayed in all the brilliant robes of royalty, may e great cap-| come a leper. ciples 8 Pia the aad eckless and indifferent was the at- don stores were nearly all closet, ‘The doors of the private homes were 3a but the quick result is the exception | » At tl Raa tact fee “o makes the face wldcons, eke on to go a lesh, be i FOR FARMERS asonzble and Profitable ¢ ings pod thie Busy Tillers + eer ic STICK TO DAIRYING. who work of dairying that it confines Pie cows have to pe “tmilked - a for| who grow ii - ihe. While meat making also is a a tecitata @ transmission of the | Soran There he would have plenty * de 0 the river aecnek cleansing pctciesnt SOL TELEPHONE IN SURGERY. In several London hospital the telgghaay thus ni Robekmiae happei first ary battery. is used. ae You mi be indifferent So men spirit- ual Sat fiving: in the fotees (of the though death may be mary “years away. ; hough leprosy may come in a pate harmless “way, t so! 38 silite in the plague®o! pour TWO Wiis AG® “But, though the leprosy of i) e inscription’ wil visible in a greenish pees, He Snother round. eyien will fade as the coin cools A MUSICAL MOTH. of A whistling moth is an Australian is a Toye-call from the male female. t |disagreeable ns when an ordin- ©|DATES ON COINS MADE PLAIN: Most boys have an old silver ¢oin |! g jof some kind which they are keeping aL The sound to tl io- DAIRYING TO BEEF GROWING. cae ek wenn. lead to the change. Dlsurroundings are kept _ perfectly clean. CLOVER AS AN EGG PRODUCER. hi fe @ animals require Felatiy tae ine dairy. The Seemeatton poigeaees is at least, to swing ABOUT ODORS. ‘The power of absorbing odors odor of carbolic acid quickly “aviects Hote Bipetly ici; Peocbattheced Gath he smell has eel re ant amperionee Bas demonstrated r_ ogg-producing prove: better egg-layers denied it. The clover h chsltegni i rthb winter. a quantities sufficient ‘to satisf; d to make them eat more ce desirable sometimes to prepare it in| i asa le eee field is uccess of dairyin, Be is eereally richly remunerative | wotag t various ways. Cook and chop it Io ds |for poultry clo | best, of it is as essen’ ld Hi eiee to the ees PERSONAL POINTERS. of Interest ee Some eading Peo hur James be Pies is the very strong becaves of fils, in; some| th es | with the ite and the re u-}has won many prizes in Te ge with her mode rivals. Curiousl; ough, her success with the voeolver is greater than that with the rifle. Salisbury nominated more bishops and archbishops. during Lord Saiisbury’s ¥|towards the High Church, them fority of is nominses were moderate a Outsiders hilarity was caused at German ‘AY | Reichstag by Herr oe who ae in the laugh against him: Tad ly Granby has a world-wide re putation as an artist, and is speci- ally clever in her pencil sketches of ve tle Indian {dol shen carries is 01 Tonged to the Young Pretender. For’ relic of Culloden Queen _ Vic- oat Michael Hicks-Beach is prob- nm 1 struck by the fact that, though ‘axed eloquent on ~ politician by tl his ability to keep a wise tongue in a INGENIOUS POSTAL BALANCE promptly hoists heavy 4 IMPROVING OF OUR LANDS ee asked, i SHALLOW CULTIVATION AND | motion 2” he replied, OTATIO} = By J.-H. Grisda! dale. pes aniana eee ae an Ott: Many years farmers in East- ern Canada were grain growers mei dee of § it aa ignorance prolonged tl what she could so easily do with cl The Sennads Sunlight Soap—Octagon Bar. 216 “Salt ani a pepper. as generally con- sider ed, are of value in bringing out the flavor of the io 1d to. whic against fermentation seach is out of order, or, ate m saying is; upset, it is oF froisture and warmth soon break he [down — to a form called: huthus ind fe gradual exbasi= black earth, the factors above mei celds ealied Sa bem: [Mpned, Gar prAitio “and nem | 2 soils contain immense quan- | f this material. Exposure | ° andthe. intermfs rire of | cathy inter nerve: to. w Thu repeate: ropping ang Proviae: the eo nditions bes calewlated to iss toiatrnasier | most aia and cope effectively.” e functions of ‘this e years past change ai is eat s\ est demands on so ei © the ne can Deskoas ee Ps inl eHoks he nature of the average crop returns for Rastern |@ Sponge, it retains the Rote in| Carada have gone up very consfdera- {*% dry time, &s every farmer knows, : Peconic olds loose, porous solids become 8 to petaieate tl Seyion Tea Is the finest is, 27nvaul Base ‘ r. Fea the world produces, /ironert of 520 ASTER and is sold fead |too nee. r packets, oe Pisani Black, Mixed and Green. Ree lssan tea drinkers try “Salada’’ Green tea even live stock farming Jon ng eon rwise have sunk into the sub- med means a gradual loss onsiderable food biker ‘The most important sources of hi on average farm ‘i ply of humus is fs Him igpiproveds tathee titan (40 MS Wedtlanabedgtsen esate ae impoverished” may be the annual jel Ase ‘ant ‘consideratio: Bo Vow, most dict. crops draw? the greatest’ part impossible to discuss the sub- it thei Tood frou me Surface soil, feet axhnusticely in such an article |for, while some roots of to ion of the soil wth grain. Wher rst ebralierevion ie soil is ready for successful (emer: @ considcrably “ea long practice seem ~ to prove tl ian where late fall rauite [ton veiltivation and sorhe rota- ctised. a ° especiaily the three-year system of shal- i e fou year in dry districts, and proper rotation 1s year in rainy districts, are d, most excellent peaults are|most’. serviceable. iM inersasty lover is the only preets in ‘the surface soil, | rin Berea ene physic | which “increasing the pro- |Auctivity” vot our fields, prominent place ins August rotations EDS TR RE in this country. ith fact in “That's a nice-looking dog,” i ie gt ah Ns suitable for |marked | the Hindly od gentleman the improving of, our dands may be|% akes be interest in ever follow: “Ye he looks all ree-vear rotation) grain, | [rit replied the Seedy. fidividual |g dee hay ast who was leading him with a piece Three “He looks ee eho PRES 3 that’s what he: looks |, corn sod {ii Bu at ain't what he clover | He's.a di: papier ff ‘vaTE oF Onto, Crry tid TOLEDO, ? Lucas County ieee RAN! SHENEY makes oath | a senior partner of the firm of ot i pee rand that sal year rotation oe oe wel tim of ONE MUNDI year, but left one year Io eine and so otherwise loose oe a6; Trouble, “They gold to any The wil weight with’ all who cave the fees Chalker’ he ede always look so she ves the BAT OR or aete taking two — glasses mill,” Orie HH its original stmt the shy 2 by the ition od a. pin of salt and a “Gash ofpepper, then a 4 little of eek ‘he chances are that you—will Besides he proving d fermentation, iz * Thus ‘the “gastric juices vill perform thieiee pent changing microbes to food. the best nd leave it in good condition. pide ule A POSITIVE MAN. HE SEEMS arin aca PROVE THE TRUTH eee Mr. Chalker Makes Some x Housey's Rapids, Ont. Fept, (Special) —Mr. George C. Chal foltent OE = pce ry he paniicaiion ot lebter Eotalninesseyie wary Blac tine s¢ who know Mr. Chalker wil a sore, I had heavy aehing arms, all bloated eyes. I wi oak an pri pe ts hele weight in great _|thatehed cottage in the village © tised originated in Prussia. Perec ee Bt af Mach Weed, ¥ leery Greens The Dawson Commission Co., “™**,,, HES, Stal ngs, tet "ue ave ONIONS, POULTRY (dead ents, A Can LES, PEAC! purren t0 tees, H MONEY, bax! eesnee your consignments, will pay you. Stamps Don’t i Experiment with OUR BRANDS. King Edward — “oH other and SS) tS . UR, 23. | inferior brands, “Eagle” wh Tors E2008 “ Victoria” {| enecenel HULL, A VERSATILE VILLAGER, ard over the door of are near Okehampton, land, announces William. Ellis, is a ‘‘photograp! Sar a manure an reev ae poin 2 warden, organist, overseer of the pi (specialist zealous. gee soriialatneraisgts 7a s f 5 i bey coreg ay eae ee Minard's Liolment Lumberman’s Friend] @ swash cel ea The military salute as now Rr Bo McNeill & Libby, Chicago 0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Ba niet Meh vonask ee 30 Rat" will dove my ne og rearaeanle Tl yder—“That’s a fine sere a of eae Be sou have th Wall Ey ao stct ning Hanedtaarn al val ero ee Aves Gare a wife's discarded ‘189. anuen'susciTO%, alee, Tora, Pleasant: as syTu) nothing equals it Lord Brassey holds the record a worm medicine; the name, ts Mothes tiaying suited as 330,000 nets ve’s Wort in chts of Mr. sda have eis lay, wit rut epee, the nase Meealae rami | ACCOUNTED FOR. | Cumso—"‘I wonder wha t. eae, His You need not cough all night and dis arb your Su _ no occasion fe you rnnnin; acting and all throat a ie highest HEP VS in the |“ ‘ The Pasture fiat da dahnae be world is at Villach, in Austria: The The re geen Tot Surface cultivation Bei and the Use of such short rotations | sworn to betore me ant setae ied, ha ulven. are ts to increne the | yp presence, ‘his Gth day ‘of December, guantit; of and Hee properly the | 4-0. BS i chief factér mak bot dopa eae 7 F a veg e 3 Si Failure with it is unkno: Lb i Os See Ba os atari Cure ia taken into Z ST. JACOBS OIL cl el ret of eee cr, BT Grosvenor sure, | HE Ma PREM Be ga = ‘Having from a sti and painful eck, % eo all the usual ithout effect. was en ing it up, When a book iS ed on m counter desci J ee Oil. I prs ‘ocured a bottle, ya fire on the 2nd inst. in Clon- ra Print Works, an extensive eee {cern in Falls road dist man named F: ot le For Stiff and Swollen Necks. | 84 f0",' CHENEY" @'C6,, roteto, 0. | thickne i i | | lcompletely gutted. eet, hi ‘They Cleanse the System Thoroughly— eh Tine the pain left m Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills clear the stom vent down. Findi : ach and bowels of bilious matter, caus jan ie excretory vessels to throw off impuri-|home. Ass leis) er cleans at he |e from the blood inte: the bowels and th expel the deleterious mass fro e: ft findin ya ain or “incan vel an pier : =f iene othe pee aul spaadily: eeatlees Rene On ‘a8 soon as they begin to |f endations from all kinds of peo} soil fertil- | fotils of Holloway's Gori. Cure. Ttere ity. ; Y EMBs | oven all Finds, of soeae without pain, wn. wks ‘og-skin makes the toughest —— Ask fo Mac's ant ite no ater, iz ly Host is fe, and the pfeaiacs were remarked tl They, have, strong. recom: ideed by the crews of an Irish fish {ng host of Kinsal fall is 249 & ae You ee be corns. ae nee Paelay In getting a ther known in proportion to its EPARTER. “Your tail’s ee ofa Wee bs the ? “Say!” answered the camel, a x do ad a tail like yours, I'd shake ii Lever’s Y-Z% (W ad) Disintect- b Radas owter tae ie any begos tons is the elaht of a 20- tt grampus which has been cap- while: yon have| ment} gat almost instant. rellet, and the oly small nana aired. Strength of the extracts ts is secured in this {hand and arm were as well-a: form and do their’ peas ee ighly. Fy st worm Sepraect the age. : ee ine conga 2 ee eS a “Weil, why Wario OM IRS Cole loesn’ him?” Miss aaergi, ve srtisce se cure a cold in one Sparerit— "Oh, she. "sane ars) he AE ee stain on his family ice ey 4 Bae Stockyar de 1, gra-| The total coast eeittne of the three us! Don’t they ep e any ser-|islands of New Zealand is 4,3% yants whoscan scrub?’” IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP SYRUP, Bey ‘Mnacd’s Likment in the Howse, oe auataoe re ROSE # LAPHAM ae France's . 16,000 doctors average Western “Austfalia has 116,705 less than §$750'a year professional men, and only 63,251 w as : Pere tatece be salle atror Grier ee tile land, to British-made canals. Wor: agit hice Years. Sore Fest.—M <5 dN ill, New Arm ‘erie ‘For nearly aa froubled. wit pantie gee es Be an, ee Beta MEUGE Tontld. hot sleep. nt “nigh and Trent recente its ean ie renletebie, asmy feet were badly swollen ‘I could | Besureandask for Mrs. Winsiows Soothing Syrup. soe Bae my boots for weeks. At last sat uber ‘ ttle of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil fot resolved ¢ ‘o try it and to my astonish- ne bottle accomplished a perfect a evening was ‘No, “Lacky man, ne fellow ima 2 br Rae ee P er to get her to say it: out.”” "links "Why, policy A Small Pin, bat Powerfal Shey that its size Sey had Before he can seen sy, it. Mees ee sae hy Papslla ea

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