Milverton Sun, 6 Nov 1902, p. 1

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MARRIAGE LICENSES Zi tiers es cou ers. G Goo issued by G. GROSCH. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Che “It ‘Ehtioe For All” oy al Vol XI—No. 44 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 1902 MALCOLM MacB} Editor and Pub! The DIVENOT Sun A "the "Best Advertising Medium, ates reasonal $1 per year, strictly in advance. not 80 ‘M. MacBera, neat, ‘ADV BREISING BAERS, Year. |6 mo. |'3 mo. | 1 mo, Eteaaas tes eae | ‘ -/$50 00 $20 00| $16 00] $6 00 = 00} 9 00| 4 50 ‘SPACE. $ s 33 Quarter'col..| 16 00} (9 00; 6 00) 3 50 Kigath eol..| 10°89] “6 00] 3 00] 2 00 One inch 00} 3.00) 200) 1 00 ‘Transient Advertisements are olsnpedtse the rate of 8c. per line, nonpariel, for the first insertion, and 3c. per Nery Tor gach enc: sessive insertion. G.T T. R. Time Fale Trains due to leave Milverton. @ hy and Surgeoi Syratcaee student of of 3 London hospital, Ennion, England. Office of Pos filverton, Ont. Telephor Egineouion eh Poole, Brunner, Caran Charehb and Rostor ont PANTON, Tris, Bol ce open every Thursday, Wal Buck, Aa Solicitor, Ete. Barton’s Dentistry R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, ee af Dental ‘Surgery aad” Member of Roy College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor graduate of Toronto University. Regulation of teeth, Crown and Bridge work « Specialty. Hours 9a. m. to 5 p.m, 0 eee dkeetoae ardntee Milverton, Ont. a dw eterinary Uollege, Tor- nto, treats all diseases of domestic anime! scout: All calls promptly attended telephone or otherwise, day oF night. De ae ‘and Chronic Diseases a specialty. SUR- RR. VETERINARY GON Hilivortan;torinerly of Newton(Grad-} Toro uate of Ontari inary College, Toronto.) i icated animals. lk ise promptly ection. First class horses and rigs at all times, Boggnge treats jer. Commercial driving a specialty Nock n, meets every ah Picts y month, wt: Sone in their hall ove x -Schnenker & hermel's_ tore. Visi rethren ale Gea” Rass Barth, Tie Secretary. L 0.0. Fy “Silver Sta Lodge,’ No. 202, Milverton, every Friday night at . in their hall, post afice building. Visiting sein slays weloa Chas Spencer, N. G.5 . Loth, Business Cards WEIR, Anctiouder for the Conn- , Conveyance wn and Vill o Shoe Store, ee cts jain aeteek: Milvert i DERE BUS LINE, “Milverton. c ns pee Bus meéts all strains. itizens a teal calls promptly nite to, Wa jand, Maple Sie! rietor fers ee sn EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont John Gropp, Pzoprietor. iquors and Cigars at, the bar, First-class accommoda- isp aod eee stabling. rooms. etablig, nd cigs Mave till atreeta, ts. eC. oie te, Propri stor. eee eee QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Ont. The dation for commercial tray- Two large sample room: Wines, _ Biguors ad Cigars Good w me plenty of shed room. Henry Rose, ie Miscelancou : JOHN GROPP, dealer in Codar Post, Laths, Shingles, Pumps, ete. Ont ble. caper) ser f | dor ff’ <|W. K. Loth, will tke place on Wed- Pri ALOCAL NEWS. oy silverware at P. H. Basten- a dentist is an artist who makes drawings from 4ife. There is talk of forming acement company in Atwi Read Geo. gaillere notice to tax payers in another col Quarterly services were hell in the pests church un Sunday last. v. ‘Gliver will deliver a lec- ae on eat ie at Trowbridge this A oniee of Atwood hunters left La week fur their stamping ground in Muskoka. Dr. Jas. Egbert, of bee ec is at present Sisting his Dr. meen 2 of eee m Loth’s: sale: on “Friday and Sonnaey of last week turned out to be a geiivine success. This life is a proves sion, Where many folks appear ; Some shout for Probibition, Vhile others shout for beer! Rev. Dr. Gould bas over ce view: of Palestine at) © use Thursday night to i dress. Collection. The social held at the rectury on Tuesday evening was well apa) and a very plensant evening, indeed, was spent by all prese Another shipment 4 live fowl on me his ad- by Bi nesday, Nov ices—chicks 5e., ducks 6c , Sitar The., geese 5c. in convention at Listowel on Tuesday, harpers furnished iuusic to camomers on Saturday afternoon an ing ene hop: was held in. the up- stairs of the egricultaral hall on Mon- day evening. Though the hop was quite informal there was quite a Isras attendance. The Toronto harpe: pe the music, and a vening was spent D. Weir will on Monday, Nov en x 2 stolock p. m., offer for Paid bn Reka iene Bark, wie 40 head of Satie pe ges sto The cattle are a elaudid : number 10 get a of young Under the Criminal Code every one in Canada “wh a pistol or air- gua without k agri oeeict ee sale, the date thereof and the name twenty- The law also. forbids minors from carrying weapons. The local paper is the one thing by which strangers judge the size of the locality and vbe ability of its business pen, hence the paper that does not show the advertisements of every é terprising business is ee to mis: ‘epresent it. The ais @ mirror that should réflect 2 community’s true picture and every business- eondacted ial r therein. f “Sew brocches arrived this week at P. H. Bastendorff’s. See them The Sanyer Massey Uo. of Hamilton following letter “Lev is practicable, to have the pictures ‘end nor so of our Patiiotic exercise books, scribbling ‘books, schoul text Kooks on all sup lies fur the school-r Agent for yall maps and all sco | apparteas.— Erorrance. Milver Willianr eg in his address the Mulock Club, announced a us in the Postoffice Department. 000 for the past year. testimonials st thresherm ar in said booklet, and if it sbrthes ‘you as agree. able we will be pleased to receive your pose. us that the seed will shah ae on hung up'in the bi ess: uffice of sompatiy: North Perth Reformers will meet] ¢ Nov. L1th, for the purpose of nominat- |i, id ok. | binding ‘Uremsel ves -|act of for| Ensthope on Suturday. res Eyes tested free of charge at P. H Bastendorf’s optical parlors. The great porary cone Peruna, for sale at Jas. Torrance’ Mr. George Saas ‘of Strafford, spent Sunday at his home in Morning- Tf you ever want to see something rawkward .just ment a girl trying to sharpen a lead penci Bracelets, aay ladies and gents’ watch guards and -all -linds of rings res arrived at P. H. Bastendorff’s. Melrose & Wilson, well after drilling 60 feet in 9 lof, 12th con. of Elma, struck afew Uf Wales Which cans eight feet abeve the surface. ig flows twelve pails ue minute. Mr. John Torr: of Lis ane, organizer ter the anne ian Order F was in the village on hire: t verton was swelled Dr. Gould has spent five years in 1s | Bibl * | taining speal speaks in the Methodist Eee on The rsday night, Rote 6th, at ePnglont: Collection for r. Gould’s work. tu North Perth Conservatives will conyene in Grosch's hall, Milyerton, on nesday, Nov, 12th, pet o'clock a.m. for the purpose of nominat- ing a candidate to contest the riding athe coming bye-elections. Mr. W J. Mooney of Buratford, is the head of a movement ing a candidate to contest the bye- | biscuit factor: mpany with -electione. capital stock ‘of $100,000 is in the Messrs. Grosch & Pfeffer held their|course of organization Stratford's boom seems to be now on. y Frederick Gilbert, an old resident of the townshipiof lice, “died at his Mr. Gilbert bad for many years been a resident of the township. He had always been known asa hardy and robust man until with- in the last few years ‘e leaves be- ‘hind him a wife and grown up family His remains were interred in the Elma vg pata cemetery on Tuesday after- noot ie mber-of English Congregation- alists hee formed ‘themselves into an order of peepecan Rev ‘RB. ly the able vows to a Tife. ‘of absolute sim- plicity and devoted seryice ty their from 30 to 50 cars Alarm body, clocks that will wake any tP. H Basteadorf’s. r. Henry Rose met with a -very severe accident on Friday morning of y which he lost. the entire ar loves, make some sleighs for the winter un and it by: w ae lees e wal “Wiederhold. oe. Bonderich's vid rs. e| factory that his hand slipped in to the Storoaaiee ing it in a horrible manner. the cords were pulled out -| wrist and the fleshy part uf the thumb vese was taken to his home in South . In justice to Messrs. Wiederhold & Honderich we must mention that the be} gu oy Wanrep—A woman to take care © for a oman hopelessly be-| the Sovereign Bank premises by the yond” his reach hae ruinéd*mony a/ month. Apply at the bank. man’s career. | New Year's, ye je Jands mee isa aoe oan enter-| now bein; home there on Sunday after an: illness | Mr.}f feed, Ye) Dr. Gould speaks in Trinfty chute, Elma, en Thursday at 2.30 p. Mr. W. K. Loth in fi, “ihe to Toronto over a ton of live fowl. “Dueber Hampden watches—the only time-keep P. HL dorf?: All parties folder ued books are requested © hem all re- turned bvhis oor es eae will be is sued until se papaberiug takes place. Bring in the ‘books at once. Misses Carrie ite, Ethelyn Massecar, teachers of the Milverto: public school staff, have resigned their positions, resignations to take effect at These young ladies in- tend taking a course at the Normal School next term. t that altogether dis- egg: throwing episode. of the Spann colony were assaulted and n, apparently without pro: ahs s al ronto, the company may give other fuel eee sup} in the course ofa few weeks works are not yet c oni cannot prepare material enough to keep the press running steadily, An- other machine will. be adder” before Mr. G. H. ser is noted for haying artistic and original windows. perhaps one of the most original that has ever been seen that has excited the the one he is now rom the tret rubber as it is taken al showing it in its by the Berlin Rubber Co, has a very fine display. worth going to see and should you be passing the store stop and have-a look., —Teeswater News. seh ie MILVERTON STATION. in Britton tbis we Miss Carrie Metncaees is spending afew days with friends in Listowel. ‘ost’s new store is completed and the carpenters | are putting on the roof. Mn S Aananterik isiting her sister Ars. 8. Whaley at Markdale, Mr, reapaed apesee d in eettig'n air ‘abundant supply of water it the new ‘1 he chess fctory is running every other day gh ‘ Halloween Pracael off very quietly in our burg. J. Barend femily. are moving this week to Tralee and eh alt is intothe house vacated b; Perth County Wills. Wheollowing wills were entered iat the local Surrogate Court during October a ae t or Probate Margaret Abn’ Hil Stretford, “$1,850 p ic $1250 personal, 0 rea Fa Jewell. ee Tietavih, Sllakespenre,.w ; Janet ae Nort] 142.70 pe widow, $109 pei i Hallowe'en in Stratford was cele- Several members | \¥! long. The company now have a staft| bers to (| of eleven men ye Hasenpflug of the People’s There is the crude e | Miss Eva Whaley i is visiting friends] Sf, :| Zimmer: 100 | Edith cemetery enpfiug Owing to the fine weather after the snow storm which we had last week, oe the formert, in mind of taking ont heir tur Mr. Gee “avcompanied by r. Jose] regina at of Rostock, left last week for Muskoka on a hunt: ° Jing erip. stale Doerr, accom panic Miss ‘Sai rah Jacobs of Myereon tefl on Friday for Berlin, where they w Ge Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jaco! § John bneider was. helping Mr.‘Henry Hasenpflug of. Milverton, fovig few Anya tant west Mr. Frederick Gilbert, ar ee ty The the thodist cemetery on the Blind line, \d was largely a Notice to » Taxpayers. soatbane part of ‘the township Sane taxes, I shall make no further personal calls but for the convenienée of all those who have not yet paid will recei es at my residence. I ill also be at the following places at fhe Hay and Hoar paves tot the gue on Pine Rose’s, Milverton, on Ti th from Gam. to 3 p.n nk on Mo: day, Dee. .1. 5 Newton-on Dee. ist in*the afternoon ft taxes if before Dee 18th, after date 5.per cent. extra will be chan ged, ‘o. MILLER, tax collector, Those ats to Vote. ‘The eater Liguor Act sets forth vote at the Reetel election serve the Le; nd unt: on the pas destin aes ae and Goutal and il thus be seen that all persons wh ‘a vo the last Provincial peas: on tr 29th, are entitled ‘on Decem er 4th next, Peeviatae they ave still. evident fof the vine, — Part I Abolished. “he decigion ofthe Depattmenit 6f bolish Education some tinre fellowmen. r, Jamee Coutts & Son are shipp-' tani ei tamtiaray: bone The 9.20 p.m. train on Monday was| tg a car of hogs to Collingwood to Soe poomraeraneag oe : an hour Inte. It was one of the long-|day- The price paid was $5930 per | ever, in ry, and certain’ requi- est trains that ha3 pulled into Atwood | ewe. j een ae eee ee a a - eee gence just as from os: aministers. ee ee ae ae CARTHAGE. Sie eat ence may ghey et — est work when the students are not double deck stock cars. This line is} Miss Jennie Campbell has returned |compelled to work simply for the doing a rushjag business in freight at| home after a visit to friends in George- | ends of an examination.” Te those present.— Atwood Bee. umph !}town. an w Get aS ete he a of ‘Part ‘e are pleased to gee Win, , of the public. school leavin; Tint wobing as ee shoal just Siento nals ad epetit the} ainii&tlon sir Handétint pointed “Out mee: th ouble header tu S| past summer in Sar: jat_ provisior is made that th thresgh Milverton every day trailing Ts. county council, on the recommenda- tio in of the public ee Inspector. has au rity to arrange for leaving eieations several ernnecrs this provision has been taken jh le Public School Report. Part 2nd clese—Holen enon, Vera Barnbo, arnby, ‘Ba i Bea anaes Bank ‘Srimn, (Arthar and Roy XN MAssxcar, teacher. it: ora Tillie Schmidt, Glad: ’ an, 1umeline ‘Schmidt, Lillie. Kalbfleisch, i», Easton ‘Thompson, is Hoff Mary Tae Merkiinger Jorenes ee w, $840 | Conrad Sch th eon Sinith, Id Sg uel robo real J Tbe "Stiatbilee, Downie, sniatsteat board but Mr. Roese -LeavingH. hi Barton, ” ini ‘Blanche neue ni utier, Edna D

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