Milverton Sun, 6 Nov 1902, p. 2

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VERY TENDER LOVE. 22 Divine Sympathy For Humanity = Beautifully Symbolized. @. thought mee heres ane could read 01 appointed of catth ehould take erent Peg Home _ohe of the ne beauth other tlued; Hee love: ier you was Gr Je great as Loyal Young SHALL BE FOREVER THEIRS. Sree eon as eBISIcokiod “old gentleman, Bas one full of fire a huge fortune in the t er of them the comior Hoe friend end saviour o} ve deathbed! of his children, because ie sce teicmph whieh, await tele Heavenly ‘ior my baby!" Then that ray haired lady will tel aA po m1 eae vibe Y rergthe noee | (chapter xxiv, 20; eae after you were |f@ 3 “TREY TOOK HER SOUTH, the sunny skies would brothers, and sisters and |#'g is q love so deep that no ting, igen fashom it, so high that can overfly it, so|s, that no mathematician can cir Gra- eden longs for your Fepentance more than you can ever cleansed through the |might sing, It is to the mo- have forever faded away. SS ee UNIQUE FAMILY GATHERING. alA Genie Gave a 000 Away e + One Sitting. have lately we ue—a gathering [i e: |gave away Rou 000 in hard aris mom: Mr. & Ou; ight he would see which at once handed as a a eure after this and left a large fer life such good use generally was | heoq ts. Sass Fer CoE NES “SUBSTITUTES” FOR ‘COAL. the present level of the rae Mthat bativbrick soaked in ‘eated similarly, eles in sea alo Ay, e: ners tine hele brie “history, Lord our God, oth apes hanes hed hamtzion. "over. bd «| THE S. $. LESSON. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NOV. 9. y Brees fe ne TES Josh. xxiv, pie ie iar be xxiv. ra tieg rae my house, as | ¥e Will serve the Lord. ‘osht ue, having lived a hundred years and being conscious hi to that the time had come for him go the way of all the earth, gather- pg of Israel and reminded ean redictscd by eg blood of Christ, it is in order @!may with humility and gla: eee serve tle living and true God while We wait fcr Bis Son trom Heaven 13). 16-18. God forbid that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods. We also will serve the Lora for He is ou: Ss They containly Se every reason and vineyards and olive yards which they had not plantca® (vers = al oe they had many beside (isa. xxvi, 13). That which Daniel h to say to Belshazzar, ‘The God in wkcse hand thy breath is and whose are,all t! ays t thou not glorified’* (Dan. v, 23), be truthfully said to man other gentiles as well as Jews, avd ow many seem to forget that it od alone who giveth us 1 nd bi are redeemed, for, Shaver He as inhi se] people Ant a junto ae Sens bute tap will eerrs Lor the Joshua in reply to their assurance I (Isa. vi, 8; Rev. iv, 2 z s Holy, | requires “a holy people (Lev. T i, 1 6), a people Milling ae ie “wholly ‘His, ‘separa it junto alone, that He may fie them and be th od is called atous in sos seven different places 4 xxxiv, 14; Deut. iv, 24; Sabet Sen bie, but He is hindered by our half rtedness and lack of confidence in r fa taking this stand they must un- 5 : gods fro: ong We all this teaching so much, for we are inclined to take sides with our- ainst G We are apt to sa: imon Pi id to our ‘Lord when He first spoke is sufferings and of His death on th cross, “Be it far from thee (pity to Thee.” But our Lord immediate ly taught Simon and the other dis- tb: ciples that all who would follow | nj; alae said t old news- | Him papers fastened with wire into small, must deny self and bear the i 24 is verse and also verse 1 pee ees ae FOREIGN NOTES, “ /Interesting Items From the World Ove: new religious sect ee appeared land. Oni culiarities is a use of a and unio! vie Scotiand 28,106 persons have peak lic, 3] and 202,700 who, sieeee they can undertaking the world has begun. The whole population ot 7,000,000 is being, inoculate avinine failed, and in other diseaset s enteric colic anc Shgonie aysenter: King Edward’s reconciliation wit! Francis Joseph of Austria an King Christian of Denmark, out o! regard to the Duchess of Orleans. 85, 000, “Sweden ~ pldest vessel in tke alte perhaps in the world, in the manele built in 1749, first a hes and now used in 800, md as been owned by one ee for 102 pie fanciers in England are disturbed. A firm of glue manufac- turers has pub! RECT bought a large amount d. A bi Praat) Tiere ae een wea Hohenlohe and Zamoyski about. ae land si uth ah been settled ssjof Krakow ha: j, {after litigation dating from 13870. As the ween Hungary Cy ege an ie temational, arbi to i tol aes lectins apt results from: subeut~ exhaus- that was pulled through by thesia jections. Lal ae segs in ae hi resl United. petnedom. c shows that the greatest depth is nie jae For seven miles the bot- @ lake is 600 the eal of the § hich ii is separated by a narrow p of ay and the deepest ae is 972 below sca level. s —4——— THE KING'S SUPERSTITION. ¢ King is not quite without auare of superstition. Like the rest tate; nd he last court supper that aversion came prominent] the front, as by merest. mis chance one of the houschold missing, £0 the party other. wise would have numbered fourteen, w be one. short. This was immediately detected by the King; b ly refused to allow anyone to sit down to table till the fourteenth Was ro ig) low ade for clos¢ on half an hour His Majesty, thor- oughly weary and overdone as hé was, waited until the orthodox num ber was made up. “I realiy y shall have’to leave thit to the Ceylon Tea I ia the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only in lead packets, Black, Mixed and Green. ‘sean tea drinkers try “Salada’” Green tea. _ MORNING “CURFEW STOPPED. apo car bell is su rung. At New- buildings adjacent rch. A ee HE SAYS HE IS NOW FEELING BETTER THAN HE HAS ‘OR MANY YEARS, An Open aoe in Which a Promi- nent Cit! es a Stron; Recommendation for Dodd’s Kidney Pills, a Remedy Which He Says Restored Him to Good |iro Heal Yokom, grocer and pro- rehant of this Place, has eine tor. -Puntieation, an open letter follo" “Por a more I had been ailing with Braney Trouble, in ail “‘t have spent considerable money Kidney Pills and began to use them. “From the first they seemed to suit ly case exactly, and when I had 1 am now in splendid beolth. end wble to stand great exertion, in fac ny general health is -better than it has been in a long ee “Since my — recovery I have told nany others of Dodd's Kidney Pills um they cured mo ees M. em say it’ seems im- 1d in; possible and yet they acer it, is true.”” (Signed) J. J. YOKOM. Yokom has been a resident of Welland for years, and is known to spy, Sein eae neil Ste Che town. He was born in the neigh- Goring, tomnanlp*or Orewinnt, wits In three miles of his present home, ind is known as qa man of pattidees principles who would not make Pavement thatiwould in. auy. way. 'ba nisleading. Ce ee A Pill for Generous are persons of healthy. cae and poor figess Hon eho, after_a’ hearts ubject : which they have partaken lies li their stomachs. Headache, depression, mothering ecling. follow. One 60 at mit f for Business or work of any re Parmelee’s Vegé- relief. They will ns- ition of the ailment, and ised according to directions will restore realthy digestion. “You pair jher, ete: for her land 2” “"Y he refused fou ? “No. t he giant. He said I would have both of ’em. Ietive way, ‘and the resultsts atmos im- nediately seen. g ask anieds Tady—"A gentleman called, you py ee he leave any. name ?”” Parlormaid—‘‘Oh, yes’m. He said it vas eat al 1°" san ah * Just a Little” tein neglected, may produce chronic heumatism or Gout. a little ackache.may create net Just an uti. Het: aie just a little Years of Pieasuro against years ot "Pain. 3 iTNU 401 laisps eats A recruiting sergeant a he GRAINS OF GOLD. Nothing is more reasonable and cheap than good manner s—Sou! | Honor comes by diligence; rich es | spri F. Dav ig from economy. ae rhe highest manhoo: les tion, not in intellect ay Ww. Beecher: man is worthless who knows eceive a favor, but not how ° us. More helpful than all wisdom is one draught of simple human pity tt, will. not forsake us.—George Sliot. Nothing.can bring you (peace pitt yourself. Nothing can Peace but, the triumph of. iprinciples: —Emerson colds are exally cured by. the ae of Biekion at vid ve Syrup, a medicine of exiraordius yangtrailnind healing properties. Iv wheded by those who have used i ees was too large to maar agin Tadtes and child ind.” aie Ss Ont., Nov. 8.—(Special.) ia morning: nicking, ont. a. aaa Yo! Waa itt Cures ls tin Pale slokls children should use Mothes rm rms one of the principal causes of suffering in suaiccer and should be expetled from the fend empty erates, pay highest tee airy re: bu best medicine sold for cous colds, flammation of the jugs, pata oi if thas throat ad 0s he ‘My curiosity is running away with me,” said tl man whose two- aded cali pe erstated in dragging hee him about the farmyard. ‘There area number of varieties of corns. Holloway's Cora Cure will remove any of them." Call ou your draxgi fa bottle ees —‘‘What. is the future e@ verb ‘to love,’ Jennie 2? Jennie tae sixteen)—‘'To get married.’ eee Messrs. 0. C. Picharda & Co. Gentlemen,—Theodere. Dorais, 9 customer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatisin alter: five yours | ot suffering, bythe fu se of MINA Ls e fact can be ver by ree tories ie, ‘ash plat any of his neighbor Cork, herr s St. eas Que. y 12th, 1898. peck, an “They can have min ahi "| Minas Lila Is Is the best, { He—‘‘You ‘told your mother I was} of eve: ae a he ‘say ?’” o"Oh, she sald ‘she noticed nou unasual.”” o- |TMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP ality standard from ocean, ¢>_ ocean four one ot sttislactan ROSE & LAPLAMME, Agent 1 a at Her Father—‘‘No, sir, You can’t have her. I won’t have a son-in-law in @llowing you to think you could Havers Nacts sam ‘@ her.”” yw ADMIRABEE FOOD =|EPPS: FOR MAINTAINING ROBUST HEALTH “COCO AN COLD CLIMATES. King Edward —See “ Hoadlight” — “Eagle” ~—“t0)s & 2008 “ Victoria” “Little Comot” Skeptici: ot skeptieisin, but there is one point upon ich persons acquainted with the sub: ject, agree, vamely, that Dr. ‘Thomas’ Eeléctrie Oil is a medicine which cau be relied upon to cure s cough, remove pain, heal sores of various kinds, and. benefit any inflamed portion of the body to which it is applic Barber (who is shaving, insinuat- ingly)—‘‘Your hair needs cutting badly, sir.” Customer fen “Well, I don’t know anya ¢ who can cut it worse than an yo Hinard's Linlment for Rheumatism, Austria was the first country adopt the systen was in 1869. A apo by George ‘H. Daniels is Hees Hh ay ie pike and of all reer ple nade from the goodly number - and Dena of the N Ages Goonge H. Daniels f atts mg in’ tho admirable or-| Ni sel “Down the St. ogngah e and Up the Sagu 'The sweet pictures ae tuenele i suggestiv who have and we think it would be d Ae to fo charming Yeh, os ; OUR BRANDS. ‘This is unhappily an age m of postcards. This ———0.—___ THE FOUR TRACK NEWS. he Gem of Abed October ey iterature must ie mi tae chglesstores roduction ot thas RE BaenEeE Bt iver Rail tion of General Pa ributions to this October k Central | ery 15 persons; Liverp ae ma uniler ‘ery 1 art's Linmentthe bast Ral Restore 3 with it more of wt rk News human interest and pci i : ir, abe niels him f the great number of others that APPLES, nt ind’ enchanting trip; any one ar on ae “th ol elightful Eze tes Weean sins handle vate BURTER, G98, HONEY, ie BAW 30H Ci ~ Wa8 oe esponden-e invite ip the per General gent Danie tod ga aot South A From Amsterdam (NY), Evening | & Recorder. a Cun eg eR RNS MSL ATL A gold finished and sells regularly at worl stinctive premiums for so light a service. their merits : and are satisying' in every respect. We know this from = = oF expressing aeligte with our splendid premiums. It will be to your advantage to reply at once—don’t put it off till to-morrow ee ike Remember, all you have is to sign and return the attached request to day ; the Chatdlaade Bicock Locket and Medicine will be promptly mailed postpaid, and cven if filing ery poet fase to ibe pan and you will id write us now. The Poake Medicine Pe ‘Lintet : TORONTO, ONT. If We Could Make You Understand that we want to send you an Absolute Gift, you would read every word of this Adver- tisement, and answer it at once. END us your name and address on the below request, and we will take pleasure in sending you free of any charge this exquisite gold finished and hard-enamelied Fleur-de-Lis ‘Chatelaine Brooch and Gainsborough Locket. This is a princely git being finely $1.00 ¢ Secret-Locket opens and will hoid two pictures. 1% is the embodiment of artistic skill and beauty. present is unconditional, it being a bid for your friendship and good-will. laine Brooch and Locket we will send you ten bo: if you can, at 25cts. each; then return us our money ai Request for Fleur-de-Lis Chatelaine Brooch, Gainsborough Locket, and Medicine. ELECTINE MEDICINE CO., LiMITED, Toronto, Ont. ip in ic Tone Flenr-de-Lis i AGENTS WANTE With the chute xes of Standard Electine Medicines to sell, nd we will give you absolutely free all e Genuine Solid Gold Shell Ring, set with five sim lative Rubies, Emeralds or Opals ; one Netherible Llasiod Bracelet 1 One Imported Paris Belt Buckle, and.a complete set of Table Tenais (the most fascinating and popular ¢ Never before has there been gathered together such an array of beautiful an r medicines and premiums stand squarely on money with ha writer st Belt Buck. ane retain the CI Name, Address TU Our semedleaare Hiectine Little. iver Gzanutes Electine Kideey Beans, Btectine Disod aud Tissue Duilders, Eleetine Pueumo Broncho Tablets, Electine Headache Tablets,

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