ANADA AND AUSTRALIA. THE MARKETS Fist cmeratuaty besrte mado thee dla police slothes do. an-|PIICES of Grain, Cattle, ete Father o cable of in dase te terse poe Trade Centres. pian Police uniforms was re- peaiead BBE Ab ie of the ieries ue substituted on onto, Whent=Atar- ee tans ered eee ‘actor: he Sir sear oh © make it appear ee eae Yor and No, from n the distinguished vasa not congratulating him upon .chievement "CONGRATULATIONS FROM SEDDO} it message ne reach Ottawa | om =Pre- | Welling HEN N.Z., Oct. - Delighted to congratula: our Tupire. in the hands the pies et pe Telegraph C and thoroughly and ctions. personal friends. patched two messages Ape to Sir aah ees the othe 3 Sydney, both conveying Ottawa’s greeting eo : x NOT A CAR FAMINE. C.P.R. Manager Says That Scar- city is Unaveidable. 7 ontteal despateh s second “vice-president ina Tuesday from a trip t Patios Gabe Vhs wena Paneer abounding ees an being pushed iG and, rally speaking, Of the entire wheat crop of a country like the Northw ey aes oo SS MEN WENT _ELSEWHERE. Sudbury Copper 36 Miners Left Com- pany in the Lurch. ae despatch says:' Rail- No. 2 goose nominal at 64 to ast, ous foie ast 1 enue and No. [sole rinding in tran: quoted at ee ot oderich, and No. ath therm at 7 a M: a Hit ee quiet, with fies firm; No. 2 awhile qui 4 nd No. ue at 64e west; liberately unlocked the re, — The market 1s firm, ‘with driver Wall noticed middle felat, and No. 8 at 41c low id | freig! is firm, oneehaae fee “sate low Be bid. 2 is quoted at 484c 3 impossible to sob te nt. patents to prevent an accident 2.67 n, Buyers sacks for @ moment tron Alening/ the and station ahea: he. told ae. % him. | S16, and’shorts $19 he COUNTRY Pr PRODUCE. Beans—The ‘bad ket is weaker, oflerings larger. Prime qualities, 32, 75 to $1. 50, and hand-picked, Dried. Apples—Ofterings eter ene Jobbing at 64 to 7c per Ib., a5. market is ene othy quoted at $9.25 to $9.50 1d arket is» quiet, grit n they would havo at ae joted at $5. br would RevaRnraken. po en teady at 20 to of the passengers would doubtless |" 1 for Canadians. have lost their lives. Poultr, receipts are moder- pene os PELTED THE SOLDIERS." Unpleasant Greeting to Troops | K Prom Bitike Hisioae: ol Pittsburg, Pa., despatch says : a n eaciting scene marked the re- of, {8 soldiers | ot the 14th store, sal at 906 f0° 9%. per HOG PRODUCE. ssed hogs rule steady, wiph. ast be; meats sa, 50; | me supe cut.,. $23.50 was evidently} Smoked hams, 13 4c; rolled, workmen. ‘T H bremeditated ioe the workmen had|12 to ie, shoulders, 114¢;, backs, ee hogs; per wee 5.5 be able to tia ae to 154c; breakfast bacon, 1 Poles the whole time os te i yous’ ‘Tie to ‘ics uaa, 83 ‘is-| to 10c, THE DAIRY MARKETS Butter—Ofteri i Al; Ae Sones prices eee v unchanged. We quote order and no shots were firé STRATE cee r to 18c; creamery ints, 20 to 21c; do., tubs, 19 to RAILWAYS FOR THE WEST|?5;0 — gs The market is firm, with Charter ye Seok ane us Line | modera’ sceipts. We quote: 4 Strictly new laid, 184 to 19¢; store iealee " ctiien says: ©. sraiten, of St. Paul, has applied to the Manitoba Government bar ter wis a company that proposes and limed, 16¢; seconds, 13 to an jes fend seconds 1 MONTREAL eas Montreal, Nov. 4. he local markets are fairly ac tive. a on is there wo! Ee and nothing is definitely ard are behind Spe Told ‘off lesb spring. 1,200 . at born, Commileslonar Tatlwoys for Michig: a ‘sixt mi POLICEMEN AND UNIFORMS) tions: tosnaar Montreal Discovered Deal Which quires Inspection. A Montreal despatch says: A grave scandal has been unearthed in nection with the supply of clothing for-tae city police force, and the P. lice Com: aS a has le a revo 0 mendation to the. City Coun elt that | Te will criminal ‘0 siya: Bee Ne ~ large number ly of the upper ae have jaa ted that.instead of filling Pacific is the promote: $19, or likely to be ill px Speen by eee ae “bulk, $14. 3 shorts | but generally Lalieted that the Norther posed line will enter or to permit. ot nglish 7 — on | changed. Grain=No. tt nipeg, the other to Winni- tob Wil the lake of the ‘same| No ine, however, will RGGatio: sed ahd WE 2 and/afioat, to arrive, and 7e in ‘store; No S, 84. | Bakers’, $8 50; Ontarip.piaight i $3.60; in ba; aE paentet £2 ‘Mil pecivel Gravletoa Hl sn south into] Rolled Oats icra" pricee 408 2 18h |tacrease in, Dominion Customs for bers, Megas territory. randon, Nee- oes Ee and bran, $18 bags ineivded ‘Gntasie} Ik, $18.50. Bear se-sauotations| "remembered that the mes hind at $2 in cars, an track, Il its Mani-|Carloads are sometimes a . anadian Northern Bbnerer a Wes prices ties “ov pork Sab: fight, short eut, 822 $24; compound, refined lar ure Canadian lara, ie; etl by boys whio de-| No. 2 yellow American quoted at |714e 200 yards | No. 3 ra quoted at 43 to 44c|t ith Binet are ‘he n with offerings moderate. No. 1 tim. |‘C a - lyards to-day: G-|Stags, per ewt ... .. . 2.00 gathered, 16 to 17%c; cold storage | Per eee a despatch ace it aes al isted buts with: - | Had epee From. Samer—Hemp |» also | that the ikia Gs one her a hy are un- | Tice ey Customs collections finest lard, 12 to 12ke; hams, 12 to Ade; bacon, 12 to 150; il hogs, $7.5« Bonaaae wi $9.2: D5 to $0. 50 per 100 Ibs. UNITED STATES MARKETS, “Telegrap ic Briefs From Ali Over the | Globe. i CANADA. 0) No. 2 corn, 653¢; No. z ee eee re Bate and easy; Pe oF be Vetoes Pern if ne m increas a 0:, B44; | oa in Bs jamiiton trout 8 to $8 thous! ane rb sugar gre? ae aa een in erporated, with head etert commercial Beara ee suicide at his St. John, N. B., by drink. en in the composing room Print ting Bureau at Ottawa e been suspended er, a day for |smoking on the prem! Dee ontrack, No. 1 hard, 74}e; N Borer 78i¢; 2 Northern Miiwaukeo, Nov. ed — Higher; N ox | Conductors and oie on Ontario ‘Raster pas Mencie 7c, ‘ eo B.R. want an in December, . Rye — Pirm; No. | ages 5 per cent Carnesio has al fered Tru pub! Sbae, Saag. December, 50c. m 0 s 7000 a ye LIVE STOCK MARKETS. aa aes Toronto, Noy. 4. t the Western East ee ee Fla farmer name¢ cattle. market this morning the re-| Willi Garvin has mmonet re P Pte 82.70 Bulddle Jecipé ° sini the pector a sample of ae Nesottitions ane ander way for the ee of large iron and sted shbridge’s Ma: Ss oe agen meee 000 buildings and pa OF the $1,116, 201, ito pave c th trade in butcher cattle was ceipts were poor per ae Small stun w ptists al i Ukely to continue’ so fora little the | Roman hile, mbs_ we -|ehurch, and the Presbyterians Sheop are unchanged. ‘The quota-|§18,000 church. % $8.40 et Sins re sa " A colonial merchant in London, ba a0 Dee ving: a branch Piareatni Sout Gate $8.25 to $2.50 or St res to get into touch with Beno shippers of doors, Windows, | dimension . lumber, ith a view to large imental tors Gaulih Attica: exportation of frozen ralia ma worth $2.50 t end light and fat hogs are quoted | fir at $5.75 per cwt. Hogs to fetch the]! s castle, top price must, be of primo quality, |! is a act that arrangements have seale not below 160 nor above |already been completed for such con- 300 pounds. Following is the range sta ices for} That live stock at the Toronto cattle jar Cattle. ceo cattle, per emt $4.25 84. Do. ht 4.00 5 ay ie aanaeaiy Bui te Shae: cattle, choice 4. 125 | 0 enefit families inary 40 8008 i y. No s sone Per owt av. 2 : for the tast twenty da Qotobon hun everibictaes eduring. fie sane ne epost GREAT BRITAIN. a, Lord Rosebery, speaking at Edin- Gb 5 3 S purgh, reiterated his “oPposition to Calves, each ..: 2.00, 10,00 | home rule for I Hogs. lady who ay s in a Surre Choice hogs, por cwt 8.75 newspaper for the kitchenaid off i ewt 50 i ead ogs, per cwt «. Sows, per cwt 4+ FAST TELEGRAPHING. |? Tape Sow 1 See a Peas ai One © Wire Carries Over 80,000 20,624 alied immi- Words an Hour. ee nts reat Britain, Le: A London aa Dee-1the country, patie: TNS rHndapeet™ sanguine ho oe 5 that further changes are made in tl eet 2 anor oto pia system of rapid t : Lean vas firs i ate soldier in the army be provided with a n. official edict lately that tooth-brushes were 1 by oh, ree to ie: “suppl bia jaca he ake pa- G 2 to 124c per ai, |per, pearing 230 3 e was|the Ho e drdige sg caste terees the words, | consecutive. — | hick eee Pate read. m a ice eeniled = Hiteen, Aetooade in tranemission, citing’ Passk?\ bah be ab tintees RICE FAMINE IMMINENT, urine « fhe tom Sante ian pre infection to p Excellent. Bs “Coroner's hing bt Fa verpORt, ‘Gorantl into rhe di ol e! Hunt iets ot tl ur. The hemp ee e soil Boe the cellent, and business is |pas in New: i. | The insttrection| will: be taken Up ad, aithough there|lected. ‘These will be and, buried in. t cemetery at Little Hiord, le ey were finally . UNITED STATES. A negro = ee to cominit- PERSE STS OVER HALF A MILLION, {ting a mu bi stakes at Sardis, “Miss ‘ast. Month. Nov. 27 Ottawa despatch ‘The t ie Domins |The Hotireclte 30) ion during the month ae October |arrounces an increase in show: Au iicrense ca OVER A es ges of atere is awaniod at il g ety shi Noes AL Thorton, of Indi- ma divorce from fein ees her . to ve $18) 311,618, a total increase of $1,-|move three times a year to’ 591,693, rent, % BYSMAL DEPTHS |: OR BLINDFOLD ON THE BRIN OF PRECIPICES ==> GHAPTER IV. There was an ominous P: die mind's eye I could piseaee ‘welt | that “man’s pow: a : my ‘The day’s work = done, and I Took of consternati went oe into 10 the itchen to have | “why and my confidential talk with Fold and put these tracts into en es and direc! you the pany vee k “3 aetaven robes wad th emt a pile of papers, mig cared Sinto_mg rooms, ai e the desk and writing he watehing me all. the tin, aud shut the et et a aaa Sais how 7 could get away. knew nothing of under a hedge, than remain itt San bay this |me where t a8 too | as eager to hear your news to tole Bt [fat myself upon. the world, not him ys, although cal | S28, destroys pix 5 | “And my Saxons © known a no heavens! oli- |ROsstbl my well- thumbed | 210 tely. . Famping aa raving; this, must st. im. TES Secines nis. oS sate find at he sid “ene a whe som have you i, ‘him Jat te pane him leave the bo: at five o'clock. have ey gees heard him since the prehensions, and mingling bof uae areas ei ve religious impressions ay scriptural readin an was filled with devotion, mente yt a @ ho e. I sprung to |my roo lips uttered no. prayer. sade he Behind the high, thick hedge fic en whi 1 vas sit bo tl e ig my ds, assumed ie ae paENto. a We are: oe tely |the end of any of the ‘More than that, | should are alike to “T shall Saag no After I had see eee vive it!’’ she cried, pas- | finished am; sand zt Silence!” s her fathe a jan appearance of stealth, desce stern voice. his is no ei te irs, hoping to reach the ones chen unobserved. y master was watching Without answering him, T remount- and heard hi fol- I went pee. his ‘000, ‘once; i and mae dri ssp ie glass of wi irelied, wth, titret. ‘ynile men eo heard him Aieht ctr as h {met “hin coming, out, “with. the my ie sage My breath the key, and then reenter the par- 1 I. “ame short and oe and my breast fy Was Reaving, when T beard my mar Be a hasty fo nate upon the ere | ‘and hs will take good cat sath eee my eyes until stood before me nd you been, sir? ise ce would serve v: ll-feign ed ise. hart Bis plane and conduc to te, ty boca a apn prisoner,” I thoughts care that I apes no communication with ar- id not elieve thab I had Ww: al in de- | dared, lessons are so |Ment when T ised, and eager! ies Hstening, I tried to catch their Wy. ‘The expression of miy Loge eaceme .| “What are you doing here?’ he Shite Jerk had Spetee aaea sked, evidently not knowing at nder. e of an evening said, quietly. a you object ‘to it b | ed that they T felt renewed eonivience’ after ‘thie ought, and rete anxiously, but for the sound of Mr. Porter |* daughter, coating b-ataire to eo ck my door, should come It . it isn’t that; Dut get the boys wa: 1 fomething! 1 neliewe he's Been Ji ay at once, said tening!"” I heard Mr. Porter say. are I slosed_ my le has not the ‘ains or ‘ie! is bea went te ‘fnd the boys, m: answered, scornfully sii: ea RS Pa Mr you that Dr should. The ask me Shale Bina penis such a question, and follow it and absolute cure for enc hy is stammering that I ad tald Ako? Elscaineand proving pues T intended doin befor vent | the manufseturers have cuaranteed it, Soe tes: be Hinontale in the fay prass aud ack yeurnelgh: ‘whatthey think grit,” "You cay, aoe ft and y, back I'not cured. oa box. 25 & Co,,Toronto, ter eeeany ae me. 0: up into the Bie yer that was in my hear speak in very low. to exclamation Bie from Judith hice sarees 4 night beneath the’ roof. were dismissed w n hour earlier than usu: nine: Oe rhododendron Sane in} was a foe down to the kitchen when font of that indow. I saw him} |r. cheer! stopped me: from my bedroom.” {Pw st jookea carefully upon the floor, but it was not the: last incident oO pita eat age severely s they want nter my room, and. smother me in my sleep!” was my first. thought. | hen X remembered | ‘that T had heard my master say that he should not satisfied himself Ww. Bey then, again, erious go ir § Dr, Ghase’s ‘Ointment. tare aoe course of action ent a constant watch would be set thing, whether I willed to do so or ot. thought, from its mys- [no 0 the house Le ltery, was the most dreadful o jut y lips was not in unison with that |heard foots’ witl svoreg tt & fetes ee the brooding horror it _beg: ee Through 4heelowly opening The agony I endured at that some, work for you, Silas. Lats 1 shall never forget. I could The Dread of an open Stares Many Pile Sufferers In the Face—The Safest and Surest Cure is Dr. ir. Chase’s Ointment. oasibly you are a sufferer from piles, and have been Meee) and discouraged because your phy- mse and strain on the ner’ is the risk to life itsel ie iMosas he seonle St an operation for piles. The risk of an operation is too great, and bes: us sys- It is only a few months since a member of the Ontario Tegislabure lost jides it is un- ry. Chase’s Ointment has frequently rn piles after surgical operations have failed. 0 be SEASONABLE ADVIOE, CHANGE OF WEATHER DISAS- TEROUS TO MANY PEOPLE. Bad Blood Makes You Pig? Ser ey Co! ve Makes Y: nee Maeno oe rotect ‘Yourself, e maison affects tho | ibly. “Ph blood-making, nerv« and will make you ney and stave oft the aches an is of winter if you es Adams, Brandon, Man., is one o! iW e-restoring tonics, |9@ of ‘the rope. ey landed in comparatively good health, Two men who went to a small land off the Irish coast a little while w 1 ar not even any 3 shellfish, as there is nt athe pair had to malate e for the ten Asin on, cold, by the tide. “For et goo om Dr. Williams’ Pink restored to .health says it is uth Seem I acknowledge the grass for six days. ‘A diet of boots is one of the Sa 83 | monest of last-resource foods; ant bibs be i is hard for a well-fed per- can truthfully oo that I could not Hone for better eae jeag I now enjoy. I shall al- eas, Word for Dr. Wiss! “Pink Pi r blood is the cause of od blo six boxes for by writing direct to ue Dr. Mittens Modiein ine Con yh, how you aoe 1 aon not hel sited fy last hope was gone. I w: Panettets, helples a prisoner utter- tl eae cy of this man. ceiES searched for a was jot one in the wv up my blind, but. the upon a no Bottom. Onee, in my, desperation, Lhal me, ay goo UDR ___ STARVATION DIETS. Boiled ital Seaesits ia Boots ve Saved Liv The hardest _ fare that six strong- if re- ut, ae the |: agine that any one could foundered steamer Gwalior, second of reated a Heo year by living for seventeen d: boat leather and a pint of vee teeth can tear cow- ut a SavE (eee BABY. A Mother Tells How Many a Threatened Lite May Be ‘To the loving mother fae: Keble i too great, no labor too we ee health of her’ iitele 1 nee oh ithe, cee ae to ao: and Tam glad to to. other Mo’ ‘ablets never after- iat Ubi ey purgatives vie tripe and “tortura baby, nor | calla cothing’? Pieserstions th EAS poisonous opi- pee? Own Tablets are plea- bi mileee. ticine "on ES sea Tops, I have long ive lapeorvee, with approval, your ape except water; and, though ie them ill, they kept aiive on it and” did not waste away very mu é _ The Windover was a_bark saree about a thousand miles out on Atlantic. ‘Three o} crew killed ad UY falling masts, and two ae washed 07 reat on the haleboat | o} siduity and devotion to Pat spe d 1 am now it st you abilities in a new