“Aco! parson in n England Intely went, to. ‘ree ain an rem 5 Sunday, ae rs reaching from the Cehaneel ye see. this i. quiet. place and D’ve got a duck $i < .eges in ihe pulpit:” It is customary in the -ch \ classes of German inns to asbaninte “Yes— cli, then,” said Bismarck, ‘lenge thie ght iegry here and make the a eup The Mutual Life of Canada { (Formeriy the Ontario Mutual. Life) By Way of Contrast : Expense rate per $1000 to. total income, 1901—in 15:Cana- dian Life Companies, average $36 20 Inthe Mutual,Life of Cana- da $16 > Combined “Death and ‘Bx. » pense rate per $1,000, 1901— ~ + In 15 Canadian Life Companies, cavers, a on tie ‘Motul Life of Cana. From-the «above figures intending | insurants will see where their inter- « ests will be best: served. “W. H. Grosch, Lwenl Agent. Duncan Stewart, Stratford, Gen. Agent yn, fourteen | sto $13.91 “Wai COMMERCIAL. Mu.ventox November 6, 1902] 1 Bal wheat per bush. $ +Spr ring wheat, es bush. ates ver bus! 3: Oats Onte we ke. Apples, per ng Fanless Pen bn. f ae 500 600 tol 1d of a train Fouoing off a into a river and arowning: fifty Pee He eee mi wn itt I shood loike t’ th rene it do rine, down't "b!” wittea Trish tae wyer, Baron O'Grady, wh sio in the court that I ly.” 0 the South with an Ed chi ickens, ‘you will dia the ee tn Rie os to roost”. Sam was _ skeptical, bounds, “He approach. syed wonder.” go to roost?” au a prolate r airily, dat b beatae ie debi ne exclaimed the stonished old ; “dem ickeps wweren’t iaesed a a year ago {”” ington recently of nea that one ae “faults _of his race was a owledge mn- i id, mig ie bit ava spled |” ‘ood story is-told of the quick-! A! ress: | are told that y hation, but as a commercial nation 2 oun, Sherm: had been th x apldiege of Si noe? veer iH sen- command were a fondness for a to lack sentry. After the 2 Who Koes there?” the “A the ‘, etl countersign exchanged Sharman dary?” the, san” ie the _ polite eae iy ‘Charlsta Mase, nobody me wifout sayin’ *Cam- bridge !? pada The American Invasion. (London Advertiser.) or Carnegie’s recent demon- ieee ot ive at, Britain’s eee: laillity to -compataieny longer with! the United States, “either as exporting ave heen com- representing the highest skilled dre bo mechanical ingenuit; Great Britain is Ate ‘OF aca has become and likely. wi the greatest saaneTeotaine wan never be supreme while it jolicy which is delibera- invasion is a good deal of a bogey. n Sat Bee Milvertoao on Oct. 31st, the of a. of Mr: Henry. Sage, qatar The Sun’s lapels. List. The following: papers from now un- til Jan. 1 THE ton ‘an Family Herald and Weekly Sta: 75 THE SUN and ‘Toronto Globe. THE BON, and Toronto Mail & THE SUN and ‘Toronto Neckly Oo THE ‘SUN and “Wee THESUNand Tanded idvactesk ve THE SUN and Toronto Daily tar, se ikitehen and ‘woadshed. attached, ont well. Frame barn-and stable, a’ num- t be oe ryphale pood ugh to be General “Don't Spare That © ghee Woodman ! Ze HES, PUTTY, GLASS, ‘ETC. ies. bree but purchase an “Ideal” or ‘Ki ig’? Axe and convert it into firewood, and bring it into Milver- ton where people who use: the Economical OXFORD RANGES can.aflord te pay yau 2 big price for it. Push on your Furnace — Work snow. wyou spranpe '¥. cheaper we can sell. “We can attend to i | <a as ; Pfeffer Miiverton’s Greatest Store. Accept Our Thanks Allow us to thank you through the columns ot this paper for your patronage during our great sale, an occasion we hope long to be remembered. The crowds that attended our sale was simply phenomenal. Hundreds ot people in the store, listening to the sweet music while most of them anxiously waiting to be waited upon. This being the 3rd annual sale, and far surpassing each, which goes to prove that we do as we advertise. It was a sight to see, and ‘we tully believe that our efforts were appreciated. Yes ! it was a decided success, “We got exact- ly what we needed, our only wish is for our business to net us a comfortable liv- ing. Therefore the more we buy, the cheaper we can buy, the more we sell the that the volume ot our trade this season will reach that point in magnitude where we shall be justified in selling all goods at a lower profit than ever before. ‘Tt all genres on your patronage; will you give it? We hope you will, - Yours very truly, Grosch &. Pfeffer We firmly believe: Se aa ra al