Milverton Sun, 20 Nov 1902, p. 3

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The Brook! Brooklyn Eagle ‘predicts ‘that wonesey question is yoing to be “ the 1 sensation of the The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1902 to but little. The Grit ae ige) The Sovereign Bank) parc, 's.:2° ter ey OF CANADA... Capital Authorized $2,000,000 Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 |! (New Denver, B, ree blowing” ‘words through his pen soup appara: ‘Wer ‘from the Koran. (New Denver, B.C., Ledge Koran, but not in the ie le, | nial is to be found this excellent advi . © appoints a wan to Head Office, - Toronto office when there is In bie dowinions HS. aa D, M. ge) ae position, sins against, God and the is provinee-and Canada tate. n. Manager| must be filled with sinuerse wureatON “BRANCH Now open for, the.. transaction of GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Savings Bank Soeernent date of deposit, and, currant rate al- Jowed, and compounded half yearly. Deposit receipts issued, —dratts 1; rat bought and sold, collections mad tention given, to.the caltadcion of tar mers sale notes, R, J. Ranney: - Manager wi Wonder if the byelection. wit; create any more enthusiasm than the referendum ? ae It is said that one of the objects of Emperor William’s yisit to England is fo discuss the betrothal of Crown Prince Frederick William and Prin- cogs Alice of Albany. intention of voting for the referendum on Dec. 4th. He expressed the hope that no’ prohibitionist would allow any political considerations to prevent him expressing his oe at the polls. The Cattle Gusts Commission will hold a meeting at Stratford on Tues day, Nov. 25th, for the purpose of |” giving farmers and other stock owners the fullest opportunity of placing any | 8 facts that they may have with refer. enge to the question of, cattle ‘guards ou,the ralway, Here ig an oppor. ow @toant Morrie Index. , @ met George Farwell and the ol ‘Scotsman coming out of Leaf riyer on nesday evening. The Old Scotsman looked ead, and’ on int ona buating- erpedition. ta sacle John Rice, on account ofthe Wiscon- sin governor's progam atfon.prohibit- bad marksmen from entering the shooting at a jack rabbit. int Be Rather Dz a (Britt (Iowa) Tribune. , v1 ago we noticed bubbles meoaeinnale gS Bs 5 2 goes 4 Ea i being hatched by the mud tartles, days tc scare the bullfrogs off so ladies can go to church e farmers are the Canadian-United States Alaskan | Milverton’s Leading Store. READY-MADES othi comparative merita oF miatatiede of ut i es olla things by their right names, Notice to Creditors In ae bee a of the ante of Wallace of th mA Moi eaten, in a Ean: ty of Not tice is hereby given, pursuant to who died on or about the ‘6th day of We ie Me SEE SE While stopping at Ogden a few days | Accounts, SY SM ats SIL oY, Sis 3 top of: the barns today their F eggs, and only to the claims of which they st shall tt we SY SM Sty SU a Si We Sie She Sie Be Se SE SY The rural drivers ad a seat on top of A ate: thei Hon. G, W. Ross has declared ‘his | notice shal by them iol lawn mowers on the sidewalks Sun- Novainter, 1909, ad 1 SMe SY She Ate ots we 3 is very wet down that way this year. Christian Setence, iis Mute, Belleville) pupllsat the ine titution we have two deaf daughters from Sault Ste. Marie to begin a course se here. a ye fe tunity for.the Farmers’ Institute to do | 22% & gvod service in the interests.-of the public; by ineeting. the commission and entering a vigorous protest against the continued use of the present guards, which consist of a few wooden slats laid on edge, and are entirely in adequate as a means of keeping cattle off railway Pee 2 The appointinent. of Hon, James Suyherland to the portfolio of Minister of Public Works, has been well re- erived vbroughont Ontario and the Dominion generally. Mr. Sutherland, though not gifted with eloquence, is a man of action, and has established a reputation for proficency 4nd economy. that. will be of mueh-service to him in his efforts to guard the ‘“8crong box.” This department has not before. been held by an Ontario man.since the days of Hon, Alexander Mackenzie. The ap- pointwent of Mr. Prefontaine to the department of Marine and Fisheries as minister, from Quebec, may be a wise palitical move, but the drop from Tarte to Prefontaine, so far as states- manship is concerned, is a long one. ate Waiter Herbert, the self confessed The j ary sitting on the. trial practio- _ ally, convicted him of perjury when they refused to accept his sworn state- ment. Attorney-General Gibson holds that. the, only course open for the Onan. t to pursue is to sentence him at the, nex agsize. gourt. session. What the sentence will be can only be hazarded at-but. as the law only allows for one penal) si necessarily becapital punishinent, is expected, however, that. the sen uuderated by y and hi d Mrs. Fred Schaefer a baby girl. Mr. Chas. re ok possession of his farm on rsday, which bought from his brother near Topping. 500. on his face sine Saturday—it_ wr girl. Moor: cate, to Mr. Houry. Voll most comple oted. friend! in W ‘allace. the ~Dominivn Executive on account a. sven Pander in stony spent ae oaiiday. at. G, Bidgists, looking, but wer r |, and they gave evi delight at the idea of remainin, The father, however, who tian Scientist and a ver: erally, refused to let them stay unless the superintendent would pro- mise not to allow them to ae complete. medicine or medical treatment if the: became sick or were thought to be iii| shoe. Te t iy manner thatif they at any time re-|/Buy Rubbers and Save {tired medical treatment and nursing they would have the b both Ev not leave the.girls ee aetoe on the conditions above indicated. Cg Goce = WO Boneh Son a Wlornington, on Octo- ‘ber 30th, oslies wife of Abner West- A new shipment of Youth’s and Men’s Suits and Overcoats opened up this week, which for fit and natty goods cannot be beat. I2 Boys Raglan Overcoats, in nice Oxford Greys at $6 we think this is great value. 12 Men’s Oxford Grey Raglan Overcoats we sell at $i0. No. better made. We give 10 per cent. off for eash on clothing. K. Loth: RRRERAIERISTS TA. tac Sor ala With regard ec the reception of tite s Our stock of Rubbers is Our. Ses a Fine « o Furniture ee aoe has been called’ the Mecca of home- We have everything that could Pa desired in furniipire: We are alway S each piece is perfect before it leave Our weathered oak furniture is of the best, and is suitable for the richest homes. C Oak and Walnut Dining-room Furniture tracting the widest attention, for it is ner ple te a every particular. The beauty of the i shown in our Bedroom Furniture are only equalled by the quality, careful is Any intending-purchaser will do well to see our showing, of handsome furniture. ederhold & Honde Undertaking and Contracting rich Lise tale ie — At ees eee ie Nov. the wife John Few- pace adau ETT P.H. Bastendorff LE WALKER—Lone— a of the bride’s parents; Elma, on Wednesday, Nov. 12th, 1902, by Rev. es M f Carthage, and Jemima aiken Gnughiacot Mr. Lee. POOLE. The good stork that has been visit- Ms. Wm Opper_has quite. a sinile CARTHAGE. e gold his. residence, Mr. J. iforrison, has his table ah ith ope Fallis of Brainpton, is visiting oe spent Sunday. Charles ae Miss .Maud_Kerr Don and Miss Annie John- Eyes Tested FREE, of CHARGE We euave te largest stock of Ladies’ and Gent’s oe Filled Watches Diamond, bay and ~Wedding $1, 500 worth of New. Goeds-have just arrived, and consist mostly of imported goods, f We havea fine Scotch:Tweeds, Irish Serges and Worsteds. We have also-a finedifie of Qvercoatings Customers an rely upon the fact that our seeds are to-d: opany &ind-oba ring you wish, Se Wate Renting Our Lapin ta Aeterhaend oetbt es the lowest onsisten with first-class goods and the best £ E. H, DIERLATIMS Milverton’s Great Bargain House. TR IRIE ICAI IIE We have been in business for a little over three years, and’in that time we have accumulated'a-lot of odds and ends, , which are generally called Remnants. Now in order to clear these out we will inaugurate’ a: Great Clearing Sale of Remnants. ‘Fhe best of goods in short ends, suitable for almost anything. We can’t go into details about these Remnants, but will invite you to come on Friday and Sa NOVEMBER It you want bargains. Fad furday, 2ist and 22nd; Remember these goods are all our odds and ends, and: there will’! be thousands of yards of the best goods for halt the money. Don't forget the dates. Cash and trade onty on these days. PRODUCE WANTED. TINT IAA TARR IA RAI RAIA ITAA IAAI AIT AAT AA E. H. Dierlamm. iis yacht at *enm England, on ee CULLED FROM ALLSOURCES) the store, exhibit of Lis ial, tied bs his home Abiare on Mon Jon Pid evening of last ee ane The eto will receive ten- f P aOrder Mow «= And Secure Your Choice well thaw itis elie. a7 ncreue th Tr At lit is eaten that the Sultan. of ee Be e apascinaat Agriculture sia as a 730,00 ouch, has been entrasted with i: of weeding out the super Ge The coal fathine is now a thing of the past, and you <4 can safely buy that COAL STOVE that you had pramised> ! 3 | wong and enjoy life with comfort, new-tHat the cold’ winter > for the Central Epon and Mercer Re- oF rae a His coming with its Jong weary nights. fall to iict| Redi@nt Home. Base Burners: We can saywith pridethat you can“find® “ou és ani oan grown Bt fhe Los record ; nen eat wt the Prow inctal Seoretary, the largest and best arsortment of Stoves in the County. st - ‘pol ge were elaine with eld, Call and see our stock before you buy elsewhere, .. ception ace ie po 80 low that tna of bushels. was pPartiaurent isthe Toronto, sng alluwed to oyember 10h

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