SUPPLEMENT. Mlilverton, Ont., Tealashhy. Novemher 20, 1902. of Canada|* ie Ontario Mutual Life) | By Way of Contrast Expense rate per $1000 to lincome, 1901—in 15 G: ae athe Mutoal Life at ath and To Ge Mutual Life-of Can: da From the above figures intending insurants will see where their inter ests will be best served. W. H. Grosch, Local Agent. Duncan Stewart, Surntford, Gen. Agent Bystander’s Comments. * »(Goldwin Smith in Weekly Sun.) Te geciise that there ate /still_people|! capable of believing that squanders the nioney iu bloated arina- or anyone who was nainted with Lrish histo Pro- tectionist laws maintained by, the pak fishnesss of the produger’ in former days killed Ireland's er cattle trade, and. such Hipp rons had, driving her to subsist on the treacherous potato t Trish want, culminating in ies which at hat last, bes brought about A that her economical condition, though it mnay still be unsatisfactory, Han areatly, MMReT RC eea tee y a v their eyes wratem in, the United. States ? they wish to have the Legislature of Cal ed ae that ot the Unir States is rnled, by of plundering monopolies, log- rolled ean ori interest? Americans are pouring into our North-West. They bh already poured into British Columbia, Born those regions are in a fair way \to be- u Seen. Americans are investing Canada and getting our | ir ws ight without the | with Ui recent werting of the London rd of Education, Inspector ‘Onr- neat mDRG:NG badd Guitls B v riting UT was uot a sien and eeakmiine he ad He promised a report on oe subject at-an early date. Tiere’ are’ two systems of writing now tng taught in the city schaols—the 90 degrees, and 2 slant, n “ ne which is 52 degrees. Carson. does nou approve ot Pcither, the latter having too great a slant, but favors’a system with a slant of about 70 degrees—a lisp medium. %s dohn Ohivamanasa Lightning Cate ulator. lal obserear SEbUAldeDtaEyHT, orts to ‘Listener’ of the tramp told his tale of woe, endin; with a taste petition for something os hike lee ? asked John, in insinu- ati wen ton “Yes, ‘a “like fish,”” ’ the tramp an- ain’ has’ been imp raat trade. a in, at felondsbl “Gall Bliday,” said John, as he shut ‘i beet is second in|ing American itendship aaven ee cht with poate uted spicarye ahd homing oa bi Pyrat the doot, with'a smile imperturbable. which embrace in their te: alliance. J pee oe Janadian protec- whole, continent, fall of fresh, ani in| Honlsts ate opening fo-our pattlot: Notice to Sucre hed some cases virgin, sources ae ulence.. ism for the adoption of an a1 Since the adoption of free trade, ‘the| can tariff, and the bl Having Ey my tour of the weaitl OF Gecae Tiritelt ban doubled, | Toron' orderes southern part of the township collect- probably itbes heen. tore thut’| Aiueriena< footie tas Bae wheaike ak ina Weibel d sail tive hae BEeenee doubled, notwithstanding —_heavy| children by hoisting their flags. on) personal calls but for the ‘convenience 1 in foreign investments. Before i nniversar, he battle of | of all thos ave not yet paid 1 the repeal of the corn laws, thousands | Chateangua a curious eddy in| will receiye taxes at my residence. of British artisans were unemployed ;| the cross- rourrents of ‘polis nti-| will also be at the following want, verging on famine, prevailed in| mei the day and hour newed for #1 the manufacturing districts ; weddin, jose of receiving the taxes of any who rings were pawned by the handred, may not yet have paid: _ P. r- and grass was being boiled for food! |} as ms, Poole, on Thursday, Nov, 27th During war with Napoleon, cnn “it the ring so long as wn a.m. 208 p.m; at H. Rose's, h gave complete prote Milv n Friday, Nov. 2th from whi the British farmer, a large proportion the ru eatly rateu and the margin of paserey it. Emigration m earn, fighting game. A il oosé was the fie: alia ‘pnt ae ont of the Booze Tvs a cinch that bist Sait, Ors. m.; at Millbay nm Mon- 9to ne an at al taxes to be pai hed after which Gate arged. 0. MILLER, tax collector. 5 _per sae es ;|Subscribe for The Sun, Only i booze will beat you.” $1 from now until Jan+ vary, 1904,