THE MARKETS Prices of Grain, Cattle, ete in Trade Centres. Toronto, Nov. 48.—Wheat—! grinding in Northern at 824 to sae pare a in transit; No. 1 hard quoted at 78}c oderich, and No. 1 Northern No. 2 quoted at 48}c outside Teckutioate tie anarket is quiet at 58 to 584c outsi Bariey—The market is om, with No. 3 Gales quoted Vet Ip iD tala and No. 8 at 4c low freight to New ‘ork Corn—Market dull, with new Cana- dian” yellow: quoted a-47 to’ 50 est. | Hiow-Ninty per gent, patents hs See ¥ Sos Ghee asoita “Nov. 18.-Plour’ con- 0 $2.70 middle satise in buvers ice: for export. Straight rollers of apeiel brands for domestic trade auuoted 25 Manitoba Noure stants ba strong |in5 $3. in bulk At out- brah es sacks, ae shorts, a) her COUNTRY PRoDUC Beans—The market is offerings mpaaats, Dried is uiet. Evaporated jobbing at ‘oo to 7e per market is steady, oe ing 0 Sho. per jog Honey—The strained jobbing at Ib., and comb at $1. Hay, baled—The changed, ith off Gt 7 te age per Ib., ae enckavee 10 to Een cper tee te ou ota atiek athe markt is steady at, 80 to 88¢ per bag here in car lots. Griall iotae daecot Storer oll at $1 to $1.10 per bag. THE DAIRY MARKETS. grades, tubs and rolis, 135 to 14}¢; bakers’, 12 to 18; ereamery prints, 20 21e; creamery solids, 19 ee picked. 16 to 17¢; rages q3 "She eese—The market is firmer, with sales of large cheese a 12 to 12kc, and small at 12} to 12$c, HOG PRODUCE. Dressed aoe Fe aes with 0 140; rolls. cy a vee shoulders, 11 to 114¢ 154c; breakfast baeon, Lard—The market is unchanged. We quote :—Tierces, 10%c; tubs, 11c; pails, 114 to 11$¢; compound, 8% to LOze. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. ee Noy. 18.—Markets shew litt ge. Cheese n eae ger syaipathyr with ae Liv eet “another hite sellers are holdin; ling inleipation ofa. furthe new crop peas, lo, oats, 2 rye, 56c ‘attiet No. rley buckwheat, Wieuanones Flnwe ~anitoba patents, 80; On $3.70 to $4. 10. Rolled oats—Millers’ Ss to aah $2 in bags, and |corn bb! d—Manitoba bran, $18; shorts, $20, bags included ; Ontario bran, in bulk, $16: in bulk, $19. ei GHOtaCTe are sola ack. Pr Toa Sanadian 1 Subae eve abe. $25; light short te lars Se to 124¢; hams, 324 ee oe 12 to poe tilled aiiateorr, $95 to 30, Bo per 100 ths. Eggs—Selected mee a to ee ; straight 0 | poor; ships, creamery, 21c; fine cream 204¢; Ontario creamery, 194 » 20c; dairy butter, 16 to 16}¢ for selections. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buflalo, Nov. 18. Srpgig a bers Wheat—Spring, firm; fod, Barley a8 to 624e. freights—Stro Milwaukee, Noy, 18—Wheat, piahes Northern, 74%c¢; 2 se “te nd shorts— y eathet demand fair — for shipments; bran in bulk, $11.50 to $1 LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Western ene market the receipts of live stock cattle {etched 5e pe Rergehwn at ae ae Ib. ens eine: oat at from BY to @aiven 1p. gooee ph choice butcher cattie Mealves rib i es ae to $8 each, r from 8 t and feces below 160 nor above 200 | Pollowin ing is the range of yards Cattle. Export cattle, per ewt... $4.25 on Alight ota me). 8.75 Butcher cattle, choice 3.75 Do., ordinary to good 3.00 Stockers, per cw! Sheep ea Lone Export ewes, pet owt 5 oa SpISGS 605 OS Sale and Se Cows, each 25 es 00 Calves, each E 2.00 10.00 ra a on POTATO CROP IS POOR. Big Yield Ruined by Rot—Grains y a Good Crop. Toronto Sp eae in Depar poet of Al Ne le d ge, fe lirost. ni nar “the Hele ate late | out ‘on wheat ai spring above the oe age and quality barley, gro’ a, Jara viel, somewhat discolored; ye, a good nee mall Tanti Sgro was peas, poores record; be: v only I ‘some sections of the country the will be left ie the ground. ney The Siold of apples ee ee per * 1gi in, bulk, 8c. Poultry Chlekane, 0 8e p Bie \d prices anae of bushels yee Maltowed ae incorporation in ubasi track, 584¢. Canal |exeo vers: the hem io iss ome te lcprece of Great | B ronto, Nov. 18. — To-day at the |In fi 0 are peels nominal at $2.50 t 0 $2 bo for live ey at the Toronto- battle i Nor oe of the romances of Finan nut | ”, [DOUKS MAY LEAVE CANADA Have Sent a Petition to the Sul- : of Hae ae d_ therefore coy vnsan the ea sty odicur feuilice ab pileries of Goa We be; gi rs n’s heart to have Passion on Gee y bo ~|NEW CLERK OF COMMONS. T. B. Flint, M.P., of Yarmouth, .S., Has the Appointment. ee i Ottawa Pha age says: and from 1883 t Yarmouth tees general elections taken an stehdtie Writers Conieatteds “o House’ of: Chinmidne. 0° tnas datwalh versed in the rules and procedure. A Poronto despatch says: A ‘y of natural gas near Gore ae Manitoulin Eetanich ma iia all. quantities, some very good gas wells were drille: i Ra IS NEGOTIATIONS RENEWED. Casale) fay 4 Syndicate Inter- ee A rent: eta Mr Teal. m., vas a renewal os mecotiations which had been sus- pen i No. definite result has yet wee reached. TO FIGHT PEA =A WEEVIL. titutes. ofonto nite ch s Mr. Gene Debuty: Minteter, ot Agri Deuce his Sent oaUelacmara i all the department correspondents grees Tionacerinin: (heusianGee tine wrought by the pea weevil treat their peas to keep the weevil ep COSTLY POTATOES. Ton. ndon despatch says — P Northern Star Now Brings $2,500 a n ‘thern sur was brought out in 1901 by |shire grower, who parted wi tons at the extraordinary price =, 12 colnshire Ses: PI Th Hudoows Bay Co. been a vata eu NATURAL GAS AT GORE BAY the mprpaaaniat eat es vier hitpes Over Alleged rile ov Educational, Campaign Through Insti o r ward Soa with a — Country 34 of SHOT AT Y LEOPOLD. The Belgian y to the Cathedral A Bru ue despateh hii was proceeding cathedral seats tend a memory of the late Henriette. No one was he man. who fired ‘he, rsbots is an stood th so it se fired were equally armies he man was immediately rested Br the police had some diffe ulty in rescuing him from the hands. of Ln He gave the name of Robin mbes togal oa rtege consisted several carriages besides that of the Sheet conta aining th the Count and of FY mites: Pihiccs Albert. ¢ Flanders rineess Clementina a peice hon ached ‘the Bele ea! ample signs andling ich he tired Hooking _ personages such grand coaches ted in some quarters |th east of the car ides cantata aAbGligth toxtse Widiiow the. carriage occupied by ape Comte D'Ouliremont, the K Grand “ue as gmaphed: tt ts age a by a bull eee TALE OF THE SEA. 16 Left Sinking Ship, ut Gniy & Survived. A Wellington, NZ. —The eight sur: eck tof “€hes Uirltiah= + phoamaee lingam, who were picked W a the British sloop of war rescued last. Thursday, e|from West King Island, the wreck. ‘They had been drifting since eae 9 without any food, ex apples Each aj fier eicoe ces, the: fiteen men aadthere tewardess died Oe exposure. ‘The rv agonizingly on the raft; his welve feet long by seven fect wide. it wos halt submerged, and every a swept over is ceaine 1 Oe ov. shouting, the boat i atas to the steamer, imes persis not having heard thi t ter snes eset ara aft maining forty persons from the BL xc |ingamite has Been abandoned. ee A BULLET IN gis BRAIN. Dundas County Ferme Suicides n ee Ont., a says: norning in his hand and en ment Yor the benefit of his creditors, \d has been drinking hard since. Ses SEAS SNES CRAZED BY HIS LOSS. Returned Miner, Robbed ok Bis ue ets, Now Insan New. York despatch Say E gola nug- ee he oi of the S. SAN JOSE SCALE REMEDIES Commission’ s Suggestions for De ‘uction of ‘onto despatch sa n Jose Scafe Commis sion with os to the recent ex- e|Periments by: Inspector. Gri J AiR r e ¢ Dr. James Mills of Guelph, W. H. Bunting of St. Catharines and Johr e | Dearness iz Mr. Fi 3 Kerosene emulsion, is Bites us the summer— and Septemher len ees on, an he Other, the mixtu is intended ie oi aiferent hee Were Res a ing the pro f ieeoouane ‘the, commis: ware the follows ing tae poe the whale “oil soap, the Braeden of one-half p ‘pie with 15 pounds of sulphur, water suffic to make a total ot 30 ian Ta concluding their re- he con Mit teenie 2 these experiments, and PI @ hope ie aay the eir tinued use from yea ear Province may be Ha of Gea is ig a short time. gta saa G.T.R. ENGINEERS. Have Received From 15 to 25 Pei Cent. ase. A Montreal despatch says: ‘Tht ha’ se sched ie ot wages antieuad Ther sole. ininor deta sneak ing one the standing, division, ane aoe ‘performed. In some ‘gt ances is ga an by mile and in others by = axed rat he abo' engi he effgineert now sae alt the way fon $i a whieh, after its last adjustin was claimed made the en firemen fae bent paid on the tinent. tt VIOLENT DUST STORMS. ne |Inhabitants of "Australian Town’ er Badl: ly Frightened A Sydney, N.S. W., despatch » The ee parts of Australia ha’ oe eaten dene ee ie unprecedentedly: vio: ie ee eR the dryn has prevailed v ing its climax this Bly destructive drought has destre ci the herbage in lange areas, laying puudiode: The dlouge pesind rd. |ple aes Sreribial [After the as phere was brill tempe! at fell suddenly. The of rain contii CANADA’S FOREIGN TRADE. Exports for Four Months Exceed ts ~ ae An Ottawa des; says: Can- e- /ada’s foreign eae oe es past four and his pockets “fall of. cash, | of ee in all, won the mine: nch Guiana, Jacques La T has been robbed “taken in charge by the Doliees® ape ergs Richard ‘Luckner of St. Joseph, S/grain in y r | | | produc onl: 1e jeompared wil ae: Be same ata last y he eeceets thie dor eee a over $10,000,000... ts, as SS with e first four supa (he of the fise rea 4,116, 658. Glendon Gxports waa 87 Srieks Se PARCELS, FOR CANADA. uty May in Britain Af ter Hist of Next Month. Ottawa despatch says: The been Mich., attacked by fe: large eagie jder w near that pla s vy, and after ‘bei erely clawed by the bird he succeeded in . killing it. Britain on parcel ada, will go into,eflet on December is I disclaimed the honor. ABYSMAL DEPTHS } OR BLINDFOLD ON THE BRINK OF PRECIPICES—==——> “Have you got another?’? CHAPTER VI. I could endure it no longer, and fied. aoe three sulautea mor the high-1 a homeless guteaate ‘but a fi aa ee te my ange of line a bu indle. It upon tl home I es ever gates Ses ery apne I fondly ieee ing the oid life ‘behind ite she would give me a shelter until moult gtitein’ “some Gna. at employ: ment. After an hour's i mind was’ much relieved oy the sigh milestone, upon whi ae press- higager e ni d, a Vasbond, | to vere, or ine [fully than a esitated. I feared to leave the | 1 an. impertinent answered: a me! Clarence," Gawd oe: ee village. Very | but th e, and they'll do it chea, up at the mention xy} ee | the go. | on min-| “Yes, sir. Ihave no other means | eps nearer t man 1 | breakfast ae me,” he said, after -|a minute’s e. y| 1 thanked Bila vers: nionites & tl t kindness, which, under the cireum- it “ Fontan and proceed ly green lane canopied with trees. I} “I alwi yi day before, my step: I looked place to rest; there sale 8 is very k as far as the it’s been my Wing- | to stopped a opened iio one aon Pass-| den al e and the churchyard |, ry ei coke the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were in full could not t re our mosey back ir uot cared, Sica box, ab ig lealers or EDMANSON, BATES & Co.,Toron sun were slanting across o it the {hanging blossoms he hiss? inlay a! bogae ‘the latticed wint said, you's Peles eee cout tea Ti fy g- suppose you've been teat all night’ “Yes, sir,” I answered. “Come far “From Bury, sir.” that isn’t should Gudolug, ming Tak? were soon eae kind Hooking. middle- woman, soon’ sitting before a eub- lhe Anise meal o atef AD f certainly did ample justice. to i |, .e6uld perceive that my. host every he said, leaning back his chair. eeneiee IT had not a fathring ] hearted, that I felt. sure Re < o make a proposition of doubtful jana Tran ‘away, Piet fen “Ni carefully preserved her note. I knew) ‘Here, here! you shall come and t by which I Yad jlooked very h eded down a love-| a many years, and I suppose will con-|bring mo or n_ minutes’ walk we | PUI he - Cae 4 se fro hair to ike the per- , and arden was Secs laid out in flower beds; ae one side was a grape house, on other aj} servatory, filled ee the most | 0u' raise bata ase’s Ointment cu: stox brilliant-colored plants. The rays of |p present.” are you going now?’ ppose?’”” I hesitated for a moment, ana then “I have one, sir, who I think will re tha Bled at the moment hates ‘make a clean bre; val of all bles to him; But the natural reticence tr you're not going to walk to si he questioned | of getting there.” ay Ration oust have some money? must have paid you |). up when ons left him?’? ly, “Weil, it was the long hair andj $' e queer looking” black “clothes: that No_wonder 7am that this last guéss |) oy! straight down ts road Walk sharp, or you'll lose How full of gratitude was up, and I too! bid <oiedhoe pal £8 se out. A no further!’” loor. e to me, in wonsdermient the variety: of oblec c- a and = the rapidly Rabanag land= scap Suad lenly I remembered grateful Peflections: to, remember for a time. I drew it out, curious to know Ww I never received any money, and— ie | ‘‘Never got any money? A wart b{,pinsayinel’ | Tidak aie {you ra beyray from IES Pala aay {i in’t get to London with- s out Taney FEGSE Toe | ave ‘a suit of clothes in this moment, to re |then said, ““Leav shall have y Yl bring you Without ekg! ue listen to my ks, he left the room. Bs your daughter’: a sir?’ “Yes—my only che GH iivinga?* ‘asked, Somewhat, hesitatingly “She been dead these eighteen only fe sei je answer: only really Hife had I felt so light-| * g | terminus. cal sil 's portrait,” he said, in a aa an ‘nant in arms at tat “ite,” | o’clo¥ ght. Tt pil “me the sovereign, but | very “gradually, and finally becomes as hanks. ‘that’s noth-|Then : ve another leap; gone—le! Los ies = bee suit it passed out of m; ossession. prized it as the superstitious would a talisma Crowding quickly upon the heels of al that i Ba not understand time. ew field crowded platform of a great Londor (To Be Continued). pk te es WHAT'S THE TIME, PUSSY? y the Cat's Eye: marble. mil y kind ‘rien stopped ti take eae at u The Source of Stomach Derangements, Bodily Pains and Aches and Endless ‘Suffering Regulated by Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. It is very seldom that either the | gi liver or kidns fer y t 0} _ bowels ee ee the waste product Soe the bo Caen Kidney-L aoe, as) are phenomenally curing ey and ig ce angeoente tak troubles; eis stipation, That they cure the most Girone and complicated diseases of er, and bowels has been and kidney troubles sere me to a very low conditio d_ before coming to Toronto I wag continually. under doctor’s care, both at ae ham and Guelph. I was subject ee Chase's Kidney-Live priv Pill, and tribute my present good health ee he ni any medicine w sons of sedentary ‘habite and “thoes them stan ng I who sit sewing all day lo Ka recommend iver Pills. To my, mind oe “have no equal as gener: health restor-| ers.” Dr. ee 5 KidoarLive 3 er PWe had Test the mee ee ‘thts time, |valuable piece of feline peculiarity iced dl. “If you find things turn out bad- inisionary, te laced the ‘cat's’ face no: Sluggish Liver, Clogged Taneja comes: the «verge. beagle! night, because the syieal 7 3b im a clear marking “The missionary ~ discovered lit- a, fist ale gaat saleven he running up to the ter on, wen he got. Fase, Ai m to explai Misatant ed him some ae Sp pier of he precious time-keey ERE Ect FATHER AND SON. father can do, if he and spiritual Siar sate it o dally, ourly pee “ot es niet songe ste many od, going out into the world Mio tase the neeitanle ae ‘the novice. an diflers from ‘hich: ed a on me left and next moment he was gone. reached the aod of The excitement of steam traveling we flew past, uite But Tiwas erature that it | tn In vee They Tell the ime of | # he Mecor alse to the French mission- |¢ mb, it is twelve arat 10 begins to grow very |F\ ” WOMAN'S WORK, OFTEN LEADS TO A BREAK DOWN IN HEALTH. Severe Headaches, Loss of Ape petite, Dizziness, Palpitation of the Heart and Other Dis- _ tressing Symptoms Fo1- low. Woman’s cares about the ho 01 the right platform. na faa came | 9; 1 the tome pf that trouble, emacia’ has aches, frst I thought Tackle, On and they will mailed post paid as 50c. per box or six boxes for $2. the life of a woman in this res] brave, to fall if he be weak and cowardly. fe ALCOHOL FoR FI FIRE ENGINES, The effort in Germany to make t'}eohol useful as various kinds c ity, ice to have an eine of this description: ,er open the book. wouldn: t nay vq ‘it soiled for the worl sa." on os WAKE UP, BABY ! A New Game for Mothers. 's awakening city Pees by npg ready hers dread his Ww uch from indigestion, Piscine aid Petisore T gave hi several medicines, but they did not help him eakest infant. Sold by gists or sent by mail, post , at 25 ¢ents a box by writing direct to_ rockviile, i