so-called statesmen, in "the interest of foreign shippers and of * foreign consume No the. genéral election: the principal question eubmitted to. the ing) that ihiereased't ficente in at 2 of us ’ con sideration of the candidates, the fol- ‘ lowing questions: (a) Will r, Brown, or yi Mr. Monteith, it elected, support a railways’ as farmers taxation for Is? is not o1 SG, We Weoea ‘has’ uscd le position, SOMMERCIAL d ‘Sliwanon November 20. 1902| i Fall wheat per bush. 68 s-Spring wheat, per bush. 6768 Burl bush. 2185.6 8 out 28° 39 } Ieee aa aut <d pe perl bag 50 eae ; PERS SEe SEE SM SM SM Si SM SAMY Si Se hs sl sly ly Sly ay sy Ss % Fe I ae re ie ee SE SU SS SO Si Se Oe B RIOR 7 ability, and great eloquenes for, and half of th Has Nichol 50e, sideroad, con, 9; A. SESE ALAR Ses ee ae ese alee Have a Look! at the ‘bargains Our Christmas Goods, Toilet will take place next week. Ow *be ‘had. sonable Fruits. in stock. Red Flag Store. Have Another. RED FLAG STORE. Goods, Toys, Chinaware, Leather is bigger atid better than ever. extensive display, compare our prices with others, and we feel satisfied you will deal with us. r Confectionery is the ee to Henne Oranges, Dates, Figs, and Sea- GC. S. KERTCHER RRA ARERR AA RI ARIAT BIE offered at the stock of Fanry Sets, Purses, Etc. Our big openin; Call and examine ba HATA IBIAAACIE ICA TIE IE ICH AAA IS r, ith, your Lyla influence will be multiplied by the number of bal- lots markec ou. ill you use protectionist. forces, behalf of forces maki or in urs truly, James CRAWFORD, Elma Council. The municipal council of Fe ted nee in the hall on Nov. 10th, 1902; mem bers all prese magi : eoting read and signed. Boyle—Wherry—That the petition f John Gernbelder and others for unicipal drainage be a for appointing engineer Ce nary Cena Tunis Moers Crowley & McDer oncl,eontmetors ou Gernhelder drain, be" payment of the We Benes $10, cul- i a ‘HL eet ers, $7.62, eine, gravel ; BR Cam eta ig Chalmers $25. 30, concrete ett 1.00, grading town- n $10, farm bridge une A. 14; H. sunt *s2 Te- n. 12; C. Ritter filling culvert aud’ re- g sideroad, con. 7; Alexander $3.40, repairing sider ead ised ¢ Suis s ree Potatee, ‘wr tag “Bat 10, en tar owe “1503 608 6 {and gravellin ader; V. Shade $10, culvei Genthe ider ie J. Little 3159 for ‘or freer trade relations | yg with the outside world e o be prodice all the Grelg drain; C. A. Broughton 810, 1] part con contract cleaning Logan-Mait. D. Gra ray, $1.20, ston tanner $11, gravelling ‘Sch reitner $4.50, fill Bese ditching and & ed ee ae ee ae salvett, ‘con. tile; -R. Ss. to House of Refuge. Carried, Curry—Boyle—That the council do now adjourn to meet again on Mon- day, the Ist of December next, at. 10 Canada Wi Produce Her Own Sugar. 2 (Toronto Telegram.) Canada’s sugar bill is roughl: - mated at $6,000,000 per annum, bet a = m2, PRE annual consumption of r eleven such factories will sugar Canada con- Paes of free trade may regard imports as a ssing, but there is | force in the protectionist idea that the country which gets the sugar and ,000 sugar per annum; to Prauce, which produces 1 000,000 tons, tothe United States,’ whieh i eteainonl ite prod duction’ of beet-root nt out try: for: im ors is a do lar added-to the wealth of: the ial heres in the Of fosx taneign indus It is fs right to be see ; allowance fcr old drain and culvert, hut it seems funny to ses an ougram matical person put on airs. i te i a “and Repe Ties. nd GLASS, PAINTS, OiLS, PUTTY, GLASS, ETC. ‘Cow Chains ‘See our Meat Choppers and Fruit Presses. SCHNEUKER & BOTHAERMEL. | Woodman ! Don’t Spare That Tree but purchase an “Ideal” OF King” Axe and H convert jt into firewood, and bring i it_into Milver- ton where pconle who use the Economical OXFORD RANGES / ean afford to Vl you a big price for it Push on -your upnace ¥F Work now. Weén attend te yeu promptly, F ready for big hasiness in November. Grosch Pfeffer Milverton’s Greatest Store. Millinery at (reat Reductions We have decided to run off all cur Millinery at oe prices, in some places exactly half. That means $5 hist for $2.50, and a $2. 50 hat for $A. 25 We have many at these prices, so you had better call early to make sure. Walking hats that were from $1.25 to 2.50’for 75c. Dress Goods & Silks All the Bonnet’s_ cele- We carry a big range and endless variety. new Dress Goods on hand at present. bratep Silk kept in stock, admitted to be the best Silks 1 z in the world. Clothing Twentiety Century Brand Clothing kept in stock. Noted for its fine fitting qualities, each Suit and Over- coat done up in nice white boxes, and a soc. brush goes with each Suit or Overcoat: * ‘ee & Linoleums This is row a very important department of cu Special attention given, estimates given cheerfully, se at prices that no one can touch us. Our expenses are small and we buy at import prices, and why can't we sell cheaperjthan the city stores, of course we can, if you doubt it call in and see. Wall Papers and Window Shades We carry a big range. We give you big reduc- tions on your W Ge Fe aper purchases, to make room for the new spring s All cur pe to 0c. Wall Papers going at ZC. Come Quick. We carry-a full line<in each department and are Will be pleased to show you our stock. whether: you buyvor not. & Pfeffer