Loth This store has been called the Mecca of home- ave everything that could be We are always careful that each piece is perfect before it leaves the stores Our weathered oak furniture is of the best, and is Our exhibit of Oak and Walnut Dining-room Furniture is at- tracting the widest attention, for it is complete in The beauty of the designs shown in our Bedroom Furniture are only equalled Any intending purchaser will do well to see our & Honderich es FRE EnCR Ke ER ATER RRR ERRRERRER EERE EREEEE |g Ambnamdor White of the United] SAREEEO HE HBAAEEAENE ee ee = 2 iakeidieted — Henry Seligman of Frankfort-on the = se - = Main m piltoe ting against ste treatment Ms ost of ot pete ii \ilverton’ s eading eae ncitaia choose to i The Milverton Sun she on be Resteonnins 0 one doubte hie Meh | letter has been disenssed by The| cienoy,” he himself least of al. There | $e Store: THURSDAY. : z Kreutz Zeitung, German newspaper io of pereonality about} *_DEOEMBSIE 4, 102] wich makes w aingig reply. Ts| bee attend gvartrey te] 3 - that the Ambassador re. antry. but of ail Europe—the| 2 The Sovereign Ba k move the beam from his own eye be- as rd BIG fica retech lig: atic ate. Boe hig \ iM him-| 2 OF CANADA. neighbors. The Roumanian Jews,| ®i deca ieee Clears ee Bt HUE ™ > says the paper; are better situated energy rate nce agent, ae “| Biri than the American negroes. They | iq st the i 4 antages of music for “t Capital’ Authorized $2,000,000 |... uct treated with the same com the. soul.” tle Te sie ole ‘ Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 | temps, and do aot suffer lynch Inw, | future course ovis career there ie no > A new shipment of 7 nor are Jewish funeral processions in | recognized by bist ffead Office, - Toronto ee Thost. Peumrkaive Gbaraceen. coat tw 3 ee Bi camneemcced, se inoNéwe Tork | tons oaaddeneca™ of “our ane for in Lome V¥ th’ “ y H.8. HOLT, D. M. STEWART, |and Chiongo, Bin Germa iy has found eee ge’ ou s and Men’s 3 Z counter, it were, of the sh LS ioe Manage bs and. versatile “Old Fritz," who was 3. es MILVERTON’ BRANCH — | Ovion to the ourtrenk of plea ‘B* true Zeunder of er enipire, | 3 Suits and Overcoats Bee oh Fr thie Gaeseeionl “ck age ae core Hs cattle of mike pe ke 3 ew Hampshire,. Vermont, Massa- pie , , E ‘ - ree pie priests ebusetts, Connection and Rhode| _S**#ford Boys Abroad. = |) Q Hened up this week, which for fit and Deposits of $1 and upwards received. | Island, the. United Kingdom of Great} 4 , number ot petty burglaries have # natty goods cannot be beat Savings Bank: Department. | Britain has closed its ports against ime Bisepsbout Galt. Preston and | sy > : “gqltiarest allowed on deposits from cattle coming from these states where| beldered by eae colar ne x leposit, a1 a rate al-| the chief i i ye |into the “hold up” business. In t fered aol soepousded tal ear” |e ME Atrio Avani pora ae | sh te oaaap teeoes. nels 12 Boys Raglan Overcoats, in ‘ we bold, fellows, ina not, drats|igved by Canela ‘ationen these ane caen the Heat agate | nice Oxford Greys at $6 bought and sold, collections made ta will beneBt greatly by | SURdRY evening, Now. 2nd, at’ about | promptly on ll pint, money order my benefit greatly by/7 oleloak He: was relieved. of his | 3 we think this i t issued, ‘notes discoun at-| the prohibition as these. states will bey wretch and some-cight or ten dollars Me S- £ pea tention given to the. collection of far-| compelled to seek’an outlet for their] “When allowed to go the milkman | 3} mers sale notes. cattle through Canadian ports. Un-| was so badly scared that he could give z value. R. J. Ranney, - Manager| fortunately, however, the port of St. plead fo carer eid ete John, the chief winter port of Oanada,| Smith, @ celebrated charnoter about | 35 12 Men’s Oxford. Grey Raglan E fas not the- ficilitiés at present for peates thie ineidens they Galt police, whil hi fe tol ie gota Sic, B Houar at thw Lanlon| aking any” great nomber of ule (goual gear GPR waton, site| Overcoats we sell at $10. 2 The CP. OR, early hour, spotted two suspects ; that Canada is to-day on Front street, | wngy Gh te aah coe ee evet At* [they gave chase and caught one of the| 3 No better made ready to make all necessary. arrange: | gang, who turned eae nie p> oe and that her futuro path of progress on tof. Strat before | A ments and itis expected that more |Pe oer om me clea herby oaks siuites Pepper bad twice tried to shoot Con-| 3 ae _ {ships will call at St Johns to accom- stable Caldw 3 modate the increasing trade, After being confined in jail Pepper The London Financial News does made a confession," Iuplicating | 3k WAT @ give 10 per cent. off for ‘at, believe the rumors which are i fndin eniesinanta as belng conscrned fe " i ¢ i jatrimeninl Notes with himself in the hold f th i given curreney concerning the Grand fOnegon il) Repton) [ie i te eg eash on clothing. Trunk and its receipts It says they girl who hag been all! Was arrested at his home trattord | J are the belated repetition of an old Riseod upand s ety ies by home poppe tee but * pore eesull # } lant talontieonte re eppers are both mere é story which has no application Yo the| Sut of-toen neane nese eryiMe Blinds, and are not bad boys, by any | 3 Grand ‘Truule Railway ob to day means; but their environment which | 3¢ Bees has not been of.the best, may_seeount| > aed Se ee for their imprud: No successor so far has been ap- cWaahaton Star.) = x ae be pointed. to Mr. Willison of the Glube,| “It is a big mistak your # m tnd the Mail newspaper announces | #968 packed in hot towels a barber FIRST BEAABA HAAR IRA ITA A AIC that it is not for sale, so that these|dayr’ “It is very. bod. for’ - ‘ i e Eh towels, steaming with heat, are new jouaalists will have. to seek Cea tone tylrte Beg Pilon: a where for papers.to buy. What's the That inevitably they cover the eyes, He a a matser with London, they, seem-.to{#0d there they remain for several 3 minutes, drawing the blood to the have one too many there? tondarryassels of the eye and swelling F ef en e hot Kk feels good to “e aaa aye arniture The Board of. Agricolturai> Inspec eee ne kin, but the benefit ie oe lerived in that direction is more tl vory in London, Eig, have received | Smut by the darren nore tian A Word About iconlsnsirupetoncca wallen gence , cist Ww Se ae — Rubbers fainishers., We slightest trace of foot and mouth dis tg i Ta oO ea Rh se SAO Motta seas é yn Times ur stock of. Rubbers is aoe a i No.tites bee been Thi £y honsand American setters Soueigae ‘onnd. Those people over there get|on Canadian is the record of ; : savin tb, Ae dee Gee the last twelve months of the "Ameri complete. ws can fit ee suitable for the richest homes. through a steel door to educate them trifle compared to the honde' stream-|Shoe. Our prices are. right along certain informed lines. They Pe ee ee —_ 1 mast follow the rut, even though it is speaking, pro- CNET Ys Bereta to ‘vir own undoing. The fear ot gressive American citizens, of adass| BUY Rubbers and —Save the moment is lest the. diversion of | willingly. It will take, ud not Ieee Cougit Medicine, by.the quality. vand American shipments to St. | Produce their type in the rorpigaere pase John, ‘New. Brunswick, will cause} Suentan citizen, “The tatmirany ‘]Our $ shi Handsome ft 0 nigran owing of’fiandsom: Tnnada also to be scheduled »s-disews- | may become one after a generatio Our Stock of Trunks and ae ee od. Tue incident is used to strengthen | traterial, erica is eetting the “rave Valises is camplete. ~ the argument that Canada should do Wi d h its best*to build up a chilled meat ex- ie ee J C. c h & S$ lecer old port trade, eae is upaffupted by ‘Giiteratare.) . &. UPOSt on; ; ; , tage uate, ee “romiog Undertaking and Contracting the Bar, ” was, written, says = 5 a “That grand old matediless | Trish-| © man” was the way in yhich“Mr. Peter}; aan eon Alwar era lrarrin tora Pane ee ‘to bhe, Hon. eons Blake the. ief passes at yes United Irish League meeting at Toronto Monday eyening. Io fact, ,everyone had some verbal bouquet to shy at the statesman who de sped the saving of life by medicine forthe greaten-saving of @ nation. by jaw, do for Ireland, few... men would at tempt. And none Ut & MAN. possesses essed | of the: thorough, independence, , stead fastness of purpose and earnestness of| Blake could do what he has.done. en years ago when Edward Blake arte in Belfast 28 wel a oui ie in Toronto on Monday night |. “when he wns, _weleomed.sby she I : w “Bein, ny iy. gouptty, though fad and In deans T revisit. thy, sea-beaten | p What Blake has endeavored to Belors je | fri at d Tennyson, in the poate Slat a day in Octoher when we he bad had the ‘moaning of the ber? r ae. pose to read “Crossing the Bar,” and wh the fret “ritcisn up- P. H. Bastendorff | Optician and Jeweler... Eyes Tested FREE oF CHARGE 10 passed oucie-in such fitting g age, calor hit a moment,” and he explained the ene “pivine and Unseen 1g us. n > his bedside, | Bart the Mamgaim on Protection, (Galt Reporter.) SSS We have the largest stock of Good wkd a ever carried 1 Mi Ladies’-and ‘ets Geld Filled at a sory be ay pied with any movement yc abs, iaale Gold vies rice. PI wel weeitizens,”” he bag, © e buy aton, ofraths from a isidist mauttacturer and, pay. Ww, Ladies’ Gold Brooches, the latest. Diamond, ere and Wedding $88 for the. wales, or aug kind of a tS youcwish. Ladies’ Gold and Silver __ ee untr r foD have bai oh tails, Ehe.' ‘money, are bo om American Mieshasies a have profited by Aaa oS t argément, bed t to it, ied’ to the minds of bis hesrerten. sie P. iH. H. Bastendorff, “Next. dpor to to C. Hasenpfl a; Hotel,,Milverton, mene s A Nice Fall Suit That’s' what-every man wants, and” KNECH- TEL, The Tailor, will make you-one that will make you.one that will fit perfectly and giver you good wear and satisfaction, A Handsome Line of Suitings to select from. Suits from $10 to $30 Qvercoats from $10 to, 25: “Drop..iax and leave your orders . with. LULA = E. H. DIERLAIIM Milverton’s Great a Bargain House. ath tes the same time naming WS > Ws \ \ 1 = We-wish to draw your attention to: our Ladies’ Jackets In this department we excell all others. We just opened up this week; our second shipment of all the latest in Jackets. In selecting your Jacket for the wintersee ours and be convinced as to style and quality. Special showing of Monto Carlo's Millinery Department Only a tew more weeks and our Fall Millinery season will be over. We have never en- joyed' a better season for Millinery, and will still endeavor to-do the k Can save you from 20 to | best’ we can. Fortescue Velveteen Velveteens in all shades in stock. for: Xmas Trade... EXCELS ALL OTHERS 25. per cerit. on‘all mil- linery bought from us. Clearing out balance ot Fall Hats for bal- ance of season. ‘ee GOODS. We: ‘are in a position with. everything’ for fancy work, Carry a com-<- plete range ot all colors™ in these goods, Don’t forget we will be headquarters this year, as in the past, - in this paper. Xmas Goods. Keep a watch on our space”: PRODUCE WANTED. _E. H. Dierlamm. The Milverton Sun le THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1902 GENERAL NEWS 9 tbs Ontario plebiscite in 1894’ only 192,489 votes were cast for pro Hilgion and in the Dominion plebis- le in 1898 only 154,498 votes were A disastrous fire broke-out at Rat Portage on Friday last when the mam t w estimatad loss is about $300,000. ale i Willison, who has for the elee years been editor of the a a Globe, resigned, and intends in existence or bring into being a new morning daily. The check forger who has been de- various merehant in Kingston. The merchant |™ euspeeted..the fraud and engaged his mrancim conversation until the arrival ot the police place u arrest This is the same fellow whowdone up so-meny of the Steatfond merchants, realizing over $100*in his eperations there in one Sauaclege And it was a wet Saturday:too.- = A custom prevailes among the Varess, (a tribe among the mountains between Persia and India), that ap- urs most strange to us. ‘here things. The women-choose thei bay bands,-: ‘and not the husbands their, wives, Ifa woman is pleased with a man, she sends’ the drammer of “the. camp, to pin a~handkerchief .to--his cap with a pin which has been-nsed to er hair, The ..deummer} watches his opportunity, ‘and:tloes. chis The man-is.then- In every town and village may be had, th that makes your horses glad. have often time heard how happy beautiful France was in her le, and the Pre ly the con- ing the vitality of the r The distillers see that their craft is in they have subscribed one danger, au million francs to defeat ther measure M. Jones, .of Bow best known ates house, all efforts to ‘haa! ibis family}: or anyone else hear were ansuccessful. was told why, but. thinking it was feeding the stock, “He w: ‘morning, when his son Frederielg why estas nit ‘haw — pay her price to herifathars, A sp Frontenac County fact that for the oe four years the council has been saving money, hav |- t $18,000, despite unusually heavy e>- ie penditure. audit about four ae years ago revealed a doficit of over i Mica $30,000 v. EON. Bitker, MzA., B.D, of Serif will in all tklihood succeed Rev. Dr. Chown as pastor of* Broad way» Methodist His acceptance of the ci dently expected, and hoped for. Mr Baker has been stationed Belleville, Port Hope and Chatham. terville, near Cornwall, Couri was killed in one of his peddlers, Kelliah Abrvham WwW ig-unknown here. Abrah: Well, there, too, spirits have |*F will attend. Bot know a distressing death Sunday. faring oe the hig! vine javurdey~ night the (Toronto Telegram.) wind: came un-| Canadians who pe not admire the fasten oe aad: hearing it, Mr. Joness | canse which Edw: e arose shortly after midnight, and went | thé ‘aseec: out to shut it off, when ational lose tovileed te caught between the on heels. The| drawal of Bias ‘ing e ince from the | service Mrs, J2ness heard him.going out, and | G8 stayed in Canada and attained power 4 would have been too bi t rpurd to serve asa dupe for the noth. Government till between 7 and 8 o'clock Sunday |” which enable a aE 9 eS attai to’ nssist |are the very qualities which unfit a special audit of the books of the uncil reveals the at Napane ,. A. brutal murder took place at Ches- on Saturday. Syrian merchant his own store by Vhether they-tind'any quarrel or not Just as h Syrians are well Edward is No. Eeh - pery qualities ihe ak ale r usefulness after he does at with ‘the choresxyThe arm was nov{jvan-for usel at badly: mptilnted sat the severe shock ‘Bie jah irelip rains ope resin va foccasioned-by every revolution of the | greatest: loser in bivfailures Ee eft wheel in-the high ale. that’ prevailed |ed thesqualiti eel. <'Th@-cel and.the-exposure ,was too. much./for on wriggle" throughslime: in. 2 te ay is aysterayand he lapsed into uncon iS Cae wal nie the erigser A sciousness. about. .noon, .and passed sows forthe than she fighter Ia eel Pelook... inn politics... H Geoalr” Coalr The coal famine is now’a-thing of the past, and you= ‘stuyed in you get.one of our. had o0 Radient. Home Base Burners is coming with its long weary nights.- "| can safely buy:that COAL STOVE that you had promised? ©) yourself, ‘and enjoy lif€ with comfort, now that the cold winter This. you can do only ifs ¢ We can .say.with- pride that:-youeantfizd? the owe store” vowts chielarpest ‘and best assortment of Stoves in the County. Call and see-our-stock before:you buy: elsewheneii-c. si ia ae