‘ a man, don’? ty The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1902 The Sovereign Bank OF CANADA... Capital Authorized $2,000,000 “Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Office, - Toronto HLS. ee an M. SEE a, n. Manager MILVERTON. “BRANCH. yw open for the transaction ‘of GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $1 and upwards. received: Savings Bank Department Interest allowed on deposits from date of deposit, and ‘currant: rate- lawed, and compounded half-yearly. Deposit» receipts Special at tention given to the collection of . far- mers sale notes- ie! R, J. Ranney, - Manager bps ts should call at their office at the mill, The glory of Admiral Dewey; who wan the world-renowned naval victory at, Manilla a few years ago, shines dimly beside that of the combined German und British fleets who cap- -tured at La Guayra a Venezuelan squadron of fiye ships without firing a shot, Pee AS a result of the conferences held at Montreal between Sir Charles..Tupper, Mr. . L, Borden, Hon. Geo. B; Foster and other prominent conservatives, the announcement was made that ‘Hon. Geo. E. Foster would contest the approaching bye-election in North Ontario, the seat having been ren- dered vacant. by -the death of Angus McLeod. Mr. Foster is ene of Canada’s shrewdest financers and his return vo the Canadian House of Commons will be in the best interests of the country ‘as well as being a decided acquisition _-to the strength of the Opposition. * The. Boston Bureau, in a recent. issues, offers some good advice to Englishmen. It says: e most poeetostig. sign of the times from Canada States quite in the fons of -people in Wenaye Dink deposits of $450,000,000, a gain BP $200,000, ns in five years. Canada may well challenge thetmond ta matshe .”? mused chon that’s all right. cine ra eae for fi Benevolent British Rule (@etroit Tribune.) ‘The British have been harshly eri cixed for keeping their grip on Egypt, as been a benevolent a1 ssinice the founding of the Ottoman Binpive One View. of Temp: (Ge bes ‘Sinith, ) a do not bi » in prohibition, pus believe re a the. ToRenien any sa uloon, which is the B he dange' rof 1 eh e trade, a 1 aoe cee st nn astioe to. : fan talee apie Noveliiea ates we ised: ttl, |. 8. Kerteher. ee J. €. Grosch & Son | Christmas Gifts mu ‘sure for us to show as well. We carry the best stock of up- i 8. i bg sey Go to E. H. prance the best > es wedding presents try Kertcher’s | place in town for Xmas gifts. ixed candy 5c. a lb, at Weitzel &| No tter assortment of Preece ~ | candy and ae in town than at E. Best cream mixed candy 10c a Ib, Dierlainm wt E. H. Dierla Basten ee carries the finest line of ahs Peon uestaeh remedy, Perune ladies’ gold watches that was ever in| for sale at Jas. Torrance 23 Ibs. Redpath’s erabuaa sugar i ‘he by Trinity Sunday for $1.00'at Weitzel & Mobee School at the Donegal school house on Taaess the 23rd, oh Seema place of business is tland. Ni ha The Milverton Sox and the London | vicie tire tufon Res eee fail Daily Adrestisor for Lyear for $2.25. Subseri and see the fine bracelets and ladies? ald guards, they are the latest, Everyone guaranteed, P. H. Basten. lor ff. ‘Hello! Santa ‘Claus ¢ Never have we made snch preparations for Christmas as we have done this year. We ask you to bring the children to see the grand display of Toys which are all new, no old stock from last year. Our China display is.the best in town. Silk Handkerchiefs is one of our special features. Cotton Handkerchiefs for children. | We have them from tc up. SW a sy ake ie ee Mr. Eli J. Jacobs has moyed into the house vacated by ‘arry Martin. Se Vivibawauiieun Vols sy iy sty = .. We Bs no room to quote prices on every- thing, but a few line: i gare _ He is oe Bre Minnie |= Rothe drop of tea ee asenpilug. i - iE oD ia Bid Rev. Canon Dann, of London, will ig endorff keeps all kinds of Fes, deliyer his famous lecture on “Ireland ee xenv’s gold.rings.. They are-up-land the Irish” in the village on the rere 15th of January We ie ve the finest assortment of heen goods ever shown in town. « Dierlamm.. @7s . . We ae Polite but New Nuts, If you want cheap, cold stored nuts you have to go to some other store for we do not handle them. New Filberts 11c., Walnuts 14¢c., Almonds 14c., Dsaerioes ISG Peanuts 12%c, Raisins 8c., Currants 8c., Dates 7c., Peels 17¢. - GANDIES . . Vai Special Mixed 5c. Ib., Jubilee mixed 8c, Cream mixed \oc., Fancy Cees 12%c., Finest Chocolate 15¢., Gum Drops 1oc. All other lines in same proportion. ~ -» TOYS .., We have so many that to quote prices is- almost impossible. Come and take a- look through, it will cost you nothing. - . CHINAWARE .. We have a nice display and prices very reason- able. Berry Setts, 13 pieces, $1 up to $2; Water | 3 Setts, 8 pieces, $1.25 up to $1.50. Fancy Lamps, Vases, Cups and Saucers in endless variety. Nats of all kinds—almonds, wall- nuts, filberts, niggertoes, peanuts and a pe cocuanuts at er’s. 1n fancy ease pipes we carry an en f less variety from 50 cts. to $5.00 be Miss Rebecca McFarlane, who has Sua for a Xmas gift. ©. S. Kane been visiting in Russell, Manitoba, for che: three months, returned home on Mon-| ye Te IR OR I Ie Ie Se SY he Se SS OO SY person wishing. to obtain. one Ae: Bieter Bros. handsome calendars © now showing. a- beautiful Ww line of framed and unframed pictures at one a She an aal bout ex. {from 10c. up to $3. What is more eas PRY PRS SH feehle toe OMicuas aoe Os S. Kertcher, For sate—The MoeFarlang home- 28, con. 12, line of games not of 250. acres “with pales here—at G'S. Kertcher’a, | arge-end ae buildings, place has larg orchard and is well watered . to-the Sa at E, H Fuller particulars will be given next week. Acwi Dig this Xmas Mr. W. D. Tyan Gane sday sold the farm one by © the es Tell Jacobs, lot 14, con. 2, Monee to Mr. Montia; of Wellesley, fo The many ticnd ds of Mr. The stock and apie sold for |Hamilton will be pleased to “know $1478. that b ir ms te and und and will ti Patriotic exercise books,. scribbling | °* books, schovl text books and all sup Plies for the school room... Agent for wall maps and all me apparatus,— | woo Jas. Torrance, Milverto Sec. Caudle, lost heir, hors, MILVERTON STATION... sy Sie se be SM Sis SM he whe Sly Sis Ss ly ly ee ME SEE SE SE SESE SESE SSIES SE r Schwarizentruber has urchased the ash business from Mr. in and wishes all those who have he ashes. until | 3 Pipes, Purses, and Wrist Bags in great variety. . Try Us for Furs . W. K. LOTH Butter 17c. Ib., Eggs 200. doz, BRERERE REE IER REE ICICI Wiederhold & Honderich’s XBAS DISPLAY OF + Bros .shipped’ three cars ot | 3 Trinity Church Sunday School will | our to the Lower: Provinees during | have ‘ir rt e in the | the last week. Donegal ool house on teeny xpects to open up evening next, 28rd inst, Aduisson ee Sogo fe tered, 15 cents, Christmas-goods. 3 Salk and get a Lewes ie i ecrebers vise the stock. gets bro! AME” Jolin Wentnnts hie resigned his position’ as teacher of S. Be 4 as Me Be 7 Ye 7 Mr, Walter Dorland, of Stratford, has been appointed w the position, } Chosolates at 18s 0 1b, at B. ules) i i ss Faney Furniture Walkerton’s graye digger, walkin, in the streets the other day, ~ehunced to GOOD FOR I K Ss Gh iimac : ow at lis Best Few things are more likely to please a relative or friend Presem[es hana piece of Furniture. The main thing is to select some- thing appropriate, and we think this often difficult task will be found easy when you have such an aggregation of beautiful things to select from as we have gathered together this season, such as He stopped til ey d then followed them. “And why is this? they asked. “I guess I know ny place in this procession? he answered. What would be more suit- “ Choice ” ir nhs goods isour| able for a Christmas Present Ce tee ee than a pair of Nice Slippers? an a. pal The Suw’s cia number is now | P# - to hand. All sabscribers renewing We have a good assort- the fulkyear 1903 led te 1 r » Aver THEE tak nants iN ;| ment of Men’s and Women’s. DaataymUauibe Rel only those. who make an effort to eas one by renew- ing eurly will get Book Racks, Fancy Secretaries, Rocking Chairs, Fancy Tablés and. Stands, Hall Mirrors, Easy Chairs and Lounges, Etc., Ete. Wiederhold & E Vadersabing and Contracting HU MMMM TT lA Mice Fall Suit That's what every man wants, and KNECH- TEL, The Tailor, will make you one that will Come early ard get first pick. Yours, In toys, games, iheere Ionderich Everybody will be expecting a Christmas present. No other article would be more appreciated by the receiver than JEWELRY. Have you ever looked ‘through’ our stock, it solves the ‘what should it be,” problem. Call and see our stock of Clocks, Spectach Silverware, Brooches, Lockets, Tie Pins, Chains, E | Bracelets, and Rimys sct in any stone. make you one that will fit perfectly and give you good wear and satisfaction. It will be a pleasure for you to see our s-ock, and a plea- * A Handsome Line of Suitings to select from. Sults from $10 %6,$20. . Overcoats from $10 to 25 date Jewelry ever shown in Milverton, A call solicited. Temperance is 3 2. It-ig noreasonable nst’r practice however owe uiny view te fine up Of the. people Chie. baliaye to “bed, crime. . 1 think the result-on the. aati sels It points against ‘and in favor ‘of a more of re saloon? ee door to Gl Wishing you all a Merry Christmas. and: Prosperous New Year. Drop in and leave your orders with tb _Pi: H. BASTENDORFF, |\3 ' Jeweller and Optician. . Knechtel. Milverton’s Great E. H. DIERLATIM’S == Bargain House. | RanennnnnnnaeeetanneRDennnnnRREEETERANRERBERRRERE SM Ho! For Christmas Only one more weeks and Christmas will be here for 1902. know as well as we do that we always have had the best showing of Gilfts for Xmas, and this year will eclipse all former years. gifts tor sister, brother, sweetheart, mother or father, in tact for everybody. We have a good selection in We have Candy and Nuts — Mixed Candy a Ibe. You Royal Mixed: Cream Mixed 10e.: Butter Cups- 12v%c.“ Lozengers* 12°1-2c Ib. Gum: Drops* 10c. a Ib.- Best Chocolates hAGe <7 Bress Goods. Silks, Satins Linens, Furs Pillow Shams Handkerchiefs. ‘Mufflers, Ties Shirts, Gloves Purses, Toys Ruffs, Muffs Caps, Shawls, Drapes, Cushions Suit Children’s Fur Sets “More forbids Ladies’ Jackets ‘Perfumes Chataline Bags Ribbons. ‘Faney Braces “Chenille Covers Ready-to-wear Skirts or Overcoat Waterproof Coats Children’s Coats to mention but space . Sticks for - Pepperments XXX 12 1-2c Tb. Other candy just as cheap. NUTS 12 1-2c lb. 15c. a lb. 15c: .* 12 1-2c Ib. 2 Ib. for- 25c. 3 Ib. for 25c. Bordeaux Almonds Walnuts. Filberts Peanuts, best. Raisins Currants Peels 20c a lb. Sugar, granulated 28 lbs. for $1 SHOP EARLY. E. H. Dierlamm. The Milverton Sun THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1902, GENERAL NEWS CUED FROM ALL SOURCES Farmers in Essex and Kent counties are receiving from 10 to 12} cents their tabacco. tomers with coal through the railways confiscating it, a course. which is ae mitted by law when a railway driven to the last resort in pat at uel. There was crookedness in vhe_ refer. eudum election in London. In one}” polling subdivision there was a sur plus of sixteen yotes, which no one could account for, The men in charge of the box should be made to solve the question or pay a penalty.— Kingston Whig. “A never falling remedy for nervous headaches consis ue simply of she act of shat zee method of} © factor in the inldn very: slow, riven away by a similar process of reversal.” qT ‘anada Gazetta of Saturday has a nataber of applications for rail legislation which will be askec ee wens The ap plications in clude proposed railways’ by the ada Central Company, from e to Toronto ; from Keewatin to Fort hurchill, and two or three roads in British h ish Colambia Northern and Madcon Valley Ruilway is applying for a charter from-Nasoga Gulf, near__the | ¥00 _ mouth of the Naas River to Dawson Another application is for a rom Dire City to the bound: sh Columbia to connect for highwayman, with the difference in or | favor of the Iatter—as the yictim has) 4 | tributions for this and that and the}, es, [Other enterprise with which the aver- | gr, to |age victim has not the slightest con cern: is: simply blackwail—no milder |in con ICA akes short roads. ALE nd light loads, ood for everything that runs on wheels,” Sold Everywhe Made by IMPERIAL OIL CO. ‘Caiwplete:ceferendutu-revirns place |° the vote at 171,880 for the act, with 79,9 ml is custom of hawking about sub- seription lists and petitions of one sort and another is not only a crying evil, suppressed, aS got so now that be neanltsee tke subscription list promoter is not very far removed from the “stand and deliver” of the footpad some chances of putting up a fight with the latter if he so desires, Hawk- ing about petitions looking for con- Aes would soon stop this system of petty imposition —Chesley Enterprise. One of Nature’s Lary Tae (Stratford Herald. ‘It is not often these days is foregoing the certainty of selling that load fora nice hunk of ready ok particularly fine. load of c t to the Stratford not for | Durst, who has "| that he 91 ae agsint, the majority tor being} but a positive Batianes, and should be : a: Thos Roe, tile on road, 5 mnepoer es ‘oved 2 wt. the. Poople thought ho. mast rived at the home of Relief Gnd sbeen vainly tryin, figure out P to get fuel when the city has none to give them, elleve hisears when uti t, the genero has protuised. another’ load for next sii explanation to Mr. Durst was ter is the aah that in this case the name is wit! bheld. Milverton Council. Milverton, Dec. 902 Milverton couniil met. this Fy ‘m. in the office of the clerk. hair” connelllowspresent, Bundscho, and Kerteher. former meeting read and app) of building the wal the sum of 50c. for his labor in build ing walk. The nea presented a communiea- Si one walk, said Company that conneil have retai 8 per siihests wits yO. 8. Kertcher, seconded accounts were pre- of Smith and wliy pate Eaunefer, salary as collector, ic tor, $10 ; Mrs. Roe Rann ¥ la ¢ speci grant for work in connestion ‘vith cement walk, Moved by D. Binith, seconded by fi. Kertcher, that the collector. be credited with $8.75, doz and, pall: ta , Secont seeped {lis coming with its long weary nights. This you can de.onlyi & = for Coal £ The coal famine is now a thing of the past, and you can safely buy that COAL STOVE that you had promised™ yourself, and enjoy life with comfort, now that the cold winter” re syou get one of our oe, Hood Radient Home Base icine: We can say with pride that you. can find<in- our’ store: 1 the largest and best assortment of Stoves in-the County. Call and see our stock beforé you buy elsewhere.