SUPPLEMEN Milverton, Ont., Thursday, December 18, 1902. Elma Council. COMMUNICATION. ‘The Henoolk: ity) VOW ated eearnessa atest Ht t in hall, (Montreal Star.) ANS (Chieago Record.) ~ Fe eee amar neh borer Toronto, Deo. 6, 1902.| Industrially, , financially, conmerct-| ‘The Britons. whipped the Boe present } tuinutes of last meeting read | 7° TH¥ EDITOR oF THES ally, peoples ate progressive exactly as| but the latter are getting. a terriers dnd signed. I have just returned from) they are educated. The school hous ‘They're all writing books peters after going up to yote and the campaign. ‘The temper- Corry— Boyle—That { Neill & Co. the sum of $500, ae ing part payment of steel bridge ordered by |} Shi cuececded in patting ap a Bieary. oleae couneil.—Cd, majority of 210 votes out of a total! open school as a necessity of com- St. Thom th Coates—Boyle—That By-law No. | cess7 “Muskok i mas Times.) ‘ is of t up a tnajority ite. A citizen of Norman fs named Geo. er ea eeee pe wee nomination, of 1,087 votes for the Liquor Act. ROE lec cane yaya Hug, “When he was courting, if, he t Some people think Muskoka is the had asked: his sweetheart for a kiss He ar eee Ne apelin eevee jumpiug ott phadcand: aubbing: hugh ore eae. Le ee ere she would bave suid, “Why, George OBS Oe no: drinking lumbermen and shanty men Hug. ut the returns eS Ingres class (New York Sun.) of people and they must be classed| To abe Editor of The Sun—Sir; # ; Wicker ring ron and ae auong the intelligent. I think the |-phe interesting discussion about the Re ey. © Chelle) S man, |[stimations: 19 Fhe tereudads. 4416) white lamb belonging to the:yvoutbfal eagorehnda icles) great injustice to. the temperance |and innocent Mar: reminds ne ‘of Edward Beanp) 0 is pisitag i, repairing ‘eutvert, | People and ‘while the result is a great soni lines once ited by the wife of| relatives in Kanlak cee, as q G. | vietory, ta, thes. of the British: Per is about to. visit frends in Oh Rete eiler, $1.00 gravel; C-| Tr the Government had made the vote is sai t » SL ‘ ti as is said to be the largest man in the e Vatiance, ravel; J. W. McB compulsory one und compelled |. yr 44 rid:, Histheighties teeth inches.) 4, tile ; A. Wilson, $45.00, ditehing | ® nto vote Yes on "No" * Mary bad a little lamb def op gcse side . R. 20, 21, con. 11; Baruhardt &|(\c7) ie would: have ece was black with soot, _ | Walshe 57) pounds, wearse No, 10 hat Se ea TC SCERIACMIT ener eka ia bi nice clean froek he irl bar pater cenenyriy menty lt ante May) taken the majority vote on Dee. ath. | 4 dirty little Years old, and was born near “Winhl * -| It is very unfair that every man who “Now ice was an Tenet girl peg of | French-Canadian parents, - ins. did not vote is classed against the y sham ; whose statures were not above the . idge ; ofa eases -! Act and whether they are dead or] She only ord that meant average. ‘Where did t my tress Es Cons, yeah eoacs Germ alive’ ‘There are thousands who did ore other “of that land.” height?” asked Beaupre, repeating = ooraae ditain a AGdey, $7.00, not vote who would have voted for w York, Nov, Pay C.W. ae question of a friend to-day. “Je sais pas,” and he shrugged his vert con, 17} Me Willoughby, for old drain and #10.00 for g drain ; Np oa 3 iiverts cor 0 ee Br vel; T. Jickli ri ae Littie Progress Recorian ‘The telephone, it is said, is not mak ing mueh progress in Russia, And wonder feney at going to the ‘phone and yel h 3 ello! Te thee you, Densostkiy- y Heh pelle woe Sapte ge aoe ae .00, repain puis vel fi e i It’s Zollenschonskaffirnoe- eek takers 4g. | tious the bar room and the “treating A ee ee 160, putting in tile, cou.| tq ruined homes of the present and| |” Be ioghoe tera) Renae t d0 ets, bulance On| then realize the great resposibility want to know if Xiltero-| oy his early growth “My Tathers inaniskefflakil majnwekzvastowskoa Y-| clothes were never. cuit down to fit cibierski is still stopping with’ Dviso-| He was only 5 feet & 0, gra 2 2 culverts sontn on grader aud plow- d; ©,’ MeMaun Hove J a ilk ene cu the kinks ate’ ironed he. suns Slebbing st Russian names the telephone will not an ‘overw! ie suecess in‘the| Th he fol eee papers from now. u: 5 16: ee Ratcliffe, ‘or their example ware ma cement ; V. Sek eople may | land of the Cza til Jan, Ist, 1001, (with, the, exception a we say bat ee will be- ee a Pear i at ua amily Herald and- ee) . If we could only 15 Months fo! ar): “ on i get rid of our: selbabces andl wradlize 2 for $2. | |THE SUN 8 and Family fribvald andi.s:) rs one is & et ar pit I, Late cai helt tig wottengge fu 0 The vatae of the Toronto W. Makes Tine cele: bso Bat ile that every woman is our sister and i kddete ms siectal ois. |THE sec ean Toronto Globe.. oy Se ol Me Bape culvert “graveln increasing t! ire ae ion of The To- if gray elling TU. B&G. irdit', | would Le a far different, world ronto Woud ‘to 30000 before the end |THE BON, and aioe as Week da 1, $10.00, Ee a Fasinticiaer drain; ery man who has a yote should |of the year. ‘The World is considered| | Sun sete ‘avel :| protect kp boy) oF i eaede 's boy. It|the brikhtest newspaper fn Canada, Tt | THE SUN and Weekly Witness a 5 re angie! r to think that we must) js published every week day morning con, 21 D. G. Anderson. #500, | bury every year from 3,000 to 9,000 of |at o'clock. Its market reports are THE SUN ant Tot Daly ote printing debentures: G. cott, | our brightest. and brainiest boys in| the most accurate, particularly those Sota Pere repairing road con, | drunkard’s graves, to perpetuate the|in which the farniers and merebants | San 387.00, grader and | social glass for the few and to con-|are interested. W. Mill .00, statute labor! tine the so-called personal Hibert, ty.| Any reader of this paper who men-|_ refunded Ca. ‘Those who did not take an interest in| tions this offer, and. who. sends $3 be- Boyle—Corry—That. the council do} the campaign to belp on the great | fore the ex a year All eeete ea now adjo journ to. est. again on the tect alors will ba considered part- rei up to ‘The regu- Ith Dees eat at 10.0. my, for winding uers,in the liquor. traffie and: are/ lar price of, The, World ts $8 for one up the business of the year.—Cd. counted in the vote against the Aet. | year. i Puy DRE ooRS morning 1t, Burvanrox, clerk. | "ihe laws of the land say. that. in-| paper published in Canad Head ites, F, Wileslin; Ont. ean gs a Z toxieating Hoan ee ates lke on| A annie 60 ee ATE World et ’ {Pv nid geemenea: election days and between the hours | seen at this office. with tl ; a Western Advertiser of seven o'clock on Saturday eye andj should be sent by. ze Wonder Mi beret IN. 1901. t eight o'clock on Monday morning. | by postal note ews-| From the Director's Reports the — eee Ir it is bad on election days and frou! | paper Co., Toro aie dt-49 | following figures are Asi exhibit: B seven o'clock on Saturday eve until g the progress of the com: A Weekly, 12 Page, Beetle Monday aiorniag MEA pean ae compared oe the pes ts year. umn Paper equally bad any other day? Report of 8. S. ie bith Ellice, for es, e Wook at the inéousisteney of the Maver ‘ried geet Sent to any address in Canada or the | following,—A prominent hotel-keeper - | Amt of applications pat aa oe United Bees ‘or Seven Cab in Huntsville the ot id that PA ered tent at ts a vear in adv: segs Be he had a nephew and would consider “The racaige of the pupils of S. ps able premiums sent to ai ita dreadful thine if et aes turn ee 8, Ellice, for November is SC] TB. out to be a drunkard, alone a son lows: Lage of his and said that if boys were| Sr. 4th—Austin Gropp, Pie Egbert raised right they would not be drunk-|Sehneider, John Reis, Oar cul ep ards, If that was the ease in every |Fowler, Geori _Senmidt, Bale “Gestern Advertiser” — | er wee We ogytodiink, | Relig, Se ra aga | a as ‘The question comes home aah a fee Ape io Prt i oe bab ‘of it | VS Ae d “Farming World” | bose co Ee Ibee boty anavedal to mnkee| Het) oe "Sri‘Lizae Sehinlde, naigtine a <——_| up the number? It therefore becomes | Ropp, Eedy, Elsie Ri hert, SENT FOR- a duty, ineunzbent on every parent, to | Menno Hepp. 3 John Schwindt. — | business during war against this monster evil aud use | Myrtle Hartman, Mary Becker, Lizzie $1 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE | very effort in their power to wipe it|Kreuter, Effie Crawford, Pri from our beloved Radand then in-|Schmidt, Charles Cawston, John Balance of this year FREE to all sub-| stead of fillit ing drunkards, gra graves they |Crawford, Susie Ropp. Part &nd— seribers of 1902, will potas Paptog it Eternal Song. | Willie Gropp, Aaron Nafziger, Nettie “Th aking: ou ae “esi for the Ganson, chemise Wear ih ADDRE! pace in jaable @ ids st ye WESTERN ADVERTISER, "Tremaln yo ours aba iner, awtord, eo ae) 1st—Charles | LONDON, ONTARIO. TH Willie ‘ Dae : ff a? SN s J 108, Waarky, [setter