a MARRIAGE LICENSES ae anseckk S@RICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Che eee “It Shines For All.” > ae Vol XI—No. 52 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1902 M Mack wllitor nd Publish The Milverton Sun ‘SPack. ler [om Beatie. $30 00 $30 00] $16 00] 86 ¢ Half column, 16 00] * 9 00) 9.00, 600) 3 6 00] 3 00) 3.00} 2.00) Transient Needs are charged the rate of 8c. per line, nonpariel, for the Brot insertion, soi ae . per line for each sue- _sessi tiga .T. R. Time 7 Table. Traius due to oe Milverton. SORT "Medical W. EGBERT, M. B., M. D.C. uate of College of ssi sn a of London Crosrltal, ae Engh Office ‘near of Post Ollive: Milvecton, Out. Telephone connection with Poole, Brunuer, Lutheran Chnreh and Rostock. ~ grad AM. Paxtoy, Berton Soo, Ete. ‘open every T Wm. Burton's Buck, flat Se Beatixtry of Dental Surgery and aera. College of Ds ns of O D, pan. ove Biokbsiver Brea! ‘wtore, Baia Veterinary ver » Or Jolley ees J. Milve Graduate io ts votsrinacy o ieee sll “ts eases of Ssentifially. calls promptly atte enie or otherwise, day or neta and Chronic Discases ded ight. @ speaiulty. 2. W. BARR VETERINARY SUR- HON, Mily “uute of Ontario co eatepee Colle; "ge Toronto. )| “treat oe diseases of domesticate Calls <alepat or otherwise eae atten aa Livery in connection. times, Weguge tran specialty noctetien €. 0. F., No. 99, Milverton, meets every second and last Tuesday of e So’clock, in their ha Bothasrinel’s store.” Visit la brethren al- ways welcome. Geo Roe, C. R.; Bei seri eventary, £0. 0. F, “Silver Star PFS roe 3 No. ilverton, meets’ every Friday night P.2,itheehal, post aie building brethr he always He Goalie, ® Vi EK Loth. W. D. WEIR, ower for the Coun ties of Berth and Par ititlses sts yan Paria. Stun St., Proprietor, iS Dee iligstaiat, ‘Mestgagce Ucateu-abe | Affidavits made. Baitilf fith Division Conrt. Villa; rk. Office, over Grosch’s Shoe ; Store, Main steeet, Milverton, RLAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton. Bus ipsa mall truine, All citizena au travellers culls promptly attended to. Wm. Hotels EXCHANG HOTEL, Braver. OW prietor. Best: liquors and eigat ebar, First-class accommoda ey liege etabling. EP pS aia L, Milverte First-class accom fi eer and ier (00% raving fiqnors and cigare. SW. gna ant ce i Aideuidsin, trope er of Main a HOTEL, Milverton, tlt he, aceommodation for comme iar Sorel unden: ‘of nd, BR, R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate pores daatuicnttioats il ehickeus and th ~~ | dozen at Kertchei Misceltancom EN pe eee in Cedar Posts, sl Pumps, ete. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, es ont. LOCAL NEWS. Merry Christwas ! Mixed-enndy Se a tb. at Kertcher’s. For a ‘beautiful raglan ty Koechtel up a man’s oe if you wane pie opinion of y Plenty of goods to ten New Year's Titts frow av C. 8. Kertcher’s. 2 rose may be due to the rays at | OF ty sun or to the rais of the glass. r. Duncan MacKenzie, of sens edi School, is home on ‘his holi- TH “beautiful snow” becomes the ‘axliest thing on earth uext day after m thaw, There does not semain « dollar ef ™ iA .m | uncollected taxes in Milverton for the year 1902 Ivis not the gold a girl Porseetes oe pekrs be carry a “high hea Us the bras Can Dany in bis “Ireland and pad bh” wil > re 5 £3 jaee i tisha wells many eke laugh. Jav. 15th, Christmas services will be held in Trinity Church, onl at half past two o'elock on Thurshay, and at half past ten velo a Mata Mr. George sh tax collector for the south half of the township of Mornington, has returned his roll, having completed kis work, every dollar having been collected. Fresh oysters always in stock at CQ. S. Kertcher’s. The Stratford Beacon was the suc- essful tenderer for the work of print ing Mr. Win Johnston's history of the county of Perth. The work” will 4e completed wetue in 1903. It is to be hoped that Mr, Johnston will be able vw dispese of his entire edition. Missouri editor spolonizas to his | readers for the duck of ne which shows civntey wait aac ey Ccheawat vat of ie items.” This is an account of an Towa County Bair for lust fall, the local pxper where the fair was held: “The poulury sahil consists pet two Le hare) and an owl. Ini ii cows ate the corn, #nd the fair aijunetaed Oranges from oy cts. te 60 cts. per ‘This is the way a weekly paper ex “How dear to resses a rite idea who laid down his money anite ly and casts round the « bali dbohcer Be sever cha catty Te Teanntt nite te Bi getting more Papers tow tha io Gack baphiic lea tara iy likes it infact thik it «real Kousehold | need, How -welcome he is when the a in the-sanctum, how he aukes our heart dance! thank him, thesteady sabseriber whe pays in advance.” Another aes of the energetic and ‘up-to-dat pagement of the Toronto ete given the refiders of that journal this week Tv is only a few nionthe since Emer: 1 Hough's novel, the Mississippi Babi, was phiced on the book m eU which time greatest selling book in the country. At the height of its popularity The News has secured the exclusive serial rights of this great story. John Law, of tai pator | that gigantic financial seheme. which fur more “than +100. years han been known as the Mississippi Babble. Emerson Hough in ‘hiv great historical novel, tells the romantic story of John Law John Law was Cecil Rhod and J. Pierpont Mongan ‘combined, he was more than Urat, ‘as financier, siplomas adventirrer ge in a 3 5 Pg 3 = | afew remarks regard les | th Bor wedding presents try Kertchers? Some nice pees and tweed suit- ings at Knecht Miss we: recital will be held ia Sines hall-on Monday evening. In fruits for the New Year's ade we have an abundant stwok. C. Kertcher. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunbar, and|®' family, are pecntinr their helidays with friends i Miss Watson 2 resume her duties as teacher of vocal music the first |* eduesday in the new year, Knechtel tnak cintty of upp! boys home for their holi days, with suits on short notice. E es a 8) Per erhaps the worst thing about rheumatism is the apparent necessity vf listening to eyerybody’s cure for it. The bye elections for the _con- stituencies of North Perth, Nort Norfolk and Nort Grey will be held on January 7u ses Eek Massecar and Oarris t lefe far their respective ‘igo at Dunnville and Stratfor ea on me Y | Monday afternoon. to In Geeks aud fruits we are leaders, C. 8. Just ean ee for the good may do, it pa be said that Santa aus never puts Signe ia a stock- ig tbat isu’t darned nea As we p seve oe ago Meme due Toraig centaur Aru. strong have been elected commissioners of District No. 6 by acclamation dered rian Srotcegea from Columbia Paley here he has been He ne 5 A g British Columbia than ever, The girl who is shy, ere days, is not bit) the exception but is in in suciety, Owing to Fie North Perth vincial byeelection taking place on ¢| Jan. 7th, the regular meetings of the North Perth Farmers’ which were to have taken anes at Atwood and nnadeec on Jav, 6th and 7th, have been postponed until Wedontay and Thareday, Jan. 28th 29th and An item going the rounds of th western newspopers is to the following effect: A Michigan woman who ha: had a tusband iu the State peniten- tinry for about five years ix. evidently se ling lonely, She wrote to the Gov- as follows: ‘Pleer yoor majesty dau hieianel ia if for no. other reason than to see his three children which has been born since he left.’. Chatham Planet, Now that the oynter season is here is this bivalve might not be amiss, Epicures naturally like to know what they are eating and if those who are_nddicted be anade nequainted with te wlits and eccen Bia’ Tain anch, ands sks of he third distiogished hy the bilateral synmetry of the heterogn con- vexity. Tie‘ dnis bibl juglidiace oe t believe this ask C. 8. We are now nearing the end of the! year 1502. vaid it not be well for ayecy lity to put forth an honest effort to square binslf with the world be- just right to expec readers who we i rears on sab y all 6 course: be ade ape.” Fie re- ceive the same note ir adozen debts are dischar ure the matter out for yourself, ae if honest, you'll S spend the honeymoun. fore the year passes off forever iuto; north of Listowel. Mr Andrew |é the receding pa : agen ten and e have a great inany on driving home from owing small amounts, and agsin we} Li horse belrind are indebted to Pee s who have a an deanelivhed. Oe alse aig gifts can’t be beat. S. Ker Mr. i cer is spending “a tew ate visit a Sendak Cargill. t-class price will: be paid fo first SrA hard wood deliyered at the | Sux off Nuts of all kinds—almonds, wall- uts, filberts, niggertoes, peanuts and scocuanuts at Kertcher’s, Rev. Fr. Fogarty, parish priest at fesde died on Sunday afternoon as of @ severe ea ck "of pneu- pia. J. = Pash te who has been ill from a severe attack of pneumonia, is able to be about again. Hes sar one kiss, but only one, rong if you have guessed Sha chided him foe what he'd done— e gave him all the rest, Of ull the trees in the wood and field, here node, like the Christmas tree ; 0’ rich and i yields The eee of trees is he. Among those who have returned to Milverton to spend theit Christinas holidays we notice Miss Ethel Egbert of Toronto University, Gerla ‘Tucker of Norwich, Mr. ngford ot London Normal School, Mr Geo Satie of Owen Sound High School. A smartly dressed young woman was rambling along a road when she meta small urchin lugging a bird's nest with eggs in it. She brought him up sharply with: “You are a wicked “Oh no, she oan't care !” said the boy, edging away, she’s on your hat.” week which Yorkshire feniale two years old, and had won many. pri t was di cidade the — finest ever acaliored “iit Welledley. aril! many admired it as it was driven through the village on Monday.—Wellesley Maple Leaf, i ei ff 1h ited and only th A Seiler |W Astaly itan moddeeg coke place ac | 20 er ‘ed and only those whe the Lutheran parsonage, Rostoek, Tuesday, when Miss Lizzie Grab mpited in aueteeray to Mr. Conrad on was Ice. of ased to mote that Mr. |b” rare is the fruit he ab Miss Maimie |° it | Naiamith of Berlin Model School, Miss |" pie Ri elie cobtol ee John Hill butchered a ft ie this | bo! 860 ae foe catarrh ened, Peruna, ‘t Jas. Torras oa oe get a picture at Kertcher’s before the stock gets broken. Mr. Isaac Atkin fell on the d tured one step the obhercday and fract f his ibs but is aidar along very well, P. Harold, D. Stewart and A. Me- Donald wilt contest Nurth and Sout h Easthope in the county council elec- tions. The result of the nominations for ing tha field, Donaldson Hammond, Mokearai ae Bachan. The heart of Mr. Louis says that he was looking for a yoter as he already set a eae! of four girls. atch night service will be rah es—Peter Caudle, ee ae Auchors, itioned here—at C. S, Kertcher’s. exercise books, Paice books, Suhel text books oa all si Agent wall maps and all sel apart, — Jas. Torrance, Milve woun so Charli about again, The concert given by Trinity Church Sunday Sckool, in the Donegal school Tuesday ev wi ikely be, init ne in Trinity Chareh next at Sunny will be specially for young m The Slap ioe number is now o hand, All subscribers renewing ie ah ta ee 1903 are entitled to a however, the make roto sen one ph rene ing early will get Miss a wave ‘held her Schnevker, one CMe most recital in Grosch's hall. on Friday esteemed townsmen, Rev. A. Blunek [evening of last She was ably~ performed the ceremony. the happy {assisted by Miss Jones, violinist, of couple left on Wednesday ig fer Snginaw, Michigan, where they wil No trouble to show goods whether you buy or not. Everybody welcome at ©. 8. Kertcher’s, e new smokestak on Pfeffer Bros: flovring ohh erected about a year ago, Tn an came two grief on Saturday Inst. effort to move x ne rods was broken with such force ae to drieg the stack wat of the plo awhen it h. inane it struck “Oid Prince,” de yard horse, Aatce him w earth, pally incising him abent the hen vis Pieffer, he time, hind a narrow esenpe being strack, The work in the mill throagh the accident kas been somewhat handicapped ax this is a very busy ‘season, but the Veduesday aed busi i ess ix going on ag usual. H Acar yada fatality Searle Saturday. after. |1 noon at the railway crossing, on. the third line of Walle about two milen| i sad was coming down. horse and endeavored to hold it back | cjuntil the train had passed, bot the avenble crossed | 4 the track immediately in front of thei engine. The horse which: they were lending, together with the fie, struck by the cow extcher, te hits | was instantly killed aud en rig almost. ‘The occupants| were thrown hari to a distance, but ng News ing to square up the little | Exchange. find it not only satisfying but _gratify- le accomnte | seas heyund a few bruises nppearanee, Miss several “hits daring ub Fnsoaipllag, wilife Tottnhce. cod John Milbausen, was espec ere ‘Revs, ‘ain from Stratford Bathby: a Be io) Rev, They stopped their| Aulay. Each of the e Radteesk jilmepered fe anecdotes, singieig was much appreciated, Barelas, of did vecitation in her usual This is probably the last <4 ieinles and n severe! for the old church, as the new edifice shock they were unhurt, Their escape wifi Bkely be ready for rei in ks sniracnleus. ikye: St. Thomas, who performed exceed. ell, ‘bei ly wel ‘ing encored on every Wi ‘atson singing of her pare ae “Mabel Pe ‘Li eters, “Liazie McFarlane, Millie M is cially eredit- able. Each was reccived with gre Seen Miss White presided at the piano, ‘Tt was'a subject of general thie the pupils of Miss Watson id attained great. prions, in vocal ulture-ender her trainin, dn loys, games, him, faney ds, nays ete, we lead. id. C. “4 ate a BURNS. The North Rttisih Presby- terian charch has always been noted for its successful avnive and aries ea meetings, aud this year’s proved te ve no exception to the general tale, n Sunday, Rev, The weather for the vea-meeting on Mouday even ng was not all that could ie desired, put the church wns well filled, and . Onmeron, 06. The speakers of the cKinnon and Mr. M on “companionship,” were p: particularly instructive The Listowel Metodigg chow, under the leadership. of Mr. Dowell, was present, and. their Miss splen- od forms. Britton, rendered a’ ie Dhe wrogeedle namvaute t Sag L