OR BLINDFOLD ON THE BRINK OF PRECIPICES ===> bathe my isee with cold water © [have been. “the catastrophe of this. recover me. ‘si (To Be Continued) EUROPE’S GRANARY. first fear; aia ste Chee Ss “-There’s an i as. jous yout “2 . ut what need fi ve | ee ae never done caedee | rs 5 5 é men: remembel- Great Possibilities in the New for t fi me that I had Wil = bo ile Dam fel ‘he latest stage of the Gpbuttding | iiote little scene was not lost to the sharp eyes Montgomery. peg shies noting it, but he made no rem dosian peat to hector, and. boast a he wouid do if he were in my | Sg XI tt imagined vith eae Heocus inveret 1 listen gome’ ny’ 3 Btory for it ark that in Judith mare father iS recognized | daug! not ae oceunted very Tong Balers i to Tal eg puzzling, sn ae to ‘he ee us hice Pints of Little ‘ ae dal APP 4 the same time, the! What was I doing? f ns, or whatever they iad love for one Woman, while an- th Tr ether 1 elde ntgomery of | the identity of ‘Bill’ Sto with } my late matey) but for various and |¥ I decided in the was not so reticent. a an expre! which narrator hn him. is did promise. s little faith in his keeping ea orld ing of ie new bile |dounne the product whose soi ‘i ol yiaitet erate a [will become the somehow, I you wane make an ubt,”” Bee the Seed onl skis to optimists say oe fi math sa. nid Josiah nea Sia Ms oe contrast eo many: 5 ngs about ot exeent auiong bh |sect, n- | tow s an oper ~ Rodival a ‘y "atel or © eonaregation he managed to ing atiat {te th goo! of < en, and aan the d ned ouane or. deacot call “themselves, ong ghapel, got | other appointed. So.he vert: topes silts of agricu gine [development of Egypt in the ne ears, hae we |to has an ‘that it er Ey ne’ scorer into the etm nat S weithy he thought of ‘the bona | shinee “ine| that. bound me ne him and his, and i oud fevers e so utterly ye p— | he Ln 2p up a train paint Bethlehem, Tablee (Bouts Habana : ® | erop by yee: oA ie once in thbes we 2. Panes feeding could claim me as h menial poena ote ret ae aah over were the rage oe then, he droppe ie thinks asks: Ju “His aay 0 a tidy more. es In 7 ril. When ibe crops aS ° rhe set up that nursery for ie r, but cour’ Ss open 1 a pe een the antidi" ads to! OMe There was a good | to see hee for a last i DIS EF | a Bea aid: shot isle ys ex liokec ulin wicker ome da ‘pro=to2 e “oe De ae ote Montgomery's wrath 0 be dizrogarded | in his drunken But the stant the te a sei opal Toalthe+ (Bo) forfeit my liie, professors it | don’t know where to lay my hands upon him at this eta erat ame. Is_ a man | he very with stubby biack hair, a large |attention at vald icked up heaps of things shout ‘the | Mr. Montgor mery ‘aber out n't feel at in ‘interested | to bear Whi! ere sennings came down is morning’s wor Stokes and his’ ‘tus whole night. mouth, nose twisted on one abide, and the faery leg: at’s: the man att he, the | eres ae “the Pate hours ice hun colada ee eeipeel bo ted | Martha. tae a good laugh ee min- ee bli t puch pgatnee w that this discov- de, drink gin < shall believe cate Dae ink: as ery would bring to light all “that so ardently desired to ‘keep. conceal- pip Mipneh’ the Rev. Mr have a visitor next Sunday that en little expects. Then he added thowghfully:, ve fool I must hav. have‘had any s ee ene “enter all the stories you have told me of thet men and’ his daughter! “ut, to speak thi much stiention m to th “A judgment upon you for your bad uanners cried Jostel me mm @ profes- nn “Bur out, a Scab fare fro go by the astern Counties "Station. Sw my business and his, # fat. do you mean to do?’’ ask- 1 mind; I will tell you all about it when I get. bac “Oh, ‘hab a iene | pevense it wie he made us be, for all sufier, to powl the old 7 crite clean!" hee Josiah gleefu can ~give min sine Peco ments—' oN or Heaven’s sake, do not mention ne name in any way!” TI exclaim itedly. andir 2 | ointing SAC advertiseme: read ie following: » his y med fo poe | te ts ae BrouEne seb i i I shall never ve without a Boe ithin 46 truth, I never paid | youse, I have a baby: aby’s Ow Heo her best dying able eakfast. confess teats had told me such a ‘thi my |] would not have believed. your Neither ae fab appear enol the ‘Pelograph between them and tl jkeen attentt ust ets your « eye Oye said, most. seater, 1 “bse ng man, bout five ie oe e: “Why not? asked Mr. os ons left ery, annie ehare orcad ing upon me one ae his old nen glance ee iecaiee eto —" I could ive a hat an you frigh He art you now,”” said slab, a ee “Oh. please to, ee that yor will not speak o: I pleaded. | he vane’ of? lee grave charge. Jo- | track.’ ar and \be ‘returns, but s! his ee ‘to a pari Ses “Bury St. Edmunds, a ne * adieu, and the om ° > sea ually began in Acapel he Poche T would a ey ee this has been altered, for ken Deore toe AYE jsbose, the dam at Assouan there Jand. reso assed Ses eee pe will ~ sometimes be daminec i ist excited, ugh of inion fs rk must make the THE RESULTS OF KISSING INSTANCES WHERE SERIOUS TROUBLE FOLLOWED. ruin ran like fire water over n of Gurara, in Cuba: and depopu- within a hours. panish anced nchor in sg sina n atural harbor Jadjacent to Curara v fore proceeding to Havana, was to crew to land ‘and a they went ort a body to Cu cae crew, pickes the very scum of Spain's tse Poptlation, sue included two or ho had been taken on t rads. by young Ciba ete te oon and her pretty face at trated” tie attention. of ae thar one mnember of the crew, and versati oon eincled around hr Winalleiauesat theca ur to her and leapa a her wi aware of his rain gana he hd ars HIRSTY SAILORS their brutal compan ion indled all ee fierce passions ir mi with liquor, and area tee akon to Kill the lover: Other the tr ito witefend the murdere ee and vel, and the | ater Bice aie will be mii When the | or tims ere was ri rnacle |go out as I entered, and te eee oe ae roads lay tome jen yet talking, ou Mr.| 1 could: not Gecline his proposition 0 to peoue es uncivil P| You make yourself mueasy avout “that palvartisement,’ sai we ked» along. ew anxieties, I fel! Plex Soeially that part about en touched polite: Hemel at Aone alue five on ake this fuss. ‘There Deel popst ns bears in this ‘thi an know of, or ch tell,” he a Seen asain ay pan Shake so well; trouble without gome re But, as I said ne It is wrong t wakef Pe m: rk. We hats ey 5 |to toes 2, It was Tae ee il sine it | and down the floor all night. sisting oe all n shaking off | moralizes the Well, ; and did not succeed | the parents. doin ati c eel the inde ntgomery Jo- 00, Pa ven to be ignored. ae te cualay y do Mon ; : se mntil miu . They see you wis cause jhe said, ast, with + pect | ae purer. Tr panpenes ve an Ba dla Gah cereus visite, ost demure of us. Remem- mation |ber_me to her.”” | He waved his hand and aeeme, ieee Ly as a fay @ sheet, and lage my fa must ha c Bari ike a char id eet eed ver it 3 ee nar’ nt. With the be the oor 2 as my own m stroll at.some ‘ast, ay from Tabernacle | site ar | all minor Flere You oan make from ge daee a $4 jer Week oraph that morning, m should other adve nts fig with he one 1 reveals - ; post paid, by writin young man cpasned so Dr. wine lef House, near | Brockville, br Au- | N.Y. 4 THE SHAH’s neteen years cc p8e. The bine in belghi iehy D possesso hair and ‘dar ic gaits had | children, 1,700. wi Re and | eh | people Will still travel miles d rly two hundred ioe Lae Psa Si EY aac ore st not throng en = | welcome them, as would beth this meet the eve OF Ge tine earepead count pas who deposited a suit of jrunning pes peers de e owner. et Rose Cot |carriages, ing out; ““Rur 1 oblige by | your: aie * and on receipt r ealitas Pe@H |this bint every =e by scampe y's Hot, jup a side street void the by, Teoking on i second eae coushed in 1e will be proceeded aj ™ fainted. ewspaper Rhee from | my T hought I should ha’ Mectha was obliged to aceinaes eile ave er hi [Montgomery wigs : turning the face to the wal he Shien it refer red only ~ aoe Had nd. atten to these} qt at At-Home.” 2 t might | you man caine in oon mas way to the hostess, greetin Tickling in the Throat. yor bre t ned to ten | cape detection by re Throat Irritation, Hoarseness and *\re Th > Relieved and Cured, by Dr. Chaso’s Syrup of Linsesd and Turpentine. ‘Tickling in the throat,” may ¢ 2t jis just beginn but this is ibs cold 01 tubes pay "dev: sina |sdvan end ina mend _Dr. ani : | Singets Ce OE eT aad tae} r going to, school resularly. Little Fad = “avn a aipne ae the single vey! the Chases Sy rae © lhe: in this aying. that he was captain ni 1 i “Ol st roat as woll as the Most Severe Chest Colds are Promptly [bie for both Of us to get lso we t apologizing lad {3 er hi al busy jus see How mice you WO) ance of disea: te Pie he 7 able remedy, and shall recommend it of “bie ahi? APE can rely on it are the ‘3 way ey po to ae rien What to we When Benety Is Fretful nd for tackin; wome “The news meres and the townspeo- bee away tatior think what they 4 follow the fugitives for ee 1d ‘one aes shey i eG Pinas ite re found but few, and thos they ki ite cd. From first to last four- teen men and two children fell their victims; their own, losses were — but three. t content with they set fire to ever their a enge ul : ik is wri up a | baby from the ine pean te it UD | heing Lightly. built 4 w008, de- Wi right merr thin e8| of their landing ra Wal deserted ‘but for its dead. And tc is day the name of the ship _ an¢ “5 the = are unknown. a kiss which practically de s in ashes es and | populated Baden, a town 0 feverish. Relieve: it ae re war ee am Baer gts ram at | an eS ina “etter from tle & f ton, the wife of the HG nea re Que. hie oT Eat eS too | ter we es h mp a Mee of Baby's Own Tab-| at what Te gee eet a fine e joke. for ml ie oanae ey e pat her prime ai attractive, The st Ee it pol pegplon wha would uu can net shes [nied away at once d ranzer kiseod w cual oaiseh hold | strange: hat the late pany Saas ere the epidemic away altogether, and numt Tis | is sate now utes ly des to | A siinilarly terrible Kiss 9 was ago by o- sailo “who. live Can- 1 port in Flor ida. Plague the sail sel a it reach ses Flori. way to ayoid the town, ical of pers | an eho te Fan in quarantine and a n. But it spoil that 01 he ere he believed him in the possible health. Shad a svetheart in the town, and termined to veclee: ordeke t8 28 ane see her ae managed to steal one ot thi boats and got ashore. But it as if he fads for he had not found eee te Ae him tc ship, sere to es "offic F 0 | wa play ying ‘a hand ever, for on his way imp) away, oi sere he fad ae a boat he rar of u eethe: He et ch | Hier and ata ther nat he had daret m?"* | to hav vord with her; and ¥ oF nd y Rae tan, absent-|ghe heard he had come froin jeaueess ntine a fled rror. Bu te ‘disease to Dec. 23. St. Louis, . 28. "2 E R 8 Closed — December, 704¢; May, 764c. | : A K F | : <a |Measures. Will be Taken to Pre- LIVE STOCK MARKET. Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc|oronte, Pes 28. = oday Trade Centres. =. Ay carloads of Dec. 23. — Wheat — The trade a ern gue: | * — Wheat — DANGER OF PLAGUE t Its ah in America. eto Health, ates has just eres feast |New Orlea disputable ‘ey plague does prevail in San ranciaco 8 d ee and there have been three @ of the dis ns per! } eaker, especially for | 18 known by the profe: Seedinm chile Scmbint tle was purchased for the ex port tr ate | port bulls ar bette bite iry at from N 34 to the Christ- | monic plague."’ Five different Sta of the Ui on: 2 e firmer, with a | 8t of last. Ju con- 4c per | vere confe of State. health. fe One’ wnppate Uy-reanire alti cr feeders or No. 8 at 42¢ | quotations eight. he s heat — Trade is quiet, and preioes no nomin al se hart 5c outside, | Ewes a ~ from 2 quoted. at middie | b Mar Ginastion at 45¢ west. No, 3 new yellow nominal at 50 to soree a ptinue une Ninety percent. patents The top price for 2.70 aia freight: 6: pers: ewe; send Straight hogs are quoted at §} Hogs to fetch the top pri eget be and Ge afore sale not be- | as fective ierenatess seals jof prime quality, and low 160 snr. Soy ae. Following is a . and Manitoba strong % $3.80 to $3.90. Cattle. PPMillfeed — Bran, $15 in ie here, er cattle... ... and» shorts at $17. At outside} Do., light. .. Points bran is quoted at $14, and Butcher cattle, shorts at $16. en tebe bran in| rdini gacks, $17, and shorts, $19 here. Baa es |stocks, per owt THE DAIRY MARKETS. Ss and La: a = se nee but- |r ainba, ck Bucks, t a ty. |Culled sheer, each 19e; choles, Sage tise special dairy, was, Fe Cows, p.17e; secondary gra 3 Ge an Calves, each ; ee piids, Br to: 226. {CA rket continues Light 5 Strict Heavy — ho; ge laid, - 25c:, fresh ston a ist #.. cold Sone © 208; lmed, deonio, it te Te Choose — Maret in steady: . ¥ quote: F 123 to 123¢; — sec- o 8 ows, per © is 19¢; Stags, per cwt. 05. ... aa compared wit! dnaes 19 to 13 Battle Between Russian Worlamen ne dues; ‘The ropore is e wi ee PRODUCE, Dressed gS are Sapa, with carloads diese at $7.25 7.40. | a pi are firm, with “seman é quote: ‘Bacon, clear, 11 to ite, in-ton and ie ¢ $21; do., short |back to work tirred up the Boba sae 14c; rolls, |000 collected 11 to 11 Cossacks atta cited demi prealttaxt bacon, org aang ana ‘wounding Ses er ts th 0 firs ri ‘a unchanged quote: —Tierces, Soldiers pound, 8c AT peer — The local thes e is a fair de- ad aight _duotations rel poehonee |e ed Gr in 1 hard, Manitoba, Tite Fort * Wilitam; No. 1. Northern, Gc Doceniber zh 30 strong bak io straight rollers at $4 $3.65, pay $1.70 to iv pumeres ties ©. $1.75; patents, $3.70 to $4.10. appointed by ats Co fe eee lances. xt a bags, ve 7" to 30 pre 1, "000 fos nai Brea sbat- t Last Yea: nee ares 103, “to us Jb; gee Bie r Ontario, 1240; "Tos anc; 4 ownshipe cre: fine creamery, tario cenaasers. _20Ke; “das 16ic for selectior ed States ports the ,654 bu: No. 1 Rovio, FA3C; 3. a heat slau Dee ; th to 774¢; | Was 77ic. Rye — Lower; No. 1, 513 ey States ee cows are a tri t good Dietane icant Bt ged on ce ch ran; ee of price: gs for live stock at the ‘Toronto cattle k- Yards to-day: | Sheep amb: s \Export ewes, per ewt . 2. 0 ‘Siab [9% trate er emt 5 filkers and Calves Choice hogs, per ewt .. SSeS \" rs ve| HUNDREDS KILLED. ses Rallene Seas gba00 ABT, ald rk with a eee anes thi “ny fade is fair, and prices aes kers rallied “agit attacked ithe were 1c; tubs, Lies pails, 114c; com- Aes their horses, kicked 10}¢. anit sige aie Bio tne [ee Ps = ¥ lotr Manttoba |p proletarian Amazons Yell “victims of ental stuns ee “thst pe ee day an overwhelming |imported” at San Francisco to the pla ; the — Millers’ prices to j s, meeting. ‘The demonstrations, ee ur bun nod ye "et 10 killed WHEAT SH SHIPMENTS, pieces Shows, er Increases contained ina ‘bu: weke May, |of 12,389,047 eg 258 Dy Tnit- |G ice light and. fat and stoned, t now, and | to nota praise to ae say werth etmne lo continen: The Sepetten here will take Bte per |ery precaution to to Qhe per [ease getting a:foc fr Culled sheep are iienet tro minion. All v. et duli, with No. 2/$2 to $3 each. . Calves # irom $2 to BS. ee? om $3. ‘oasis are » worth |adian ports fron Lambs Sold agired to place funnels on per cwt. ers, e port through rae: Seaton vessel or whar! Beposs Shows We Are United States Goods. An eee despateh The partment meade ead. Commerce published the tox rt of the af rao wat get. from Ditlot of the dees tconGtAGy: most striking feature of the 2: 00 8: “109, 92,361 worth e) information zaareeibie el na EN says: of Ar- ities of life, wages, con-|a urs iti f lal mining prospects with for the meter ete. ee ee PLAGUE IN FOODSTUFFS. + |Japan Responsible for Outbreak San Francisco despatch says: Advices just ree e attack dragged summoned. |P by e gern discovered until ecedtak tests, ne been made of some of tho food found in the hi Hae aaa the microscope showed a ple mae and fur- her Seaminhnets made of the Ori- nosis was correc was lentned also that the feoustlts had been and shipped to Honolulu. aes EE BOERS TO ASSIST. Ms Generals Are Returning to Aid the ev. estigatioz per says, sprrdgete be A New ee despatch says :—Hon. oe ave ist his investigation South Afric: Louis Botha __he the trustees of the Hollan says: of this cit ermplated visi shols, ‘To | order to hadlenr had rica. They will visit Pivateaens ——— A SEVEN-CENT STAMP. office Departm Ottawa ees ihe Post-office = Si to Dr “Montieam Public | Ua) ae OUR TRADE IN THE YUKON be Ousting | pec: b a is eee Touinstod skip a oa pe New Militia Act Expected to Con- tain Provision. 25 Ne Now Being Supplied by, the Post- Mi HOUSE PROROGUED. MESSAGE TO KING. foe perch ne Beier to Trouble | Marconi Notises 7 sige gete. ot zuela oie says: prorogued: on T a lly. "lenigthy “r eapitutation. ot, pub- ts siice Janua neluding he isstion taken th, co tion, with| dis which the/ ary to nment of Naren tes | injustloable. an la 28 Segere [persistently ais a has bec paw nocesenry for of is ne |Emperor, which ses of Se sngaist the i Hubli, to insist: oi SourHt AFRICAN PROSPECTS. I pi the ‘Transv ent “od 3 have yet hese re; fone ana “ foro ‘each Dthor Saad loyalty to Paragraphs Sea w m the postpo; ence an nd ‘Cotoniat Bee berlain’: as oth in rosie De- effect, and as fie iat in ae, fu- ture e ontri to maintenance ot general ae in the extreme East. SiNcLo- CHINESE, TREATY. The Anglo-Chinese treat red to as promising to ne jonly. for ‘ country, for the com able fa- s elites sau advanta: f ages. speech closes with a Rulerapce te Bais faa ntti nus' an commercial ey ‘orogued until Feb. 17th ae ite C.P. R. ATLANTIC SERVICE Definite Announcement Expected |t Montreal despatch says: An the ©. P. Be re-| of a he efiect teat the company has determined a weekly service — between 1 and Liverpool, and a _ten- ice fro London and Glas © opening, of St, Lawrene si homas Siaheny night that such statement an not Pot nade by. tne | mpan; definite announcement will be given to the publi ene pa oe BEFORE HIS WIFE’S EYES Keeper of New 7 Brunswick Light- house Dro A St. George, on the light at the aouthens ern velar: was Cede nol as acd wit sited “out so Glsucestees Ma: y age, and ns a pie cari Baty abst TEN DAYS ANNUAL DRILL. wa despatch says: It probate ‘ha t ae period of the of an nual will i fixed Government will conditions of seh ari the various military dis eae: WHERE ONTARIO LEADS. Otner ebles touched. upon wert he 4 gainst, ad er rucre itis eee ee rding | where the e associated | tis ten |@ oe eper Achievem: An Ottawa despatch says: Shortly before three o'clock lay. at ernoon the GovertiokCebsead receiv: n aire pe the following message from — Mery ce Bay |Mareonl.at Gt I have the wl to inform your Ifiseeaaaner :-chet sy puieibragnge ote ie Majesty ‘has ‘now been aueigie me from Cape Breton to ff by wireless telegra ee and been forwarded to jts destina: ion Signed) “a. MARE ONE “Glace Bay, N. 0 pan Etiquette of the strictest kind ne vente ae Excellency from furnishing King on 3 lajesty’s dominions, of n science, ~ Mr. received a tole gram Des Mr. Marconi, telling hir of nig. success. s Phe message of his Excellen King’ Edward was prepared’ tw magia ogo, the first. ynderstanding that 3 would} A that tnna: “put <5 at eee fet Glace andy ntor in a le aia Sa! aid he would h al i has. personally superinter ed its sneteation: —— SLEEPING SICKNESS. v Is Contagious and Almost Invari- r ably Fatal. nd despatch says: ‘The School of Deepieal Mudictne hae Se wed a report on the sleeping arhleh is now r Saveaian ts ga ough it v oteear Gay ane ys ed is Pe that as-already killed from m0, 000. FeaBle, is en pian 16 nOFth will be ofithe greatest menace to Egypt. poe |spot Deca made Sie the be th pi a complaint er ing sickn ng lil ih Veinak tha x ¥ ja compla ee ething like |group of dise known as mei or nanumation orate nae bogins insidiously wi in thesabntat arsituae: oF tie "pation oe that time the dis 107 s and the pptien¢ oe dand restless: antlalte Fymptoma have passed. enter coma and d Tho, ‘trae s fro Ses w Six hated v most invariably fa- rey and schengn a taking longer to death than. hydrophobia, "mas assed with the 1: one 0} ic ‘gaea fatal ieee “own iy is assured we ove ba ding Ee = eee Tt is contag’ spre many season r the same ee The depo} ion ot ie ree [eae aly ‘populated 3 aut eB outlook is very Blo The | aly ne yet devised for Aa | prevention he spread of, the ease is the Sedition of new cases. ee eee eees WANT WESTERN LANDS. New Ontario _ Syndicate After ms. Prairie Farr _A Toronto despatch says :—Judge plientions ‘oni for minion ies se i te same conalitfone: as are propseed | inthe ae 9 On schente, APPALLING “CONDITIONS. is ec Four Hundred Thousand Person: Are Starving. Petersburg tho nla Th enue here bas nordic 0 feed ae children’ a, 12,010,803 “pastels, shel: mn of 6,405,520 n|We Handle ¢ Smallpox Much Better n the States Meas despate! and © ritation, ATE ee le ing to account vot imitations and sub- tie vaca of the hou t : {Banat Des, Cnet on the public stitutions, it is necessary for you |—“Then if pa ie - ot Bier % ae 14 95 bushels i i ot feu the portent and farey you?” = j1,.I suppose |more than two hi na : z f ee Susie sper lentobex by ASCE igiggee f may 0 r Fs selon here bree ld Graham, 45 Calendar Signature of Dr. A. W. Chase on the the _ pilot. Sa he ae siie: pe nent No. 2 yellow, [crease of 18,746,980 hose n 30 postage rorposes to the extent of its Turpentine “vil prove suficin etn Tol says: “My. boy, | bo: ay Ro fi SS not! be Fone y iH i Bre: No. 3 com, By Seer “Gato. | 12,010,808 by United States vesselo, Soe ave re a Ste. No. ste oe B70; No. 2 es inp ear of 6,405,520 Tushels (ae uae surely Fhe ‘the ity oP eat | 5 velo} seronchiels pneumonia or consuisp-| hoarseness ; a : = “single ae eles eds for ion. es ja se. see arhenp a, fev doses | persons appearing jan a capecet m fl jack |from “the stricken town, eebich, a ate height via iit are ate plague’s beigh time of udenecue S ye about a ‘ough end pi rouge es so While D is) ieiae aes 8 of-age, Was sr “ont on : os “captai and pilot ‘oxing the compass, you |tle better cases in ha nospltaly, (ahd 12) Cdiindian Ree ¢ ing- oat shave Michi ft Linseed and es saute ene