Rane 4 gag eg pega ite igs Gr S¢ hePf f of, = county board * SenniBs, of m danahter, ee : Pr OSE. & e care tothe | "the wie of August Doerr of 8200: | fer ul aveke chute. is Milverton’s Greatest Store. FARM FOR SALE. fi inks. Re C. Ratz has installed another That ble pareel-ofstan sonar ‘with elevators ae ; Brown, Ire ne Ca pel ‘Sande ‘Bigic, jot 27 amd awa lot a8, con. 12,° seer! = ii ae Barvelh Myrtle’ “Ferguson, Ba wet eh eee seen ce sip hs is now Sots Wishing You All a Very enuie Jones, Ms Laura | acres, DL telorersaneneks ae Peas ‘ ore “oe not wait all ie ‘et their 3 ' fe . es Fees MERRY XMAS saree in fall’ wheat. "For farther par- puree as Business College, are | oad Gals Be geen een spending. th their holidays under their Our complete line of Holiday Goods is now on dis- Donegal, B. 0. | Wr Bain, of Battalo, ae play, and we have extra salesmen to assist our-customers pinsow, Charles F.) 9 ze AES 28 aay wy | ‘ in making their selections. It’s the part of wisdom not he section of the Prohibition eas! yy ast on Friday for twe del: ir arati ntil Mitchell—Eaith Eisler, Ethel Q. | which bows allegiance i ia} our’ teachers, = , nara peo aN Se ae ris peeie Ethel Sodvols he chanan, Winnipeg, is said to Ma con- | Miss C. and Miss M. Abraham, ER, ou Age ‘4 ic TOPE et y: le 2 ae: » Govenlock, Jennie n. Clare.|sidering the adi ability of bringing | are store has caught the holiday spirit, and you are welcome i Selater, Clara B. sin rd, Harvey M. didates in the by inj tt ee OO ae f the to inspect an array of useful and beautiful gifts, such as liott, H. A. You Another of g) x ; North Perth, Neth ents and i away is seldom your good fortune to see. We have been de = = North Grey, which have been set|Thursda: TSO! 5 1] holiday bi ty ae 2: downiter Sauunty 7. The Ghiel Gite: ! pas 7 ing a large holiday business, simply because at this timc Provineial Blection culty in the way of their taking steps [orming at, e Tipe age of 84 y as at other times during the year, we adhere strictly in each riding seems to be the dearth |two daughters surviy 4 hin, Conrad, popular prices. We challenge any competition to pro- eee c ti Henry ‘and Phi ‘ipand ‘Mrs ker: duce anything that will excel them. We are disposed _ Public meetings af Electors |, N Berean eel are aad ok erent if anything, to sell goods cheaper at the holiday time ' of the Township of Morning- noon at2 Geldok. aS cae than at any other, for with us it closes the most success ston, will be held as follows : “Barkis is willing” a uivade. Schmidt wase stan sa 2. ful season's business we nave ever done, and we feel li POOLE—Mondy, Ja, Si, a ee oe | P “al a a a v SL j 2pm ~ eplaleryiiginhetiite’ See Se tee sae Se YA yt carefully, eae prices, but re smember our goods a (NEWTON— Monday, jan. 5th, at 7.30 p a ie Only 7 more D 'S til piety ‘first-class, andall new. Satisfaction or money New Year’s Our seiaeke of Néw Year's Goods was never so complete in all lines. Furs An immense assortment. Most suitable Xmas presents. - Wouldn’t a pair of Trefousse Kid Gloves & Co. gloves make a most useful Xmas present. Silk Handkerchiefs Pigs * , Soxte has ‘ Bonnet’s celebrated Silks in 22" Silks and Taffeta, guaranteed, regular $1.3 ; g g' quality, Xmas price $1 yd. Would make a nice ei dress for mother. a a” i i i " The Liberal Candidate. GOD SAVE THE KING. It will pay you to come and see Wy ww i us, whether you buy or not. Come Notice to Creditors. n the matter af the meee of Joseph e of 3 township of i of and see our new up-to-date lines in Fancy Goods, Toys, Ch ware. Leather Goods, Toilet Sets, Purses, Etc., Ete. SM Si SM Sie Ss i ww SEE SE ESE ENE SE TE IR ie” ¢ This would make Fur-lined Capes a handsome and most useful Xmas present for mother or some dear friend. All prices. Carpets seh these muke useful Xma; Silk Skirts and Underskirts In a nice variety and at close prices. ereby given, pursuant to 1897, a 30TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1902, ‘0 send by post, pr fet or deliver to ah Jacobs, Of the village of Poole, Dolls ranging from 5e to Pipes from ic. to $5. And farther, ey notice, A after said last mentioned d said ad- SE EEE SE SE SE Se SE Se Fancy Embroideried Hand- kerchiefs big assortment, from 5c. to $1 each. 5 7 ; fie AM AY SY Ss SS Se Ss os os als oe Ss i Ss MME NE SENSE . . FRUITS . . Oranges, Dates, Figs and Lemons ares to-day. Try a doz. of our ane Oranges. es Lemons 20c. doz. CG. S. KERTCHER Red Flag Ste? AREARSRYPETE SEES RERRERE BRI ‘been teecived by her after said date. | 7 Date Jat Poole, this tth day of L of Lee., | 3 AH Aduiinistratelx, | WANTED 100 Pigs From: six to eight weeks old for which the best price will be paid. G. E, Geodhand, New shipment of up-to-date Men’s Ties RO SE Oo opr sre or GS SET, Fancy Goods, Ebony Goods, Fancy aoe Cigars, Lace Collars, New Ties and Gloves for Men, Picture nope Silverware. Vs Sit SM als SS ENE SE NESE SESE SE NESE Sy sb se ss HIST IE BACT Groceries and Confectionery Mixed Candy only 5c_ ib. COMMERCIAL ~ : | CHRISTMAS : Lozengers eae roe. Ib. Horehound Candy toc. lb. MuyERTox or December . 1908 % Superfine Chocolates 1234. Ib. Ball (alae yer bush Bee : Is APPROACHING Cream candy 1og up me baa 53 4 : z Orange and Lemon Peel 18c Ib. Bah usr and you will want to make a present to your x Gren Wallnuts, finest, 15¢. Ib. | Filberts 11c. Ib, Peanuts, roasted, ric. Ib. friends. Nothing could be nicer or res Sofi shelled Almonds 14¢. 1 ae ae. aa acceptaisle than one of our Beautiful Piece: s| (Id Wallnuts 12 4c Ib. 23 Ibs. best Granulated S Sugar for $1. of Silverware. _ : 6 Ib. Figs for 25¢. 3 Ibs. best Currants 25c. 4 lbs. best dates 25¢. “able Raisins, Layer Figs at close prices. 5 5 | Our line of winter hardware is complete. See our | } Bi < * . Toilet Soaps, great variety, 3 cakes for gc. Sow Chains, Cross Cut Saws, Dundas Axes, | Meat Choppers and Fruit Presses. Call in and see our big line of Hes Wood and Base Burners, Kitchen Ranges &ce. on A fall line of Hardware of every + description kegt in stock. ‘Oranges 15¢, dozen’ up Lesions, Cranberries, and Holly in stock ‘We pay for Turkeys 10c., Geese 7c., Ducks: 7c., Chicken, young, 6c., Butter 17c., Eggs, fresh 200. re IN Seesee ist ROTHAERMEL.| Grosch & Pfeffer ‘ON. : 2 2 mantel 15 Fi