- "roeal on g. Baer a M. STEWART, n, Manager ; MILVERTON ~BRANGH : Now open for the. transaction of} all GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS _ we ~ Deposits of $l and upwards received. avings Bank Department cpl ellos on deposits from |. te of sit, and currant rate. al- Jewed, a compounded half yearly. D receipts issued, drafts bought and sold, collections made R. J. Ranney, - hae Te now transpires that those. stories | 78! about oil ushers i in Raleign township _ were all gush. Te. Giees the Mr. Thomas| §j Goffey, the well-known’ London news paper man, will be called to the - Senate to succeed the late Senator: O'Donaghue, Mr. Coffey is widely known throughout western Canada, being the editor and proprietor of ti Oatholie Record. He is an able man, and one well goriied to fil “portant posit i Goveroment. is said that Lord Vonchruy, the ex-Premier of Great Britain is about to marry an American widow, © The hunt for millionaire widows. aud waidens by scions of English nobility, |” is becoming almost as infectious as| cvon hunting in the early. days in| Mornington and Elma, with this}. ~ difference, that the game comes al tittla lower in one ense and a hule : igbe in the other. . we i coins 1 Indicating great ill and. workmanship have been fqund at a depth of 200 feet, The eyins werestruck iu dies, a4 are our cvins at the: present day, and were “cainposed of an alloy of bronze aud gold i ee The London News, as a result of investigation, finds that the coal sold to the public ir that” city at $12 per short ton (2000 Ibs.) is sold to the dpalers free on board at Buffalo fur $4.15 per long ton (2240 Ibs). Allow- "ing $1.00 for charges from. there “to London ‘coal, should be. laididown in the latter city for a wife over $6.00 se ton. The News was justified in Bpire by ne %, % - Providing for aif ina positi country, thins ‘rende ‘LS As sey. muawered the sacred call. - Where’ er peiee! are, apsbill or dell, ope money and finds a poem, + “Gain ee = There ii Jax freezing coolness nsiacen ‘|tro rac eos ee every year of her e did. know how old she was, so he took all the roses fhe florist had. Blankety-Blank Situation, (Hartford* Courant.) A very young reporter wos gent to Riverdale to interview Mar! ed to interyiew you on the humors of the coal situation.” ack in his chair Poe iminutes, and ung man, bael leditor and telt-tiin that | ithe en the short Tong-daclies in his ns he “able to vet up & © my opinion on the coal situation.” Wotimats.of Mr. Fosters. (Toronto News—Ind.) We haye the notion that the mservative Adminis- trength nad: breadth. and a is gh nadie that few men in pace Se ofieient public service. Hells an adivirable speaker. He is fentin Barliamants Ie ie dooterat the House of Commons debater, with, perhaps, the ichard Cart- rty grounds, ought to be Paria ere eg Mitchell, it’s Up To You. (With many apologies to Robt. Burns) ~ “Thesituation has reached an acute: stage, ices now bi a Aboee! to the cae fe thennapon ch. Your sir: ae been a success, Jolin You’re known thro’ a’ the land; ‘There'seuferin’ and distress, John on every Ye'veroused the graspin’ "greed John Of those who ba sell, cRauese nimtin tare Neel TOHAS ‘There’ 's anthracite in hell L BS IBN England. Wel Sing of the niptherlandy re one rea at ancestors lie Of the dear old flag that’s ‘waving billows: praguty And the trne aud loyal hearts That are shrouded in the deep. We'll sing of the wars of England, ‘Phe bartle-plain stained r ed, Where the mixhty: king, with spear Fell, arith. ‘the soldier dead ; their banners waving For bartels name ad ‘honour to ‘oster| tl olities we a better} a eelient on the platform and. excel-| lar: now contains ou. *| necessary accepted. ie I was riding into London on the to ofan omnibus, the n -youit the thing "ad eppen'd to you just *appen’d to I was cow nin lown iecadilly, ws an fe bloomin’ roun aqaiety. 8 sir, just as-E might be in’ to you, ‘Now, then, you edie wher e the are you goin with’ that —— old box o' ourn?? An’’e u thee: uses language to me I couldn't repeat toa gen’le- A Ohance for-Either Party. e Toronto News, of which paper Ma Wiltieo m hag just assumed- the editorial. menue tike sume ap. ote question how to bring abou the abolition of election frau “Election dishonesty_a crime that combines the large political ney push | Sg Fa her r Soda izaoy med pata extin but in what he can get-for stealing it.” ——_. Tenders Wanted. Whole or separate tenders * sealed” and addressed t ab3 to 10 per cent. off for cash. errr Srrrrery teen Td - COLD se SNAP We are likely to have tw or three months of oid ‘Weather. Are you prepared for same ? We have on hand the fol- lowing FUR COATS for men Coon at $45, Coons at $20 each Wolf at $30 * Australia ee at $20 and O eac et * i FegoR Paes ree reer errr err erey er an oo age Dyed Sale at $80. These prices are subject Xmas Chinaware will have to go at 10 per cent. off we . must have the room, be received until Saturday, e8 oan in theverestion completion of a Presbyterian eh at North Mornington, On Plan and specifications ‘may seen at the W. EL Binning, architect, Main | street, Listowel, ‘The brick (179,000), stone and sand, is furnished by the eominittes,. The lowest: or any: tender nob: W. E. ee ee ‘aes bi Eitana Ont. Pons P: 6. cae Sore ssbasceeseeesssoves Any Piece of Print in our store at 1oc., get your choice now, iW. K. Loth.: RORERE REY IR BAAR RATA A RIE wee % QNE EYE AT A TIME That is the way we test. Usually’ the eyes. differ -in sight, a glass which suiis one injures the ot ea and ultioxa- ely both suffer. We use modern “appliances a misfitr A. misfit would hurt your eyes and our reputation. “We examin eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfac- Htion. We are experts in this line. P. H. BASTENDORF? Jeweler and Optician Next door to Hasenpflug’s Hol hey bravely fought and ‘fell, We'll sing of onr great departed, of the sword, Their spirits soared To that land of the braye mate bleet.: While ey led their: hosts their 8 beat hig As thee Scaped te ee spot the banners of the eross iney peels fe. Oh, England, forget [elie Hoes tbent ate, sestpenred they. ie hear. the holy wall; Fora Bias ‘ious cause aoe met ‘their We'll sing of the homes of Eopiand, With roses hedged around eeae rewecud no Jovelier spots anywhere be fou: ni the distant wain, ‘Their he hoarts beat high with pride. At th 2 sound of Bagland is name, ¥ power, dear old Jand,- ‘Shase : th epee name of thine, To asics ‘with hope each doyal-hea: Ale Now is the ae -you should buy RUBBER Why ? hei you need them. It will save buying cough medicine. Our. stock of Lumbermen’s Socks is complete—big assort-| tment. . Call-and examine our stoc! orld © lemah: &- Son Your Hall is the Index to. your Home Tinpressions favorable or otlerwise are formed upon enter? ing the door. Suitable Hall Furniture gives the visitor a feeling of cheer and welcome, while a cold empty hall produces the and the g Caiest care to avoid | opposite effect: Hanging Racks and Settees, Hall Trees and. Chairs inall the newest styles and at very reasonable prices. Remem- ber, you always get just:what you want and get it right here. Now is the time to get Furniture. values in§all lines. attended to. NDERTAKING in all its. branches. Sunday calls at residence. Wiederhold & Honderich Call and see our big Picture Framing and Repairs. promptly Night and Watch This Space Next Week Ree ET ac ES Sema tee MOREY bveatiy Ut leat sects |. The Pale DIERLAMM'S © Attorney Genaral. of Nov A FUR BARGAIN For ten‘days we will give you any the following for cash. ere a to be . school built the 2 Coon Coats, size 44 and 46 it abe ie smh an pat ith Mr. Kary Rens ae and North: Catario ty tpeleetions for the House of gley, Seat “will likely. be called to the | inj Becky com that Hon. J. w. es eeeeree > ae THO, of Stratton, the buila- mover, is reapin, ty: section. | Daring th est x Mooney Biscuit and Candy |W: has tmoved four houses Company, Limited, = ‘Stratford, have tres Kitchen ns “and one W. J. Mooney as Monkton. Thi. boedlag up @ be wil wihimove' in a tallroad ‘bp it store aud was mons are expected’ to’ be held. en: ae time-on_Monda: aes Lo ilt a ver present a) ae School section No. 1, Ellice, has rolled thei buil fine ic | Mt Roman Cath onday evening at 8 o'clock. wryfisld. want: St: aera ey, Sadie Inglis-has returned to ‘ i again. efter spending her| ‘At! ablic school is to uilt about It Sykes,-of Str our regular price was $55. worth ii reg tienes 3 haga tar See ne wagon quickly will go for $42 hus making three | this*vic! every cent of this, but to clear|« scl is wih nary cleat eacts| Messe BS ; and Philip Schade have purchased a” vacant, dw Mr. Win, Strickert. 10tb con. of ‘rom McKenzie & Mann have ee and will moyé it'to- Monk rs ased 4 | concession covering eleven setae Monkt in ua eee shipped, - tank immediately ’ oS steamers have already. b { Men's China Dog, black, was|sirarssea ir cat" $27.50, to go at $20, +e zi NEWTON. an their organization m | Imitation Persian Lamb, size neh errant Salat 44, worth $18, to go at $12 2 only, Ladies’ president, Be Gri fain, A. Astrachan wang comm tee, Ht Hawhen J. Kelte: Jackets, sizes 36 and 38, our best ost eg “thefts a coats, were 37.50, to go at $80. |i .B. orn, of Millbank, ‘They report having spent A very enjoyable time, Henry A lot of Caperines and Ruff! ys sinictthe,henltehiie to go accordingly. ‘ta Re H DIE Willie Hawke has“ returned Foi RLAIIM 2 out a igh aA ee rs ; Henry. Bry, Hawkesville, on Wedhes- ae hea sleigh-loads of young people from the vicinity of Crosshill passed fhrongh our. yillage on Friday’ even- ing g pa thelr way westward wives a they had a good time, Jud by Ri time they yaad na last few fitler ateuaiger ase canyed ‘at the = iin of Mr The Milverton Sun eae In every town and. village may be had, the: THUBSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1 GENERAL NEWS CUJLED FROM ALLL SGURCES Manitoba Logislauure. will meat, ou tice 3, Mr. R. L. Borden was hanguted at 84 ney by the Cape Breton Couserva- tiv ‘ is reported in Winnipeg that Roblin Goyernment will appeal to the | country in Sone. | The wife of. Proton farmer has the! that makes: your: Mr. Win. Toba ate a busiviess" [trip to Miteheli on Monday, je 2 : = —o i Farmers’ : Institute | Institute will be held at ; MILLBANK, Fri, Jan. 30th «gan Gistinetion of being a grandmother at! [ rgprm oy horses glad. 87 years of age | ©. Miller, of Boley, x young man who died there race $1000 ta Dr. Dowie, of Ch yu Me. Thos. Be Hay bas been * | Pointed posiumaster at Listowel and will be sworn in about Feb, Ist. down for want of fne There are 9 distiltesies. in, Fas 28 in Ireland, and 156 in Seotlane A Windsor man took x rald Ives the con- | of Ue eesdins 4 imismoutliy four 5 os Gbebted sid baa fesue Gh orat ok Wallace township, di Chnadint branch of the Mormon! there Inst [83 years. Bis wife aurvives King Edward bas invited the Ger |, Senator A. T. Wood, of Hani Me Ricans a mi ees os at his home tlivre last. week. ‘Me court on Babel or Williams? birthday. | Wood was une of the best known ‘Phe King’s action has given mneh husine-s men in Western Cinain, ction av Berlin Juliun Ralph, zing and was fined $10. author and wa | eutrespuinee iti dead: Hews the curtespondent of’ the Loudon Daily Mail in South Africa, The three young men charged with administering drugged hing to an| Indian boy cat Neepawa, bee in ‘committed to stand their trial t 8 eee former rtage La Prairie assizes in March. | the Gente Times and inert oes “| varnalin Ashland, i, Wi is. Sen is at of Toronto journatiem on a visit to friends-in Stated: “The pace increased so wuch in uke last few days that one reporter bas been known John B. Rennie, of North firs, drive up to the scene 2 an accident in te hope, aged 77 years, pt x at bee Sta wee two cabs,—Turonto home there last «Miss Seasie MaNechind ak aga resident of the ‘vownship ie pene "50 to appear at Mitchell opera|?@*"* and asa consequence..the house was pied to the.duors. i all turned vat nm the. French | sino dares The Works: Fair pierces have. al iy. 1,142 neres of nnd for~ their attempt to: get. hold of the fee irae and 8 $20,000,000 for a capi. 5 holders. tain. which, was returned to tick: some wood k to keep bis family from|- he ry Scott, one of the ogtie Gowanstown, Tues., Feb. 3rd at week at the ripe ola age cot Milverton, : ge ie ot farm Ler and will be addressed by The. Stratford “gas works sane G. C. Caston, Craighurst; F. o close d Se Elford, Peimesville Miss S.A. Morris,,Toronto. , Supplementary meetings will be id at Wed., Feb. | Monkton, Thurs. Feb. 5th |Rostock, Friday, Feb 6th Hampstead, Sat, Feb. 7 th Feb, oth and will be addressed by ;| Shakespeare, Mond -hompson, St. Catharines, and Miss: - Biancite Guelph. 5 = Ladies are specially invited to be present at these meetings ie Special rates to» institute] - °|STOCK FOOD COs ea sel ae Done b pe mn Monday on the | way to ‘Atwood ote Y abtptient. $5.05 eae tate eee per owt. ey our village seltool an official visit on Monda; ssa the chair, andi of his many years Irfendsbip with the: 8 pai tiblie School Inspector Wm, Irwin | 8 Program. aa (Norwich Gazeti nata’ rogram ty pplause, yet preserved gene vey, re Norwieb, occupied ‘ ddress spoke acher, Mi : Marys ‘on Troma on Forester busi- i at iness among the farmers in a took “part on it} g¢ing to Eugland to ask moved onto his property I in Monkton. | for charch purposes in the Dominion. | aes : ~ woop vs. Coal In order to cut and saw a OOd you sought to have an- outfit of our Celebrated Axes and Saws ene teed had asfiner stock-of- the ope makes—all fully + rrant In SS to burn COAL, (bic you can n surely. get very soon) you ought to have one of o Happy. Thought or Grand a ewel Wanaceen or Base Burners, either will burn-soft coal’ are headquarters for Horse Blankets, String Bells, Large Oise Bells, Chimes, Etc., at prices that will please you. -. We are local agents for -which is Call and get particulars. the INTERNAT IONAL good news for all farmers. This Stoe Throbs: with Life and Energy. As a result of. the liberal patronage extended to us in + nd our New: Year Good turn to our Milverton Sun readers, Wishes flow from us in re- Suecess of the. healthiest Kind has been with us during the past year, and we feel im pelled to greater efforts than ever, opular prices. We are otha: ‘Patent? Enain We're selling a Kid Lined Laced: Boot f or $3-50 ” This department is “well patronized, Te woul ahd you all saw the values, ¢ | Mlen’s House We have a Tan Leather Slipp: A ‘beautiful Flos, Slipper in for $1.25. To meet the demands of!” ord: ‘ 1 i vel all classes has always been our aim... In eats wile ad ee ee have to carry a.big stock. We do carry a -ATWOGD, Thurs, Jan. 29th biggest-now: thats we ever hace ig stock,” More». styles, “Styles. ate et Laced Boot for $3.50 d:be*better it Slippers er that we fedueed to! several - different: pattems « A Velvet one of gee eee Beal worth $1 oe 890, rh 75. es : _ Felt Slippers eis eld for Bare 's Housi and? ‘Felt Shoes Nice Felt Shoes with sete ‘sole, worth $1, in- different’ = fone e oe eka cents, Slippers, fur bound, “comfortably lined for $1 Women’s: Laced.. Boots We have an extremely handsome Patent Buttoned Boot. F. M. Lewis, Burford ; Robt. neatly madé and stylishly cut for $4. 00.. alf. See our New, Box € Maddock, vogue. Wi A nice fas = sipper ing meets ot retains-its appearance. : axe Sed Was oronto, will be- pater: FAson Brees He /nuswonre, “ Pres. Viee-Pres> 8.4, Pua: Seas... ekind.- Call and for on FINKBEINER BROS... a ne bled ‘alied” the hone ron to ee oda at | ss red *