Milverton Sun, 18 Jun 1903, p. 3

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mining town in the mountain: of Virgie Hed two ui de ae *s and nine years, nei rs Bobkdos: the mre class races with oleh tein whe Dae tonto thee $400 each. to be | Jeisure tinre together in bo’ aren, at tg tee pecial June 24 bay like all regre aes they. none an rk, a rse of Fs 5 one of these The @ilverton Sun offered to. any “horse ‘beating | geescioue thee ne, who. was a the best Rost Revvueper:s in the County a world’s record for high 4 Ree ines of the proverbial of Perth. It is the Best Advertisin, ng} 7 feet 8§ inches. “The best horses fan who conld: not sto he ore Mistes toassnahle pags se baila ae Pee neering es aio by his coms] 1 per Year, strictly: in advanee, ai rae ke not not toa —M. rs Bern -Puntisuer. eae. se Se e oe of ‘the: best in ly ; nt Sally toe aDVRiaiaa eee SB a ogee may be bow-legged, but when the $ BORN He made you He made you as ugly SPACK, + Bite [pense [ie mmo. Ae Benin, May. ont, the as He could and then hit you in the wife of Dr. J.°A. Hilliard’ of a| {°° “ daughter. Mark Twain's wife PS pg TANNER—At Mor: ‘nington, on Gogg ~ day, Jane 18th, the wife of Ro | stink onan ‘ peas of 1902. Bag ene in force... We will have a SPECIAL SALE for balance of month, of Millinery A shipment of New Silks: in Black and Colored, arrived this week, also New Leghorns for the children. Jae: tnnesy Thos. Hilliara, ~ if you want anything in Dry Goods, Millinery, Ready-made Clothing TE, ae he millinery line try our Miss aa 3 ee reng,<from ‘Tdadeat ees i Crockery and Wall Paper. Eye Gomilort ss ‘ z ; es \ ye comfort is obtained — omes highly recommended. 2% Note the Prices, for Cash or Trade Spe ume eg ee Toa ing glasses. ; re charged at | WITTIG—At mi den inetorr on Thurs- fe Sceapel iS Ae asap eh fed at dey June 11tb, the wife of John | Hea first insertion, and 3c. per line for each sue- Wittig eae newspajer ee a sessive insertion, aaa y Mornington, on Tues-| there tain Miss Lar day, June loth. sie e wife of Geo. | her recs G. T. R. Time Table anil BE a mune eee e 2 + Thask fuspreasions. of inore ” Trains due to leave Milvertom MARRIED himself. ayes iss Langdon’s parents were : Dixon—HAnnigon-—At the residence] #t first strongly opposed to the young of the bride's parents, Milverton, | B@Wspaper man, aud, for his ee 10th, 1903, by, ay Tunited instalments at the option of ? ct ica] 2.2555 p.m ixed .. 8:25 p m =, Dixon, of Detroit, Mie P " Mis s Elleen PEE THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1903 danghter raat esed arriso1 r's private-office, ice hint maw ated at work, “Mr, Langdon— E Dodicresate hase -tiitetes a Por Barta—Rumrorp—At the Leathe: have you—notieed anyDiOB Abas _- of the bride's. parents, Milverton, | your daughter—and- he inane ‘onto and St, Thomas. signify we on Dares June 1ith, 1903, by aged to say. b- are on the apex of the decline ee pros- Bate ge ae ary Mee George jecting iti ae and “Miss Agnes] ar round marr pe eis periey Mi unten both of Milyerton. visitor. «."*Well,” said the eee oa ashe t t dor read: agi i ne turned to the door ready for in- |» Whe tailuss of the Ames & Co, bank | BEES Bee eee eee atte erate tient," you—keop-—a—sharp ing’ institution of ‘Toronto and’ the nesday, June ioth, by Rev. lookout—you—WILL ! ze k, Mr. Henry Reis of Bron- “Atlas Loan , Co.’ of Si, ‘Thomas i8 an ner Au Miss Huma, daughter of Sr gateniane other corroboration of the proverb that} Mr, and Mrs, Fred. Sas m 4 usury and bad security generally toss “Rispiun. at the resins. Bi ens merece: go together. _ the bride’s parents, Mr. = pe ae "Geo, ‘Riddell. "Mornington (Weekly Sun.) ednesday, June 101 exander)” Hon. R. W. Scott spoke out etearinty ‘The suttaxon German-goods enter-|\ Ross to Mics Jennie Riddell, both | in she Seante the other day about the ing Canada, gives great satisfaction to of Mornington. demand of the tthe Dou sfor Corer + | ~ | subsidies from the Dowinion, He said Jamaica as it will result in giving the! ices ations aati Bae tate sugar growers a better chance of Reren At t Wellesley. ‘én ‘Baturday vail - supplying the Canadian market. Jnn sees Eckhardt Reiner, son|to iron and steel ane and o ri Reiner, aged igs: dustries with which nthey had wo br a th: d ee with the resal hat they are Atexander, the,dead King, was 17 Foi eben nowt ny Soaricial | art cusiteaser years of age whien he assumed control CARTHAGE. ; spe ni to the Dowinton:tor relief. of the Servian Government. gee ‘i Colatubin were the Prov been” ascribed as a man We are pleased to report that Mrs.|fot only deeply involved itself by habits, wearing dirty bee fd St Gamble is abie foe e up again, naki money grants, but has been 85c. for 20 |b. pail. neglecting soap and water He was a Mrs. 8. Gamble and family, |giving avay valuable, assets in the iting friends in this| fori of © and water RII ITS IE BIE BIE AIS IG Ae I AB ICI IB I ladies’ and Misses’ Kid Gloves in popular shades, at Be. worth ‘75c. ‘ Our spectacles and lenses’: DRESS GOCors : es FAILLINERY are guaranteed perfect, We carry the best and: most’ up-to-date guaranteed Jewelry > eyer shown in Milverton, We have too many Blues, Bidble\Cashinere. wud ee As the season is drawing to a close and we want to clean so we cut the prices to make them move, far instance up balance of our stock, as we don't carry ‘anything’ over, ‘We will give you hats at almost half price. Try us for. : Millinery for balance of June. Ifin need of an engagement 75% or wedding ring give us a call. 60c. = : We carry a full line of rings. . nee GROCGKERY We ‘handle the ‘celebrated !. : p ie ate Bread and Butter Plates, were $1.25 for 85¢.- ached eee 19¢. | White Cups and Saucers, were $1 for 7oc. dozen, sa New Lawns and Organ- All $1.25 goods for 89c. a yard dies at right prices. : Try our Men and Boy’s Suits that fit and wear well. ¥f you need a good dress-don’t arse this opportunity Colored Blue Cups and Saucers, worth $1.50, while they Crosby Bicycles at $257: of securing the best. goods for and below cos last 95¢. dozen. 4 : : Plates:to match at 95c. dozen, Pp H BASTENDORFF ‘ « Th URET 4 piece Glass Sett, including Butter Dish,.” Cream Pitcher, 2 Sugar Bowl, Spoon Holder f Jeweler and Opticiait at Mr. Scott says of British WwW. Ke LOTH %— 2 GLOTHING ugar Bowl, Spoon Holder for 23c. dpi re-| (Mr. 8. J. Boyd: of Toronto Medical Columbia, le true toaless exten nt of| * EGGS 12. * , tke 7 we Other Glassware accordingly, : ill fen Tt yoann Gea eee ates a nia sate ine sb ase ba i * ers % Boy's Suits, size from.22 to 24—a discount of 20 per cent, The Place for he holida: i E es os - See : : s ; Z bh)" Mre B.. Glenn, of. Ablgorton, is |lars fo cash, millions of acres of Iau eEGe ESS BER EK ERR RPI IIE: 5. 4 [pate brother Mr. D. Ken he north, and, if rmmor be correct sereeaeas Dro x BES Sitar Saget 25 be iS i Way. cand i 5 i : Sie Mt, eats e : * OF Youth's: Suits; sizés 30sto- 35— ve “ WALL PAPER Your Money ; pongoneeee mt ot Provincial Govermucits Wiederhold & _ Henderich no 25 Why keep your money for doubt: poe Seep Wwelel pees Men's Suits, at prices for instance, $6 Suits for $1753 The denen has had-the best season's trade we. ever on eo var ion w rates-of-in terest, Pesala Boe ener Ee We notice! as a 8 mae. of f oor ierbot we ean imagine the plaintive |’ : $7. e Fis » 1 I 5 vhen-at all a “ Beles or'smal: { sive dlenlaeeas oe eee of ele ah. tee etties raphe that 50 Suits for-$5.50°; $10 suits for $7.50. had, and we have decided to clean up. the -balance at prices} amounts, for “any mabe Petia, friends.—Cable despatch. 8. hi itis 3 is strik-| would wake if Mr. oe ane 1 a3 5 ste iteeaee that any one can well afford to pa er their hi itvcan be ately Ltivented in the: gold: £ ee pec ee uae Gh __presenee: It wey : ee Men’s Odd Coats worth-Sy 25, for $2.75. ’e . ; papi home at very’ fittie peasy Bonde Lari gol the _monarchial te Mx. and Mrs, Ferdinand Doering | Rave no subsidi cn ce ara aoe j ; isis Ord Paneent io Gaee coal odccGan cost. Special lots to clear at‘aiinost nothing. We will give] xo inflexible moistrosities s Sunday witl Mr. and Mrs. | ¥¢ get out caiupaign funds ‘A f aes th ea oy eh sae ae alter eit 2 you a discount of 25 per cent. on all Wall paper purchased, for British Mortgage is and freaks must ascend the throne| Péter Cook, Grayelridge. ae 5 Mea’s kan eae nas: ‘ Imenuse choy are ext in lie] YA nom Ree ace Sasbie front ve « « The Month of Weddings : ‘ 3 Men’s Odd Vests, worth $1.25 for 9c. balance of June. ; Loan Company, here drove up. to Mri and Mrs. Wm.} ty Quebce, along the I. C. R., for- - : “ 4 z a . oh sees gers will ae Brocton ake Bes as Cones om gt 1 ee ave causin; great destruc- : , We have some very suitable gifts , = x ‘4 = — Stratford é @ jtistifiable, o.can blame stents night, to spend afother even-|i;5. In New Brunswic the co e Pa ae ; 5: ee 4 t pet cent. interest, payable ~) people of Servia for resorting tol ing with Mr. and Mrs. Broughton, be ee Becta veyainilal au for weddings, such as Parlor Tables, 4 ; a 5 aie every half year? The safes”; which, if violent, were also | fore yarns for Milverton Station, | through Cumberland L 3 Ja ardiner Stands, Music Cabinets, i = . Dierlamm, and best investment. The deben- in ridding themselves of whe ba Rosas Deretaned) Ay Nelgetle hanes ane ate Sees Ie ‘- : cer Ete: Ou prices. on “the : mimend- nt. . ry cur Golden Drip Syrup, _ only TATE ALE boron phere ° facet this company-are réco! . “ie to Executors, Administrators,- and ich Langford pent the 14th call-| 3 ne Gnd SEBS eat th : MILVERTON’S GREAT Trustees, as by th rg iphiesisve-+6 be eatned of TH the Cass a : : Ch 130, aaeyesrope iyg.on friends in onr burg Reeve 10 "h6 tuesen OTN : : eee : Pees ; BARGAIN HOUSE. Hari, ‘Chapter speci (Montreal Star.) Be: aap Sut that Cee ring the day. és > also | assonime ne i 69 det-in-couneil of Heptamat 5 1902, _ | Doering, one o’ | z s s, having 25 suites z { 3 The Ontario legivlators have. pre-| ters. eoueho hei ae a recent] ———$—$—$—_———— —— | f f Rear $ 8 Butter 14c., Eggs E they af eh rlbecrs bt Adres - aented theniselves with an increase of 5 petth aie badly _ SOTICE choose from, ranging trom $10 to $50. a : Bee sity as a small to! Brave | eid Rn “= nod that he has been. indispoded Call in and inspect these goods / Z i Z a ; Pa ee of Porth Clee the i) whi ey are not hel the ein det pee Reed S TNT ; BREN Perth Mutual Insurance: Drop whew Save pay SM Nala pio Sort on oy oe pee ee ey tn cn a foul nmi a ee |i". aie SE com on are he onde a : . SRT? age RM BY z ee) Z Z 4 2) a2 | - i ae le ones ae: sexe valine eed eee sh price wil| UNDERTAKING and-EMBALMING a Specialty. 4 ; geey ee townships in Ontario, have commuted | "ocnta-gallens saves pene ae BRITISH je pie be ream ah The Green-PYed Monster, tha cir do urd A iby eating : THUBSDAY, JUNE 18, 1908 us ! statute Inbor, 24000,000 galled of Gil, itis hoped she} OM (Toronto Star.) “abe Baal Fo ter formerly at ae hogs for sales ry ao ‘well by’ calling are - A 4 Rae ear ee 4 fst Elgin sere oats of St, | Will pull through.—New York ct >) he Hamilton Spectator iy jcnvious| Tyner SL pean epeeripa al fo Ag ase te HAND, eg oe ok s : ; a Ave Kecpetholenth” a | nes has collapsed. This follow-| At Dominion mine No. 1, “of the -Revolutioninte of 8 “it| Mr John McLellan, : Mi Wiederhold &. Honderich : GENERAL NEWS | Baca [ine the wake ofthe Ames Cow. and | waters beng pumped out fevaaee| 1 oe August Strickert is at pr y | re iped out at the rate HE: ree it pie wh, a ce that hee “le Z q —- | the Atlas Co. ae caused a panic in | of 3,000 gi minute, and already it bets those poor Serviai not 4 | the Calamity City 11 fe venice dapeee has been pump- Wm. fang ecey ~ MAnaGer © t dp not ‘eae No rough eure halt as bad as the preabs Ontario eure er many friends a Zz, ‘ abe FROMALL SOURCES face to = legislature,, die eeae vente ; casa éd-onty The Gamey case cost the in del of — What the Beople sugges Prov The Mennonite Brethren in Chit crop of pi | sek distress appears-td be the com, t 3 E | Dee 2 % hema en ‘ bat aN . 3S f [aks that Sutegih hte hoot as ai |e 8 camp at Berlin. ‘There will b sity : | mee fe : ; ; nptie (Ok Paro) Mtg fe Lasoo a : Geow Ciethes ; : : Ibis expected that the Mocnéy Bis-| Jil Slesghvi (ae x sy) a revaricators as is to be | tout thirty-five tents put up. Amon = Onee a Customer ae ey . Harness Oi, (Aiea SQN | Bae | | . Detweiler, of Didsbury, Alberta. | is my en? ae ee ; 5 ‘ 5 iondry factory will Hud say ober: Lorton News. te $ from a distance will be not Zz a ford about the | Gain Prestige .. PLA) % wn’of Heppner, ees. oe tow ; E 4 : : ne : : on, At-| day moming to conside F a mt Nee i ay : Zee 5 ithe Hood: wy é ig ‘ ng tO considee: the: ftinater The uppermost efforts — in Your WGns are dead — attor telegrap! stone nee yore Pea Everywhere. You'll take into E Be a, ee fs: YWood,, on Wedriesday of Inst week, |of the licensefor the Elme- Hote i ber Mr. Wm. Nichol,'st,; while engaged] The License \ Commissioner (i » Alw 0 neyer seiriga contd Jin. spreading “gravel on Main-st., in| Nort Perth held a mectinn oa Meco ays ne. . d by e hundred bag beni youd needs . osep] WA illausen, Sif] Watch Repaiing and Jewelry San ee ee stoke ith harrow “ put it *| SHOES FOR SUMMER Looks” at once: if you’ve the [e a isl a ee 3 ba AQU £0! -| proper con ; 4] cool feelings a tee ; : , ie Sar te ale ase ea advices intervale w: cals, prove fal you hy better be prepared| =.“ “ enviable characteristic “ Up-to- oi mas ? 5 ;). You had prep: for summer foot comfort, You ch!er z caus i rot The Present temporary beta cur business is to make our alles qi 3 eee 5 S - i. v “something for Mothers. aaa ge eels a ane consideration: “¢ Your Spring ex. Chambers, while working on E ate SesnB\ tare wgtom, was killed: by @ Sip is “is mH sores eerie ar bur; Dat ee | j wills hig; had 'g tored in th | stray riff ton toaday- nese ety bet A a | eps abolition. atenes: Huila z S | 3 ‘ The wholesale _iillinezy dirm of ie Dar drey: be annot be better prepared than Short Stories Retota. ne Re ee ee Sine We make the hind that fills | 3 he cores stone ofthe vow Pres: | eae i pate oe ¥. q q 8) Ss af ve cso 3 B of hes look like dress footwear a man.with self-satisfaction as to BB a cok hy 86 Grant M3 E Laid hdett dt atoue nt, eaeel caseaienae exeuth an 4 Sc eae teataval fe oa | | sip ‘and Georgian Bay. Bailway| mone An Englishman bend Be | Aan jot Sid 1 ae , wee! aes A éd that he-is now,blue. As for the WP 's bill went Shrough with very Fe eee ie atatlage aioe a fippee a3_8 a his appearance: Every suit a ; Hon. James Sutherland. "The attend: Out, ok the 426 members of the| brother Orangemen, they, are said to Fe ie oe ee Raion Ber- Rae see Sard Pi thins ee riage and| your old slippe : ' ee ae omilton Gore Sta ist) have beon purple with indignation. — i 3nglis ¢ a ; z 28 ave r : TT New: a a the Englisie|" A full stock of Trunks and _ recent style,.2 stylish fit, and:.a ‘ee seeing Soa ehureh 280 ‘abve asked for lett = bene tout fhe bern ad-| sore Nou havet ssh. — ee eran, seciug the other's cigar, | Valises at very low prices. 3 fit possession: : & posted dry goods advertising man| committee of conference: ignored their oa Major-General apaeti who i oo. Wellesley #8 eorgian’ B; Tine | ance when you bay at this ~ aaked Altbongh as ke. h & § : eae _E. : g ] Test New Work ary goods worciansal crocs cag omer 20.00 neh tamil t the” Cngndng | the, Georelan Bare aanmak, build| store you get the best value ! 3 et rs nde hi pki Sa svn eer C4 pe money, » ‘ g K t a ae - £ $5,000,000* each} Some: extraordinary evidence was ; Northwest is not the seers French ie hbo power co-buiid: Welle) ieee Ae é fot the sake of on lionr’s Dreaaire. Aig ay ne Ht * pease eA for “White. Coe E. : - nechtel, nee an is ee a given at ae eels oe plete of Teanevaal war fame Sona a, hough; dere He eee ad oft thence ame WELSH & SON, > nimself. A’ good way to di eet man lighted the ci, ents {0 S- i 2 4 1,300,000" ‘a ,-| Collingwood by Mrs,. Findley, 0 ja, ingw aa y : ether vit fy right to i sand hae ng afte 8 g Machines,: best* family 33 $2 ieading Merchant Tailor. ‘sbi fa ipa Pittsburg, Cleye-| saw the little girl struggle w th h the _proposed assistanc The cl change ie STRATFORD> gaged SS ae ae Steoabled ye bad. aa! = hine in the : ss SS ii : land, Buffalo and Cincinpati each} captorszon the railway. The j:ry re-| family Se topcase | mi with the consent of the pro-| Marriage L eases issued Cons - nage wre sewing machi - 7 FS . nearly. $1,000,000.’ Stratford dry | turned a verdict finding, that tv.o un- 2 n fea ie oy world. M LU CATER: BEE VEN vanes aces 4 merchants . spend probably ee “tramps had committed the palo er) had=otherem ¥ to the Berlin, Waterloo lentially, i Recs Pat se : aS = : 2 = B00. cheers pig eee ae ler. : ‘ 3 Wa Citizens. and Huyon Railway. — me Eyes Tested. Fie, y rant jare sb ms theweey Tiplteaee oO saorifi an ia i ‘olea “you but Th ain thee, 18 to ask yourwell (f you roubled you, bu 1d app joing so with|in wine bogeit, and I did not kunt pte Lewd “ “Vyat todo mit hin.” ,

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