Milverton Sun, 25 Jun 1903, p. 3

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’ The Milverton Sun- D Tathe beat Local Newspaper in. the gual] 980,00 of Perth. [t Advertising tedium. ; 1 per year, strictly in advan if _not so paid. —M. MagBerit, PURLISHER. ADVERTISING RATES, Year. SPAOE, 6mo.| 8 mo, | 1 mo. One column... jamn../$50 00 00/830 00) $16 00) $6 6 00) 00| 4 One inch ...| 5 00} “Pransient Advertisements: are charged at the rate of-8c,, per nonpariel, for the fitst insertion, , and 3c, per line for each sue- * sessive insertion G. T. R. Time Table ‘fPYains due to leave Milverton. GoING NORTH, Gomne sovrH. Express. .9:10 a Mi 5 p.m 5p Mixed ..8 THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1903 No‘one can blame Mr, Gamey for striking back with force and vigor, now that it is his turn’; his opponents did not handle him with gloved hands, Pes in Mr. Clarke, one of the: representa- of Toronto at Ottawa; is ne for the statement that the manner in’-which the rights of the municipalities are being continually exploited at the Capital is simply in- tolerable. It would seem that the time has arrived when it is absolutely necessary for Canadian municipalities to keep continuously at Ottawa a legal representative to watch legislation affecting municipalities. It is pete and carefully drawn which may sgverely prejudice municipal rights. It is to be hoped that the municipali- ties will awake. to the gravity of the situation. atl ‘The recent German elections result- ed in great gains for the Socialist|® party, There isa growing fecling in| vite hav- |" Germany: in favor of the Pp At pga the Ger- trol of the public purse and the repre- sentation is so arranged or ‘‘gerry- mandered” that it takes over twice as} ~ many votes to elect a Deputy or people's candidate as it does their com- Detitor. ‘The recent gains have all been made in the great industrial centres. and are an intimation to the government and the. Emperor to go slow in the way of increasing taxation for naval and army purposes. The Rey. Dr. Dewart, whose death occurred so suddenly last week, was one of the giants of Methodism in the early day: of remarkable force of character and by herculean efforts did a great work for the church to which he belonged. The first step towards Methodist union took place in Dr. “Dewart’s house. His greatest efforts, however, weré exerted through the columns.of the Guardian, which he made the most berea ns religious journal in seared to cond é lemn A story is told of a jadge who hada Hotoridel pabendrel brought before mes, it, |? NOTES LOST. ee warned against negotiating the Yollowing lost the Sylvester finding above notes and returning to me will be suitably rewarded. ‘AS MAYBERRY, ‘oole P. O. DONEGAL. ~ Mrs. Nicholson, of Port Elgin, were visiting their cousin Mrs. James aay ertson, sF.5 jays last Miss Go: ranks ck, of Atwood, art the fae ‘of Miss Mary Johnston’on Sun- “Building is the order of the day in new houses are ed. Misses Maude and Dorcas and Mr. Hugh MeCourt spent Sunday at Mr. J. Barton’s “Mr, Joseph McAllister, of Washing- ton Territory, visited his brother Mr. Samuel MeAllister recen' BAECHLERVILLE. * What the people say: ‘That, the t showers have been beneficial to the farmers ;that A, says bis. ball apparently was not good enough to dance in, so he will make use of it himself. Mr. Will Debus raised his barn on over, the usual games were indulged Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Poslift spent in j| Nellie Merryfeld played the wedding rch. = .;that the wedding of Ps Maggie x. J. eratulations from their many friends bering about 175. The bride re- ovat Scad eee triondoa large staay of beautiful and useful presents. ‘The groom’s present to the bride was a beautiful necklace and a china closet, and to the bridesmaid a beaut crescent brooch set with pearls. Mies Among the invited guests soagebaiile trot the aereanadics com- munity, Mitchell, ville, New York and other points. The happy, couple see ‘saken up house- keepi and.carry with them the highest respecte: « and best wishes of all who know ther einige: Newcomile, of Listowel, Mr. N returned “home on Dabok after ih hep Mo eae er her friends on Friday even- ing. Miss Ettx Kerr spent Sunday with friends in Milverton. Messrs. Herb. Boyd and Thos. Johnston, of Listowel High ee OA eter pel vacation at G. sansiltons of tines wane Sunday with friends Mr. R. Johnston hada very success- fal bank-bee on Fridays Mr. Egan ther yer family st ‘on Friday for their home nm Proto Tnvitations are out, announcing Welsh, of Tralee, to M Guisiceh: ob St Uhdiag will tak place on Tuesday, June 30th. sunday with friends i r. Charles Gernhaelder took a trip to. Wellestey last week on business. The well drillers: are at present penetrating ‘the earth in search of wat y n. r. Samuel Boyle, cattle buyer, p a few more choice 6 people in this section are pre- paring for haying, which will be in operation in another wee s men in this section a couple o! farmers at have clubbed togethar and aker. SS PEFFERS. ¢ Harry Freeborn, who has been out W°st for sone years. arrived home re on pencey for of Morning- Mr. Mrs. dale, vieited atl Mr. Steve econtinicnite free. Everybody is in- Me. in Heatryn on Sunday. M ‘Oughton, of Monkton, was the guest of Mr. John.Hurst, on’ Sun- Miss McTavish spent Sunday with her cousin Miss L. Waddell. (Too late for last week.) the prospect for a brig good crop is yet a.number of our people took in the cireus! in Stratford on Saturday. nbrook has been cut- che wood with his circular saw for Mr, urets L. Holmes visited at his tome here Sunday. Doing road work is the occupation ofa great: Bk at. Ae sent. r J. a bee to-day, one of the old ‘te lively ones. Mr. Pe sold a large amount Pol eine this year, He save he may fit up a race track next year as the numerous gates are mueli in the way. PRES ES, MONKTON C. vont of. , of Mitchel, Mr. eas in our village 0 Mr, ending re sel ys crit Hee fate Me Tas. Kell fire Richard: Scott retarned’ hoine on, Pridey after taking a trip to the Sod. His trip seemed to imake a new man of him as he is the picture heal John Walsh, of Bornholm, ¥ in our = ville on Monday on busin s M itzel, of Berlin, spent Satur- . J. Currie preached a mon in the bcs church on Sunda yy morning, specially to the uring company of Thos. W. of your asso- prisoner, ‘except your honor and suy- elf > A Commercial Tray overs Fare: Wednesda Thee Heavy sn0W- storm. Every ‘nine “locked. ap, and ped Be ane EI 01 khet reports cheaper frou She Ob- Knipe shipped the first half of June make of cheese on Wednesday. The 10 5-16 cents part , ahs was on insur- y Avery pre’ wedding took place a| Sion rates will aj J Carson yisited‘his brother Pet (Grand Trunk Railway System NORTH PERTH Farmers’ Institute . EXCURSION . To Experimental Farm, GUELPH © ~on— Sat’'day, June 27 For the above a special train will be ran, for which oa following exeur- ply FARE TIME hakespeare PELE at Guelph ant i “ am eT Ne Se ee Eee ? ay ‘Sis is Ss Se Si ss Ss oe le Sie le Sl le le HIRO AEH ECL SESESE ME SEM SY Se eae a ae ay SAL ine New. . : Millinery A shipment of New Silks -in Black and Colored, arrived this week, also New Leghorns for the children. : If you want anything in the millinery line try our Miss Evans, from London, who comes highly recommended. ee Ladies’ and Misses’ Kid Gloves in popular shades, at 50c., worth 75c. _ New Lawns and Organ- dies at right prices. Try our Men. and Boy’s Suits that fit arid wear well. Try our Golden Drip Syrup, only 85c. for 20-Ib. pail. ‘ W. K. LOTH = t EGGS 12c. FARIA RI BR AAIR IAA ARIAT Wiederhold & Honderich J yak oh ap Mahapac go kell ala ial: chy ke Tahctuld MY SSM SA SM SM SL SY SL SSM SM SL SS SI SE SS Se Sh Sil SS SSE SE SS SIS SEE SSW SSM Ske Si SM OM, SY SY SY SY SM SY SM SM, FARRIS “~~. « The Month of Weddings cutee between 5 and 12 years, half fe Bidets sere fail between Guelph ation and O.A.C. farm Cade? served yes excursionists at any fa ok ae Pres., Listowel, H. Hemswortu, J.P., Vice-pres Gowanstown. S_ H. Puas, See., Miiverton. #o a cE 4 ore Hogs Wai which the very highest sith oF ‘ee will be Avy person having store hog for sale wil do well by. calling athe ubdersighed. G. E. GOODHAND, Milverton, Ont. | SHOES FOR SUMMER You had better be prepared for summer_foot comfort. You cannot be better prepared than here. Some of our summer y tok hove of Miz. Robt. Smith when - [his only. daugh! r, Miss ee Mae lock er The . bride _w x father an‘ nd was ak was~beauti- and ig some in her hair. She ded by , her. cousin, Miss. Bloomfield, of New. York, sehile. “the ‘oom was supported by Mr. ie i ‘ a shoes look like dress footwear and feel almost. as. good as tov YOUr old slippers. A fall.stock of. Trunks and | Valises at very low prices. G..Grosch & Son a ues for. White Machines, . best sewing machine in the ‘orl We have some very suitable gifts for ee such as Parlor Tables, Jardiner nds, Music Cabinets, Rockers, Bie Our prices on the above goods do the talking. We also have a big assortment in Bedroom Suites, having 25 suites to. choose from, ranging trom $10 to $50. UNDERTAKING and, EMBALMING. a-Specialty. Wiederhold & Honderich 2g. SY | Geod Clothes Gain Prestige... E 3 You'll take into 3 3 E E Everywhere. consideration “Your. Spring E | Hooks” at once if you've the 3 enviable characteristic “ Up-to- = Dateness.” 4 e make the kind that fills | aman with self-satisfaction as to EY his appearanes.. Every suit a recent style, astylish fit, and a ; fit possession. x E. Knechtei,. June Sale E. H. Dierlamm’s a The Dominion Head Office, - Waterloo, Ont. We wil fase for balance Dry Goods, Millinery, Ready-made Clothing". "23 1 have a of month, of SPECIAL SALE Crockery and Wall Paper. Note the Prices, for Cash or Trade . . Results of 1902 $4,898,538. 00 1 per nt. 4: Business in foree Inoreas e. 14 per cent. helders. Tnerease in 1903 4 Special advantages to total abstain All forms of sound level preim- ings insurance issued. All benedits may be payable in continuous or Nuited ins instalments at the option of e As Thos. Hilliard, Managing ‘or Eye Comfort Eye comfort is obtained through the aid of perfect fitt- ing glasses, BRESS GOODS We have too many Blues, Black Cashmere, and. Serges; so we:cut the prices to make them move, for instance All’ $1.25 goods for 89c. a yard - 1,00 75¢. tt ae 75 a 6oc. * . 65 “ 45¢. 2 % 35 Ee 252. a bys 25 ey 19¢. i Tf you need a good dress don’t overlook this opportunity of securing the best goods for and belew cost. CLOTHING Boy’s Suits, size from. 22:to 24—a discount of 20 per cent. « “ 24 to 30— “ 25 « Youth’s Suits,. sizes 30 to 35— at 25 3 Men’s Suits, at prices for instance, $6 Suits for tis 75 $7.50 suits for $5.50; $10 suits for $7.50, Men’s Odd Coats worth $4 25, for $2.75. Men's Odd Pants at 20 per cent. discount. Men’s Odd Vests, worth $1.25.for 89. Millinery fer balance of June. MILLINERY As the season is drawing to a close and we want to clean up Balance of our stock, as we don’t carry anything over. up-to-date guaranteed Jewelry We will give you hats at almost half price. Try: us for|°Ye" showm in Milverton. last 95c.-dozen. Plates to match at 95c. dozen. 4 piece Glass Sett, including Butter Deby Cream: Pitch Sugar Bow], Spoon Holder for 23c. Bead Other Glassware accordingly. CROCKERY Bread and Butter Plates, were $1.25 for 85¢: White Cups and Saucers, were $1 for 7oc. dozen. Colored Blue Cups and Saucers, worth $1. 50, while’ they | Crosby balance of June. WALL PAPER The h mi department has‘had the best season’s trade we. ever |ful mortyages; at low eet se interest, ad, and. we have decided to clean up. the balance. at. prices bla eal ages ae oa po We will give Our spectacles and lenses are guaranteed perfect. We carry the best and most Ifin need of an engagement or wedding ring give us a call. . We carry a full line of rings. We handle the celebrated | Dueber- Hampden watches, the + best time-piece in the world, Bicycles at $25%: P. H. BASTENDORFF : Jeweler and Optician The Place for Your Money eep your money for doubt: « Rrgdecta tor ay. ree inn ane that any one can well afford to paper their home at’ very little |it can be safely invested in: the gold--- cost. Special lots te clear at almost nothing. you a discount of 25 per cent. on all Wall paper purchased, for bearing bonds of tii British Mortgage’ Loan Company, Stratford E. H. Dierlamm, MILVERTON’S GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Butter 14c., Eggs 12c. « |tatio, ‘Chapter 130, and ae THUBSDAY, JUNE. 25, 1908 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Mr. Dongias Plumb, stepson of Mr. Fastice Nesbitt drowned at Murdock ‘aes whose tivo daugh- ters marr: e Beef” of\ Montreal, | is dead in his 103rd Indian boys attending the Mohawk Enstitute at Brantford were respon- sible for the mee sae buildings on the 1 on cording to the confes: their number. Joseph Martin has ene that 5 elections in British Cole i willbe run strictly on paety lines. Mine has a tract of 150,000. acres Pe pe of land. known as~blucberry. barrene| Neca see Dene ola reetteaty BS Friday saa. oe it yields a ade pt cient. to Mot ronto, { by eo4 ite 2 oe especially, it while E ‘uture | breakin; career, and giv ing penere a bad shak- ¥ $30,000 per year to women and| preached in the The General Assembly in session a Vanconver décided to keep Queen's University connected with the church, and steps will be at once taken t0 raise the $10,000 required to supplement present revent MILLBANK. The, garden, party. held on Ritter’s grounds on Wednesday even- spen' all present, to which the. Milverton band Souttibuten not. ali bes Tl proceeds amonnted to-over: the 3d. Demert was Roddy | Jack’s animals got beyond his at sede pee on in their mee of”. Tor soyiérian church & Dead Crank. At four per cent. iotacanl payable regularly every halt y ar? ‘The safest and best investm Se he deben- gare of ie company are recommend- cutors, Administrators, and Toa as by the Statutes On- by. speciar -in-council of September 3, 1902, ai. are made» legal investment for trust funds. The County of Perth and the Perth Mutual Ansnraies. Company monies are invested ii the ine MORTGAGE LOAN A prominent: Li died in Ottawa Piel att on the 6th, He in his will, in- stractions as io “his urial, ‘ hotone show him to have’been a “crank the first feght is bod: ona special chariot, from hi (0° be carried age house to the chu he chariot ee ie be burned after ie Lat fonersis with any floral tributes. nt by Scapa in black and for forty days. During that time, all goods from i ie store were to go out in black-bor- dered paper. “Truth’s” Ideal. Girl. ing, make ae own frocks, command pots and ketsles, feed Aol mil ten cows, eae ent of the wrestle with oéiebrated © the b ithal in company, The Algoma Conservator, published Children, a Sunday las damey’s constitu-| Cardinal Vaughan, Roman Catholic. itt nal foe wie ee Of oe ae illage las s the conclusions| Atchbishop of Westminister, died on} Of the Royal Commission as: ‘Phe| Saturday. It was rumored’ that rottenest report that has ever been| was one eee faxoted candidates for |") produced by any two men of moderate] the are a, in the Dominion of of 60,389 | immigrants that shave | Tavel ig to come fro ter) ae ae ‘intersaes oe tie society, with good success. Roa out! Sat Se and | - 0} le are wondering where th ada,” and adds: ‘‘Some call-itreport, | entet mee the west during ‘the first five| Seems to be about exhausted here, others a ees —_ people call it a pee of tit's year, over 37,000 came ‘whitewash.’ others say countries, viz, point of view being 1] iv*is v spread other on too thic! iy ak is spa ‘chip’ off| 173 ee ‘English, 3,334 Scotel in a heated at at.Toronto.”” Americans, aud 960 to: al wale Butler, Brss. are making jonaite rable: impravementy* on: thelr kitchen and less parlor, more exér- t fromm Re ye oon Brteins the United States re Mar buildin zs, ey are enlarging | cise and le: onda of Ci their stabling capacity; as .wel straw. shed-43 45 ft. square.; ‘tie other barn is don with ‘t-square. me, an marry. Bat lolling, wasp-w you, ve ff ee moping, waisted, niortgaged, vel Gavin nee d the young ladies of his flock to remain “hos vice : ‘The rosy-cheeked, jarn a stock. . and be a lady is, just the girl rthy man daughters of fashion and idleness, | S ou, as the supply than a s plano, more zi est phere, like they lave| Irish, 03, "Welch,” 1,270 eh 1885 aa Wien cont” geeal they. will |less hustle, this week in ae "Parliament Buildings See 10,012 Sepaliene, 5,472 | hed 72x ne fit io ens. ss sofa, more pudding end rankness and. less Y, more breakfast a Loose eathe the pure, atmonphe becom for inaitrimorty, of Sapeall fica =) is paid or daily “ian, compounded | eyery. half y; eae t to Wm. Buckingham, MANAGER Once a Customer Always One. . The uppermost efforts in, our business is to make our Watch Repairing and Jewelry dealings | such that the buying , a favorite Jewelry pur. tage of making this eee in. their chas Reliablé goods for the leas money, correct in style an¢ artistic in design, is Pur, assur! ance that it pays to buy at this’; store. You have the assur- ance that.when yourbuy at this store you get the best- value erty! for’ yi ty | for your money. JZ. WELSH: & SON; ourselves & ite, lively and igned:~ Trath. STRATFORD Marriage Licenses-Issued Gon: -. fidentially-- 'Op.ician —Eyes Tested Fresca, LIFE ASSURANCE C0...

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