the Matter of the Estate of Alice Lewis, Deceased wi paNotise is hereby given, pursuant to | Ot 1807, Cap. 129, and amending | ieee tie: Gitar Gil aroditore ssopeuta ving, ‘olaten tate of Alice” Lewis, late of the | on or about A.D. oy are hereby required on or » before t] A ae DAY OF JULY, A.D., 1903 to deliver or send by post, prepaid, to J, ilton, the executor of the| 2 ee ae ES # o & 2 lai and astatement of the securities a held by them, duby verified by alffid notice is further given that to duumedtately haa the said second day D. uly, e said executor wi proce of the said dece: ny person whose ¢laims notice shall yeu received by him at the peal such distribut ted at Palncrston this 20th day f fins AD: D., 1008 Executor of tha late Alfce Lewis |” & ‘H. C. ZOEGER, -Furniture Dealer, NEWTON, - BANK OF MONTREAL Established in the Year 1817 }Paid up Capital and Re- é “Rett ‘Astote (Oct. 81, 1902)120: simon ONT. e Bank is prepared to receive Acposits: of-rust funds and other ‘business transactes E. P. Winslow, Manager, Stratford. Solid Progressive ‘That another year of very substantial progress has been experienced by— The Mutual Life _of Canada|: wal sont sae from the follo' iidsiaess written in S564 $4,527,828 force Dec. $34,167,370, - Bosiness’ in Bist, 1902 ‘sash Interwat Lucome, 1902 $275,415 ‘Death Losses, 1909 YPhe Cash Income from Ta- e rer thers Death Lowes for the year $64,719 W. H. Grosch, Local Agent. Dunean Stewart, 8, s against the | batching. $210,596 teri NOTICE. rofitable eater ponies 2 1? (re> a edition) h at this office from the chiefof the veutey division, de ment of agriculture, cation to Ottawa. g 2 S$ ie. HAWKESVILLE. Las' Somat team journeyed to-our conclusions with our Aipral nee who were forced to take a defeat to the tune of 2 to 0. Another interesting event took place in the m of a-lawn social which was held on Mr, Roe me pater as anat and whieb proved. ze success, .a4|The Linwood pana isened the ait mene: evening. and Mrs. William Heffner visit- ea friends in Waterloo on Sw r. Arthur Hai fate is ea A on eraice will incapacitate him for A'sick cow and horse of a9 aul value are now the property of Mr. Geo. of theron What, aanes hive accident happened to Mr, August ayn whl eplt loading gravel. overhun, ve way, burying him to the arm. Pisand nad | breaking the hind castor Ops in this vleinity, are now ithe pink vue: opaeiti,° Ghg eeneng downfalls of rain’ being “ascountable y the sat “Bh sliff, of Baechlerville, called oa friends’ here on Saturday and Sunday and left foceinie Ris tolatives in Linwood. r. Louis. Baeel pleted 6 contract. of. rods of which will render traffie much easier for the pu’ Thirteen Hurt at Barn-Raising On Saturday sermon, mupily at fore five o’clock, a us, aa cident 0 ae on the fount of e3 councillor Joh: ber. in the town- ship of Wilmott, situated about ‘two less seriously hurt. Mr, building an addition to his and had invited about forty or fifty of is friends to assist him_to hi addition in. position. me of ie heavy timbers was being placed at n the cement wall, which had aay, icegeinie d hr lava tngd and which had apparently not_thoroughly ercipitated those e is large barns seanet was ‘Telephone ‘@ also sent to Baden, Blatoril ard New Dundee, summon- the medical men these vill The following are the names of those seriously hurt: Rudy Gingerich, hats, erushed and eye i n Shantz, injured in- lan Schfedel, one arm crushed ; derard Kkvopf, shoulder crushed Jos. Steinmann, ankle — broken Solomon Shantz, internally injured ; Noah Shantz, seriously eee ed when Sue ee the bul-|of the woon at the m stat t Friday evening the Elmira inday | & mii ove caused by fate mmatiod i been a serious! S°U! in the evening e| water ata fire in a ahson, as dis yere am a sort of spec'- tion. Ah reakon govdwe weabont & lah an? cighty-Ave conta, ant Aly come ter git it.” Lincoln’s greatest legal triumph was the acjnittal of an old neighbor med Di Aruistrong, charg =! nesses testified that they saw the couunit the deed one night oln 4 = = £ 5 = &. = ge 2 5 a § oB ve was not guilty, d Gonne, the turbulent Irish guineas. “Don't you know that tale? Well Til tell it then. egal miser had buried 100 Eines under an app) in hi nd his neighbor, end. dishonest nan; Ea a c) = EE & A g e ved. hav. her 1001 think of putting with their brothers ; but I'm wonder- if Burial’s a safe way to kee t, Mike, is your opinion? Mike “ought a bit, then answered, ‘Burial’s - fine. i bo: replace the stolen guineas in the hole from which they had been filched.” ' CHEAP | Bargain Sales at the Station Store Having purchased a job slot of Dry: Goods, which have been slightly damaged wholesale Dry Goods House in London, recently, and will be sold at a very low figure for ONE WEEK, or as long as the stock lasis, “|Print, Shirting, Ticking, Towelling, Men’s Socks, Overalls, Etc. will go at about 1-3 REGULAR PRICE ‘TR. Yost &8on MILVERTON STATION Hi. Mohr Bakery, Grocery, Confectionery ranges 25¢. and 35¢. per doz, Stratford, Gen. Agent} Short Stories Retold. Andrew ae tells this story filua- COMMERCIAL. trating the rigorous and aseetie lite of Naat he Scots. "Ter seems that a laird, iu Munvzuros June 25. 1903| the year 1765, set out to join the Pre- Seg eee 3 on i {tenden, ta swith bin his ‘son, # $7 Tl) youth of. sixtee so. One night Spring whet per bush. il — 71) this laird and hs little troop were - 324 compelled to sleepin the open, though ee ao 2% lit was snowing, and snow lay deep sp ae 3 BS lupon. the nd. Father and sou 2 r pes as ie 1 00| Kept together and together they pre “id § go, Pared to.turn in for the night. ‘The OT 50 wing wrapped bis plaid about jo} bi, made hintself a pillow now, 9] and was about fo lay Bie head on 6 we] hen his father kicked the little J2) | White mound away. “This tap anon, | 1a| traly,? he panied. for you Gaind wige | join tax 1. LK sonthern Slenaytpan bad married | fter the ce: ere! ee a lot ob inoney, pahsou. | 0’ what Sly do. Ab'U gi yo’ a fin’ Dain’t hi pe a expectant. “Ah iat ef < 12 all right, eae i vor mo’ money, 8 dig "tc Ain?” did.” “Wel, Postum Cereal 15c. per pkg. | California Prunes toc. per ib. Cocoa 15c and 25¢. tins. Old Cheese 15¢ ‘per Ib. ‘Cream Cheese ise. per pkg. oy ie yoc., Butter 150. H. MGHR’S Clean Grogery, qe Pfeffer Wiilverton’s Greatest Steere. BIG — HOSE and GLOVE PURCHASE We place on our counters for quick buyers, 500 pairs Sample Hose, all sizes and all kinds, lisles, fancies, cashmeres, and wools, divided into two lots. We may say however, that this is the finest lot, best assorted, and the greatest value ever entered Milverton. ~ Read over the list carefully. 250 pair Cotton, Wool and Cashmere Hose, all sizes, principally large sizes, worth’ up to 25c. Your choice 10¢. pair, 250 pair lislie, cashmere and fancy. hose, beautiful goods, remember these are all samples, the very cream of value, worth up to 5oc. pair, exactly half - price, 25¢ pair. 5@c. Sitk Gloves for 25c. *1oo pair Sample Gloves, come in black and white, mostly all blacks, worth from 35 to 6oc pair, silk and listle threads this week your choice, 25c. pair. We may add that values of this kind only appear once ina life-time. If you don’t need them for a year it will pay you to lay in a big stock, for Gloves and Hosiéry is always needed, We hope you will appreciate these great bargains. Also Men’s Ties and Ladies’ Belts included, regular 25c. each, your chajce 24or 2oe- 85ec. Brooms for 25c. 6 dozen 5 string brooms, extra heavy, regular 35c. each, this week only 25c. each, “ 10c. White Cotton for 5c. $i Boy’s Summer Suits 5Gce 2 dozen Boy's Summer Suits, pants and blouse, regular $1, guaranteed fast colors, for soc. per suit. The finest lot of boy's Sweaters ever put on sale, prices only soc., 6oc., 75¢., and 8sc., according to size. $7.50 Men’s Rain Coats for $5 Ladies, here is a Millinery Chance 1-3 off marked price. That means a $5 hat for $3.35, and so on. 1-3 off everything in flowers, plumes, fancy appliques, etc, Grosch & Millinery : laces, chiffons, Pfeffer 6 es