~Stmrerty Conripentrat. MARRIAGE LICENSES C issued by J. G. GROSCH. The “It Shines For All.” o, Vol XII—No 28 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O., THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1903 = LCOLM Mi “ane and Pavtiace ee Sovereign Bank’ OF CANADA. ~~ Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 _ Head Office, fa D. M. STEWART, is “Capital Authorized $2,000,000 | | for Pe Toronto HS HOLT. Pre Gen. Manager any canon ~BRANGH | Now open for. the trinsaction of GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS | Deposits of $1 and upwards received.| 3 ee Savings Bank Department Tuterest allowed on deposits Fit and date of deposit, current rate al-) lowed, and oe half yearly. i issued, ~ drafts eligctions made | nted Special tention given to the apres of fe sppers sale not ney ord late) { aes Ranney, = a A.M. Office open hhucadays Wan. Bart Block, Main iss Sroa tistry z K RB wad Det sotiaty: beads 2 gery eof ‘Dental Sicaen ‘i ice store, Milv J. H. EN ok 2, Graduate On + Votetion ry. Colley, oi Leeate all, diseases of domestic aulmals All W, BARB. VETERIN Gton, Milverton “formerly of New! tea First, class horses and rigs at Braise transfer, Ci lby. socettes, verton, meets ever: of every mionth, at coven tmedhun Misiting brethren al- Geo R.; retary, © 0, F, No. 99, 3 second and last Tuese Bovclock, in the Rothaermel’s sto wiys welcome. Barth, Recording S “Silver Star nae brethr: t aii pl 0 "Dana, RS Ne 6.5 doin ties ee eae cand: Wasetlon ca vey Deeds, Wills @nd Mortgages drawn and Aifidavits made. Bailiff fich Dist eae aoe Village Clerk. 0% h's Shoe! Store; Main ot DORLAND'S BUS LINE. Milverton, and Wo. Bus ne Patiliars sali prosshe stent to. Dotland, Maple St., Prop’ for tio} accom tour: eect oud farmers. Telephone co sin Blecwric’ belle Large sample and dining rooms — Best doaaot te ors fd cigars. «Cour: oie see tos, F. Hook. Proprietor TEL, Brunner. "Best liqnors and HA Be ipresie Jaton Gropp, Fovpres rat-class accommoda- at the bar. Fi tion (an large stabling. ee ee GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. | lass accominodation for a cal cI Fiut-cl fore and others. - Three larse sample Te Good tabling. Best” brands W. corner of Main d ci reece asengiiug, Proprietor. i QUEEN’S HOTEL, nag ten ‘Ont. The ion mercial trav- ‘rsat the bar. Good warm stables a1 ty of shed room. Henry Rosey p Miscellaneow JOHN GROPP, desler in Cedar Posts, tscainbe = ly ceenenie "bat the Grosch Co.’ sale. and get your needs now. = eS: | the Yeni pier ecuocee alright. ~| Star B eo wel, O. Ont | oer, > Ghailain’ Jas. Porras) ‘Baptes LOCAL NEWS. 3 fee oan Rio Coffee for $1.00 at K. Bert an says that pork i: *ton the hog, ae yer tigi aad Peruna sale s. Torrance’s. in Ne for the - glorious Twelfth, ae miliary Orange lily and new potatoe: "Lis better to hate loved and | et jae never to have loved and w bee A Wellesley man sneezed on the The “sale still, continues * at the| strost, the other day. and a team rap |Grosch Co’s. store. Everything must] away. e better now. 0. le man's ambitio: to get Mr Win, Hartinier inet wesk lost.a y valuable cow throngh <indiges- |t all and get a dollar hat for Be. a rhe Graveh Co's, an Get your Shay now, sey going for half price at W. K. Loth’s. If it were not for society parades e people would never be found in- side of a church, George. Pagh, of . Kenosha, spending afew days? at his Mini kena Mr, H.C. SRE of Toronto, is spending a few wecks with his | family in Milverton. tion married j a married anan's subition is make the most of a poor job. goods at our sale. ge 's suitings that were ofa Ag yd. Dees it The Grosch Co’s. some of-those prints W. K. Toth is selling at 11 yards ‘for 1.00. Come with the crowds to Grosch Co's. sales. Bargains es—new goods. The in all an who is growling shout the hot Sane is the same man who was growling about the cold June. The village streets present a much cleaner appearance now since the weeds and grass have been cut. Bring us your eggs in exchange for Goods at greatly reduced prices any time during the roxch Co. red day.—The Gr The Grand Trunk Railway station tt New Hamburg was burned to the Miss Jessie Naismith succeeded in ground on ‘Tuesday picniag\.jueuse : O'Connor died in Ellice! securing first-class honors in senior |"™ f on &: ay at the ripe old age of/1udiments, at the recent music: ical ex- ay mes Ward, of Haysville, is 92 years. aminations, elie to reset Christ ee o inane and Trinity chure! Mr. W. Eebert, of Dunnville, is at qliss (lara Guenther passed her Mul Jpwsent visting his brother, Dr year, second class |°" Sunday, aly 130h Egbert nie at the 2etentPoronto College] A court of revision on the village 4 aa fete of . assessment wi before Judge took in the sports at Linwood on] We once knew a young man who| Damon on Thursday last. etek ye sday. ; Seal eet: arettes daily, srsous came up for,hearing. ‘The appeal was Mr. L. Wettlaufer, of Rostock, is! ¢ allowed, and tl per rneat redu ing a specialsale of goods damaged | Goods going at less than half price Come along The Courty O¥ange Lodge of North Perth decided ia celebrate on July 3th, at Palm merston. The party or eel who took two isclit cases out W. K. Loth’s ‘a had Detier Rants them at once. y Mig Albert Tensions of George- town, Miss ie Naismith of ‘Tavi- Pug ales Garde Woceuret Hook: iss ton have returned home for the holi- ays. 3 Rev. Ms D aoe a a Mee to ise member te Lodge, 0. 0..F., an roth hren, in Burns ‘eioreh i Bans oe ve exercise books,. aatests bo ool text books and al plies for the school room. Hale &, ‘for Wall maps and all. school apparents.— Phere were 205 candidates wrote on high school entrance examinations at Stratford, 136 at St. Mar at Listowel 83 at Mechel, ery Caettt: Mil ery ee says Finkbeiner’s hog They ast for time to come. Nothing better ith, "Inge for yout next trough t Finkbeiner's hardw: aes Leaf salmon ba a tin at W. K. Loth’s on Friday and Situ ou 38: The Milverton Suv and the Weekly do S| Mail and Empire he from now until end of the year with your choice of e of the two pictures, ‘The Miner’s Parewell” or “On the Edge of the erd,” for 70 cénts Farmers indents the country ally to the growth of the id an a The iooking splendid, Fall wheat envy but from some sections ccmes the com- plaint that the crake working havoc. a pring ator ar At the paras mecting of Silver Lodge, 202, I. 0. on t, the followhie. ‘Gilles installed by P. G. Charles Rudolph Mp ler N.G.; Johu th, B.S sentative to Gran The King’s head sat of Canadian tamps made its ts mppentencedt ocal post office last w The stamps bear the Hkeness oft King, test portrait of his ing him in royal of soatet and In each of ‘the upper of the stamp,is a Tudor crown, poe in the lower corner a maple leaf with a rooms, | numeral —- the denomination | sn sends porte of the ‘ait of thi King isan, eure likedess of his Majesty. The nations will be the same as at present, with oe addition, probably: be a four- cent mp you keep the rein off his tail.” - | th rable and siiking ee denomi- hi so ear, pant and sm ‘The only noticeable effect was tye th of the smoker. V Mr. Hemy Hadenpflug has secured ne services of Mr ward Faller, of as ental blacksmith an rset ‘yy Be. eae comes swell recommended sneyman the wradbiof the’pabligas colicitals Miss Pearl Tucker has suspended Ae. at recent Toronto Conservatory. ex- aminations held at Stra . ie eae are due Tu Cc. E Smith, of Stratford, was in @ village on Wednesday morning taking the levels of Mill st the village to the station iameae it is proposed to run drains on each side of the road, eighteen feet apart, in the hopes of improving materially the con- dition of that part’ of the road in spring and he garden party held under the auspices of Trinity church, Elma, at gt Sam. McCourt’s, on Monday even- ‘aS a genuine success from every ie of View. ening Was and the attendance large. Mr. Beat oY London, delivere that ‘as appreciated by those saeeiers The tale ot the evening amounted to about $12 The Mi eh Advocate is rin Ay, for the statement that liquor was at the race eu Stratford, last hei ore necpe at seerec; the Ad offic’ ial aro jealous guardians. o! to st hilarious down he goes for six months Two raw “blokes” struck one of the ivery stables the other day and hired “This horse,” said Nis uiet as long as When | i, ned, some hours <later, Sage asked them hi the horse d. “All right,” said they “It vine qullna ti, ‘and swe had only one umbrella, ‘but we took _ bans to hold it over the! horse’s tail.” ‘hose who think the life of an etitor is an iridescent dream hallowed with ford ‘memories _ oom imag, show tickets and the iver; Peis ae nd of the business for a while in 01 appre the men who mamufacture paper. i presses, type and other necess: juncts have a way of ge etting their ey that would make a delinquent sub- The bachelor edit Journal i is the author of the following: “Is mnguer, rane is lost but you, ey choked gray haired siness calls r, Lathe, Shingles, ee ete. 7, Ont lpevebeiag ae Knechtel's. ‘Bak him about and lten 0 and hey teacher, Miss White. ine cake, should nee se aE ae expense ad inwardness of | yoo e ee t one thousand a: The Orangemen of district will apokahe x on Sunday morning at Christ church, Milverton, font commenc- at eleven o'cloc 1 Orangem«: march in a body to chi The practice Fs writing on pers — to be inspectors an "owt as high ae ‘ty eilnediee this GEESE, A meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in Grosch's hall on Saturday ainment of Toronto, recited prietals appr opriate selectioi Cam is, without fant ta a of the Meda new that we have ever had in Milverton. A Jas. Miller, B.. A gop of Me id| A. Miller, of Wellesley, h pointed rector of St. Peter’s "Bpiscopal church at Ashtabula, oe in_succes- sion to C. H. Powell. —Regard- ing, the new rate Beacon Resor si ‘Rev. pearance, and an enthusiastic He isa gradu: ate of Trinity University at Toronto, a1 eharsias hasitg the past three ra, ‘wo years of wl he wi secret of the diocese of Kansas. he past year he was in ERE £ St. Paul's AL AT att, MILLBANK.. Grace church Se party held in | Ritter’s grove was not as well attend- ed as on some pone no doubt to the ceipts were also sheer tote Ge, aver: iy eee prve The recent heavy xains have ie a hyays know the pro; foxes He cuts a thistles and weeds veering nie appearance of his pi tor of the Hepworth | erty. (her), Caswell, ‘of Ilinois, is nome aftr three years. nie Blair, of "Detroit, is home on her vacatior Fred. abb and sister are visiting | set nate A. J. Babb. Stratford races wi 3] aan to a number in this aeiuity ‘last “the Aenea Re iller | Pass yy the roadside, ‘thereby oH E THE TRADERS BANK : OF CANADA e Head Office Toronto — Stratford Branch Market St. Capital Paid Up $1, 500,000.00 Assets Over . $14,000,000.00 made to responsible farmers on. emis prs names, 8 cashed or collected. or discounted on favorable terms. Sterling exchange bought and sold, SAVINGS. PS wenata spout Deposits of $1.and upwards recely-_ ae, and interest Anowen Ne onrkent “R. R. JEFFREY, Manager és W.D. Weir, auctioneer, is conduct ing sales every Wednesday a day at 1.30 and 7.30 next 30 days at the Gro: Pat and get goods oes than halt ee igs “3 NEWTON. Miss Fannie Ross, of Toronto, is at present visiting Mrs. John fag Messrs. Cassell, Mitehell & Hawke and calves to ‘he work on the new Presby: teria church is making rapid progress these” YS, srs. Labbert ‘Koeni est an igs as the contract ai are pushing the — eat the foun aon. work on he 's store has been ees ger! os. Hutchison has. completed the feuntation for ouse and, enters are now at the frame- the Doctor Gray Wo der. Workers * Medicine By left this week for Hesson. y dia a good bueihese here last wi Six Site trom here wrote on thé entrance examinations held at Milver- ton two weeks ago a he fore in this section ie aes well and the hay crop will be much heavier ee was Sabot ey) a teh rae 2g0. (ite ape oat mrpmetion, Examinations. ‘examinations ee school, _ 4th, Mark to pass Sptatnetlet twice they marke required to pass. io 440 Fred Goenther (recommended). |. 391 EM olge to Jun, 4th, Marks to rl Co Willie Haseugsin ug Greeotitinended), 300 i) Ree Guenther (recommended), .383 Promotion to Sen. 8rd. Marks to pass 360. Lizzie Krajaetski. Tillie Schinidt, . Bice Sch: ae Biot Noll seaport ier a Beatrice Goodhai ‘ecomimend. si A ee to 5 un. 3rd. eee. Rumford. ips|_ Dan. Ross. of Southampton, is homé | for the LORIE: Mrs. A, Young, of Gorrie, is visit.) ing friends in and around the ‘ie Nova { a Hevee