THE MARKETS Prices. ee Grain, Cattle, etc ng Trade Centres. MARKETS oF ea Me Sete July — The market was quiet, aris. ae “demand less active, hard Gate Me Nee thern, 85¢ Goderich; No. 1 hard, woz eens in transit, lake and rail, Northern, c Oais—The Market is steady, with aie ‘ed Ape ea I at 82c high trei are ops 4 Py Baie miadie yee No. 1 white, 84 a B ‘Trade is panes with no Dahess sxeported.. No, 8 extra seh at 4: middle freight, and No. Pe $24 48c. market is steady at 52 ~ to 58c east for No. 2. Peas—Trado dull, with No. 2 white Wheat 42¢; com de, and oats. 8¢ to New York. aofilweuteo, July 7.—Wheat—W LIVE it Sere MARKETS. onto, as at the cattle was ket tetany Eteriaioen as told; 85:care ‘ock, consisting ot 1,099 head i Seer oe BES: @o0 calves for pee spray both the close of the market, owing to th et pes arket is weak. The Probable for next week," ‘The. to ops a. $5.75, Export, ev _ Export, light Bulls, bathe heavy, quoted today ‘at $2.72 middie freight ers’ sacks, for expor Bas, Py eye oe Straight rollers of special brands for | BUlls, light BORE ED: domestic trade quoted at $3.25 to phous cea 800 Vie ota in Is, ba fl brat See ROC Sontinier sore eit |Stockers, 400 to: 800 fre aes fo, and stiong beker’, $i to 8410 [IM 5 ena er sore bakers’, ea to $4.10 Stotiers, Baie eee ude wrans ta nea a $47 seyaae cattle, shorts $19 here. At outside points | ,<noee ; ms BO bran is quoted at $16, and sh INGAAS eiery cocy $16) -Manttobe bean in saeke! $19.) Go ne Pies nenra4e and shorts flalog do rough 275 8 25 OUNTRY PRODUCE. Light stock bull: Beans—Trade is quiet with prices cwt ... . 2 26 8 00 ominal, Prime white are quoted at |Miieh cows +8000. 40 00 Hoge, best, 5S do" lig : 5 50 Sheep, eee ona Lo x » 3 60 75 Gaieach 225 250 ne . 50 per ton for car lots Calves, cach 2 00 10 00 on Spring lambs 3°80 50 Moe Sts ade dull, with prices nom- ae of < 20c. Bihar t ss 81.20 to. oe Oe tue Bag) aud aa oe es $1.35. wltsy— Spring ues are ante or ‘at 66 to 850 pair, and old hens at 9 sm oe ee "hb. Turkeys: 42 to 18¢ per Ib. THE DAIRY MARKETS. eceipts fair. The demand for choice grades i wae We quote: 15 to 17; ee ni Tetra colon 18! fol tye: oe grades, store packed, 18 to éreamery (prints; 19 to" 20e;. sollds, 18 to 183c. ‘Eggs—The market is unchanged, with good arena Choice ~ stock brings 15¢ per Cheese--The amet is quiet, with prices ruling at 41 to 114¢ per Ib. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed Doge Bis dnebanadd ured meats are sti ith cane ks Sun 10 o 10de, in ton and case lots. Pork, “~ 8, $2: C Smoked Meats—Hams, 18 to 13}¢; rolis, 11 to 11}c; shoulders, 104¢; backs, 14 to 144c; breakfast bacon, 14c, Lard—The — market js unchanged. We quote:— Tierees, 92c; tubs, 10¢; pails, 10} to I0}c; compound, De. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. ae July 7.—The local mar- kets were fairly active and prices Bee tesion Wines “has declined: and rt] William; peas, 630 high fneights, 720 Bast, .584e «afloat 8 10 to 10$c. UNITED STATES MARKETS. (rE sects & North- hi i ur }$40,000 in gold and eS yeicrtecet PREPARING FOR WAR The Premier of Bulgaria Is Very Ap: ive. The Belgrade corre: London Times says that Peer the terview, in the Sultan. of Parkey anid the Bul- garian Government were both 0} © war, but the situation was ing. fhough most of the pri soners at Salonica had releas- fresh. arrests have b mi rived at Adrianople. th ks, the Premier is saying, is the deliberate oxter- mination of the Bulgarians in M donia: by roids scarcely short of assacre, and the high afficials urkey are promotii war move etroft anticipates a war and e os contempt for the h, of two Tey: whereas Bulgaria can mobilize ammy of 10,000 well armed Vetere ae the Sultan, in order t ert @ War, may make concessions, but Galebaris acre 66 a catastrophe: is imminent. RICH STRIKE IN YUKON Twenty, to 9 Fitty | Dollars e Dey n Taken 0 A atte. West; deepaten says: ana, Koyuka and Ramhart Camps and Kuskokwin Water Shed came on yon the steamer Rock Is- land, from Andreaski, The steamer =) 2 2 & = 8 e 3 Alaska, bringing several pas: gers. The Lawrence Hotel at ae, was destroyed by fire just before the departure ofthe Beamon entailing 3 loss of $25,01 a GORGE STATION BLEW UP Terrific Explosion = the Mi- ool. A despatch from ake Fals, vss A i ee, Pe Remon Se ane electric rail- ve jon momnade about half-way ae 8 the + “R- bridge and eam ‘The building ae fire from elec- tric an ‘several nonrgt melght of ease stor ing was which = ee for miles. » $4 Fe to Le 00 | in, 4 5 4 90 Bulgarian Seer, ee ven am in-| i whic! a reclaved that e: FORGERY; THEFI, PERJURY tad Serious Chargés Aj Against Ex-Man- ager Rowley. The list is a ne mae included the fol- 1902—Jan. 10, stealing $2,956, exporters and butchers, but for|9,' $1,478.14. rough grass cattle the trade was a|$1,07. deneniate mene 3 t008, Mede dragey. pull 4, $4,450. May 6, $1,800. The top price for choice butehers’| July 14, ° $9) ‘Aug. 30, $700. cattle. wan about $4.70, soveral loads|Sept. 28, $1, t. 4, $4,87: co quality | light eattle|Dec. 22, $1,000. 1901~—Jar. 2, fetching that figure, The rough and|g618. May.20, $2,350. June 17 heavier grass-fed cattle pp Ray $i ug. 22, $2,440. Oct. 30, at from $3.36 u 4 Dec. 27, $1,489. 1900— here was porhit anaes at steady Feb. 15, 900. prices. for good export ewes, but April 4, $1,000. h 11, $470. 189’ Oct. 10, 85, 80, $2280: “sh, 000. 1 n. pape th of chien 1896, with having ieee 8 a deposit nscale tn the name of Agnes E. Laidlaw for $2,200.51 ae = ae Purpose the said amoui ag- ating ‘detail also charged with having on es 15th of Tite, 1903,- swo. sely to a statement of the com- nae assets and liabilities to de ceive the public. being asked to pled, aye trial ag posetble © The County ige en i tain ae lis Honor said there was no application for bail. accused was remov jail. Mr. Rowley presented le jected appearance, as may toast , but is said to be ee well, considering the eS the offences: with hee he is charged. MINING DISASTER Nearly Two Bundrea Men -Are Ento: i the ought out, all of Cor es, and som mowitt slight evidences of life. ‘The Union “Pacific Railway Company |t According to the latest reports, 235 mon out of who were in were ait in Fo explo- rit; ot the Laden peck ‘Finlanders epee fl A small penetmpted thus far mere coca bring out a body. —+ C.P.R. TO MAKE OFFER Big Corporation May Get the ‘ast Atlantic Service. An Ottawa despat Sir ‘Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the C. » Was in the city on ‘Puesday, and had a conference with several “Ministers. It is said DROWNED THE HUSBAND eh. A Little Girl’s Story Against Her i 2 Mother. ‘An. Ottawa despateh says oh 3 Rove iene Dente iers were arrest Bay, and Mees wa: that Lalonde owod By Lalondes hai eryear-old chil a the 1itete at alleged to hav ov eae, and drowned. he “po- wei ries petnanes justify them in de- taining Mrs. Lalonde amd Destos- ter. SES Ra SHOT HIMSELF DEAD Constable Ends His Life in aed mto despatch says: — Con- stable aus Weston, who had been on the Toronto. police force for over nineteen years, ee ests on Ee spondency is giv son for “ending his life. He was fined y by Chief Grasset the i ce. He suffered considerably from internal troubles. Deceased was a pe of . England, and 44 Hie aus ved ay said Pan pas children. eee SS WOMEN CHIMNEY SWEEPS iecasge™ Is Formed at St. Peters- arg 2 t Moscow. A St. Peters! desp: ‘A large number of callings are open to women in Russia which are shut = i ries, and two new professions have just been- add- to f is the an- cient and honorable one of chimney sweep. ila or union of w men chimney ‘edieg rere mable to obtain any fur-| June, it are looking into the met- Si summer and Halifax in winter. Swe oman en|FIGURES FROM THE WEST Sales of Land ee the Year Just fe Clo: A Winnipeg Pte says: All re- 349,524 $1,221,65. 8 compared ith 244,678 acrea f 77,622 in 1902. d sales of the same company for the year we: ré 9,529 acres a $9,698,950. For id daetanent sales for the year cading. totalled 263,051 acres sou, 346. Immigration arrivals for the year are estimated at 110,100, as against 1 arrivals for the previous ar. Winnipeg) eastome office pee 28,086.83, for June totalled $2: in June lest year 7, istal year ending June 30 1902, $1,499,226. oe an increase of $423,856.04 for the RT or SAVED THE TRAIN Wreck Averted With Lantern and Red Ha-dkerchiet. \An Ottawa despatch says: ‘The Pembroke local on. the C. P. aS had a narrow eseape on Wednead When within a mile of Pembroke the ineer noticed the glimmer of FIRE IN COAL MINE Canada Coal and Railway Com. pany Suffers. despatch. says ith be rescued. All the horses are still im the by smoke or burned. Manager Bur- ic [Present time to stop the fire, and the pit may have to be flooded. The output of the Joggins’ mines is about 300 tons daily FARM LABOR SITUATION Dominion Asked to Psey Inn gration to Onta: A Toronto seen says: Mr. Thi thworth, Director of me 2c ng reg canis <p) ips ine aa neat migration to Ontario. If this is done the farm labor problem — will, to @ gteat extent, bo solved. ese pees A PECULIAR DEATH Man eee Between Bed and Wall n Days. A ee «2, Seopatal says: Geo. Bames, a civil w: eran, fifty years old, who ved al found w wall, nace weed dhe fel in an apopplectic fit a weck ago, and) was umable to release himself. He, died soon after being found, but! @ physician said de: s duc et tion, as ak ae POS, sible for Irim to from ae stroke of snopes Bad ‘he hed p: per attendanc A CS aie SHOULD AVOID ALCOHOL , |Statement of a Veteran German General. ABorin wenbaieh aves In answer 1 an inquiry he German Tem- perance Society, Count Huelsen-Has- ler, ost popular of the retired man Generals and a supposed to- tal abstainer, has written as lows:— During teensy O08 are I drunk mvineed that a pS Eee 2 QUEBEC MINISTER DEAD :|Hon. T. Duffy, Provincial Treasur- - & ex, Passes A ebec _ despi ays: Hon, Thom {. Dufly, treasurer of the Province Quebe: ricken th “apoplexy while jn 6 barber's fe was removed to his rooms. in the hotel and oer Saad Sipe summoned, but he passed away ae afternoon. a despatch was at once sent to Premier Parent, who is ‘at St. Augustine, summoning him to the capital. rata Nae A LARGEST IN OUR HISTORY Increase of $4,566,860 Over Last Year in the Customs. An Ottawa despatch say: Th Customs revenue of Canada for the fiscal year which closed on June 0. has been $36,619,659, an incr 56 Hest bee 579,685. an increase ae of pooaari NO-HOGS FROM STATES that three telephove poles hax bees blown down by the 108s re 5 high} used to protect. the) ound ciel Yea been tied by a man Legge, = antary Gaplege ok Dace e better than men, and upon investigation it was found | Britieh Board fa eee Pro- ibi 3 London’ despatch 5: tea r of ie Board of Agri nm Friday pro a bit: wes ortation of cattle, fom Rew England. ‘The ordez goes) effect, August 1x BULES FOR THE SOLDIER WHAT HE MUST DO AND WHAT HE MUST NOT DO. Whe British Army Regulations are Very” Strict ie the Privat On the first page of every soldier's Poeket-ledge On rising in the not aol his Seti first making up his bed and putting Ri -elothing and cquipment: tn otherwise the vigilant order! Repeane pill-sconccairtuis tor sac; He rmust not be absent from the | Pa! mess table at the hour appointed for | each meal, whether appetite wai o OF not, unless he Js on duty a but must alway ee his ame et. on. 1 aie sae indulge in any grumbling, forcible language, or altercation, but must await the visit of rr derly-officer, to whom he must then address his complaint in respectful language Te snust not presume to speak to. any time or in any What shrunk your woolens ? hy did holes wear so soon? You used common soap SUNLIGHT = 6) REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Bar, = tt tidying his berth and getting ready for the day's work, ‘Phe soldiers must not grow dead or whiskers; is chi unless he isa pioncer, of whom there are onl, TEN IN PACH REGIMENT. On the other hand, be: must allow his moustache to grow, and on no agree ia Alldwod toseimvn te uies even a soldier's fuagral procession i conirtaded. mnie wer tailed agiat to. attentio) agi Gnlue thetietenina pfdnaly des parted messmate. Finally, although a soldier enlists only for a specified number of years, Siherarite, if he anticipates these by a ing French leave, reated as a deserter.—London Tit- Bits, issioned officer, un- less the officer should address him oy Sole ee - stance. r pass his officer Eeetiar: aang him, even when the pattern Greeaed 8 plain. plothes, ‘ovided. he is pegunretan with h position as an offi ALL PARADES seuss Hips Bi terstenics tov 8¥e oe. nd, He must on no account be a aes Tet hen the “‘fall in’ sountts. On the contrary, he must be waiting on the barrack square his place when the parade assem- bles mon parade, should his officer be bahtng Him anf speak to him he mmpat not: tira his head In responée, but ‘must h immovable head and eyes Toki ptralgn 40 the fro’ in un- st ade, mot wrestle with it in the ranks, but immst take eee to the front or rear, only stepping into his — place again after he has adjusted the re- frectory weapon. He must not attempt to leave bar- Thetis wutlh thevdags 8: pexpdes | ond duties are valks Duis aust the ri the sashes over their right shoulders. IN WALKING OUT the soldier ot wear ar or tic, neither must he let any sign of a handkerchief, watch chain, ec de his uniform ‘out’? dress this regulation is more Ihonored My she brenske thant the aes lie Hanae ae become a benedict fas ant ‘on ie the married quarters unless sent there on some errand of duty Wen on guard ce Sie aie take his rest. on he must not aha e boards of the guard-room ved, fully dressed, with his accoutrements Jengih of time, but must keep on patrolling up and down his beat. He must 1 enter into conversati with anybody, neither must he smoke, drink, at while on his post. When ‘the orderly-officer _vis- its him he must not forget any. must repeat, almost verbatim, ‘the whole of the instruc- on his order archad to church he must not fash about looking fora cote ted out to him. ot_ perm’ light in his ban eon alter 10.15 night “until “the next morning, sal oe “lights out!” a Ea fake fot Sie SEEN CORES CHEAP EXCURSION TO DENVER. h-will sell none trip or & 7th and 8th, good to return ti 9038. Omaha, return without extra charge. This will assengers the gr portu ity of seeing the World’s Fair buil ings Loui 1 Wabash trains stop ai Fair grounds. full particulars address J. A. Richardson, rict __ Passenger Agent, northeast Some King and Yonge streets, Toronto. Student—“What is pessimism? Philosopher—“The faith of cowards. “Then what is optimism “he faith of fools.” lar Pill.—The pill is. the most te of all forms of medicine, alls the most popular aro Parme: are compact.and portable, hey are easily taken, they do not nauseats her gripe, and they give rolief in the most it n cases. nista ero ae the oulye es a Loe ir Fa a July, 1890, small beetles passed over A oieaiOl inciipesia, whieh wag 2 miles long, 1 1-8 miles wide, and over 20 ft. thick, ured of Bronchitis and asuuma by ag LINIMENT. cae LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, P Ab Osi ol: 6 aevsre ttack Rhoumatisin by MINARD'S LINI- MBNT. cescny! Bay. JOHN MADER. evanelys sprained Ae ty y MINARD'S aay UA WYNACHT, uaupewnian 19 Paris has no less than 1,216 class- <8 ot workm There are, for in- co, 886 classes engaged in the cheriest trade, and 370 in metal industries. idlnard's Linkment Cures Dandrutf Mrs. Ken’ that 1 wan the he apple of zone eye! Kenway—‘Well, what of it?” Kenway—‘‘Nothing, except that jon’t pad a care much for fruit as you on f ‘There never was, and never will bs a nniversal pata sons, in one remedy, for all bo germs of other an na stare aey seated fliseases rooted system of tha oa rayate the z Quinine Wine, when mnaduite edy for many aud grevious ills. gradual aad judicio ir the fittest Syotems are led into convalescence and stre e ath, by The ipduonce which ar Bie exerts on ti¥es. atare’s 0 = sie tine drooping spirits of those th wi whom a ehrouie ace of morbid dee |she (his wife) jondency and lack of interest in life is 9 mht iataes, and, by seaniqailite et ral pein instestl of sposes to sound ani fan 3 vigor to the ‘action of the blood, |be sure to oh. being stimulated, courses through: Out the veins, strengthening the healthy pnimal functions of the system, theredy ‘oronto, bave giv yaperior Quinine Wine ae nd, gause opini od, but must be up an ae ana ef nearest perfection ny in tiie marker. A) druggists sell it HOW TO SEES MICROBES. you Aabpes e fol Jacobitz, of Ge be a ed that all nrightsaisrmiges antin: a similar character are wall papers b microbes will isa great deal in the color per. r Jour Deen ps tly, and all public buildings of vered with wit right in their hue the find no plact A TOWN OF GLASS. There is probably in all the world only one Easily di quite impervi cut into Dave and to the weather, jt nakes excellent building material. How’s This f We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for guy case of Vatarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's rit: CHE unders 9. Cheney oy the believe him, “perfectly in ss transactions and financial? Role to-carty out an their firm. T & RUA Toledo, 0. Catarrh NEY & Uo. edo, known F oF. at 15 years, honorable in all y obligation: ‘AX, Wholesale Druggists, ALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, inolesnle Druggists, “Woledo, ‘Hall's Catarr “I never saw a h Cure is taken inter blood tem. head for business,.’ said the first fly. ake SS he?’’ queried the 0} n for our busi- o yh, ness, He's so ee bald-headed.”” Mlncrd’'s Liniment Cures Burns, ete, ssia has in 1237, and only. taken her. revenge pena sss again in 1298, For Ovep Sixty Years. 4x Wart-Tarep Rescepy. — Mrs talowe tenting Prrap has been, used for, ove tats | a wie ra by malo fae ite H or Ty drugeiee Frmnigrgcensa oie soothes the. child, riod calle and ploayant 12, the aes of the Ww. ae for Stes. Wiasiows Soothing arp, snd take no och Rodrick- wont down great demonstration? Bk a for the star?” you abel oo coy the rtain ‘So when the audience mad a they cal Van Alb paerearaas BINDER TALK, important at ot fold them, A youngster car easily and properly. The Dividers are very rigid in their working ~ pos- itions, emain at whatever anglé ‘they are folded over tho veyor can’ FLOATING ELEVATORS, —They literally float. e grain canno stick or choke in the y-Harris Masse: elevator, no matter how much it is bunched. KNOTTER. — Capable of PL adjustment to take REEL. or short grain with splendid ces to lighter work. ca: beasts know ROLLER (BPARINGS tnroughont |v draft es aa at ies when ene ae “hitched to a Massey-Harris—it runs so casi- should say iner told mo that wn to. the dentist's the de ntist must have filled the Wrong ono and Fe colds are easily cured by, the use er 1 Biokie's Auti-Consumptive Syrup, medicine of extraordinary penetrating and healing propert by those who hi flammation of of the throat and ches! tothe taste makes ies and children. ca, | Te ts nck acres ave used it sold for coughs, oa ain the hi anes, and ail affection Its agreeablenes ta favourite with NO WONDER, POOR FELLOW! as picked up recently: i the police who seemed to be suffer- ing from mental eet iris bat who, on recovery, gave this account t olf: to the dressmake left’ his happy home, tor, which s he , With a gusse stitch hetweett ohe cam minke 1t instead of fiuting the etiaey? s I su There is only one tea to people of discriminating taste and that :|Blue Ribbon Ceylon T@a phe es no eanleseent flavor to pall mpl y @ rich aroma and a ps i eal delicacy, Black, Mixed. Ceylon Green. Ask for Red Lebcl. FORTY CENTS-SHOULD BZ FiTTY 8 t—t OUR ’. BRANDS, Bon’t King Edward | Experiment Sir Wate with “Headlight” hasioslaien “Eagle” brands, ee use “ Viotorla” __ 3 “Littla Comat” CANADA ED DY $ t-£ Father—‘Why, when I was your ead father?” ‘There is not a mura dangerous class of disorders. than those which _ affect the ity oa ale monic of ackuowledged eff Tamoness and soreness when applied ex- ternally, ag well as swelled neck and erick in the back; and, as an inward specific, | a esses most substantial claims to pub- | m ic confident ry (in chemist! op)—“‘I_ wants re si of stickin’ plaster and 2 bot- tle of china cemen’ Shemist “Hm; that’s a Hela mixture! What's it for?’ Boy—‘'The eiskie Biase, is for father, and the cement er. She flung the Breast things: at him ten minnits a, CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR, DENVER the International Convention at » Jul; 9th 18th, the ficial route ject u ‘rans- portation Managers for Ontario and me ae of touriat sleeping cars to Denver. Sth. Return limit August 8ist, Christian eainihe folder, rat ay informatio) B. t King atest, Toronto. “That man your automobile bow- your machine.” “‘What did he sy Sixty-sin.” ninety-o! sisi wes ional on ie head at Phe ce eres Use Lvei Soap (a powder)| to ek Ses aid fannels,— yau'll like it. EXCLUSIVENESS OF CASTE. English officer, who some among tells this story: ‘‘Next m ieetith Women’ wan" umar, little more or less suffering to us— why should he ae up his fate for No, he preferred to led over says he has the number Jan WHY HE, KIOMED ‘Say, old chap, it isn’t nice of yo lend mo that V. One trlend ighauld always 09. witing © help the other.” ‘rue, but I Bert to invariably being the other. Minard's Lintment ent Helens Heuralgla orseays cota lini, 700 silos th raight linc—becomes ov: 000 nls af tollawed cai tho ese fjords are over 150,000 is- ae ‘They are a Powerful > yapep sin causes derangement aaltie nervous system, and nervous deb ered is dilficult todeal with. There are many testimonials 48) to, the eMlency, of Parmelee's Vegetable Pi in diaorder, showing th oduce good results. By gi taper vono to the digestive organs, rer Restore equilibrium to the nerve centres, hat a warm climate favors long life is shown by a recent list of cen- comet Scot a Bng- le x 6, Sweden 10, France 215, Spain 401. ENCLISH SAVIN LINIMENT we of one a! reamed, se ‘shel Cure evee It is calculated that earthworms tol hat lion btn for the United Kingdom, fUlnard’s Liniment for sale everywhere The French © President — receives guia, 000 @ year, and gets in addi- tion fruit, vegetables, game, fuel, oil, gas, clectric light, and washing Wilson’s Fly Pads Gold Everywhere, 10 cENTS scientific prineipels count for onrthieg = patent Inf ee ould de 8 ‘The New Century Bali Bear- ing Washing Machine in the home stands for clean clothes, light vind minutes is s sufficient for a tub- wit your dealer has it have him show it to you. ct write us for rtion, and piercing out lique, a: iggested | descriptive booklet. THE DOWSWELL MFO. oe Lg, HAMILTON ONT. ity F225 wie 3 4 3 aiae 2 e 2 pararett onl trom the Belt and ‘Truss She P Bone ale Caeeniats, 455 Spadine GRANCES | LEMONS WE California Navals; HAVE Valencias, and THE | Sevilles. BEST 4b. S3. Carload every week. Ail. the above at | market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, | Maple Syrup and other produce to advan- tage for you. | fue PAWSON COMMISION CO,, Limited. . Weet Market @t., TOKONTO, BES for Fe is SSUE NO.