ag = fal ea j co aire ae REAT ae, Be og aye be |Benicy Usivernty. nie he } Wilkin: ta eae city oar aioe ‘ee St Andi Ae ie aos ares : 3 Rae 3 3 ‘ B. 6 fF ‘ “Messrs. Kalbfleisch Bros., of te sing ie r= she acaeeke orcs pea yaa Ht ion't fare dai fie ith an “testa” f ; 7 aS Re F : : r 5 Se Moris avo the. opateacts’ for’ tho pi ion And he winked at his hired mi every hour - = £ ‘ q ~ —~- . “TF Cae : erection of a new three rat automo- an fe ar $ 5 50 if | tie. y an e city ive And the edifor’s not bragging of his c x P 2 Sh ; ? bile and bicycle factory 48 x ; ae hale . 5 pies and power. - 5 -_ Wilkins ‘sec at y have its fants, and errors, but In order to clear. pitance x Reowes, who was mee Ibs. Raw Sugar $1 ; ethos fectting to Work at| sities 1 ill forgiv of T a = the Hogd Cullen Milling Co.) 37,5 “Roasted Coflee $1 ne wlking Hoss cos For ies pristed i the otntry way iF rimmed Hats, Flowers, TE areata ceeataras? RAL re Ss ge ack whel ust S. ~, Sie aoe 00} viotating: Wastars aainacreay: oe h ee es a Feathers, and Untrimmed {Cash § Shee Folie al fu is only ed wee nd =! ee oe madoup ermine Tee } Hats, we will on crease 10 B ves T gladiy’ put. the daily by awh E dowhread in its pages what the wise > Frida & S t d re ey eee y c& saturday some es e a JULY 10th and 11th, ee is ae is dead,” paieog tr _ Sell at half price as follows: Trimmed Hats were $5.00 for 2.50: 4.00 2.00 B50 etegs “6 3.00 1.40 Flowers, Feathers, and Untrimmed Hats in same proportion. Sine 00, an average (Kansas City + “Journal.”) bi month although he wa 8 per w 190: x Aled . 1 advan 6 total al ;| Barrel and Loose Salt in stock} "Speci Prvablonips ici yee miallowed tc 0 Bo 00 a in ins issued. All benef on” making nay i ° i cata at the option of » Gold Medal, Blue Ribbon, thnlted inte iy In the course of his budget speeth| Brantford and Deering Twine | Jas. innes, Thos.-Hilliard, Can supply your a Sree drew i i ae for sale at the lowest price. President. Mee ; } i es. ‘The figures ds of Farm Produce take Summer Needs in Tenitores. ‘The Bgures for” 1900| All kinds of Farm Produce taken] anything that is de- ed Duri ng 102 the nrenge wae 19, Butter 15¢., Eggs 14¢., Lard 13 Eye Comfort . of his speech. the akc ahe tate sirable for warm forcast was that from 380 9 300 new Eye comfort is sitoet - ill be organized during the through the aid of perfect | Atte weather. ete, hae eres. TL, L ORV MUaMDM ling gases” Special discounts in eres MILVERTON STATI Our spectacles and lenses: , MONKTON are d perfect. pay Sts asa F g all departments 2 i NOTES ‘LOST. We carry the best and most - Mr. Joseph Near “has made an im: 4 i Summer Goods. rove to his handsome dwelling] ‘The public are Fe roby srarnea up-to-date guaranteed Jewelry’ zainst negotiating the following lost : n. ‘ ESE hotes inade in Srlvester eyer shown in Milverto: * = is ae MacBeth a Joh Mo Co., due Nov. 1st, 1903:—Two. . . Pans Milliner 3 Cha Lil Cipetson, a oy jn eee fg ab by Albert Riddell, New: Ifin need of an engagement : oho Reg village on Thursday on business. fone. doh 7 De aehae °?P. or or wedding ring give us a call. ~ ‘ord, of Muskoka, is visiting | $30.00; eis, Branner_P. 5 ’ ‘ # carry a full line of ‘rings. P.O. $15.00, Ai We y g q a 'y sermon said, boundless prairies. But nevertheless hig Gees it oe try the souls of I cant pee again the faces of the friends usell to Mixed .. 8:25 p ie stern bar wi i | In the dim bay distant anche: of the : 5 mse é Peau long ago ; j i 0 nd I read up in one corner “that the Le URSDAT, TOBY: O16 Sown, “arid = tt fall winds howl and blov And that ‘ eae aes Smith pre- ik dicts a: Or pre rs Our gis ei, soe Ww! i give : zi a iable next week, (Goldwin Smith.) — _ bar a ivis ight oy-| At whieh, our fellow-~ Nees Ab- Wilmington under mob rule seems to his brother 8. x Brotherton, will spea! ~ to show that a % paerAL se is Hoe far is | giv «ft A Race War Probable. its a There pies learned essays on g even worse than hatred of race, | neither ‘ean cone? is pert eho a nesting Aik Ne as + lust of “outrage and blood. 'T € ith the fashi But it says ‘that t folks are looking for i another rise in hay” ; Ican see no glaring headlines of the off yer last election fight gt , Ye bunis and sports!| But it rasa “Tom Shaw marries ‘the honorable coors. is now fa sess Ella Ed sion : aka to- ni And ae thoug! feiider whet ne old folks’ names see, Telling that 'The Reverend 'Tomp- ins was invited there to tea.” Ready-made Clothing Try us for your next suit, We are ure to please you. 1 Alex Stewart’s of the heagen 00. Any person = ¢ s is_week. g ab tos and ret t ele a At cost to clear dah ig of Beit, spt] ae satwaea "| We handle the celebrated:/ Sunday in ee THosias MAY BERRY, Dueber-Hampden watches, the . Come and see. Our cheese ne eee company Poole P. 0. | pect time-piece in the world... under the manager ment of Thos a shi 5 a nake pig Rep nee ah | E. H. DI ERLAMS1. sake Fasday The rice paid 5th Line Epenienien: Grochy Blevcles at $25¢ n, of Bae nae td spent. n Pe chased a fit. I. afaiped asa with terrible calamity was. ada : ing had a wide experi-| It aver the eonntry. ence in that line of work. First-class work is predicted. Ay “The Breath of the Gloaming. | , Well ae are operating at Mr. Frank Ri a Banker.) ls, De Munro took itvantege of f day hag unk inthe @ exeursion to Manitob eck, 1000 yds. of Remnants to be sold Smee | and Saturday. may be grade aud “homely thet he a Sunday in oar villag if Gk ss a he windstorm on a aeadiny evening |° red. Hat rs report fair orop Beh H BASTENDORFF: % E 14 i did considerable damage | ting his lane gravelledlastweek, © P. . é : ew of i property. |//The congregation of Zion church i Butter 15c., Eggs 14¢. mee peo } Thos. Riedy th line, Logan, had ‘held a very successful garden party at ticlan * I: t s barn which will| Mr. Henry Kelly's, on Tuesday even:| Jeweler and Optician ie x : ; = atboruk In loaasboce 0. jing. "very Bp Eevee gore ine. P - ¥ 5 M in ‘ad. OD, proved-by the recent envy rains ‘and jo { Re As A Sea padineh tew.weoke at hie Hours ad present a yery promi: nti vet ekly, Z a. °j Ea i 4h e ane pit Sea oe inked Se ierste tne to live’| ge EGGS 14, ; i + a: ita Ba The Place for > , m Mr, at Will W y visit Mee ease Gawee. Bigs ee RAARRAT RAR A RABAT ai she Cy ta la Me Si eae a es paited th ta Your Money: f| Dowd me purchased new Brantford John N. Ropp taised the frame Rn Ae erro Se Dm EMNC NIE: greatly i readin: a cyanea SAA DA DEEDS ADDDDLEDAEE DEERE Yu: A | Win ls. A Popular Move. eae e: See cA E iend. seat hn with the |¢ Of his lar ast wer when 4 A Taaaet 725 Ppetatdn Both ies played | completed it will be poet the anes Wh fe ye money for Moubt- i ny. in sharpest sil 5 it beta | 7 [ & y ei s in the ti bh bei Sab keh vi es of sof al at fley of the woot i (Sabana Nig Wiederhold & Honderich ee Big 7 an oi ee noe crag pug © | moan si ne of tra e - = M Yost D ‘a it | ost and seer aee done when avall oe in large or - sinal! inion Government eat ee a ipge ulop ey © ’ nS pr Samuel art, of idenidbhe eaweinte ict amounts for any reasonable period, iby glinting throng ane ae ; MoPADpES at, Well fap! on, Pues. 2 Be will tting into li y SIDE BOAR 21) 4 ee "ae on on tet ares 2. Savers spent Dominion Day ‘paar Bonde of tHe i doy, duly Zh, She wie of rilicometsiee sat al Med ee iD S jis =: ee tron : y ree jers up c i ; 3 ‘ (oss -. is ia é vel aie silver. bi ng in dre in; ere! Burlington, on Tues- Should , levot’ R wie a British. Mortgage ._ McFadden ofa daught x are is Ee can regula a new Loan Company, 5 THE BaDAY. J SULY 9, 1903 SEVER SSE Ea , : akes short roads, va y nits 4 i es 5 S { welae hi zh ate through 50) igh he ty Hohe leas A ae bies, always arlene a good ; ‘ GENERAL 1 NEWS - se leafage ; and the ing : eCity assortment, and prices that ar ‘i a t Eima Gouncil. | : a are Groriabtear 2 picaahy sence ete aoe i ig. T ge : : sure to satisfy. We>can sell CULLED FROM ALi SOURCES hel nd now one by one’ the s\ ‘The municipal Gotinei of the town- the peo ople ¥ fo is roe z ua sideboard at $10, also eo t tered on “Heaven begin to shine forth tho | hip of Blue wet n the Agricultural | Foe ticall : 5 YEE $10, also up ps not until the nearer nel bor of “ of Jun le ay now >. Le, a: has nt the in his 93rd year. | ae ae plating a thei ry. eect ae ee Sah this country,. the t to own th Big is the‘time for Veran- : i § ae , hiphet ohne | estine ee v b ‘chain : : eda hand Oh aie 1 ' been forme in| : oe ane ‘brig! re . : 1 awn > transinitted or deityered to the per-| s Welehtest: of them cette Bat Mtr, Coate: as oy seat sehen iae eff Bnlar cil os ~ We eat a number 0 E sons men tioned in the third aud ratford Herald’s annual boat} tario, Chapter 10, and by. spe ° sot a d_ time ETRE ¢ i e ; the influx of ‘po ood for everything fourth seetions of "Phe Voters) List | and vail exenrsion to Samia and De- |yrderin-cosnell of Se eptember 3, 1902, . - od ne ye Messi wie mietedeRte eco pr and Arm Chair: 3 i te vida he Bee ls nh exe to.) they are made a ‘egal investment foo . ig a 5 : lib § ints ich ‘thes Go" e ast 3 - The deare cenuine ee See 4 8t ft 8 Bre inna aires label aa i Pe eae cons be ee goodsare genuine Reed wih of the, British arm ise : Pa eT ke Gay csi De led « the | certificate.—Ca, railway tion. Tf. i a : e 3 Be € 2 Satisfaction. 4 reset te eee 4, 00, as Sold Everywhere. teh Act, of all 5 ape if ie ra ‘he sine rain to Saki Mito i ae: 8 sh x S 3 r] eee z ith about 6 fore is es J r vis e th Mutu en of Nig it Fe oates—Gurry That John eda a nts shou cop red a Jn account cf the se son : be amg Pe ee? | Made by IMPERIAL O11. CO, |the Manic ity be entitled to atentiier 281) xbetrolt. ‘The Sat. etic eae \ if re epic ie Hund ary and $12 attending ro oe Oenete Diiatn’ oh iio 5 for; Go-Carts and Baby Car- : a i ‘ ers bus RAERTP ees reap sNy eae te train the bil the BRILISH MORTGAGE LOAN Perea ee eee eg e i : m of Go Pig ‘ : : ges being so far advanced on . Stratton coud seer ae ‘he death of M : ge : he ler’ ye a oer’ " i aise { ee. 4 ‘ i rkening yault of He Hei eavens: athori ‘tanotity IE parties sees: a bape Se ilar EM ts 3 . Ww the line at 25 at we only are lox ecstacy |ed in Gernhelder branch drain of the aces per cent, off, j ¥ th Se , “the witching evening shades. For! amount of their assessment, ete, aud|the present impossible or 1 invxpedient, y ist beatatass ‘ q ie Who Sitios agate ahac Tol aus emd. retains th | Saturday | Child! every half year. oe ‘of the choristers. of the, woods| that thereport will be read and: ph E = erences have been referred to febsl ecard n to examine t 5 8 5 Apply to ongs are of the night, clber ke on July 27th a Carr 7 EE oOnaeric : re Ted npion ti Pahnorst is 00 $1 $8 2 “ ae | tay Me cha ah omission. @ said nd if any owission or ns 7 ‘| wm. Buckingham, PRE sett a ees Me item Abii, Me o's ede greece Sone Liam ite Maaonn: 3 : mn f g sees Rigytark A. a ; aknieueee tek | Britton a Coarsely MUA UU fond Js ho. won at. ons | Sunes Pree arn sw | ree : 2 dei i t Petrolia. : is 22nd day of be 0a, ing ne erry ous — i ne Towns! of Kima on the As- = 2 2 " at et d ao of ae ~ til pipi : ‘ ore : % ; % . C i ona Cyrene Fae eee” Atwane ies iin aeons. / 32 Good Glothes : } Z a. course : ers Be Baar i oe i ‘Olerk of Milverton. ee : 10 i ‘Once a ustomer: th : | | reprnhe) | ud Bob struck Stratford | luck at the garden party. | ~ At four per cen |Vormns’ Lisr, Munrcrparsry | Herald Excursion. cafulaly every half year a | oF THE Wiitaee OF MinvEeRr0x; | and best investment. The | County OF sae {DATES JULY 18 00! 20 FROM STA-| tures es this or are ator a | here »| TIONS VEEN PALMER-|ed to. Executors, Admini-tvators, an ef aa that hare BRR ARG RROD: e ae Epa Rs tee i nd light loads. t Z 7 y pal Rom Ceres trip fares and COMPAN aitan hourly expected ag “Lod on, E n said list was first ported bp tine from. nearby stations tobe as On deposits interest is paid on) lan tu ee, at Milverton, on the pat follows daily balances, and is compounded eT, in ning with. bis| Hal, while here and| Members all present: minutes of. last ter is carolling | courtread ard adopted. ‘The follow- me ae But of si clianges were pata in J. x, Philo-| Gilkip: aye reine . : 60 Sheatttene wn is dou — Marys, en 1 ; fan anew meeees | BAe eM 15s Always One Page hs ae ter - Nolan, of — NOTIGEL are deat all stations up ~S e, prin reap? 2 - fon, fi whieh a direct run Aegis oe hel cou paarniee ert tr <> ae to ee ‘which isto be| Ehe uppermost efforts’ ine a row. ty Kingston penitentiary | ae dat 8.90 0. t. nal our business is to make oe % bncksatht aopa: ST, MuNICIPALITY ie the railway are valid}, snatineeand -lewelty: iS eaerie or. sora <G- onl. on the epecial train ab above bat| Watch Repairing | i Je 3 bf Be fo. retures: on say” equi dealings such that the buying : sty or Paw and is = : tar io 8 par of le tinte Thebit Ore Bae r| public wil realize the advar Ee rashing away Trafic : oe 2Gain Prestige... Everywhere. You'll take into consideration “ Your Spring Looks” at once if you’ ve the enviable characteristic “ Up-to- Dateness.” most catmey. of rapt he is tring ont & flood’ of richest fas Ee an intoxication o she “Je 5 jn an overwhelniing Pa oxysin [eel ‘ie, nia cs Ro! a MF - tuneful harmony; now r Ze ie ouse, T.M.B oy SHOES FOR SUMMER nee You had better be prepared ;|for summer foot comfort. You 3 t.| cannot be better prepared than i Guibert here. Some- of our summer ours is indeed Ma BW Spencsr TALE, J Moore, shoes look like dress footwear ful, and reph aley, P.M e = Some regi la ects Kingou ALE. “ithe followlog aes] and feel almost as good as ~ and delights Well inight the angels [were ee i; A. E Crooks, your old slippers. cKay. J Coghlin, 8 Coghlin,, B- ee er an lets AE gt | Gout ‘J: Almout, B.-J Moo nie & full stock of Trunks and ter ne spas poe | Valises at very low prices. a Grosch & Son es 5 : Ow cidsed aud the “tes Agents for White Sewing to make the pisces | ° Machines, best — family C| Roll naderby U Courts 8 of I Revision, the roll as ually revised be adopted a machine. in SS Jareil worl Mz. Hnoltain reeently fo change of poliey. by Go Y | ried on by the Government, he | trans | or delivered. to. 4 i tage nae this bs favorite h s it ie in Arig tet 1 ewelry a rete be irae aos ; fourth seetious of “Tbe rad Lipa ineieed ‘to accompany the| Store In their Jewelry pute. The. water Se s Act,” the ab by. tid excorsent and hn ace f wil Il} chases. 4 ¥ ta oming down in ee ie agai ection: te- iy 30. y eel r de- to the pleasures of the ni ane . ie fomthede ast), e make the kind that fills ait ia iz Fils Lesa bees ee REE rivared of thie list anede -purst bani ng Known as a hig Reliable goods fo le We necd in the piblig lite of this BN Ae en of $00 for oxt-| sald Act, of all pbrsons appearing by organin aver san | ONS: corre in style andi aman with self- satisfaction as to Brovines. more men of the political ein fronton hel the eat L Assessient Star steamer leaves Sr-| istic in design, is: our a ting down a shade tree in ot tl Sie arrival Got tHe’ ig es Bai y : view-point “of ‘Principal Grant, who| property of R.. Young. | ‘The “i id. Municipality at e tae? jal train Saturday morning, an@| ance that it pays to buy at thi his appearance.. Every: suit a : * cote for the ee Ode gh died ny nueinbers of the Legislative the afternoon boat fram Detroit on] 700 ys PAYS MO ent 3 é me “nati teresté bly and ¢ Municipal Elections; | Monday iv due at Sarnia at 9.05 p. i recent style, a stylish fit, ands = 4 é i alae ice as a Rose_and Miss that said list was fret posted ap |The round trip faze for the boat #0] ance that when you buy at this s este aatiped Bophet the T.M. M. - Kitchen, BML R ‘Gitte, .. ‘and ¢ oe i Rose of aagie iefothis tweek. fort iny office at Barn onthe Ist day |is 75 eents,, valid: for. the. the-¥ 7a ee fit possession. : j rom that ideal. s| Nowa Scotia. These Indies have beem| of July, 1008, and remains: there for |da: s. pe (stole eee the Bb at value ; he forget "a| wang ne goverment of Ne Ss geen eat casks alter maps meee} FO" MONEY, g ’ é petes . . 3. iy a fp ors. are cal Ys us E. Knechtel, b e me eas se ps De a a ead. tek ocad SE As Ol aa ys admirably managed, the} ae WELSH é& SON, : a fe eat aay hay ere 2 5 areas 0 sum| other, errors are found! ther », to cts are that even more people| pio ably _ though: z “ take immediate proceedings Leading Merchant Taifer, = é when he declared against the incom- g0 by ais es om ee thea Sash orrdes como 7 =: ie » petent 2 farm EZ is compose fs q rio “Agricultural College, and es “Dated this ist day-oF Faly, 1908. while the White Star steamers are eels with great success and — x WATSO: among ore em finest on fresh water much appreciat&il by. e people. - : 3 e Clerk of ot Marnington.. ‘in the wo TO TOT li