Milverton Sun, 16 Jul 1903, p. 3

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: 1 » Edward Fitzgerald, while caus Don’ t rN et. The Dominion x j in a hayfield near Ingerso 114 : day, was sunstruck from aap et "|LIFE ASSURANCE C0.. Wheeling, W. Va., July 13.—A dis-| = G r) iE, 7.) T e 2 which hy to call at the station store ——— pateh from Bluefield says: ‘The full Si 7 | ti ih eae with Mn “caverns Getails of one of the blackest crimes 2 8 a Z ad, is said that i ewie s the Old for your Head Office, > Waterloo, Out, The Milverton Sun speech, and the. Houséeiap that has ever blotted the history of Vorld do the Jews enjoy suo 8 Is the best Local Newspaper in the County {the lobbies, few - 8 ving sig 4 rAd ite has ju: ed this city. | a =. : : in the cou: Sugar, Results of 1902 Perth. It is the Best Advertising| Winston Churchill declare: hostility | In Devon, a little 14-year-old girl was * & : Business in $4,898,588.00 2 Wt?8 | to-the Col tury’s polic assaulted by a negro. negro was : F td ada force. 898,58 iam. reasonable. Subscription | 0-the Colomial Seeretury's Patgteraed ie S| F s y rul APS, and | jncrease. If per cent. $k Pes wean, aeeictly, in advance. $1.50 if hat. little enthusiasm was piss Ab bvae 106s ve Ag The litte Set subject to British rule. In "Bairo ) inacna Sa 182,171 SERN: aD ree Ee oes tare ce eee ae | wan tanger coma or| T there ate vs synagogties Fruit, such as | Ioerease 15 per ce = aE oe the specel In ehilling Mente: tndiew| howe by Me negro: and’ eased. to-n| Gp nN order to clear balance 5 ‘The heat in New York pe s for |Oherries, Red and Black Rasp-|{ricteas epee ive of alarm uncertainty as to| 1 ‘ ee none ‘ : : space: | ¥ear,|6mo,].3mo,|1mo.lthe onteome of the nnexpected|tied to a tree botind and gagged. * of Trimmed a PATE St ANG ae wool OOREOMNT SB ett cic sace gic. {Cash Surplus to Policy : oe sitnation. Her absence ‘was noticed by the| >t F the 5 about 96 or 98 degr private ir. b : bh 969.30» S : vati' ighbors, it ry thermometers in the homes of the peo: weeny * Inereas TA 6,854.00 + eee cage ts Lard el #09 amencion. Gainer ee Che eee themsslyes i ee formed) 3 6a TS, and ntrimmed ple gave very’ much “higher -realings: Prices are’ right. St eolal Ad susthies. to total abstain- Quarter cal :| 16 00} bo Peoleriuene whivaud te Me Chanter |The girl mas forntin ee ie | OR Hats, we will on and it was freely said that ‘the great All forms of sound level prem- Bigath 10 00 8 00 200/lain, their intention to take the|¢ondition, but was able to oy are 3 e e humi ade the heat as oppressive jinn begeranan se issued. ip oh enneite ine | 8.00] 3.00; 200| 160 opinion of their constitutents on the| story. linkt phe thernamicter SoA ‘Aidaseed te Gan ed be ‘payable. in continuous “ot new policy during the Whitsuntide| After» consultation it was decided | 3¥ Pri a | limite sat talman at the option o j recess, 1 eu in walt for the girl's oseatlant. | 5, There are in Canada to-day nearly | change, for which the highest market | the Assi dies Deore ee ae aha ot to ee aoe In a short time he appeared and was Can. suppl our dion thousand 6 ating ofl wel | price will be ‘paid? Jas. scan Thos. Hilliard, the rate of 8. per. lines nonpariel, for the about to renew his asseait on thal 3k sup and operating oil wells. P ° rhs ft insertion; and 86, por line for each suc. This Boy is a Monster. 4 |heiplese child, ae neatehineh . +s ‘as has 8,000 atton, 9% F e President. ramared te te tnuocsion. ae, made for him, He was dracged tol Summer Needs in on ae re Hees ge AN ~~ : ~~ |. Edward. Beaupre, 22 years old, who| the village Senge sed bound. to, 8 3 JULY 17th a 18th, Seite capeosins ately 1,000. wells een Barrel and Loose Salt in stock &. T. R. Time Table i 8 feet 8} inches high and weighs 367| ‘ee. Ouly by the greatest efforts of! ae an PP ? Ibs,, is a patron of a New York hotel, | the leaders wie tieneen prevented and at present oceupies.aroom on the| {rom tearing the man to Shee Z ae Z , clothing was torn from his bod Hck Sek) Cee RE ee eo aoe eo 2 sell at half price as follows : 42p.m. Mixed ... in lt isalarge one, when | every 0 rin Trains due to leave Milverton. anything that is de- wen: ce about 42,000 barrels of False Economy sirable for warm Owing to the ecatrom heat nce ni R. Yo & § of Cheap. Spectacles. weather. : Rept tt : ath 0S On Sight is to precious to trifle but) when ; s stek into the s flesh as be | 2 sire ke L lita Tuesday night his toes stuck out | 'TUxzled and pleaded for life.” ‘The 2 J stintned i were “$5.00 for $2.50 * ret: th oe A ; E 3 of the window. ‘The bed was moved | #linost lileless form of his little vietim! fe > i % 8 suite of meni in’ the rey Shoe} MILVERTON STATION | with. hen ing spectacles THURSDAY, TUEE 18 1002 [out and the iong young ‘nian, was] Was then placed before the eyes of the| 34 ee a 20 ZO. Special discounts in aury dreppel off work forthe ater Sei toto Ce oro, i ‘ + J i : Epes toisleeb erosatise on the 4 Po era ror micewoliea neath His| 3.50. 75 noo = “the ‘heat int quarry was buy a good pair. We use per- Tn the first six months of this year|was born onaranch in. the North-|¢ties becane inoherent, and before all departments on tens ttempt was made recently to is 6 “ pL ge gs a eae tore, west ‘Territory, 500 miles west of| tite enraged citizens could be checked | 3.00 b,60 ta little ‘ Hon. A. G- Blair) owing 40 his in. rh the box lace in the corner-stone | fect lenses. They cos' Winnipeg. His father and mother, he| the skin was literally cut trom his! 3 ‘ bil : : of the new Presbyterian church at ‘ in Canada, against 610 during & says, are of ordinary. fect! Be) LOdT od MatriOuted enone the Vil] Se Flowers, FE eathers and Wntrimmed Summer Goods. = iy ‘a coincide sys edge oa Shabba more than the common kind, foie. Reriod, Noah, wees. Aube mast | Seelaren. that, He ened ony ae ee to ee hie eee , io) i Railways and] The Manitoba general Wiser ; f tai provincial : bp admitted, that several of the failures | Pounds When Ne was bor. 49| His heart was thon out oot cin ie Hats in same proportion, eye als or ‘Government, /elections will be held next Monday. but rheir difference in comfort | SAD wis oie ge adage eg ec ran ee re ar Millinery o peter tsa eetnt i etn | 8 Wom aay Snes the die oe ed school in alittle settlement near Bie wangled pody was then soaked from Moneton to Quebec. He tal “ah ee : . # a hie h til he was thirteen years | With kerosene and fired. tb vinw. that'saak wii Wb . Chas. Bews, the beater cutter | ence in price. Bevo erextpinviely Gort AowWs 10 2na 71 green Ne.wan ent veeth Yeats" Read m ade Cl thi * Taine ee ALS bene oe at ore era dlothing "establishment of ; = 5 oi : ‘ literary people and book lovers gener-| years old who isa little more than 7 Na ReeIR EG y G ing’ At cost to clear. Talia line it has “been | Thornton & Douglas... Statin, he Don’t forget that we carry ally to know that among the pensions | feet t his speci biti 1 a q:| recently went to Hamilton to under Lynching in the States. " special ambition to bail up. an ne recently granted by the Imperial Go eap iit halis, yoching Try us for your next suit, We are Come and see. extend, sc opeasion, died. af, dis, fibue shere| the best stock of up-to-date Government is one of $1250 to. Justin Mr. J. Hy ee acai ee sure to- please you. The collapse of Charlas M. Schvvab, Sgn rene iS gotting to be a JEWELRY. McCarthy, the historian, novelist and (Goldwin Smith.) es Pe a anne hime ck ° a sod Hae oa a forge Re politician. He has been almost blind ae are asked, if we do away with! atthe Walker House # here was a, ss ‘i iy-| part y. what j isto take its place, ‘The|no possibility ofa reconeilistion Te : She'last frre’. years, and is now: liy. answer is, nothing is to take the place |tween the blacks and tlie: whites on ing with his danghter in the Kentish] of party.’ We have ovly to fall back | the States. fown of Westgute-on- oe busily en-|on the ‘natural and constitational) | “A great gulf,” he remarked, “sep- Mr. McCarthy |Qpetation of the elective sy arates the two races—a gulf that pitts * | Give ah the Bhibbolettie Disband| will never be bridged: ‘The-blacks are ction |shiftless and uneducated. They are mend | not mush more advanced to-day than Perea they were fi hey hoice of pandidates oat of | who go to swell dur jails. etean-| “Inthe south the th ig, points ‘en s isfy. + E H DIE L MIM. Schad me ie hill neler 40 yeare not Briones lett that: place on Satafday and are always able to satisfy. » y 4 A age, rose from the ranks of indus 'y | afte for Dorchester, to serve] you, Eyes examined free. to beh e steel trust with poe alg varying from two to five 4 years, for the commission of differ ent sion of great wi offences, They were all sentenced a he erecti a palace | ire egret being brought into C " Butter 15c., Eggs 14. Sree acd ene eae ane Meo fete aa ‘PR, He BASTENDORFF snillions of dollars, and ereated a sen- “his i ut si Cario where |i the hlebory. a the ‘Maritime Jeweler and Optician une in trying to | Provinces. —Yarmou' on Hae brea the bank. Now he is broken in 1000 yds. of Remnants to be sold Friday and: Saturday. by amount of| ti money in his day but he has not the faculty of keeping it, being exceedingly open-handed. 1 matep is Se RT ee eR S sahbarvahesatsbeebaath cisisececsscoat hews is dead an has disappenne The shoot tage of making this a favorite ity of the. Boer- War. He swept ti the out of a fro A discount pl itl nr ter fre| SHOES FOR SURIEIER Ss r a 5 - Th Looks” at once if you've the oe 8 ES Basile Sta Eetiespriae, he 28th. Reg fj On Thursday afternoon as didature be open to anyone who can Biya yipkenetiod nd the health and fortune and has Gos Th f bie btain the of a certain the blacks ls Indnitely g : ignominionsly deposed. go | the rue highly bt eg residents ot e lace or An amendment to the Railway Act | number of electors. Patto the vote| more apparent ity ey get enough 4 fe ran'teoaaed oe he iutee | the wens of vad paged ich th HOWEE OF Dobtick te PAD Ollua day the: nauige whieh ara{to cab aad & place ita soos in aes = EGGS 14e. ; itt ne Midas | t0 Listowel with his little ane é " ss és ie yee mele endorse: ¢ no candidate has a ponte care how else they may get Ae ¢ old pyeieeehtng: ideo rowdy, driving at a Peete our oney ne other day that will be popular in| majority of the total number of votes| aiong. ieee ate, collided with his rig, and the eo ho communities along [side of or near | Polled, subsuit the two names haviog angraping faery freangnt by nowroes pee RAS RAI HAS ills lacleahaales * ARE } hot Aik mana moaned taqney, On being Setuest| © Why Keeb'your wwbney for doibe oe. " te ,_| the highest number of votes) te-re-| And it is ‘not but ———— ——— K 4 sf | a ful rigay at low rates of interest, the tied Hines: For years the rail-| ballot, as th i ee.. Let. the | creasing. N riba onen ‘tha are W oe re = a sown genius | bet mn tno eek ie Hil him oats seach BNR aby stared irae totes ways have maintained solicitors at Ot-{ Legislature~ select by su SAS y. i t ten children i n dispense with or- |i MA 8 ie s si 4 S aie it may deem best the heads of the|are subjected to the- grossest. biv- ie €rno he vert Hit Sun iples, Jan’ there a The elderly gentleman, rather thay | amounts, any reasonable perio: tawa who have been lobbying and con-| 2. coutive dopariuiter ton te era ERUEY. on eric t a ’ 10) eine Os Pierpont. Mor-| '8 hislife on the spot, délivered’ ap] it'can be sufely invested in the gold. structing bills favorable to the interests | term, presenting the names in due| You minst not thiuk that the = 2 aie hhis money. | ‘The assailant is not a | bearing bonds of, the big! railway corporat: | ener tutional foria to the Lientenant. | lynchings you read of ard: becan SDAY, JULY. 16, 1908 stranger, and this is not the frst tim phe aee Bene Aaa oils a ee overnor for sppointinent lone oe to. he ‘ Ourstock of Furniture was never more compléte than TREBRDAY Bag OS c-*| arness iehas made himself obnoxious, Tt is]! British Mortgage i e is * system ap) to be workii ty Sate he . Lynehings seldom, i * = ¥ part x, int the ‘town canthouitics Farmers’ Assc-ciation,howéver, took the i ever, “pen unless there is po: it is at pr In fact we have too much, and to make room GENERAL NEWS” ey | 3 Ey ee wise Beit i tients Loan Company, matter “ap and their representations proof Of the dpoliied. man’s guilt, Pos we ae Pape inducements in eyery line. | as ea colt nae the. NOTIGE ! limit. Have had the desired ctsct of 5 “id would probably take us some t 2 to it is Ap epa pao perhaps ju end pas | sad aber A . 2 Stratford a ired effect of making | w, he dregs of the ex considering the Bre en the S st i lars saa ish acct ble for cattle’ killed | sys sult make out e bope er to erime for which it is meted out- —the OUR CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES | ante ag cate : Gwe At four per cent. interest, payal ited be ni of selt-seeking and aalts] only means of putting an end to it, Sir Charles Tupper wes eighty-two twice es long aa it overs’ List, 1908.—MunicrPauiTy Herald Excursion. regularly every half gear’ The ede e law respecting | baheow sitoapetaule” Ge: : I dB sold on July 2nd. VILLAGE OF creer and ‘best investment. . The deben- the drainage through railway property Butbencmeenne aie any set of in- SRO, oR ron an Pass Lord ‘Lans¢ supports Sessa County oF Peru. TES JULY 18 TO 20 PROM Bt. fates of this company are recommend- has also been amended. If the f.1n- stitutions (But we should thenceforth BRUNNER. in the German tariff contro e ishereby given, that I have “TIONS BETWEEN ing community stand together it is| the senselees divicio they Beds PS ADEE Aa m whe ae) trounpilted or delivered to:the per SHON AND GRA ies impossible for. the x} unity into. two hostile camps, and! f rthed w conapltaey bo-aveiseIeag Harness CH iouren sect AL Dn ppp reer rind ae te jl Pie annual boat lhe perpetual faction fight on the| 00 Eriday evening of last week a ; . earthed a ourth sections of “The, Vot bist! and tall exéaraton to Saefiarend Bee railways to eine fhe nao npeti aaa : large number pity at- can't be beat, carrying a good Alexander makes a poor I the copies required by said | tro} announced-for evils of which a glaring light h 8 ation of Uncle ying g dese Iie nom. 0 be so tranemitted or de- |i Eel le pear nang Ocha a Wei e ne j thrown, | Auotlier haps stock, in price from $4 to $85. Severe daising ip reported between ar, Brees othe ee pursuant to | Mondays July 18 to 20, er Lie a (Montreal Witness.) RUG IEROR dertncenny Onion °Bohinidt, of 4 Pe ae cane: aero Ap said Act, OF atl pecions ‘anpebrite by ar, fast easly morning, train The County of Perth and the Why isit that th é whole world loves| liberation. trom Us Milverton. spent Sunday with a Call in and examine onr stock, we can show you some ROIS Ae etl a ip ne aes hoe AB haten pent Boar ois and thelaxurious Whit fe Rene Perth Mutual diet dods Company an aged man who has outstripped bis} and from the f f per-| Cha hundts Buffets’ Chiflonier. ‘Chevol,’ Parl 5 Maggie O'Sullivan, aged twelve! vee ge a gt aed Imcraabncsta Det troit. . The Sat-|inonies are inves the bonds ¥6E fellows in years and. still lives on?| petual narrowness and misrepresent asta esieee Meany aad jelegant Buffets, Chiffonier, Chevol, Parlor Cabinet, Parlo years, was drowned eniae? chee ania tion for members of the ‘Lowislative urday morning’ special train's starting the BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN Why, in the case: of a Gladstone, ajtion which thraldom to patty. in- the ck nivel! better than was at Tables, Morris Rockers, Couches, Etc. Ete. Our salesmar while bathing. She tipped. ‘over tAdserubiiendad Monicipe ‘Elections Point Meee eliperetob snd the’ billy Queen. Victoria or a Leo, does the| volves. fra eee: Canada's surplus revenue this _year| aud tha E 3 sho: public yaten the brave. fight with RA Seer Mr. and Mrs. 1 pee enter will be pleased to show you through. large spa s pelle ere shee aie Bae aid Mite oar ae ite interest is prid or he n, Sunday at a4 she --Viksooay’ al office, verton, on ae (wach sympathy and] ‘The Professional Evangetist, ttle a y sepa Undertaking and Embalmine. Hi Oe es, he Rone ae eave too dia target Hoe Canada hay ever day of Jane, 1908, and. rewsat ite: pt a and is .compounded altogether altri or a ie ke mehr shar iod 2 ses to §) elt ‘all without a dash. —| *2°™ sap toes its, ren, haw the vikage Whuehi bowsta its cen Coen son) tau A ohne a tederhsld & Honderich New. Denver Lede Tris altogothor likely thet Mr. a.| the call lets ‘li oon sani sts Apply to tenarians a certain selfish satisfaction| Tt is ev ident that one of ane unsoly. | Sch nat, of Milverton sls anem he ee Gow: | otfier errors are thunatbensta cto take i Wt, Buckingham, in SS ees sine dete longo a saa r THE BIG HOUSE at Jobo aboe a ai idte in’ the Santt Ste: Hamedinte proceedings t6 have the MANAGRE ¥ Su ‘3 he Supreme ourt ol nada died a a a vertain it is that the longer| evangelist, ic 5: after a lingering iitness at the reeia.| Marie bye-clection. ger et ese tee to aa yes ; vital forces rise superior thods, elements of value, and nee of pe ed at. London, En; anes eir, © assaults of the last enemy the| ments of. danger, their compensation. Ee UN a cae ore tint 5s Sapir SS erk rer iy 3|0 C t sy ily are the sympathies of|'The remarkable power aver the Zebu wl on Satard White's SyorksEpndon? hat © Clerk of Mityerian. BH nce a Uustomer . id Sore ie fs his. fa are possessed by some of the Ae: Hate Esirbairn Gardings sy ie Jet by being eee , tae 2 -20 and the greater wi mourning) best of the American evangelists, is off Ef Fi - : st. Ma i 6 0; when all er ot to be denied or bettie On the Ce ‘et ES MLA. of a cen- ed cored badly a Granton . 6.44 b ways Une.. "edit ‘of th u at 1 other hand, ther i tary editor o| e eae eA ee ngs six gts sa ROTIGE 1 Stops are made at-all stations se A Bold Politician. t pr exont Aeatiiceol thes Hias been appointed pai eaita ndent of 3 to Lhe frow which’e direst ron) 2; rh6 innermost efforts in ir entire sine aG 72. Preeii @ the Asylum for the Blind at Brant-| oliver Pichon sick aka is to Sarnia whieh is to be Ppe ing ne Bi [i oe ford. Matth . a. mn. r business is to make our * The bold bneeaneer of ‘the Br Es fal wounded Edmund Matthews |orges Liz, 1908.—Musrora rv measure to Vo ' |. MUNICIPALITY son the railway are valid Cabinet, withont doubt, is Deacon mee: 5, ‘ Signs of ie times $5,000 has on al en miles ; ute o¥ Monsxo- only on the special train as above but Watch Repairing and Jewelry oseph Chamberlain. He is. an ori. je be fore wie andioned Everywhere. You ll ke i placed in the supplementary estimates | row on nbd y- Richardson o¥ PERru, n on. any pee dealings such that the buyin} ginator, “unique and bold in his) tof speciaBly - 3 5 o for draining the in| tim four times in fue liutit oF on the| |r 8 Ai reahive a ae eG tule. ba AG Lovelock a: Bippared addresses eur tstorireaney consideration “ Your Saree roniley.-Did somebody « was| Mattl Notice is hereby ea, that eyo pete spe seca 1 which leaves Sarnia for| public will realize the advan: Want tomhetnuatoeonicthe<ponpls be an election in North Bauer? A a TTT fe ae Seo faoallicd is Cea eue tat has been invited ot Stratton. store in their Jewelry pur . countr: - “ fr a: 2 said borg and has ac tial, This will EO a av ee enti re tocoms| You ha en et enviable characteristic Up-to- is eatsying ally eer, ae Lavina eon ara fake tose, teonemitees or dela pages trip. this ee “7 dient oR OERE pears af the pig ibex yer i for summer foot comfort. You Dateness.” bs erie hy ae Be he 433 igi be a ee EE tert a ue sinade pursuant te Seid Seietngs known as a high elass) «Reliable goods for the Eo : h his Preferential Trac i es ’ rs is per n ermany a off said Act, of al persons appearing by | musical organizaticn. , within the Empire, ‘That is certainly | often by a free nei offering, whieh | cannot be better ‘prepared than . VeenOnias help Bee easiest ohaeo tae whom are last’ revised Asee othe White star tise sar-| MODey, correct in style and 4 a ular poliey in all the ee iS S900 wack is ofte, | Here. Some of our summer e make the kind that fills the victory at Bunker Hill — Where is | per cent. were engaged lew: a pa ostly on the a f the| artistic in design, is our’ assur- and the British voters, not unmindful| i eet A ae Abies lodic tile: dress footw: Sieaisee Datel when such a Demoien n 1900 Ne said’ Municipality at elec- | «pecial train’ Saturday morning, and/ ance that it-pays to buy at this ial help in the late van, will "eveived by a clever speaker, profia shoes los footwear aman with e wal z 2 4 for: juembora at ete le teguiaion ae ms ta ay aa | pays buy fi rt P Ghanbedente patty in| 00 byranals, phot oxrapns and pub-|and-feel almost as good as = th self-satisfaction as to ae aii ag bys. be0.the| to Ee Pilar) inhabitants Acsewbly, and at Municipal Hicstlons | Monda: ao at Sarnia at #05 p.m, |store.. You, have the: assur- thle Gu Mppr ke tperge ok 94 <b ee aS seis Se uitimate spiral f-| your old slippers, E | his appearance... Every suit a pha ee Beate Halal Bae ame Sees Fete tent tiv lance that/when. you buy at this Bit chia abbot jcian : t lay |is 75 cents, this t: f rker, is) nah si ti Thi 7 ~ stop here. fhe has got an Seale eck eaieee then ‘no A full stock of Trunks and EF recent sty’ le; asst! lish: fit, and ent. in ini usta pe sa of July 908, "pial reinatug: there tees days, FE tli sieges a store-you. get-the best value 5 ; ; ‘ ; ; oy sway. ba fu teegh pile ate ent impression whieb-he makes Valises at very low prices, i fit possession. 3 fas_most active between | Electors are called upon to examine | Es a Herald's: ene | OF SUT ORE ich votes ag molasses w 1 UPD Acoummunity at the tine of Pp and 1885, during :which period |the said, list,.and if any omissi fon or Bet aysaduirably managed: a she Je WELSH & SON, visit, When all’allowance is C. G h &. $ sworking population increased 17.8|0ther errors are found there! ioe are that even more noreas‘d. pay to the wage-eamer,|f DB ey Sse ial rose on E. Knecht ef, “Thich agriculture only |teke lnimiediate procpetings fo se wil tale e this outing than a patoniaed STRATFORD. as the reealt of efoue’ trate relations ined ae fe: a : , 0k 8! while manu-| the said errors corrected according The Bi Ei tegued with the Colonies, is another’ vo HAD CLOSER eae) for White. Sewing th oe i w. train os scan ryote Marriage Licenses:I ssued Con~ + it effort to lift men into.m better life, t the : ingly ing and the bui aiding Pated this Ist #1903. hile the Whi mpaplvetoteeean Sunnie hGeaenloara satejagwetiat|, Machines; best family Leading Merchant Tailor. baa vain—Tteaen "ine every 9.6 | fongaieens |e is Sots ea at fidentially. ~ got ole political leader doabtfally by: many of the most sewing machine in the - hat - _ by 48. genty, Sip Mornington... in-the world, tician—Eyes* Tested. ‘ s bold ps ital aud enneut wellyions leat 8 te ies Touts Or rrier tied yen Bik, Hpk si oon Ri opUner te ee ote markd: aie 5 jowers. expected... He has Fs 0 ry ; rid...

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