ae at Donnelly’ ia ‘Allin ae sraiiaeot lant ibang wots: teak _. and signed. he clerk laid before, the ‘council shall ne mers req! mi the sherk before ae Ast of are J. Warsox, clerk. | letter raed r. Davidson’ Binitee ob) Education in regard ta a + lot 11, eon. Phe ‘eae "was. authorized to $10.29, J. “Scott, $2.50. 50, B A Jobe 938 $12. ea. er! laflek att Bb, He Leak Tr. ee “ot the Windsor Col- legidte Insti is spending his holidays mit ‘triends, rin Fernbank and ae Vs enig, mi mntractor, rostrated by the’ Teak 0 on Thurs- at work on game of football union teams of this pl ‘The match created 18 Quering $36.80, Vee in, uJ. Ttcekley 518.00, J. j | deal of foteteune owing to the fact ‘hat NOTICE aco Store Hoge W | which, the very iene conn bel price will bbe paid. Any person having store | hogs for sale will do. well by: calling { on the undersigned. &. GOODHAND, ” “Milverton, Ont. sime-keeper haye been. called. The incident pes bee a little Allsnbol asec a8 on poe sides as both w out. ae Me Be: impa ial referee. linéd up as follows — Ne Position Fernbank H.C. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, NEWTON, ONT. BANK OF MONTREAL": Established in the Year 1817 e Bund 3 5 Total plats (Oct. 31, nt “st ne Bank is pr baiackd to: receive (acpatie Of. trate Candy andl other juuoneys and to compound interest jodically at current rate, Corros- Dondence invited. A general banking E. P. Winslow, ° Manager, Stratford. ‘Solid and Progressive 2 phraaege year of very substantial ogress has been experienced by ‘Tl he Mutual Life of Ganada __will appear evident from the following : “}Bueiness written in 1902 $4,527,828 an »Business in force Dee. Bist, 1902 fash Interest —Tucome, 1902 2 “Death Losses, 1902 ~The Cash Income from In- ‘terest exceedet the _Death Losses for the by year $64,719 | 4 % gral $34,467,370 pel 13 $275,415 " $210,596 2 ta W. H. Grosch, - Local Agent. Dunean Stewart, Stratford, Gen. Agent COMMERCIAL Muwveitros July 16, ia . 1903 feet as “Apples, per bag ee ‘ potions, = dag. 1 a Butter 65 50 bp re. ees ‘Pea. 7 Balts, 2 tba. for, half-backs ieee set wing {gumprelty {rie a W. Neilson paw j the crop Berm ane est Fawr vanes wien ppendicitis is now able to ain. [_uite a nuniber Frown this, vieinity took in the show, Uncle Milverton on Friday. Paieataa a Mies ace Bobmidb; of Milverton, Set a cout uple, of days last week with . Jos. Gateke. aie 8 football team defeated the! ninth line team by a score of 8:0. on Saturday. ee Mi W. Beoebeny of Beye as the guest of Mrs. Tae = NEE Robert etl Sees in first the Linwood awke, w hear, secured first Sea hanes examination at the Begintee College | f Music. Bites, reed Mets toate? Toronto, nbate a few days here Hes nese isit- ig her aunt, Mrs. Davi Divorces in Canada. Sinee Confederation aaa Parliament — “ve: s ae rosie securing any r A cable ha: ike Tngerial i slated the whole: f the Oitiaxio Lord’s Day Act to be ultra vires. Mr, C. Gatcke, who has been laid] © BO} Pcaaay ar “ie the wie, mn) Thos. Joux: berry of a | NE—At Elma, on ata 2nd, | 1908, the wife of Mr. 8. Johnstone "| Ke MARRIED ELLacort—McE: At the mam Oe uly aa 3.8 Hard sit y ‘McEwen, late of Poe S—At ae sealant wi South Bend, Tadiaia. DIED. KEsso—At Wallace, on Louisa, beloved’ wife of Aug Keseo, aged 78 yearsand 9 ie aly 2nd, Short Stories Retold. A vocalist of fie ceases ion was performing at a provincial music hall and rendered the Song That Reach: f. | ed My H his rt and I Shall called ten. minutes before ie ato id | €or voiee from the galler Aa is Aa story is He in Mr. C. E. “Life of Lord Dufferin,” which npiibas iMugtrates the. diffedi- yants find in distinguish ers are now busy at their hay-| Counte is much. better than] ¢ esti ‘eplied * ‘The visitors? that the cal soLady Dufferin promptly s and wrote 104 letters of explanation apology, ‘ H. Mohr Grocery, and Confectionery Is the place to get every thing you want in Groceries tor Confectionery, and always fresh. A large variety o Canned Goods for lunches. Pickles 20c. per quart Quaker Oatmeal qc. lb. Gold Dust 5c. package ‘Sapolio ioc. -package Carbolic Soap 5c. pkg. Gelatine 15¢ package Je'ly Powder 12c. pkg. Castile Soap 18c. ‘Ib. Eggs 14c., Butter 14c. H. MOHR'S Clean Grocery. me Mixed T Sulphar, 2 lbs. for Best Ginger, reg. de tb. for. Rest Cloves, reg. ae ib. for eb... roll; Lie, line for 8¢. doutyte roll Dress. Goods, at nearly half regular prices. Eyes taken in exchange for goods. pi choles. Bie . | $1 White Shirts for ? Fi Tweeds, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Smailwares, Ete. eo. ° WY ia N 5 | Giving ir Business Sale, Read this list of prices over carefully and see if there is any thing you can make use of at prices quoted. other goods at equally low prices, as must be cleaned out insice of 30 mbes | 6 Sat or baa Shades, each 1 All stock Collars, all sizes seas Per: ets Cats Hooks et Hats for mes, new si Corsets, Ribbons, Everything must be sold. Come at once and get THE GROSCH CO. a Pfeffer Milverton’s Greatest Store. BIG | HOSE and GLOVE PURCHASE We place on our counters for quick buyers, 500 pairs Sample Hose, all sizes and all kinds, lisles, fancies, cashmeres, i. and wools, divided into two lots. We may say however, that this is the finest lot, best assorted, and the greatest value ever entered: Milverton. Read over the list carefully. 250 pair Cotton, Wool and Cashmere Hose, all sizes, principally large sizes, worth up to 25¢. our choice roc. pair. 250 pair lislie, cashmere and fancy hose, beautiful goods, remember these are all samples, the very cream of value, worth up to soc. pair, exactly half price, 25c pair. 5@e. Silk Gloves fer 25ce. - 100 pair Sample Gloves, conie in black and white, a ae all blacks, .worth from 35 to 6oc pair, silk and listle threads this week your choice, Oc. pair. We may add that values of this kind only, appear once ina life-time. If you don’t need them for a year it will pay you to lay in a big stock, for Gloves and Hosiery is always needed. We hope you will appreciate these great bargains. Also Men’s Ties and Ladies’ Belts included, regular 25c. each, your choice 2 for 25c. 85c. Brooms for 2c. 6 dozen 5 string brooms, extra heavy, regular 35c. each, this weck only 28c;each: 10c. White Cotton for Sc $1 Boy’s Summer Suits Ge 2 dozen Boy’s Summer Suits, pants and blouse, regular $I, guaranteed fast colors, for soc. per suit. The finest lot of boy's Sweaters ever put on sale, prices only soc., 6oc., 75¢., and 85c., according to size. $'7.50 Men's Rain Coats for $5 Ladies, here is a Millinery Chance 1-3 off marked price. That means a $5 hat for $3.35, and so on’ 1-3 off everything in Millinery: flowers, plumes, fancy laces; chiffons, appliques, etc, Grosch & Pfeffer