FARRIAGE LICENSES J. @. GROSCH. SvRicriy ConrrpEyTIAL. “tt. Shinke er al” foe re. eee See See Se ae” One Ne Te Yol XII—No 80 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 00., THU THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1903 SALCOLM Mac Editor and Pi The Sovereign Bank OF CANADA, ‘Capital Authorized $2,000,008 Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Oifice, - Toronto H.8. sees D. M. STEWART, Pre Gen, Manager urna " BRANOH Now for | the tvansnetion of Pack BANKING BUSINESS | Deposits of $1 and upwards received. | Savings Bank Department Tnterest allowed on deposits from e of deposit, and current inte iw lowed, and compounded half yearly: Deposit receipts issued, — dratts bought and sold, collections made promptly:on sll points, money orders issued, notes discounted Special av- tention given to the dlleccion of far- notes. mers sale R. J. Ranney, = Manager Legal, I, PAN'TON, Barristor, Solicitor, Htc, open every Tharsday, Wm, Burtou’s Main Sti ‘Dentistey ci ea io Salamon oe Licentiate of 1 Gottege "at a ital. Sar, Ho ral me. of hnkbeliver Be hardware Office store, Milveton 5 te uses e ‘iene shoal seinaly calls tly atte by telephone aateaeeies Bele ht diintatsy wid Choe tiem s pulsar ARR. VETERINARY SUR- orton tormeniy of Newtou(Grads rio artis College, Toranto:) treats all diseases o} Saat Calls by telophine. of otiiaensies Prat pelye| Li i jan: 4 GEON,M LOCAL NEWS, Crocks at all prices “at EB. H. Dierlamm’s. Read The Grosch Co's. advt. in another column. Mrs. Tssac ene is at present ill ~ mere wating sr cnaaeniee rs. Ralph Tucker is visiting fri ions in Stratford and vicinity. Mrs. and Miss Edna peat ot Weodstock, are visiting at the Ree The Grosch Co. are sisting bargains in another column, be sw and read them, Mrs, John Toth, of Tavistock, spent a few days last week visiting his son, Ve W. K. Loth Chew: Posh, of Chicago, spent days at the home of his parents in Siete just week, ae Chas. Baker, of Hanover, is ding a few as at the residence | tr ‘hoe ie aera was appoint- for: sf Fable School staff wanted for the ining room aa Tuly | Dominion Hotel, era by 28th. Good wages pai Mrs. Wm. Appel = children, of Pavistock, are at. present visiting at the residence of Mr. wee ury Hasenptlug. Millinery at half price at E. “Hy Dierlamm’s: \y Miss Bertie Wilson, of Atwood, left on Monday for Copper Cliff, where she has secured a situation on the C.P.R. The Re is on a Milverton ateur gardener oe Ue co have been carefully a bunch of bur docks to kill fare aig: Mr. Torrance spent several = dass in aprons this week ee j the ctors’ meeting of #] etro- | 01 Renee iss Lascaghece Por bargains go to The Grosch Co: advt. Munvo, of the Niggara ly uttended — to, Livery in First cliss horses and tigs at all tinies, Commereial driving » es sock | 6 9, Milverton, meets every ened ant haat steesday of e month, at 8 o’cloe ir hall. oes menor & | Visiting Boe CRS wr gens noe iL 0. 0 Lodge,” No. CPs ects every Fri 7:30 p. m. in their Nall post ite paldaae Visi ings be rae always welcome. Jobe Dunbar, R. S. dotph Milter, N. Business Cards WEIR, Anctioueer for the Coun- ties Deeds, Affidavits nate. Bail Village Clerk. Office, over Stores Main street, Milverton. «Shoe DORLAND’S BUS LINE, Milverton. jas meets all trains. All citizens an rs calls promptly <lgonmitey vm. Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor Hotels Pleasantly ford. HOTEL pg ages situ sie he ul te Lit By, sleetrieits Electric be g roomie Bes L ini ‘ Brands rot lig nota ud ci Courteous aeotnes, EF Hoon, Pi roprietor HOTHL. Bromners Ont, Tob Gropp, Peo i Tiquors and cigars e bar. First-class accomm asand ‘aig Stabling, EXCHANGE GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. First-class accommodation for commercial nd ci tae Guill nivesta®C, Kasraplag/ Ptoprictor, etal 7 pets _piitverton Out. The a modation commercial trav- Cigars at the plenty of shed pate Henry Rove, p Heellageoe 4JOUN GRUPP, Aealer in Cedar Posts, fammber, Latha, Shingles, a Foes Grnaner, Gat gir A Pp ha Ra-| bought out the harness Desi OF M me| E. H. Dierlamm’s. eS has.a ee line of}. ringr- Sa popers to be sent through the ma Mrs. Simon Grosch arrived pone from Bav City on Monday after a t months’ visit the Ray Boomer, > Linwood, spent.a ys last week with ban aah in M. I. Grimm, who The masons ae: commenced the brick work on Mr, Dier! new dwelling, and in a ‘tew epee it page ready for the iss Rosa Trim returned home on Wantep—A ag to learn pant and merase evening from Atwood, where vest mantis at E. Knechtel’s. she had been spending a few days Mrs, Hubbert, of Chicago, is at| With Miss Bertie Wilson, present visiting her sister, Mrs. J. N. Edwards. Flower pots a Tc., and 10c., at E. H. Dierlamm’s. Mrs. Nelson Hunter is at present somewhat indisposea. Mr. Orr Dixon, of Lucan, is visit- ing friends around ‘Topping ‘The great catarth saan Peruna for sale at Jas. Tovrance’s. + Chit f Dorland,, of Stratford, r, Jy L. Tucker bo De one ext books and all sup- at. and Mrs, Beese, of Blyth, are| Plies for the pe room. Agent for caaligcion dave at the Tesidones /WAll maps sand all schoo! apparents.— iia Henry Mille Jae, verybody says ‘Piseniey hog|. The ‘Stratford Herald excursion of me roughs are alright. 1903 was like its p ey last fi sas Nothing better | 70%” death chigee me tas dred reople ‘taking vai ot ths se Fiukbeinerd bagawan pleasant tri Noe I teks amachine agent t =~8s § ae +- ak 8 oe . & 2, Ea 8 Those desiring to settle their ac-| 2 counts with 8. Rumford, harneae:|t OA @ Sunlotiet ay, opened ae ETT atone: allkinas of defects about his com- ae July sth, as “atter | Bett es goods, it ESinte tioe Byaes : a neighbor lady whose sister had that date oe ghop ill Becieaat: Sistcgiiea cee es tr ‘s She Miss Nellie Brown, of lussieely and|Well, T wanted a sss ol homeopathic a pay this i 3 atelier you get for calling in an a atl | Next time you will listen t knock off work aie Mr ian Gib: Mr, pous ae ee on Mr, Win. ae a Pollock’ mi Monday a load of |Time i merely a matter of hay, the ross Pyelaht ob reise vee pleasure but of duty. 2 is no ‘The hay weighed 4300 1bs.|man, woman or child who does a fai share of the world’s work the of a pa ; the largest ever drawn on the scales, the _ Mrs. Egbert, Miss Ethel and Master wee rest and recreation this Gordon returned to Milverton from xt or some other month, just as Manion a on Monday. | They. mie ps ee tastes incline, and he or she awere accompanied by Mi iss Eva Hen- titled to it, a ought to va ee eal een a week or two fesl ‘morally: ound to take i it] h them in Milverton Tr ins be a Ae Mrs. Andrew | Pigs and in the Milv alrea Mrs. des a all aneee animal mn p rsera al are seein ace We Mr. at large are Pose ‘The and Mrs. Wm. Livingston, of Milver- aeton a permissi ce for animals t ton. run at larg: by bylaw of the rae cia dnendo ota | sibility so far as the law is concerned. On Saturday last Devid. Allen had he on and her | OW! he practice of, writing on news. ze poeone eso common that the nae Messrs. G. ae and T. Tobin, of the Herald and Beacon, were in the village last interests of ities peel te with quest, Prefer Bres., sees intend to respective DALerE te | the Edgecombe week looking after the e jit one acer is sending out in- v.'D. Weir, seaeeet to put a sto in We fence astize Liye been instructed | posts that bel longed to him (Allan). to epen etl packages not sealed and if} The evidence being unsatisfactory, the Eran: aijounied the wovides Monday and this offence. | there is any writing to report ‘The a fine as high as $50 for close down for repairs for one week| \ ‘The following is a list of Miss Lotta a a from July 27th to oan Int of] White's puis who were sucesefal att") oleae Ce ee eal longer. No chopping|the recent "Toronto Co ‘onservatory of ees "tes cred tee PS a or-gristing will be done during this| Music aptiniS see held at Stratford : | ¢.00" OS aah pate tinfe. Tunior Be ate eT ee plaints : pe rsive however, 54 Smith. wishes to ery Addie Coutt, oe the case will not end there as Olive B Bathe w. Pare to the n acy the wants of all customers. Gordon Egbert, while at Meaty i}id., was unfortunate enough to fall and break his a ae ‘hie play. feet | Saab vever,: was not ward. but does not appear to cause him any unnecessary inconvenience ‘the new. Preshyt lewton will es ‘yened nea nabhat A July 26th. ces will be gunanet| ¥ of I er | cordially invited to at vr Cut prices in all summer goods at 2 days set and the bone fee Vghtly es 264 su at t h, | hit ‘clock, The public is end. y aciigal de anpros 4bpkibe ORS ee i eer prone e ary a can taking rare 8) Intermediate piano— Miss Pearl Tucker Harmony and Thoery—Miss Pearl Pucker. / V; y There is no fieed of worrying and fretting becanse someone has found i with what you say. saye an ex- change, te common lot of men uaticke chasis 1 struck |rlease Gs ai eto post- is cuffed and eked fe rallened ea a ae the butcher wreckage to b paidings| winded VAs Hibs ant sheet Stein e and otlier property, had passed those| the minister finds it pan conxse. were songntnlae font kis congregation wv! 8 of | The new: ayer_man gets eiaaes 80, ip Heaters of it and is i. John Suclling, ofjout a cheerful. dietvshaper fn, the|same. A inan befvi 1 i Wirst-class honore) When the cyclone, which nd Mary ee ta ected to. get S an ned a. Such things are sot always esau, but they always havo eile oe ea y the least her bed, and 0 pa d go iY esa ht ining i will always be p) me of our ate cattle, | on ‘The rema sheep are allowed to run at ‘West, who died at Morden, Manitoba, | !arge on i e highways, je th ques- } i ore TRUE to Milverton by | tion i asked, in case damage i her daughter, Mrs. Peter Davie on, | done wi He is responsible? reply n Wednesday of lost week and n- | Mal ~~ ae or provincial courts tered ae Meth oasae have lecided this outs pau iB k school are on the eer cum nd ent Aca ‘atl trom the Donegal fi THE TRADERS BANK OF CANADA Head Office . Toronto Stratford Branch - Market St. Capital Paid Up $1,500,000.00 Assets Over — $14,000,000.00 ontgans maide to résponsible farmérs n their own names. tsa le notes cashed or collected. Business C . =, and interest allowed at current aps R. JEFFREY, - Manager Some attempt should be made by the school board towards beautifying the school hae et at was in- tended for pal ems to have ferelopet into Aaa more than a hayfi ne saa gives some pertinent ints as to news papers Sale ase 2. leased to receive ac: : eee ts oh the efllowing a ossible. 2—' icbvet an give sketch of lif 4—Remoyals. 5—L is rogress of spell Don’t forget is ct for Dabifenton. What not, to give: Jibes, hints inatnda tions Sete only a few ean make sense of and’ which’ are w: in their nature. coe ations, whi tl calls on her, the! public Heads care for it cither. BURNS. — and Mrs, Lockhart and Mrs Boeken of Gleneoe, aro guests at e Manse at presen’ A ee from this vicinity too excursion last Becurday Miss Hattie Dowd la spending, Hie holidays at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson, of Grand Valles nding a ‘few eee tle frlends | a ae vicinity. aud sand for the new DONEGAL EGAL. first ten peed of Jnly cheese The price received wai Ps Dz enzie, of Stratford, speut Sutday with frichde here care, We hope to hear of his peed recovery. tr A, Jones, of Owen Sound, visit- tthe. vicinity on Sunday and Monday: Vipond, of” uSlERs is home on ‘his’ holidays. ill help. his brother Emerson to pee his crop aarterly services will be hi the ‘Methodist Chureh here on Aug. 2nd at 10.30 in the forenoon. icLennan took in the He: rald excursion to Detroit on Satur “MORKTO! ry and Mrs, a hos. Gowan, of wood, are at present porioe Holidays ip: edt op Mr Mr, Collin) thein Gowan relve Dlensed.to have AD 5 him with us in, an and first sign of a railroad was last The judges in at palaces flower . Sn nelling fey ing to be ple sod and use! meta tah when Be he were satan’ iadde 2 ven a big start ain of av feces a he ie see fst call ey erat Sal y}, Mr. 1. H. Race has a capital article| Matouchile passin rough our Z ti yjin the Canadian Horticulturist of |v age en route to Aintoner and other day evening and found that ante an| fe July, frome whieh heecthen Sothaee interest hes been created among ¢he| highly cstecmed in the ucighborhood., eee Rene eee eae Oa: jour hdc a tA children. The ‘second call, when the peas j Brat eoms big-wone he Saito: soe | priacs will be ewrards will be made] VOn Saturday Inst at Mr ioe es ak tac hie Raita the, With the assistance of ‘seven She course:of stew weeks: ford’s barn raising several me hi mig ig that which sirrounds| {Vem fumed out 10.000 brick. in less than hve hours, whichis beyond the Get you fruit jars at BH. Dier- severely injured and will a 4 lam: Prices the lowest work for pestis er ane eae re nou te a number ict the vi ants in; took in the Herald exenrsi ont Edgie Torrance writes his ole plate, st es eee es forward off the Detroit on Saturday, and report hav- ¢ Hi fa of eeatola aid Fille Sistanes of eighteen ing a good time. hat the | fett, head forcinost, He put’ forward: Alex. Chalmers has sold his a ae | BAndeome ieee front street to art ym the railmond, which chen nce fro} Luilt through the 30 miles distant. ‘Boze colon; ny, wi ‘The lack of eating La the foundation oe his ares ? fe, fluences iE as + aie life misbeate ps, 3 on his feet. sides in, dly shaken 4 he had the bones in one of rractured wud his legs badly ie ist the people make. it. bi of Ellice, also | W oy ke tl Be Feoatveg sles on, ie head, caused lvls on influencos throw , it them re in their bone life.” Mr. Al ir, Chalmers stil intends ro ‘reside i in onr vill se and seu spent est 01 onto, spending Teale 1 Gheie Not dave'in our village. Quite a storm: of bail and rain pase ed over our vi injury. Mr. John oth “spent Sunday with friends in the village.