Milverton Sun, 23 Jul 1903, p. 2

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SOME WITTY TOA: SHE WOULDN'T SIT AGAIN. A publisher once gave the itor. |° “Pure soap!” You've heard % Z i Bh, e: P: oun; jac ti Re ta acta Hea ela ie me gual ithe words. In mph ae eraphor's to fae Rat pie ace nO man should be without a copy. ve the fact. { The operation over, she waited for This is fairly seconded by a 1s 2 ap you Br yeu have > ae which in due course ar- 0, giving his distant ve who giving Ris distant. eweechoart On Inpection of pool she was aie COMPETITION honey would blush in her presence satisfied, ‘and on advice of her and treacle stand appalled.” friends went to nae the opera- ing ti @ great number of advertisements receiyed in the Blve ther, in regard to t has = bs simplicity, ‘to think gs nee ne she rose and WEAK AND FAINTING | = ‘Wily, } sorry she said, “I am very, 34 ks caressed his m: — tache c * Ithough he | Very sorry! fHE SAD PLI E; che complacent, "although wea epining 0 ‘hink now NGRT OF AvsEn F muted 1a epdaie to-you:' he [that really loved her in his way, POPLE. Said. ‘in a recated the /@lthough by some curious serie They Have Heafaches and Bach t 1 t P = a second time: explaining | Ribb : a a te. Soe sDIRISEA to mention the fact Further, in -d to the — sages ae Poe es expintalng aon Te Tea ‘Conpeutons oss labor of selecting the prize winners t pu h_motive | HE ed. his headin. her dirce.| aches—Are Languid and Uneble we have: Woman, © she REDUCES photographer what she de- en seve The following are the successful competitors : jin the meritorious action. 1 a Bivarki culogy, his speaiee (Or herself. Me gt res dene ormed that “te St ase J. i Monde HU | | “Abo what?” inquired the {to sate his ana caressed: his mus- to Stand Exertion. Tinie tise ae ear een over again uld cost her half-a ore nig ce Win-' a Se Sineey New Ok acpi = lainartthsue “eathvsias em. tache wi hi el grace, :” From the Sun, Orangeville, Ont. regar ae oma EXPENSE sglier.7 to which, she_ replied: Doran, Westminster Block, ve rt St., 1s e Eh 0. t | “About mysélf—a dull topic, 1 am |.“ don’t duite understand. it, he!” You can always tell anaemic Inet ese once gave: “Marriage, “Well, i again is to ae <, Vancouver. Phe the es | murmur “Of course . : A : ape mei tha Kapey” Le od Ask for the Octagon Bar, = Joost me half-a-dollan Til jos age ee é 15th C.J. ‘Thacker, Wirmiper, = aey | cul Sgr itt ‘isappointment eh esos and beac asert They aver : : tt stand.” hell, 518 St. Paul! ist, R. W. Torrance, nt / . a3 and langui¢ y i ioe “ie enchanted ground and re- al te, Mantrea? Tur at os : ] podulated t am oly poor, | Sayerern ckacl They ca: tums to earth.” At the marsiage Wake ike. Marae ou eet? wey Siellarton, CHAPTER Xxul. jhuminiied Spon earth: “y eepbeetanmloaintetce=kasciaed say, Iam not |, She made no attempt ee they can't digest wae shed then ne eh Sounleome mit) &. CLEVER NEEDLEWOMAN, Fanny—‘Why are you crying, love? Dow, Burr Block, New West-| 18th Robt. Keapivg. 0 Windsor 8t., (Continued.) long show Jong.... I shall [making ee RE aS "et ort ich [regret that he should Tave been {eat And it. all comes, from aa them geome ied |, There is a woman at Sag Harbor, |I should think you would be very Morente. By way of re aised her |b¢ able to stand thi ame. which | Fee : a Sarai megan eben " La a te ee ee ee OF Vong Ieland, who. han aor tiaitine ws happy engaged to such a nice young 6th ait x. Reade, 252 D’Aigulion| 19th A. G" BE, Lowes, 270: Por eyes to his.” A faint loud of to- rs, be valuable some dare d she allowed I apron ep enriching 5 20) soe a Wa es ip eaters |her arms and legs, but she does ex-|mai he e—Oh, I'm] -,, e. tage Awe., Winnipo; bacco-smoke floated upward, ae CHAPTER XXIII. asp be poet dead PPS aP as Chester sige: eg and up et “A ahi le bt guaran Ive t0) quisite needlework, using her mouth atkald. he n't te a to ime Foes ie c Tovinan Ingersoll, Ont. | 20th J.C. ‘Tudhope, TUrgernotl Beheaded it his strange incon- eerepe The Reser Uae eA itiy shel Want Lomakdh ue cee Tei De Williams’ Pink Pills, Thous ‘ S as his jo! aie only to hold tha heetie 7, Shia ie als“ Why;” he'p aot tan 8S iene Sth RN. ge Regina 21st Jos. Lay, Reaburn, Tous face exposed to the full light | In Saffolk Mansane the! absence o| i 0 seek nly » fo! | ee ne aa Saran y [ends of grateful women "aaa said Ape eaaeirorite! foe ran and iso an artist of some skill, using |he?’” “Yes; but I'm afraid rgb Lm oe th, 250 King St.,| a Mrs. W. Nickel, Waterloo, Out. of the shaded Jainp. The beautiful | Alice Huston Jeft a.less perceptible |herself. I have a certain position al- | Where he had tl ara eek tbeee Pills hays oe rome Pe eae rere not Tor the brush and crayon. When she wants |s00d to be ‘true hepa: 23rd D. M. Fleet, Ingersoll. eyes Searched his features,, and t| vacuum than that Seay weld have ready. I wie Sd Se gh te EM Rageerre A AAS! yall tla alter all othe a tried, had: fails uheee ould | be litte ve tor th |= a oun Sara Oisesnda. Niagara-on-the-| 24th Al 1 Smith, Hox 43. Wood. raihacbiciie waco ate imagined. “Mrs, Wylie wai nsely [rake a greater name, And in that see to wae no outettetched ate jench."” A shoemaker ga ay ae Rice stock, joked down at that lovely woman, | that the-yodng widow had, |aim—you can, help me!” ones fect d previ D fwe have all the women to rate dane eafness Cannot Be Cured th Bey Forman, Ingers: 25th Geo. 'H. Larwill, 628 Broad- could have met those pleading wiippenk, stick out, «ling of ber re 'y e ing aired, “asking [Once Wi ee. i ra 7 all the men to boot.’ aS ey local applications as they cannot | 12th Jennie Beaton, fextes OE way, Winnipeg, Man. Could have ventured wi =e oe wn. Brenda wa: philosophical. fo be: aie | “Good-bye, SIMPY, noney A celebrated statesman, whil lk [ foach the diseased portion of the car gat : lL Shee welaitt bocner ou de rr BFA Do vacantly. He {and long after “Wien nicks. hed Be a he eens bn. hoe itn a through tho eye with her lips more | There is! only, ‘one way to cure be eas gies ee . 2 eer ge of tha feminine innwbsga tks aegis ER VIR i erin oo ee aed berger food there with /SePorter i is ns a ss dering Sof tee ira, tn proposing her health | @Wickly than Baas Pee Deamess is caused. by ah inflamen ce: malts sign betrave se ioe Veleamtver aad tke oi pleasures with. |thought, brought “fmt, Soaene into | ner white, hands’ anging down a sexi ie poms lise eG rome ison pe Aiea ad oe tie oer dition of the mucous lining of the us. ¥ of the eyelids, no motion of the lips. |4rawn, had left a fathnk Wahing tie Mise rotedl ut thet eevee The Jeither side like some delicate flower that Feed hot a) aise “houston, ; in 1 read Wil ie] ongue ant hian Tube. en is ‘tul i = 4 x! a e el ou jive, my lady duchess, | vorks quite rapidly. One of her |®@ you have atumbling sound or see (@ ‘A Boeckh Broom for a Clean Sweep.” During some moments there was | But the pretence was at its best ation reniained unanswered for some |2ating hewas clad. aes! ie T went upstairs any heart wo until you begin to grow aly. e ap perfect hearing, and when it is entirely tl looked | Sorry one time. h she was clad, palpitate violently, and som ani s es an ir,’? she specimens is eee quilt containing | closed, Deafness is the result, and un 4 ¢: “ “Yes: he sa When Mrs. Wylie returned home |?“ - 4 a te Ag {aN |over 800 di esigmns. lose the Inlammation can be taken out oe ee ae ni ach | The daily life of these two Fe ee ey. or bout five o’elock she found the wold faint away, through: weakness, may jong: continue aie aste restored to its normal he necessity of reliability—saves labor—saves carpets— other’s Souls. Phe veil which h han, nes goon pes its normal “I have, hie said eagerly, giving |" ly nerves were unt I sut i Q i agerls ss. Th distilled from bananas, the milk ot by “cataren, which ie. nothing. but a3 the treasure lable, shakespeare, and the latest bio- ved buts Breoda ¥hatae es towed any tes, but’ they, did: not Phecenersr. was, and never mitt be | coco oanuts, rice, and peas. aes Jap- | famed paition of the mucous ser- ¥ ’ legible, enh by turns in her unproductive, tie piasantia: Of the firclight the Jp me. en I vised to try universal panacea, in one remedy, for all 7: EG vices. to fall away. ho’ rou tless way. Her nitad craved for . a Dr. Heaps Pink Pills and decided Tiyou Nn atta mee are ee jenese distil ‘spirit plums, | "Wo will give Ove Hundred Dollars tor Bamboo-Handled wadierstnae cack Cre Gene food and refused nothing: ‘whil ie, on widow found her young friend sitting), — I am glad I did for the bf many curatives being such that were | Peaches, and the flower of the ‘moth: | woy-case of enti err ea eee Ho, in her favorite chair with interlock- Bi Ie gerins of ocr PAM MERTSALEP ekcel oomebt WTEC Chinase: tale ak wico that eect >t be cured by Hall's Catarrh Brooms. words could hav < se otis hand, it “possesied de- . ey pe Se ab pills hasoid thule eae up ‘and made me senses’ rooted jn the system of the |holic drink. from plums. op J CHENEY €@ UO. Poledo,-0. : rs Tmutual searching e ae ningeene aap 3 sada sy Mrs. Wylie closed the door before | © nt—what would relieve one. il in Sold by Druggists, ‘Toc. ee Alice ut it: from jable wife if 1 shear ed ‘@ll the world |. Mrs. Wylie closed ee froula ag eavale the. othe! Malis Wamily Pills are the best, Shrewd buyers need no urging—they insist x had met a Alice, who hi ed ard to Jover. Your influence upon my art Pe ere. a.” -bho. said ins: o : ot fai be benc : 2 sheanid, boca shlevin’ 2” pada um ier Minard’s Litment Cures Dandrulf, Plied with these Brooms He staat 1 Sees bability—who was totally impervious arty eae with her ign he aineniay GUae ta tees © ral ; ange remedy, for many and greviow Slimpurse (airily)—“*Aw, ‘at stand alone. At all dealers. Seth meas intone of the charms 2 ster s a 4 Seeehsiwnciahivoride dock: a cn “'T tuelleye,"" replied ‘Mis. Wyile By Mapes iG and ju mick an, is it customary t SWaitere f he tads wi : long, without got atagau eras Sta agi orikes Heel i tia eaeatthie Re her semi-serious; | semi-cheerful way, ply. ne frailest systems are led into a atemedee ord Balfour of Burleigh States | heah?’? Head Wait INITED FACTORIES LIMITED =. - Head Office, Toront geting or seotinae to define them. alone in the rites \y ind awaiting her. hi oa ficial as bef I conscien and strength by the influence whick War |tiat thore aro 1,400. prisoners, per |RepeeNoe en iyo (condescending: * 0 ey, ayer, room in Sua Mansions wi have made mo secret of my financial | “het. J a Mondly ay the pile Tevg. dan me ine exerts onNature’s ow. restoratives. | an Tt:was no. otter than |Position; and’ae to my place in “the ny i muiceraretar for atin dt relieves the drooping spirits of those ae 000 of the domiaiten of ae the waiter, sir.” ir ait: fa “Ot this seen’ ain int e fire.’ papier ‘ é nd, a compart with 700. tn 1 i iy tree was exe- world of this centur ees na hapete experience will benefit Pie GNU a See ee 8, enone ae aie ae *%° Jevted "with th uuayfauttass grace las much as T could tll you ada a ot ng erent Lang healer is found in. that ; il upon nee ; "5 we ‘ina gaze of the gray eyes that were ee ‘and, by tranquilizing the nerves, excellent medicine sold as Bickle’s a F Trist broke the silence ‘at last, and |2"d Savoirfair: cried a) ive Pe ate chee searching “her face. Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills have cured pe prec Sao Fafpan tis “aiseD er No More.—There are athousand | Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and a UR his voice was hollow, with a singu hat, for it ‘pees 101 oes, wand iis Pee ea Sa intimated “his “Tt has alw s seemed to me “a oe Lect ecuinla tbo ait hat 5 pars Vigor to the action of the -b! Teak iniserable lives because dyspepsia | mini Rachaithisnottne BRANDS Jar *teron ‘ black cloak was thrown carsesly patie to receive her answer. He A ae ange ihup sueigne jpaar be wich being stimulated, courses throughs | dulls the faculties and shadows existence |of the throat and air passages, and is. A i ar “terol sound, like the volee of to the full advantage a {even moved a step nearer to her, in |/$8i4, that your philosophy is want pedi ar ake hamniorane oie ut the veins, strengthening the: healthy | with the cloud of depression, One way to reli Experiment a man speaking in’ great. pain, wits broad astrakhan collar. order that he might with grace lean |v in courage, It is the philosophy. d 0 strengthen every Lotte fanetions of the syscem, thereb¥ | dispel the vapors that beset the victims of pain or s King Edward ‘xperiment ‘ Ab effort. BS : re shag 5 ke hand [of @ moral coward. Nettie t das jd ha UF omuivity ,& necessary | Tesuld | this disorder is to order them a course of erate ‘ete, “io00s with “If the world has se a mistake, This was the first visit he had paid Na oe sages ES Bey Gut” elt ‘Cioucte. pre akin ME lento Nort eoictesing: © frame, and giving I! Parmeleo's Vegetable Pills, which are supposed tobe far advanced in Poona in oy Alice,”” he said slowly and im ath ‘of. Captain Samia, piney she OH gangs ine “and ad aad tnd gay—as they Sere anon 8 Omen enaCenEs Eee fnoreaed gubstance: results, ine | mong the best Vegetable Pills known “ Headlight” other and sively, “I hope to eid wad ve (oO he and Brenda had st here was n either , and cure not only enaomia, but proved appsti ‘Northrop & Lyman of | being easy to take and are most efficacious — — inferior not!” tet sine the ball to which Tri ide. Willi. es ial. Gell vered eine Wylie loosened her bonnet-| 2¢¢line, consumption, indigestion, foronto, lve given to tue public theif |i their action, A trial of them will prove Carne RE PI AS en praia ‘She made no answer. ‘The pomer conceived the bold idea ot bringing luis words with. faultless, intonation | oe Pee te eer ean, tank. | ‘heumatinns,: Sit, "itue: \aameo,. and Fuperior Quinine Wine atthe usaal rate) ane “ ” irands, och ed to hb lef |his enemy. With fac' perfect: pitch—allowing himself (as es, the special nts whi Wo- a, Babe tls contntontoe Senlah EASE took in 150,961 recruits, of wi Eagle sp seeme o have left v : fi ore and |¢t, and sat down. 7 ind gaued by the opinion of scientists ie hates Sadiearn ey nee a bes spa igh eis ees OLE aoa Walliams Hicks ctalled ite Help deose td eaagtaiep earnest gesture-here and |°%, 490,08 srered_ arguuienta- men dread, ‘These pills can be had 3 " 25 ‘ H ee : 3 e {BH pyre epproaches Piiree tee an, te toe He alee aan ee Go-cbulae ae either atten ee USE dry, She ‘rubbed hor hands. tegethe way he a Tun Put sent Brenda took her cue from in ily through any desist, ay will be sent ’ 5 : “Yj ” er, palm to palm, in Dh ord. }him. : post pai OX — six arrivals were all vegetarians. |St@"d German “Victoria” 5 ee al eee ak ee eae gravely, and| “It is very good of you to make 's for $2.50 by writing direct to the TALL STORIES. Karl Mann, the winner, was aos peas nee, =i 0% te such an advantageous offer,” Dr. ‘Williams’. Medicine Co., Brock- ; old, and has been a vegetarian for “Little Comet” heeleres a cveii aus dapat, or vy: st gous peony ae an even and gentle voice, in Mile, Ont, Kk for the full nani couple of witty enti, were |ten years. He was # declared champ- impenetrable—seemed. to rise, and {mother 8," aa “aaa, in some sur- whieh no ring of sarcasm could have sensible Sanam nit ry box, so that no worthless en ions podeaiciéation ta: warla Per taten o Be nd | prise. been detected by much finer ears than is woma Fae Sef iS Sa olan you, © ersy’” s Cu vers cold by her vision failed, ‘The tendons of [Prise y : “] ink ‘ substitute may We palmed off on your ; P s laid aside his hat, and slow- those ‘of Willige Hicks, whose or- é‘ bet. bebhoeeh isato’s “TINIE. - her lovely throat tense, like ne a i eae ee eee ord, . HEWSON. | It is often said that there are 70,- ORANGES LEMONS wires, beneath the milky, skin, Peay Yate 9 Me slateccptonsd:.¢10 ves, ies + Sr Raver ea eel HY HADN'T A DOOR. #Yes," ‘i “¢{ |self-conccit; * rr Bach agreed to tell a peculiar in-) Don?t pay a Washwoman was “eared of a tenible Sprain by |000 known rds of Sco ti sd Yar Tao Bue ee “fetorne, fot See eee ae ke cree ya 7 A stubborn horse is nnoying a : x : % NT hole records o| lo 10s rose tami . cident, and the reciter of the strong NAR 5 LINIMENT. Te ones any names, | We hav rs Mexicans, WE proc Ard bea abun al sm |. ‘Brenda turned her “small, proud says artist was too much surprised erent under any ‘Sieenitnadoes est, aa oe to receive the stakes day rubbing the life eae Layee rae mneny otc tede nwa eborece Eitri Nay HAVE. dazed, stupid way like one who has |head, and looked at him in’'silence.|to say anything at all, A refusal— aha Story of an incident whieh +five dolla: vrdlaes stoget them clean, gon th, N. a EE : oes, Val oe ee alice! ieee a Tees Ra ee hEarSat etude was hardly one of sur-|to. him! One of the most Iecouiae happened during a regimental fa No commenced, and said he ig yourself— pat te a te eye a by s § prise yet it betrayed her know-|men in London, great, ees asta aises the ausation ay such tlhe ot a lady who was “turned in- MINATU s LINIMENT. : She saw it all as in a dream. The betray rides matey, Taolessil JeW. RUGGLES For Over Sixty iis aa. conventional fasyiltinace, hogany |Jedge of his possible meaning. Al-|unappreciated _ painter—a ect race ba pada op yee ee es may be over-con- ae ieee a pment at : leah: anon igeT Ase Garload every/ week. “All the shove at and deep red velvet, the varigated |tegether It was searecly sympathe- jdancer—a social lion. He ha Ay “een fe al y scious. x arb, said No. 2; “explain De pe Rh market prices. We can also handle your aud adap rea Welvet, un after, I admit shee sles seo Se he: eat eat ne said, “‘has|, The sun blazed down on a ficld of ourse years by talltious of mothers for ron whtle g : : ; i s onde ¢ *You see,’ was the reply, “the 8 with perfect success “It soothes the child Buren, Eggs, Poultry, upon the mantelpiece. Bios gti ee ae zen ee sore satel bee been here? ah eate peels ae 2 is ce fink lady was placed on a vessel, and then s isthe te bast remedy tor Bi DincRis 13 pleasant 19 the | Maple Syrupand other seas to advan- sookes cate te fae cer Btn. a ae puerto. h a ee taken the trouble| {Yes Ho’ dul Meneyee ek | os ba acetal: a is pee she was aboard. elas I believe you have some % ies is pe ulsbie tage for un mite ain eaerne lo; she Jae ‘{° taka ABesche lot invest rabilit vor Cpe Breda rather sharply. trooperand gap inte “Very good,” said No. 2, “but elements of success about cs Winslow ne BE, smu oy) comresion iGO bicaltody smo mnly. bs dito cok to +H " : : 00 he by i aiid out by accident,” he |otherwise. o: ring uj ay port shouted listen to this. -Once I mer a man Sree : a cent, old pesos i Penne Ra hea continued “that Mrs. Wylie was |bim fe haa not guite reali “hat held the officers a his pa- eon deaf and dumb for or bright. You'd be welcome to it ss me Fis Bostaire mith Jay bactibet Sul xi, pre. was no hem tence: having given’ out. “You'll twenty years, but last aoe he gain- if I had.” pile Ded OWN: WS POO Re eee ee a on s | Worthy er Met Reeciacaieie ™ some t into trouble if you don't” ed ake oe Ne jone minute. “Who cen tell me the meaning of jSecas ah aie — t m you not,’’ he seminar The youthful nee of the refracs rejoined No. 1, “‘but| @ —and save the wear on your clothes. leisurc?’’ asked the teacher. ‘‘Please, | It Benicia mien Seeing it,” she pokes round the {ight be alone here—the oppor’ fT eo tase: diaidens exer tory hareo looked:'at ‘his ‘oMecr | da Bs Buy a New Century and throw away ay ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT cet, it’ alae Where married peo-| t.bea It holds the parte in sich. position ep s cs Erk oe D2. A. W. GHASE’S Motarniiinaed I have ia aps a eg CE a plied Nee 2, “the won-| @ your useless washboard, ask you: Removes all hard, soft or calloured lumps | ple repent replied’ hiz-infant ‘novel- ieee fats play they noust bal site Tot th is Fhe Hy "The ‘girl shook her head gravely, {fr nel, ade Rue to heer| (Lim as tired of i 7 nee) : eT Fiee ees |g hardware rocnforba show it to yore and blemishes froin horses, blond epavin, read aw easnsted: You se pharm prs GATARRH CURE . "sho replied. "Phere ig not Om facts | Would: you sir,” he said, with dull resignation, icycle shop with a friend, and, sud- | ff or write to us for book! e 5 Org: sa fe sent direct to the diseased chance of my ever do-|i f “but I can’t help it. @ cab denly stooping down, he picked up a THe Doemrie rabolr ce pe owe: “Wareia of seite hal Sale ey ee ae Lispies, -venged sip pats by the Teoproved Blower, am very, very sorry) "Yes," replied,» the | girl'with. a horse, sir, that's Siena He wheel _and—spoke CSE ss se| Mlncrd’s Liniment Cures Burns, etc| on, brutality, : the ser clans tS ng 1 nado lib enageerated. move vot indi Pe Bae uinte seas at fy A tops droppings tr ths | rebeoas Chelate (Sacer kno “PB A= 5 a re tie Sec a ii permanantiy cures Deeb lat to sbeliee | fetenees c-tell nis, andar 1 hagenrs ape aly : Sars gpa a Sr ates ithness, “Orkney, and Shetland chair. For some moments she stood | Catt and flay Fever. blower 3 could spoeath ig eves “Shoray after T arrived at the {§?utr) si ang Want him advanced, eh?’” -‘‘No, I] He—“I hear that ua have been| It is estimated that the Esquimaux ae 6 Seottish Shite ich wages — the: 2, Sr ron td eRe | been Wuarwtere aa lie went out. - I happened iets: She—* ine i 6c aaa : i is, because I was near the Sonanee of Alaska, Labrador, and |are lowest. fod ‘iad svt still Ao thie Peeks sant [to agree as e is, becat é hte a point never to |G i 4 3. 8 window: In’ the: draming-spou! and} -Rillicus “They are seclly the iuost IDE ih GONBRaRRTS bo “anteegh eae can say preeniant ~~ one a tothe [we considers hums Well paid at 14s 3 by |ity was one which I have waited for |Ply. He could not with eruth i have |! <i ee is |devoted lovers I ever saw." Cynicus = ill that be2"’ “Ab I ! Se chee the glass-shade covering the hideous |—s0 I came Soa Raa ae te ef eas itveesma a shame "thet ticy how Jong will that be’ out thinning out of seal, bear, and w aed eau gested. ‘The fact merely Fran hg gies Ma. clog Brenda's eyes were much steadier | gested. are going to get matried and spoil +i ks They Wake the ‘Torpid Energie A ah pies th going to g P chinery not pro rly vised and let lef fe “And,” she-muttered brokenly, as |than his, 8 forced to turn | he eae nee kind, Peat ae it all.’ to run itself, very soon, ‘show vs fanl in i she turned away with re Ay "ats [his gaze elsewhere. —_— ebiuar ermal ne achat wenlatye ieee a jee eres Sn ee “I used to think that we were not! “It is very atari of _you,”’ she said ie had. Bie a wo. rie st"convicton that HS ayclde®| OT Nese Jones, the sea captain, Is as. 2 SO OF VOU; She Sate 9 ; ate sie : me kuwhcanetaEhe cevicaid sire, ae Sreuere ects Toipets a ae a the world be his wile-to make |Seeine me, and did ft remarkably well, [in hard Cpa hgh! tive and ‘concurrent that the article re- Pamiclegs Yegetatle Pl eoeoerietia YS, that’ ‘wonian oe happiest of her. sex Belgian Cia nels Higa ta aire al ol leant gil 0 ous a. excellent remedy | flagging faculciés, aud bring ime [pot qereuseens tn mi 3 hs ; AND THE for pains and rheamatic somplaines, ana | “e298 ought came into my head that he ——_+—_——_ ains a ie pee ption. We ah Psat e! vi it hasno nauseating or other unpleasant fs | hai n here to see you. Then I) poe DANGERS OF CHILDHOOD. Mon. EE publish jst marvelous. succes i MASAI WARRIORS, | | sc! wher taxen internally. Dlish- de pe | 0 Wonder what had caused we “d in the world, 19,760 e publisi icks had ne bore refused ead THE ANTLFLIRTS. ed in Rael Fae ‘nd. 6,050 in fore-“for' the simple: reason tha ie Spa chetias 2 teaches eee | te cia as ee Hoa (NG REMARKABLE INCIDENT, ; : thon re heey (ho Grew Up Frail of Body and Exhausted In Merve Force Are Won. |%4 never hitherto thoight ft : 3 yeas Tor littto ones. There an Anti-Flirtation Club in | only 743 newspapers, or one to every 0 Grow Up Frail o! ly and Exhauste [place his heart at any maiden‘s { f mere thread; ths cbeoh of Mr. Yowep, Chamberjai 6 4 n , ) 4 > n z y gina- - vat St. Petersburg. which, as its name 000 peopl derfully Benefited by Dr. Ghase’s Nerve Food. ‘But why,’' he p jeaded, "wil you In ‘ss stab this ide Yd vite funagine Seatthe citi vent wanton trifling t ii pu: ny parents to|along under this treatm % i f u ailments come suey. allections OF ibcaptibla lai 4 BS his tor ahaie Nas. ie Sas th ff Fontes, im a few ho ible now just w 0 do ehiidr 3. D. th ile "ceased speaking and | an 3 + he Russian capital ea Ha wet Hales 3 “My cd. for ot ti bright little life. very £5, et pale, weak and lan-| writes ly son, ag : mfortably na brig us sie by. r t a mee None guid, lose their appetite and ambi-| and little girl of three years, at-will come,” ke murmur- ard tise it “or two |thother ‘shold. :-be in a -positiontte peg: Serene ea rs ogatige ae ix oe Left | P Lion, and seem to gratiually fail in both stricken with St. Vitus! Dance “1 will teach you to Io eee clasped around her knees. 5) ietl Median ale. cons dene troubles ee < oe: shiig hon Belbbieieg <0; Che. Fla | T | ct bot want : health und strength. ester NOM. ‘ue whan oa? Bis’ Poteet ide eyes eS ing. toward her et Ra and there is no Sacaicine MEW , 5 ranks of society, who exchanged a ° | | Potted Moe, Doct end ‘Tom Tongue (Whole), 1 There is probably no preparation stent Sadist, could not aaa nena arid Tooked calmly at he See ile owed dh the ahéy med el eclence: will act womsireld Mg ee Be to refrain from tas Bother .\ | we cie af, Doomed Lam, B vetlel ba, more effecti satis eet cases as ee from getting worce and worse, so i him—not palate but E :. ily So, safe habit — and to pr | a 1 AMY ata vor foods palatable and whole than Dr. © Nei Food. when I received a book about Dr. generaliy—beca ause was a man, | na ‘iced KE stoula ibe cba re aes of pie ahaa bc . Rshers” IromkatePiig «(ieee beste} You &y = ie Fahoald have them gitat restorativelis’ mild ana qentie| Chases’ Nerve Food, 1 sorted bo | nd voc she ‘elt “ato pple at Sia page RS oor fe ‘kept in every home where thers ing their promise must contribute | | fea Beers: er. Beko Good Things th action, and yet powerful and cer-|try it.» ‘The boy had Tost eighteen men could look up to ad- is : é little ones, and by giving an oc PILLS anb for charitable purposes $500 the frst | After | | ot tee ist ates tain in iis upbuilding effects. It is| pounds i ths, and could |mire him for his mere mahood, it ee a, So sient ‘Akestanst ‘Tablet hot saan thee ation ime $2. the time. } | [ibey. ‘McNeill & Libby, Chicago, iit, sally suitable for. item and) scarcely take ‘pola oe anything. ‘pag she eared was unable to 4 will be prevented, and your little one sin eens ; " my fable was p ; ye the third: Lae the ae one | | 4-té "3 endorsed by a great many grateful] little et lost the pow of her cause he fell short ae her psi me ill be kept well and happy. n't are used wherever the white man J | will be expelled from the club, and | | — es parent, ue, and could searcel re In the meantime Hicks had realized as wait: until, the ¢roabie comes cehey has set his foot. iisy ony 06 Feadmitted after the ex Wilson’s s A |""T didn’t heat your sister at the George F. Brisbin, Lake St, ‘I now take plaasure in Sa emptiness, of his boast. rom “Brenda aaa oe the widow |may be too late. Remember that piration of o1 | party, Madeline.” “‘Her sete has bocriors Ont., states | that sey are Nort quite well, and | her calm gue he had read that her i " he has {these ailmer an be prevent by 7} \strictly forbidden her to practise." ‘One of my children, a boy of ¥' ‘ould never know there 2 The Masai warsior carrying his grease ot stung from the leat hisrght ear, The pot ia thie cae She sd) —"No, “Mr. Lytat oes he live in: her Delghborhond™ ahage-/ filech Heafacslar noe Yee | tock, anything: the Iuka aerstand he (bored). Mr/Lytely, years, e anything was wHotLowar's O1NTieNT Jar, and the Jobe of the car had been stretched to get round the pol Bore ee ea net ; | health foF @ year or more, He| as | gained twenty-five pounds 5 lrespect you. I am si would | Sold Everywhere. 10 cents | Hi Ming ras Liniment Rell feyes Heal teettied to have no cnergy, was weak! weight. I am very woes en nie re ke sc ther woman a good hi =f 4 wala A suflered from ner-| is such a miedicine’ on LS : a ae ages = ran some other woman ae 00d | as | a MOMDP aid Toes RE camo we oe erfally prompt an bu reatest healing agent known | GE ne } ion ead vente seal oral aisurder “3 Soraa ai all ‘shin affeotioui -Timeomaiion’ ab give. oclone Wael Fa ai 6 BS ce Franco! there 5,819" women aed row ee “4 e oot i be-| little book fut om on did Pies t B cu of the Liver and Bowels. ‘They eaogeand and. Sefaties pleld to its Jnfuence “quite caetaenine to. my next place?” { ordinary jowitzer or siege | employed. as fal tekeopers at. the rail- we alarm g hit, on came in bd bin se few tornghly epider the pnisen Reaalet magically, as also most throat and chest piace jqun: weighs 2,500 Ths., and is 6 ft.|q way crossings The pia ge tL Sek ssing Dr. | sent on purpose. = oul weer without me h geeacy dishes, pots or pans, 10 in. long. |pay. bp ovided with houses. was Tong. ‘un we re not ‘a Be ee Beles Yoos._ 50 cents |The ar dropped his argument Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street (late 533, Oxford Street), London. with Lover's pa pets Rots, f hi ike Tore < 438 Leste imroved| ie uence better Dates 4. Cou Toro Te Debbecks| ee ee ame Seanad = a I c , aie rts . a 0 S atest ease ‘ | idlazid’s Liniment for sale fata! rit isSUE. NO 30-30. = scler and soon became stronger -and bir: against it areagte eS el with his oak aot her, looking fs new born babe. id -by mediciw ™ ee : tealthier. ‘Ste is still using the| trait and signature Dre BW. oe int al misty ‘twilight. [Bis artistic afiectation he is very Miers: beatin t 6 een - Z - Ferve Feod, and we are perfectly Chase, the ene reine HOOK ue | oe the or ap swede Main to ‘etna tees by ede the De, Williams ‘Mead : : eauiiftest that He i taxproving right! thor, “are on ebery be | (To be continued.) ei re, toh : 5 ve ss i ee BAe © CS tat Gr ee Ne ae ENC a toes F s : Pp ~

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