Milverton Sun, 23 Jul 1903, p. 3

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NEWTON. Boe those who took in w Pate John The Milverton Sun Stewart Mia eos isthe ee Local ee en the Losey Cea ag Martha, Mr, and Mrs. of is the it. Advert Ja Mattar. ates tecsonuble, Millarsante goku: Donbar urned pox searysthiotly, Liens: took advantage of the Herald aes out at this time of the year, with tot 80 pi I. Pies cts De ends | crops almost ready for harvesting. a —— seacr, [Year ic Miss Cora Foeger, of Detroit, dangh 9TH LINE, MORNINGTON. ter o Peter Zoeger, formerly of ne ie |as0 00/330 00 Newton, is visiting her grandmother| er = aa id, of Berlin, is visit- Half column.| e 00) 16 00, ing at Mr. d Allingbam’s, uattex ool¢ 6 00) 900] 6 00 3 es Suyder, of Detroit, are Fricke of Galt, spent Sunday agath. ool..| 10 oo 6 00) : 00| 2 oo visting trietids te Naton. and Ca tno ne Fe Oke ines: 3.00, 200) 1 Yr pe and hie bride . Coleman, Mp egal took in De troit excursi ‘Transient Adyertisements are ck aie é or the followi rng the rate of 8c. per line, nonpariel, first insertion, and 3c, poring for each s seesive ins entrance pupil —Ralph ‘Tan. Co and Flossie > ‘Sh pis were sent up and all sueceeded i passing which speaks well for their‘teacher, Ar. Hutebicens Presbyterian chureh will e opened on Sunday next. Rev. G. T. R. Time Table “Yrains due to leave Milverton. GoING sours. will preach at 11 aan, an foseph Geis has retained Heme cers @ faithful THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1903 Business Bolle; holidays. is» home. for his a snemibers of the football team Now that Geo, Rowley has been} pr, Walter Turnbull returned to ee now sily engaged with the proved to be a colossal thief it will be |,Goderien o} onday, a arvesi after which they will again pre interesting to await his sentence. | “it ecta ihere.” Wonder if he will get more than a] Jas. dis son, wh year’s imprisonment in a parlor? inga ak with trond’ here, left indsor on Satur: ise | Mr. Allan Neilson left on Saturday i foi a trip through Towa, Dakota and The late Justice Armour was a man aac very democratic in his ideas. He The N xiion-ncailen mill has been refused a title and would have dis-|ePgnejas, Caupped with a fall. set Pensed with judicial robes if he had Sal commence in al aye week. ° Mr. way. We are in need of al’ ; is hustling things along as fa few more mea like him. ible, “Phe epin eesti possible. ‘The spinners, carders and ate twister are all now operating and in a hort time he expects to have his sl The Canadian Northwest, described peas etieal deers press, vse | fs i eae rusher, shearing machine and fulling Wirty-five years ago as a desolate gig in operation. A large quantity of waste, last year poured out 94,000,000 wool is on Hand aud. large o1 bushels of wheat, 187,000,000 bushels an The building is a solid brick Of oats and 35,000,000 bushels of | SUA, Js built a acvortg sep barley. A generation has witnessed a he course of a week Newton ill be able to boast of a Bator ot its litical ymati aad po ere) jesvtotmanony, Malan. in PICT Se a person of Dr. L. L. Stuut strial revolution there, fer, son of Mr, Levi Sfauiter, of ‘ Waterloo. Dr. Sianifer is a graduate oe fthe Toronto Medical College and It is now two months since: little ones jo Newton w Glory Whalen was foully done to late Ja death near Collingwood and so far her tore ene Rankin on Tuesday nde ihe ae induct, i a0 sebperod in murderer or murderers: have not yet th eeenaete of the ‘Crown. A vei been captured. Like the Quirk mur- large number, esses were hear “i dante ti ‘ i = the-end=ofva session of six Pours! Sak ea ca Shronided in mystery, [7 duration 'the jury brought in an open It seems to be that the criminals are}verdict. intima. ig that th @ old man Rabdintilps tod wary 10H the detectives | cameo hie deash through a wound ng, pepe: element Kirkland and | 8. J Mr. and of Tsheciese poen sh, ee Detroit 6 Year’s| have cut their f Mr. Willie Howe, of the Toronto tor Chieago to visit his brother-in-law ulson, of The Soo, is be ready to © meet all comers. been, spend- a friend in Listow for ‘he | bat in spite of her polit a lusty gang stood pail in asne psa water ai the a thus adie it yack shen er Esoaioe, 's loss is a heavy one, as arn was worth about 33 He will, however, re- ive aid Ont of the fund raised by the ei People of his own denominati ion for dis- tre Bellar On Mond Mr. r. Roy Crawford, of saa is vi isiting ‘on the line. PLE AE GP Mes oaan aie hee Alex. Harron took in arsi The haying here is nearly all. done aud: the erop inthe b A number all wheat. ames Fleming left on Monday ae Robinson 1 spent Sunday with Pie Ts Have Faith in Canada. (Toronto Telegram.) 1895 the total trade. of Canada 900,000, and the returns for roinise to show $430,000,000, or double the amount ofeight ‘years ago: Figures are sometimes eloquent and be told that they are sand will not quarrel with * ce @ eg =e 2. = ) Be Canada. is prosperous, ot on aceount of her po! aa arties ; and Canada will be more Drotereas as her sous recognize the usclessne e party. fetich es fe ses ee De a eo SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Ready-made ‘3Clothing ... Friday & Saturday JULY 24th and 25th, We will sell clothing at the following reduced prices: $12 Suit for $9.75 “IO e 8.50 8 i 6.75 6 5 4.90 All other Ready-mades in Same proportion. W. K. LOTH IB TS AS IS ARIE IR AS IRI HS AS TET ACAI I HCI TS TCI IE TACT I IA IE RRR BRITCAR EI BIBI eeaiteaet cues mad the nae RIERA BAR IA IAI ERR II RIE duly Peeters a Examina- The results of the July depart- on the head but they were unable to aM say how i A gau ball will be Tt is evident by tte demands made {her ae upon Ontario” Government labor bureau that farm labor is scarce in this. province. It is estimated that it-would take 2000 men to relieve the}ing laid inthe Milverten Peek situation during ‘the next few week, | cemetery. Rev. be The hired man is surely having his vertormed innings, of the s tended. The funeral of the late Janies Suith took place on Saturday ‘afte ne he 23: It would mot, however, surprise]! t ug,” remarks a Western Canadian|rounding kis death. Mr. Swith was Rewspaper, in discussing the efforts of |one of the earliest setters of the the Reciprocity League of the North-| ore eas er ores the western States, “it England woke up to late, only to find out that Canada and the United States had negotiated a reoiprocity treaty.” offered hin work, was a char and mieny. ane edotes nm by those who h A city rofonnitie aves: ing Mp. Ghas t. Sun) In this city the. "etireent of Mr, Blair must cause mach ai unong a ‘certain class D in'‘polities have had pa sonal relation ath. On with here. heecié she had been in her usual in St Jobin. and there are Blair mon. | health and retired to her room about Me Mr, Blair has permanently separat: f her ed from the Premier a number of the he found his wother lying upon the ng her last. Her Yetwnins d in the Milibank Pr metery iday, ‘Mr aca: sont about 4: she rerided i in 35 aud came to ears ago. Fora tin Pratilleany Hibbert and } She leaves behind a family of Tbr sons and two daughters : r and William at houie, | Maggie. pis Donley | Jeuderson of | Newton, Street SHaminine of Mill- bank, Mrs. McNi © persons to ocenpy | Mrs. Kerr of Gre thé'aine Beate later another vo ride in Von eascee afternoon a the same car with other people, or to| thunders pas eople at-| of Saas % st. of, vould: saivide their imitiediate leader from the source of Whither Are We Driftiuz? (Dresden Standard) se vere | as pone! ially Hes Sade tis te rt we pe of lighting ievavfor at Edge-| rediscovery of a| Darn of Mr. J. 2 the Practice s combe, and 4s oly if tied of time CSaeed it, poets T } with forty tons of hay, td Some Beet te were also T! By marvellous indusway. F-| the driving ‘skell ity which number * ot implements, was | Mr. C. Kuepfer struck of the he| idea of draining the de. Ny ADDY Water ranning byterian Seitoo of | The funeral, cousidering the throng | ments of at nad | BoUneement, will be made to public pr _ | tion Department. | © sot three of| :| SHOES FOR SUMMER iehol of Ehna, and| cannot be better prepared than seed over this section | Shoes look like dress footwear short) Valises at very low prices. own hill towards the shed, and sop just. co: He! leted o $ } ie at ie to the public schoo} inspec- | tor conee! merked * make ari auigements wi BostAl mithon r to band tient ‘ souron pentane ess regarding the date when the the Eduea- Teautte wil he oe from . Wiederhold & Honderich it is at present: ;| we offer special inducements in every line. ea befelegant Buffet abl will be pleased to show you thraugh. Our stock of. Furniture was never more compile Th fact we have too much, and to n: te than: ke room OUR Ircen and Brass Beds can't be beat, carrying a good stock, in price from $4 to $35. Call in and examine ourstock, we can stiow you some s, Chiffonier, Chevol, Parlor Cabinet, Parlo Morris Rockers, Couches, Etc., Etc, Our salesmar le: Undertaking and Embalming. Wiederhold & Honderich THE BIG HOUSE. You had better be prepared {for summer foot comfort. You |here. Some of our summer and feel almost as good as ‘your old slippers. A fulf stock of Trunks and iJ. G. Grosch & Son! Agents for -White Sewing! Machines, best family} sewing . machine in the Worse ty Good Clothes 3 Gain Prestige .. You'll take into “ Your Spring Looks” at once if you’ ve the enviable characteristic “ Up-to- Everywhere. consideration We make the kind that fills aman with self- satisfaction as to his appearance: Every suit a recent style, a stylish fit, and fit possession. £. Knechtel, Leading Merchant Tailer. AULA SSP USSU SS Dateness.” | E.H. DIERLAMM’S = Weeding Out COMMENCED A WEEDING OUT IN THE Summer Wash Goods Dept. The first Summer Need.of Woman|* . is Proper Dress WE -HAVE the cool weather, summer is here, and sure to come anding certain to be with us as sunrise Notwiths hot days are as to-morrow ; and t great burry to make up for lost time. light, flufly cool things to wear will be imperat: Is that Summmer Wardrobe. Fully Stocked ? a nice assortment left which we are closing-out f regular price. We. quote you a few. the many pretty things: If not we hav: at one-third of ¢. now 19¢ | Eoline Cords. Muslins Qe. ~ 106 9 rte “1907 netle Nouy © 106 “216 ease Cloth a! “24 Prints. ay * 80e Privts 2te. “* 10e)Anatatian Stripes é ‘* Sie Dotted Swi: “14 | Silk and Linen Tissue. “400 « “500 Baptiste. . These must go to make room our Fall Stock. : E. H. DIERLAMI1, will come without Warning, t00, in ieee Then the demand for |of e Qe. 19e| th, uedied eireus hands deserted yles: suaded to As us he death of cepts. he as Ito osha co thousand tor The ae has cticed wp to Canad ignorant ‘an ir num they can get hat any. Moute eal Wi Ap! Site contro! ste is camps, and wel le Sun ! The Midilverton In every town and village THUBSDAY, JULY no sale ER 0 tain is worth ae amount they wii rrent ye! may be had, the GENERAL 1 NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES ,000 delegates tian Endeayor Gonv last: week _ The etl Ei A tfor a m that Ex t Tt should 1h ae for Bot it | pele ne en Canada y that makes your Canada is > horses glad. of the Atlas Loan Co. noma bg aa d to steal $147 pee out of $322,000 of deposits. a ling: ne ied oiela the £92 Rosso, e-year-old of Frank Rosso, Italian fruit mor. ats Stratford. di in Ontario d te ee ad sponsible for But th ide a man sick, and Gaspar succuinbe of his’ wife. ey 3 i laps ed it,” ‘They. -thonaht. te-anntale Mie yon responsibility without nitoba ee Rot the Man lee show that th overnment has ag 3 a sw r x é teat os to In noti Engineer Browne, of yhen about three miles a Sanday, saw. a g in th sp of In d engine ing are the wl She was ¥ aking A B been assau the r sor but tie: "Ge engineer’: Se assistance might have caused “the young lady serious injury. be Te stent refusal | terly. Government either to| of the a | Toronto. The Ni leased by Celestials, and sever Lapin outfits are wo bea The Russian isohowa: tg then or The six ri of the Prager: at Sioux City it was necessai boy 0 e sary to engag work of Secuine orth. K. C., cept a posit preme Court beuch rendered vacant b ts idge Armour. If he appointed on the poor there this seasor rom Alaskan Peay Commission, word fro} A areca from ovens badd ee y be per ace ‘The Ontario Departaient at Age teal ture has received eg A ek likely to es nae In this con- ¢ firm, asking if it would be pats lar tari apples at iascbible prices. do ald do w:th. six to: ei ms. on. itness. on Wi ile er aes eee the side. mire This is far from the first. war. which waged agai ment will little satisfaction out of its quarrel. We o' p bese from the West The Dominion Don’t Forget . Head Office, - Waterloo, Out. Results of 1902 ‘usiness in foree. for your Sugar, Fruit Jars, and [fis Fruit, such as fiemen? Cherries, Red and Black Rasp- | Increase. berries, Huckleberries, Etc. Increase in 196 Prices 3 i Prices are right. Special advantages to total ceale fine insurance issued. All benefits may ighrenneteyincy keagenn iy BNL ‘instalments at the option of y | change, for which the highest market |the Aae price will be Jas. Innes, Thos. Hilliard; vis President. Managing ie: Director ight get Ps 0 decoy Canadian med einls che rahe net. ssary reek, of parents should Anypis the debasing in which their children are being no. complim hat it is being made a hunting pce by thes , it. would seem kind’ of women will do. lace where Ase Chinese have as- 1 of a iw Columbia ow de rae ad incere. inc i vi My also sp eg mare sone ott el The Place for » in Move tauaone Ligonoae placer mining from it oy $15,000,000 n hydraulic appliances and ‘Thi is neyer told, thou, it is sa potiae to. aah $50,000 for ew at it is considerable | staying by. tl lhe lower part of the Invicta groun nd the creek, taking ont o day The “keeping” ten per cent soda, or liqu the formati renders’ th The eggs kept Ah: exchas is genera the and a man e kind boiled, the s forated in order. to prevent: cracking. Intest Germ eggs is to dip solation id glas: ion of a treatment hes been furnish fact that such eggs, aft whole uge says a a with Old Cou ry ng a, red with fatal bi sige ilstrtad a mmigrat = Great Brita an repared by m. i a of silic: id. B. Yost & Son ent 6 | Sq tion of a saint’s glory that he hirty in Why k Barrel and Loose Salt in stock of Cheap Spectacles. MILVERTON STATION | with. When buying spectacles buy a good pair. Weuse per- “Grant, 0 Lord,” ” prayed a Weste i t American mini ently, “that fect lenses. They cost a little Sigfatmay, conibee ua awn “kévord : ee tne great alatachaca of states;/more than the common kind, sh measures be need in 0 ha - working out the destiny of this re-|but rheir difference in comfort publ PIE AH is worth many times the differ- BAECHLERVILLE, Sea ee ence in price, 1, Geo. Langford, of Milverton, is he present the guest of Mr. Wilson rs. G..W. Posliff are at-|the best stock of up-to-date JEWELRY return hone tithe neat Onr boys returned from “Detroit en | you. 7 ee examined he oraing, very Weary, rip. 5 | welll pleased with the t Short Stories. Retold. Jeweler and Optician times Powerful gometiy awazing, “Ther Your Money - eep your money for doubt- this sermon deserves, I think, to b9: fal mortgages, at low rates of interest, for when at all times, in large or smal ‘Why, xmounts, for any repsonable period, gh the bed of average si three to five dollars a or process _for|in Freneh, whieh had caused an old Mraalaventiy in a! ate of | ancient Egyptian bepas his produces | coating wh a peculiar tion Bureau hich She gas perfectly air-tight, | retain She he d's otel, picker ie lias for a year, were hatched, and the chiskens-were strong aud healthy. fhe preserving 4 cir- rovincial statas pisses in the Government with | He expressly. rome os chadstnenl sufficient income is the need for in-| ties Tea by the tern eaniiee. creased are. only six is the| smiles cquare,”"he says, ‘the munici- lightness of taxation. minion | palities-are too small, and it seems Government should ohio teviee before impossi! it lessens 1 is a great multipli- own local :resourcesd ate of rageherds with all its ac- and let.them pen for Sp peue: anying inconveniences. . dai They are | ing Post, can liken it, If ‘you. it can be ehes Grieg in-the gold 1 it on British Mortgage 3 06 ON ¥ 2 83 in operation on | if you tear down the starry curtain of Loan Company, ths -aklog. anit wean Ae Sand your ground has been bodes robe, ride to heaven Stratford al other|0n the lightning wings of the tem- a nothing ce the| At four per interest, payable glory of the saints.’ ” 14 Maude Adams, on the ‘Deutsch-}and best investment. e. deben. land,” had been describing — the| tures of this company are cites in Rostand she had given | eq to Executors, Administrators, and’ vhe Statutes heplie yal i Seg A CS Wosinet tario, Chapter 130, and by special tite thet cautinued © wits | ordersin-eouneil of September 3, 1903, plbcey is imperfect “enough, but they are made a legal investment for ite that’ of an paiement wera trost ft whom Tnet in Cato. She, nop-|' The Coanty ot Perth and the | menu and translated ,Ris de veau nia! Perth Mutual Insurance. Company ta monies are invested in the bonds of TISH MORTGAGE LOAN pei On deposits interest is paid daily balances, and is compounded eve wociiers hie ee a, Ia con. | “No; a la’ hen, . of a; FE Wesley believed in the people, eons of the cbie? secrets of his suc bhi eta ad ne MAnacer. 2 jon he . valkii ith hi: carcely les: tl tnmove brother G sharies ‘Wester, the nce a Customer e per- y ac face feria ange ey One.. e tluta the The uppermost efforts in :|our business is to. make our Watch Repairing.and Jewelry te, {dealings such that the buying shack public will realize. the advan- stand. there’ |tage of making this a favorite Charles Wastey: ane “earn How to im, their as aie | Jewelry . pur hich he} Pi a : 2 oe meu} On one occasion. Lindsay, who sue- BRET: + nd @ asked | cpeded Carlisle as a Senator from| . Reliable goods for the’ lea’: iv poe “Gi. jood | K ntucky, was coming east with money; correct in style and neta tay cays The Saturday Even- ; Was wornin rain | artistic. in design, is our assur- | was sway meiseen rocking through the| ance that it pays to-buy at this cent. egularly every half year? ihe safest’ to call at the station store “LIFE ASSURANCE C0. ‘ False Economy ’ Sight is to precious to trifle * Don't forget that we carry: * P. H. BASTENDORFF ° t Allegbany hills; precisely i AGT Ot course ie iat ae 6 motion and the plu store... You have be none entlemal tras One en buy at this and makes their fig needed a stoummchie ance that when you buy a is less value to the farmers | erase from th store you ther best. value pared teed The ee is that foe | was conger for-your money. immigrauts of any_kind, applying at| league's ~ countona uso the brea to fara wack. ar able le ae reek ot troubled gleem: A.WELSH & SON, { “3 at's wrong?’ asker ax* s 0 piset to dO mice AB 2ae Peay fonsly,, “The worst thing ik STRATFORDE:, Rework. ‘lckinh ‘anyz-of eo Shed le ki ; s to it se ae sae ere | Ket thie tetera of my ‘Marriage Licenses Issued Com: « as a Canadian 2 to any | “Was it stolen, or did-you | iE be: i = part of the woul an (fake © band ot iva CNalthers the ean _ fidentiall; ; of almost any kind. tous? oom | Opti. jan—Eyes Tested. Freeve,

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