Milverton Sun, 23 Jul 1903, p. 4

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LEO’S SUN SETS AT LAST THE MARKETS 3 ie rices of Grain, Cattle, Surrounded by the Sacred College!" He Handed the Reins to Cardinal Oreglia Rome, 4.04 this afternoon. Sunday was td the aged : or Ponti® 9 in a RS ginth at coma. ee the pie eae only a short inte or’ To-day the waster ee dull and te sky Was. overcast: Early th ngs since Pope's illness peorle tisve feineed before “his wind ather an Gia itn: Oautra mutans’ an tesa open- ed ‘the shutter: s. This -moming |) did not appear at the usual time and a rumor ‘tow around ‘that the K ree tite @ cardiac attack, fro’ alli Dr. Lapponi succeed cover tae Kk br ly gece! sufiered hl ch A WPope-Lene wrbee se coughing sepals had the effec of rousing the tif, seating, him to open his eyes Pal revive slightly. members of the diplo- | § matic soko camels admitted to th Bick ro: July 20.—The Pope died at eae at the ve rege and mpage know) up ie 1 hard quoted at 8Sc, the top, wh xcitedly told of |No. 1 Northern at 87¢ Gode: fire. Thirty-eight out of the filty/1 hard, 94c grinding itimass mployed underground lake and rail, and reached the <op in safety, and ~then @ white rescue party went down to Oate—The market earch for the others. The dead | ste, No. 2 i t iery RA a ee RAISING THE STA STANDARD. age tightened ‘Chinaien gar tee a. the because of Sey AOR acidirn aie oe pit bi The colli company claims that ss law prohibiting the suplasgent the Chi ieee: Sngerertpis Ie in Trade 0. eibee aniteba wheat to ee middle to eae, high ee B3ic Harley—Trade is qu 3 bu or quoted at 4ic es ‘Bat 424 t ‘e—Lhe marl ne Inidate freight for Centres. Reear Prado dull, with No. 21.—Wheat. — The No. ss rich. No. 1 Northera |and the ab | grades of inferior cows is quiet and | wanted wei quoted at 32 hite, with no orted No. 3 extra aoa freights, and is steady at 52c No, 2. 2 white quoted at 61c high freight, and at Normal School Course Will Last |63¢ east One Year. Corn-—Market is steady; No. 8 Am- ‘e ° Toronto despatch says -—Ses-ltrack, Toronto; and No. 9 mised at | son aie ocak Rca epee Si ee nto. Canadian corn purely = Fr 7 wldurNinet inc” th ; — y patents be aaiedtead” in eee ie edi (Sold to-day at $2. BO uniadle, ae. ing jeans at gant, mee leaving |i" buyers’ sacks, for export. Straight standing one year of successful rollers of special brands for domes- seperinese neo tencher. A fee ut| tigtrade ‘quoted’ at $5.25 to $3.45 RiO. “unise -Acemnpascgiansinntions pete et erect He ne for aes, The standing is to mee get Ws tine results of suasional|StONe baker $8.90 to $4 in haga: ond Biication “department, must 0! 40 ubject:'of the helipad examinations, and the aggregate. ‘Tho: per cent of ae cea will be Those ‘obtu 4 examntiatiow’ sa: pret th ‘oro: Milllecd—Bran steady at $17 No. 38 to by lo |fore almost epee ight, sod au ag [object to ti No. were lig) ctl 6Qc; }2, sample, 2/ Dorn—-Septbeiiek 50} t ie ey 21.—Wheat— ly, 88c; September, on ieee No. 1 Northern, ; No: " erae; No. 3 Northern, 84 Iwaukee, July. 21.—Wheat— No. 1 Northern, 89 to 894c; ptember, 77 to Tic 45 to 0 50Rc. cal + and v STOCK ce icon July butchers, and there. vers here up-country un- ding poor inched Sig ont tient or three months ers a low grade cows were much on sale There was aso a dea f goo! saponins, descriptions, nd bi ad to go. to Chicago to.obtain-what they a There see: be plenty of good stuff in th ry, ut it is not coming here, as holders there are hanging on to their stock in the hope of an advance in prices there before long. re was little enquiry e@ feeders sy stockers, ana he pe tne alue: ut steady. tone in ee prevailed, and all paces were sold ear 5 but ty. the|Shorts $18.50. here. 2 Candidates ponte po is quoted at $15 6 Cent tn) each [815.5 shorts at $17. Mani-| was paid in a tier eke in- an Ps ae i ae | bri an, in sacks, $19, and shorts | eis a nor cant of at $22 here. laters eigen! aot aaa oe cteatning 8 b UNTRY PRODUCE. ing Ao tne quality ae oe gs. We qu STATUE TO WASHINGTON ee. of London Decideg Erect One. Pilgrims’ London ean sa; meeting of the Bx 3 of the Pilgrims’ Chib on Wednesday night, a committee was to give effect to the on to erect a statue Washington in London ded that subscriptions lair, in Society, jee submitting the plan to tis id Soglishimen “Hive! at last. fully eat qualities — of assured. ry than such a tribute to. tha only: for the young nation but for Great Bri- announced offer a Cathedral. ss ta 5S CZAR ABOLISHES “« CAT” No More Corporal Punishment in Russian Prisons. Petersburg despatch says :— and in- ore Pen at ett ae or lor i pun- ath by The per andl the “cat” are oie ced in the newapaper, by term or by solitary confinement uj to one cs me hundred ‘days wit! ea d water except every third dey, when hot food will be served at one meal. ‘The revised statute, of pee 15 ps i chastisement with birch rods up to 100 blows “for atids nies a t0 injure ete aval of all t made the, Factoay, ease bai holes in the Snished| KEEP THEM APART. ADVANTAGES OF CLOVER. Clover is the chief Which the farmer relic ing or ds a1 Governor-General’s USES FOR COAL OTL & Youngsters. crop upon| Coal oi. ies for improv-| 2S? auabitaining the fertility ote “berate is rae ays at hand alusll with ‘he, ti never int ood collect as slower 0 ways, however, in q Bap ver teonded “with diferint res of bee eft ned with ¥ ‘che Tising with land : “afMlicted with bursued d correspondent fa the 1 <— pts, un the how a sail Ao when it was almost im- stroy t pests ef see th eck lite ‘tmiser aoe ay apute if he had any, but children are always in | endow their parent of olive oil to-two par sitiodt “kiat oiredimentes, fang injecting it into Aa nose toget. es T u at eo fowls ‘sufloring 5 hare in. the plea: col ‘ure will ‘be effec ane ite so for diseases an are prese Ae pShcabess House. tinent figures in the priv tory as fully as gi as the refined ar has this the cas ec awe for a time, Rh bt in awa society sige _intgnnation With Regard) pehether Taty ‘Bilcn Elliot, sitions Reached. c been SS STS those. of ‘clover, es the rea BRITISH IN THE ANTARCTIC.) nich good as son that buckwheat s do not pencirate the. sub- soil | jeposit 1 matter casen: | Ever ee the ef st pvsera eatin of| Morning brought Borie 99a plants, their growth ieee ue only | British explorers in Victoria the reots take from ve becn : tp act Sia : sumface act that though the lati- boyd, edit, alan | ‘The Earl and Countess seem more an elder brother and si the eld- Yiceregal family, d been in Ponaaangd: ‘outtetont ly ee oa ereapey f i mark 2 pete ained i the ned un-| ape r the longti-| i largest | tude of See poe een sledye j Bias rien were printed, but no one wi HER ( CHILDREN'S COMRADE |” 5 a cs t3| COUNTESS OF aNTo DOESN’T/ | make Lady Min |Rideau Hall a Pisssent Place for jattracted so the of {pit however great her wealth, no ifferent.. limi means, she wo A HOME BRAUTIFUL. into’s public work has n attention as tha r the Countes Abergeen, but it is perhaps mot ea ant. does things in or ory quite as auch | P, St s efforts numerous» cottage. hospital [have "been, established in the spa: loa anh aneda, |n aesne cd at a ah in Soi located and mark appearance ce areinow. ashi and has Americans in her ae many home, a ee a TROUBLES OF EX- COULD NOT ST. DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. she Re ee ~ Lady Minto is strik- peed entertained Canadian ‘AND BEFORE VATIGAN'S VAST WEALTH *| POPE'S PRIVATE FORTUNE Es. TIMATED AT $5,000,000. hat Rich ae . His Jubilee—Tons of red Into His J a bly ‘one rdinal | Ranpolle and Cardinal Mocenni, the ‘apal ‘Treasurer is would not use his tee ae advance them. The Pope's private fortune not confused wit which he reganced as be h positios muat ure ° ba tr regard| gg Ps. at-| referred) 8 his ae such! iponey" as Caine to Mur ‘tito pri! gifts from th he audiences. STOREHOUSE OF TREASURE. at pies Fevenes of his oes, uch P ‘enues from stmentd tely. Fs and| © of the = Of offcia was, is ‘unds P CHIEF OF POLiug ee aaa cnet hang 30, ata 000, le the . V; aN ee thi per atican * treaiyures : TANDED OVER REINS, awarded hono nin, eae Trad is very quiet, Slight offences, and THMAG meaner. this reason the ona | he staat wip nothing 4s |atr. Charles PoP heme Np sect pe ‘ f “as Whon, oie the alarming crisis, per cant: of io aggregate |prices nominal. ne white : good for her children, and or Years—Dodd’s Kidney Pills! rotted nything but stewardship about nog lying on his bed a limited certificate, |quoted at $1.65 to $1.75 a bush. TRIED TO BURN HERSELF IT UNDER | last marth eee (pike ‘of her numerous: eoetal. ete vy over thi The Vatican Palace, per : his ma; fay—The market is firm, with de- 3. 0 $3. ts : eC aut oa f obetionab, gon ident. of Royal | ana purdi fp mille work, ured Him. b Cardinals and made 4 life cortifieate by passing /mand fair. No. 1 timothy is worth | common grassed cattle, $2.95 to Russian Woman Makes Attempt at ‘ growth of the st ay rmed,| “Port Hope’ Ont., July 20 (Specialy i a: members "er tue Papal C ion, T uak-|$11 to $11.25 on track, Toronto. 3.25 per ewt. es Sccgatteici clase halsdate tis’. then eh tie. ene jin London on the work of the exp se Gite ao AERA Geconnate ote soma ‘ai wing wheth cent. must at- pie ais market is quiet at $5.-| Milch cows sold at $80 to $55 x : ‘ the roots have not then mn. He was able to ae pply to their thi eler: pe Was Hey dead ‘without | 5 to $5.50 per ton lor car lots, on | cach. 2 Ss eter seb to “iy yS i= theke Fk ee information. be ore AND -EDUCATION ee prelinmar es eestnsige # as Bs There was Hiette: demand es. h fr | ana everything pec ieining: eb Pontift opened ‘h yee sehioh ta TERRIFIC EXPLOSION. rope strane dull: with prices nom- feeders or sto We. qu as y pabees ‘tom | ate of em Car eee Oreglia, who was at hi inal. at 17 to Papo baat ac EES side, and: he. sald: solenely. ote ectaleer oniee aie are or er 8. he grow your Gisitonce tie. wlll a ie cain ota Many, Scott large, and cee easy as 70 to 75e dium to heavy $4 70 $5 124 oots, isreby placing it in th ne|ply the missing lo) Se ba) tha vatna’ ot supreme cl + bushel. eee © of tuming a few more qiecee ibe facts. taitatents ot, nalslinadl Tees & doen Gnod's: bi ie og confide the Chu in these amet A Roan Va.,. despatch. says: Poultry Spring chickens are quot-| Picked lots ......... 450 4 65 ca a then, to secure te Commander Scott, on his sledge ot. th di at oRet Kidney als have done the Job," i BA Gag Bees : times. the Cea of a large ane edat 60 to 75c per pair; turkeys, 12} Good loads 425 440 full Pate of clover in the ix journey, which occupied ninety-four | ged the 1 basis pee estates being it. a ad ‘hen Monsignor Bisletti, the Mas- a dynamite and blasting moves er ito 18c per Ib. ediu 400 4 30 mont of the eo: is to allow | it of fa days, Tee latitude 82 deg. 17 pare for them, ee BY first started to take Dodd’s| the day of inass $2,000, ter of the Chamiber, asked for the|stored in a magazine near Peai THE DAIRY MARKETS. ped B80 S:.00, full seasons of growth before turn-| min. § d Jongtitude 163 deg. E. a mas, tougtralebrat od-qilets Kidney Pills 1 i state.|000 in gold coin was yresented to ope’s benediction for the court, jaturday two men were killed: Butter_—The market is steady, with| Cows Be ales Ing it under, as the plant is ee _infortation shows: that tho |, 3 nly the household a: y a which the Pontift ‘granted, adding, pecs Were more or less injured and | receipts good and ce pe id for| Feeder: oe aoe Giving aS ge of the roots | o, peat aine Ge MibcoHh Ua b arty @ grea wine MILLIONS IN. GIETS. “These my last greetings.’* hundred others. severely | best qualities: —Choice} Fee Sera, oe Reena): 400. Sa eo he _ sec-| which Bes gouge much rouble is taken to a dark bricky tees s i i en tie Pontilt gave hi passenger 1-1. rol 1S a, airy tubs, | Stocker: soaps 2508 25 thus causing the weeds to au tS: Po intersting Sedge al something awful| The crowned heads of the world Bins She concn ae the Nor-|uniform color, 15¢; secondary Erodes, a raat S Gon ee al reoapunre bl cy eae int, was | while passing. LAG ral OS ae e «6(Oreglia, = Rang full cked, 12 Be, amer; . aS 3 slight "deflection to the east with i e apo eine ae vives a pip Vai east Nin ae |store’ PERE bes sae ath te bucks 275 8 00 eight, hours, where eae tee as a damaging offset to any good ieturtheas “I tried everything and tried the! Oy ns jubilee gifts is estimated pappon! CHIEF ES 3) 300, yards from the track, when the |18ic. spe Jarabe re pe a i ae! ek ee Ge oo ie ie nant ee ad a ar ge Sa et e windows of| Eggs—Market is dull, We quote: Delve » per cwt. Scots 00. ea vers They. have made a mae owas a lan ati! ie tives, wi xenon a ie. pation: id not“ ajFresh cai stock, 14 to 144c; ‘i é ack as stidden re pinkie detson on the trea toned We latsonda aad checks, 10 to 1c, Soke = 3 30 4 03 |SMOKED HIMSELF TO DEATH from stem Mr. Gilchrist Is gotting on in "aig sce et th nthe words the Pope Cone lead were lab-| Cheese—Market quict, and Bees ey + Pie ae Te hi Tittle more | anchor at Port Elliot and prov red to] years but he feels young. That’s| or, Qom Paul” Kran a "The Shae Oreglia wore his last ihe ere und.{unchanged. . We quote:—Fi: 10 Salas, 160 to 200 5 65 0 00 | Kalamazoo Man Dies LO, Exces- cpt dt he Abie hie da east than eee his “Tine of ma all Ate of wonderful things! what Dodd's Kidney Pills do for é| Transvaal President rece! ey eas st. supreme @t z if Tol i Peat he her ‘ho a intelligence Gahich ae: asionisie ane is here Bee ae. 640° 0. 00 sive Use of : j i } ea mar thatever may be'tho effect ‘of this| ™? * “who was, ar BESTaRi nonin Con “ 5 40 0 00 Kalamazoo, Mich., despatch n fer- ei ne ae it fe wortaental care HOG PRODUCTS, Salt 5 NCE says :—William G, Pattison, of this - 3 i Srataten he intenUlOM: of Leo Xu ; Dressed. hogs are, unchanged. ‘Cured a THE JAIL. is dead in his cighty-ninth year aa a Ps o HOW TO TREAT HIRED MEN, from a. chiat of the fnudieate Cardinal. Ore meats are steady, with a go: ae is the result of ‘hls erOe en Re | desirable results, , ‘The: Ht 1s nob w diteule Jeb. The pot Be eee had taken it from a They will certainly have) Party war Prospect Ss ce Hud-|mand. We quote:—Bacon, a Mudd teneed tee | Condeanea|t O. is under ' ho penne Nea olds La oi e ts prin ae Goals weight Phasiniee s Bay 0 104c, in ton and case 3 Ports Si wravaaters he bought excl ie preparatory So Vane ee tor | RESP blend Appent™ to -he au mo Of, Hie gilts prese de o Nit the catdinals ane ‘will take part] = se, aie Bee tcl 5 ie 5 short cut, $22 | out the statement, pete othe land’ in com and Ro {ie abenedt ie ous that their positios hing int the conclave. sire Gaandlan’ € nt| Smoked meats—Hams, 13 to Tote: A despatch from Red Lodgo, Mon- | iad been aade y prec eI: ose me P [is ke pay itera ge HR UE os Tava j1,64 grams, é ie & p, ta. the Pope hid lost. £Ul nay ‘chesterod'y. the. Newlound ad ealley 44 40-4140) enouldera” Ler ane seaye: Jiu Garmen's wid killed | | years Mr. es ied cer s spwn Ab. ofover (P pe ccna WEE fare, 2 eat toa 2 eee ea mer fi coyscio sealing steamer Neptune to convey |backs, to 15¢; breakfast ‘bacon, |his brother ss ta year ago and) than 48,000 Eiger ewisen ects bia : : clover bw ve aM : he treated. i silo, * bole nielagrauie Sone | the scientific expedition to Hudson's} 140. ran off with his brother's wife, and | $4,800. t ‘ c cher 's ship, immensely popular z eaceutisntwiiheedners an nian |B Market is dull. Tierees, 94e; led a nd expedition will winter at} Lard— eee eee nib who kill ee eld- object. i amet tubs, 92c; pails, 10¢; compound, 8 ‘oover at the strained relate © availability of the|to 9c Sanka ova yearn eka Decause tit Segion con a in route : Ss n Dyeey sre, (to apt mit cict of Heo agua, md where at last accounts it | est son, who is years as frozen a ed ans 4 dandy 77 |many pretty stor ies are told. | des. 50 mh Chad dived gh ctliees: Vathe eke apbehe ee a Waunladat 68 ara preventer né. the work of Auaiate ‘Milani, a celebrated Bologna qo! DESERTED THE SHOW. 200 a _Forepaugh’s Employes. Ac in Dakota. Dwing to the wat ween the Quirinal and old, One aE great BUSINESS AT See 03 pans fh Atelier Government deter: | Captain Sexmel: Bartlett, tor yoveral n Suni |hundrea miles farther pitt than any }Ottawe fre, whet: his sinall lordebip | Tatty in Gjetreslt Wik you faeka| Saliod at 824,000." dy i inc leave to! year wigator of the Nee ‘steam- i atiduly 210 tsps before. attention by. giving mistakes by BAUM tle Bia for g fu aincing| rs, in command oF the ship, the | bs cad inakkete:phe Set Se ee A ‘tou SRY despatch says: 4 mere can be spared to hast A te aha eee 1 Seach re purses § ard e ig the death of the Pope to the world. | erew hich consivts ot Newhnntd i ce tw! vat ho anight shame Actas ields of South Dakota eS process Aetions do] To was arranged to stop! landers, familiar rich lee works ‘Th bereits : ia clases at £0 “mich diyives #0. <8 Aone a a WITHOUT FOOTCBAR, trouble im this) She—“Who rocks the eradle” rules ail ‘telegvaghic ‘communication. trom| scientific party is composed of Can-| icy The Liverpool oop orepaugh and Sells COOLING 4 MILK, oy ae ae mbes hasnt: iat peelatns ice ell eae World—remenber Siar Rome at the moment of the deat! gain, at 48s 6a eae ro aro two ways of coolin e to tho members of iid cet 0H good hired ‘men,| “Thon. ond in eH a ialie ie ofthe Ponti and bo turn the. wires) the ¢ Fe fe ite. Sart ot Ue, Hint “must be kept is “ath pinay. 9 ete ne range mass, _t0 | ha at sight of him ae @ few [at anybody does. i eT a over to ‘Cardinal Rampolle to high freights, 72c ‘ eos belng sent to cheese fac- ba ich he ie he name of ny “I am going to able him to make the official an-| ing fn. Fhidsan! es ers Bees cae Bae. A 7 ward WIL La: The land ‘andthe other boy, hadn't nouncemen' st irae 184 to 49¢; No. 2 oat: pane by hei eight rising oe 2,- in a| reached her aE INERS KILLED x mare Lee wae os ey ‘On Sund: "oa Sing, toa in cold |000 nd 3,000 feet above the other-so the CHINESE MINER {$1.15 on t in Sunday a Bion, d pere is ont Esmond elliot, y : Senatenc jowever, is to ‘coining ie The second great pais SOreaey of ae 6. or ani ORK - 50 men entcred Basin, | tents. Some delay was experienced > i tk! the exper . who) corns SBOE zi c. PR. Axgument Against the /No. 3 barley, 624; cor, 60¢ for No. ob of about 50 men entered Basin. | isc iling things In shape. ide She Oblect of cooling a | the expedition was = nay ‘Fiat Depa ok tnd epcadente Bag, pe um bak 7 fi ¢ coun Dux Explosion in-a British Columbia Grand Trunk ee Ek see soso tole ad RES she wiser < 1 tS Breve ee iene Said: “(Force reed as lrom Eng: Mine A Wi des] yer the Patents, 92 d Meade GEA Ee 5 ele Cool 1k : hei land’ : 2 crop of 1903 bi beun| 20, to Sézetrong bakert Ss 4 anes i I ieih Gabe ACE Sa ole ets oe pably be introd ca ith th Now independence let’s declare P 902 ha 3 — v and. ex . | ably be introd me wil ie A Vancouver, B. C., despatch says: | 10st of the crop St, es avg eta |tario. straight roners, 6 0. to $8. ing. Mees Sider and} ATE MUSTARD AND DIED. See Se gi Bole emsgend Se Lio ei hla intorrantiod) ‘ ee a fee etal ak sarc od thi s, $1.7 .75; patents, | le é 9 2 iowa ping the. enplosavane of|vators at Fort William and aa FS 00 to 84 ee d-Manitoba bran, e's heart. Members of 4 Enaing of teattord Boy Poses the milk to the Aili, 01065 a “esi afe mems ok the wintor iolet 5s a — poi ends, shake off this despot pai the| Arthur are prac ctically eae. nd | $19. ts, $21 92, bags in- ore up the aie Sa aa f = 3 ing contaminated yp bacteria, al- auartra of the Discovery to a tae: who i ae i (a eal ae on | there is Jess than a million ‘nus See EON eAD ea ae ATT the jail door Etook Soleoniie present in air, which (ie cceseeattunicaene tor father's favo j d “Twas ‘Force’ hat feed your a ly |in the inlana eievators, whi shorts, in bulk, $20 to $21; first came to Walters,! A Stratford ¢ J i ans ad ag the chees 6 Cae frou the shige-Ae ho: in gives «Sunny Jim. tbe ane for 16 al ED oes. i Fienv. in his cell, beg-| par Rosso, the three = n of E emp ‘Oe Sa de ‘een see, Jand still “secobened| carta attention nlost _pros- 6 Welling: cargoes! are i et cat Tk, $22.50; | gin 7. Walter Frank Toaso, Wella Trait wotebant? * hed Sic ot ae sobeine Soe is 99 sea ei and the Canadian Pacific “Railway is * Shore cut ert, lights oHORe or S shot aud fistantty aeited i te om and 1.50; compound: ‘Fefined lard; 84 to | mob next found Gorman, whose body sete pais journey that th wus that! ae, pure Canadian tard, 10 to 104e, |was pierced by five bullets. Gorman 1 \ heap, of Victoria several white aie = © ai | victinis, eae od ey lard; 11 to 113c; hams, 134 | lived some hours. ot been foun bu that |¢ {4jc; bacon, 14 to 15c; fresh = cnglish cd ean car or - on northern coast 0 th 2 he ade [kite abattoir hogs, $7.75 to $8.25 WEDS AT NINETY-TWO | no tince becaine very sick it 0 land, at any 7: mine, and he aed Teil nothing | way companies, exists ow ee 4 ee a Sy creamery, 18% 3 ee Gaspar succw’ Sed. east Bs einsien ete NS a = came & grain exporting ting country. Western duiry, 16c. Cheese | Bde, Forth-three, Vee oS eb tere south. Arm The explosion is attributed to fre- ern = Boy = s of air do hot 6 mae fiatip BOE Ad origin fe miyateriu ee eee aie eolored, es white. Oke: appy as a Boy, FEDERAL CAPITAL. Neate ra toons | thousands of ir curred rately ¥| COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING 3 Townships Quebec, 9¥c. Eggs! 4 Lynchiurg, Va., despatch says: -—- ti. Jinterior of the land and at ndled, 6c; straight receipts, | parkin Norton, nincty ee Mee old New South Wales Town Gets the Cooling the milk ep aE an altitude of 9,000 feet. of “Taupe wore | Relations | Between Japan and Rus- ic: No. 2, 12§c. _ Honey—White| anda Mrs. Lucinda S Covet onor. ; would be the. bet ation here | those things. found to be locked. The vet ox! Are Improving. in sections, 12¢ per section; |ty-three, were A Melbasirac, Australia: erpatch ni plosion was so slight tha oh x arta leave says sDespatch-|in 10-1. tins 8 Me Larkin is as happy and gay as : The commitice app. to A Food fcr Fightors. & no damage Me tG ne eae! es received at the Poreign Ofiice here, y of twenty, and couldn't be foi Ve new enpitae OT 1 chy itera’ y oct sel toa cal and no concussion was felt at a sh6'ti om St. Petersburg and Tokio in-| gxyppp STATES MARKETS. more ebipper If ae mee is sg Sorat et an distance from Barer lass dicate at~ the’ relations tater eri | ® ‘To arrive | other century o! ead of him. ‘u jew a Jess, it was dead its native. for. | 7 have greatly im-| = Siete = tes ‘south-west 0 is is usiul ong-svall’ workings, oa na teliptn | the eRe Toe ; oS: ee abe eee ee ee ees inti ae A a ee Sei ther the Pomipieste of the Household, - % 5 now believed that the two} 2 eg Pei: i is Itural district. ai 1899 ood ) it swopt th Be ota ony y +8 i: ; December, | America in 1904 to study. industri seriultural eee Bec had ws but the 1se of such foorl muy how auiekly-the maw who Treat xionl sities ing ue it wel % = tS al methods. . be comm penn, irring. refers a pipe to a car ill.lay| Lady into igs not look at No sign oh) ‘the disaster Was ap- ca faite ie lor an hour or more e wen thi if i ings i is’ wa: md as her hus- the. barnyard bia sh gat sw Waciaee taste oe Sopastidor i te: usar the barnyard, i ; didir sts ub donDe very useful, Se PS eS a ne ae eas Eee 2 et Eee Ces ee ee Sa ae eae — = , i ad

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