Milverton Sun, 30 Jul 1903, p. 1

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WARRIAGE LICENSES J. @. GRoscH. SrRictLy ConripENTIAL. Che *4¢ Shines For All.” ¢ Vol XII—No 31 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1903 MALCOLM MackeeR Editor and Publisher 4 OCAL NEWS. Rev. T. B. Howard was in Listowel P. Roe has a number of good) THE TRADERS BANK The Sovereign Bank E yesterday. horses for sale. OF CANADA s Miss Edna Boalhioay of Listowel,| Miss Bastendorff, of Desens is | Head Office 2 Toronte PEERS ae soem poo. The Broach Gait. tS piting inthe Visiting her uncle, Me. P, H. Basten-| Stratford Branch = _ Market St —_— dorff. Capital Authorized $2,000,000 Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Office, - Toronto H.S. Bete D. M, STEWART, Gen, Manager aura, "BRANCH the transaction Miss Alice Hamilton teiotas in Wowhcidee. ary ‘her holidays at Glen ‘Mr. and spert Sunday at the Manse. Mplhodiet church laws to ¥ MrWm. is visiting McKinnon is spending allan. Miss Adam, of Glenallan, toi Remember the gardea party on the Hoflich spent a few days | at bis home in Mitchell this week. Wantep—A et to ee pant and vest making at E. Knechtel's. Dr. Lederman is ae. od holi- days at his home in Water] Effie Snowdon, of ees visiting friends in and around Milver- on. tree ens will be served from 7 to 9 o'clock at the Methodist va party to-night, “Rey, Jas, Miller, B. A. Rector codal Church = ‘ashtubale, aes services will be held in pa Millbank Methodist church next oe ¥ iss Jessie Naismith is visiting in Sg gies this week. —Beacon’s — corr, “= iis Zeturned to his home in lice on Mon: r. ‘8. Bees left on Monday for Foray where he will make prepara- a Reibling, who is on the| °® Capital Paid Up $1,500,000.00 Assets Over — $14,000,000.00 Loans made to responsible farmers on their own names. Sale notes cashed or aplleoted. on Business paper all rade eadctictton: States ellested Deposits of $1 and upwards receiv- ed, and interest allowed at current City Engineer Smith’ of Stratford, | the Epis * oteae BANKING BUSINESS. | has been granted two months leave of| Ohio, is visiting at homi cc x the removal of his family a Sa pees Deposits of $1 and: upwards received. | absence Master wi ga and ier Hasen- scart Ratan ine s ager Y. Smith, of New York,|pflug are spending a few days in inkbeiner took a junior Savings Bank Department Fee Oe yobs apa ley on Monday Yo Interest alowed on deposits from baslgons i to Princeton SEs Share ary Soe ith thee bro ex Gus | and suffered a defeat by the Wellesley. Pfeffer-Hasenpflug. dute of deposit, and current ah re sesid-aahe Miss Emma Hasenpflug, of Tavi-|ites dais of 1:0, 1 a ‘and compounded half y: The Grosch ips are advertising|stock, is at present visiting at the A pretty Nae ae was cele- pia Bic, re bar ans in another column, be sure|home of her father, Mr. H. Hasenp- ffort is being made on the part} brated at the home of M. ‘enry ‘ " f sit rece’ issued, sien and ri ena, flug. of oti Library gonted cake Pe Ey , on Wednesday, July 29th bate aud Ho collections made soa a a Singl f Tue Si icnie sometime in August. Par-|¢ 4.30 o'clock,'p.m., the contracting promptly on all points, money orders ore es ot anele ae sal inne Wa eee tears willbe annownoed later. arties being Mr. Louis E. Pfoffer, issued, notes discounted. Special at-| Mra. We 3 lon, where he will speud a eonple| Anvitations ere ont for: the ae son of Mr, John Pfeffer, and Mi tention given to the collection of far. be weeks holidaying. ff Mr. s Zang, Neepawa, | Wilhelmine Hasenpflug. The ce: imers sule notes, Mr. si aes Geo. Stevenson, of Me. Joka x my hh, ea Manitoba, inane 4 Poole, to Mise mony was performed by Rey. A, Listowel Papen ine with Mr. and x. John * leisch has al Lizzie annop, of Creeford,~ Mani-|Blunck, pastor of the Zamily. The R. J. Ranney, ~ Manager| ts. 8. G. Gros overed from the effe 3 toba, on August 5th. bride, who was given away by her A.M. PANTO! y, 1, Solicitor, Ete. beach ge silk medallion, She also wore a veil Office open every Thursday, Wm. Barton’s| My. and Mrs. W. . Gros ae spent} matron and nurses in Stratford hospi-| epilepsy, tobacco- priate and jaundice, | of Brussels net, and carried large & Bh Bunty with friends in Sebringville, ie i a ad sign that at you ane ok well, | hoquet of white roses. ornaments a) ~~ e they sang a duet in the Evan- ‘hts. ie any minut sh Jou | were a jowelled ring and a gold watch Dentistry efical church in the evening. The eervices in Burns church, Mil-| subscription for’ the and chain, the gifts of the bridegroo x brides DR, R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, re wean) Dental Surgery and Meniber of Royal | new Clinton ihe a organ in’ Christ | of vee 16th the a ‘i a “ College vot Den rio,{ehurch. "The organ is of a fine tone|will be no service held et all. The uaa trustee of School She Honor <gruduate of | and gives splendid éatisfaction. Mr, MeKiunon end rae te wil sven Section No. ten, in a different town-| carried a boquet of pink roses; her Regulation of b, e their holidays in Glen: ship from the one you're living in, was | opal ring was a gift of the bridegroom. << work » Specialty. Ho Quick Meal, Wickless, Oil Stoves. | ys derwood. entertaining a young man fresh from|Miss Lewella Appel, neice 4 Ri Rem risk einer Bk # and Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves trans- lege, who had driven out. to le ily attired in white a sil wtore, Milverton, to spend a week with MS. Tack Schacter, of Pres work into a at, ec 's hardw: fear ae ardgeny of tho leasant rpc i One oY eine Nellie Seis left on Mon- ee sister, Mr. Thos. P. Roe has mabe a fine es of io ta i a w al spring. Kalbfeiich says that sue cpertictidioinn tender care and le| for sale at Jas. 1 treatment received at the hands of the| by: ‘he grest eatarth remedy, Peruna, he Bt dizziness, fainting spells, accompanied rns, bunions, chilblains, for a good obi leaked: roa uasth shedihey htt ieaondlad Sux advance and thus maks ponte ue ary. silk embroidered ver tray . | banked with flowers, in which nestled Voterimary The premium ey ay ou Morning- | As they sat on the porch after tes the wedding ring. ‘The best man w: J. H. ENGEL, S., Milverton, Ont. Aid of Bh Milverton | ton fair has been printed, and a copy trustee casually called attention to |Mr. Austin Hasenpflug, brother of the Graduate Outario Vober Colle ge, Tor Methodist Chak will hold a garden| will be mailed to every member with-|a familiar little orange-colored bug, ie Ba solid gold tie pin being a Giro, treats all diseases of domestic animals | party on the church lawn on Thurs-|in the next couple of weeks. Any. i-| with black spots on its . that was| gift the bridegroom. — Misses scientifically. All calls Herontty attended a (to-night). The Bi teensy brass] tending exhibitor not now a member, | crawling on the “I-8’pose Ne ight and Clara Guenther by telephone or otherwise, ‘day or re bh band will furnish the music. would do well to write the secretary | know what that is?” he said, ‘‘Yes,”| played the wedding march. Th Dentistry and Chronic Distases sete si , f an ty i copy replied the applicant, eager to show|in which the ceremony took place was 3. W. BARR, VETERINARY SUR: an ty, Se ‘coming ton Meee Mr. Sint 3, Grose i on Monday, Coda ty SRE sumo heath he ha er ee pes eds EON we cial, Epson kage iar, purchased from Mt ratricken, Recah avai nee bat d to the mate Ee fanart College, Toronto.) | ue si mane i oy + ‘rott es joiner, ‘‘a fellow that een extended to the happy all diseases of domest ee nimals, | 12 DARE SED on that ae Open | ary Thine a nos ei of | Cont know a ladybug when he sees it,|couple by all Bese the wedding na by telephone or othe ee ate from 9 a.m. to 4 p,m. Fe Matt O06: i Si poe can’t get my vote fur teacher in this| party and guests sat down to dinner, ended in" eobnection, | land, 2.04." Flying Sid won gta hand section.” He gave the youn, at which tho health of bride and bride lass “horses and riga at ol tim at the Stratford and: Sei race ; g young mana Firat class horses and igo , i rebuke that he needed, but which was|groom was toas' ir, and Mrs. 4 Baggage transfor.’ Commerblal driving «| ReadiThe Grosch Cols. advi. iin |meete in’ June.’ and’ €ook font Ants 3 mia another column. out of ai ix races this season. The price | Probably lost on him, as he evidently £ feffer will reside in the house on Lpindy & é si by pee yi ab, ibid to| Went away relating the incident and| William street, recently purchased a ev. d, of Haysville, al be g75 appreciating its value as applied to|and renovated hy Mr. Pfeffer, 4 former rector of this parish, will visit himself. There is not much n d i Ea of finery has ruined more| bi women than were ever ruined by any-|a teacher who 7|thing else. In this case, “finery” and preach here on Sunday next, Ang. 99, Milverton, meets every i reaches ‘ity church G 0. F., No. secdnd bal jast Tue: see a Cocein ella, is | septempunctata oo 26 in a trustee’: BRUNNER. Yelock, in thei mueuker at 3 olclock and Christ, ci eeeas Bottianriielac stots,“ Viaiting brethren al-| : not intended to mean things of reason-| doorway. He would be telling the | aq ew PEC one ea ek whys” welcoiies “/ Geo: Ros, abie price that make wemon look| children that'he hed eon oe ‘Astur ¢ cous the hat Barth, Recording Secretary. of Bho thre: shing machine in a few a Surnia ulula ae Miss Ethelyn Massecar; who recently} pretty, but things of exhorbitant| polumbarious laa over the school passed her Normal School examination price, use more scarce, that be- | house an ta boa, oni exten, at Ottawa, with honors, has been ap-|come them no more, perkaps not so|crying in the bush ey day before. — and Mré, Joseph Taylor spent ff ge, | pointed to fill the vacancy for teacher| much, as the cheaper things. xchange. day id Pi I F rs. n, who has been 0 p.m. Ty ‘het hall; post fie britdng ing brethren always welcome. Sank Miller, x G.; John Dunbar, R. the Dunnville ate oe WcelAley Aas dis following |1aid up for some time by failing off a ; : will be much |* ij We are in receipt of a bagel of a beater pleased it permitted to pay $20 Winnipeg Evening Telegram, in|for an exclusive erestion that Business Cards Iverton ; ‘Arvistrong, of which sppeats s group.ot twenty-six 1 Spree See w WD, WEIR, Anctiouer for the-Ooun'|Statord oll bee. ao eee drunken sinew. woulae't Wade 40 eee siege runs, to-|. Mt. J. Kalbfleisch, of Milverton, 7 war dance. Women salon dare to be spent a ei or two this week with his ; ties of Perth and Waterloo, Gouveyancet | conspicuously appears the form of Mr. | yor, uanee. They ‘should. wot sink | Ber with their wives and eptline Gen eaeren, ee Tee Affidavits mate. Baili Gth Division, Cont Sanford Burton, son of Mrs. John |that because fomeoue else has a use- enielol meee aa uned colt a Village Cle five, Shoe | Burton of Milverton. less, though scarce bit of adornment inant Bee a ad the FS ae ives "] 4 river about five miles north of Milver- 4 Store, Main street, Milvert hy Oe aes aE a pupils pee wrote from pees wae ‘ave Something ke at at ton These with the Rev. L.- Barllett Normal School Results. 4 x ma, at the recent high | Y co and son, of Lebanon, formed heaps: DORLAND'S BUS LINZ, ton. | school en Paka oxduiinations, eight|## What @ woman pute inside (ber! eerie” company. The Arst Z eos ; part of} Aniong those who passed the Bus meets all trains, ~ All citizens cel were successful. This is a good per-} head, in the shape of learning and the programme was # baseball match, ae ‘School examinations known travellers calls promptly attewted to, Wm. | corte considering the size of! the| mental development, d of what to the residents of-this district are Dorlaud, Maple St., Proprietor, lass and we extéd congratulations to | He Puts on top of it im the form the following :— ‘Wn. Robertson, the poptilar teacher. Millinery, that makes her a” woman farrig MoKnight,, faith Hotels ; eully worth talking or thinkin Knowles, Ethel Salvage. Cor- Baas Brussels team defeated the! alout. ane Stratford ; Louise aarnlleae, N—Pleasan vosted | Royals of Berlin at Brussels on Pek y Sebringvilie; Geo. Nicholls, Kinkora a Te PAA. Eeess us pat es bs Bed ae Siete Sveny took Par hi Westman, — Milverton; P. thoroughly ren vated. Ample hid excellent le was sas kes a Edward 3 pani tg sae last, when bee Stewart. Mitchell E. Ritter, Mill: va cthall. © Teis exstituble to | Me Ee ae alee sal Tors ae pipeabiag ay ‘ P th Mr. Henry Hasenpflug as ‘Toronto—Jean Murry, Newton. i Blectrie bell Msn tat they "ca stested | carriage maker, died after a few hours! promise was agreed upon, “ono eutel Ottawa —Bthelya Maseecar, Dunn- pple and diving rooms Best ee ee a 1p Ps illness. While en::uged im: writing aout.” Milverton wae finale tired, | Ville.—honors, : brands of liquors and iene. Jourteons tee é ; o ee a Tro: lvok, Proprietor LThe Jar nin ws ge dwelling of me A. {Ri was ‘hi Boomer, Clerk of the Division Cotrt.| Violent pain in the region of the heatt Pallant: Cait: XCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner. Ont.| at Linwood, was completely seria and at once sent for poe aid. No ¢ ee Spices Best: liquors 04 | yy fro. ot Monday “mornin The ne| ‘The six pupils of | thle school wh eet ene oe ee books and office Papers, toxe ther wi ith joo ad wrote i Milverton at the recent jon and ae stabling. =e laes dasevel dite <omec sil death, ney nice caHee rei aseeee ents, ing high marke, one headin : saved. ‘Loss abont -$2000, partly | eleven o'clock the list E f * _ GRAND CENTRAL HUT covered by insurance. al Wigssaie: the-Lake, “aia oo Bs Bie. te ress mark First-class accommodation for cial / ears ago, and was merried about 1 Ethons and Kb wonderful /and one-third on each subject, Ethel travelers and others, Thice large sample fA serious accident befel Migs Lizzie| years ago, hie wito’ asing him} agi . Barby. Putting stone; ‘Thompson 909, May Fink 703, All Tecan agen, WW tact of bine |e by four and a day, | Ho ns a) backward over lend, Ist Me i 2b ign d laughter married in Buffalo, and w| bach, last Mr. Bartlett, and Mill streets. ©. Haves? Prapeietan bor Assy: . . rata * . ri yy of nine years Brig with him in| jump, Ist Mr. Bartlett, Jn fi j his bachelor qui Milverton. | Kinnon. Other sports declared | Ethel Thompson’ o) ie QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. ot The! hecame deranged, permitting . the| His brother, John Saudail, of Niagara, | accoun’ r ter eyes re paper the examiner, Ph of 3a fats an thers, Two large, satople soome, | PURZY to Tan upon thehorse, frighten | was notified of hie deaths aud came up |store tlless ork erent ee Listowel inadvertently. Sieieeuer on the hoicnt of Wines gare snl ing it, and causing it to. kick. Miss to take shares of the remains, which | good- ones were told. ‘The lad * Cigars at the bar. Good warm ee and | Reibling became alar rated and jumped i were taken to his old home. ~ ‘woj the party provided a beantiful pleaty of Shel uh leary tics op. |from the vehicle, treaking the two brothers and a sister still survive him.|We think the Assoo.ati hones in her leg above the ankle, | Mr: Hase: seopfg States that deceased leaders of the churches. repre ‘The tissues we y lncerated | was one of the best and most faithful feam ot fai) to promote kimdiy. fe at Te Mixcellumeon easier avery sista internal wound Jworkmen ie ae had in his employ. |in the ty and in particularin £4. T were oaly four candidat . Egbert was sommoned an is last concern was about his young) the congregations amongst whit they ae eee whe Listow 900 marks ower, ‘om last ac-!gon who. i well. motherless. deal dar P. a eaten ine ‘Shingles, @ Pape ote td meniber, now left fatherless and labor. It is to be numer, ints the patient is aes

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