Milverton Sun, 30 Jul 1903, p. 2

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s twenty cases straight gs are being sold at 55c, word else foetal ‘at 16¢ THE MARKETS: Beas tie ee Prices. ge Grain, Cattle, etC jay at about $1.70 per bushel entres. foe mall tats Seas ener Toronto, Ju —Wheat market’ is viet: Sith Sapnas ‘Gatto estern Market to-day, an va- lues of exporters declines 10 to 15¢ per ewt, Butchers’ cattle were Tee may ate to any extent. Dealers ‘did not require cattle for Eaneaiats shipment, and hence ary tir. ke. middie freight, and at i ights. No. 1 ult. 834 ade is quiet. imide. freight, aD: ites at their expense for sever. 01 Mig auariet is steady at 52c barehe gh ee middie fra 2 ie dull. with No. ‘2 fwhite Sede: hig toate is steady; No. any m 1 | chers’ ‘animals vere: likewise down in © $4, in bags, Tor sath vile steady Pat $17, and | 4por PRS Tit $15.50, and siiorts at $17. Manito- fees an ba bran, in eee $19 and. shorts . eee * : Medium . UIC Ee 00. err aea ere Ue ee ne one 9.50 90 THE DAIRY MARKETS. continues Deane ‘vith “receipts tego! ‘The best mile fair demand. holes’ Lab. ralisy 15. to Toe, Fiver gba, inion oer 1k bueks to 15 ary grades, store pack- pela’ lame: each Z ee ae rig cronreny Printer std Calves, per cw th aides solide, 17 Be. Hogs— ege—Marictt 3a Sag mae poe d stock, 14 to mel dks, 10 to 116. Balata: 160 to 200 Ibs Gheoso Market quiet, ‘and prices| ‘Thick fats 5.83 unchanged. We quote :—Finest 10c.| Light 20000 S00n 8838s S8sa i ee MARKETS. wheat ot wien winter weal wee ine: ‘2 white, 794¢; No. ‘Gun boiie epee: 2° red, tawa eel teh says: No: 2 Bee neler. Canal freights—Steady. raubes, July 28.——Wheat—No. 1 domestic forvign produce, amounted te "e467, 637,049, an in- $43,750,000 over eh a y 88%¢; vite age oh crease of a8, 31, ise over the pre- c vious year. The exports of oe and_ their products and farm figures compared with ihe tote signa oh re he 86,01: Jul r, '76c; December, 74} to 744c. FOREIGN GRAIN MARKETS. 2. trade is given at $470,000,000, wit 6,000,000. of population. Sh EEE 40,000 THIS SEASON. £ Ie, 9f 85c. French country sie Gok. wad Wheat, spot] A Queb pers say iene No. 2 soe see At thousand on MONTREAL MARKETS, and 584¢ afloat; No. ee bariey, 46c middle and 514¢ and illiced The market is | steady, Manitoba ee in ba; ron $19 grants ha to $22; Ontario bran | present season at the port of Quel 0 $18.50; Sones $21. in bulk; ae $2: to $23; onic $23 to $30. accol nd SOLDIERS’ GIFT. Ye Receive Costly Present. $i. $1. mor-General’s Foo wheat patents; $8.80 to $8.00) Man. itoba first patents, $4.20\to $4.30 in bag’; second patents, $3.90 to ‘Menl—The: market is steady to je. Cheese—Prices ‘still range ar for Cue 94c for townships | Piece the em| Ontario: on tong are about fe. higiier than at their sinceres! the beginning of the week. In lots | handsome a eey gilt. track and $1.75 to $1.80 cotnon to hum: Toronto, July 23.—Trade in all/?* phe ee of us was ‘all at the Bi to chant and Peaisn which tn dw the buyers not being willing to oper- ore they had on hand would have to be|i total imports an total exports of Great Influx of Benigrants From Governor-General’ Foot Guards An Ottawa Cae says: The of-| of e Go FUNERAL OF THE PONTIFF. Impressive Cerem Peter’s Cathedral. A Rome despatch say: ce ci lem: n heard ae the 0: LY LIT SPACES. vast. spaces of St. Peter's dimly lighted when the diplo- he Papal ci nd oa ‘radian ight. t in the Chapel of _ the ninety-five gilded lamps rning | Attempt to 5| proach of the the Hall of Consistory. was a mournful file of ecclesiastics | An Senne was made.on Wednesday a isucltiers: ‘teaming slowly into | mori 0} the melanch nt was anegerel, Calnins ike: uaiseerere echoing far eons vate with unearthly and weird p: DEEPLY 2 eh SPECTA- See their viclet af ie guards, ES wly toward the altar, with the Misereré as an mpaniment. It was a mediae- Guard in red; the ge the dignitaries by the. traditiona} tomb coflin was lowered. to the wi i caleed (ane inlet slow- into’ the the Ether door, the lente: Hieap: Who Bxickee are a marble XUV" in were Woes umane mets temple sine iar migses veces the heart | ke Gf the. miget Sogou: spectator. a eM HOMESTEAD ENTRIES. A Winnipeg despa’ stead entries made in the Canadian | OS-| Northwest for the Psy ending ced number Es -| pared with 14,289 for th year ‘cade 30, 1902, an 16,713. These figures —— Sip: quently a the development of west- ‘The figures for Sune it yack eg TORNADO IN ARIZONA. Many People Bélieved to Have a ‘Sumered Death. Ariz., despatch sa; A abril tornado visited Poteet: Wednesday night, and onies in St./|Fell Overboard From the Steamer Oakville; and although post, imanipeitataly semaeds ion om minutes. afterwards. Exactly how as no one was in the immediate vi- Woman overboard,” and then a life- beer -|boat’ was quickly lowered, the en- lest Catho! 3 yet hor: a gines were stopped, and the lady Picked up. ae debility, and since the ill- ness of had been under treatment. Thursday known French gentleman 0! ter city, and here, was also @|hovs and three-girls. ly | burglarize ci ae iy etter fe c Pee te wal spectacle, deeply impressive. Sev- | next eee CANADA’S GROWING TRADE 1 hard, Cho: carloads, >No. 1 Norther, 87%c; | Substantial _tidfense sie by |students were in yiolét-and blac teh says :—Home- | MISTAKES IN BREEDING THE SIRE IS MUCH MORE A Toronto eapatan says: Mrs. J,| THAN HALF OF THE HERD. Certificate of Registration Is Not ays One of it. e sire is perhaps in all he accident occurred is now known, inity of Mrs. Foy at the time. Sud- lenly, however, someone cried, ‘* en had been suffering - from {cn ler son with scarlet fever, Poe Pee, Sefell ters was brought back only to stipulate that they for registration. — Fre- quently a phenomenal showyard ani- ~ |mal is had a family of two AN ACCIDENT OF BIRTH, i d even though he Ae peters iy ne les: panier ake DUEL WITH A BURGLAR. ob Bank of Com- ree at Carman, Man. nnipeg, Man., despatch says: 9 [stock is to visit the long-established NB: Sout. 145 2 erd of some _hreeder of repute, and ra he sire and dam, FRESE et fe A ek Ra ot cele iblen tae grand-sire grabbing his revolver hurried to the |{0y ise, valuabl ime: to, see. i of his breeding, and of Watson fired at | -onsequent prepote: mcy. ofispring of immature parents be nately missed hi xt raised — th nad ehareed ahethe collar seats for bis. man, e@ was again shot at by the |things will oe qin ly desperado, -but again came off with- deterioration of a herd in s out harm. ~ Without considering his natty, than the conte Ome danger he still advanced in the di- rection of the retreating burglar and Zeit Sager he side “stal cae Due BELA missed |») eis no clue to the person or NOT EASILY DESCRIBED. Masculinity does not aepaell, im: ly. ere, Carman has been free pan rabies, ROYALTY LEAVES DUBLIN. pee i fi point. whee choosing a bo: and Cake fet at ee leads ue to-consider this. to A Dublin ane says: King Ed- ward end-Queen’ Alexandts left’ Dub- lin at noon om Saturday to visit the Marquis and Marcnionee of London- fin fs assembled in hows Parl 1 it was raining at the ‘ine should be Specially avoid | nseaatpeation lenses ants be will Sec ‘Tho streets w deep with spectator: hich has heretofore been S, || Play: |tore “leaving here P e|quarters and light i will freq ently. continue fruit- the most suesessful igs have bee! on a small. rather than a large scale.” lis strongly ots the Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. |Gave thelr Majesties a most hearty nd. |Feception. Biber pact 600,000 LIVES SAVED. The Result of Modern Science in Britain. a ae CAPT HOWARD MURDERED Fate of First, Provincial Treasurer Manitoba A Victor e Cc... asstch say! as ndon Reps Sa say: Lon wd meetings ire * leity. |via Montreal cate oe =e — n some mont! He ie pire in minin; ng ventures wat \D mn, ant sea eee to sell in-, ‘The num- c orn before the * ith was known, would ve "died | dead matt before they were a yeal was a paymast = : ——_+_—_ edition and ‘Prussian Ministry, has decided Rebellion, and wi $2,500,000 to the Attee of jurer in the Clark Goversim from the Silesian floods. |first Government of Manitoba, 7 the human vessel had to make 3) AD ARD HOME Bete star do our ie Hut no sooner do our friends to leave our sides ae ashe aa | LER SS SES, cal se and . ren nie! nate, — There Will Only. Be Tears of Joy and |= 2% ,, "ness sted pore 1 Not of Sorrow in the Welcome = |r! |Entered accordii to Act of the Par ' tee = in the year — Wane 8 "toronto, Bite ail. se ‘ottawa.d alway atrnat esp > Hustoea to sae chs: }he low: moaning: “gong of the. s08- Fenimore Cooper loved to write pbout the mountains and woods and io whose deer licks t the does came down is a beauty, and x pings, until a is oon Phoreseences. make it look like river Nile struck with the Mosaic rod in the famous Egyptian plague. The seas! jonotonous place to ss the summer? is uninterest- ass ing only to those whose love of na- ture is so undeveloped that they | cannot understand the language of the sea. THE HUMAN SHIP. Bubs Meena Ae x the sorbing spiveralne ig My fal was near the hy vistandy or acamall towiealin it as the psalmist did se ed cut in the words o ny 0 he is cari There go the ships! ‘There go the ships! A VALUABLE. CARGO. Bach human, vessel always arties Have "Tis true some of thas time mu: given to cleaning up the ship, most of it is spent in loading unloading cargoes. he: massive walls of @ building rest “upon deop foundations." ‘The huge ane aie This pay must A Ise the ship would soon topple ies This peat of boxer filled zn o ge {POR FARMERS | Seasonable and Profitable Hints for the Busy Tillers of the Soll care? If the cadhier of a bank ab- but this beautiful watch in my |began band absolutely takes, away Cheever breath. Ak (amy ‘Chriation’ bret. ren, with such loneliness which must | hag 3 i 7 ° d no. human craft trying to| min. ‘ine right course. is safe un-| s Christ, as the divine ar sin? Does it not neatly always de-| tain, is. ‘) ing it an orgs - troy many \human lives which _are| on its quarter .. No dhuman sin) ing G pon its existence? What | can ever be sailed safely ove: e fmuch), the ships’ | troubled of time into a be passengers which, were | of lessed eternity ‘wnless it 3° ow life- | the magnetic needle of the er WS fader’ preservers. are pro-| a compass and the great harbor of |™ilk E ut, a8 a rule, | wonder that I declared ever good. By the | vessel estou ‘be nth e has completed its | of Jesus are. splintered, |, pA ‘a | sold, | ‘Thus, my death as woptigdeal tone P father’ and a hus-| upon. th greta or life, to-day I}used 4 those whose ex- | greet you. nal you. with . the |for, co iStences are dependent upon his life, | Warmest feslings of One of the bravest neeriea Sever, it: stirring my heart. oa harbor, |due to the providence of God we h fow clone eet oe many P an ce lish saan-oF aN we hat am ahs American aicia ore ais ei sail into the harbor cheer their Eng- van Kae aee | Seyccs cheered they | times sinking’ shi could aa therelire ctosts of them others be drowned, as human . ‘to mouth crafts, bew selv how we allow ae sink into se sea of-sin and des those loved who ie upon our uj fe say ie you ie ss | man SPs waver alley any sinful current | © egg} saa at rae Tomguid khaw athat 10 gen one hard mu farm ‘labor and fy of food. ee winter’ S experience started dai pee penipueple bre MAKING OF A DAIRYMAN. oes winter soon alter Pousekeeping,’* writes A. w Phere was little oath Jer D a cow that was giving a pa a Spt 4 milk. I pain n price per Week for her keep- do | not remember just how hhuman|t? Make butter. There were many |. the-dominion |mistakes' made, but I experience. all the time that was paabe foriita *aaeMnatiok” Dp you and from the cream I learned how nan was getting all it cost. Some butter was which paid for other kinds of purchased. “The skimmilk was in various ways, as’ drink and One, Tam. satisfied that | alize the value of milk farmer, Later ‘ose. The sca of life \hired Rives cook and, as confidence T was ae satisfied unless I S/thought my butter was as good as tis not necessary. to depend is of cows, but are. worth ayia good to turn your pi ris THE SIGNAL OF DISTROS, Jay. on. | ce coe ee ee that | it is better for 9 butter The hw veckaning to be made from. any star | t09, i ee oi vessels | out that which once gleamed . ov ‘lier to ee Be es ey ; ca % spe, the Bethiehom mange d_never| JePe! ould feel i ye aa oe lifting their eh a Ohrighan sane at’ the | Wickes 1 saeing “yell fot a veal aedianaee Bete aie hace iuellet call dnom &)jeood Masse eee tress inalienable claim on the help of his| brother. Nowhere is that claim| recognized so surely and so prompt-| & } sei A sail you if you have Christ in the hinder |I have we should never meet aga’ ly ‘as.on the high for| this ‘side of the harbor ‘of peace, T| on the ocean wil urn a deaf| Send you my Christian salutation! oa god dave Balr and? farevell 1" pi Rowdee BEM 4 : HIS TROUBLES t wa Bie to 0 3 the fake RT tat es city, is among) those who never | orer’ tke ma um such conditions. is av call for bn seas ifeboat will be} ery Obr héld in ars word for Dodd’s Kidney Pills. | will be |ache. and Kidney Disease for bcd eh ays Mr, Grant, was very dark and high colored. woul tad my rest at night cone of having to rise’ so Stan to} Ob, bed: ae pret why. is not a - ni the land try to help nd 4 ofa 9 ae wells as among Ue ar. {failed until I used . Dodd's 0 of Mediterranean ?) Pills. When I had ta e years ag rk, fap [1 man bles ge te nel shaped cloud swiftly approached | my at) me pone left ‘me and I St. Louis and in an poe nt broke| was cured. has never come back.”” destroyed whole ack. When Dodd's s Kidney Pills cure, the re teel fr rn Ay if an ff ‘om a ane ee Are erie and wine asures as well =f fisive add clottiee $i provided Witheln 11, | of its pas-} the furnaces seem to be | Their hunger is’ never | vs stb the rae ee by Pay beh dreds, | the age ade from | Bngland satere paises nearly 2,000 hu beings aboard. hen there’) be millions ot alias oe rd. The clearing : t continual- di ‘oncy roth America going to Europe. ae and silver from Europe coming to Ameri- "Dh xen ‘age steamer pigiie the Atlantic is not to be a ised. Its voya 8 life to hun- dreds. Renicinction may miean death alike to passengers and w and destruction to all the freight. SAFEGUARDS OF THE VOYAGE Does not each human craft carry a | valuable cargo? What about’ tho'} the | disease never comes back. They ves! move the cause. carbee “a ots has his reasons’ for this, and here | res ies! 1, st ¢ jurinate. Icould get’ nothing to | "sent rhe _Do & a help aa ss = ne Be isa 43 extagen “I tried severaf remédies, but all |i cheese making. Jt was ormert Part of ‘the ship. Christian voyag-/be made without much patent ma- t a. e ve NEVER CAME BAGK tine went seca every timo without ioe Butter dairying should build Re arm, as no fertility is sold in i\suwesT GRANT TOOK DODD’s|tat of any kind, The skemailt may. nee PILLS—THEY ME. (.\ (be made. to ney lin raisin Mi stock, nearly uch as farmers net By Er ap CAUSE: for milk sold to contractors for th jeity trade. Making milk for. the | exe Had Backache ‘and Hipend OE oy trade, it seems to me, is Troubles for Twelve Years He-|0vendone, for the reason that tain. fore he Used the Great Kidn secs cane i \i a peer P: #Y [cughly th the trade of marketing first~ emedy.. butter. I know that skill of lontreal, :7.—( Special. — eeepc but so it is in all business- Ernest G re street, |es that pay more than common lab- wages. I am not afraid that a Hict an opportunity pass to say a|the making overdone for @ long time yet. | who oul succeed must digs Hidtendn a heceoretalt ing to keep up to the high- ndard.’? <IPENED IN TIN CANS. Ths" aiscovety of ‘galactose as n eS, seems ezing point and though de- OF alee. This starocbaly is the base on tdoo work, o longer nece: pias taste no ieve, caving xooms or uniform conditions. | of the departments ie Ceylon Tea Its the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only in lead packets. kp Mixed and Green. lapan tea drinkers try “Salade” Green tea, + tt Neithei necessary to hold to the traditional packages. The Oregon station has rece: undertaken and partly. Sie some experiments that uence in shapiny future Under the conclusion that ‘was determined to can it. Tins holding from onr to five pounds were used, being eens with paraffin to t ie pr Thi mi : Then each was covered and made ir. ti ab s cellent in flavor Sie Heera. i The, checd im made has the Sdvantago of, being Hndless. Waredvers it lise ho weight through evaporation or moisture. PLOW-POINT | PROVERBS, A mortgage on the oS is harder to dig out than a sod of wire glass, Not every ogg is Soin iat 6 ao $0; ,and_@ lame horse anakes..2_ Je Waste leads to want, want leady plore. you start considet whieh way you ‘A weak foes yanvoo ta! Weel tad mer, Don’t let ti on hour’ cat ‘up the other ser If ye ave a Was 3 cow, fix viel Darel for he jump ra Monte Tae ea Prana i the:-erit gives the team pain in the rib: Little’ steda ninke ce see but taitnreoda tase ence SIbow: grease and Selden will ake a farmer,rich on - | mi een factat tae aa aon ee pig rat. will get fat NOTES ON PIG FEEDING, oie sa be well but not over- A goo n pig of twelve S93 ae © produced in sev mths from its birth. hould ~ bi not’ be crammed, neither should it be hali-starved, but fed steadily and ai td nips or. eden and’ in comparison |{o their size their weight in the scal able. doce pea but the scale- A DIVING CAT. farmer at Ballina, New South Wales trained. a tine cat to ae as ‘etriev @ animal w a n ond of diving inthe sea for lish, a recently it brought out. a see oiet mullet. Its career was ended by be- ing Pa ners by a shark, “What Saale the ae in the “There was some sais ngialiod al ici S haineuid | a ae Wwortte ie two 2GRAPH POL! ion df the Uganda tele has cs n fee on ra> la fir 3 fess to love Apgit and strength th 0 are 2 LONE NAVIGATOR'’S siren en r lenty of na oles nine to at! right, if we are set |Should in our purpose to follow the course gens which h id for s is shall find that our friends will sight to re Hen mia We shall (of telegraph’ boty in ful vitae Be a Christopher O25 mbus wes alobesut mie-atts apts e the cirewmnavigation — of FIVE HUNDRED “YV.C.’s” pre lobe; y, the! the or tad ysician, © are over five humiired heroes was ‘alone |of all ranks in our regular Army # on of thc| Who have attained the distinction of psd: as George Whiteficld was the Vi , e, when, a5 @ hy he was | coration | ups antebank and | ive C ledagtiee! Clown; as Paul wad Arye en seni had to flee for his life calm for. Dassasitin: alles 2 98 known as the Sow s alone when, scofi-| thet it_ stand: spit. upon, he was hurried entire British Fe the rake heights where he was /of winners of the a _incompar-| to be cru ft eee thieves Similar in head} the hag e wince and side currents which have| the next Iighest_ figures sta to be fought against. It would not| the Rifle Brigace and thirtesn” of the | pleases everyhody in every way. & it exceedingly. We Lite ft." ““We use ‘Force’ at home and Ifke “EL OR. Sauwpsrs.” are Cae ” laughed “Sunny Jim.

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