AN AFRICAN E . Kano Is the) Manchester of the ae : hottest autumn day; ani where {very vocal Gis action Tees i Sudan. | Carting Blue Ribbon Tea to Colombo : fal tall quenite ser ian were ouetade BABY'S VITALITY. The rec nsion.of British ad- { br of Otean some slight and inexplicable way ae <<a | ministrative authority over the : | ilttle m of Wyvenwich Jies |barrassed. It seemed ae wey children is so St iia ioe ties Kano, Katsena and Sokoto districts 4 ‘ i Pe - 7 3 of bid aia not wish Mrs, Wylie tor bei ‘and 5 upon of such a 4 ¢ |ing the hot weather. More child : fo Nordheim “Nigoria ‘has attracted When Blue Ribbon Tea is hermetically sealed in lead it is ! Beak ln, lor te aerency |e, th re ser eer an suitmer than et any other ‘ ° ‘ | bles y a iles acro: nae This is because i fertile country... Kano, which has a - : . 3 i. |while: behind _ all a fui BRROP, There are very few cleans.| undred thousand nanicents, is! | carted from the upland districts of the interior of Ceylon—where lusurianee._"f. the ce deceitful |¢ oun, weak spe A ing o sails . hich. Suntij ht] © thes metropolis of that part of Af over. il, lies a vast purp! ; | wom en. Pac aitempad to Sree ee paier be #8 " 4 root, ch coi inland until [openly over the advent of Theodore Soa used. to advants| "tt hae besa Galled Ole Manchester| |. only the best tea grows — to Colombo, there to fa mixed forest of pine, oak and PTrist, amd at the same time careful- lay ee 2 seater the home bright of the Sudan. For centuries the ie € Th 0 lM beech: oe . further imvestign | avoided seeking a reason for his | thi S Hausas, as the people aré called, hi Cand al jtion, "The Neatnand slopes gently wal mode cedure; for | cur and clean. ~ &B [have been the clothmakers of north- be si to nada, A queer Cav. cade |down to avast marsh, in the mi st 4 Di ic aes which stands a solitary red-l rio [mel eos ARS SEES ; ye it with i A i ; : Se a ity master's sudden de ait cies = hs nile the table was being cle abire umrvennws wow. | geri "Si “s eave it: but) | Mmakes—but it carries the richest, creamiest, most ae ee ee bet aes eaten ee: (m the room on some sinall ‘% ri 5 ere is not a actor in al e Sete sR ee Fa | a or a Where is\ the dashing Bodrder|country. T i h @ enough Wylies (alt’ ry. The work of weaving is delici * ‘ ‘ he is not half good enoyg! ai ie the life of the tate) gone cu Rand-loamm ts the Kolin Bt cious tasting tea in the universe, ea : et .. P. Ferguson, When I wasvhere before, Mrs. Liver-| the people. ; Brenda smiled a little wistfully ipvceinial Peppa Pe by Son ides cticed hand and eye she sought | fed feats Montreal, says: ba pig une aa ou pe of the! Miuch of the mofocco leather comes and rose to preside at the tea-tray, | widow. All thi opie a (cept the fron’ vy! jar olumn containing forefgn in-| baby was attacked with ayeentry ey eo Tea hie the landlady. from Kano, amd this, too, is’ pre- Bl A which the maid brought in at that | cons ently att s Sitapoie.] THe pares register tells of Wylies | telligence. cagerly” she “scann w en im,’’ was the quiet Pored and tanned ty workmen at ac orty ents pinion’: Seer ‘ ort | ThEetatn natn otoart the: Blosely prt a ome. ‘Their caravans carry their “ During their simple tea and i the} goods across the continent to Alex- Mixed Z ‘evening that. followed there wer [but the mame is there, and v aphipnaicee ines { ever met, al-| andria,.and thence down the eastern (oF ' other Thiogs to talk a S a appear to hav ways bubbling ayer with spicite and} shore.of the Red'Sea-even to. Mecca. eylon Green’ Should be Fifty pean _when 4 were sae a ttle \tbie aaty, faithfully in the state of | the (ben: 49 CORB chaekiart of A ie ries. bir ae way| ‘The city has been the center of a k ‘and=their aes Songer life in which they were placed: And | here Nor some specific reason irom home, suppose ee 't] great slavetrade, for much of the made refer= RS soy Be now. the old race is extinct. e t bs y a “sree Since I returned. Work in the fields and practically all oon’s. proceedings. |the rooms ~ so much, laps jlerels widow, childless; almost kin-|Or f e ethi wae do good to all children fro: ‘ay ‘at home; he has never been| the work of transportation’ is) done Hieks’,” Z ae PS 2 born upwards, ith the assistance of s tis is i Mctmdeod | Where lo hie, Shen Said that not less than five bundred “There: he, is, at. of the| men and wonien are offered for sal i es i lable.” every day inthe slave. gene of the ¥ sight of deed Way in the de-|™moor, over the green and mournful | ®t 25 ¢ “Whatt that quict, subuiedlook-|eity.. "his eaifte, and slavery “it. 2 ced up Rs Risch Possibility that Mrs. Wylie might os sartet Norée ‘churchyard: upon. the'|Bea: ioe Willams Biedisine Co. Brook ing man 2" self, will be abolished at Peo Me ee a ee ore OE jan ces al vt setnsaeh ie ors : A 2 Ne Mrs Wylie paused | plea a a a ay oy EEG serge a i Pao cela cin ie Morn, nt posta jet ees amd eet ewtrane xae |e : : : h av e 0) reason of your comi Be ‘urea lars. bila: dnd Lhe shalis\ tHe ‘Sntall sa wore cee a return ‘yl's Hall was appar-|that Mrs, Wylie had eed of someone angi {cotn. “When the owner of'a curavan ly unpremeditated, and the: ofore| to bear her company in her widow-|warm balmy end ortion oF tte ne | runs ‘abort? of: provisions he buys + ES wh, | eet! doubted ite. sincerity. hood, and. so. she scared tmquestion-|of March, and on 0 F mul Ieosened her jacket, Te De eo nay te, cure: deatness, | more and pays! for | them’ with a ith hag ee lit erally in the seer S “*Not on my in-|ingly at Wyl’s Hall now that spre rived at Wyvenwich. |composed _hersel a long y constitutional remedie ‘lave, taking his Shai nge’ in the). BeBe CaS ca denbinully, oritheae pone Wylie. bad. returned: therp. Pie gage determination Sain? Hition of the mucous lining of the bu Her tl ie lived just like an ordin- baa re to meet him, and the On my own. I am longing |ary little country maiden.. She |elder arumbling sow place, Brenda. This fo; ad eriect hearing, end when ie im etinmy | high, stirround the ¢ i flocen Denimeds! ie the result, and une| fifteen suites in Siren The 4 Mig angmmation can be taken out | large area thus enclosed will @ccom- shel When this tube ig inflam aie walls of weet EEN feet sburg!"" repeated Brenda: began, in a ach 18 n the winter. I rather ‘i ntin- not M still Seiad with: the d Nin a : said gravely, Fie ee whieh is mothing but an | grain is raised and cattle pastured, ‘ontents of her work- au tu adie ts, the tires "to thoughts ne SOUDEOE SOB *er-|'Phus the city’is capable of | with he ts there’ on’ plea- 3 | of—w. MWe will give Oné Hundrea Deilare roy |'stending @ long siege. TI itish AL ie bee he lowered his iny/ease of Heatness (caused by catarrh)| have oxte ‘their authority over ““prenda Jaughed lightly, Tivo. Gand. for creciey, Hels Catarrn | the city and ‘the! surrounding. terri- The observed in a casual be gli Were singir iol, CHEMDY & UG heisip. <0; (tory Recaaad thal tative: velerd Gk. way eh given to pier Se with their civil tongues and|us. Sid s ree friends |rai wedvows ind | Bold by, Druggiste, “7c. isadi“to surrendet ‘the’ nuuderers of in an undiluted stat 1 re [re eady ways, occupied an importan’ alked o} Jativel At Hall's Family Pills are the best. a British official “T Jike-a ma who’ fakes life -ana ty ds tor dein, Lente © Sa Satin ote, Peeaaees Mone tie nod of Ghe ead signtlving SSS y's Hall. ‘Their little t interes i : Mrs. Customer—‘“That lamb you ceNRBRRA BE, nd presently caught the infectio: ; a ; [some hension. ; sstidils tasai's It may be only a trifling cold, but neg |sent me, scinpviaive, waa he x ; F d ‘ ‘ her perraalen’s fe thuste i jw SEL, cide a “herent ihe wt a A young lady presented! her intend-| lect it and it will fasten its fangs in your | largest aa toughest I ever saw.” | Goodness First— Price Afterwards ; 2 * s, Wylie ssessed tho ple nm, a eaae oes MES hee = [82 mi ve 2 young P 5s gi! : [man was to be found by night and pring is upon us seek rs. |> tere her Tailed a little, With pd with a beautifully worked pai {ungs, gece ara berated tam Mr: Stintwaite—“‘Tut, fe om iy comortable di ie had said durin fi pare rahe could ‘have prevented e) hat i ‘c F. : hing under most cir ti i “ tie Preeat gt retite tet wie ee a ee Oe ae oh adi wens ie Should be the motto in PArpiaseg household articles— : tase ees wp Sei euch ap bees eeallot naxe eae *Worton are UG gr ia ss Sd Pe ar raniies 2a Tone Pe DEBS Oe Bem fee Bi “| coughs and colds. We cannot avoid them, 5 2 i E y fire, which si d 2 meerne 'es,"" answered Trist; ‘ e 2 Phe less}: fur cased in a handsome frame. | put Wwe can effect a cure by using Bickle’s |left the shop it was the sweetest lit- more especially in woodenware. ; : a Piatt deci © |no fears. While Trist ro ag hint | Ample ‘with. the anaes habe fies t always makes me restless. = vifle rrecl ly ¢ wrote a note to send with. it,|Anti-Consumptive Syrup, the medicine ‘tle leg of lamb you could set eves is it genetally known: th is |SCe to circumstances, ylie/and the port kK we vith More so than usual ? inquired ray. that ‘passing br nd at the same time replied angri-| that has never been known to fail in cut=|on, and I gave him strict orders: to Boe in BE "Pat baler ae SPa! seeunad to adapt cireamsts | urreptitious ¢ dding when. her |Brenda innocently. ae yin P f to an oft-repeated dun for an un- FETS a at soe it at once, because you want- j P AILS NB ‘ 2” she asked with |ho aoe, which is, perhaps, the. ‘mot die Seika SeAShed laiish: See ener on: ist Joo! : Peres Teoma tina labage Oe Sy paid-tor suit of cli ‘hae He en it young. Al Oni sist . | dificult art. ‘There wi Ss hit *Yes,"". hi urmured, ‘mor 80 | 1% vi 5 i 4 , no! 8," I ps v s yeged a boy to deliver the package| .. 3 pe ¢ sie é i The good lady seeined somewhat |requiring a man’s hi a han usual, ‘I e w fund | ati k i ili Raa ABRCae she iey ae sone ate pees us By, life!’” he Racha a ves TU BS ; iy ? Bg aS “He says t S/relieved when tho 2 move was’ finally lsat ae : P of energy reps “Ea call fee looked up at him smiling teived a mote in. her adored ‘one’s|Protested. | pale ss Tanai ine mya ogra SxU i a , aed ° ¥ _ 2nd | decided d arranged; i i ie | bein, jot! nece “he, replied £00). handwriting, and tilllons of tiothers for thelr children w i.e lemme ts al = 4 eh g, ¢ 3 roa the gums. allt s quired |). may “mnean that; or, to devour its contents. open-| Sitl, for well she knew that all Se Teeth eee antetaeek aod bare 3 ; “ath a ae * ber. spun. face when she sought her man. slumber: i rs. Wylie, ith Seed ig great in- Teast it may a that I am ae, nd the missive with cagor “gngers| are ob held in the same esteem Bert romedy for Dh Beents: are the aches it pays the housewife to. purchase. : has he gone?" asked the girl. |room that night. at the weather has so c the present, time. sso Sie Winslow ssoonume SrRUE- 2ST “Just as good’? means taking chances. Insist on Wylie laid aside the basket | «T wis] sh, she observed to her own | iy Buen ‘effect upon one as that ?”” < Seuidasior. Wbuigiie. Sa wit hone bearing the F and poked across at her companion 4 a ” a nile, : ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT | Motte-—“Way, Johnnie, on} Rame “Cane, Newmark et?,—popularly pric q ever carth have you been doing’ n= | amounted to much, Planes Romovos all herd, soft or calloused lumpe'|nie—“Pight'n! And | ee sas 5 h R HOay ho. | PES Creare isha splinte, ring” Lone. eyecncy, aiken, |flly cents on it. You know War.’ age, “that tt means |." . ‘though... . T-know what th ° hoy ‘be working, they work hmarder; id the ae jor was struck utterly | sprains, core and Swollen thron ete. |tooth you ate (going, es pay y The wid i eh pee ae playi ve fe play aumb when he opened a parcel and|Save$%0 by use of one votre, Warranted isnot a Sela OUR D Ka : i awe ciiet shrugged her shoulders. ‘And I might just as well age spok- allow seas in ont, , closed in by der. ity vents discovered ie portrait of his del ae Papen eene.. Mesieh/euen OVS emus is irer feta ae saan BRAND’ on : © must not get into the habit,” |, boldly when I went to. see | 2 bi Brenda had |Bppen in ihe i tivet ole wacatho oF the ‘quont oustomer,‘with+a note EE NDS, Eau tt oar eu ar th aah that night.” Xt is a dificult | i h : Ps Bo ith ic Suitor—“You . are very 1 to | Lover's ¥-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect. | H King Edward Experiment ; ' Means tha on of ‘Theo's | predicament, ‘hecause—they are both |and gracious flow a PEN ogee as it were, against time “when you garo spon my, features, | | eee ; we 2 aly,” suggested Mrs Sgabnet himself, ek Tey ”| please.”? Widow—‘‘Well, onsisntla jant Soap wder in the joe0s eee s for war,” said the girl |” she oes und a place, among ? ‘our information of a general x SANGRE pr ng-man| that I have been cease six times vert ae the om faa disin- other and % aril; | she bent over her book E ary seh a welcome. t wi “That nm be expected at all Pa or have you certain ad: railed Gey evening to receive the) and was vnhappy ‘tis’ no Headlight” Inferl with decision. CHAPTER Ve A a oder n 8 z vice, that war is imminent ander.” matt — inferior ij Mrs, ie worked on in silence. en Ee the tt of many |o*istene do a good, to| Thus they talked on in vague com- Thence hieede aaa a OW : ‘ brand: 3 j ad lesire to press the sut fisave 2 ‘ileawant ‘rhemory 1° a © tew Jmonplpcel fe s uu can’t go home rands, Us i BOD 1a ough eet ay é 5 a +} 0W—*‘Well, as you’re so perscvering,’ Faia icteric “ n Brenda’s statement was secon ani erhaps. Brenda} <1 has ei believe that oe ee T suppote X must; ‘but: tis: the Jest | Ginner ene, wee pa USE 4 4 able, jie iif (i ate Reba a Ags rs: Wylie was almost het old colt |aearcely joined in. versation. |there will be @ big war before the S SO so. Hane yOUE TEASE aoa Sse : now returned to their respec | z al gs it [28ain. At times the former che was enough for her to listen to | summe ie ene one i os j tive! ocoupstioes Sune abronide 1 hes [fulness of demeanor would I these two strangely assorted friends, |" “Turkey and Russia, of course ?" Citiman—“Are you ‘still troubled being, iotoria” Cs 5 aa 5 cal es napoen and never: Grornan by the | iP the old house. ‘Ther s the |who seemed lyti i “Yes, with your neighbor’s chickens?” Su- . eas ae I ; cay i “A d you go with ‘Turkey, T sup: burb—‘Not at all, They. are, kept Pale sickly children should use Mother) §‘‘hittle Coniet” presence, company than they were before the | po ca F joes Tec ivael sor baa Grave's Worm Exterminator, Wormsare| —=——————— 4 ctinee not “passively ARS el ae aka the ses rapith neat af tte ae park - : 3 Oni he principal causes of suffering in ; S a = » @S and sme nt towns quite un-| z ; . * ts aa ery night I hid a lot of | 3, ©, RICHARDS & Co, children and sould be expelled from the tt ; was her wont. Tho result was not |known to the ‘Roos holiday-seeker. Sigee Lee 4 ge ther eae ‘reached che Renee. 2 losing sitle again 2” inquired tggs in tho grass; and every morn-| Doar | Sir,—T have neg Mie seep : oO i | w efer ding down to the |)" Puplels Se ieee eae SC Tae ee rs. Wyli He i TS ; ng, when my neighbor was looking, 3 Bred—<Well, if Hier marriage is ' 3 1 dibjis ania her eta 2 r r Ss jacket, leav r two bi Hout a 8 : ARD'S LINIMENT in | cs iy, 0a wt dace vomit 160i é: é ree Cae ALGER te Twent out and Brought hem in. alabledor over dyeie San conpides i> Somehow thasman. who. oleriebars failure, she will only have herself, to e been thinking, Let ug go |. Suffolk by the sea is not all m ee ae be a beta ga ee Sey mo ae very bast Tor Faved HoLp Te eae (ean abenaxen tcf raniceiwealW Tae jblame.”” | Mab—“Oh, she'll have Her | to Wyl’s Hall. fia cues i denieneate: here} Wie Cokes a eee good-< 7m, such an easy matter as tbe Hunblana One year's deiuk bill of the United) get and strongly recommend it. ter than those who are always look-| husband.” Brenda pondered for a few seconds |oaks grow -to a wonderful stature | no. x void i ‘ ‘Pe eat if bes nated tag Ganon pe ae Day Gao oI ar UGH, | ing for them. before replying. — It gen the first and a mighty toughness; where clean-| D°Cause Bees em are wt Ect ety 8: : ; i ; - time that there had b FERC nba Botetes eect melodiously in | Conta ih bes a pane ce AL Constantino- ingd houses “and ferms the ki, Livery Stables, ebec. Z Suy ly di er ee ee ery Seana Quebec tion! Bt fis old) Suitolk “house ‘since the breere that is hever suill on the} Pies Winced’s Liniment Cues Sums, ete,| Ht’s worth i | ple on—" J , ac s “At the front!” said Tri ae sacred a t iscussed. 01 Ss of driftwor nt s ly and| “Do you know," id Mrs “Wylie, $50.00 To California and Return. — Soiree Stet ak late A Nae aaa ENS pieaae Eo bes Via the. Chicago aN 0 1-59 AN ARCTIC DIOCESE. Ten cents omen ave | f i y injas only driftw urni lieve I beginning my Pisst-class round trip. ticke Ri the matter—the usual kind of say—| dist went Males VS ting incu pe he oa >i 8 Selling : Fifty dollars was recently. given | The Bishop of Mackenzie River, in h of r ith in brei stood in the center of it, with |ing old ago? i am Onaga inte to every, Russian soldier and sailor | Northvves Sata who is at pr to clear your house Ki Di ease : ed with spite and kindly malt wis aioe lean bands hanging. idly. | got a paca sath, t an Fran ist, who: served |ent in England, an inter - But Mrs. Wylie had always |His eyes rere, soft and meek and | » semi-banter re hs ashe al Sean war 25 years jesting account of its ‘Arctic. diocese flies and een eat indifferent to criticism. |dreamy ever, while his limbs |'Prist's easy laug] He took it maigtSeettle. C be ‘A Jurisdiction All through February and-Mfarch fee SR eee energy lipranted that. Mra.’ Wylie was ont [we two ladies had lived happily at | he old incongruity was still ap- ing seriously. Octoper peg Have you tried Holloway's Corn“Cure | 500,000 scare miles, the population H on’s And Often Make the Mistake of Attributing tho [Wi Hall, Strout longinaeien my pae ent, : ae aapinee We ate youbeolt, jctober 15th 000, se fe if / It fas no equal for removing these trouble |is only about f s oW Resulting Bazkache to Other Causes iA oxpoatiiatad ito ek into bal hav. ily — from Chicago sore excresences, as many have testflied |a fow cae people, hat Luck > zs oO ie raed abopt. Theodore— self-by tho window at the ent Jits of that sort.” Ne Se ae euaiie wh * tnd a large i Z usu ually fs aasia rum aS so the man’s till, rue widow in the vlass pullman — md. ‘Indians. d Libby Luncheons made ready ina 3 2 in London, or Paris, “li le was ‘visible to hor. ton Wo not see why you sars, For special folder and all in-} ‘The occan is the only hey of a Ss few moments. ‘i Dr. Chase’s Kid ne «Liver Pills once an ‘r m him a sh te, ned for some seconds; rm the restraining formation, write B. H. Bennett. -jearth that can make a woman © in- Veal Loaf Potted Turkey ee sent quaint old Jewelry | and |and satutary lin hi r i ‘al Agent, 2 Past’King St., Toron- different to her ‘Persoual Sipehpenice: = . Deviled Ham T i }h had fg ee pace from the Slay gaz to, Ont. eer < will do it. ‘Gasckis ease. pep: teats f { ae supkiem bite. A Gney dinpsse en eae Ree igligh sees | onski Bazar in Moseow for heraelt pe ek Sore, Fest. — Mex Neti : Deg : and Brenda. 5 write “For 2S. Go it Inspected. y dises h |irom-reputable people in all walks of | “4p, Hyon’ An antonintofy “thanufacthrer teo-| 26M, Twas troubled with eanyn es guarmwen | fo oes rms ee g ose of ailments of a femini lite, tise: tat en aa ay. 3 ly made ‘a “<toy tramp—but it aches aud paing in my feet torsuch an "ex Caistor ot Patents | | Keep in the house for emergencies—for sup- i) ture. We would against W. Wilkins, Henry street, ee Ob thal neat Monday woulda" work. ent a that Lcould oe * i ad te Si ie osetia: Ses et ger for sry time wh when you | A this danger, as” a few a Gentine Ont., states— MD eee, conn cei Wate ge <othin thetog ¥eleey 2 cee — et were badly swollen I cou! want something quick ee n i iy | smatt Pint, but Powertal.—They t hot wear my boots for weeks, At last I bishop in a journey of 4,000 sie uo tor brea bdvice “Tedeege iy saat Dstt, "Gord Thngnto t of Kidney disease may mean years reas as ete ee heal at ist ‘3 Hall from the busy cor- Heme. “Anpit acd tc aues wer. | gota bottle of Dr. Thomas’ Kelectric Oil | yg wot Delay —Wheu, through. aebiii- | ———_—__-— TPREALIO || fie todiinciee ee /t Pati h 11 of the back ; ": Z ay bi “And o be the last time?”’, nd resolved to try it and to my astonish- | DONGE Daley Nts polsoue fads its saiices — ins in the small of the 3 ri, : : May I,”" he as ersely, me have you come?” asked said Sis Wylie, consoling ierMere ment I got almost instant relief and the | a5 into the blood, the prime conside- ven McNeill & Libby, Chicago, Ut j ness and lameness of the back | sc gly le nani S86 Bade ra day or two ti Welle abruptty, ‘after a short ‘Phe last. time 1” Sungei bills: Wikis tae © bottle accomplished «perfect cnre. | NEF. is to get. the poison out as rapidly = mptoms of | 80 " fo be Continic!3 makes up. in Potency. ae a and as _thoronghly, as possible, lay | We havi sin sers be ES SS 0: e he avoided Pee her ; h it carvies are put up in these smat an docsn’t love a wom California Navel y, skin, deposits in the and Iwas becoming ve essenger wa i oy the simple expedient of z a, is s, because they are 80. power! Bi tiend SIE he doens't sits hectare |eanve bitte wil bosentan reek veleatee Valencias, and THE oh & , iat ad 5 5 ES Sereau AG Wee eI eon Se Stating ‘ont of the windo ;jTolenthe—“S6 Sanit: saupae Snip small doses are required. ‘The. fall and effective medicine to assail the in- elf scleatite priceipals count tor anything : ew ‘Aud id Tiby Sw bet strength of the extracts fs secured in tnil |to Mer feat ol Gord Blea ae ae trader with, They never tail. They a the patent infisied air pad truse should be, « 4 mee eaten tra elas snd are: th aoe oe Pills I 2 e. 10t know—’” tie replied, with eae Shel Lhe Poea Ors form and do their work thoroughly. eis dead. once to the seat of the trouble aid | pecoese, in 3 nese of the muscles, rheumatic pains, |that By is quite an age since we have ° ae Pd ae Sa Caen | 1 pace reac ganas i ; ings Sinse\ seating eoacinges: atl terms of th ses ae "ie pment, Epes ut ‘the ce riage pon hi The aggregate weight of rug con- 1, —s ¥ | Is restored th it is adjust ‘ou H painful urination, eariasan and weer }! Be icine from is rod ih the ‘United Statec tor ave} {lnard’s Linkment Cores Dandruff She—‘Your dog was trying to ou gan procure it on pire the Bele ana Tae 4 a despondoncy. it acted in message. jooked down at’ be with tamed in. the U: gies fog bite me, sir!” He Gifting Wis hat) utter, Eggs, TY; Site! So BF Hist, 433 Spadin i De Oteew ‘Kidney. Liver Pil's, one| Brenda, who was occupied with [aeratatingy gentle af Snu¥-tak eine, sir! iy We } > fe ign Aas 18 OOO ibs. Sui o ing vYes, madam: he has a sweee |Magle Syrup ad other produce to advan | Ave a cot oh | pil a dose, 25 cents a box, as all | her letters, aentesced ccateieenty: but Theo, you do! Why have Is increasing in that country at the| ‘phe largest carpet in the world is “ie 5 tage foi 3 ia fea aeaicte cr soho o., |in.afow moments she1aid the con, BBS one tate of 6 per cent. per annum. ie apabrestthe son cout Ree x HS DAWSON oy bento | ay U 3 439 3 of ki Toronto. To protect you goede ena Mer aside and took up the| “May Pays be slows ie Aros ; iT y {pia |or Sg mienifor 14 whonthees Tt isaisee ti 7 Liniment for sale everywhere — Gor, Weat Marxet St, TozoNTo. (SsUE“N <a 0S F q flisease as Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver | imitations the ides and signature ee ee epee ag ve aa Sen oe desire : t — 4 : ls. ‘That thi ti alot Dr. A. W. Chase are on every ed it and went toward |you_and—Br Minard's Liniment Relieves Heuralgla jot Serie Gti =| Winard’s i 145 SUE NO, PAE od pet eR the window. ‘There was othing |” "replied; “out that ee a = eS : . ieee cs es 2. < s = S 4 x 4 ¢ ! pee Sais Ss See ne ¥ * So Site i ae > Suite ce ih Uae bates Ss Sa ek aa ie ae ee ESS See eee a ss Ga : Se OS 2