es BANK OF MONTREAL In a living picture of light so beauti- the w! armonizes | y, luxury of color, you i built by th bewitching “ the fortifications “Araba Pasha before the dnoient city. dria, over which floats the}; Within gun shot lie th e- Equipois: of an acrobatic even witl being unparalleled the world over, performed by the gteat Villions. This turn is rivalled in interest, however, ‘the |by the eminent acrial team, Humes & enemy replies b is through th hi trou} fy [Kove should excite fe Lewis makes the atmo- sphere her home, doing one of the cleverest tral performances known T | to athletic art, concluding with a drop ravely, | hond f ug] e celebrated troupe of performing wonder ‘heir mirth-provoking antics never fail to.create thunders of PYtO-| applause and explode mines of merri- m ill ground will be regret. “But the directorate of _ be as tremendous and far-1 y any, fete ever conceived shai famous | CPE exposi ting their laurels| novel acts « on this one big feature even though it ing as for publi ent. In the Athos troupe (six in number) mn ‘Prank are equilibrists of renown; pre, one of the most ever witnessed ; best in vaudeville, while “but to mention the # Pantzer trio is sufficient ‘notice for all H.C. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, NEWTON, - ONT. committee has about secured one of the world’s best aerial troupes. ith these attractions and the addi- tional ones to be book: tween now and the opening day, the Western Fair cannot possibly fail of victory. _ All the regular departments may be counted upon to excel their best previ- ° Established in the Year 1817 ‘aid up Capital and Re- “serve Fund Total Assets (Oct. 31, 1902) E. P. Winslow, hs 0 Manager, Stratford. : been ous efforts and to sweep the exposition of 1903 on a high tide of success, junc animes Toronto News’ Opinions. The success of the United States ¢ due alone to it Ss the extraordinary ad- in the and in the fewness of their interests, “| which enable them to concentrate all their attention upon one matter ata 2. The decision to keep an army in [South Africa is an example of the policy of shutting the door after the i the idea of keeping Solid Progressive f That another year of very substantial progress has been experienced by ‘The Mutual Life - of Canada -will appear evident from the following _ :Business written in 1902 $4,527,828 > Business_in foree Bist, 1902 :Cash Interest Income, 1902 Death Losses, 1902 (he Cash Income frow In- z excet the ‘Losses $64,719 Wei. Grosch, Local Agent. Dunean Stewart, Stratford, Gen. Agent Dee. $34,467,370 possibly would have been no African war. In any event, the initial reverses might have been avoided. The trail of inquests and assault me of the e the rural townships might for a time feel the absence of the three-card monte man ; but the wide extension of stock speculation renders him almost unnecessary. Prof. Morley Wickett makes two prophecies in a recent paper which he wrote for The Montreal Herald. Dis- ceussing the theo: at_ last year’s grain exportation of the United States 235 millions—was a high-water- mark, he says ‘there is every indi- $275,415 shat in ten or $210,596 twenty-five or thirty y ‘And he further says after al- Mr. capacity of Manitoba an tories, that those districts will still be le to supply the whole British .|market. No wonder the American farmer emigrates. ian Hayiry—In Thas reached those would like a little m dignitate than a hi S is to that Mr. Aylesworth will see his way to actepting the best gift the Govern- ment has in hi BORN Mornington, on 18t ult., the wife of Michael Hanley, of a daughter. HALLMAN—In Listowel, on July 10th, the wife of Nenno Hallman, of a son, Turrse—In Elma, on June. 29th, the wife of Hiram W. Tuttle, of a daughter. Panxz—In Elma, on July 12th, the wife of David ‘Parke, of a son Eckert—In_ Sebringville, om July 10th, 1908, the wife of L. Eckert, V.S., of a son ; CRoWLEY—In Ellice, on July *12th, 1908, the wife of Daniel Crowley, of a son. Srem In Hesson, on Friday, July 17th, the wife of Michael Stemler, of a daughter. MosserR—In Hesson, on Friday, July 17th, the wife of Joseph Mosser, of a son. CuAtMERS—At Detroit, Mich., on Friday, July 24th, the wife of A. B. Chalmers, of a son. ENGEL—At Milverton, on Thursday, July 28rd, the wife of Dr. J. H- Engel, V.8., of a daughter. MARRIED Pfeffer. DIED. SANDALL—At- Milverton, on _Thurs- day, July 28rd, Edward Sandall, aged 48 years. Hi Mohr Grecery, aed Confectionery Is the place to get every thing you want in Groceries or Confectionery, and always fresh, large variety of | Canned Goods for lunches Pickles 20c. per quart Quaker Oatmeal 4c Ib. Gold Dust 5c. package Sapolio roc. package Carbolic Soap 5c. pkg. Gelatine 152. package Jelly Powder 12c. pkg. Castile Soap 18c. ‘Ib. Eggs 14¢., Butter 14¢. ‘H. MOHR’S Clean Grocery. COMMERCIAL. Munvextox July 23, “Fall wheat per bush... 8 ing wheat, per bush. f Hides Flonr, per ewt. nm Stratford, July 23, 1903 ee og! 85e. 1b. de. 1b. {8c. Lb. be. 50c, Black Tea.. B5e. fe Ze. ie. Best Ginger, reg. Ae Ib. for. Hest Cloves, reg. 40¢ Wb. for. Nutimegs per dozen... Medium size lawp chimneys be. Fruit Jars away below regular prices Wail paper, 20c line for 10¢., double roll ; 15¢, liue for 8e. double roll Bress Goods, at pearly half regular prices. first choice, oe Ny | : Ariving Up Business dale. . Read this list of prices over carefully and see if there is any- thing you can make use of at prices quoted, other goods at equally low prices, as_ steck must be cleaned out inside of 30 days. 5e. |3 care E Tweeds, Corsets, Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, ‘Eggs taken in exchange for goods. | THE GROSCH CO. All Lee line Wiodow Shades for. 65e. line ie p2 i Lot of odd Shades, each... Meu’s Linen Collars, all sizes.. dies’ 5, imitation Persian Lainb Gauntlets.. 40¢. Silk Handkere! #1 White Sbiits for te styles, for Cowboy Het: Smaliwares, Ete. | Everything must be sold. | Come at ence and get Q : Pfeffer Milverten’s Greatest Store. Immense Quantities Of. . « DRY GOODS . . arrived Special Bargains for THIS WEEK 5 Doz. Boy's Negligece Shirts Sizes 12 1-2 to 14, come in black and white, blues, pinks, blue and_ white, pink and white, fast colors, guaranteed. Elegant boy’s shirts selling at_75c. each, this week very special 39c. Come boys and pick your patterns and sizes. Big Sale of Handkerchiefs 25 dozen White Handkerchiefs, lace borders and hemstitch, worth and selling at toc each, your choice only 5c. each. $1 Overalls for 50c. 2 dozen Men’s Cottonade Overalls, all sizes, very special, only 50c. pair. 25c. Muslins for 1c. All our fancy 25c. Dress Muslins for 17c. Come quick, they are dirt | cheap, your gain, our loss. $1.50 Peau de Soie Black Silk for $1. roo yds. of Bonnet’s Peau de Soie Black Silk, best in the world, very heavy and worth $1.50 yd., this week only $1. Another lot of Crum’s Indigo Blue Prints arrived, good pat- terns. 25c. Bottle of Pickles for 10c. 10 doz, William’s . Picles, large bottle, selling at 20c and 25¢ bottle, very special only 10¢ each. Snap in Sardines joo boxes Oil Sardines, this week only 5c. each 15c bottle Extract, all flavors, for toc. 1 barrel Fresh Roasted Coffee at 121%c, lb, Nice fresh lot of Sweet biscuits to hand Heinz's Catsup, Olives, Mustard Dressing 4 Ibs. Joose starch for 25¢..~ 3) boxes Jelly Powder, all flavors, for 25c. Pure Castile Soap 5c. Extra fine Chocolates and creams only 15¢. Big Shipment of Crockery direct from England, consisting of 25 Chamber Setts and 8 Dinner Setts. These will be placed on sale next Aveek at wonderful bargains. “Don’t miss this. Grosch_-& Pfeffer