Milverton Sun, 13 Aug 1903, p. 2

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. SET Ae é cite aed SALADA Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. lapan tea oearars Bar Green tea, 10 THE FURTHEST SOUTH ees EXPEDITION Two RS IN THE ICE-PACK. Good Ship Discovery Carries the Union Jack Nearer the South Pole. Renewed interest. in Antarctic ex- ake The return of the tellet ship Morn- Ing Star to England from the newly nm the Bare Mees: the Bisovery from hen nok of the Royal Society and the Royal Eeretice! Society, and. the: Brite e South Pole, reach- ing latitude 82 degrees 17 minutes, and establishing a world’s record for the os thest point south. e Discovery. left eyes in “ave |! ust, 1901, and New Zealean tember of the same yea, Sooee Supplics for three years. She’ enter- f ~ rene Sy ay The. satisfaction of having the washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soe. “Ba Mount her to a height of 12,000 feet, is one of the loftiest vol- bas ete ts ICY VOLCANO. of the sea to its crater, over ition of violent activity ir. ‘The reflection of glow- ing lava in the crai ag distinctly perceived, ai me of cors of Wie Hom .-party shout tey, could st java flowing’ down until baa Hae, lost under the cov- lering of snow. About twelve miles from the sum- mit of Mount Erebus rises its sister jountain, Mount Terror, to a ete about 10,000 feet. “It is a vol- eano. also, Migh’ toss “did not edo it in uption. Should both of these monster vol reached the nearest point t So le, oyal Geographical 3 lows? “Commander Scott, Dr. Wilson i left tl ae 15 miles to get the advance of ee “That dentist calls his office a ‘dental parlor.’ Isn't it ainera “It is, indeed. He should ‘drawing room: bus and Terror. In this MacMurdo Bay ite Discovery’ is, still ae t all on board are well, ne sciotine investigations are ae pressing Tlchtenant sunbkeltom’ =< se he party, returned to London a few y the oe the licutenant, peu that it has een proved conclusively that the stir part of the aateretie region Hon sent) by the Belgian overinent a few years ago, said: “The Discovery expedition’ t the ost remarkable SN etahanine ever inka? seas. We now bare news of the first really Serious and tone inthe interior of the MOUNTAINS AT THD POLE. ‘The belie te ae} pro’ at. the great ice it tia gouty tp ieee nit pobina de ti anon. ry, that the South Pole. quite likely te with hu mountains running furouae it cove ee ice. It is probable | held by Antarctic explor- or of Australia and New Zealand, from which it has been separated in the distant past. Sete eres hoble. fontasity between the animal and plant there, and in the islands at an see dent! at. this. Idest place on earth, Nine a i nde’ Haw Urea tee secepied fbiston. When we were down thei on the Belgiea though around on Wigvather side of the earth, we discovered that. we got the coldest winds from the south, Where the great. ice continent apparently lies. may expect to kar of valuable mague ing done by the the direction of establishing the rkable spot could ‘Murdo y ie no penned ae by the great ice. barrier te inlet which admitted the ship is Rie tightly, and ae ie Beott will havo to blast his fowering above this broad a ex yay and on its very shores rises oe ‘ou. on lea ly e at I tell you frankly pedition has a spre etic region is th SEDER yee e idea hat your father ayonta eae it 1 ens d to oe nae you’ see "par rat aae feideee Bethe tad Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminato hasno equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that you get the genuine when purchasin Mrs, Waring—‘‘He wes phaest to say I held my age very well.” Mrs. y' 2 of the tears of practiee you’ve had.’’ oc. C. RICHARDS & CO, Dear Sirs;—I have great faith in MENARD’S LINIMBENT, as last year I cured a horse of Ring-bone, with Yt blistered the horse but in jnonth nae was no ring-bone and no lara iS. eg ei MURCHISON Four Falls, 139 s Sateen Geeconeengi blue neck- pink. spots)—‘‘But voatanes a “ike one. ike that? Pm selling a - lot of them this year.’ sae Customer—‘‘Indeed! "How ry clever of you 7, ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIIERT emoves all hard, soft or callowed lumps Sie from horeos,. bion od Shi g g 3 <1 ERS ° the “those wonderful ‘Blemish Cure. ever be her (severe notice — that Chai et i ng again I don’t it.” Daughter fats not, papa, but Uneaualiet— a . Tho 0 for Dr. kin piles arly at fe feen everything ome of ther e temporary relief, but none would effect a UR. a = free from the distr nearly elghtee's mouths Shope y continue to recommend it. Machines are use Spector the o% ats pe Blas machine can deal with 8,000 ee a day. One woman and one machine; and’ thelr pay, lis 16 cents a da: Its enormous mass from the eel unconscious. he It is now in a state of wrecks" I inthe house, ou the landlady, with eee deli to in ree the woe Wego ce found | he Januai 1841 Seale for a long t f SLEEP CAUSED BY SHOCK. Maria ge @ pretty girl but at the slightest ant “tals back ew boarder Be Spee three ho! sual,’”” ht replied, _atably: “Tm not going fness Cannot te Cured dy local applications as diseased poi and De is ed by i con- dition of the mucous! lining. the Bu tachian ‘Tube, When this tube is inflam you a rumbh nd perfect hearing, and when it ia entirely Closed, Deainess is the result, and un- ever. Nine cases out atarrh, | which ie, nothing but an mucous ser Be Eg ed. condition of vee wil\ give One Hundred Dellare for case of Deafness (cause arr! thet cannot & red, by. Hall rh y S reulnrs, free. Cure SP CHENEY & UO., Toledo, 0. id by Dru, 75c. BOLL PY EINET Ea ate the best an’t you give my son'a Job tnthe ower segs rks?! Mayor : ‘‘What can he do ?’” Citizen: “Do? Way, if he could do anything I'd employ him myself.” Lever’s ¥-Z {aie plea): Saat ant Soap Pow is Rowe, 4 aieiafecte ee a eat the same -time. Edyth—‘‘Yes; I have decided to he fenilgy ikeed of aaah heroic treatment?” Keep Minard's Liniment in the Heise, “He married her because she was such a brilliant y S it Mixed The fragrance and rich creamy taste of this tea are peculiar to alone. Black Forty Cents Should be ae 6 G Ceylon Green “No social affair is complete with- out the delicious- Ask for e Red Label 401 A ‘The Masai warrior carrying his grease pot slung from the lobe of his right ear. ‘The pat in this case was a HoLLowar's OINTMENT Jar, and the lobe of the ear had been euetehed to get Teund the pot. HOLLOWAY'S AND THE Masai | WARRIORS. REMARKABLE IN INCIDENT. Mr. Jost 10 Mombasa, Hast te yrohlight war ing photograph, puke og by a correspoi dent of The Spher PILLS anp OINTMENT are used wherever the white man s set his foot. “Yes, I know; but——'’ ‘Well, no’ ae he he hadn’t for the” same isness Burdens Life.—The putons: an ig never a companiona Bs use his ailment renders him morose ‘an gloomy. ‘The complaint is not so danger ous as it is disagreeable. no one need suffer fom it who can -o Parmelee’s recstsbis Pills. By relate At liver oby ating the effects of bile ia the stomach they restore men to cheerfulness and full vigor of action. Ott ae Year +. wanntow's Soon ute ff mothers tor ‘the “Her marriage was eoeicaerd to her friends. eed?” ‘Oh, yes. ‘They all Gisted it would turn out ARAL and it didn’t.” a great dis- _They Drove Pimpl gentle ani Stthe Liver and Bowe thoroughly regulate tl ‘HE PLL: area wonderfully prompt and effectual, but sgn, remedy for all Aaisorders ls cee Sirk should never be without them. cleat THE OINTMENT agent kngwn for Old ns. Rheumatia on pied ts its talvence guts magically, a also most throat and chest Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street (late 533, Oxford Street), London. 4_13—33 GUR BRANDS. fag Edward ———“e0s Headlight” Ee ‘tEagio” ius & 2C33 “ Victoria” “Vittle Comet” ‘The liver and the kidneys are not per. forming thelr fanetions in the healthy way they should, and these. pimples ax fo let you know that. the blood protests” Batmelee’s Vecetable Pills will dvive them all away, and will leave the skin | clear and clea. Try them, and there Tenees Julius—“Would — you Ike. to live your life over again?’ Bdgar—“No: but I'd like to the moncy I have spent.’” The great demand for hod velinple an ee e for 8 the throat and I fully eating Biekloe AnecConsuapens Gerape te is| a purely Vegetable Compound, and acts | Cana romptly and magically in subduing all | 1 | along coughs, colds, Uroneliitis, infammatiou of the inn; tis so palatable that child w retise iinand eis put at a cl not exclude the poor from given by a w Quimperle, France, to celebrate the simultaneous, wedding of his four mous quantities of other “meats Bh eatables ola ale @rdered tha: pesides disposing of | much a Minar's Lniment iss is used by Physiclans Spot Givers agatl I — | bottle at once. | purpose ying. Na that beaut “golden hai n't real gold. hy: It’s a splendi id’ likene: ‘There area number o: f | Holloway’s Corn Cure will remov them. Call on your dru $25,060. ‘of preventing It's aie plait-|of last year, Will be another wituess to’ their ig for Minait's and and take no. other, Elvira (showing RS wore | grep 1 ? 3, th ous ae iet i Ey and get The barhod-wire fence which th n Go en: oe just en e cattle from of corns. Don’t Experiment wi British railway emp killed their ee 834 emplo; 5 ut of in the on se red 14 i| setting them, ‘ots of ther. a wall th hes game to e t Weite 3 free advice. Flies Carry Conteaes Kill the flies disease germs and too. ORANGES | “EMONS fehave Mexicans, | WE | California Navel HAVE |Valencias, and aes = |Carload © every week. Al! fe above at market pr Reece ater mabe. OA Butier, Eggs, Pouitry, Maple Syrupand other produce to advane ze for you. | WHE DAWSON cousgsion c0,, aie _ Ger. West Market &t.. TO: | 145 low vu 441 SSUE NO. 33-03 23 KILLED-A SCORE INJURED Fatal Collision of Two Circus Trains on the Grand ‘Trunk, A despatch from Durand, Mich., says: Wallaco Bros,’ circus ere wrecked yards hero on Friday and 23 men, re the second section an ‘our cars of | Sec a n Were completely de-/control comin; Was destroyed, and the loss to the as People attached to the train. Thi include ‘Trainmaster J, McCarthy, of the Grand Trunk. Some of the mals were killed. & AN APPALLING SCENE. ‘The scene after the collision was |F 2 S rible agony, ‘nd it is thought that seven more will die. ee CARED For, a‘ mn the scens in a very few minutes. All the phy- sicians and trained nurses in Were sent for, those in nearby Places were rushed to the scene on handcars. Tho Hotel Richelieu was converted into a temporary hospital, scores of volunteers with stretchers’ were in readiness, the dead, many of them — so_ terribly identification seemed pe pine i the Tbeentint before 8 80 m the wrecking crews (ait dead men Wher bade Sey ¢ |Company, who were also in the oose, are pate the injured. ‘The circus was ‘oute from Charlotte ——______. were lying on removal to the morgue. performers were on the a! 2 ste moving train and esc! Wallace Bros. say that their ross will be heavy, but heve given no estimate of It as yet. in cdarthee agond. ic that. the Wallaco shows have suffered within a month. OFFICIAL STATEMENT. despa’ ab from Montreal says: The G. 'T. R. management issues the j following ean Rapcent of the |accident:— At 3.30 on Friday morn- ig a ‘second mca of Wallace's jcireus. traing ent and animal men belonging t cus. It is reported that number are killed and _ injured. Among the killed are Trainmasto: McCart < Master of Transportation peices, of the Circus to Lapeer, Mich., where they were to lexhibit. BRAKES WOULD NOT WORK. Engincer Bropst, Fireman Colter, and Hebd Brakesman Benedict, who nd clearing the track Sat caning tet is injured and dead, TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. Nine ees Ee See a Dozen seriou: A ane aeonh Saye! Nine persons are dead, at are ae Philadelphia Na- tional League baseball park, A board walk, “which verhung the leftfield Bleachers fell to the street, carrying 200 spectators. Tho dent occurred while the Boston “team ted at be @ moment's warning two The ball players and others ‘tried to stop the mad Fish but they ‘were swept aside, Suzeral Persons were badly hurt in the crus! A is OF HORROR, cks. Wi ds cared for the inge jured, and the panes in the vicinity to th ried to oO) war quickly filled swith helpless men © St. Jo: sephié Hospital, é st police, Spaterer, T to give the opportunity. t is eerie that. fully ed who. went $ a ie ie BS n examination of. the walk after sho wed: many. of the extended Hamilton’s Great Carnival and Reunion of Old Boys, Thousands are sure to attend the great Carnival and Reunion. It is only fair to say of the people of Hamilton, Ont., that when hey undertake anything it is always well done. They haye that reputation, and this coming nonth, with their monster Carnival and Old if the whole time, according to the sire when there wont be velcomed home. band concerts and boxin the secend day, the Old Joys and WYelgrin Firemen ve parade. ‘There will be sailing regattas, and grand fairyland tlumination of the far-famed Hamilton Beach. city parks, and at night in the Armory siding there will be band concerts. Wednesday there will be a monster floral arade of carriages, a Gymkhana parade and Gymkhana sports at the Jockey Club grounds, ind a reunion of Central School pupils of the past-fifty years. On the evening of this day there will be a magnificent fireworks display in Dundurn and Harvey Parks. Thursday, he last day of the Carnival, is he Holiday n Hamilton. It will be a great d will be a Trades Parade in the sl with lecorated floats, and a work horse parade and King, and artillery and Infantry of many corps which has never before been seen in this Prov- nce. This will take sete at the Jockey Club grounds, and will © afternoon husiasm. Added to the attractions named is the Mid- nd tise held in the centre of a jich there are no less than fifteet eae Manis as follow: Trained Wild Animals in a Steel Arena. ‘The Streets of India. The House Upside Down, The Ferris Wheel. Dog and Pony Circus. German eae Down in Dixi ‘Aztec Twins. este of the Gods. sees Ben’: id Wild West. Moving Pictur Night in the Orient. If you want to forget yout troubles; if you want tohave ‘The railways are all issuing return tickets for ich theo foot Teysek see wall to be rot- ten. the ground Sreltiny took The ” |Prominent will join in producing a spectacle, the like of |his nd evening, closing the ‘Carnival in a blaze of | pra, CORONATION OF THE POPE. Most Magnificent Rite « ofthe Cath- A Rome despatch says':—The cere- mony of the c us including the high t partie: peta, in the proces- sion, ‘the diplomats ind those adhering to the bustle as the Papal procession, com- posed gf about peop) as formed. ‘The Pope seemed to cessio! Basilica in the same form as came. e was visibly fatieued, and ook d, and within less than an hour the ast Cathedral was em) Ke ed oats ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. Newspaper of Dundas Attempts Suicide, despately from Dundas says :-— edi: went home and Robinson Pirie sug- gested a stroll. “Wait a minute till ru airs,” was hi reply to the suggestion. na 0. hear a shot. t d streaming from a bullet hole in his temple. The unded man had evidently placed he weapon close to his head, for the. bullet went right Brainy Ho lnson, | Bitie Dr. Ross. When they returned ‘hed looking fondly at it. In answer to and they say there is just a chance of his getting over i. ‘Pirle'is aboHt-60 years. of age. He has a family of four sons, three of whom are in Manitoba. Ea ng back and he expired. neck from Party Will Leave Halifax Towards End of August. An Ottawa despatch se: the great show at single fare rates. d a entrance ugh the sacristy of St. Poter’s. ino, accompanied by his law, Princess. Beatrice, Gaughter of Don Carlos and bert of Parma, were the on- ly members of a royal femily to at-|tra quoted end.» Amon aristocrai wad a great inixture of those Roman nobles who main fai ‘hful to the | export oe the only tranquil ono among them | tack, Toronto, a 1. 60¢¢, ‘Toronto, Canadian corn pure- ‘As Cardinal Macchi, the dean of |!y nominal The his righ ht hand shook as he raised it| tinue good S|time after time to bestow his bless- eheoaed, fi re $ Saringet 98 er | O4e. Lard—Mar' Satiees HAslaapee Pita was atartion Tierces, oe “tabs, Ste: pails, 24 hurried upstairs |compound, 8 to on tle Market to-day, and sales were and in most instances at lower pace than last weel in which his wife's nas epeat.|Plied on a cheaper basis than pre- ed over and over again, but he could | Vailed las So drovers did no connected account of what|not quickly sell out, and a few loads led him to shoot himsolf, mained unsold till the close of the r, Olmsted with 4 were a fairly large nun tempted to remove the bullet. They exporters’ of excellent quality id ni Ithough they re-| offered, and as high as $5.12 brain, |tained for at least ono load, pica 2 wo FATAL HAYFORK ACCIDENT. | Young Farmer ot North Perth Re-|™ ved Fatal Injuries sold at curr Fae ‘qistations Walues, Aa these are inclined to be easier in sym-' ae pat! declines in the local | +d nn despite tho large deliveries’ al that Shy wil rarosta 2 ica ig ogee ei HUDSON’S BAY EXPEDITION Pi 1 THE MARKETS Prices. Find Grain, Cattl2, etc Trade Centres. ‘Toro! 1g, 11.—Wheat—The ith et, reg to at 30 to B04e high ‘eights, and No. 1 white at 32c Barley—Trade is" quiet: at 48c muda ‘Trelghts nd No. 3 ab 40 to 41 Rye—The mises 1a guiet) with it 48c middle freights Peas—Trade dull, with 2 Qui ace there was no less movement and nite oe qe od Gle high rolghte, 68c Sort ataetets js unchanged. No. 3 quoted at 61c on ‘0. 8 mixed at the cardinal deacons, placed the ‘lour—Ninety per cent. patent triple trown on the head of the ven-|qvoted to-day at $2.83 middle erable Pontifi, the throng of ty | freights, in buyers’ sacks, for ex- jousand ions gathered with’ Straight rollers of eck the cathedral burst into unrestrained | brands for domestic trade quoted at iF to $3.45 in bbls, o $4.30; first. he ceremony. Pope Pius ei mies bakers’, SESS had scarce-| Millfecd—Bran steady at $17, and ly strength left to impart the apos-| Shorts 50 hers At outside tolie benediction. Cardinals Macchi | Points bran is quoted at $15 . Bre 332; Manito- then reformed ‘and left the at $21 THE DAIRY MARKET: Butter—The receipts of ae con- ad the ceromony was over all] 1- ib rolls, 15 to Yee; selected dairy the exits to the Basilica were open- fee uniform color, a. ons es Ei ¢ ints, 18 to 19¢; e—There is very little doing, M prloee Siena ste to 100; seconds, 94 to HOG PRODU: cTs. 4. fin: hogs firm. Cured meats |¢,, man zc, mess, $19 to $20; do., short cut, shoulders, 104¢; backs eakfast bacon, 14 to unchanged. LIVE ae MARKET. Toronto, Aug. 11.—The e: aaa’ wok aul at cay the injuesd a man sitting up on|, The heavy deliveries of expor the bed. fe held a photograph of|tle are causing ight set Nhl big’ doadantite in his hand “and was thereof in the market, and hence buy- crs ot. inclined to operate un- list of transactions giv- sal he. sbutehor trade was quiet, thi ‘ket. The values of sheep kept up well, co and the prospects are low. icked iets, $4.40 to $4.60; od 0 $4.50; export at “33.80 to $3.60; market is quiet. We} new laid, 144 to]! 15¢; fresh (candled stock), Ic; sec onds and checks, 10 to Iie to report. We quote as gps |e $2.50 to $2.75 ewt.; culls, $2.00 to $3.00 each. rad : mes ere at 4 to Se per 1, unchan; We. oe ry to 200 Ibs., $6.50; fats ane tigate, 25e less. UNITED STATES beste!” Buffalo, Aug. 11.—Flour—Fina, Wheat—Spring, no demand; winter, red; No. 1 white, 80} 2, 58$o. 864c; No. 2 Northern, B4ibc; September, s B86. December, 883c. IN CYCLONE’S WAKE. Ottaws Valley Dill Destroyed m Killed and Injur n Ottawa despatch says :—A tei riflc storm passed: down the Ottawa and the bells of four, steady; No. I patents, $4.20/ 02%.) 8, 90 the elty, the vGanipbelt cara tae well ki of SORTER FOUR BOYS DROWNED. hese, pe & pont Sir St. George N. Hes lespatch bent —The worst fatality of the ye in ick happened at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, when ths lost their lives in tha | Meqaiiada io River, was no» boat ae pieintey. ‘The bodies were re- oa scale ea TO CONNECT WITH G.T.P.R. Temiskaming Railway to Be able in Teneth, Toronto despatc! way. ia New Liskeard northei that pur Pete. "The line rth to New Liskeard will be completed some months be- fore the contract expires. ‘The ex tension north to the @. P. R. be about 80 miles, This will mean a Government con- teucted and owned: Ontario raltway nearly 200 miles eee ae FIRED ON STRIKERS. P. Lowe, who charge of the ex- pedition which will be sent to son's Bay by the Three toe Kitlea ana a Score e purpose of in ting stock- unded in Mi fisheries there, is busily engaged in ers, 1 year to 2-year-old steers, 400 Perfecting his plans. a to 700 Ibs., $8 to $8.50; offcolors| A hm Russia, pes says: he .Departaients. of Spetne land piior breeding qualities, sam@|Three women cre ‘killed “end 24 Works, parece Interior, and {Price, $2.50 per cwt., and upwards, | wounded on eerie, when the Marine and Fisheries, will partici-| -About Hee tae cows sold foie fired’ o1 hi the strik- pate in the operations and gather |$25 to $48 % abet EOE to beriipe ae inform: oe i “especti Phe Sieg sade Was quict and h railroad traff iotars branches. ‘The expedition will leave | lambs Be pp end 1 to 1}¢ lower. ores 0. A magistrate, os a blr! lifax about the latter part of the veg quote: $3.50 to $4.00; | ficer, ad wits soldiers wer nth, bueks, | jured by stones.

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