Milverton Sun, 13 Aug 1903, p. 3

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\ Rai tes reason Médiam, y' Srace, fret |e mo. | Im [1 mo. clon Aa Rextooe ctioes oP TED Or rr eae | fia long interval between their $50°00/$30' 00} se oa} an o being gathered and being-eaten, that rs 00) 16 00) they lose most eir antiscorbutie 600} 9 00) 60 30 kh pet ace is served shortly. 10-00) 6 0| | $00). 2 00 Latter it is picked. and, hence contai 5.00; 3.00) 200) 1 00) the Ne, properties “which tay smnallea ‘say without ent Advertisements are charged at| the least hesita tion or reserve that "Trans the ais eof 8e. vst insertion, and 3c. perline for each s sassive insertion, G.T. R. Time Table ‘Trains Hue to leave Milverton. Gore NonTH GorNe soorit, Mixed. 10:48.a.m, Express. .9: xpress 6:42 Mikea Mixed THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1903 Sir Edward H. Carson has been appointed in Edward Blake’s place as Senior counsel for Canada in the Alaska boundary case. He is known in this country only by reputation, but the fact that he is Solictor-General of England argues that he must: be a man prominent in the high courts of the realm, e. wr wito answered advertise ments in eheap ‘story papers” ha: Rid apities inverceting ex perioncel, edge an exchange. learned. that by A e found out— hold of the tops and pull.” Be Ente he wished to marry, how to make the answer came it re: an pein iy balla met pete see is migney donbled. |Next per line, nonparicl, for the lettuce will pi s|on Big i down vast. Lettuce and pe Sealine: Medical-Talk says : ‘“Lettuce is an |e solute preventat re of small AP is i egy of Yegetable nt sinallpox eS enouseu times vacci patg lettuce daly will not catch _stuallpor, whether he be vaccinated o1 FOOL Mrs. Turnbull, of Gult, who’ has been visiting her sisters Mrs. ee and Mrs. Chalmers, returned to home. Mr. and Mo spent ey Mr. P. Masi ree Smith, of Bart, is wiatieg hls ancle Mr. Fred § Die .e A cia gel and Mrs, Large and Ati Mary lett ou Thal friend Mise Bihel Misses Blanche anil Viole Mugwood jhave returned home ¢ yisit with frien Mrs. Jean M Janet after a pleasant, in Hanoy 2 and daughter ave returned to Stratford after ig a few weeks with Mrs, Peter _ Bergson, es eke called on her friends Quite. a pate eas bean feck attended the garden party on th Manse grounds, Miilbank, last Thurs- lay. MONKTON edding bells are going to ring urray, of Kinkora, snopes Sanday with friends in our villag Ou price paid was..9 ar. of Harrisbug, are “quick.” pide e the devil and ney nd ent.” nd that idee: him, but his brother wrote to find out hew to write a letter without pen or in! @ was tol {ead peneil.” id $1 to lea how to live withoat work, and was told on a postal card to “Fish+for suckers as we do.’’—Ex. Bleeding The | Member. The Weekly Sun in an article re- cently, refers to the habit of bleeding mémbers and prospective members of parliament ase practise that shou be dis says Pengercae reais Ld 8 lists, no E Ea $ g = 3. modelled? ‘The first nah waited apon with the necessary s iption fava ts rember toe ther canstle: ueney.- Isa church or society pien' bei “Ot Gicksies bat opponentat the Jast election, or ne pioaiceltre opponent eding contest as well, 1 t is pending, the rack ¥ ago, when rtheres ‘distrioe was renioaelied: it was se zi Wi iieans, that an election, was pains and thatthe active workers on both could be tapped for liberal. sub- ptions. And the suggestion was red. pe ut illeyitituate f Hone ce Is, the tolling of patropage, an 8 is ie ote be ‘orms of plunder of a ar’ the ‘ule ‘fonds 8 ed an of|an improv far t | wheeled out ic} away. The remains = @. seratners drove to Mitchell Lon Satur: » any church, society, or orgauiz-| day and ation. It is all the same to tlie wan, pe ene with the suDsertption 1 hi He) may be spared to live for years in hi at pi t visiting with the former's brother ‘oseph, who has been very i r the past five weeks. isses Horne, of Mitchell, spent Sunday in our village, the guests of Mr, John’ Chalmers, of B: Brenner, spent Sunday with friends in the yi lage, tr, Joseph Johnstone is jandsome new dwelling hous 1 ie cold bougs for the kitohen: it adde atly to theappearance of, Main st. fr. Chay Henry, of the boundary west, spent Sanday. with friends on the 14 con., Logan. Leona Sends has his house brick- just- fine which make: instanley ee end. Mr Rejberk Bomand, a Suetord, was in our villag: Mis sa ‘of Bornholm, : village on m Sada Uoieapent ueiday bag aalest oh Julius Horne. We aré sorpy. ge Cerda of the death She had been ailing for about one month and grin Deathshas taken her were interre the Lutheran cemetery near our vil- lage on Wedues anda large nuiiber ot sorrying f e present at the ceremony. ch symbatliy is felt for the be- Ma rgaved o (Too late for last week.) Miss Lilian Terry. after about five weeks - with Moles ‘of Stratford, gave onr village a call on. Tuesday The. vig rain on Tuesd stopped baying in this vie few hours Mr. D.M night for a ¥ enzie, of Ingersoll, was on Wednesday “on lends spent Sunday and Felative: abe. on, of Bluevale, js ing with iia motherin= T. McEwen. wy friends uf Mr= J. ein our xillage. D)olds. "Two of the rob vilnieeadehiad ;| color, with th List of the Milverton. for i All persons having business at the ° | Court are required to attend at ‘the | dressy, we are simply telling you and Mr. Michael Stock, of Kuh: ile, visited Diana in our Village o1 vee day mat ge race between Black J: Silver Jim and Long Peter on eee day evening resulted in favor of Long eae ee about three iss Maud Merryfcld, of, Paliner- ston, anda friend, spent our “lags, the guests of Mine X Merryfield. Ane PT PR rrr SPECIAL BARGAINS IN STRAYED. ith ~~ aa! ves Jotin Hein- pacts ve tie" Cattle? 7 Yearlings and 4 Two- keer the rest being Heifers: are rea i be ne exception Cd eae actne ecovery will be well rewarded by notifyix Joun HEINBUcH, Nwoop P. QO: Don't Forget to call at the station store} for your Sugar, Fruit Jars, and Fruit, such as "| Qherries, Red and Black Raep- berries, Huckleberries, Etc. erry Prices are right. All kinds of Producé is taken in ex- change, for Were the highest market price will be pa Barrel and“ Leose Salt in stock i H. Yost cn MILVERTON STATION Village of Milverton oe ae pasneeiie| Ready-made Clothing... 3 Friday & Saturday JULY 31st and Aug. ist TAS RAIA ARAB E IA AAA AAAI IRI A TR IE 3 : ies - We will séll clothing at the 2 following reduced prices: Zz $12 Suit for § > 10 HE 3 6 : 4.90 All other Ready-me in same proportion. W. Ke. LOTH 3 & *% « ea % me € = 7% ae SUS R MSY OMe BEER 2. SORTER IIE AS FH Sal RAIS WwW iederhold & Honde stich Express Wagons “iCourtof Revision of Voters’ List NOTICE is hereby given th Court wil Vote Judge of the | Couty Court of the County of Perth, GRoscH’s ee Minverron, on the 29TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1903, at eleven o'clock in the forenood, to hear apd deteriing.the be pis aints of errors and omission: the ‘ote! Manieauig of aS eaid time and place. Dated. the 28th day of July, 1903. W.D. Wir, Clerk of the said Municipality. Ladies’ Summer = Shoes Miss Canada and Mrs. Canada want to be cool footed this summe: Aik tell you that Our Ladies’ and Misses Summer Shoes are comfortable and what our gustomers tell us. alt and Mrs. Hugh rath it gundam i Ser. rvlisge ford, spen' 4 thes cng ‘of the Ia ‘8. A. “H. Wisoo, of | a Galt is (ee neomgne e parental con, es Logan, at Mr paws ete! Miss Jul ia, BM Miss Sina ‘Stock, | Empress Shoes for Women, Yoursy ars G. Grosch .& Son Gepn. Slater Shoes for Men. =a | 2 the styles point this way..” When we ] aman with self-satisfaction as to We have just received a few dozen of Express Wagons sizes, small, medium, and large, which we can sell you prices. _ They are wcll made, strong, and will last a few The price of then, w oe they last is $1, $1. oz eo Vall Pictures A beautiful range. _Take.a lodk at our windows. , REED CHAIRS, call in and Big reductions in GO-CARTS get prices. Undertaking and Embalming. Wiederhold & Honderich THE«BIG- HOUSE. LA E| iGeod Clothes 3 Gain Prestige oa You'll take “Your Everywhere. into : consideration Spring Looks” at once if you've the enviable characteristic ‘“‘ Up-to- Dateness.” We make the kind: that fills his appearance.. Every suit a recent style, avstylish fit, and fit’ possession. £. Knechtel, Leading Merchant Tailor, We purpose giving away a number of good Watches Given Away Free Watches--good time-keepers, stem winders and stem setters, suitable for any man or boy, to the person guessing nearest to the time that the watch will stop after being wound up each Monday and Friday, at. 12 ocloek, (noon). A watch will be given away at 9 o'clock on Saturday night, and 8 oclock on Wednes- Every. cash purchase of goods to the ex-- day night. tent The Eve's, Aug. 8th. Make a Guess. E. H. DIERLATIM Wiilverton’s Great Bargain House. tof One Dollar, cash, entitles you to a guess. first wateh will be given away on Saturday’ The Coilverton & Sun THUBSD! Y, AUG GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES pend ee Rowley, the y the Loan Co.,2was ‘sentenced to rs in Kingston penitentiary. JUST 13, 1908 fron ‘Weatmnibster, he stipend. prom: ol Sih wince nats a8 ae 8 ho idays. ee a sheep bares ep meee in’ the Sterli district : “500,000 pounds ne ie ea wool Bayete: artic ene 1 chipped as faa as iti i gene G& e Uni ¢| Guin Club ee two Sac! ago thousands of ae ish iver ine fy. ne einen brought’ ee of the hee an ors. of this oa on, SR ipting y; the Hi froin | the de: © to rk bullock until | ali the work was done was six minutes | and five’ seconds. Alex. re 8, whi ich] | stance from wher rel o the ch to soon as possible, wounds. vistock Gazette. n Hai iver atoat bee 3 froin Mitchell, met wi day Secop je mower an ee play’ the he cites = the eae estent hee and | Worl Ww. on ‘which each diner puts one: penny— | Méd: rt icked up it was found that the ey ee ‘was taken off five inches above the ankle, and the right one es as badly lacerated,but will not have yn. their. sufferer ee caretilig looked after, and she is doi expected under. Ee lis areata ae ing ag well’ as could be| patroni: the circumstances. costs each by. On Fey tae a moon a cyclone tion of Plympton two miles of st, wind and Ber of barns r ere Wr Hail fell to < enc of three re stripped and 0: out- and” besten The litdegratn of- feo business a co ‘al exemplification. sh aia do not-take th ary oat eliers“at-the he ‘the:+*com- frst comer acts With the 's vith ordin bi sie ine ie oe & —for the suppol of Association. counted by the screens of the. pile: three kept received in a year is tof eons apt d-tis due i eace into. the} A Roman Catholie congregation in a town notfar from Belleville took a unique way to li thie themsalves each to give ale ti ch, calves to be kept by! the sel an ae ae ae neat became kes place in ne near fab, when to be sold, and cit the aa gation in ample money to indebtedness. —Belle- ville Intelligencer. King Edward has taken which will greatly pp pein yooh officer w to Majes ¢ him if he w ald issue inorder s he AS was a vin 7 interfer- be. much inki ing it in water that he peepee a toast as k ed ief that consumption is ae rather than contagions very recently nm Ww pular nitary pr contagio: Superiative Ear. ell, legal lecturer in with the exeepti words, bas pothing tae kind. Ove cS ne| Revision of Voters’ List | action jer te TICE is he: | £0 eS. 0. 1897, Ca ¢| on or before the ve| ist DAY OF SEPTFMBER, ikguceuch an, posible mecanayestads (4 ton Dost office,'a statemel : ni a Fa July, A.D., 1908. art |. Joi NOTICE NOTICE is ees given that Court. will be held, bureuant to the Ontario. Voters’ List Act, Hononr, the sade of the County. of Perth, at Donley’ hall. in the Village of New ton, sth DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1908, pean 2 5 ven o'clock, a.m., to hear and determine the several complaints of 'S an misions in th oters? lists of the municipality of Morning- 1903, All persons having business-at the court are re nine to: attend at the said time and p iN WATSON, Clerk. Dated the 200 ar of August, 1093. Notice to Creditors | In the matter of the Estate of James McCloy, deceased. creby given. purswant , and amend- acts, that all ort h, farmer,’ dece sath who died on or about the nd day of June, A.D., 1903, are hereby meieed to deliver or send b: executor al i rehe of the sai e township of Mornington, Milv nt in v addresses, fal pal fate Folate. aulten abate ities ( tit any) held by Heiage ee fidavit. And ni r given that iin- mediately after the said First Day of September, he said Execu- Aor asd Miveaiestewtik se eed to dis- ‘ve $ 5 any. part habe, to any “person of persons of whose: w | clajime notice een not neve been re- digiibaton them at the time of -suck’ Bt Milverton, this 28th day of OHN Nooror, Execntors - ¥:McCrox, Exeeutrix. ‘Once a Customer. False Economy of Cheap Spectacles, Sight is to precious to trifle with. When buying spectacles buy a good pair. We use per- fect lenses, They cost a little more than the’ common kind, but rheir difference in- comfort is worth many times the differ- ence in price. Don't forget that we carry the best stock of up-to-date JEWELRY and are always able to satisfy you. Eyes examined free. P. H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician Always One.. The uppermost efforts ir our business is to make out Watch Repairing and Jewelry id, dealings such that the buying public will ‘realize the-advan: tage of making this a favorite store- in’, their Jewelry puro. chases. Reliable goods for the least money, -correct in style ané artistic in design, is our assur- ance that it pays to buy at this store... You.-have- the; assur-~. as/ance.that when you buy at this = | storé: your get:the, best value ‘ OF your money. Js WELSH..&. SON, STRATFORD. Marriage Licenses Issued Con. fidentially=- Optician—Eyes. Tested. Frees,

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