DI 6 PA a Be a hakear we a aE zs , ta THE NOBLEST HEROES the Moral Heroes, {LL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLs FFOR a Sea. Hints for the Bus: of the Soil. pe to Die for the Right. ato the names of ths proneat rue miritoal ‘as well as in the temporal brot dvised try | vat Gomi Dodd's Eidney: 1 ri me aoe thre Fe) geo orkert the History: ey Jeo "Christian hush B85 Dodd's “Banos 3 Pills ong We urte sed fi e shbole Hi lene dee wars lange ripe. phe apples should be crushed _be- brown the pomace should be laid up a cheese. Whatever character of press is used, | t pomace Sere is straw ears around OUTSIDE or ‘me CHEESE. ways of Waren site process of vine- eee t it is euaaey oe appearance made, v Bottled ineger “should be bit up in qui old meat choppe e3 tub with a peste cas i: water in - lard pres: . Put on the follower-and be- ce pressing. the pomace has turned Dees We ng sunny aking, poe Ane cagaging him. tell doctor, 2) “Oh, surprising r ‘The dos ant 8. jelly making and save the Wash the sauce dishes at the and the rinsings of any dish’ that ror syrup hes beet in, and put all t in the firs ‘And when it is full and wel fermented and sou! vu smal e of mother and let stand til vinegar is made. The all is clear, and p the seconé as ; currants, raspberries, grapes, nu will e the oar a delightful favor and olor, sara BEANS. ees t problem in bean and threshing, but this is fae penniek. their flavor and color when allowed to sweat in the ‘A good w way to ‘thas beane es Tt beans are the day eS and ordinary fanning will clean beans quite well or they x in a d stiff wind by let- ting them fall, say, ten fe t m as screened beans. I! for nearly much as hand-picked ns, hence it does not pay to hand your pear aler in- on hand-picked beans, the fol- ~|lowing method will clean so t he will never know the angle of 45 degrees and in front of this put a board. tho beans fall on this from a consider- able heig! nd youl will bd. Chat if ie board Is; sot. at: the right dis- sence Prout iis ack the sound, ae r over : while tho dire an Std ibeana 4k bean: aore er edge of the eS i Lv els three eal thee to sold for hand pleked. Ee A DOUBTFUL TESTIMONIAL. A certain physician has been much teoubIed OF Tete with drunken — ser- aes advertised | tee ies day for a footman, and f ny applica- one thing,” said tho Futevarhnicte “ares you: wy" yes, sir, hea ” came tho tbr ix Bill searching tor & footman: Shia tras ion jam-makers are at present ond pontectinls 1g 600 tons of ee jam The Byes: Aius “320 a ton ains' at a but in spite of horseli she can- be he C3 ne nd Aa ay cause to. curtail hor infuenc S the vanpires in rthotogieal mes sod th H SBAND'S RESEONSTRILITY. ¢ not rm from following lee. “tee: tor | {ve to ug your gospel. help? but in the keine T want ay wie | trea my mother, my dau; roti and hot, Build up a fire and stew er A dish of ‘ Forcs,’a bow! of cream, Is just the food to fit our asd cep ys us cool,” orce’ ‘Tue Resdy-to Barve Cerca) not a blood heater. igor ned a at es ob ak i Jim Dumps exulted, “We a) o not, On Summer days so close ed “¢ Soy jim.” CSET fee Bg ie n Peace and War | Or, The End of It Ali be ta: rest for a 4 there did inquired] The kidney: G CHAPTER XXVL. use they are too reckless jbece |life, and in the excitement of the e twenty-fourth day of April, | moment cxpose thecal ves wi crim wher On th rouge hundred and_ seventy-seven | ‘the ga ofall the Russias oa nar ekae fc cane gets ire 9 : ig Wacaunioa Gara (amined oe for to his people: that, powing his |{ion than the Turk. FE le < : Almig Talnctestity sBaciared ain, Skobeleff and Gourko were ar against the Ottoman<Empire. |Hampered by being in Christian nations suffering eath |f 80) the lash of Mohammedan hatred; quarters on the Danube. stories were told of shocking cru At first the Russians seat cto ties practiced upon a oppressed | 2" all before he an se : is coldly Worded statements chronic snepestinee rf “ine enemy ; wai t self-laudation, its rolling sts inant upon as as a ote Bier taried jut mock reluctance, fourteen letters cher the Danube lore the opinion. At present,” he wrote in the ond week in July, “‘everything as, be of all. | ‘Phat word was—‘* Copetaiyeion® ple. Before tee official opening of hos- ed. ant q mal upon the Pane, and actually pa sirecta, 1p the midst ops unsuspected. had mil ery. discipline beginning make itaolt felt ‘hroughowt tie ites he discreetly v ed, and, crossing | ig! e Danube in a small boat, made |{ormal, possessi sno. (being entirely ‘ain for th {distinct uniform; but His staff his way south his time Eng- | t : land began to recerve the benefit or rias The ; Turks. area Rake a Jane jliently conecived and steadily |™ixture of impassibility and stub- executed plan f tr itti new: YE se aaa oa S. t Paes their total ing ety e 0) © find himself invariably bility rr geht nae se abe wwihere | Tes, oo the. pare Russians events of Interest might be occurr- |™&v turn the tide “mideniy upon from this time ‘until ie peta. One ai eat to © gre khiey ceneelaas ees Danube will { 45 catetlly sted information | oh the ime tha’ continued to set eastward rig | Which: the: meget o on, jin England, the During the mon hae that followed [pondent = "Pope any brave men came to the front; neh ut sew “repit ae aR Se in 18 fayoeat ths Masia: and la cae heinerh lack ko {sithouRt a retreat wag. not As met = Goole Brower oe their per- | of, it was held certain by Be, alin assump- tion ots eae nlaig aay ty a something hard ily sw eee but a trates ‘with to you ok Tailiee. stain of three thousan¢ lives lost in one bold march upoi his military. remnutation—temely,. the | ERdaisser Bpeaeanr etek Oe Toe crossing of th Balkans; while hs wild, Gages |Dr. Ghase’s Ointment |, odin | sag tonajatactucers bees escanioed a be timonials in the daily Tress and ask your neigh: ithin ‘The d will have im. that two pms children”? experts that move men were ul¢o- fell in the sto: of Minh redoubt, | lutely required by in and three thousand more perished in -otder to seoatinne: the. campaign. ae is is sxe, these reckless in a priv ee: a kde sea which was not pu er that “the Russians played, in a liter-|“‘a wbtle change in the aunosptere ai ea weil:ea, metaphorical eens yf th uphill game. aes ony ee storm tide is t heights, ‘“‘rush” re i vance on trenches poled en Rer- | Piev he come dan rifle in, the ‘Handa: of the Turk. |to five up sng ubiquitous endea OW: ‘to ‘watch one spot only. ws éa energy; on them you inust s special way of fight! Bites apis poral fof uke Senate ‘ments sians are not brilliant. ee se attac She Nursed the Sick And Ruined Her Health = for Months Mrs. Myles Lay a Helpless Sufferer From Ko:vous Prostration and Cradually Crew Weakor and Weaker. —————————— Sr., of eee Chase’s Nerve Food I began to = Mrs. John Myles, S Woodslee, Essex Co., Ont known throughout the su country because of her sori anon a au lay weak wihin of nervous. prostrat t tors could not help ber nenvous solved to 9 aes isordet ersons to Pood. As sh ations 7 nog decribed Says oes thoroughly Sacred: at it and ret. mn, ng th b treatment to othe ers qegn is sute that I owe a, pee ‘sod has been the moans of bringing back | health, if not life doar t health and happiness t many Chase’s Nerve Food.” kened and eee sufierer | Nervous ee and exhau: from diseases of the ner tion, headaches, dyspe nate. izzy Mrs. Myles, writ Atte be-| and taintin ae spe pel BS lo gan the use of Dr. Chase’s rv tor feeling: or pn ate ‘ood I was confined t S vonemy what the doctors said was treatme: prostration. iy st hand “in hand ‘weak and I could mot sicep at ‘adual, any tl ti more certain hills and — trembl WSs cs otto your increase étor me at timxs and ve to your be getting weak tha firm he time. e | and diese is. Doing siaes. ‘on top of the heat a oes a x box a es $2 uch suffering an j A tall After using faite a preg boxes of} an Doe pr thee Bi unfiltered and eaiping forward Had ig he Minne: she. Jollee letter, ee i ore ‘Trist, retreating slowly from 4 adv the Northern army, held a different. against us. But the time is as hal as nce he is unlike a t is useless,” He co very eels indig Trist aid Spy foe ‘work again for] or sont post paid The % BS To thab Da Chace Gintrmentie nceriain fe absol cure for each bors what they think g/it,, You can uso it apd 23 ae that | e “forint. Tt! th nme sc ‘vrowe'son tet! KIDNBY TROUBLES CURED BY DR. WILLIAMS’ PINK PILLS FOR PALE PEOPLE. it said sony |Saores from ‘This Disease are in erape We'con sctat |: Grank Pail ait Sapa teeta Other periment we Medi From the Sun, BERS ‘Ont. u are left clogged with Roleonove ime im- purities. Then come the tach t commun-|that mean fatal kidney iecabe: hi jon't neglect that bi a mon Strike at the root of the ymapt { kidney trow as-| very firet oms pear-| ble by enriching the bleod with Dr. iili cine tha’ es the blood rich, ape ee but he had not “begun writing when|and. bealbh-giving. da} Mr. Wi Es jm. Holland, of ae Dr. Christ- |bloo and nerves, give new strength and esi up, pen in ents; Among the complaints cured @ sniile /by these pills are rhoumatiamn, ner: ¥0 Us Siscrdere, este ‘alysis, pac Vitus’ estion, ane | troubles and thet culos ¢ that | the 1 of 80 many eioart lable. Sold by all Deaistne: “aealars, Fe six boxes for $2.50, by e Dr. Williams” ‘Medicine Ee arockviile, Ont, Don't tole & tute at any set the le can cure. ater, PITCHFORKED INTO FAME. Edison’s aleness | Put Him on the d to Fortune. statement that has been fe ing iS no! c Company. ‘The pa: Fi cularly “large, but work wi light,-so light that New York, order to make sure that the man on the Hub end erate was. ab nding to ae anged — for about utilizing his spare t device Which would beat the oa ones’? who ruled the New Yort of z Banh taer 3 | ga | Lie! "the cee signal ou. give my as die a next Ee posoutd ‘to olditach ie a houschold wor ell. fever v y Mr. Fadi- son's friends that ke got along with oT sleep. Then the donoue- pment: caine“ in the form of a “pall {for Toston from New nt a ly an h ator was pounding aw e off “Bn ° ly “the oe for Be Ston answer came peated. - All night long the were watched, and when | morni came the manager at ae the ot, knew least “he sand without saving cai ae easy s faker sndling | | clock rie |qOnk “the telltale wires and the | | t mechanism, That night when the future r had decided to in telegraph- hich tale ‘oats diechargs: rea new well enough what he so d