__ take of the hospitality of his friends ~ failed to recognize thathe was loyal to < : nina has a pair of calves that i building fe lots at boom prices. youel hate te.Cai Canadian, fi ewspaper in tl a de Best Advan mele Rope, ition | ty Pe 30 if Hi 80 paik frtoste peo ADVERTISING RATES, SPACE, ies 30 00) $1 00°16 00 00 00) 00) e Shamrock green with envy. mies no fault. 0 of the “name,- Sir ‘Thomas:. If he cannot lite the cup with & Shamrock, wh; sel. sl leas haelerenen in British craft got atter her, nanirock is getting used to it. ‘Transient Advortisements are charged at | She ong! be a: first’ class chal- the rate of 8e._ frat insertion, an 8c, per line for each anc: sessive insertio G. T. R. Time Table ‘frains due to leave Milverton. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 19038 The designer of the es Yacht builded worse than he os It is not likely that liberal orators uring the next election will be chilled by the question, ‘What about Tarte?” we @ Ba pect u The Poronto Telegram is offering good advice to land speculators when | ¥ it urges them not to buy Winnipeg The present session of Ci is Hou ~the longest on record. se | has been in session now oe one hund: red and sey ix days, and proro tion will nt “Tikely take place until Ogtcber. Vhe: previous record was oue hundred and sixty-eight days. That Sir Thomas-Lipton is a noble well as a true sportsman | © pati was evidenced by his refusal to par- and admirers at Manhattan Beach, who tendered him a dinner, when they the Irish flag only..when surmounted dy the crown to which he holds alle- giance. Canadians and Britishers generally should be more proud of Sig/Thomas on this account than if he lifted the coveted vu Making Him of Use In the World. (Loronto News.) The Hon. Dudley Gladstone Gor- on of tl enticed t fi joiner ‘The Harland the Countess have just ada Sets a e(iikteburerDespaish can waters, It is charged by the fears men of Erie that hue ake ican reve- Tine, nonpagiet, for the| Jenger a thist time. was the defender afraid of jainrock wasn’t going ‘The money Lipton vainly spende'in trying to I cup would lift many a mort you know, for way s! i wae Shanirock bail no show. in she orld. Fyery time she tried to beat the Rollanee, the ellance would ran away from her. Let’s change the thingsaround about, see what we sl Teuitotie terden's dre ihe cup, ‘The cup may Cee ete A Prosperous Canada. the Reliance to jibe tl has published a statement of the surplus when the out staiding accounts land all met, will uount to fourtee: ae a half snillions, the best showing in the ‘his: tory of the country. Stole The Teacher. * ‘Au. inepectons visiting -Chuddian school, was very ation worried by rather taller than the others, “talking agreat deal, he caaght bin i his own eRe ir, saying. Guano ofan naurinker: wanelehaed appeared around the ‘door, and a meek little voice said, “Please sir,’ you've got teacher,” —Little Chronicle. com BU NORE OM: To THE EpIToR OF TH “If these poe were cw they flower it mraus t be long until they were killed off entirely, Itshey ike lial the. indienqriivocuse trorble poihacite. Hoping thet a blot wilkke sufficient, I reiain, Yours truly, RATEPAYER Brunner, Aug. 20th, 1908. Laugh with the Worid. May's Sorrows own, and Me Shoald Nat ae 7 erga Chey tuk iw Altay OE quoted, was writ and first appeared inthe Sis Lonla’Gourior.on: danuess 8rd, 1 If wes written om the occasion of a iven to George D. Prentice, the yeteran critic and author. urned to writ! eice obinedennare wens: It is said to be that Canadian fishermen, while abundantly Poe ed in their o lower wages act nally o compete eae euly ate Ame: pr Seu Calf Fostry. * ‘Toiedo.Blade ea ays : “Miss Pairy nnot be beaten ib, this seotion of on Bjorious Republic, s somebody will write, a Syibdas Brout thetic ee Pose iid Mary's Jittle Jas Wee are in with,this Fairy had two little ele, hey, y,.were SO very see 2 _ That eVeryone iho saw them, hi vex conld not be beat ‘ove,ia qur bumble effor' “Fay had a pair of salves, n | argument. ‘ol. Joyce handed Mr. Prentice. these “Langh and the world laughs with you 1 weep alot This fara old earth intist borrow it/a It has ‘roubles enough of es ged e hills will answ Sigh. it Ssiee in the air, The echoes Bound to the sor sound But shrink from voicing cai “‘Be glad and your friends-are many, Be sad, and you lose thein all, There eA uanly to an your nec- But sine copuretcink Hee jal: There is aA in ae halls of pleasure For’a | and lordjy. train, But tong one you must all ae on "Through the narrow balls of “Beast your halls are crow ae and the world goe: ce ‘and. give, twill Ip yon to liv jo one can help you to-die, apnea na each gE pir di: egal ay Reliance ‘makes Te ‘auae, y ‘The Shamrock was beaten fairly | on enough, but it was awfully rude, don’t | risk: co! The tak herger ec ccisae of Ottawa rere prother from Australia whom he-hi n for @ time, and Fatendat take asin hig: tetore oe Hoste - Merryfield, who hes been visi with friends in Galt for the vast to, weeks, returned on Paced Ellen ouanne: = nother, 0 have been visi! t the erence of Mr, Joseph Near for the past two months, left 1 a Weltaeday: their home in Dra: Seon The hears Tain of Saturday stopped harvesting operations ‘in marie for som 2. Remember the rn Home ae 1 which is to eld in the jz pero ist ‘ehureh on Friday evening, ept. Itis dangerous t ‘o be a man in: busi- ness, you're apt to get bluffed, bat the e Who does the bluffing runs larger 8. fect a aS, Minto Speaks Plainly. vesleats Smith.) events, was fnid at the Montreal Conference, and it was said by the Governor-General. ayurof Slantetbenemates onies, his Excellency told us, were past: i wae tine: that we should be a'nation. hy @ eettlement of Englishmen should ever have: been anythung else than a nation it is har iy England assurediy gained nothing by a distant thanks for all the atin things. whieh it has sae There is uae s little to be said in favor of that co STATION. STORE, is the spot for _#FRUITa_ Large shipments of Plums and. Peaches arriving daily. A call solicit- ed. Examine our goods and compare prices before you buy J.B Yost & Son MILVERTON STATION Mea bebe logit alia 4 fe Ll fer ae Ce, FIR Mntaet esse ae in Suits: Have you a big boy, age from 14 to 17, who wears short pant suits ? HERE'S A CHANCE TO + BUY HIM A $5.00 suit for $3.5 $4.50 “ “ $3.00 $4.00 “ “ $9.75 Don't Miss This Chanee REE BE daaenoda res RIT ARI RERTTEREES TRON and BRASS BEDS Can't be beat for Comfort, Style, and ‘Strength. We have them in all designs and a:big assortment to. choose from, ranging in price from § "$4.50 to $30.00 Call in and inspect ti¥em, our salesman will be pleased to show you through.. Undertaking and” Embalming. Wiederhold & Honderich - S . Ladies’ Summer Shees Miss Canada and Mrs. Canada want to be cool footed *this summer... All the styles point this way. When we tell you.that Our Ladies’ ands Misses Summer Shoes are comfortable: aad dressy, we are simply telling you: THE BIG HOUSE. A | Pretty as a Picture| Are the Suits manufactured by ie =a Tailor-made Merchant. Tailor, Milverfan. - 3 3 3 : LE. Knechtel, Ontario. Has in stock a large assortment of Black and Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds, Ete., to choose from, and can make them up on the~-shortest notice at what our customers tell us. _ most reasonable prices. Perfect Fits and Good Work Guaranteed - and soaked into the soil, and the soil Eee! ‘sugar are very ee abilant ee: the ‘prospe shipment of » Fall Goods . . . including Dress Goods Silks Ready-to-wear Blankets Flannelettes Underwear, Ete. Stock Complete in All Depart- ments for Skirts Fall Trade EH. The Milverton Sun THUBSDA SEPTEMBER 38, 1908 GENERAL NEWS CULLED FFOM ALL SOURCES Tre caleye peeey county are 8 ill «fter the “Foxy”? Smiti-, sut ee ene ae Aittle success, Henry Girsel; ey, A resi- wee oe Wallace, died 2 home of | } his daughter near Fergus se ace between the Reliance and Biamibek woe postponed on. Saturday on account of the gale off the Atlantic co ..t. Mr. tstiacan of Aer ite! ved invitation to iene cael aga lon. Diz Kerr, the captain of ae Seni e urling team that ae es ast winter, is prepa: voli tire on the] Canadian Pie which “will be published vat an early ac | aa ticles: hea West.” deen repor at the ee agar ‘ome of th fre spring ea fond it Seis cout-of ae Th Fee one 2 ca rang: er investigation was} and th following is the result of their déliberatio: That Overholt Bros. a1 pe E. th Six acres of bests jot sabore the rock and.over the land whence and spring takes its r maar aad as the in the beets that store the saccharine matter had been filled shay overflowed ame so. sweeten receiving a har tiie talks he eh are Imperial. Amber, Buda P. ~ Baers g a All thr 's Golden farm es seas war vowel roy the St. Lay friendgtie. ices wilb be nice and inesdy: of him, but if the : Saal vessel follows their usual ‘when in Joreiga. harbors they will, he taking soundings all alo channel ei a view t future emer- 'gencies. A fightin played havoe with a ’s being. condu to the eae by the Mghtaing rods when it ci Fi makin les and erin est thes wi eer to pe fare Mr. T. H. Rolls of the DG rasi Cen- tral, has sold his entire lot of export eattle, 59 head’ in all, ree-year-olds, and are expected to average 1,400 Ibs... They were fed by Mr. Holls on his fine farm east of th corporation, abe. fr6 9 splendid ot’ of exports. Mr. Scott will 1 not ship them Bea wok ick thie yet.—Listowel | Standard. dhe, British hewepaper “men who ing. est look —Ottawa Free Pre sretaee: nm of last astner- peare on Wednesday 8. injul ing. accidentally kicked in ti ead and stomach. n d that Bie aration I aes is improving, al- though slowly. Sold Everywhere, Made by IMPERIAL OIL CO, 3 | ‘icts it there is still a iia ving vagrants. living the latter feed them Advices from the country dist: ve cao that nie |the oe | because they fear them. As a rule|% | these tramps constitute a desperate ss of men. ais s 3 id eeu in t a se Ae 2.00" ‘aes ‘illea ter joer he Seer oti [ance Tagsplabens Price $6,000, - term: | gession - of att | frame bouse;-ba: Pee an tet }Hing throngh. the farm, cee on | at eleven o'el | adjoining lot. - $4,500, a bai N nts to go fee no out. ton, near Milverton eee: 100 aere: elliny ne house reek run. | t00 for ipeg {ning through fhe tar, “babi barn mniPes Hand straw sl.e.l, | fard A Chiaiens walked into ae office | two good: dw 9 f paccher at. Wi arp, and | - the man a operator. ratio Chinaman on the American con- Pao from Newtons stition.. Price HE ep eT ASSURANCE 6 60. vg } Protas beak acres at *O., : | tinent who could oper: Friday last, « Each ay t being a colt gods teil | Evid peers videa*i with a candi no bone wi aces rattee is a yearling gelding, and but for ase| want of a tail is a promising Jo ts | animal. —Listowel Standard. tl As Sir Thomas Linas places on et jolge. opposite the three Shamroc! robal sod repr sport of | Guts ts empire, oe te big mete henared ain" y conclude ig is wares, y | spite of his se rdegh eet Taces, Aga all’ ivr tet im most. comes fn Main the cup that cheers hii good i bons ba oh | 2 /ton, 100 xeres, frame cen renee being fohetiy is, land ,in splendid state of aultivagion. every- W. D. Weir’s List of becibsies For Sal Borat half, lot 1, ye gaa 1, yey ley, western section), barn, sera chon pen 8s, 90 acres clear, bal. as, East half of lot ‘a in ne 9th oe Peon. sist orth half of ey 9, con. ry Morning aed “3, 800, other half of. ume lot.sold for 000, great chance. South Siror lot 10, con. 9, eatin se, 0 Al farm weil, fenced erat is test state of eu! be sold cheap. Pri pore 3 of lot 15, con. Foe acres, brick hi bgnls anty, ce hrough, lated jwpro Z is nik ba ni buildings, eales well, eck emel ‘ums: three Pariitiaa | Chaff | farmer in Ws is or: a prime ane, with many oe tee the beets i€ is said, intends to ‘anadians with hie the. river| mais th bi ig the-storm on el cnlgbe While bivie. football at Shake-|# Sa resale { h with cement O1 school on corner of court are bank barn, oleae hand’ will ‘Head Ofiee, Income i in 1000. ° ss - All forms of oun Tevet - pi the Assured. % Opt pa of ny Monday, + Jag, Innes, . enlist | — President. _ _| The latest tested varieties reheet.at the Outer ‘eiclra Got tha Be btgie report on the aoe r beet, in off 19, and that at are 2 ion ae His net profit was over $70 an acre. cause and goed it in th practically edad 9 Rees abn tate settlement of the y en proceeding hav arious claims os some seas ene many cleceee teputed. Maoy will get prastically ail - | the ee, Bee of the Herald's charees against what it was plea a baeten gi the ac- avis council has again en sustained. The Canada Com stant nnning west to “Poplar Hill, oe but Chief Justice Fale abridge a8 as cided against them. It ontend- t the nt sabe Toe or th itted, alf of the value of the land effected, To restrain the eorporation from assessing or levying any taxes in re- spect e va ae, com: 2) Chief n. wae Ban Taleonbrites held’ that by their piesa ee permitting the go on with the work when he full Facilites of ail the roa: bee als the plaintiffs ae the ee claimed.—Mitchell Adyoe: med Levi, living in Pa. eight years ae little girl fring eee to a Lee family, and had been adopt- about a year’ Ee Levi claimed: ae te developed a habit* of télling4 nock it o1 he ua a Uberid application ae ingle. Sunday, a week he whine’ hee severely? and on Noides to repeat tte dose wh ehild ce away and ran to a tei e woman of the house on cninng her injuries fainted ai ci tl 0 Humane ad a he ot the matter id “hy ee ae human bra ,. | He was fined $100 and costs, of’ which $10 and costs were paid down, to be var pee if ey aia up on i similar ¢ Men like tev shen o put in the stocks or tied to ing post and lashed pap age NOTICE Revision of Voters’ List| - ite ne. Ay a Boneh hal in the Village or New ‘ath ad OF SEPTEMBER, 1908, F ween ey cai over the $60,000 estate of | ¥ Bee has dropped, tp romise asian in okseee The shia ula) Renda ion. ie Sates Bob kept not b roused ‘iter gow says that he is too ill to send Puzzled by a big shortage in-a grain | ™°S**8° elevator\-am A’merican firm pritey the Mrs. T. Magwood spent ve last aweok visiting Triends in = Alta and viel ne Schaefer, of Berlin, is pending a week with Her parents, agri Addie Large left last week on to friends in ery Weitel will, when at : ae iueh to the looks of their fine > r. John Fleming left last week for Tonnes where he will éxbibit hie fine two-yee Told colt at the Indus. Hervesting is nearly over and would have been finished, but ‘man’ back ‘waiting for « the thr fe eae lttey 2e /ROSTOCK. ‘iss Amanda. Scholtzhaurer_ sia vated from Mount Forest on Satu: WE sch Rossman, who has teen home on a visit for ra weet wen = hack to Sarnia on Monda; Mr. Ed. Faile went down to Lisbon: « on Sunday, He intends staying over ~ for a short visi anday was Children’s Day at the - Eva ] . ‘The chureli was’ beautifully rated cura dares to gi 7 the arith coming: Mrs. Eggert and daughter, of M Killop, were the. guests of Angust Exgert on Sunday Sehitotziauer, an [Rostock Bosak fhe 8 ., Stratfor: Wednesday. Aug. 2 a ol count Pom’ at the resid of the bride's father. His tan ends in and around. Wostook wish “Reibling, of Milverton, spent ie under the parental = ean the farmers in t! i ane are well pleased with the ero; The wheat has turned out False nae of Cheap Spectaciés, ight is to precious to trifle. with, When buying spéctacles*. - buy a good pair. We use per- fect lenses. They cost a little more than the common: kind, but rheir difference in copifont is worth many tines the ieee . ence in price, j Don’t forget that we aw yee the best stock of up-to-date and are always able to’ satisfy” i you. _ Eyes examined free. P. H. BASTENDOREF : Jeweler and Optician - voters’ lists of the maplelnelity of Morning- All persons having business at th re ah Doel to attend at the seid time an NV Watson, Clerk: ‘Dated the 10th aa of August, 1098. The Dominion Waterloo, Ont. Results ef 1902 pions in fore $4,898,538.00 | ™ 14 per cent. ASE. ins to Poliey: 3 Once a Customer Always One ' The uppermost efforts in» our business is to make our ~ | Watch Repairing and Jewelry - dealings such that the buying © public..will reali tage of ma store. in, their Jewelry Poke ois s joney, » correct in sty 3 artistic in di sign, is our ass| tance that it pays-to 5, store... You have the assur- ancé that when you buy at t r6. ~., 195000.90) store-you get the ae 6,834. Jabstain- iam insurance issue: All benefits or option - of Thos. Hilliard, be pay Him mts at the for soy WEES Marriage lees Iss a eitaetene 2 ‘Opti