Milverton Sun, 1 Oct 1903, p. 3

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~The Milverton Sun. Cou extiss | Medium... Rates reasoi Subsexiption Sk per years strictly in advance. ~ ce 50 if not so paid.—M. MacBeru, PupLIsHER. econ mo. | 3 mo. | 1 mo. Qo|s30 00 00! Oe i 86 00 20 200) 100 ‘Transient Advertisements are Real en at the rate of 8c. per line, nonpariel, for the first insertion, Ap 30.per line for eacl ake _ sessive insertion. G. T. R. Time Table ‘Brains due to leave Milverton. The Momiagon Fan An Unqualified Sracces: in all Departments. Splendid Races. . A Large Attendance. The Mornington Fair on Friday last From all parts 30| ice until find room stables or chureh @ jthe tHeket-sellers had to. 60 crowds, who pushed @ud jostled ach other about get to the wicket wher boards were retaile ‘e the paste- wares. Several fakirs got on the grounds throngh the pretence of run. ning an innocent game, but were run out by cat Hartmier as soon as ™ | was brought to notice: ee ney Frere doing the “high piteh THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1903 Wedding and Reception. WEDDING caigaiet house wedding took place ednesda: bape , at the home ot Mr. ue rs. Geo. Taylor, when | t hter Ida was married to ‘Mr, David MeDonala. erewony Was performed by ein the, hrevenes of the finmediate relatives of the eon- teacting partios, Miss a are both residents of the village and their host of friends wish them all possible joy. RECEPTION Avery pleasing event took place at the residence of Mr. Ge ose eee The being about ‘The were Lelie about! 3425. been w anticipation of a woo pro} never surpassed in the ilstory of the fair. ho: was unusually large and the quality was superb. ‘The eellent exbibl- bred and grade cattle. was the ‘best seen in years’ PERTINENT REMARKS. The fair was honestly and justly Prunes ote hy Horses were never Better Geo. Me- an ha pleee the day should 1b ot inaking. the al- It is better than the so-called model ‘You cannot seo it all properly “in me day—David Pugh. a Le races that I ever saw--Dr. Dome with me—Chief Hartinier. a success, but it was not ont hard work—Presi- dj den We should ave three days next year—James in their endeavor Ue e fair was in n | 2 nches—Adain Biay, Goet: Excellent Exhibits showed in buggy—R. Hyde, and H. Zinn, Two-year-old Aly oF kelding—Geo. PP, Po val: fe RoADeTER—Style and value to be idered. —D. Flowing, 2nd E, G. Sinith, ad Sor, Egbert. rood mare—Robt. Goodale, 2nd ©, Weiner. Three- year-old _filly or gelding, ae in B. Hawilton, Two-yeur-old- filly or. gelding—A. Modillavcee 2nd C. old filly or eiing—AvK, Miibrande, Bnd C. Wer B aud iid. Glenn. Style, pais and oe consider Bases eee not less than 15 hands Grieve, Sra tz. er horse, uot over 15, bands, nd Py Bor: Be evr—Miss Goodal tnd Migs MeCormick, Brd Miss Knight Best oy, ride oc om, le, under 15 ears—J. Lay @nd Chas. Donley. Cook Matar (ehe, Londen inaae. CATTLE. DUR! Bull, two years old and upwards— Jobn Hil, 3nd Hastings Bros, B dam Fleming. Gs cyan Sale oe eivlag, aus nd 2nd. ar-old heifer—John Hill 1st ar-old heifer—John Hill, 2nd leming calf, under one year—Adam ard, tour felueles andball-Adam Fleming. JERSEY Milk cow, in calf or giving, mills— C.8. h, 2nd August He fen ee years old: os GRADES Best mille cow, dairy type, in eal or giving nuilk 8. . Whaley Ist’and 2nd, Best mille cow, beef type, in ealf, giving milk—Jumes Hamilton, and Sie Reming. Heifer, oi—James Ham- iliou, 9nd Henty Hotmepe aa Jone Hauullton, es, one yeur old-—Jokm: Hnntl- nr sotetseddusseesovtvorcteassenardssoes torsos er LADIES’ “UNCKETS £ We are showing a new line of Ladies’ Jackets, which for price and quality cannot be beat. When in town call and see them. FURS The largest range of Ladies’ Fur Jackets we have ever. had the pleasure of show- ing. Remember:we carry no cheap trash, but will guaran- tee every coat. We invite you to see them. THANKS We wish to thank you on behalf of Miss Evans, for the very liberal patronage you gave her during the Millinery pening. BRERIRI A ARAR ARR AAR IIIA ATI ATTA IAAT I IIR. ® W. KK. LOTH Epes 15 Cts. TIBI ISIRIS TRICIE ETE TEAS TEAS IE IEEE IE IETS RE Wiederhold & Hogderich ov BRERREREREE B extend W tation t of Milverton to visit our Millinery FAIR a hearty invi- o the Ladies and vicinity Openings, DAYS, THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Sept. 24th and 25th, when our Miss McDermott will have a complete show- ing of all the latest in hats, ‘Yours, EH. Milverton’s Great Bargain House. The Milverton Sun No Nearer Thanx Gonsins Maple Lent) ss rt Sch: aa lost his it krek ston lost his fine cow by |< getting her choked with an apple. might have been a serious lay while Mr. in, ae straw r, William Menryfeld mttended the Milverton fair ured a he ticket for his Paiqatle yest ool Don’t forget to tell pubit ie pence er your best girl takes a. holi- Me r. John Seca, ee sons, wel athe yillagi rday, es eat: ee with the trek ‘ond tile yard Henry Seeoll Wellesley sunaay. ‘owed 601 Mr. Alexander Stewart, has dwelling nearly finished, Mr. painter of Rostock is patting of the finishing touch, Much sympathy. te felt for her sorrowing husband ani ittle Charles Broughton, afterspen ing a month in the Northwest, Sra orts Migs Ne te “Merry retty sedi tcok place at the: tothe of Mr. Jol con., Elma, on wedner helt younkest daughter, Miss Fann wes married to Mr. Joh Dickson, of m: ‘Mr. the aS the guests of H. faked neeiveny Uisilily to: pepe eh Re SH friends on Wednesdays, after Nov. 1 » Mr, Alber [patuable hada last week by getting} From tl e premises of the signed on Sept. sow. Information as’ to abouts wih ald oblige The south, of lot number 2in the 1st concession _of Wellesley, con 150 acres. Good large ban! or nto W. D. Wain ‘SMilve tst-50 Rea shed and all other outbuildings that from experience, but how about, iN GEORGE faa Proprietor. “under- Sth, a ue brood her Where are you Bean for 80 eatly in tg tlbd eartinee Vs a to. where- oe going down loHN Rourston, JR., ilverton, Ont. 150-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. miBIDIng: d., application to, nite ie Bro rid “es hs she row, Stra ewton, on thi e property consists o} a land, whereon is erected a saw ‘mill, maobinery. eCullough make; new smo! 40 horse “power engine: plo pee fa a rare chance for some f friend spent F . Weir, Auctioneer, SAW MILL AND REAL ESTATE for Sale in Newton. That valuable saw mill ihe at in nd mi 35 horee power boiler, (new), oldies e stack; nty of water; new fram jouse, 16 x 28. enter- WILLIAM ATTre;. Proprietor. n a fa a rain coat at = a oie down there. feos can bi for $1.85, one ruber poor the same as the rich, as there 31 just one price there and everybody treat Jim—*‘Yes, that is alright, I know ~ Groceries 7” ‘Well, everything is the » same in comparison, you can get 21 Ibs. "Redpath Gran, Sugar for $1 25e. 25e. 3 cans good Salmon fo ‘ 2c. 8 lbs. Rolled Oatmeal for —-26e. Just go there and try for yourself and be convinced, you can’t help but ie satisfied. MILVERTON STAT ION. i A Ward’ to You: about a S FALL : Boots & Shoes We have made a careful’ selection of shoes for fall. In* Two tons of Choice Sett . | wanted at highest price, to be ed during last week of October Also 4000 Ibs. Dried Apples W. D. Weir's List. of (ease For Sale. ah North half, lot 1, ¢ easy, East half oot 6 in the 9th con- Customers are oh invi eall and see our stock, some A. LARGE, Pool Sett Onions. Wanted Onions eliver- wanted at once at market price. ited to ick uj le, Ont. Bost place in Canada a thorough ea Get the-Beést-It Pays © CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD . ONTA! RIO ness spite of the steady increase in + the cost of all grades of shoes . we can give ir eats. ; han ever. Our stock oP Lonk Boots is < complete. In School Shoes we have a - fine range. Geo. A. Slater. Shoes’ for'> men and womens: A full stock of Trunks anti Valises. It will pay you to buy your - fall shoes here, J. &. Grosch & Son: Heifer eal alf, uuder one ar Robey =| The other day ed a the or s served, Mr. and Mre-.MeDonald |” Goodule, 2nd Henry Hoffinan {| Tavistock Gazette, ‘Tolled bi received ‘ f Th 2 dairy “oabibit excelled that of pend) z A Bi h t Sa THUBSDAS OOLOBER 1. 1908 ecelved any, Hopubiial ead aeetal| te ori iarge. county, shower |, S'e%, two venix old_James Hamil: ig Chance to Save | loney sl his Santer and o a Papi enjoy | farm. Which they 3 hy held by their frieuds.— | AT rehibald Smith. ton, Jobn Heasuilton 2 nd and Br i Plattsvi lle Rota S Buell abGuh Mornington— | ton, ond ‘Tau aunilto: » Gri False Economy of Clizap’ Spectacles. . ways adeooontol dn gettitas postion. Enter this mouth.- W. J. Elliott, Steer, one y old—Ad. Fl The mangolds look like: fence poste-| ier eer'aon au Hleming owent later he was on ‘he bride is a granddanghter of Mr. oa Poslift; of Eling, an was or many years ikea in wnship, removing to te of Plattssille about cet years| ago. “NEWTON. Mr, Alex Wagner, whotor the past Sas ap and 4 abalfhas been in the Mr, ssrs. Hawke & Mitchell enna ~Mon ti nry Ruhl last week made a shiiatnes atcuianketr aod t: prizes award- ~~ ed at th ‘i Milverton fair came.over to ‘Dis pol ‘D. Murray, Mo As, sokens He lett.on onday for aront. to.reaume se Studies in medicine at onto Unive: ess’ on neh of y and family, of Peffers, left_on. wernesday for Port william where she already has three of reas vas. accompanied: howe by his father, Mrs, ang , who w ill spend a few days wh hk D. ieve on wednesday: anpped two loads ‘of labs to Buffalo. Waddell on Monday. ship- Hadimon fai ia ce banter cattle. t Toronto. ee aud: Mrs. Fr lage fow das Three-y: arry, ar ng 0 fe ting friénds ig roledo, Ohis sieve car se Niro for ote Fda Fearive| wear of or ity "ith, whi te & theconi sox. pile of ee ier M aoe mo of hogs to Stratford on Dd: B.F. W.K. 25 Trot, 2.30 Pace Alcine, my ‘Goebel, ee 14311 Flying Sid, | Gro Uncle ton ». "Brash; Haw: os ‘Prot or Pace Sterton Boy, J. Sonden; Drayton.1 11 Dan Bars, A on, Stratford 2 2 2 110 King, Ed. Busch, Mil- 38 the running race eer cea ES order named : Joe Welsh, R.. Roe, McLellan, 8. Miller, W. Waddell, Jos. @| Guerin, Philip. Herold, and’ Win, er Following is the list of prize win- ners + HORSES. | HEAVY DRAFT. Pieler aaa Ibs. or over—P, H. Petrie J.J. Krug. Aah od ota re, 1400 Ibs. or over— iseen an . 1st and 2nd. rs as i Span, under 1400 1 and, W.' 8. Tyoshord vaahaloae ot ‘ood mare, under. 1400 Ibs.—A. | schrenk. D. Ww. Ohahuere. Ist.and2nd., ‘Two-year-old filly.on gelding—Alex. Hawmond, 2nd. Wa So sinter Richardson ireesyearold, Gl Let as eee on at the good’ work— I think t il get a race horse myself-|~ Sie isa summary of the aces: The eae es entered in| yw —Jas. Gray, ~oldi fy. ore, gelding— ‘AT CATTLE BOs or steer—John Hamilton 1st and Cow—S. H. Pugh deiféey inden thle years—James Hamilton, Henry Hoffw: Haast usselly Rectan, jade! SHEEP. Aged chia tinge tea end J, 8 Cowan Shearling ram—Hastings Bros., Ist an res, having lambed tn B.C oon Balt ewe Iinbs= Hastings Bros., 2 . Cow Rath Ges TS. Cowan, 2nd Has- |e OXFORD ‘and SHROPSHIRE DOWNS Aged ram--R, Stevenson, 2ud J. Smith Reacts ram—J. Turnbull, 2nd J. W. on Pai aa ewes, having Inmbed in 1008-A- Stev Mewatat end J. Turnball Pair shearling ewes—A. Stevenson, 2nd J. W. Smith Pair ewe lambs—J. Turnbull, 2nd A. Stevenson ae lamb—A, Stevenson Ist and a air fat sheep, ewes om: Weathers— bees ane nee Bro: [area atiview podee: SWINE br cata Boar aged—George Hyd Brood sow, Ravine, pieged ia 1908— Bs ge Hyde, 2n hia 5.G oar pig, 3) ed in 1908--George Hyde, 2nd J. ne Wan .. Poe pig, aropped in, 1908—G yde, J. 8. oe weet" Pe aes ee Hyde, 2nd John ow, having prery inst908— ieee th and George Hy poe dropped in Tals -Gashec w pig, dropped in 1903—Geor, Hye 2nd’ John Bil = Best pair of bacon hogs, raised and} *|owned st exhibitor—John Hill 1st, an “ Geo. Green, Fairview, judge. We have just put into our yards — Four Carload. of Red Cedar Shingles which we are going to dispose of at slaughtering prices; Any person having any use for shingles, either this fall or next summer, can get A BARGAIN from us. It will pay you to buy them now. are willing to give our customer the benefit. Wiederhold & Honderich THE BIG HOUSE Pretty as a Picture= Are the Tailor-made Suits manufactured by : ‘Merchant Tailor, Milvertom - Ontario. Has in-stock alarge assortment of Black. and Fancy. Worsteds, Tweed}. Ete.,, to choose . from, and.ean make them up on the shortest notice at ‘nrostireasonable prices. POULTRY eles Sete TJ. datone 0: Cs ‘Crout, —e : R@nfectRits and Good Work Guaranteed Please: give : mea call and b convinced. We boughs:t#em at. a low price, and. though not. seriously. wert rt, GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES vy. James Ward, of Haysville. has been appointed incumbent at Nor- wich. ‘The fifteenth annual convention. of J, the Ohtario Christian Endeavor Union is now in session at Strat John G. Carruth, of ear ie oe president of the Title Superior Company, t Judge Plast of , the United States District Court. His bond, was placed at 10, 000, Phe company consented to the appointment of the receiver. A heavy freight train got stalled bet een Neustadt caboose, wrecking it a cars, and blocking the track all iclte the late train’ reaching here after 4 doled next morning. There was e 40 Wiarton people on this train, ‘rom Hepworth sis delayed tra friends bata very anxious. —Hep- worth On ne afternoon Mr. and Mrs. J: G. Burt and family, of Listowel, were driving in the Cte and w hen returning to town about 4 o'clock, horses took fright ot ran away ee 3 Hue Mrs. out; an eka. which immediate attendance, but aie ae expired in about en hour afte: srcomcrth having regained Sos: 5 Mrs: Burt and Frank qaape out of the rig-the team ran -in- to the town, where “thrown out and very much hurt, al- ‘The others Pa PE CASO Oey OF FAbL _ FAIRS. o Head Offiee, Bart’ was| 4 his Rey feet, (with a look of his “What!” he “Maleoln Mc! byt te married? md he. fainted aw: fice towel which was. standing e Milverton Sun a ihe shock, but a Manitoba editor pb a similar name. jel ay For Thirty Days. “A Widsummer @ster In Newspaperdom The Toronto Daily World, a hems payer thet pays particular atte to th ua irements of the footy fy Jace has the reputabion of pu ing Rishi aoenrate Chttie aud Produce Market Reports of any paper in Canada, toxether with a bes ne and up-to-date news service, cecured clubbed with the SUX for ihe balance of this year oe first, of Januar: B 3 everybody has tua sy ‘at. the Ts is no one 807 y cannot take advantage of a genuine eats and secure the with one ~ metropolitan news- pepers published in Canada. nly good for thirty U your order $0 a8 before Octobe 1004, asino subscription 1 after ubove date. The edition LIFE ASSURANCE CO. - Waterlao, Ont, Resuits of 1902%. Business in foroe $4,808;538.00 Ll per. Cash Surpins to Poli a6) bolder 0 Polley a et OrBy Peat otic on Enna level pre ia oe laa ned ay benefits inuous soe ay. | th Bicke ed up the printing jmiles oe Newton station. Price | $4,800, cheap. n Pe in,;Clean Grocery vate West half of lot 9, con, 11, Morning. ton, 100 acres at Burns B. O.,. good house, bank barn, splgnd jan will be sold cheap. Price barn as there is ors, all throu, latest improved s tals, land tn splendid state of cultivation, every- thin, te ool on th e next ton 00 acres, élear, rain |outbuildingw’ dvilted awe, near to | Millbank. Price $5,500. mA e|Milvetton at right prices. rent on Main street. House to all at my office on any Monday, Thorsday Se Baberdh “Ww. D. WEIR. HH. Mohr ‘ Four good brick houses for salein} relies Paid up Capital and Re- ‘he Bank is+ nomen to ies poe trust funds and to compound. i hb perloae ate at Canes rate. Bondangs By business: E. °. Winslow, serve Fun Total Assets (Oct. ‘81, “19085 #180" 302) 674. BANK OF MONTREAL Established in the Year 1817 00,000 réceive other nterest, ~ Corres- eneral banking Manager, Stratford. 3 Sight is to precious: to: trifle + with. When buying spectacles » buy a good pair. We use per-+ fect lenses. They cost a little . more than the common kind, but rheir difference in’ comfort-: is worth many times the differ- ence in price: ‘ Don't forget that we. carry’) the bést stock ‘of up-to-date and are always able-to satisfy » you: Eyes examined free. COMMERCIAL: pte ae October” tall wheat per bush $ pring wheats per bush Busley per peas ples per bag rey ane atin and.. Baker The Store for for PICKUNG Whyte's. Meats Rolled Bacon... ia 3 ~ Eggs 401 Butter 140, perd 1 wit see live. weight: weg “per poun' ae eo a Summer: Sausage: persIb>.25¢:| Barley: pe ; Smoked Ham , 4 16¢; Outs 1, 1903 72 i P. H. BASTENDORFF : > Jeweler and Optician ae a Customer: “Always One.. The uppermost efforts ina our, business is to make our * Watch Repairing and Jewelry © dealings such that the buying © public will: realize. the advan- tage of making this a favorite y store, in,, their, Jewelrys pur- }chases, Reliable goods* for the least=2 90} money, correct -in style” ‘and | artistic in design, is our assur- nfance that it pays to. buy at thi stores: _ You: have: the -assur- fg] Store you -get. thé for:your_money-': 3 -

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