Milverton Sun, 15 Oct 1903, p. 1

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NABRIAGR LICENSES an < Brands ror Fgoors nod and ae issued by J. G. GROSCH. STRICTLY CoNFIDENTIAL, Che “It Shines For All.” Vol XII—No 42 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903 MALCOLM aacuireh: ‘Faltor and Publisie: The Sovereign Bank) OF CANADA. Gapital Authorized'$2,000,000 Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Office, - Toronto H, 8. HOLT. - D. M, STEWART, Pres. Gen. Manager MILVERTON BRANCH Now open for the transaction GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $1 and upwards. received. Savings Bank of Department lowed, and compounded half rey, Deposit receipts, issued, drat bovgit aa sold, celles ast si = #38 te tention given to the collection of far- ters sale notes, R. J. Ranney, - Manager A.M, PANT! LOCAL NEWS. If you see it-in Tan Sun it’s so. 1000 tbs. “) uses onions ‘wazited at W. K. Loth ‘Wiss Lily Ou of Paris, is visit- ing at her home here. TIcE—Sewing Sat knitting taken in at Mrs. George Smith’s. Mr. Reid Moore, of p porren Spare Raaday tn the val 1000 bags of Seine wanted. eee your ones with W. K. Loth. we of taxation for the year for we “tlnge will be 11 mills on the eal Pit” and vol. I of ‘The Four George’s” have been out of tho library overtime. The Sun from now until Jan *05 for one dollar, Send a copy to your friends. ae J. L. Tucker and daughter is Gerda, are coeniae a few days in ENarmek this week Miss Nellie Campbell, of ea spent a few seb ne week guest of Miss Goo Mrs. Krug and sister Miss Wenzel, of Chesley, were the vs ests of Mrs. Ww. D. Weir on Friday hee 1, :, Soli 0 pn eve Mitel ea ucla Miss Lilyan , of Kin- cardine, is spending afew days with iss Ruby Tucker, ‘Spruce Lawn.” Dentistry ee ash MAN, Dentist, Licentiate irk a Specialty. fice ab p.m. Finl ee Bros. hardware OD, store, Milv Medical STAUFFER, “Graduate of ay cian, | Surgeon and igi Office a pneke’ DR. L. Lb. ik, ns eee Promrtly Painted ion ck, Newton, Veterinary , V. S., Mil hate Ont. Boaaste Ontario o Veterinary College, Tor- weed) eh Ee eiss iSe calls promptly attended tebe | or otherwise, day or night, Dontistry tad Chronic Discases specialty. ige | become one. The reeve, assessor and clerk met in the council chamber on October 10th and selected jurors for the county | urts for 1904, If you are not a reader of Tam Sun It will be sent to your address from now until Jan. 1905 for one dollar. Mr. Binnie Horne, of OS Sovereign Bank, Exeter, and his sister, Miss Horne, of Boats spent Sunday in the villags Winners of prize money at th rnington fair may have their earn- part of time after O The sae News states that if the extension of the Gu Junction Railway to Goderich is completed the route will likely lie through the country ses way of Elmira and Milver- ton. J. W. BARR, VETERINARY SUR- GON Muverton, former: y First class horses and rigs at al Baggage transfer, Commercial driving a specialty. Societies: C, 0. F., No. 99, Milverton, meets every second and last st Tuenday of every month at o'clock, in Eaiiissrnate’ stous. “Wisieiog, Heevitse ot: ways welcome. Geo Roe, G. Ry; A. Barth, Recording Secretary. F., ‘Silver night at a thoir Wall poet offi buildasg. {25 Ving brett ren always welcome. dolph Miller, N. G.; John Dunbar, R. 8. over Schneuker & |'bu: tar day 5 tek aroom full of lawyers huey Wh © great. Napoloon visited his old enol oe ee he addressed se words e inate “Boy Le ee member that Rane wasted at school means @ enh of misfortune in later life. Newspaper advertising costs you too much when you try it to-day and stop it to-morrow. So would eae cost you too much if you hired them for a day now an with delivery wagons. The wheels of your siness must never stop; and the whole machinery is out of gear nee the big advertising wheel is always turning. vy. Father Tierney, of Detroit, one ips to diso ould marry Chis “The investigation proceeded some time w1 sud- searching the Basiness Cards . WEIR, Anctioneer for the Coun- yancer, Fillage jerk. Office, over Grosch’s Shoe Store, tise atbece, Mriverton, Hotels situated TAG ALBI bad nt]; ay * ford. Bes atiy, cand, commercial id dining arse st nrteous Bropristsr Large RXCHANGE HOTE! ts Johu bent 2 erie ‘Best liquors and cigar First-class acoommoda- fan and lates stabling, . take a little spirits to revive him. Is. | ‘‘Mor f the Gleacnel fe could not be a nae till her husband’s pathy and ugh was on the lawy% oe: men wanted to eat grapes at eee: 's Red fe Store, ator was sent for end.on properly peering the finger the man nearly fainted. was asked if he ene »” he explained with feeling, “that, wud just be the vera life 0° =) & SS glass, eagerly swallowed, and on recovering his eet his. first words were: W. tor, I ken unco’ little aboot ee ‘sl but, mon, ye keep graun motlic aes by sore on the secretary any | pert; tober 16th. 8 | getting into the banana There is a little paper published in} was a man “Tun Sun from now until” January 1905 for one dollar. Self-important men are seldom taken into serious account. sesh 's Red Flay Ww. D. Deg and baby arcs are spending the holidays in Norwich. Mr. ace Reibling has secured em- ployment in the G.T, RB. shops aé Stratford. Mr. John J. Whaley returned home on Saturday, after spending a mouth in Manitol “ K. Loth is paying 17¢. for fresh Sout had our eggs evil na © die dee had on Messra” Norman oe ana Milton Bundscho attended the General Conference at Berlin on Sunday. Rev. RB. H. Barnby ovoupied the pulpit of the Waterloo Bt. Methodist chureh, Stratford, on Sund Mr. and Mrs. J. @, Ham and ie ard daughter Alice spent chvebal days last week with friends in Brussels and Walton. Mr. F. renee vue pe a Milverton to photo; wish to be made cee a Erde, ea 28rd inst. ‘8. Wm. Livingston left on Wed- au re for Harrow, where she wh visit her da aarrase pee Louise B. Livingston MacM: Mr, Richard ae left on Wed- nesday for Spencerville where he will isit his sister, Mrs. jomas King-}# Non) who is now in her 88th year. Nora Greb, who has been Rose of for the past month, Zurich on W..D. Weir sold to Mr. Charles Broughton, of Monkton, one of the of Mr. Henry Everson William e'| street, the, ee paid, we understand, 3 being This is a cheap pro- Joint Thanksgiving services will be held in the Presbyterian church this (Ghureday) Morning and will be con- Rev. R. H. Barnby. Th y G Galena will ‘be 3 Ne na the Sick Children’s Hospital, Dr. Egbert, sie Pp Dr, Eres, of Stratford, Jas *0) Freddie, son of Mr. {cos P¥angblat: of Ellice, for appe icitis, ‘The-opera- will be about in a few days. Oh no! ‘tis not the falling leaves ‘That bring unto my bosom heaves. “ain't tine ‘benign chokings in my hro: ‘Tis ’cause T hain’t a overcoat. and Mrs. John Milhausen, of | ™ Br cain nding their other points, were the guests of Me Fred White on Sunday and Monday. All the aad of Manitoba’s climate and soil Le ele ‘been discovered, The Wi ee Press’ says a gar- dener vine ee Winnipeg has sue- ceeded in growing figs, and word from ‘in says an ae horti- culturist of that plac pay of orange and ae plants in garden, some of the plants being|§ wath covered with fruit. The lemons have attained a Jength of two inches. 6 Canadian west bee eaten be Mr. John Loth, who aia on Thure-| day morning last, after a two-weeks’ sickness, had never been ill before. stxty-<oven years ago. ie eae at the 186. Hine of | om Vara where ‘y Junker now is From that Bote, he went into mercamtile if years keeping a hotel and general store. About 1875 he came to Ta’ stock and Conn! 18 ercial | c Hotel, which he ecudiotes soeie 1888 when he. sol He has a Reid of Tavistock ever thee very widely known and Baltimore ovetere for sale at 1g Stor awl and Freddie i w rn in ey Ea Be. vie - | many year: ‘e| homestead he eee out of the Miss Ada Long is spending a few days ith ae Mr, and Mrs. Snowdon at Arkona. Miss Jennie Stewart, of Hampstead, spent several days last week with her sister Mrs. 8. H. Pugh. Mr. August sora has parslased the mart and 3. acres of 1a) nm Main street of Wm. ‘Fischer for $1, 4100. The Milverton Light and Water Co. have about completed the extension of their gas mains along Mill and Maple streets, ae fiche Johnston, of Stratford, and Milton Hoffman, of Sebring: Sie spat Sunday at the residence of Mr. W. Gros Messrs. L. Pfeffer, J. G.- Grosch and E. Knechtel attended the Conference of t) 6 Pass Church at ge on Sun Mr, Conrad aechptag leaves on rt Whe Woecaee his son Willie to eur Dr. Reeves, the eye specialist. Mr. and Mrs. paat Ranney and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ranney attended the wedding of Mr, Remi nney, sr’s. neice, as eceapbell at Stratford on Wedne: A st Penulacianes wwas once asked why he did newspaper adver- tising Apebaahes and Mors use sign boards, éte. He sait in his ex- perience he had found selon he man| PF who does ae read the newspaper does "| not use s 2, Hoaflich who has been in the employ. of Mr. CS. Kertoher for ¢ last six ene leaves on Monday for Mitchell where he wi rton, became y: lar, and his departure will bei eegietted by. the many customers of Mr. Kertcher’s tonsorial parlors. On Sunday morning Rey. N. D. Me- Kinnon took occasion to refer to the call tendered him by the session of the 8, other advantages in the way 0 nd General | $e ampton church. He said that|Smith ‘of | Manser’s 01 v, T. B. Howard spent the holi- ant in London Mr. A. D. Mracaiind left on Wed- for Hanover, where he will ot Thanksgiving Day, MILLBANK, The anniversary services in tht Methodist church were well attended ning. Re yids teyers in the loss of heir { ifn ohild cckene very peculiar circumstances. Communion services will be held in Knox church next Sabb: $35 is nearing completion, and is certainly one of the finest honses in the tox rs, Wm. and Jas, Rutherford have each built a new silo this season, and are walting for fine weather fill then aS r, J.B, Welr recontly disposed’ ot forty, head of stockers at a 00d mugen rray, ee ey at tiorithes called ron M Ed- munds on Iie brass benahe tteatertaty abel! friends to an oyster supper next Mor: day evening, | ai ns, and “Mise MagFarlane of Mt. d Mrs, McConkey of Tralee, ike Bandoy with thelr brother, Mr. mm, and Masters Homer and aetiontt Taint os allertOns are. eee at @ D. McKay i is visting friends in W. McKinley has taken « position with Mr. J. Beggs for the winter, B. Hamilton preached at Bathiohem u appointinent last Sabbath Pe yet es Beas ns erected a fine windmill: meee his hou Misses Ida Goctz and Hannan Dahly spent Sunday afternoon at Mrs. John 8. ers. Campbell and Barrett, of Crosshill, were visiting G. Sunday. The Epworth League have changed facilities, he could not think’ of, leay- ing the Milverton people after s6 short a sojourn here, especially as his rela- ee with the congregations had been such a harmonious character. of Nelson, who is enjoying good health He their hour of meeting from 8 71.38 o'clock on Tuesday evenings. Rev. Mr, Sharpe will preach in Glenailan on Sunday next. ‘The ser- vieo here 1s to be a Missionary service 4 will b: Mr. Treleaven of Ge . Mr, Jas. Torrance the. other day a air iy full of wedding bells just received a letter from Mr. J. P. Grifin (no ‘Dhe-peatliarity of thea” wedd: ings is ie they are all around Lin and prosperity, excellent | wood, but are ener in the town. Some eee this year and is well pleased Pe He oung fellows think it better ‘ith his prospects. . At the agricu ive them soute too wieaey ural fair there hi TRE ON. record at all the Halton county aNd for the last two years. the sweepstakes for the ask Me Robert Buchennan, of Elma, last ‘winter, but they are much heavier now. he show this year can be considered | ae equal to that of last year in man; ects and in some respects ee he display of fancy work, an be ac- counted for the fees that | Biyth and Stratford atoee ‘ell on the same date. cabbages, squashes, potatoes, beets, carrots, cto. ‘were of ee size and numerons, But where the show excelled was in ue outside a tment. One could ¢) udges in- epood Baws There glen fon Sept. 28th Mr. Adam Smith, the mo: acareia tie vein at Mr. onntry. when soe te man &i pled homestead now occupied ith, his son, which forest, and on which he resided until GRAND CEN EY HO? EL, sive, spe state penieatlasy of Minnesota | generally esteemed, although of a summoned by death. He was known De eee tien connie cual innesota Penitentiary | quiet disposition. In 1864 Mr. Loth|as.a peaceful, industrious citizen, his ae: es t brands vof | Prison Misty, ‘which pecan the| married Miss Annie Kaufmann, who|many sterling qualities causing him thueriaad sigs, ACW: of Main) following question: ‘Why is it that) survives. Hight sons also survive—|to be highly respected by all in his pad Mill streets, Chas, Bey | sede fom the bons inception of our here 01 W- nd Milton at ponies ge 1d. wide peauatn es He was a men the present les and Ed-jber of the Glenallan Presbyterian QUEEN'S HOFRL,. to sojourn winfat Tavistock; Henry at Woodstock|church, where he will be greatly see ation a professions have beea well represented. at Stratfor Mesdames| missed. He leaves a widew, one son reat Cie oe. reachers we haye had enough to} Pimper of Weadaene; Henry Diebel|and three danghtess. ~The son is Mr. te he fe a ‘tat teres peas tp an Afvican chief | of seers 08. Vance of Hersey, | Albert Smith, residing at home. the 34 are atthe, fe wr a ‘year; loctong, it i ichigan, an Wan, ees of Cassel, } daughters are eae mee Cookman, nupiber to depopulate a state; and| are sisters. as a large gather-|Glenallan; Mrs. McLaughlin, Tra loe 5 | = ers. crough #9 establish a good/ing of srmpatheti friends at the|and Mrs. Lng Oi City, Uteh, Biseeliancom £ colons in Hat Bui Editors—|funeral to the Sebastopol Lutheran | Deceased re: ripe old age of! ouw TGROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts; a This is hard‘on the Prison ae Saturday afternoon. ears. The Haat oy took place. aft , Lathe,” Shingles, Pumps, ete, r ere ate places where [Services were conducted by Rey, F.|at Gienailan on Saturday, and Pstoet, Ont [Bator draw fhe itue I e ling. Yelt, Tavistock Gazette, was largely attended. virgin | do: decided to leave Newton and tuke up s i Neilson’s hatdwaxe Imsiness. Wm, Ait of the G TR. so otic, ee spent Sunday at his home The as ayy al considerable shipp- om | ing going on at this point during the past week, as is usual, mday addell & Hays shipp- load of hogs to Strat- ford, while Messrs, Mitchell, Hawke & Farrel shipped i hursday Messrs. Mitchell, Hawke & Cassel will ship a load of fat sheep to tte Win, Snider, of Waterloo was in the village on Monday on business. Ree number ot Newtonites at- tended the anniversary services held an the Methoaisuchucoh at Matbent. nm Sunday eveni Jack son of Stratford, Roatuned ainen cates: P. Columbo and son Harry, # returned from Toledo, Ohio, on Mon- di ay, after spending several weeks nds. with frien: Mr. Thomas McGorman has return- yled from Waterloo, where he under- went a surgical operation on the eye, and has derived considerable benefit. Dr Rbouttor of shia pine, eaasted tn the operation. ites Daniel Ross left on Wednes: iy for Simcoe, where she will spend ‘or the! FE Meg holidays, Haw! ‘ke and he Tren, are anaes a few days with friends in Galt. Mr. H. Hawke last week brought wu from the north a drove of about forty head of stock cattle, which he is disposing of t eee} in this vicinity who | aes for expor ive eis in at peerene ate her adnt at Alm: Mr Ed. Hawke cee fam) ily. have residence in departure of the family, which takes ~ place in the course of the three weeks, will be generally regret jed, as they ai residence will be socrpied hy Mx. alae. Lockie, | who has” puren. ie

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