A MODEST REQUEST. TOO HEAVY ODDS. +3 = “Well, leaVe him alone then. | That night. Miss Jocelyn stole into HE AT OF INDI A'S SUMMER a ne i es ape Labe\Gaha tient 2 etn aycg ean Seen hat woman is not a tea epicure? The MISS JOCELYN < By ysis Be See ae oa Des ne The candle: panes ae ek : —_—- A FAMILY RiSWUEhRPRINRRRS ait” that wits in whom the sporting instinct was moot satiety ng, aif the world tons ng nerve vere in this part of the town,” and, |the little figure lying on the mat. | CALCUTTA TAKES LONG SLEEP 3 ; in de Nena ed Well developed. His ward was visit- |] SCOthing tea in all th after few more words which fell |trese. His eyes were closed. His DURING HOT SPELL. GATHERING Bi REDUCES yee ‘the usual course by, the: sur- : THANKSGIVING heedlessly on the boy's ears, the |mass of tangled golden hair lay on at - q Reon, with. a ‘retinue : tu- * crowd left. the pillow, and one dirty little hand |r it. in the Capital of Hindostan EXPENSE aay oar = on eset in He stood up 2 moment after they |Was still clutebing & pepperment va RAO i . xtent : had gone and called bravely, ‘Her- |Stick. “Gran’ma 5 it be,pai dis wh < Miss Jocelyn sighed wearily, and " CV" She wtted “Ja eurl with ewe, and Above 100. to ber cee ore 35, 000 R ard yi" will be p: Wil erties t y 7 her |24, Journal! All about the mur- r house to Thanksgivin’ din- ow: + Brothers [Sener ng: Paxning ta ee) east Sr ene Cee SOGk Or ten, (feel ma voice wilich: qunveren pitt |then halt-siianselseedy) seieeed At. ner 7” A little maiden of nine year | Path araned, Foret, to any i eats ne ‘Nou, * dent S, he asked His re (@) : : f ae Lee Jot se Sain oes fully. No one heeded the small, mis-|Here was something at last to love|~It is the second in June, /in a red hood and a red jacket stood i dot agra tha: ieee Melee Fart; PENG. Shae: ANNs. ROR: CORRS, i : “a 2 sre Mirena ar shapen figure, shivering in its this |and to keep and to caress and to |writes a Calcutta keer, The/by my desk saying these word: 3. iro. haf a he whipped his | PY sere of adulteration pehataaaver, operate’ in ae case a g aherkeg ving days were Slag! jacket. The lights were beginning to |be thankful for. Her heart almost |heavens are as brass. On the south-|day after I had closed that rave Anite Galton ern oe ened it, | @* eontains any injurious chemi Boe igh ensthes che eer wom men who delight in the best of every- as Set crater sor pes nel ‘She | bur one by one, and everybody was |burst with happiness, and kept for |western horizon, whence cometh our |session of the country school I was cut the folds of his Pate 5 10S Ask for the Octagon Bar. "| dents gave the same negative answer thing will apt ermit any oth t d even had ot icin. pie. | >urrying home, once a glorious Thanksgiving ay. |help, is as yet no sign of the black, |teaching. ‘‘Grandma’’ was 8, ‘one sweep of the te. tt h P vo er tea on even had a piece of pumpkin pie. | “pi, ‘gave a sharp sob of despair, |She turned and went back to bed, |beneficient clouds. The mid-season| Josiah Swift. She and her husband Ree ot sha’ ghae asiad cr sa eir table ae ae this atauereoniing excet land seated himself on the platform |and though she did not know it her |showers, tempering the sun and rip- lived in a square red brick house on latter in the frog, and jumped to COUNTESS TOLSTOY. inform you that Black. Ceylon Green. Ask for Red Label. al streak in hen mature and wanted |262in, hugging his useless papers. ie hee. an ae ce ree nee ie Cia rae pe erate Shout HAL ‘one side. He escaped death by y oing 'S_S! i leaned his tired head against the |the angels heard ani ‘chota barsat’’—preluding ‘‘the shat-|mile from the school house. I said Aran ot Lond Shia & necoed. She to of Great Assistance to Her ba) ers ORES C0 gee ah ee See bes cae $e nen, ike folks.” She was Dot | wooden Indian, and clasped one thi tering might of the monsoon,” have at once that I would accept the in- [ ‘The freight MGnoeeaiteadent Aparioe Distinguished Husban niister,”” said cau nd hoethe tried te be All| little arm around that worthy’s legs. WAS HE KILLED? somehow missed their way. Day ‘af-|vitation, for. Thad spent a night called him into] The fame of Count Tolstoy is so ifteen’ to one agin Wan gute elehine aiees Uieela ENO) Weeee Sree. or ee Sore RAO ae lian eee aad i yee GE eae ne niet Gere eae reat and his figdre so striking that ‘Ere, give me my * : | whit lag eee eas Fi |flerce savage. ‘Red Hand” he call-|yr, and Mrs. Slocum Were in|Stands at anything a little above a|them to be a delightful old couple, “ Mabarey,!; he: © said, you showed | ahah ig 3 i i y ile outside there was bustle and) 2q him, after a hero in ‘Dare Devil hundred; evening after evening the | Still young and cheerful in spirit and- fs y, a oi Countess is generally overtook |*9 eee 9 OF: confusion. e rose from her rock=|Tia's” As he hugged himself closer Great Doubt, sun goes down behind the masts and |keenly alive to a at was going : ; yesterday. I shout ke taeliees at opel ae tela aatsat hoe ole How’s This! : Z Pos chair and | Went into the back |to Red Hand’s unresponsive anatomy | A few evenings since Mr. Slocum |funnels of the Hooghly, behind the |on in the world. To them belonged Be mace Paiet a a ee aie GoM ome tee eho pe teed hostae tne stove, sho |e felt that. this‘was his only friend Was Teading an account of @ dreadful |standing smoke of | the jute mills RR DHaE FL cactiDel Gn. of bale the ciation of it. What ‘hall ar is a clever writer, a great linguist, | g."6 Fd {hae cannot be S glanced ie Raras ainueseat pistes audy |— this and something else which lay |accident which pane (ei ie San ont i gr naa oe paRgrerehsnaeyeate Anger, cn te poalneAcen dae 5 i arch y eine: Pan he med to me i d ‘Whe- Hall's Ci i warm and fz in hii Ket. It |tory in the town of and which {White in a colorless sky—promising ; “Oey «aber eben dn ae ate oa are ey Wa MGHENEY & Co, Poldo, 0. TUBS. PAILS, WASHBOARDS and 7¢ ‘ eotenrae Eevee ae oe aye table Was a wee kitten which he had pick- ve editor "baa Balen in a great |othing for the morrow, Re be uies ee a Lay ieee eine pisdsan bee mibaste ke naya Polyana, the family estate near | 5° MEianey | ate ec, have knowe: ¥ 3 H ani 3 Thanksgiving day this year was her |4 UP in the alley. He snuggled tt La es pre Sabha Meh old folks was a ‘Thanksgiving incl. ood as iver, but the sthring’s no Tela, she is described as ‘‘a charm- perfectly bonorable CLOTHESPINS birthday. She waiked slowly back oe a his oath ath Mit rub! e Saey ae wife, that Was an awful ae city takes her | dent worth treasuring in re- good at all now. Ye might give me ling woman.éf the world, speaking aupactigns ska’ By irto her little shop room and sat |°Peek agains eidat eet Mics : accident OVER RG, the raul), veaid. Mr. house of one’s mind all of one’s life. “ anordher for a new pair av shoc- parce ‘English, French, or bia carey be apa Mente, cia eT ‘ md: gazed -around: her, put it tenderly back in his pocket. |Slocum, such a beautiful t ; sthrings, sor.’ as the aerate DEarS, and cane ne GHUAX. Wholesale, Druggiste, minke easier tha, labpr “of washday, Bis quakes draesesold eke aaebe ee ee ee poner. of the | “What's it anout, av wate household affections and a simple B to" igsiee the last books of Paris, | Toledo, WALDING, KINNA & Co aS ie ARG 1 coAS Es ie okey es yeare ey » and as she |store appeared in the doorway, and,| “]’1 read the ‘count, wife, c gratitude to the Giver of all goo ee ed Lontons fe ae Be aBexins MARVIN, Pwnotesate ae ‘Toledo, * i ee looked back over her past each year |fearing to be sent off, Billy raised |then you'll ace, au ok it.” Weald G me tt WAS INCUR AB) E grande ame of. the old sthool, | Hall's Catarrh Cure is branded on this reliable woodenware 5 < peeet . Hae ea “lonely, miser-|himself and moved on. He paused | Mr. S. beg: i tmiys sertiviet dau Rey MSnGe che Gas eary— ; : iat Hs 5 . * 5 5 dressed - stmply, but with exquisite | nelly, acting directly ‘upon ithe —absolutely the best woodenware ‘ Tuhire, ai Sra eee = 2 ae in front of Miss Jocelyn’s window Horrible ett °Patal Accident.—It a lot to be thankful cat my husband ;T)|taste, anit wearing a few jepeis Sad)” mucous 9 a eee ioe ge : 2 tind calvage oi e. Her life/and pressed his face against the |pecomes our melancholy and painful ‘d|and aint given to many BOUL IS CORED which are heirlooms and of mui Cottle, Bela by a croggtets: money can buy. Your dealer sells . thin, vee eee Pcie Es a Pane. He was enchanted by the glit-|quty to record the particulars of an couples to live and sce their 10 glia: ‘Hall's Family Wills are the bess. thai: es Trane nee eee pa iee ich would |tering display there. | What lovely |accident that. occurred at the lower children good men an’ men an’ ee artes ek Se ay At : , mill, in thie village, yesterday ae married an’ livin’ in homes 0’ th JOSEPH BOONE WORK |yoars younger than her husband, has | Tt sometimes happens thatthe woe SEES e Sea peace aS a ete oon, by Which a human being, in |a: own an’ love an’ harmony prevailin’ AGAIN AFTER cee nahi otf webak! aietanes: tor hide 0 is disappointed in love |= ee : + i Ainge the Prime of life, was haere 2 among ‘em all. There ain’t nothin YEARS ILLNESS. many ways, “She has insisted, isn't aisappointed in marriage. ITS UP TO YOU. to oe t your soe ones to the best of ae her dark eyes, in which lay a re sadder to see than estranged house- z Wor! sorrow and bitterness, mortal "Shake eare ae re saivek: holds. It'd break my heart if a pea Dy says the Gentlewoman, ‘in protect- 0’ my boys an’ girls didn’t speak to had even a girl friend, Oh, for|He flung back his bright hair, and, |that place yet; eS know. when something to love, to clasp to her | fixing his ete upon the stick of red | have finished: the pie ae a i ; Lever's ¥-% (Wise Head) Disinfoct- roamed over each of her small pos-|to look out, and saw the pale face, Discharged’ From the Hospital as bere and hp toanelal inert, oat ony Soup Sobecs to a Gaak ts ae THE CANADIAN ORDER OF CHOSEN FRIEND sessions, her mind wi y living | with the bright eyes, peering in > exclaimed Mrs. S, each other, or if there was any teas- Incurable, He Used Dodd’s Kid- |i i 5 Gue to her that Count T folstoy | hom: It. disinfects mee cleans at s : z over agai her sad and unsatisfied | opene' e r, di her little ones, a workman who on why we shouldn’t all Seen ney Pills With Splendid Results. |ig alive to-day and able to give his |the same time. Witl furnish you with an insurance of from. $500 te $2,000 at as ee existence. She had been born with|black worsted ‘shawl closer about bas Gee tee cierd ik idee ot in peace an’ love to eat our thanks- ue Aspe needs Pe aicann er Wee lastaatcny <cith “eatoe a jybeautitul straight body. She |her thin shoulders. | |the city, was superintending one of giving dinner together. 3 Cottle’ nee Bay, Nfld, ey Countess Tolstey has been an oe aed children of the man who made The aaa” Order! eh Chosen Friends is thoroughly reliable. @ gHENY OF tte now with a pang o: jo you want buy anything?’ the ate drums-—”’ orice habe ‘apiatirastive Bae Aiea they aint scattered so 2 2 — (Special). Att © being for mothor to her thirteen ehilare a specialty of sowing wild oats The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends is pu: f P self-pity, for when a child of|she said, He slowly shook his head. der if ‘twas a bass drum, |these she has another Spe: biel Se etiaslay nti Saige ae “invalld, unable to eight of whom are still living. a fore his marines ‘will harvest an) The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends is registered. é : Pr Seore Ale ed Neen rowbed hy bey! “Are you cold? See an ‘Ppluribus Unum’ printed another character, with whieh, may-| {vith pa an me at OREO a iv mork and racko aches and pains, {taught her children music and Eng- {abundant cro ic The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends is growing rapidly. : A other, ip some way. injuring her | He node on’t?”” ap, irra Lat Sabib has not |My, dest son, James, ts’ president Joseph Boone of bie a lace is back |lish herself, and has for years aed " The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends has 470 Councils. si * ane Thus she had been deformed Come in, then, and get. warm by| “When ‘he became entangled. His|even a bowing acquaintance. In| 01,2 big bank, but he don't fecl a at his old work as a fisherman, Jt completa ‘charge of the publishing | MIMIt'S tit cus “ca {1 Cons. The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends has 25,000 members. and crippled tor life, Only five| the stove arm was drawn around the drum, |deed, he confessed so much in an or | mite, above the Poorest of his broth- sounds like a miracle, but it is not.../and sale of her hvsband’s books. Had a The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends has $40,000 surplus s BHOrt ears obits Attia other child: |) She was surprised at herself, but land finally his whole body was {ation that has become famous Cr eis Ge a it was acide, Disease wae. the imate it not been for her the Count would | __Newly-made BRS Veen Say8| Join now. Local members show your ft you aro ‘ ren! y five short years with no |his wistful face touched her, and his drawn ‘+ over the shaft at a fearful] PLIGHT OF THE MEMSAHIBS. |Qvane un. iene Yarra tes ter with him. Dodd's Kidney Pills |have carried his doctrines to the |She does not think BAS: “over cea semper full information Lee me Himished BY ae pain in her side, and no hump on her |deformity, so like her own, appealed |rate, When his situation was dis-| ‘pho balustraded Red Roah 1 pedi marae ae tured him. extreme limit and the family | would quatro) pe ieha and aaa s'9."" Gro W. F MONTA and Recorder, Hamilton, or ack! She looked down at her poor |to her strangely. He followed her leqvered he had revolved with im- | quent Pg On Adele) DEAE DS ba tase pee ite Lee “It is something — worth len now be penniless No one is Boake Be eet * Newly made W.F. CAMP: ba a Organizer, Hamilton, ' coe body wi passionate con- ie ay ae waxes his mel little | mense velocity about fifteen rinutes, straight atone wie ie beat ae So oe hose on on Ars HpeR, what Dodd’s Kidney Pills have done |ready to give the Countess tri ie 0; Sho? BOYS VOU. ell ‘ : ands, while she went on knitting. his head and limbs striking Mai Nona Bar J re Be Bp, aie easier to mana; Di i Ho’ i i 7 an angle that the | splendi Sd thine we have 3 ia die ova rae Nis, Boone, “and 1 Hine Hor eta le was.”” ee Re, eae oe Hand ee oS oh your | Mrs. Buttercup "2 wish T had a her adhsoa bal as Sta eae the Tee sone the males the na aistint blow at cath evot priceless evening breeze from the Ere ame gage iad en, an’ they'll er radically, engay re n Jacl oa iNi ercup : “Thun i i 5 i 2 i ; 3 Anata * te and after saven Jextremely happy together.” Tag! AO ReHLiOA Ae ealnee tin ied Eoled hia Co iguest ug ede vende de eee Agen Gite aca ae i pea See ee Re pete Pertlie loge an Chee si PRR EN Ea al 2) Caen ee ERE RES on eo ay month: he hospital was seni inennes Kalteeneis hi es ‘ ie h ti i gs, ur ividi hha: ny more, make Motte neural SS ee eo eee as pee ne fee rc a e any Joy, no bright spot in “all her [Struck with an idea, Piven God wlochiney oa Kapa (GUTH. ha SAVUIERE fromthe anni thek mHRE ore ee SRS ich HEMT an “who had been cur- Bea aah ular Because of the good report they made | Afi, 149 Cures Diphtheria, | Ren sou cam. wish for a hundred ge ee Then her mother, to| “Pf I sing fer ace ‘will yer ‘gimme stopped it- was found that Mr. |pics ‘are still to be seen, for yous |S7an'children all eat at a table by Dodd's ‘Kidney. Pills, advised § res. for: themselves has! WMnard’s Uniment Cures Giphtheria, wom ose jase as easily ana with hast : Whom she had always ben a grief |@ stick of ere ved candy?” , he | Joney’ arms end legs were macerat-|fice, Grevetill: tbe seen,’ for Your ee von an’ what mgood, tims try them and I did, I took| For giving confiacuse to eee Lona e ¥ mong the as’ much pros pea oe U geteive it? Ni an paertiteat og. *had died, and | asked shyly, shuffling his “teet on the led-into jelly.” en away by the heat. It is the ab-| they do have ! 21 boxes before I was able to go to |there is nothing so useful in an office | WS! medicines for tse ia attacks of dys. zs eas OXPENSE, | wonder wo are po a iss Jocelyn could still feel the thrill|floor and looking up at her. “Well, didn't it kill him?” asked Re et anes - net | “Dhere’s my son Henry just drivin work. But I can hardly believe it very solld-looki bale Housness, complaints of the) AT THE CHEMI EXPENSE. of relief which shot through her when | ‘“Yes; let’s hear you.” Mrs. Si with SO ieee eet deca an We One fa it Deligvs: tt Js veay? gallo tonkine Kate cpuak bye, eee esa gave: titeia aio fever a0 asad seo i 8. Slocum, with increasing inter- |i5 noticeable’ A te, o ‘ inlet the gate with hie folks 1*" She myself is in it at all after all|working carpenter South-Fast }igue and the innumerable complications | & number of unkind gibes are hurl- |= che Tedlized it, i After that! abe “had.}, Miss slotelyn laid dows ner kate: ost main; the rest living laborious |722 t@ the front door ane ee spbe ae suffering.’” ont who noted to whieh these ailments give rise, at the chemist anent the. extor- been enabled to set up this little |ting. He clasped his hands behind| «Portions of the dura mater, cere- age huni penaden se laborious Mow y Pills never fail to |son to bless his own 3 s of his wares. Rest for Mother shop. Then she had been only 20, | him, tossed back his mass of bright, |brum, and © Ames in confused a 3 hel tet a cea eee hon s edony ‘ ‘ “You shall nover leave this house pe x sane the : . but old and careworn, Still, her |g0lden hair, — which clung in close |masses, were ered. sbout thE aiin Red Red Betonion te reser oF from Backache. to ee Disease, |‘There is"e real’ dem: until you pay what you owe me,”’ | story concerni an who went in- Pleasure for the Children i heart had craved exe and beauty | Curls to his face, and began to sing. |floor. In sho? Bi oa gates of eter- | another eat cnbuetar ee of ™housands of cured will tell you so. |prices running from $7.50 to 50, |Shouted the irate landlord. ALL 3 shop ask a Be fs and pleasure, with an intensity which| | He was not a pretty child. His {nity had opened upon him. Piande’ay tie ipeiagee chat oe Z nearly all the customers being begin. |Tigbt,’” said the Loarder; ‘just. put i the} |The New Century: Washer tl frightened her, She remembered how |face was r Here Mr. Slocum paused to wipe [Sane ‘ages that pass and ate ‘aes that in writing and I'll sign it.” alah my, : wistfully she sed to sit on the steps (he had Deautifal hair and gleaning |nis’” pestacl id fila, wife “eeivad | oaangen ce, tee. of the Opis Coe Gide Gus CORA DEES hibcom (Perse in. Duntne ie fords the ; P pectacles, and his wife seized |tibre the sead iy f y one a 7 ce pa he threw down cuiiren an of her little shop at night and watch | blue eyes. As he sang, ‘he seemed al- |tho opportunity to press the ques-|fo. ¢h ai ae eee Mars} Cus el Gate Rost a8 wsncher ie SETTLERS LOW RATES, ee € eo i & 4 the girls with thelr lavers. What |most angelic. ‘The hard, worldly tion: ee feet pase the ee rap fo (baw reuderin 2 ‘ fun and laughter she heard! look left his face. The sullen ex- ‘ ye PL TRS won't beliove it, but they asked the | Jack: “Did your waten stop when PEG Reon ae cpt Westen i ere cel: a0 Hover had ‘any 16ver, pie medi [broion, rand Gia wRURIMaIOMA | MERA Sue he cars cana te day before yesterday, the mournful rs i i ty se W] 1¢ to poor boy about things Liar happen- You dropped it on the floor 2’ “01 ed long before he was bo f course it did: Did you think the race which Kipling named the |a nyw econd class tickets at very low| But another Fickte Ob it would go through 2” ‘ , de ‘i 1“ ane ij LES go throug rates from Chicago to poluts in displayed a frankness on tie eiieet Been Apes hae caresp aad jeanity’ “ay ay ee helt, be sang | And Mr. Slocum nies pean feed eerie ee neta nits, come PRES ae S ah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Ore-|of profits that was, no doubt, whol- sh! Even the cats and dogs ittle cherub, though his song |ing:— Cy Guta SA judge of tie pasos of api They that | gon, ‘Washington, California, also to | ty due to absent inne Seemed to shrink from her. Was not exactly one that a cherub | “It was evident, when the shape |‘re,,,hintcriand that. divides Chow | wi NORTHERN BATLWAY ould consider | Parmele’ aver, New Westmin-) "“what,”’. said waugish custome: She bent her poor head, streaked | Would have chosen. > fess form was taken down and it [hid they ewes ee ee tums bo- = 2 Pt ils toe lacking Te is a Tittle a s d_and other points in|i, him one eee matcde with gray, down upon her counter,| The melody, sweet and clear and |was no longer tenanted by the fin hehe genie es the carriage roads; Eicetive daily, until November | MBO 2 ils, What it lacks tn size it|the ‘Kootenay District. Correspond- |tharae tor two. cents eee and let the tears of anguish that |loud, came evenly through his part-|mortal spirit, that the vital spark |Gnvacne listoni Hone on BOth inclus' lonist one way sec- in. pote Dou ee ingly low rates from all points inj a¢6 of potas! Were wrung — fro ne ane lonely heart |ed lips and drew Miss Jocelyn’s heart |was exti E MheSoe Bu the t nd, ond eeinds ‘tiekets ! avitebs issed dbs ea m $0 pawerdat hat Canede. See par mpleliare Wont neat. Thrown sol his guard by the inno- cates.) abt EN, 7 od & ae ene hes er sal ae beng Reo te oe Te het an “Was he! man killed?—that’s what | delight of ine aac cute a nly smal equired. 1 ald rs * Soe manner of e inquirer, the “4 eth ae fon “ . . - |I want to come at,’ said Mrs. Slo- 3 4 as Tou, Toronto to Anaconda, Butte, |sttengtit of the extracts ts secured fn thit General Agent, 2 Mast ‘King St, Wo” nist promptly Sei at cefwetve | [tity them write us for booket. ee : he thankful for? ‘Then the little ban [hile When cane remark in thelr faces passive- * | form and Co their work thoroughl, ‘onto, jingled. A fat looked ness of the Wast allied with—shall Pluioek and Ielena, jg Hont $27 25. FBR mee : nts. The Dowswell Mantg. Co, Lid. . bias lat, rosy-checked. boy jhe looked ai “Do have a little patience,” said 2 a Toronto to WEY SUBMIT To IT? AMILTON, Ont. : f bnteted and’ demanded a ee of re aah -|Mr, S., eyeing his better-half. over |°7° *#¥? the discontent .of the West. ie ee “4 Grand sane (oer ery nO enn ia ai fe a 4 down pomidy. Miss Jocelyn took | in lad is spectacles. “‘I presume we shall PE Als CALCUTTA hill, "ake Hie sak ween eel oene Sor a 48 + ! he ping vicious al ‘ ¥ c & s ne e Works and Robson, B.C ina sie Pane Ok 3 “don't oh lee Oe ae voces Si : lown the glass Jar and atiatied his wits “trembling fingers and poured jcome upon it right away.” And he ei eee Ae nue error, however, they was so scared that they rom Toron| ma, | Hoy aA Baio? Seana gece Fhe Sub sahee teavelen ee Gen Th. fa a ee fetes eta jan went on reading:— ceive of Calcutta in the heat} wouldn't get here, but the baby Wash., Portland, Ore, a8 oe storia, much 19. yous ial Puli vat ae he ‘ ter he left she drew her wooden {looked up, with sparkling eyes, and| «This fatal casualty has cast a as a city of no pleasures. There is|must be better, 80 at is another aoe i" A ullman car should pay the por- are paying very high prices. for rocking-chair, with its worn straw |began to suck a stick with an ec- |g} vi no music, no drama, no society. ¥ Y Waricbivartet gala 5 bi Clothes and a ay PARIS Alea ay gloom over our village, and we ‘ ; 'y. You|thing to be thankful for, Lydia is ws : a ine! hee. Pr AK feat and lace tidy, nearer the stove |*tatie expression. s Crust that will prove a warning to may, if you are so minded, pay calls |here already. She is out helping to ionate rates | Soieae eeu eebeeraser acai a and continued her knitting, ‘What's your name?” said Miss |an persons who are called upon to |@t mid-day on Sunday in frock coat|get the turkeys xeady for the ove! asta a points: ty that ba 17 King 8t, East, Toronto, . i late th ful Hs and unclassifiable silk hat, b babe Aga his folke articulars as to| Dear Sirs,—Thts is to certify that |he does not pay when if \ - is ; ft ._ [regulate the ower machinery of [2% ‘at, but it} I’m expectin’ Andrew an’ his folks f+ ping car rates, {I have been trouble ed with a lame | ticket—but it is fh ae fechas eres wie GE a ache thc ss J replied he with his | ou; ee eae tata isan SiO tor seine ae : Go. EpaTIAATOu to, Ghee we Bank ton coleeeeee why a man should tip a waiter in a ES pers - “Now,’”’ said Mrs. Slocum, perceiv- . evertheless, ther so they came gathering home, Graves, Digttet Passenger Agent, 6 | have. ed esa sbottles. ‘ot your |festauravt eae “a Knight of tho razor ce Udy was one of her efforts. It was| “Where's your mother? Ing that the narrative was ended, [7° other things to do. After four|the children an’ the children’s ehild- | King St. Room 12, Toronto, |MINARD'S | LINIMENT am Vhen a man pays i iar a es : : most pathetic to see, scattered tere “Ain't” got none,”” he answered |“mow I should like to know whether [mouths of cool drought and four |ren, greeting each other with kindly, or, F. 1. vi hitney, General Passen- SOUP cured. hy he should pay | E peas in the plain rooms, evi- fertaapon lifting up a stick and /the man was killed or not?” iaeen of heat the » Maden is still glor- | affection, and the father an r ee ae npn ae ae MER eaters, | the Bost atthe Lowoet Price oe ences of a groping toward luxury, |looking at it fondly, with one eye| atv. Slocum looked puzzled, He [ously green re and there the | With the tendcrest love, e Sips sea : commend it. and you are at liberty |Should not courteous attention ee |. Write for Term: ee aos oie eu ie ies ry taencee eratehed his head, scrutinized the slowing ‘Blossom. of a gold-monur,| Was @ never to be forgotten Thanks- : : ere ey a Padres 25) 3 | rtificial flowers hung jere’s. your father?”” continued tree maintains its outdated s iving day, and I often think of it eens a ft Shien sr aptitoes S ot Pre hns op Pont toe polita es peice 3 ‘The old. tavariable virtye of /REID BROS., M’f'g Co.'y i on the gas fixture and colored prints | Miss Jocelyn nervously. article careful ur are Rice er. |it is good in the tay te ride ih contrast Jack and love and , when an Ind: le, has | Merwg. iver ROBERT ROSS. |¢luded in the dollar ? ‘wiy should | 785 King 8t, W, t a wall, * Meee ; a got Bone,’ Nita he, faunt-| 7 dec! ao aaa he Writrs {the evening to drive, to walk—before pcre ny that there is in some homes abana by Bakth: ane goes the , pays 15 cents for a i q he corner by the old cigar |ily biting off a big — piece of the |eurious; ee peed and after the hours duri hi ven on Thanksgiving day. raecige eany tia’ paper-Won't uring which the g by painting tho upper shave or 25 cents for a Palrent give acd S il : : Bbore tie Hewsboys Were gathered. It yeweet Stick tn’ his hand. sayl”’ unremorseful glare imprisons you in- Sa pat sae thentae @eep black. 1 > barb He works BOOK NOTICE. : Was their regular place of mecting,| “Ain't you had any Thanksgiving | Ba vs Ta loors. | ‘There are some, moreover, _ pa, = =A = nd if he cable ooear ee a ere ee settled their disputes and oe es raya younger and madder, who condemn SLEEPING IN A CRADLE. wafers tin, Sng eis fete [nears tn tho ight place unless she alli Eh wee || 2x He Shaw Be day Ow ty ee talking | (0a eT vance nan atic haem an ims atte, tomeingtomporate | named Wal uk tas se . : ing tomperati athing organs. Nallity this danger |possesses trons of the ae ie OURER tas he Sprains wey mee eacnostly od lous about what | A red spot came on each of Miss |_Fipegan had struck it rich in they ley hockey” football oven. with nase Watlace Supesns, who beat Phomas ic Of Pe Maaogine ater An dae te Ning / appeared tnort important | Jocelyn’s checks. She rubbed her |Slondike and he was now intent on |airtne tual of s : x monie- Of aakvaw letiaad efficacy: Trcwren {yay ‘ Tee, ople 3 an be ; D ec eae pinamene and cup: lin’ when @ Daly. and. he bas news here MOVER WHS, And or shut down on the Sapling business, = is cab in the per-| hands together and began to ig a good time. tie. incredi i i j ness aid soreness when spoked ugitarval“papagen, “in, one eth ‘i t pe geth 3 tat ve Mn It sounds incredible, but that|slept one night of his long life in aa well welled ueok ad erick | ll ils 'to "which fog. i "hel=wthe’ very and those who ran restaurants -and | Bruises : 2G ae In his astonishment he forgot to eat | very host, BNE res, HNO Goren Of the leager, variegated crowd—Hurasians, {any other bed, The youngest of & ait Baal ; and, as an inward specific, |nature of many curatives being such | ); shops, ought to be made. to the. candy—forgot everything fae v' 2 Birdy, Chinese, hundreds of shirt-clad g|family of boys, Wall: possesses most substantial claims to pub-|that were the germs of other and understand. th hey should pay what she was sayi a waiter in one of the smartest) Te ¢ ate. Ghaie ihe telat eee Fee ontidened: ferently scate iseases rooted - sg , 3 a ‘ i ‘ he jaying. Cinntantesae Ke Aenage with inner select mpany of |place in the cradle as he grew older. cor gvsum of the patient=what would ro-| the full wages of their employees. | Price, 25c. and SOce BUSINESS SCHOOL. ; ie lve im | that Dewitehing shop, | these: were quickly i ey Europeans—testifies to the actuality |He soon became too tall to lie in it oe vata atttt ld aggravate | ae : ‘ little bell over the door, : of the game that § + full 1 OClanaie. ts tube senna nia eit the other Ze rela ers in Quin: | visitor—"What lovely _ furnitures’? =f | which tinkled when-any one cane in; | Wor Qa ers co But on them, |mnis ia the GarteGh Chica Leone Giants by ravings ng kes fustrious to whom you are = | iadullsinted state, @ remedy’ for many |Tommy—‘‘Ves; I think the man we |] A terse doseription of Oanada’s lead- to boy with a hunted expression, as | with the swindow full of such inter. to ise, he solved a batde Cha ent |to tho’ ordinary Huropean, whose|Ward. Mach night to this day he ited : vee Why apa he by i n Sie ie it a ee ing he sold ee { ee et a small hope and did not |es eicularly fiery condiment and fh oe of interest is bounded by a |rests his feet squarely: ‘on the bot. t : n : vs | It-mile radius ia tom of the cradle, sways his knees Dabs neg ered. th . : is side the , but was sy no, indence "which evi 6 tel ae mattr stood thus ews Ho thrust one into his capacious |Maiden. Beyond is tho real Calcut-|t© and fro, _ and rocks himself | to r Over Sixty Years SOIR oheetloataed or recat: le’s Anti-Co Poultry, ALL KINDS CF Date as et wn , and no mouth, and immediately sprang up |t®: the swarming bazaars, with their | Sleep as he did when a small boy. na chronic. state ‘of morbid ‘d ine | v Bo 4 one outside was allowed to scll re and danced furiously, bellowing the |indescribable reek, the putrid bustees, |The habit was formed in prone a _arnatomesearaise SyRU! a bs Pondeney, aud ek of as in life, is FRUITS | Keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, pers in that part of the city, while like an uncomfortabl bull from which the plague has bi and never broken. okt ha Bi ans | heute apa io Zo sae ie Butter, |] Telegrabhy and Tusttation. |” i Be ere reels an cob dretucalg mm om REN ayer bans OR ee een ee ae mereitully rind calle, regulates the Wo sia'a pouue u chest, itis E And Farm Pro |[ onguiters is given FREE, i Bitte, hunchback from disposing of jagain, with tears in her eyes, that [proprietor, “/or I shall put you/tierciless sun, the congestion, un-| _ “RAIN” OF BUTTERFLIES rougtout the word, Bene and Known to fal £2Zs, duce generally : is stock she meant every word, his face work | out }” (3 cleanliness, and penury that are the| Milan has Just teen the scone of a |i gives the d Honey. copsign it to w | on 3 a igs or in t i ah ie es ee wate Sy cane sll ae las on ‘P-p-put oo ats it 9 vee ceetilee a iceroy and Government }remarkable “' or downfall, of chance to hea ¥ ; i y' ; nn, ad- nm “You Ret, Tn |Pionegan. “Ol wish yer wou oration. This city, “‘the |butterflics or Bae They sottled ‘A man seldom marries a girl o roe 3 ani we will ce | Central Business College pat: threatening] stay. ‘5 insoides is blazing lik ee a i ng like they wes a feng TAAELLAtiON” of a cao uddeine [ik tala ob Ananda weet ae os iecount of hor oe eae he Petit Cupid’s shaft may make a man act Apples you good prices | OF TORONTC, = timiTeD “Yous leave me “alone ter a minute he put his wmnd fa match factory 1’” we, who ought Ab Sea heed available inch of space on the ground times eas helen a= = |foolish, but it’s the marble shaft 3 | Se a “T ain’t doin’ no har Bare ee hie aaa half drew the cat oxt a1 aoe do our best to forget, intent as|and on the buildings of the central tount thereof. tg ais that puts him out of business. ae 8 s hunchback’s spirit died < out, and his | hesitated—then he pulled it quite out A virtue is not a deceased vice. | We are on the prospects of the mon-| quarters of the city. 6. tieocts, sa }, gauged ‘by s De Commission Co f ee Yip quipered pitifully. and, putting it in Her lap, said ck’ oe harness does not make the Wei and our own individual ways | ave described as perfectly black and Inard’s Liniment Cores Distemper. i ony ie earkae” ai ade | Ana's Lniment Cures Colds, ete awson nee NY ee jy agi tioreaniecsel. theshopbpers, any | Adantly: : orse. f making life, not ondurable merely, |arvellously active. ‘heir prosence nad $s pel. fection of ‘Any, in the markets” AIF drug- a ti CIC, 42-03 ways, ‘Them’s mornin’ *pa-| ‘Here's a cat fer yer."? It was all ven David takes Goliath’s weap- but Ae ie pleasurable at ‘a hun-|i8 ascribed to an air current swep' ba t pers," ate ‘another bey, jecringly, [he had to ‘offer in return. ¢ loses his heavenly ally, and seven in the sha along in front of 4 hurricane, ‘a