Milverton Sun, 15 Oct 1903, p. 3

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The Milvertow Sun Ts the bei Local Nevapen er in the County of Pert! ft is est hot Matic Bodiam * Rates Toe nhe per year, strictly in are I 50 if ay so paid.—M. MaoBern, Puraisuer, ADVERTISING RATES, space, | Year. - 3 mo. ‘One column..|$50 00} /$30 00) $16 00) $6 Oo 5 i Ha 16 00} 9 0 £ . 6 00) 3 00) 5 ‘3 3 00 200 ‘Transient Advertizemonts aro charged ut the rato of 8 ine, nonpariel, for the first insertion, ASIA ea lise (on eash Ga sessive insertion. fare able to get a good fertilizer at a ‘of great value in crop raising. Its use is being revived in New Jersey at least, where years of use of strong chemical fertilizers are wearing the That o ole chip Dasket 40 Iwill. land out and many farmers are glad to resort to the marl beds where they small outlay. TI (Oshawa Vindleator e who cannot fin benefit in this sphere of existence, Au Ane View of Chamberiain. _ (Chicago Tribune.) G. T. R. Time Table ‘Prains due to leave Milverton, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903 _ British, Columbia, already a hotbed of political strife, may be cursed with another election. ss The ial ante: in’ British Columbia is about as folloy jays ain't out and the out’s ain’t in.” ees Chamberlain’s policy may be a good thing for Britain but it would not be » howling success as applicd to Canada, ate is now evident that the late jamented brave warrior, Sir Hector Maclona, was killed by slander. was too much for England’s blue- blooded ‘aristocracy to see a man from the ranks attain a high position through sheer force of character and undaunted courage we Sinco the collapse of the Soo in-|¢ dustries about a month ago there has been a careful canvas of the assots the company, and so far as can be learned the outlook is not hopeful, th Glergue seems to have been a mad man who had the ear of capi “His genius is wholly a genius -for apending money," anid a gentleiian conversant with the sisuation. ~h the ¢1 erevices in her campani lasses relatively so smal ig, hell furnish food to the U dow, and that ionies with manufac the treasures of.the earth, the scope ism. es BRUNNER. - weather is now very en ail ploughing inn the J. Warhing, who has been. laid ome tinte, f espeler and here they ‘intend to spend e week visiting frie heh ies ock, were visiting at Steg tialeop Kidack's on Montag inat the order of Sir ontenn ‘Acquitted. e. Weekly News, of Edinburgh, ives in,full the report of the com missioners appointed to Investigate the pe ue see aeteist bite Tete ir Héte ett e Feproachable character a hero; and we firmly believe. ause which gaye rise to the inhuman eed nets whether they _ possibly pay or not. aveaabine & was done in an extravagant way, and there never was the slightest attempt to, lay out a business plan for the con- struction and operation of any new Men were engaged at enormous salaries for w practically rendered no servi were dee. The whole Scheme seems to be the outcome of a man whose Sara was to be a ‘“smound builder.” ‘a James Credlman, a writer, in he | j New York World, publishes an inter- view that he recently had with a great] American financier who predicts that a period of acute depression is about to, setin, in the United States. claims that, the difficulty has been brought about by the high tariff which Prevents the United States from be. coming a trading nation and entering the markets of the world on a resip- - Focal basis, have been worked at full pressure for years.and the home market has become ghetted. The producing corporations are afraid to slacken operations as it would. have a tendency to depress the _ price of their seeurities-on the market and a8 @ consequence they are paying more attention to speculative values than @ sound conduct of. their ‘pasiness ~-a most unhealthy condition - of affairs. The greatest menace to the United States is the prospect of Great Britain reversing her system of free _imports as she is by far the best cuss t he | Whatey ‘The factories of the East} 5 ite & ruth in foundation of any we find the late Sir Hector assas ie ho y aeauitting the aes Sir Hector Hees ny astrously o whom we have found innocent of ang crime attributed to h: ——_-—-— Bunck—Graul. the r Kuh: nek, Dison of the Lutheran church, Rost to v1 bride Jeaniag on the Sin her,. Miss’ Freda Huch- thausen, who presided at the organ, played, “Oh Promise Me.” ‘The wore a OWN ani rain of Paral silk, trimmed with cream inedaltions a rried_ beautiful bouquets of white asters. esteem in many ad- art: yoeltel to the dining, reom, where uests, to the nusber ‘of 125, joined them in Partabing of & sump: to! But Bridget does. At me pper time on top of ; | One block from home, and Sammy een’ (| Weak little hi Ne thought about hod Riding Hood, "| her health rate so high, her sehools s0 ie nee, that the colonies oh the Sct the poBapie bs Boeland shalt supply | Quick through the alley-way he sped, wtures. But} A and independence of science, and the} The bie chip basket he did fill, breadéli of the oceans render so pent | He blacked his shoes-up with a will, up a scheme a commercial. anachron- | He washed his. ery He went up to his mother’s chair And kissed her twice, and then he said : “Td like.some ‘lasses top of bread.’’ enry Yungblat, es SrppxL—At Mornington, on Oct, 1 tid Rah ss and eee ‘HL. fearless, s0 glorious and unparaliele| © th ti Avery, pleasing eve ae took place at nee! of ™! the cost of all grades of shoes nel than every -}men and wom candle Ju Mii never hase “Good-bye, mamma ? he said-“Good- ye He thought his mother then would, ery ly said, “You going, dear?” ’t shed a single tear, ape now,” said Sammy Green, “I She does not care if Ido She'll have to fill The old ba basket, .so she will: arden iy an hie pasabe ‘iret Sou nig At aigeee oileee 0, When you can’t get no hases A spread 8 eart was full of fear; nd wind in through the old wood- face and combed his Mrs. 'T. 8. plead in | Hospital News. BORN. Arrripgr—At Mornington, on Sept. ‘Tth, the wife of Mr. Thomas At- tridge, ofa daughter. the wife of Philip Sippel of a son. Auction Sale of Timber Berths. BLIC NOVICE ts hereby. given that ursvant to authority of Orders the Red and White Prx fe following ¥ townships, poo T OF NIPISS- of ONE o’élock in the afternoon. Sheets containing terms and con- ~ DAVIS, Commissioner bide Lands. DEPARTMENT o Crown LAnps, TORONTO, TTaly. 29, 1903.7 unauthorized publication of this ‘advertleaniant will be paid for. A Word to You about Your FALL ~ Boots & Shoes have made a careful spite of the steady increase in we can give you better values We ] “| selection of shoes for fall. In 3 Our stock of Long Boots is complete, In School Shoes we have a fine range. Geo. As ale Shoes for A full stock - Trunks and ;| Valises. stsedestacnssentbcool oc aa B xe SATE ES sd your furniture here. Just added to Le 1 case f Ladies’ Skirts which we are pees 10 per cent. off ces range from $5 to $6. Havea look through MILLINERY We again remind you that our Millinery isin good shape. We keep the stock well as- sorted, new eons arrive every week. LADIES’ JACKETS All new, not an old Jacket the store. Good fit suaran- et ® (a) KERRERERERREREERE UNDERWEAR The weather is gotting cooler, and in order to be pre- pared we would advise you Oo buy underclothinge now. We have all the leading lines r Men, Women and Children VW. K. LOVH Eggs 17 Cts. BETS TETRIS WEIETS IRIS TEARS FSIS ARR RE Wiederhold & Honderich EXTENSION TABLES In Extension Tables we always pe a Ne range in Oa BRE is eee aS Th oa ranging in nee from 6 to $25. PARLOR. ROCKERS, MORRIS CHAIRS, LEA- ‘| THER CHAIRS, COUCHES, ETC. Our stock was hever more complete in Upholstered Goods. — Kindly call in and see for yourself. We can save you money by buying Try us. “Wiederhold & Honderich THE BIG HOUSE. Et ALSLAAVAL LUD ASL EUsEA La Pretty: as a Picture ] Tailormade Suits = Are the: E. Knechtel, Merchant Tailor, Milverton - Ontario. .Has in stock.a large assortment of Black and Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds, Ete., to choose from, and can make them up.on the. shortest. notice at. most reasonable prices... Perfect Fiteand Gee Work, Guaranteed : Please give RRR RI nae manufactured by | ee Our Automobile at $10 We have a complete stock of both LADIES’ and GENTS WATERPOOP COATS|"= Prices $2.25, 3.50 5.00, 9.00 and $10. UMBRELLAS For a sea Umbrella try us, we have them at 75c., 98c., $1.10, $2.25, ete: EH. DIERLAMM Milverton’s Great Bargain House. 8S) Butter 15¢.,. Egys., 16c.,Chickens 5¢., Geese 6c. og fiends in this Re aA Ducks © 6c., j nes 4 ees - GRAVELRIDGE. il, of Wiarton, is -visit-|f en called was fine and tl oa family are spending @ few ondon Li somewhat Indispose Gee ne days, is me and Mrs. ® Colin Kerr and their aa ughter Ruby, spent + eouple of days with friends in Gee _ siah Aiken ie at present visiting friends in Berg pee PESFERS. Mr. Jas. McKenzie, of’ Monkto: has finished » very” snocessful Seats ir. "ae rs. Thos. Gentes and milk il Howe ae days in iss Hettie hho _was | nervous indigestion.” ‘one of nora aoe none and of eae Lees ‘day put man out of! ead of tea never Rone beer or thine ‘like that: Fr of Nola k in the ‘ouble if he milk. If he os tert mili a any will oa any case ss get just a litte stale, sat is better than aw she ebb last: fake sists On | re a0 lege Be eveni 7 ee a complete ne AAs liquor will fi 1e tr jou si ew money: is eae 0 Des The south of ot number ae Wellesley, contai large bank pie pariaolune ease, plenty of date tot spring water. Ye On Spplication to she Pee aiaionhe premises or to ‘row, Stratford, a : ilverton, JouN Dosrer ScuMIpr, Proprietor. WATCH LOST. On Fair Day Bes R. hold’s an ound, a arate case oes with a horse engraved on the ack. Elgin moyement. Finder is fs ester de to leave it at Taz Sun office and oblige. JOSEPH WIEDERHOLD, Wallace, P. O. Engineer Hoke of Mitchell, was Tuesday on business vaauins the Peffers fen nish ° Gatake, of the 7th con., Nar time, The editor of Tam Sun passed ihroteh: ‘the burg on Monday. id Robert, Bartoleand ‘Gaughter Jemima, pee ee in Stratford and Nase Saal in their root ¢1 mn aedeniant prevailed near comerine it ie hope! Wiat nik hat eee, Henry Freeborn, the town policoman, gays there must be better Mr. Joe been under the doctor's care for some} tne undersigned up ‘tr ers na bueily engaged taking : eonpetion may be extended to si TENDERS FOR DRAIN. ealed tenders awl be received by Get the Best-It Pays y CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD - ONTARIO Best place in Canada for curing a thorough business position. Enter this mont wy, we Elliott, cipal. BaTURDAY, chara 81s7,. 1903, For the Rppr tence, ofthe pre ce wnship of urns. Con: ate nigee to “tarnish completion of by J. nuary Ist, D. B. Grr Reoveof Moraine tan: Newton, Oct..7,.1908.- order, ease hours kept and less noise here at ni e er Eie. pacer is Sndipnonen: Me Rueben Hurst lea, day to resume his onde at Stratford Rollie Institute. * MONKTON ‘ednesday on busi- itoraste of our cement 4 ; The Milverton Sun HUBSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1903 “GENER AL NEWS GULLED FROM ALL SOURCES ie prevaling pri oui and Bre The Expositor is now the only paper published in Seaforth, the Sun having? ceased pi vee 3 population this year is 9,293; a decrease of 64 from lasb: year; and its ed 2,951,800, an in- crease of: $64 gue Bana income of the Methodist hurch in Canada for they vas $530, 347, an increase of $23,018 over: that of the previous year, Biakeman Gloy Palmerston, was killed on ae die at Chesley on Monday moraivg, BS rT pee py ed oe teens making couplin; <The eaotee in oe estern eee ade have pecas 1 Be erecting Seaton in Euglish ~ will a $ ster Te for Eng- campaies, inangurated aya at states- cin Hishon, a Grand Trunk firoman, was sentenced at Toronto on impr eae “in the Central ashes, for eominitting en fetta A Baap S. A. Sternaman got a eaieh | in tie United States Supreme ‘onday, against the Bee ife o} rote a verdict is for $1000, which ests and costs will amount a 2, 300. The Doukhobors of the Thunder 1 the judges. ~| many points on fii rou ia a Sea B, al It is staced that Peter Veregin will visit Russie this ely a the pur: to have releases 1e3 s, Dolicbrs who meat prenen’ ir baie tg eihen w AL thresher ‘in Southern Tato says he has made w recor 2,214 bushels at ols of oe arali and 1 ‘in Thomas Lipton spends $200,000 mally in ordi any vertising of shit sana What he spends in the yacht kind of ee Gane is unknown, bi ym the Shamrocks he tas a hand, the item must be very: considerable ! © no sympathy with Capes fe g-faced people, talking about a sori ‘Chey are Sometimes at prayer- ig when oe sho pepe ihe 3 will he oe it in bis |» Paton. ae vaark Sir Samuel Griffith, not ae Edmund "Barton, i is the ie Justice of the new Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Austral eae en Edmund is one of ¢ Chief Justice's ae is $17,500, A ‘that of the indges: is A new engine! bravellia Aetwess Paris and Hay hi ee at ) miles en hour. This engine has und weight. ‘he driver says that it fulfilled all Gh uae and went through the high-speed experiment without any becakdow: ne ae has just died in Jasper, after confessing to @ mur that “took pee s 1885 love with the killed on the eve ot his nuptials with another ; and one of the male accom: of the mu! fhderial was infatuated: with the el that the murdered, man} wastomarry, ne mittee on Publibhin, Hat of the General Conference of} e Evangelical Association. has. made, a reportin nie: Tt, ‘ooommenda| tions are mi 10 revision made of th” ‘present cos aye the Atwood fair on Wednesday is No. pensions are pro-| _ a Pa situation teaching in’ our public ten wheels and is. of quormous size| "" be inrting tn ent jun- Hage; fhe: Buente of Mri - Schad r, Jas. Thompsos son of Atwood, was | 75 hors + Awe 8. r oore: and ead Kenna SAW MILL AND REAL ESTATE _ for Saie in Newton, That valuable saw mill property in 1) OD. aS TR. gine; plenty of 16 x 28. prisin, proprietor paing forced the proprietor on od. | W. D. Weir, Auctioneer, Milverton. 01 z ; Menryfota marriage li ues, should pass fata fs be sella ieop and is very obliging “J ister, of Tor onto, ate at present spending a few days with ae brother, att Ory. big rain with the frost has caused our brick and tile works to close, after a big season’s work, Mr. and“ Mra: Graham, sr... and daughter Miss Jennie, are at presont spel pees few 3s days With their son, as. Gri Mostly all of our villagers attenaed nae Fie sebbie do not sa: a good ‘time; for ahey aither famished or half soaked gree late for last go Kleber moved into the J. ‘ins and daughter Tuosday evening, aud report having had a go Mies Anderson of Blyth, ba scour- Sur Jown fennis players hi ad the pleas! aving a friendly ane Wath a few. on their Atwood friends te Gordon, whovhas been in ¢ pillage for’ the paetitwo weeks, left er home near Listowel on Thurs- Emina Inglis, who has been coantiae her peneys at her home on the boundary, lo New York ‘Mond: ngiseiie ae ee a good posi. 4) Weare to-vannounce abs: yee of Master “Stork Young, son Wiltiem Fenny, of the ern ee Eo; mis bee gory a on ‘Weduesd cg died ni ight « ‘with Snfiaumation of of every- Hewas ei vey. and uiuch eropatiy is felt. It for} 2 |ed during last wi D+ ton, 100 act WILLIAM Arrie, Proprietor. ett Onions Wanted . wo tons of Choice Sett Onions wanted at highest Meee tie to Aue deliver- er. Also 4000 ibe. Dried Appies wanted at once at market price. Customers are cordially tnvitea to call and see our perk, and pi uy some good bargai LARGE, — Poole, Ont, W. D. Weir’s _List of Properties For Sale. North half, lot 1, concession 1, Wel- lesley, (western section), wood. Price $6,000, terms eas Bast half of lot 7, con. 2, Peel town. ship, 100 acres, 0 cleared and'in good! trate Ob eulalvasian, Deus barn, frame house, $ tnlle from Glenallan, rare good home, “Prive $4600, North halt of lot 9, oon. 4, ; ton, near Milver' re Id ,000, great chance. West’half fot 9, con. aes Eine 0 t* Burn: pose pbarts bart splenic dats oa be sold cheap. Price ean _Soutl 4 of lot 15, con. 9, belek HEPA peers e bank barn as there is floors in ie eounts ern through, latest improved stalls, ton, 1 Ca og a onthu! Re Anibank, brio itivertog at at right ct tone ‘offive ee! any ee ae £ ewton, P. O. : buy a good pair. ONIONS. WANTED An‘unlimited quantity of ~ Nice Large Onions wanted at Z \ Station Store In exchange for goods in the: store, which you can eae at ai right figure. “ Give us a call and get ou aie on Long Boots | Shoe: : ang Boots from Gay Every-day wearing Shoes j|from 95¢. up to. $1.95. ¥ Rubbers as law as 30c AB. Yost & Son MILVERTON STATION — _ The Dominion —_ LIFE ASSURANCE 60. Head Office, - Waterloo, Ont. os Results of 1802 Business in force 14 pe er cen! nt, Cash Surplus to Poliey- hol eG 187,! 900. BD Increase 902 6 854. 00- a ecial Teaventneee to total abstain. All forms of sound level prem- i insurance issues All benefits in *ontinuous hinted finglaiments at the option of the Assured Jas. Inhes, President. False Economy of Cheap Spectacles. ‘ Sight is Ma precious to trifle», | with; When buying spectacles "5. Weuse per>< fect lenses. They cost a little: more than the common kind, but rheir difference in comfort is worth many times: the « diffe i} ence in price. * Don't forget t te the best stock of mney

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