WARRIAGE LICENSES ah Gnoedn. Sreictiy ConripenTiAL, Th “It Shines For All.” o Vol XIi—No 44 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1903 MALCOLM Macs ew Editor and Publ The Sovereign Bank Capital Authorized $2,000;600 Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Office, Toronto H, 8. Alene D. M. STEWART, Pre: Gen. Manager mventon BRANCH jow open for the transaction GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $1 and upwards received. of Savings Bank Department Tnterest allowed on deposits from ~ date of deposit, and current rate al- lowed, and compounded half. yearly. Deposit receipts issued, dratts bought and sold, collections made promptly on all points, money orders issued, notes discounted, Special at- tention given to the collection of far- mers sale notes, R. J. Ranney, Manager = M..PANTO! Offi open every Block, Main St. Ni, oe Thuteday, Win. aston, Solicitor te, Bur x Denslitry “DR. B R. Ge DE Laat aN, Dentist, Licentite of Dental Men oyal Oollege ae £01 atari ‘onor gi ronto University. Regulation of Gof and Bri ‘ork a Specialty urs 9a. 5 p.m. Mice above | Finlkbeiner Biel haedienes store, Milverto Medien) DR. L. I UD Graduate of Loronto Uni Physician, Surgeon Bape aeconsipe Days aed night, eases promply attended to. Odice in Bawke’ block, Milverton Ont. ario Veterinary for- seases of Tome animal nded i a i aiah Dae shies a ‘a pecan: s Prambly VETERINARY SU formerly of Newton(Grad- erinary aU Aacessiested cates ds GHON 2 SK, Milverton Ve y erwise promptly a 1 Li in counection. First class ie oes mani eiee abel Hee Tatton Count driving @ Societies sen | their iene of news que Geantaly LOCAL NEWS. If you see it in Tun Sun it’s so. ‘Miss Inez -Whaiey erst Sunday with friends in Trowbridge. ‘The snow'storm of Monday remind- ed one of the approach of wint Miss Foster, of aie is = suck visiting her aunt, Mrs, uicklow. Mr. Weeks, of Delhi, ee He en- gece by Mr. C. S. Kerteher as Bart Mr. ee cobs, of Milverton, shipped twecar-] Tada of sugar beets to Berlin ae week, Earl and Miss Jennie Young of "Siatford, sapeat Sunday at J. = Tucker os. have purchased Dr. Egberts, eae black driving mare for a nice sum, Messrs. Stewart Campbell and Thos. Hepburn, of Stratfo re spent Sunday with friends in the village. Mrs. Stewart Wright of Ses spent several days last week as the guest of Mrs, H. M. Schaefer. Miss Jessie Naismith has been re- engaged as teacher of the oe school at an increase of $50 in salar x Charles Schmidt, son of ie chat ‘saan of Ellice ne con K. as bday eae We hope that our various corres+ pondents will endeavor from now on. has been engaged as teacher in'S. 8. No. 8, Mornington, Miss Berry, resigned. abel Sharman has resigned as teacher in Hamlet | a he wacancy yy the Le ar of ston. There will Se EOL on ae Milverton, and Trinity eae) Ein: n Sunday at the usual how in the stead of etn © SuN from now until January +905" os one dollar. . Tf you are not a SBidee of THE Sun become one. It will be sent your Sie from now until Jan. 1905 for ne dollar. Grosch & Pfeffer want to buy _an- other toe of choice potatoes. They pay 50c. a bag, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Klenck have returned after spending several weeks with friends in Ohio and Illinois, Mr. & Bel - Pugh purchased a fie sale of si elph. 0. A m-sal on edna, a pure ted “voces as i srs. John Gilbert and Joseph} *° Ae Piatt returned home on Friday spending a month in Manitoba al ‘the Territories. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knechtel and Mr. and die rs. ow Finkbeiner spent Sun- day with Rey. Geo. Finkbeiner at Carlingford, Mrs. Jas’ Roe, Master David James| \¥ Roe, and Miss Wingham, have return- from Hanover, where they have been visit ng, after g Ey Pfeffer Bros. are chopping for Se: er 300 Tos. and do not intend to raise ‘ocate in ae % Share farmers oe small oppers ‘The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper administered next Sabbath i C rags ist cee will be no ae in the a ihe Ladies’ Aid of Knox church, Millbank, intend holding a aslot Sovial af the residence of Mr. ‘Thom lesley ah canst Weslincley ) wanton g Was eat inspir: to thim. fae hie lane with the rnietons Se she gir nee Soest and that he profited Se by his~ association wit In’ this 0. F., No. 99, Milverton, meets every | Miss Agnes John: umble efforts as a citizen ke ‘had en- nd und lust Tueeda: At} On Friday the foll ti ast ee such things as he ay he following contingent ae, acres ‘or, DViddne wots a SN hs Ode aire oat EH saacbe eT eens Sa wsleal Geo Roe, re the fens grounds at South ee and v glad if his efforts], Barth, Recanttag Seeretary. we Musko ee ‘ook, Wm, | had been protuclive. of any ‘good. re- Livingston, nrey, JohnjSults. It was with regret that he 0. 0. F., “Silver Star tpg ade Tone. pi of Manktan: ieee his Se ane ae the people No. 20: ilverton, here, but he hop they would Lody meets every Friday mght at 7.80 p. min thee Mall post office building. Visiting brethren always weleome. dolph Mille a, N. G.; Johv Dunbar, B.S. WD, WEIR, Agalionser for the Ca’ tty and Waterloo, Conveyancen Deeds, MYille ana Mortgase Afidavits toade, Baill Buh Di Village Clerk. Office, over Grosclre Store, Main street, Milvert on. aise Hotes Pleasantly sitnared Recently, and Ment. tou ommer cial Lab by. eldsteicies Blectric bells. Beet Large sample Brands of Hiquors, a clerk: a ais Proprietor bsgroie Ont, Best liquors and ‘st-class Seattnaia: EXCHANGE HOTH John Gropp, Pzoprietor. cigars at the bat. Fir bn and large atabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. juss a od cial tenvelore and others. ms, Goo ad ae abting, Best ngnire aude corner of Bai Mil streets: Chae.’ Ritter, ree QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milxerton, Ont. The poster Ae Ae! commercial ‘tray. ars at the iene of hed vcaim,< Hey Rowe, Mixceltancou JOHN GROPP, Se in Cedar: Posts, Liamber, Laths, Shingles, Pumps, etc. Bon Ont ty we, al|'The content s, T, PB. Roe entertained the ‘int Ai take choke at hetenrer nce on Tuesday evening, The Nee ae Gata yecpen tieeneee is a tastefully by Mrs. eral servant. gent aon Tete W. K. Lo Thos. Dewar, tax collector for the south half of Horn gio will be at the following plas es Hee in the afternoon, oa receive ss from all hie Erenated to pay nilverton, id Pee Nov. ard, Mr. ih ; Millbank, The house of Mr. ‘Samuel Moore, of er family re- tomed from. ae cy discovered the site on t was immedi- ately out ane the family wont in to Ge cor bel at of the Were it was eel that the roof n fire. But it gained ais head- vould net be checke and), nagasa vs pasaet to th ever, were The house oe ie ee for amount. the Rev. eiscr, of Reading, Pa., ‘one of te ieee to the Berlin con- werful sermoi from Rev. Mr. Ehy’s pulpit at_th Union church here on Sunday even: ing. Rev. Mr. McKinnon, of. Milver- ton and Zion Presbyttrian churches, also happened to be present and took part, by invitation, the service. 1, Heis 4c the trip from e ora small sa nn | dissatisfaction 6 = oes pe receiye the full cera it teeing in Ae the future. Realizing the era of prosperity and the demand for more upto- ae busie ness plac paeent st | in losing Tite 1 Bela fernon Jest, whereby ie gets melons Girerton ¢ site ate paid was: $1350, which is an exceed- ingly Te piece of propenty, and will ake a good d by ne free irs heen se he will put up-te- date commerci nOeE: ‘whieh: he he will, a peer to Wiltsie’s, ment ; in a this will be kept the wine oe _ Sample ms ey any other objec sectins tha may be thought of a con- ion of this if ni Uooper ietampted to call thy. hat Since the Clarendon has ae R P scarcity of female velers have a wil ich we stly need, but wrth sat these tee i e are bogies ae Some aesuien aRUorG | and it mi od thing for our town to hits! ju ee such | ¢ an ea uel built as Mr. eed purposes county town the same evening.—Wel- lesley Maple Leaf. f —Clinten New nd aie its appe: j| of a goose Piha Jays a Sam has} of eg: é East. Ed. . ariving outfit from Mr, Robt. + the Sauls: alee at Barlin the ‘eacher may reiaih nis Seda eg was €X- tended to Re years. a nobes nett Misses Mac- leave to-day for Farlane cane gPPeht: Listowel two waiting for a bel arance, ave ouiahs lope an abies ane fe beens miracle a train might happen to be on time and of course it could ieiwebholt = uidee tae sae ahiin out of | wi o'clock, why in the Cy, and an outraged public, not say three o'clock, four o’clock or five o’clock and let us know where we are at. is also very soothing to be nae up, as frequently has happened wit! e poriiie Sean sae Str rae ie half within a few hund- gai gatds un8 station, arith fer a freight Sens about the yard. It a burl ae state ot saiad uit tote Ue" ont ering whether our ees aad, wanes tu railways, really own the country and can do as they like with us, or not.” Address and Presentation. a may haye every success in the duties you may undertake. Signed on behalf of the Choreh of Bogland congregation, 8. 8. No. 8, ey N. ore Mr. “MILLBANK. Miss Maggie Weir in co ae is visiting friends pet shop here and moved ,to Lin- wot Me. rae B. Freeborn has adde: the Rares mee of his pro- Ee ie bullae a cement walk from his house to the street. Mrs. John sles vee a long period of | illness, et ay on Phnieday Inet ab te eke years, \- | at the residence of her st in-] ee Jas. Nichols, The Saturday afternoon to Knox church cemeter’ was dareely attended. Mr. J. ir is the proud owner large quantity gs in both the spring and fall, bat sureseda to hatch in each season. UNIONVILLE funeral on Mr. A. J. Babb, of Millbank, ns purchased ‘all the apples s Vicinity. They area good crop ths year. . Nelson Edwards visited friends in "Palnsrston last week. Mr. William Long is. still going Stay w ays you cai enn tidtectrotn aouse ton tb ue David Allen | has. finished sheers in vhis viein . Jobn Zehr has old his fara to ar. “hies. Johnstou for a bani Rock has pnrehased John- , , Knox, of Chicago, cnlled on alg Irendé lao week Mr. I. Sage leaves this week to work in the @.T.R. shops at Strat- pace H. R. Williams and A. bere intend buying cattle in the uest of Mrs, McKay Strat mon en hey will attend the ® ‘Teacher | smile, dts a Loy and mity. eve Portes hes closed her dress- ilitane’ reantiee 2 1 PANT EAGT Quite a number from our vicinity took in the sale at Mr. Snyder’s, 01 the townline, on Monday. We are spaces rere that Lorne ‘Miss Bennett, ned of t ealee, ae hin, 8] adie a ene ye weeks with h alseeiane A Bern, 9 of Listowel was the ~ west of Mr. H. Boyd on Sunday. whee i Be rae 1, y! isited at D. Kerr’s one day last week, Mr, Moore is wearing has come to stay, Se sig eae 7th Con., Wellesley. A social will be hel on Friday evening, Oct. 30th, al ie home! ot Mr. ‘Thos Bigam a auspices of the L: ieee ie oe ices chat, Millba: ae ann will be made welcome and a good time is ne Mr. and deat Rake Ney, and Miss Bertha Aki orrie, apede oy é| couple of Baye rendhe lan iste Mrs. McFaddin. m. McKee is erecting a ‘fine summer kitchen and woodshedl. am Bigam is aviving me d. e ti pe feinestcr bee been makin; ae aaavat row as higher than. ves year, Paine also louder. erecting 4 taxes are are — PEFFERS. 8. G. Melee! & Co. have ieee avg a wellfor Mr, John McKen ‘hk. Chas. from-an attack of gi Apple packers a Crosshill ‘dive fnushing a few jobs see this weel Jam te Stevens is réeovering rippe. Bi Re Buda will preach at| evening, Oct. 80th. Admission 1Be. Monikton, Oct. 26th, 1908. Ide hari eee Se baat Crocus ced ae eae fo gonnestion with the special, services Bev. Edmund of somttine cgay Rene tes Jclng hold ther the agent ot the Bible, Society, Ganesan wand nee oo . Coutts shipped 41 head off “ll tadiiees gy oneetics Gavia lteiee soy Bice ty te ei % ey loutts ts shied ot of fie socks anne Methodist ehuzeh, ir one illness sof bit Soe ay, erat cattle last week ‘oronto, an Ma oe day browhie eb 8 O's The tion. ’s many friends Weanesday, of this, week shipped a Poatic are cordially invi poate here extend to her their sincere sym- arload of hogs to Collingwoo ‘ Be fi : Mr. Burt, Coutts, the pigeon king,|_, Bev. 7. B.° Howard, for the past Our trustees have engaged Miss. I. ee dy buying Wels taka ycare and’a' half Gnoumbent. of MeTavish again for ear, giving sear Decca a asi Chet Sha na gee and Trinity Tiere. Wellwicceuved aatsbann ieee lane 10,000 during ae ee oles Elma, preached his fa rowel work has not been all In vain’ bat people say: That a few focad large coneseseian’. ou MME IEEYS received lasting benefits| showers of the beautiful snow ‘makes Mr. Wm. PRR, of Okotoks, is Suny eine At the close Ot his ask you to accept this some people get a hustle on; that we bigs et to arrive at Milverton thi iscourse he took oceasion to refer ‘to Cela Bs buuely, tro shai ey hi | hi young man with more than iit A urlond SBhoned roll at get pastorate here, which had been | Sented ju by the people in this} ov ainary presence of mind ; that great ae aa chor broken for work. | most pleasant. He expressed his _ap-| “We Sirnestly pray that God's bless. | loads of cider go. north through here we sKinnon, of Milverton, | preiation of the services rendored him |ings may rest upon you both in your these day’ making the failing there pees Raine Seithod’ Model school, | by the various members of the church | new work upon which you, are. now | easily guessed, $s" | and especially of the choir, who, by | entering. NEWTON. Master John Donley entertained a rape ie eg is young friends’ on Mon- day ev iss ‘nie Sey returned. last Menday ing at siting friends Bison gutted fd Mes. Wate Mitchell eee iebeacta Wingham the art of last Mee retuming pascal elie: is of Listowel, at: ‘Mrs. P. Sha Daw present visiting ber daughter, ae 101 Be Habn, of Heidelberg, passed tapas our burg Thursday evening with a large drove of Tet pur- olesw a cones in the vicinity of D. Grieve shiped a carload of Fa es Buffalo on Monday. awke’s sale on Saturday taet was largely atte Me: Taso Schneier oe the finish- ing touches on |W. J. Zoeger’s: yard mt Monday BA Behn eider, of Dorking, atin eee m Saturday ‘last on busi- ness. Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Crowe, of aterloo, renewed old oeecone in this place on Sat 5 Sone spent Saturday and Sun village. Mr. R. 2h of Goderich, mday in. our 'P. Nicklin, of the ninth con cession of Mornington, delivered at Newton station two choice loads of lambs, averaging 110 Ibs. say the mbs prone 0 Tbs. and the nowt loud consisted of six Iumbs, average weight 110 Ibs, mie shows R, Judgment of pee W. J. hae moved into ae wae Estore bak is now in readiness supply the pee ot he ouatineee an up-to- ee rv of Ae Seine people spent alan Spare wt a the home of C. bane ate ses reae! evening. edding was calebrat at ened jones. of Rev. M. Speilman at Stratford on Tuesday, Mot. teh, when E. Scha: ate Toukbart pi Topping 4 the, aie Miss Maggie 00) was anited TMS holy bank ek Smony to H.C. Zooger, ot Menthe The Ai y couple left on pa. in for Deteait and thes Michigan i be at hon bei ends utter November 35tih.