Milverton Sun, 29 Oct 1903, p. 3

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The Milverton Sun Is the best Tom Neves er in ine Loven of Perth, D Bent Medium. fates phon? able. it eription 81 per years aren in Sena 81.50 50 if not sop: mh ADVERTISING RATES, ~~ Year. | 6 mo. | 3 mo. Bigath col. » One inch ,. “Transient Advertisements are chai the rate ofS. per. line, nonpariel, first ineertion, and 8. per line. for oach su __ sassive insertion, G. T. R. Time Table ‘Prains due to leave Milverton, Gorne Nonent GorNG SouTH, 10:48 a.m. Express. .9:10 42 p. ee Mixed 5 p.m od. 8:25 p.m Express THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29; 1903 ‘We still have more territory than the United States. z * ’ President Roosevelt's chances for . rg-election: should now be pretty good: ‘He knew where he was at when he appointed Root, Turnor and Lodge as ‘jurists of repute,” to sit on the Alaskan Boundary Commission. oe It is important that the Britich Parliament grant ‘powers in treaty-making as the present powers in the words of Sir Wilfrid Latirier “are not sufficient for the | 20% maintainance of our rights. ee ‘The frontier of Canada is becoming marked with the tombstones of Cana- dinn interests, sacrificed by Britis Stupidity and indifference,” are the words of John King, K. C., a strong imperialist. and the son of a British There is one thing that Canadians learn from the decision in the ‘Micka Boundary dispute—as long as we remain a dependency of Great Britain we must sacrificed when imperial interests de- mand ite, oe ‘ Sir Richard Cartwright, in a speech | CO”! dglivered to. the House of Commons in 1888, expressed himself as follows and it ayill be noted that it 38 quite applie- able at the present tim: rtising * us more extensive ey 'o lick the em) —John W. Campbell. Terato, Oct. 26, Unchanged by Death, Mount Morris rene “T was strolling through ai Ikla- ry one Sunday latternace, he | be ‘Thomp: than one beer at a tin MEU ee Eloquent Words. late speech, the Premier o thas closed his address— aa prioen upon not in the aap lan rs, neck a home isan himself, now turns his gaze.” - The Outlook in the United States. The nies States is believed to be n the eve of a general slackening of indasinih forces, Says the Chicago is estimated that before the | tke the position of dressmaker io Mr, sat reeent liquidation in stocks The Expected Has Happened. (Saturday Night.) *. the expected has happened does not inake the thing any nore palatable. Canadian conyersant with the atwaplest facts of the history be prepared to be B 'y proper! are well situat ted to. sym ake with Spain in the loss to the of Bloride, “Po tell you a ce seeret, Mr. | 0 Speaker, which will not go out- side the walls of this House, I have never been exactly able fo understand which | on of Canada lay to nae In point of fact I rather think that the] ae t | the shrewdness of the Yankee negotia- any deep debt of gratitude to English on, that we owe them much, unless, per chance, it- may Bes te ty them for the atrocious blunders Coan treaty, or eee Ae ume 5 by a treaty signed at Shent after the war of 1812-4, Canada, 5 | having no voice. in the negotiations, was Ge ae Kos fad ove ir neigh- In 1842 that “fitted te of Maine on the other, Permitted a falsified map to mislead con-| him, and + gemnedi- from, the cavaceh Penieain lt Franklin mur, not. ‘excepting their fase or second Treaty of Wash- ‘Witty Sir -Wititamn t ir William Harcourt, a political fe Lady, Beacontield. He was dining with the Disratlis, and sat beside the Te plied he, with a gallant ve one of the rare occasions, isigaid to have smiled. ve Sa ros ‘Up Against kt. eal Herald.) shuberlani haa against him, actively “Byasticaly all the public f whose 8 on ‘which .Disracti| th of acest the heen considering the ans not great ei Soke One. were: ny” As ay, andthe ihe comb r|.the. ‘hale rity. of the Semnninion: inde favor of hat point rmidable , pe tor to. sooutiramnlen ian Jand. we Sage ie Tr -| coats, mittens and muffs 5 k few English sident: a mans a lands rebel bh he owned g e pul ir Riel ant ‘ebster, now Gord~ ‘Rive oratorio, In the course of the eanbeetige a pees eived frie ae addressed “Toro! of some as misty as those of his solicitors. pita cio 2! LINWOOD. Miss C. Hayes ‘had the misfortune tohave a runaway last Friday, on Main street: Her: horse became acute at a traction engine passing through the street. timely assistance. Rev. Mr. pandas salted on his son, the teacher, la: Mrs. F. Hilker, And: iestecs Clay- ton and Saag have returned from. a. Mrs. R. pats has been confined to be hose ues the past few days ‘ith a 8 srs ery ‘asco sale was held Be nee John Hayes’ on the 20th: Oct. The stock all sold at isco cae Horses were particularly high. . F. B. Edmunds attonded the last weel ting -and- well Michigan, is. visit: ing taal cabs eas GG esti Boar ar ina eine from a visit to. Toronto- Mr. and Mrs. A, Schaffé, of Dray- Ry Y. Fish’s stor Storm doors oa sedans over- the Linwood people are epoca winter soon. eo Auction Sale of Timber Berths. PUBLIC! NOTICE Is hereby, given tat pursuant toa td in Connell, the Red and. White PIN close townships, ING—th GREELMAM, LOcK (part of), FRENCH (part of), PBWART, “tho KHART (part ob. ‘ea f), ° S (pa TN THE DISTRICT GE ALGOMA aberthy Nos 109 and 201, the Pown: TS. - | ships HENER ant 5 bal s ‘Block * “W? near Onaping THE RAINY RIVER TRICT—Berths Gi9, G21, C23, and: G36, and: the following f | with the ri ight to cut and remoye the med) Pabl oti Parlia- ment Dalai in the City of Toron- to, on NESDAY, the NINTH dey of DECEMBER, 1909, at the hour of ONE o’elock in the aftern ‘Sheets containing-terms gnd con- RIE,, PoRT ee eda Rat Port- AGE and For? F: E. J. DAVIS, missioner: sss on a Con DEPARTMENT OF CROWN Tore ONTO, nh "20, 1608. N. B._No unanthorizea publication of this advertisement will bo paid for. Good Shoes .. . Everybody say: “Fine Shoes,” ‘Neat Shoes,” we den’ “JUST GOOD SHOES” We buy our Shoes with this find ae ien’t. ‘worth aking _ “AH_Kinds of Good Shoes” That is.Our Motto. ete J so fc Ue ei Ea " SESE ih as Don’t forget the Great Sale on Friday and Saturday Oct. 80th and 3Sist Hverybody welcome. For particulars see bills. W. K. LOTH HA RIERA RIBERA ICRI IEA A IE BIEBER ITE ETE TS BIE IE ETHIE TE EAS RRR BRE IE BARRERA Wiederhold. & - Honderich BEDROOS SUITES Callin and see.the biggest assortment ever shown. in this yan in ELM, ASH, MAHOGANY FINISH, MAPLE OAK, and QUAR TERED OAK. 25 Suites to choose from, and prices right. 3 % Our Couches Are right in line and a big selection, prices..from $5.75 to $29.00. A nice lot of Pictures-have passed into stock a few days : ago. Call in and see them, they are beauties. THE BIG HOUSE. VWidh UN Pretty as a Picture Are the ‘Failér-made Suits manufactured by E. Knecktel, : Merchant Taifer, Milverton -~ Oniario: Has in stock’a large assortment of Black and 4 Fancy Worsteds, Tweeds, Ete., to choose from, and can make them up on..thex shortest: notice at most reasonable prices. Perfect Fits and Good? Work: Guaranteed Please give me-a callhand Jya.convinced. Wiederhold & Honderich _airtour a ‘acts have bi and her the everlasting |°% m re as remembrance of those who made h ance, 3. OF M4 za Ms to moun r loss. id r bes 8, |C es Our Automobile ae "$10 we have them at)" Bs, Plea ct ert tee complete of both LADIES’ and GENT’S stock arecord it isno wonder peasantry of Russia, .. On Monday night, Ge 17th, Mrs. Gallagher, one of Kinkora’s sei’ settlers, passed away at the of seventy -ciphityanus. © Mra! Gallacher was a devout Catholic and her kind, Brestial Sl Galea -sacrificing. disposi- tion secured for Ellice, Tach of Muskoka, Mrs. okn Smith of Stratford, and Mrs. asian entire com. other og a one vagabond was oe almost ae nes, act of insulting on the upon women altogether too frequent in fs SoS and seene should be so much general illiteracy among the| 0! ‘S| whereabouts will be thankfully a4 dollars 1 r is the lary of a coe teacher in th rently bellovaettiae ie “opposition 2 not*krow enou, without eetting un a street car, whi it: ney seems to think that hy Premier ate it is that these two “gentlemen as not members of the same Cabinet. lie ag m the premises of the under- ea § SO FSS 1S VIS) pplicatio peo or . D. Weir, bes (OHN noes 18t-50 Get the Seehtt Pays CENT! BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD Best place in Canada for se- ry a ¢ business + : ‘ + me Ld INTARIO- position. Enter this month. W. J. Elliott, a_ white quickie the neighborhood ‘of ub Ibs. Any information oeived by. TuHos, ATTRIDGE, SR., Milverton, P.O. WATBRPOOF COATS ez". Prices $2.95, 3.50 a 5,00, 9.00 and $10. UMBRELLAS . . |! For a good such people y bi ae St housing, them ead toad them in comfortablé prisons is serederedvane Tet bone: penetally Known that anyone convicted of insult- ing’a woman was-liable to be whipped Umbrella tr Y US, | there Soni probably soon be Bs 75c:, 98c., $1.10, $2.25, etc. E. H. ERLA MR Milverton’s Great Bargain House. Butier i5¢, Eggs., 16c. Geese 6c. , Chickens 5¢., The apitverton % Sun , OCTOBER 29, 1903 “GENE SRAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES Lou Dillon trotted a mile at” Mém- phis, ‘Tenn., in . making a world’s recor all The cod fistory this year has proved | tg a failure and fishermen are enduring great privations. Stratford, is endeavor: ring to 31,200 « year for foreign missions. The Right Hon Le BE. .H. Licky, the historian: died at his fete in Rendon of heart fais on Thursday. social trains - loaded with rvative campaign literature ar- at Toronto from® Ottawa on Phiday last. The next session of the General Conference of the Church ° of the} Evangelical Ass eaiatan will be held at Milwaukee, isconsin, commenc- ing the Ae aie in October, 1907. Zuch. Burnham, the impostor, who ee eae one y ingston | 8 popiter y for obtainiug money | Those uudor Algo pretences from Hon. Thos. Ballantyne, has. boon Praag cule ock, to. ions in Woodst late: ardy, is wil ith An Pinion Office, Liver- ool. letter to his friends in Bronte the ote day he states that. his wife, ¥ sented him with triplets, all of whom e doing well. Unique among all sermons ever preached i! that one of aad aim of Germany to his Ses on on ftmation, ca his toast te Plostae probably stands ate amongst all would-be serious utterances on eartli. The Emperor said n irish ludy, pre- | Cham -| he is satisfied it is quite hopel tol affect snycing in that aracton ene a out | ber to the dale of April. at i Dr. sonyert the Pop he ae held in Salt Ste Mario Gat iMeauae oA aed culled: i the Faurn ORBnRN UheraL: by about 100 majority: in the cae jo Tutried seat Vig wees Srna! Une Government’s majority vemains The Presbyterian Synod of Ohio hes! so 2g ters, are Jnerobyenjol refuse to stfon the Seaeay ede eee a per- ous except such persons as have bes me ita of dairy. instructors aa teachers will be held at- Ottawa November on pe Hes next... Yhe Secure is bei ad. A, Ruddick, chiet of ae Dairy Divi sion, Ottawa, to discuss matters of vital importance to cheese and butter the imgortant sub- jects to be discussed are cool curing, pasteurization, transportation, ete, Simpson Rennie will start out shortly for the purpose of superintend- ing five 2ores each alLeasea‘. Rennie saya, ‘promiers ieshyowelles w. BE Canadian car- to onist and Laer who went to England to labor behalf» of the beriain campaign, oes ey ee that he He ae see ie eas upon the work in imperial-unity,, but Se Poti booetiss the line erlain has taken in pais Mate ofiiiLing Opinions Mr. John 8. Hoffman informed th Berlin rap tended from early in Octo~}-7, Ducks 6c., te Dowie aie that he hopes to { b. Ao Aber ae ; | has endeared hinse! 0 0 the practice. A com! fortable jail ofa ei ishment by at i 01 TENDERS FOR. DRAIN. Sealed tenders will be received by to the undersigned up SATURDAY, OcroBER 3187, 1903, Fo! ie eae jst era (a of Morning- n completion may be extended to suit contractor. D. B. GRIEVE, Reeve of Mornington, ‘on, P. 0. Newton, Oct. 7, 1903. a Short Stories Retold. Abraham Benedict of Ato: it,” responded the Zit 1885 an Eiigitsianan and bis Wite | w Sine ato) jarvey, who could driven about Ireland by a Her SAW MILL AND REAL ESTATE) for Saie in Newton, ‘That valuable saw mill Property, in 75 horse es boiler, (new), Goldie MeCullo ke ; new smoke stack; 40 | horse power eupines plenty. of » the construction of the “Langford | right or |e ONIONS... WANTED An unlimited quantity “ob ae Large Onions wanted at « Station Store -| In exchange fot goods in the + store, which as can get at a ight figure. Give us a call and get our prices’ on cane Boots ae Shoes. now Boots from 2 25% up. eR yaa day wearing Shses* i i from 95¢. up to $1.95. low ‘as ok y R. Yost & Son MILVERTON:STATION — prising in proprietor bei fall. owt! |to ill health, Price on application to 6 proprietor on the premises, or W. Dy Weir, Auctioneer, Milverton. grand time when they give you Home “Beda yer hanner, and we ‘Drivin’ all the zintey to Ae beak amunerer Pet According to the ‘Seott ish Amori- can” the followin n Neceontai “Man, we slide an’ skate on’t in Aberdeen.!)”” cE. A Devoted Pastor. (Blorénee Quill.) ite of ating Bishop Hiibene neck Deritie He rectorship here Mr. Jones y St. Matthew's! © Bnd St. John’s churolies are fluaneially | ina peter rede vious ye 4 Motes had: inieil pe and an un- tiring worker, aud every field jperease in attendance, a fur- pace | installed, a Select Vestry and uildTorganized, finauces in- He bas ‘hrim, — who. with pleasure to his idefe-| ‘ion Millban bank, are.totbe Tw I pees es highest pales +3 sa deliver- Wiriiam Arria, Proprietor. New Stock We have just placed i our show cases a complete ie Nett: Onions Wanted tons of Choice Sett Onions ed during last week of ber. ‘Also 4000 Ibs. Dried canpien wanted at once at market price. Customers are cordially fovited to call and see our stock, and pi some good bargains. A. LARGE, Poole, Ont. floors and eoheuae 90 acres'clear, bal-] ance hardwood. Price $6,000, terms} e: | ton, near Milverton Manton 100 mores, which he ie Tat ocedl bears: gitar pal faru ri. hot be sold che! ton, 150 acres, brick honse and Il *) chen, as good'a bank ban ia fine Pike editable roll of com-| ton, 100. acres, ‘franre house, ban Bei) i drilled well, near to I} loan “has 8,500, acy Sab Rent pi ‘prices. House to He ireh, 1 pt huredayior Sate, ati! WwW. D. Weir’s List of Properties. For Sale. No rth half, lot 1, concession 1, el sy. aN half of lot 7, pon 2, Peel ti lena a good home, eee us S00. P, H. ing- Nort h half of lot 9, dwelling houses, showing of RINGS Which for quality at style cannot. be equalled’ in this part of the county. BROOCHES In these we excell. cur™ — assortment. was never so arge as it is now. through will convince you that they are the best you have ever seen. « LADIES’ GOLD WATCHES . These are what make 22 nice present for your wie « y laughter, sister; mother, or: best’ girl, away down. Jeweler and Optician 01 house, bank barn, splendid Teas wil South } of lot 15, con. i “Mor orning- as there is Pe Price $4, Head Ofiée,. The Dominion vl LIFE ASSURANCE CO... - Waterloo, Ont Results of 1902 next is w rare chance to secure a $4,898,588.00 11 per cent. neome ae 1008 Tease “East halt of lot eon 8, Morni a “beck” houses fot sale-in’ cavean ape aa rant to aN abstain Thos. | Hilliard, te Mani Cal shay on 00 Boy Monday, ne DE WER

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