[igok etter vour babies. ‘That money | jeif eerkencenrenesiene | : 4 e 7 a : Ip o-| RIDLEY COLLEGE BURNED. |WHAT CANADA WILL ASI ite so" FOR FARMERS || |““vreze | -atbase saowee aeurecl RE ae SI Per Sung Feng Tee ot| aim te Peg Bye resto : St. Catharine: children’s spring, your enileven’s AES, mere | . : Pe $3.80 per bbl. Fe Mha Dr, Pee m I id pr . Nott, I ig ie ee Ss iloh’s o} 17 to $18; short: ES a heat, Cashatises Marais Ee Save A Rowen. pe eve tipon ieve it was, said, a gamb- sasonable and Prot t h % > uctive fire visi i ey ol-| leaving Liverpool on ‘Thursi ay Mr. it Is ‘Corrupting “Our Socia “an fea eact alter owiic wilt Gata Hints for the Busy Tillers > ti | = 4 Other Dairy Produ ie rere in bulk, | e carly on Sun-| A. K, tl urday mor ; ‘© all love that if necessa: of the Soil. sa 1€ mm Bc: i a rs to iDlie: spesclt fart ye - Business Life i willing , to. gamble upon Shas Geta vOnsu pion : t Ss Seats l 2c; and straight re-| ruins out three o’elo oi|ka boundary tri said in jus-lag tonews i from the bese hhieZown mipihiie’s ica tin a si eeietk eK Kees is. ; 4 f Toronto, Oct. 27.—Wheat—Ontario | ,_19¢; Montreal Moet 17 to akened by pn vas of his refusal to sign the Honorable z Ve aie ne cons ; with demand chiefly | 174. lige; Te ward es < z H : ships, 114; Quebee, i1he, Butter— on the — sec oor. He| - It more of a compromise “4Bnte ot the Par jor policy? I might draw there aj|I say it is not. He may not do gies 4 ; 3 mi millers. “No. 2 white and re sl : : f a ei es doctia, Seer Ons Tacky. -pH prize and live on Easy street | that, but the caer ne will do worse, |The Danis! fares ose Fr, B. ‘is a guaranteed cure, »s % a at 774 to 780. wnships creamery, to 214¢; |rais ‘oke H. ©,|than a Judicial decision. effect é dew his children, t i r it doesn't Wm, Baily, of Toronto, at the es r fe wi c4 ty - If it doesn’ Bepartuent of Agriculture, Ottawa.) Gentlemen of the Genttahien oot’ tha Ticuas Of Come Sloan Dae; Western ane Tee. |Gri he masters, who im-|will be th asd : a: > = t- : OLR Nita foe ea Seer ; In relieving you from ST el a benefit you Sade PRODUCTS. to the depai aroused ‘t! ny me t 4 ng ee : y Bete Re atror dake casks Noe 1 students, severa! wi States. ‘i :—|cupidity begins to 0 hay to gamble away: my chil- /Often occasion to eran bones the druggist wi : : per op © d hogs are unchanged. Cured E Be eee ee ceed hdd mate: praia Becomes “boludle ¢ [dren's rH, ities. |May be necessary to distinguish be- you your money back. aa t 804c ib eam tek We) tom emcepes. ¢ They ick| keenly on. this subject, that although |! evap * Genesis} Shirks his daily As a p 1 ips’ of iy: de: ruother tween leaning and distatoating. : Bea - No. 1 hard nom- | quote clear, 104 to|™ i there will be no ‘of thy faco| diseased Se “(ncompetent Olcould ni uke me, while the| It. must be conceded that the is ivi ‘ ing ~ tongue’ of the As a with which net for prac- Oats—The mark esis steady, with |mess, $17.50 to $18; do. short cut. | 2" ehrags 3 Ls of a Ae ago a was walking in| math ages i | peeve. [Outraged and dishonored and dis- tical reasons, must be satis! oe the i toougtia 6 60 sure | Saeauner Baketeie, No. 2 is | $21. Se ne ree 08 i m ie phen ure a repetition ol : |-, motion he ; ‘i SUF factories ancneswase palletes thn -s. Z ; at 28 to 284¢ wi Hams, light to : é sions.” _ beautifil “Fairmount park, Philadel Fecha ciency Biss ore sae of eee ow esta aye forwey eee ie VARY. vee pe = ie te neavy, 18 | OY ly ¢ i i al| ‘The of Thursday morning nk, | He studies aes bookas ty er pit of eternal wor. mast Le applied in fighting contagi- et © Eywiite, 20 to Boge east.” [to 18der rola, ton y shoulders, Being eo ne 5 ae eee einen She clesenting) Paine Pi tee oa Se ae up his ing star or the star BW: Yo F ous diseases in a “erd; but on the zi g ? : : she mite’ c; backs, 15 5} ast |i e 1 hich shone brightest on the night 5 Cran Ast PaaS gooey 4 other side it is pene 1 ledg: 4 Btn off puctings fair. No. con, to 15c, - BOF ohe : inal by. ee B, Aylesworth, eae me vromperty ‘of the sone. ‘born. ‘Then ‘be i » best possible _eloantiness ent skimmings, stir aoe mix the zZ sere A reights; 8 extra, 42c¢ ard—The market is sonny with x ‘» wen devin fo Ree ni ” ieee eat porte anew aLtwhplo: with ac women aay j i : a ore ights, at | 40c a demand. Tierces, 9 to 93¢; tubs, te and Woot was, as js dated Oct, hee a takes up three vase and Beate bills that is on fal sure be PEA the healed of the coms and thee ae 5 : i = reights. [9k to Vdc; pails, 9F to 94c; com- Tht [eee 3 Eleolumane in sha, mes, and ian most dinary life, the crazed enthusiast will | vay co seen the joor |*elopment of thelr diseasoresisting| BEERS AND SOM FERTILITY. : : A) ee market Js quiet, with fae 8 to ve. irteen dome: hol haunt the gaming table as he once SMBs z Bee Sy ss % 3 * ig) ares’ ay = tes “ gladly sought his study desk or the se a hefore a lec Powel is of. great tee ae Growing sugar beets is in a ae } LIVE. STOCK MARKET. ing. ‘They were obliged swort disagreeing| on throughout the Domi tek 0? make a prayer to their ‘god of |in securing fine and uniform dair, : : a rey tbe. eroom countel a Lge ese hacks i x e Ee q se £ Peas as ‘i prices un-| ‘Toronto, Oct 27.—An active trade |™* 4 raat a with the majority. It concludes as vith the enervating ¢ T charge upon! this gambling mania hea then select. at’ randoms |p As as > heat was | th. stowin most z ef change white quoted at 61|in cattle Shut orune ee the ngings. eighty follows : able tion that he must be carried Beda rect robbery of Chris: : ee > mn or twenty years ago vaSlmon crops, writes Pro » A. Hen: 4 : Beto ase Teh tights and at 64c east. | w, rob teomnayy atid all dines 5) in en! “T have sare to say that the eae ior e must be J ne roa d used in the fight against bacteria. Any erop growin takes fertility j p : “Buckwheat—The market is dull, ee od ee 1° y of this. tribunal| Dominion, abies ms sth libes rally. : and z 4 eed Biamelne 41 to 42c at outside Sayin ag Res pnb eatd am ale with regard to! your approval num ‘ping of churns re serve i ; ; Hn pri ana ay a, tae Bc rm, and ps ‘ g 4 peor Sheep. continued (aku walls: Iacabe Dee ee ee hin ene ere plana et ee ae the|useful public works in addition ba z te cutoff the boots: ato fo ike vst = orn th | were steady: Sater : have|y annel liberal subsidies for the extension of dead the, better, : ee ats ae srubbet th etting water, and it | well as the culla, Rae a ras ? Se Oe TeNON Not many exporters came forward, |the : nayete ; cepsteee (ka tone our railway system which contributes iii rr Arg ras chobiy fh en tea tae al tg es ag © god|was ever up residue is brow : euston 3 0- , ce ios ot Okstatla Higeagees tlt ie indoor games by [of chance sould give to them untim- |drains, So ino cea aa Pee reed aa Gen cee Sa avon F ; , 3 ; No. 8 yello: and No, [8nd the quality of these was about I opened Saturday ai i oi ‘ Boar ely 00 Hib lave lonment or ous Hein ooporcnition “ail tne to apend be id jited wealth, As all such “systems” decreasing the smoll. eee tat ity cindeeueaa lost. : : mi 8 to Baie Toronto, feb dtd force and |ternoon to allow some repairs to be|iti Coe BA te ea at teiebipeate and be spent for others, then life is zl n. Whenev« e leprous | are oe we ae always be fail: ee present Be is a edie anes rine te ete i r 4 3 3 pares nts are |8° aot ese: was r aid Nae NPARLY $50,000 i coin sie 2 ee now ‘seeking’ homep iid) Manitotia. and ni es I Wi O- e you ala churn is steame: ; ei Hine i “ : h S r ly. declin oe Mle ae ae Ng spor t utensils are rinsed “and — ser shee na aba pee Bey: or Eeces * buyers sacks for export. Straight eral loads more, which| The hal 8 once out en-}my signature to their ene suas orthesty Berti orina: Ang. eschewed by the good and the-pure. | bri r first with cold or luke-war vater , bes ; ss : ler Sp is i mn a h “ s ie (Signe ce rein tyne eee a taal HE ee ks pee Pineee me uatnited good, Ths ect ilk. 2 Vries Beck eae e taken Poealaeei ol < 5 ee. uate gis iene ae y Seon onan ged ee ae evet ea koa NEY om “AStEWoRTE. i. 9 jan church has been compelled ste Ne life tr; d. with coat i i x4 ite Sate a Pilih iu cs BORN hristian pelled jis my system: Never in your life try are. red. with a hae water trom the sol : ; oe, GGcabita. 447K Melee coca te os ies toner aes ose ka a Tone SURE eOR eRe to possess a dollar unless you are {mi cked lime. hans shows on the next crop unfav- 4 Feria SiGe olgs ee ne i i i is robbery. It take n the ari icons: 22. gtve an: ooliivelént tty labor twont: i es Beets vays bakers’, $4.30 to $4.85 on track, ¥ |and sweat and toil. Never:spend : sar Cnr Mallat antens you ie SE ones it id }and have it in your 51 Nev- er run into debt. Never Roe ae ion or b, euchre party Prices 26c., 60c, and $1.00 jorer, a doer | mi for mankind, then life is, not worth grown ‘ota : : ‘onto. not m fe mers ot Ger many, Fre i i. Bian FE -} i—Bran steady at ac and | fered and in puis countries haye in some : : Bes S16; here SAS Guieldé: ( regions been growing beets: successful- % a "points bran is quoted at $13. 50, been and Protably for the last goner- : : morte at $17. Mani tobe, bran, rin or by ‘prizes’? at church fair or by Lime is us r cleaning in nearly | ion: ng tho Inst. ten years the a : sacks, $18 and shorts at $20 her mona ‘woishts demand, and sold |9f one section stand. eral walls|that Mr. Sifton, one of the C taffle’’ countenance in any way the ish factories, not only for Deine a Ai gra De: eae a g : Tih Menges af x Gopiinisnihes: Miami acureln aiovelopuionemlake gaming seit in wegen ware, but also for tinware, lm. beet growing regions of tho old i ; eae PRODUCE. eee stapes i Beo-|the dex ion Was cUpnmatic Gated others. and for scrubbing the “floors. Tt took worl a have bes, the most prosperous 3 2 ‘Apples—! market js. unchanged ‘ a (ple ‘The students were quartered as| of fete ch suggestion, | Will bo ine duty of my Ministers aS i |some time to suaeeh oi SH Ot ay urope, and the farme 4 = E j ea tee Possiblo in the junior school, |Tova Alverstone added, was a conwar: roceed immediately with the nece: Iker farms. od $2 to $2.50 per |. in /a fairly 0 bu a ‘ie majority were taken ii in” his Bee survi vere so u sa the work er our soe they es ww 'to cones ae : i Gar dete cand $a,00 iv coal ne for these ei, Paneing | enon ofthe coleze, ey are all| opinion, cd, al Beaeinelsea of that portion of the wen thoy o1 a rown in E i ee P i Hes. Light considerations. Tt is unc : which extends ae Moncton to an lit, they had no. tr and the use | fy eS iaikpe: Waters. thee! wren : 4 score in a ule, trade, with lier clase ot ‘stockers also sold loss on building and contents, [that Lord! Alve a q ridged tiay ibe proeselbed ana horse at the race track? Every man |can tal ean “ ey sane See Br Hace Jae Sel ier ted } kag Bach pice Ea ae Pare S05. $8|,,, The market for ewes and bucks was timated tig a mee . Seg hales | cae pee Tp: pre phetab as ws ce ee and strking one. I have visited the : bushel, and handpicke fi ibd, odrides the Teriience w of i a authorizing the ieanetet ea gene hoo nate ea tor Men tiee mn) Limo is now used more a more | cet gihwite reslenbe of eavenat’ ol 7 to $2.15. a a abere tatu. Oa eae: 000. | sioners, and tat it will be given to ke which is ofte . always be ier by the the benefit, a the ete "With i i place of oil-paint, were in good demand and firm. iti: the newspapers. “heroes St ipeate:” the damning influence of the ounted to 92. Skeet cannot even lay clatia to eckuisors hace horse would not to mis avout the development the old won a and I know 5 ‘ : Honey—The market is quiet at : | retned by the dampness or heat in that the farmers have grown beets 4 to eo per Ib. for bulk, and at $1. 28 | the oa and por be tay tts Bre, ae the country has grown prosper: aq 4 4 $1.50 fo: a Choice clover on 8 00, 2 tt je expensive, whereas lime is and rich because of this crop, 3 ac per : 2 : ; ‘ y 7 Y asily applied, Tt is-often [ou9 tore ‘jive. stock 1s kept than ‘ q ‘Hey—Demi i eas calves. choo! and its contents, e inst NELSON’S » FLAGSHIP. eer ape ‘allways 7 Canada, a the lime will peel off |o-oy pefore. : rate. Ni is ance will not cover the loss by $22, Sibi Halle Soest legitimate Disk i " Ai a : : Eo ight es ? : 000) “| Hole sete in the Victory’s| much satist ay t to mankini mn i ve 10 it is sure to bri per: ack ia the ries or cow- ED THE SOIL os raw. market is quiet at ‘ 3 a Ls t Quarter. "The difficult task of ting the old Commodore vandon to-day, the public billiard table, the | bey hi ats ive Ga ypntel . aes pen TERED THE SOIL. : $5. aes $5150: per’ tani tor car lots 182 : i ic : ifficult task o pe ine ee Bs il and college imitles or Be as ee Cee fs | Liebig, a noted German chemist, is Bs , on trae $4.55 up. Not many of the latter HAMILTON OFFICER SHOT.) 4 Fonte, Eng., despatch |representation of the ity of Goa, “In t ott. Ls axi f ss ps—The market is quiet, with |¢lass were received. Seon Se ee ee in could charge him with|view of the immense amount of mon-| brow oe 1 a ‘ u rdinj e 3 s oe pope agate Sak ely ‘at 20 to eaeuvity gentle es somtiats the eeterapieay _Buslery at Hamilton oe as ne alt tho} pe bread.” a stiff brush and F Ped being an Pe ance phil pea Le which ry ie ‘ and it is certain- |Farme who expect their fields to he cl et y Morning. ae te a 10 had any financial - ve p e k rops fre 7 ae T) intained. pick sorrel Wy eae es = ROMANTIC MARRIAGE, ly cheaper to start with. Keep on ‘producing: heavy: etops ‘from ieee sh Sosy eae teense ava | s = ave uote: K Hamilton cegpacen age: 0 \ganee hace Genes wel prove sat ing i mn, W W Rie ‘ per bay . Small lots |95 8. to 5: cxabie Mifare pa vere also damaged. The N Reiss) isfactory to the electoral An Aged Couple ee After Part- Be 3 FOR THE DAIRY. : ie iciae chouche é ae ‘ Se pers bag, rai Rb cig : mete May eis oe peer r Ports- uubsidy granted ty Por fae ee Sa hee nee of rules adopted by the fam)" 1. A soll ean be ter i y : Fovltry—The market’ is’ stead -50 to $8.15; hospital i in pola ecuciti a nina oot fe van eS ae away from the home campus. All the elements of a romatic novel | ou. in woud dairy of Stansted, when te : rial : Lon gaan anered at er to aie per 1b zoe P. as Fz B, 2 England, eer aeeal enoueh for use in Reciane RoRiNe tel Be j lots: geese, 6 © per was pald for several lots Bai thal Ocsenk fi in Ne Vales le ny longitu ‘The follow: in the required tenes Mahe in the : ducks ae 10¢; cictens: 9 to 10¢ ;|choice animals. ‘i Young man, Pei say that you own is a tale of tw 8,8 an peas ndensation ot ee prop & 4 and fowls, 7 to 8c pda: Export bulls sold at $3.75 to $4.-|was attempting to eat ; and have a right to /estrangoment lasting half a Dive uke cane Bibs. of . With every crop a pancton ry 4 : se Ree nik 25 per te! into the house. ee. ie oar res ted food ge ee on the iced in vedios is re ed. part “se ¥ x Nee quot at wi 0, you ting and marrying in eeaenls cence y th ar ed. A p i 5 HE DAIRY MARKETS, Expor' cows ia! ted at $3.65 window and eens Laces rr his portion Is again added. from : : g ; receipts moderate. iiss see rast gets! 35 Dep years ago Jane Graham and "See that they nae enteesi Ub: nite tha inexheniptible ators cet : hed 4 are d and firm. e |;,Jn feeders an ‘stockers trade ¢ eae paste lavaraitn thelr Ue Thee sede nor eaordie Fe OER aE oie ay ia float : Q ; nest 1-1b. rolls, ee iiaued steady, i ain ane dats hey [of tugs enabled the old flagship ven ty Revia oh orev anal place Bea niere : ’ daity “tu to 17¢; secondary |Feeders, 1,000 to 10 Ibs., $3. cae i #po-| be Kept afloat until she was dock aha cae gacegn ili | to 15¢; Seo paris, ede: a sgn og 00: -150 to 1, |lice, - bi Patheaeternes erg ea pet , ne $ 5 ferediay 2 to esc j ? Mi nas unchang if all nts of é 22c; solids, 19 to ly onded. The m ped 1 caer te 86°.|. Insist ul eettatadeeiped:| tie sas elven DaeereB Be : iy Bges—The market is firm: ae" quote: 7 $2.5 A au feet “ee ihe “One| HOSPITAL BLUWN DOWN, ters socking homes § Bist MAE GB ie Rad f BtaRa ing’ clean [Gack @ reeetiatlon ie efsctem gains i : eee Zouictly new, Jc tres eatle ors, 800. to. 950 0 $3.7: i rder-| pa, Ser, _afentlomen of the House of Com: aie ee ee ee ered, 18¢, * and | ple ed, tre Ber dozen. |sto ear Senet! 100 to 700 8a. ti i Te yh eeas Ballas Annex PRS ead i ip a : , heese—Market is quict, with prices {IDs 8.25 : : milk it newly) 4. The manure (ordinarily) produe : ’ Be Aesiye Woduste ee he ee nc Ae fed Paha Rae hands. ‘The off ed to Car hthalike Mau tor the aibarat stale milker, a He ‘ lide per Ibs ain eee ae to Lado: ewe pe ee is Ae aoe wine “cat says: On ae you have made for the ne when, al Why, that a Y ee Peay 4 Distiller feoding bulls, 90 ivan service. in Wiesbaden two Frenchmen ede ing at ub and the book-|ture the sparales fter thei Keep salt in the mange! the ty of a farm; it lacks t $ z F UNITED STATES en sold at $5.50 3 $8.89 3 124 be i by Oa ft 8 1c he "et he n Ge Se Gentlemen of the Sen- is. fi trangement, it appear: iss Always cian out ‘the manger after | constituents ie are annually ex- = i ‘Stead: f ied ig i ie, |e ery mea! ported in as ape of grain, hay, z pee Oct. 27. I an Pris ti eatastr | {Gentlemen of the House of Com ‘Treat Guirtig Gihe Lieniieee they milk and ie eee N esa ae 2 Paper es ee. pe Soe follows: : i i ‘ 2 ts on amply repay it, = 3 ‘ J @ g 5 cape namet Tn ta king 1 us Nover dip the fingers in the pail vues comers. ! eee t 80ic bid. Rye—Steaily; No. 1, 56|bucks, $2.50 to $2.75 per ewt.; cull ae : i Hoe Saabs een ee falter shiieae ‘ . : : ie. 2 dy; N ep, $2 fe ee each; lambs, $3.50 eee sae telephoned. for the am- {tn winter never uso turnips, or | The number of chemists’ shops i j 5 2 : to 61 0 $4 per cw kore ta ‘ n nm winter ; tet i ; : ; Galges cobelwied athens Mees, innate Geo nd ly. granted. : : i 227 W) She per Th., and $2 to $10 each, oil cake. ae aBhe 5 z ons man and tl _ |The value of these Testes Getestisie E ; May, 78h¢; on track, Milch cows were quoted a5 carrots, ments is. th re constantly gr. 1 Z Ae No. 1 8530; No. 1 Northern, |$56 c: quoted at $80 to |eonsiderably shorter oa * ling. is 440: No, o Ne —+——_ a sound as though someone en. Shia taker inte vREAIAH Aho beginning [2 sent year they were in en- each other's where- MNover ae i perpetrators Mrs. Mills ae that mang olds, the be Ac: No. Ss o . in it is 2 as Ns. s aes was the feature in hogs. oat str eet grass, silage, oats, | 107 6 eh a pe : 4 rn, Flour—First |Mr. Harris re Re * 3 : M ry he » as ~ 1B Pe . ‘ 5 ce fF — ibaa muidalings, "ameal, cottonseed Teelualog 9,000 for’ the | ense q 185" t0 $4. 85; second pa- |quote:— Set oe 200 Me, Is of ¢|KING EDWARD'S PRESENT. |mucn 0 Bee he ; al. D i 4 : i = — 4 saat te a me ; : Marry the milk to the airy while {MON | MP realized a Sia, Pee 7 2 cots peeing ec 10; | Greyhound from Royal Kennels fox cost $30,000, a WILL RE-OPEN WORKS. & VOLUNTARY SLAVE, denying sacrifices of parental lives. a B Visited Queens-| Varn from the cow. It m must not be di ig $15°000 for ene Tee : 9 $2.86, 7.6.b/in wood, BY s ee tis ae Aa ew York Fire: Be! 4 a af 1 before pourin; into r for 5 - bs te y A N a ak The healthful desire for ae hee ie Some casei e 3 Piel obheree? onde avs on | allow to cee HS is wee sold ee : : rene ae © $1é a Raval oy, on doa ee ute KILL THE INCURABLES, not Digi lores YOR AOE eee ort S| "Strain. it, earcfully. meena P|} | , Sige; Di , Bike; May HIS ARM CUT OFF. hag been honored by King E@-| ap. gy, tion of a New ¥. ac} _ A Sault Ste, Maric despatch say y I made it.. There at ere ae 24 McMur.| Take care the a i ete ee com er, — a FO ectiae ae ork! J. S. Fackenthall, se ree ets, e to do with it as I please.’’ i ee the dairy y ‘ POPE AND CYCLING, q 3 ABi%e; May, 42%c. 0: h ; | Sturgeon Eepres ee pes Under re: 1 his brother, B, I. Fackenthal right 0 do w - trie, and @ day. while at M \ 4 the let “ eg Det , May 872 ain, k Vii Ne “Wh oa no, my b: v a Steel mil Mr. {and clean, and the latt Sane ie Bishop of Mantova in-1899, es eae Breet Ronen A New York despatch s: he Where | charge of the Consolidated Compan- rs money, ee you made is n rs. | MeMurtrie’” arrived. ° Tt : the |irom draughts conveying foul smells, ppel Pile X.)* tabbadde eae ate as eek eo eee aap A sae pale ia says -— ge be th | th , if Fh industries taken over by Speyer y | McMurtrie of Scotland, but ‘it w: ee ‘ithout ins, trapped or oth- a clergy aa Sa diocese to tide or . rare a ee Edgar Parker, 15 TS re, eG aay nit ongation peles: ony it |and Company, announces that daring ito ih? |Gclivered to one of the younger men, pleas ia th a amet oarth poreles es that to be enuadoit i i sh ts © 0 : of Sturgeon Falls e spc peo ee : dole ns that 1d he: pro; the a Rages ation: ee you certain | who opened it and found that it was ace the cream in “I such a. ae was not in accor. 3 i Sp a aD ‘Serious i E BOOnHS o at su 5) menced in the groun: moral obligations. had no right| not meant for = jm en vessel, and when adding subse-|4"0te with the ce aie Vee BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, e "S00" cas eee Sr | ques ae ive hi to mil, se eat eee lh, come a father unless you were| Jeventually the rightful owner re-| === ene Se ae = 3 Montreal, and green! envecks being passed | *° ¥ ai Z ¥ 5 ongres across the table afte fie yiaache | cued to. thet best.cof your! Butey EA (cate i ig ° : a on ahd otter members “of on the in ° Seda =| Tt . ere ; : 7 : pe Re SSB iia ge eta ation drives away tesene then S il ADACHE fees rs ae : ; | ie 2 er i ats and peas for |S Lp ase tag the | the fire company. fielaas a coLD y E 9 | the: ee at. their’ parent With the old surety, j ey ee a Butation just below fie shoulder was their’ reopening 4s , poe : n | si - C.| getting - successfully perfor: : Siw ie Asean Anita ates. : : pe g fen CRaRGE Hisar itveelt Gd BEA will be very much welcom- CATARRH name, ag Sano Graham : __ We bo pron pale er tot |e 9 000 FIRE*AT ne Gee ne, eee yao fre ti id is courtship it 5 2 i ye ots wr which | : = In 10 Minutes by Dr. | ij : ake ° aco s vill : en eee ee AT WIARTON Amount on, Which the Taxation praca ee a w's Catarrhal Powder. De es aoe ean ae auie j dl to Dis for white and Canada Furniture Company's Saw ‘The suggestion was made befor STRIKE IN SPAIN, — - red; locally, 1 a ME " : ; > we at {19,000 Workmen in Mining Dis. “Yricts are Idle. : , nin; r give employment. to | 897 | Part of “S00!” Plant \ bee be Run- ning This 27.—B Il Destroye A, Toronto despatch says: ‘The | N jourt ~ fe ly. too, +t] wi a ngth, owl to the hi , ti o i A Wiarton despatch ing ae antes and Sciatica fe ete tae hn ene meee i Be afloat hor Sy. ipa °T rh « ee heey ae . re in , E gh A. Pas cl taxat : e beca si it vas re= f fun and excitement at the Agnew s Cats 3 5 eee itepped Syd- = eo Dy ae i Yo, 2 oats, 344c fe Bide lay, t 2 rk - |bas g strike broke out on Tuesdi yhat, is’ the : : , i “A Bilbao, Spain, despatch “says lay it . hao mining district and. ‘ ee s . 4 % - the wall be i Bah Nd spread eens OL i erence ete ere sty (SY oats on the wee eee EO cee ' as, ; "ho Togs "on he me % eee Ninotéen thousand worker my financial emancipation by a lit-| eradicate catarrh, 3 |old love of 1853. ‘That same even- - : oe z ee eB fanitoba * er is abo 00, 395 for 1908, an i OF $3,-| ‘The cavalry is aS 5 rat ek nites ait vere married, ‘ See eS ee % es SS aS 2 ‘ ( 2 5 Z i ‘ wee ed abe: 4 ; - Wei he interr Rein’ pS ue intelligent investment in lottery |™ . . aiey, were ma oa 5 « Bn : . x Bes b " 7 f ‘ ; A ©” |epoint’” in the y ra Peters ceapavars arriving nts of