WARRIAGE LICENSES J. G. GROSCH. SeRi0TLy SoysIpENtiaL. “It Shines For All.” Vol XII—No 45 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1903 The Sovereign Bank Capital Authorized $2,000,000 Capital Subscribed $1,200,000 “Head Office, Toronto H.S. HOLT. D. M. STEWART, Gen, Manager MILVERTON BRANCH Now open for the transaction of GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of §1 and upwards received. Savings Bank Department Interest allowed’ on deposits from * date of eee and current cate al- Jowed, and compounded half yea rece pits & issu dratts collections — made: money orders issued, Special -at- tention given to ‘the: collecuidt oF mers salen Rad. SORES hag Solicitor, Ete. A. M, PAN’ Burton’s Office ope ae z) cost et Block, Main St AN, Dentist, Licentiate and’ Member of Roysl ntario, h, Hours 9 aicbeiner Bros. work a Spesaity. above store, Milverton pm. ake ure Medicnt en, M. By MM of Ontario; Raion How ital "hone in rear of Pd On Telephoue connection eral Brunuer, | Lutheran Church aud Pane , STAUFFER, Phy: jiudnate of ke’s Oiice in Haw Bae ed to. , Newton, _Voteringry i Milverton, Ont. Gr. sata ‘Oats io io Veterivary Uollege, Tor- onto, to, by telep oui fe atey sed; Chidale Disehase-e Reb taley J. BARE ais, si 1 te of Ontari veter Rfeigall discasck oh Lomi eisiat ee Calls by vel se Sr otNct ies rOnIDUy in connection. and vige at all times. Commercial driving a age: Ot Alida o Division "Cont. Village Clerk sch's Shoe Store, Main str HOTEL AEE ‘ou Ontati Stratford. R Thoroughly renoreh Anmale situated ably, and and excelien . i d diving 1 Dratude of Hiquors, aud cigars, Ont. liquors and) ch cigars First-class setomnod la tion and lange stabling. HOTEL, Bronner. EXCHANGE wietor. . Best John Geopp, Pzop oat. » GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. ion for .. “Ge cling Tiga Ss. a oak i Sob QUEEN'S HOTE fest accommelntion fi Ciike Ridge Prupeiet n - bel ad-|'T. B 4 aon ee yay refuge ail, rt a1, 600 out 0’ the railroad ton the part: of these peculiar ee are ng. | not noti Ru-| ye: a os, F, Hoox, Deagsiatbe LOCAL NEWS, If you see it in Tae Sun it’s so. Dont eek Fischer's sale on Friday next at 2 Tis ras ea now until January 1805 for one dollar, cottish sane the event of the year.— Wiarton Echo. Millinery is seat e4 ae and a ak assortment a! ; Loth’s. iss Gauhl, ee is visitin, ny sister, Mrs. P, H. Bastendorfi. rs. rie! this week delivered a load of fur Ba at Berlin. iss Maimie Naismith, Mr. John Keen, of St. Marys, spi a few ages week with his dangh- ter, Mrs. T. P. Roe. ae kinds Be live ive fowl wanted at K. Loth’s on Tuesday and. Wed- ; Noy. 10th and 1 Ith. se of Pendens veg and rob audience. Owen Sound Times Aug. 28, 1903. a Nortl one at elise lifeaed ert she cerenmed the Set Sheree ieee Rev. cca that both retired hotel- in the Mr. HN sey tax collector for Ane south half of Horan an be t the following places on the date named, in the afternoon, ue receive ro all those prepared to pay lverton, Nov. 10 and Dec. Nov. 20th; millbank, ent brethren, reads : bi “Dens Fon, Neth it Zoo tall fer Ain’t Providence pro- runnin’ over Age leg. vidin Boas residents of this community haye the bad habit of getting their fay no ee eae 7 wild gecse were he; These migrations so frequently as in former and ibe aetatin is wane that approaches they make for a ner climate. bert. Verity, who has Beek residing with Mr. R. es of Mornington, for the past five months, is about t in Reece with hi tion a Southworth in an aio ad ‘ouidle Onee pare Ot pee EAL Mosere IO oe ade, among the cai of Ontario, Mr. Verity any years 2 leer He the ee havini don a farm pag for this pein 'Zers ane seer mene ‘y on of Dairy ‘and in England. ce id came to nada for the rpose of canine full information in ees to He is well is de- | more frequent and painful than ever. Miss Thomson, violinist. is a star in ae, are hear that, Miss Hdn®/ yer line, and could almost make the|r typhoid. violin speak.—Meaford Mirror, Will appens in Groseh’s hall on Tuesday. Weidarhola& ‘Hondevich | sreuine, Nov. occ i-| morning and evening, nex le M on hern. Maine town, _ near ie girl was a an oan ak Lait ‘whe ae just es Eh ups rn the loss of their only | Mv. Henry Rose on Monday moved a P pright little ‘girl just into. He cheat lately occupied by Rev. cond year. Her illness | 2” B. Howard. : fae . o hort duration, having been ‘moved into th: use of nday to Tuesday . Finkbeiner. It is a singular Aiea. THE funeel Se card sent from Billville, | cl | | to one of the cting mon ine do! S30Cii te tion which ig the eldest, society of the ANTED.-— (A Benetel Apply to Mrs. W. K. Lot! Ladies’ flannelette 2 pes ata great reduction at W. K, Loth’s A second marriage, the fate) Dr. Johnson can a ra umph of hope over experi Listen for aki auctioneer’s bell on servant. Frday. = a sale on Main street. Everythin; Now chat ae ‘oul teachers have made Rey. Mr. ieee of Monkton, will y the pulpit of Burns church Sunday. MeKingon vill preach services‘at Monkton. Miss Nettie Malcolm, the eminent accompanist and pianist, is as_pleas- ing & vocalist as He is yetdee (Outre ent Barrie Examiner. Will Spe in Milverton next Tu sesday, evening. Whi anniversa pie pete granulated sugar for . Redpath sugar fo or $1; ne poles for s. coftee $1.9 Ibs. roasted ee ae ‘gl, at W. K. Loth’s on Friday and Satur- peach ‘Wilson recently drilled a mu urnett, of 83. feet .h low of. water sie n 23 feet of the morning will take place from # ence this (Thursday) ee On Mueeday es Ja ee Baul ved © family. reside s bro} dsvho. Mr. Bode It on Weanestay morning a at the funeral Poa at A ae Thursday. Mr. Baste at the ee of his io ee ore of the P and also ha meh fCleneean ln undscho, when residing aehiiveted wes owner of the planing mill an a Milve cee can get 20c a dozen for. fresh gps and 16¢ Tb, for butter at W, K, stern editor, in Writing of the ups ie downs of rural journalism, ys: ‘Phen, ey ny 8 en Sad the erate ea el ie lenge Piet 7 vce fe down in| @ lingering illness.» Sne survived her they have to sit “poet - til two or|# line of obituary poetry, Next weck| husband by about’ two years. S three people get their hair cut, ‘The| you try to make the correction, leave| was well and levees known in the| barbers have a Saturday ext that gies the dot off the “i and another sub-| township, and had d the ripe t | give pore who patronize the ay xo Bis ane of 77 years. “Het last mortal i interred in the Nort! i ask Har due on} "angthae. Ga go ‘ and not finding his name s in the paper, me ol a next to k you mee ‘ae father of ast fine We y aid Perel Sot ate down again. ate = itis Be yS sa; Ex- perince Mel teigie ee thie isa safe rule. We don’t attempt to ex- plain, but it’s true all the same, To w= 7 er, such fines should not happen. and hustle advertising, press the pape Fold thei and mail them, wi wrappers, tribute ty fe ie in so % whed.room. Henry Rose, prop. and imagination for | dO. So al ds, Fe . ies Ae ree rge of the mail divery of Elkton limes Mr. was ene ied years 86 ead *87 reeve of i. you may lose q|on ‘Thursda, reading matter, off angther| bo HL last tribute of respect. hemes. "The oldest AcapHeae ‘a most} Mrs. Davidson was Be pias of Mrs. lovely girl, Sally, graduates and| Hugh Freeborn and Mrs. Joba Me- you seth of her as Sallie and you! Whiney, of Milverton a are n. There isa new arrival! The Milverton and Mornington at i ate forget whether it| Mivisterial Association met. at =| is a boy or girl, pat a it is girl| residence of Rov. N. De Mtekiotonson {jand sey so in y © uext| Wednesday, Oct 28 w | the ‘aed San was Min n editor now what would| moral welfare of onr comm’ na ou each “individnal or he onght to| which characterised the associati tak before it is published} with us of Rey. eS ts pe and let ‘ae person whom it concerns} Armstrong. were all set| ‘This makes =| type, clean his floor, pen short items e Miss Eva Slimmon. of Listowel, spent a few days last week with her friend, Miss Mary McKinnon. Tf youtare on a reader of Tae Sw7 e one. It will be sent your PaarOH Sa from a until Jan. 4906, for Coane! Cone! Scottish Gonsert| fi Co., of Aberdeen, Scotland, in Grosch’ ate Milve pa Pali ey Board ade ie of enti eaelivared pny ite auspices, at an early date. The sec- retary has been in communication with Rev. G. a Knowles, of Knox. church, Galt, a1 Kenzie, Birsmcesn non urch, Stratford, both have signifie their intenti coming. ami igates will be given later. ‘Thes = the opportunity of hearing them. eeting was held in E. Knechtel’s parse shop on 'Puesday evening for the purpose of forming a syndicate company for the’ building of a rink, Grounds were purchased for tho sea- gon trom Mr, . Roe, and opera. ons wil mence immediately. The whneualona et eee eave 170 t., with an 8 ft. board} fence surrounding it, a building will also be erected for @ accomodation — of skaters. It is Sg we ae a hockey team will bi i lapatante Any pers ee purchase a season skating ticket may at 4. Knechtel’s tailor shop. One of the finest barns wa most paeiecet Bieler in Mornington be- lon, pepe! and are fitted ali the ost moder ences, well lighted, and will b 9 head of horses 4 =e me head of aoe Dosides ene mm for younger, a. Bue rohit coe le annual meeting of the Milver- { the Bible held | in the Mee sa PED om ae sy spent ©. A. Finkbeiner ; repository keeper. collectors, Misses Edwards, Riddell, Wing- hers, Dobson, Cook, Me- Roulston, ham, Strnth jon, Cot Lellan, Peters, Smith, Ducklow. and Grosch. Mrs. Wallace Davidson < a pine: ton, died at her home on th line, 3 were eH revbyteriadt cemetery on Saturday last, and a large number The members deeply regret the removal of Revs. I’ Howard and T. L. Armstrong, and “That. this terial Association ie eo'jlce bi Reser ig oS able interest in all that promotes the general an Socially thit ould be decinell/Dieiy aeop in- terest in all good fra was adinirable, it difficult to part with Aehis Dakode hie prayer is that they may havo much success in ae f labor, hall on Tuesday evening Nov. 10th. Admission 2c., reserved wets” She ae van si ibe io Plan now open at J, G, Grosch's, referring to the sa salfeared of ranch horses, hich he will sien i | of to th F ti . Robert « Maewood at the g- i garied, robust gentleman; with ewite Nowe. gravel road. dimen- | and: family, Knows something now sions of the structure is ae 0 fect, |About the weight of his neighbors and is supporter cement concrete | gat It being only the third offence wall eight feet in height, with round] he yi not be prosecuted. als oe stables, Noe ae oleae as, Steven went to Listowel and Rou eriediou Monday with ailload Of lverardaye ile one nietne ten son ciety was | a1 nt of | bers riends and acquaintances were present b a ib Mr. George Pauli tok possesion ak the Queen’: 's hotel on Tues: ons ae Bi Se learn aha ie ae te os a ata _ There is. a heap of oe ae ga girl ee vei ere e and awe rales. home vie in th Mr. R. {lambs in Be load, ingtead of 6 the me he was 115 Ibs si Mr. ivingston, of Okotoks, Fee i Weise with a carload if ‘armers of this district. ‘The horses range in age from one year old 1d. ‘The older horses. imi Livingston will dis- a vats i anyone | Teeieine te b Gotorite) The fongral it ete: late Mrs. Wall was a respected. resident this a BLU for many ye: Mr, D. Grey, of Brit: ton, ‘spent Si ease at Mr. R. Barrett's. Belle McTavish returned oy + | Sat Saray from Stratford where sh ene attending the aueben® ven’ Dunbar, of Moraingdale, visit! at Mr. Steven’s last wee pga: on peste very. siiety, th the boys all being very ¢ said that a certain Ligthen Address ens Presentation. _ ee evening last the Tra nna, Where tl ls containing a suug sum ofa = ee presented to Wy Howard. The address was read by a reply halt ve ite rs. Howard and Tees nernpalesigat the kindness done him, also referred to his pleasant re- Tat ueie with the oe ie the village generally... Brief were alse made by Mr, Robert ae ee Pp. e M Ann acBeth, on ceremony had been cumin “juncheon oie ser’ ne fi the evenin ing was spent games Fetes ther pleasant teas, To Rev. T. B. and Mrs. Howarp. Dear Friends: On the eye of oye departure to another field of labor neon are dissing it of toleration and of both 2 nanly sports, and wo bea ledge with thanks the invatuabl tee. of 801 new field Jal and that tl by meaning of God may Seeiate to ey jpon them on their homes. An astaieD rv on **Carey and Timea.” 2a read by Res his Lite wv. ON. MeKinnop, | A profile dise 6 | enswi next meeting to bas ja held ut oe Pasounge ‘Miye carton, on eS v. 24th, a paper peppers red * John} J. ‘tail a on is | oxtail soup, lettuce, prunes, sunshine, ; wind puddi deoueti? eit wives to Lai tiataation 8 Cony wi ore : jyou = future of Hie xo + tw OampentenGe uta ik gay, rewind pen}