Milverton Sun, 5 Nov 1903, p. 3

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. The Milverton Sun _ Te the best see Aipirepeper in the C of Perth. * Medium, eae reasovable. Goy. Sraeae Shotla at once demand | fj ab * g a Seni enna Privilege. reek Province.) Its s that our Federal ost of the farmers have now niaived iP Fall ga ing, and all are pleased with their ft i) "Me, Koa Rely and Sis Susie. Reis pent Sinday with Mr. and M ito Weis, R stock, in ent of i-| Mr. Geo. Schmidt of Haver e he we shall ‘be at Tiberty to seledt, i Raves Ae te ae Oe $1 per year, strictly. in advance. A 0 f dined any ope not 80 paid. —M, MaoBarst, PURLISHER, ADVERTISING: BATES, | SPACE. | Year. 6 mo. | 3 mo. One colama..| $50 00}$30 00) $16 00 Half column.) ; 9 09) jiarter col. . 0 | 6 00) - Figath col,. 3 00) “Oneinch ...| 5 00) 2 00) ‘Transient Advertisements are chi the rate of 8c. per line, noupariel, for es fiist insertion, and 3c. per line for each suc- sgssive insertion, G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains one to leave Milverton. tendance ny THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1903 A Vancouyer audience hissed the | Yandt, @ady National Anthem the ‘other night. Feeling runs high in British Columbia ” over the Alaskan award. ate Should Take Warning. British statesmen should take warn- ing from the expressions of dissatis- faction with which the Alaskan} Gor don Hofman, Boundary. Award decision is greeted in Canada and neyer in future subject Qanadian loyalty to so severe a test. That the interests of Canada ure al- ways sacrificed where negotiations take place between Great Britain and the United States in which Canada is egneered is a genoral belief of long| G standing, Tn 1871 Six John Mae-| pais Braet fives ae fer, Her- ‘donald in a letter’ to Sir George Gartior said ; must repent my opinion that the aluuiegeonia with respect: to Asheries wore decidedly eres ve interest: sake 9 Alahathe and San Juan inatter He again writes eye ‘a member of the commission that framed the Washington treaty : “The Deets Domine tenets Baye bq produeed, upon Canada by a pee from both ag British protection will have proved ithelf a farce, oronto | News | all this .’8 will be organized to ect the shores of the constituency Pp fens hostil le ‘3 Phitos« ophy. Cleveland Plaindealer. x resent position of Car Maply the af. 0 pay are “eomentary y Ritohie, late | Britich Chancellor of the Exchequer, ee which Cstiadians can hardly anh . (Stirling ‘Obierter Who, woman or vian. either, has not at some time or another, crept 0 the woods or on the river, ie doe ahd sfipetelisy all, the wave] Oke di a ai tis the most ee! je Dead hom but Gur self-respect ara ti volve. i the Imperial Governmen Johnson Lavery, Gordon Egbert. ar Nocuiati Goss! Lizzie Sel maa: Part or tou, Irene Hoffman, Mary Sel dt, | party Mr. L. 0 |new house on Saturd: lay. ds. | t he. 6| To MR. Bk uk J. L, Tucker, in everything ‘that leads to the welfare ne Jointly eit the oth other ‘aienutedt: bleed to to wind up during such splen- und itions| did weath: wand it likely that that Ep eenene eaten eee be Great Britain. Not only our rights, LINWOOD. - Eee enie aude toon tien The engineor for the electric railway > Public School Report. eee Ronee on arg Part 1, Sees pe Munro Davy-| guests from the town attended and re- tdson, Willie Klencky Jacob. Bydt, ort having bad an unusually good Ella MeCloy,. Lilly Morley, Welling: ton Smith, aE tees editor of the Wallestey 4th—Mina Hartwier, Ida Menninger ‘Wallace’ McKinnon, Bessie Dorland,. Easton ‘Thompson, is Hoftm No fanee paralied 22, Average at- ville, spent Sunday at Mr. fanser gave a very en- ievabie Halloween party last Seti ' Jowy DunpaR, Teacher, | day ev th,—Panline Berger, ‘A meeti tine of the hockey club was Grenzebach, Lora Yost, Louis Griese announced for last Monday night. Eien pr nat is Sen. 8rd.—Tillie Smith, Lizzie announe or i + Tues Krajaefski, Lizzie Klenek, Vermmel- Smith, Ida Schaefer, Eddie ys Jun, Yrd--Eddie "Herr, Willi The citizens of Linwood do not Schenk, Jaines Pent POP AYE) | act tha C-PuH: tut ts thelr frst No. onroll 42 Average for month| survey, which comes: near Linwood, Mr YY, Teacher. | but does not go. through it. 2nd—Helen Hekong, will probably be made before construc- Barnby, Alfia Krajaeski, | tion h ol saad the meeting. Mrs McBachern gaye a ve! Alice Hamil- enjoyable “and successful “Plineh® nm Monday evening. iiss Greanwood, ot Wellesley, was ae ber aunt Me rs. G. G. Man Main street, last w Halonen was fy no means ast in Linwood, but we are glad to say that the mischiet iret hep fia of a harmful natur enrolled 56. Average at- The following is is tho report of S, S, No, 8, Mornington, for the of Onpbees = Gens eatin = Lottie: eve: Florence Celta, Gora Stewart, Bthel —Roy Houston, Vert Beres. Sen. Unt— Agnes Hous. 1 ise Coulte, eid Aleallisten, tn, 3rd,--Russell | Auction Sale of Timber Bertha. Bossa, Meleiio Kem’ Boll Hamen. © NOTIOE is hereby given Sara McAllister, Sadie Griff. | th le to the Hed ant thoi J r BLL, + [in uncil, the Res patna auaierseanen binned babes IN THE Dishiticr “OR 2 pres em e x TTON, Miss Ida Yundt ig visiting friends in | Cama i one oe Sebringville. os the Brida, ttlanfer. moved: wis his. Rey, A. Blunok preadhed in Toron- Mn Bred aad Miss Amelia Rehberg [SY spent Sunday with friend in Lisbon. Mr. and Mrs. Debus spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A; Kern, of Fuilar- pas with the right to ¢ spruce, Gatae cee pes rad, G6, G17, G13, “Gat. G25, 6, G27, G28, G83, G35, G36, G37, i41, 2, a Berths baer GRAVELRIDGE. The many friends of Mr: Jos. Aiken | &? willlearn with regret that he is at ‘aia! in “ very low state of heat jobson. ani att b, Of Glenallap, spent. a few ie 3. Wi friends In is in this ass, B en and 1k er are ng friends in eee igend dese: of ONE drelock In the alternoon. bridge. ee Re¥, Mtr. Bamby preashed on Sun- Sheets contafning terms and day evening toa large congregatio: and vail conti the special services ss A tnoeting: ‘will be the a oy sday evening, Nov. 10th ‘The object. of tbe fneepthgis'to learn the Taoling of the people regarding a. school library All the ratepayers are requested to be Le . i rs Dumber ofthe! ee fad neigh Commissioner Crown peat J. iL. DEPARTMENT OF CROW ToRONTO, July. 2, "1608, a B.—No unauthorized publication oft thie advertisement will be paid for. 8. ale iN mie leaving the Hn ould always su brasollsstions Of: Nis” associa: tone here. iravelridge, Oct. 30th, 1903. ar Brie eve a ier bt 60k We Trends deservedly ponhest thie. entire people. b your pr time have been ever helping band to ave always this, punorsanigy pass without showing in som in mere words, ou your. past and Repke : fre find it iene sot 1a .you vag pt this conch as a sii - poet Me peteent ts einen ‘he , “AN Kinds of Good Sree 3 assure you, that t ;: " hishb.e ‘Bhat is Our-Motto. . No matter what as tt here, or you'll SOME PE ‘Live Poultry Wanted AT. W. K. LOTH'S, ~-ON, inde and Wednesday NOV. 10th and 1ith. For which we will pay the folowing prices : Chicks, 1908, 6c lb., live weight. Hens Ac lb., a Ducks 6c Ib., s Geese oc lb., 5 Turkeys Qc Ib., : Chicks and Hens must be kept. in separate crates. Crops must be empty: W. K. LOTH. Wiederhold & Honderich BEDROOIT SUITES Call in and see the biggest assortment ever shown in this vicinity, in ELM, ASH, MAHOGANY FINISH, MAPLE OAK, and QUARTERED OAK. from, and prices right. Our Couches Ave right in line and a. big selection, prices. from $5.75 to $29.00, rk “A nice lot of Pictures have passed into stock a few days er s , Sre.jago. Call in and see them, they are beauties. RT aerhold & Honderich THE BIG HOUSE. Er HAT oT /Pretty as a Picturee Are the aiformade Suits manufactured by E. Knechiel, Merchant Tailor, _Miiverton = CGutaria. aS Has-in’stock a latge assortment of Black and -Faney Worsteds, Tweeds, Ete., to choose from, and can make them.up.on.the .shertest. notice at most.reasonable prices. , ’ the. atin ire.nejghbor ant toler yen fhe 70 ne ae ee whea| one's anigeish doareetests the de an nad BOF AL es mile a oneal er Rly W veet, a very | vert ah, world Perfect Fits and.Good- Work Giaranteed Please.give me.a call and be convinced. ae 25 Suites to choose. . ponunent. New York end Montroal| number 3 ere are 5 paid an Raincoats: and. “OARTHAGE. night in Listowel Thursday and Friday Mrs. Perrin and a ie ‘Ot towel, spent Sunday- with “Mrs. na rrison is wearing W. Sch Sunday ates friends in ripe on. ea peas Flowle of Atwood, visited at Mr. R. Moore's on Sunday, Umbrellas! . ; wel We have a ait gl, Somme village | Mi: . Kir complete. stock of both LADIES’ and GENT’S WATHRPOOF COATS Prices $2.95, 3.50/' 5.00, 9.00 and $10. UMBRELLAS For a good| : Umbrella try us, “Our automate atsio we have them at “(8c., 98c., $1.10, $2.25; etc. EH. DIERLAMM ilverton’s Great Bargain House. Butier (5c. Eggs, 16c., Chickens 5¢, Ducks — 6c.,| 81,080 Geese 6c, {Sotineihkh in dending: out campaign literatire trom Ottawa and Montreal ag so used up the mail ee that 7,000 new bags have to be ordered. “Mr. Peter Crerar, of North East- The Milverton Sun THUBSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1903 SURES FROM macouncss) “y Wei newspapers note the ship- d and fifty tickets were ; ment from id ae + to Edmonton of ned for ie Aylesworth banquet Ashbe mber 80 fect lox long Ge hea x4, pedi a single knot. n- Hon. D. C. Fraser will be appointed | tains over 4,000 feet of lumber. to the pee Court ‘bench: Nova! ‘he Church of England diocese of Scotia, to six Mz, Justice Henry, | ou Appelle has, an area of nearly | §; retired on eed of ill health. 100,000 square miles. There aro 21 Halifax is third in the eee of Indian Reserves within the diocese, apples this year among ports on this) The clergy gielading the Bishop, i lead, with Boston fourth. Montreal | uspatd @ are seven eee fy 400,000 barrels in ex self-supporting parishes, fifty churches Naw Vos oe twenty. parishes. The exports of ee of pute Mv. Robert. @lelana, ir. of the 4th from Canada have risen fron " [ine of ima, was cloaning the roof of the barn after threshing was over and fell therefrom. some twenty-eight to the amount of $600, 7000 but last f year this aos had gro 500,000. Farm and a being /alataed. ati his. long. ebeedbe found him-in th still nig Venere buoken, and itioupy st. it’ was feared Mr, Cleland’s A terribly di pie INE acerdent... Patithe “seek tela a ie went wrong What-may ace out to be a fatal ac- Othe and “tte Ji eke’ os aes ent occurred to Mr. Robert Code, of fhise or dour hundred’ portnds vbridge, on Monday afternoon. od : th ¢ unfortunate man and a companion with a cow in a wagon. The animal grew frenzied, broke loose, and after bunting the other man o} ee wont at} the seat attacked Mr, Code, ee Koooked him cms on the his » the Babee, nex “i ell off the wagon, 00 loor tim’s aasisten tenderly” removed e% hom ‘y mach sympathy is felt Sar’ ihe sufferer, as he is in terrible + pain: A firm of a ne favs te has bought 2 efforts a runaway was av ee however, much da ts ¥ z cevibal eovere inertial Injures 5 i The oe pieies the hi rd True Love... And life in all its mory saat told to her fateful days i, ‘Tre. game.ald ple.sterr was: injured, better hopes aro os ake s sustaining, er ghee 0 tho ea ‘d the halle satie in another direction: ioe. r 4 Wher Love's young ing/dream. was trésh! bbs chased the w. frau id -brigh a ‘orth oe rae ‘eld ¢ till ay | Cones, } irk, teacher of 8, a ax wears a sweet smile en days—it is a baby girl. was in our village on Sat- weang lay evening raising excitement, and es is Soke he had iene ‘kkeep shy if} 2 0 a Mr. Henry. Near woe a valuable horse on Sunday by having the prongs of a fork run into its stom; ite a number of our villagers at- church on Sunday m Anniversary services will be hela e Knox church on Sunday, followed b: ‘an excellent sacred concert on the Be = eraae Ese evening, commencing 8 Kk. Selections willbe nee ~ St. Pauls choir, and|™ at ake Everybody welcome. r, J. B. Goforth, of Mitchell, was in ths village on Sund: eorge Teante spent Sunday in Staton d. ‘hristian Angler has, bought the Those and lot in our village lately owned by Mr. Jos, Johnston. The price ae was $300. October Wills, The following wills have been filed with the Clerk of th: e Roek, Logan, farmer, $1,762 personal 87,000 reals Mary Gillan, ‘Stratrond) es "$550 fo aginidier ation Frank Arthur | © gee woman, 100 real. svithie, of Downie, was ap- pointed goardian of the Insurance of Susan Phinette MeVittie and And MeVittie, of Downie, infants. Hogs anda Woodpecker. Harrisburg, Il,, Oct; 28.—Wm. Mc Farland, a wealthy and) prominent county. tanner: a few ey would race toward it as if thefr life depended upon getting there first. Runuing s ort of corn & M a. thought to economize by putting As hogs ina aasture, where ait: tor thembelves the, pastare wv sec rar | tOD., 100 acres at Burns B, 60 recognizing in it the old farnilion oall, the hogs, with one-accord, raced for| t that focal They had. no more than arrived at the locali discovered that there was n Avaise wea again, aie fone Bee i sea ed, and on more to hear the call frout afar off. The day was rat ihioey lean le those dead from heat en oes a mem Our teacher, te, W. Fallis, attended conpribated Teachers’ aanrapuond vs Stratiord on | Britain 80) ater spent saw ‘| machinery. 5 r, bal- ie ance hardwood. Price $6,000, terms [Stirling, A nomber soos took i cote pea coneert on Thursday] Sir Willan ‘Har rable cecasion, that ‘The southif of fot number 2in the 1st neessio ae Uirelissley: contatsine Good large bank barn and © ¢|application to ‘atson and little | hi ns i d in the past, and that we ean- tell He events may cause them to change again STRAYED. Frot he premises of the under- ened’ ioe con. 2, Morni: or abou oti, thi, ; w sea tee ee house, pAeuby. Edenh rater, Bri ‘lee on ee hoe roar Ses nth Get the Best-It Pays 3 ENTRAL , BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD = ONTARIO Best Pines in SScHaee for se- curin, thorough business panes fon. 8 he superior. short- One graduates a ‘e always eniiceatel i sinh a position. Enter this month, Ww. J. Eliott, | | POO O12 210+ ii Any information — Ni Geaiots will be thanktally re ceived by. THos. ArrRipaR, SR., Milverton, P.O, TENDERS FOR DRAIN. Sealed tenders wi ee received by the undersigne SATURDAY, Donen Bist, 1903, Drain” in the Township of Morning- is Plans and profiles aetee be hoa tthe clerk's office, ill be Eanes oss danni ut eee ae re extended to suit D. B. Grinye, Reeve of Ti aueeerton: wton, P. 0. Newton, Oct. 7, 1903. .ONIONS.. WANTED An unlimited quantity of | Nice Large Onions wanted at For the construction of the 1 anatord the : Station Store In exchange for goods in the : store, which se can get at a. tight figure: Give us a call and get. ‘our prices on Long Bact and Shoes. pate Boots from $2.25 up. SAW MILL AND REAL ESTATE for Sale in Newton, That valuable saw mill property in ;|the Village of Newton, on the,G.'T. mill, ‘well fitted The proprietor see “areca foveal Oming health. Price on application to the proprietor ans ahs relia or “|W. D. Weir, itverton. uctioneer, Milve: Winttam Arrie, Proprietor. Every- a wearing Shoes: from 95c. up to $1.95. Z Rubbers as low as 30c” MILVERT ON Udon New Stock . We have just placed ir our show cases a complete and ' ‘Sot Onions Wanted T ns of Choice Sett Onions: wanted at highest price, to be deliver- ed during last week of October. ‘Also 4000 Ibs. Dried Apples fetal i onee at market price. A. LARGE, Poole, Ont, WwW. 0. Weir's List *. Properties For Saie. alf, lot 1, concession 1, Wel- Bast half of lot 7 7, con. 2, Peel town- ship, 100 acres, 90 clear: state of culti bh Maile tooth ee for a good rth alf of lot-9, con. 4; Mors ton near Milverton tation, 100 aoree, same lot sold for $6, 000, great chance. West half of lot 9, con. 11, OA house, bank lage aan ad will Bou a $4, handsome Bet: of RINGS ee Which for « quality and t style cannot be equallec:* in this rae of the county. BROOCH ace rh will convince Hout es. that they are the best y: yon ao have ever seen. : LADIES’ GOLD WATCHES . These are what ‘ake cae nice present for your wife, daughter, sister, mother, or best girl, and _price: away down. 2p, H. BASTENDORFF : Jeweler and Optician The Dominion. ns LIFE ASSURANCE CO. . Head Office, ‘Waterloo, Ont... Westies of 1902 all| Business in force sores ‘the ne rate as Ae charged’ bi nm. Oregot a It snes “taooke ed fo occurs sha lar eile dlayen f ent lor: ee el sift House to Salt stu oe Sie att wenday,| . site iohiaee ee devel 5 ium insurance igen coentatt i; be-- payable in us a He ment “the ae 0

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