Milverton Sun, 12 Nov 1903, p. 1

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WARRIAGK LICENSES ta once. Srricruy CoNFIDENTIAL. The “It Shines For All.” Vol XII—No 46 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908 ALCOLM Mack - Editor and Publisher The Sovereign Bank OF CANADA. Bapital Authorized $2,000,000 Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Office, Toronto HLS. HOLT. D. M. STEWART, j Gen. Manager|: : NLYERION “BRANCH Now open for the transaction GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Savings Bank Department nverese allowed on’ deposits: from ‘date of d and current cate al- j fees and caps ‘bal yearly. j Deposit receipts issued, drates bought and sold, collgeutaee made promptly on all puints, money order issted, notas’discounte Special “at- tention given to the collection of far: mers sale note LOCAL NEWS. ‘TE you see it in THs Sux it’s so. oH ae line of stick pins at Basten- Rev. Eby, of North pat conducted the quarterly services in the ‘Evangelical church on Sunday. Mr. Manford Durrant, head cheese- maker in the Milverton factory, re« turned to his home at Newbridge on Monday. . Norice—All partie: debted for Frost & Wood mavhin ee at Pinkbeiners’ hanteare are requested to settle for them at once, wi thous any durther notice f R..J. Rainey, - [Manager A. M. PANTON, Darton Solin, sie Oilce open every Thursday, Wm. Burton’ Block, Mai } DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Liceutiate Dental Surgery Member of Royal |Care.—Atwood Bee, Gotlege ot Dental Surgeons. of ‘Ontatio,| Me. W. D. Weir an he “ayy chia or grudunte Of Tounto Universi: | aay, Nov. 18, cll by able ee. | Regolation of teeth, Crown and Bridge | 205 000 aeo “o weonk a Spec a2 Hours Ja... to 5. ps Sete ee Mey bsg ‘ Olive ubove Finkbeiner Bros. hardware | > otses failing fe a ° “store, Milvei to Tyears, Those horses are all well = bred and broken to ie ness and may W. Eopert, Be ‘of College a Pi ra Miss Maggie Cuthbertson, sepous tario; also post graitaal s al, met with rather a painful acci- taicion Haspital Lo London, Eagle “Otice oe cu Weidny Uetiee aes Be an Teleghone TER rien With Borie, Beynnet, (Oo tee Weeon eriving Gbroushve eate: satheran Chureli Rate Rostoel way. when the wheel came in contact with the gate post, throwing her in to ersit ysician, Surgeon and Accoacher. Dry and night. cise pronplly ter det to Otlee iv Hawke's New to, by t rot Dan atel and Chronic Diseases a specialty. J. W. BARR. bs GBON, Milvertou,for uate o of Ontari eata all diseases of Gaile by valet oF sees prompt conue ‘Gua aduate of of N DV eteriuaes Calg? ‘oronto.) ted animals, ty nounce that n A, Davidson. Provineial Trent or Mx ited, is it death's doo Mr, Davidso a oo &. lamiltony Silverton, ok? are sorry to report that Township lerk, Thos. Fullerton, has been on{§ the sick list for the past eek. wit an attack of pleui Ho is gradually|t Taceovae bre tee exercise great driving aiety, through the streets of Pilea front of the whecls, which passed over 3 Bery breaking her shoulder blade.— Atwood cia’ ea ae ih tas, It is tobe hoped that Mr. Abrey will be able to make his visits to Milverton more frequent. The Paribank Sabbath School management, ‘Me Bie a concert inthe on Tuesday even- Societies The despatches ae the west an-| 0? "Tum Sun from now until January 1905 for one dollar. Ladies’ and gont’s or watches, all guaranteed, at Bastendorif’s. We have for sale some good second. Mr. ected war, tax bade gett: for ae uth “pelt of Mornington, will tthe Malibwing spell ces ae whi Ginal, in the after taxes from all nie roped ing vay them: Milverton, Nov. 10th; Poole, Nov. 20th ; Sor ‘23rd, . Mr. Penhall; of Atwood,-occu- ey is pulpit. of Methodist —e hivery accoptadly last Sabbath, wv. R. H. Barnby spent the Sabbath interes' g 8 euberis Fund of ‘the pict meeting witha ua cea a {and J response for to ‘be aeaed especially to aie msstoary sronkof the Shurch inthe Wee “grils Reformer—‘'Miss Mori- , the sweet singer of Scotch songs, artist ith a cara cep sympathetic, quality fiat, vibrates. to ‘the wen.” Ming Miieiecat eB eppanr anther Pernbank coneert in Millbank-on- Nov. ev. RE. eens: B.A. will on Tuesday evening, Nov. 2 delivers his Saat Teotare “phe rots of Scotch Success,” in Grosch’s “ Galt, 3 FE and and prosp a P not fail waved the Rev. BR. E.f nowles on the Bastendorff »has be finest line o ating 2 that-was‘ever shown in’ Mil vel Pat pail — maker wanted evening, eee 30th ort Timés—‘‘Miss Jean Gunn ive vEhé sulle SL amee ti in all her work, thou; 1 at- th; her worl Miss Gunn will the Fernbank S.S. concert in Millbank on Noy. an Stratford Herald, to accommo- date its increased both daily and wee! new Angle-bar Dares Flat-Bed W. fecting eee press, with a ice ot Oe 1a mi a clvege. endesmaned: sto gerye.the best: interoste fof Stecttord, we Bei ay 8 ibon its success |} ‘The inte of the ut ot it W. B: Chalmers on Tuesde as ‘iedk to ne people of Milverton and Pooley where Mr. Chalmers has know oe Chalineca deg SSP anrePiene “htcks cell oboe tion of the bowels, but of late years a become intolorable, @d to “have an> operativ oe ou ys Sareice 54 e the ublic library. Mr. Knowles ‘be one of the most eloq neta Benes pul- able evening is vi mn mens evening and Bessie a pooh, A wily Jowsis, canvassing certain Rev. Abrey, of Monkton,| aististe’ with’ e stock of jewelry, preached mofning, end evening all ts ston fe hel po ene aae Burns ehuseh, Milverton, and in te) navel eelling a bankrupt slock at afternoon at Zion chiavel, Wellesley, | fabulously low prices, in proo Stn which he succeeds in selling watches for $9 which can be boaght from au, wat er at ererens retail price of We many warnings regarding fates fax, with- out avail, that mpathy with those who still ees ae bait. ‘The anniversary services ee Monk- | », tou on Sabbath, Nov. 8th, wi a de-|P gee snecess. The services wes con- Rev. N. D. McKinnon of _ The church was led at g iand_evening services. . » the| of the pastor, Rev. J. Abrey, decided 4 S98 & s to dispense with the usual tea meet- saa — : ar Pedeg choot er] es oY an| ing; and asked for a good collection at , hall over Sclincuker & recom-ithe services, closing with a sacred ye ranee | concert Tl 4 _————— 1 = ¢ brethren’ al- C. Si tar Milverton, mn fro! assur that eae toner? wil i = first-class Basten dori has a large assortment of wodding and engagement rings. on Monday évening. ed $64 ae over $65 leaving a splendid balance of about night at a = 120, after paying bh | expenses, This ZA pm. theie hall, post ofieo building. J, G: Hamilton,.who was dele: ensonragin: ore ‘80 because y iting brethr petnone. # of the fact that se one cent of past ; dap Hitter, N. Ges John Daubar, BR. 8. tea ae ee or of this last. anniyer- re ~ untness fares Ee sary is permitted to be used for say i SL tantnoan puede the Bishop of H arom; asking ‘that: «|e eal than church and mans: J W. D. WEIR, Auctioneer for tlie Coun- aes “opointed ta ahs a aba ee te stent 5 "a . pe eee fet ‘eke sbean es met ated rch expenses. nee Bailiff fith Division Court. | cesstul “The petition er ae fines Hecak Office, over ope %« Shoo | ©: ba sage with through his Lord- n this issue of the Sun appears the Store, Main strect, Milverton. ship Pipa red B. Kinder, |sdvt. of Messrs. R. White & Co., of pense B.A. of Oil 8 to the incum- | Stratford, who barry, without a-doubt, jetels, bency. largest and most tastefully mated dently an 4 rye sample wis q Dratida of liquors aud. clgars , trans ot ay Ie j EXCHANGE | HOTRL, Brunner. Ont. | suceesstul. room a portion of John Gropp, Propri est Liquors and! one afternoon ‘of aah week is devoted cigars at the bar. Tivat-class aecomimoda-| ¢o discussion of current local, events, tion and large stabling. ee Bede ms. rs and: cigars = cor" taco pu Mill streets, Chas, Ritter, QUEEN’S HOTEL, bist hho best accommodation for ¢ Two large sample al trav- ‘warm . | Bastendorf’s M 1r| School, introduced GRAND Bere. ale HOTEL, Milverton, Proprietor. | taken rooms. Wines, Liquors and ‘stables and roy, and is a College and Toronto as been in his present charge. ‘abou! two years. Gali andsee the diamond rings at fir. A. Ma Beth, principal of Romeo at the beginning of is term a plan which is proving very reference Rese made to of which are brought to ns flis going on ino Words oc: ait ing news articles are nd tl their meaning proushtia out if not abeedy eleatly comprehend- ed. reise, therefore, Me MacBeth finds that it @ greater interest in what he city. serves his well-known firm are in a better postion this fall to supply their cus- ers than ever before, as their stock | §°! ince arger and contains i the latest ideas in house furnishings. They can kitchen to drawing room. ‘The advan- fages their stock offers in the immense varicty and newness of design is some- your reliability of goo: we ‘ou Fa thinking of going into hi seri aide Siecke es (ace ng rid of the old thet ae se service so long, try both a: Biceaty and an historical pur- ee "Phe plat is worthy of being|tl dopted more generally.—Stratford Bi aiod, 3 ‘es house fomiohers aud eine kee! Stratford. e advt. on another page of this Shee longer. 6 Eadeigaic pone vhouse™ complevag Am oe house more comfortable but. was to survive an Rene nian oe the. oper: tabl irs. Ghal- eae oe ite ace relates - eee of the entire com What + disposi ition will be aa nor ne remains we are not at thé time of go- ing is press able to say. subscriber to the Reva Adyo- estion, ‘‘At what rt Ww! st circumstances may a farmer shoot stray dogs on his answer the Farmers’ ‘Advocate gives to this question is as ei and it would ei well for om n- er gs to. bear it i ‘He may Seal any that he Binds. ween sunset and sunrise is fan . sheep are kept there on, “ines sich log be securely muzzled or accom- ied by er in reasonable call or con- trol of the porson having it in charge g S ni stray be- ea sion on the part of the farmer that if sucht dog if not killed is Vkely to wound or worry, shee aud lambs farm, He may kill any a LOS he sees pursuing, worrying any sheep o: lamb, or without lowfal permission in any enclosed field on his far saeby tel eoetAgiving!-tonen and terrifying any’shcep or lumb thereon.” GRAVELRIDGE. ud “Mrs. Joseph Dorland, ot Stratford, are spending a ne frietids inthis vicinity. that if may remain so for a wi Tth Con. “Wollestey. hit to the honse for sowe weeks. m. Hastings ‘baa completed a | yery saccessful season's: threshing on this line. Mr. Thos. Bigan is making tal er by re-boarding the ontsi The Bible Society's Young itler, their rounds last Saturd 4 Ts the red brie house on the eoruer for sale or to rent? qs; Nurse Js visiting her, mothe Mra. D. “MePadden: 7” i were ry tal bee on ‘Priday Heater slag aroha fe his hous barrels are yery sea new last pied Horde ge winn greatly tended to the 6 y n his | ie, and} tio: for w day IIIDE Unt IDV BR eyiesceeeiecer the Milverton Cironit say in the ye: mad for the win- ar de. colleetore, | Allingham, on | lee, y I eaolubion The apple pickers are at work and “passed at its eae cca i Tefersive > to Mrv M. val. fs MILLBANK, Mr. William cies has moved te Martin Kich’s hich he has bought and fe overhauled, ones has agit and Vv. settled ae dork hand heating stoves, both coal and Euabe ‘to wor! Good potatoes wanted. Shipping} wood. Finkbeiners’ hardware, oy ae ae or ‘ark sete the tra Armstrong “has taken Mr. Tones’ old 4 a) o John Kelter! Mondays‘ Groashe & Plotter It you aro not a reader of Ta Sox ey a wetionen, wl carmen bad @ puinber of Wan A gone dervant.| become one. It will be sent to yi cal te Ae sod siemente. of fx, | e@s0s ‘plowing for him on Tuesday Apply to Mire. W. KL address ee now until Jan. {905 for Moses Schmidt ae a 5 i: 4th | this ‘The Milverton Sun a the Poronto | 22° dollar con. of Elma, on assay, Nov. 24th. Heod News eas joe sent to any address} The Elma and Mornington cheese | Sale to commence at BURNS. ‘for a year for factory at Britton sold the last half of} “Anniversary services wlll ‘be. held in ns ‘Ani's wep ia pow out; ahe tied | © is Semen make ok chee 8 12 Zion. chareh, ‘Wellostey, on Sunday, ‘A succesful bee for the purpose of to keep if quiet, but a lot gf poopie by makeing, the Field fe Me) Noves20th ‘old: |olearing up the grounds around. the have caught on that she is 1 sinrholer $104.96 per 100 Tbs. of] hen pe Ei kn Reka ee “ahureh was held on Tuesday of The 27th of December has been de- cided on as the date of the opening of the new ebar m: Watson and Wm. lows each took aload of apples Trowbridge to the~aj Pe batter janufacturers. last Saturday SAS 1S it aie Address and Presentation. onday evening the representa: it of the ned. in. lange hes me tale: te was rea by th To aed THomas Maawoos, Mrs. 288, tion rarely “equalled and never sur ing o! Jesus. palate have 8, while we haye no doubt Redeemer'skingdoi upon art’ You are about toleave us, but you re youa hearty welcome ‘and homes. r the ye of toil spent in Win, Langfordand tisees Hettic love towards you. Eangiord andide Cook {spent Sun- Finally we pray that the Great day seth felends in Mon Head of the Church may go with you Mr. and Mrs. W. anetied enter. [aud yours, ing you safely by the SoinenMpaand Mrs. Jee Cugker and green pastures and still waters of his few of their friends to a social ev love and when adows ing and tea on Saturday | lengthen and ing ay oR in joe farmers ere beginning to fear |Your lives and ours we way al by a shortage of water. ‘Che ground ig{one be gathered into the Mescay ting very dry bat It is to! be hoped | Kingdom where partings are un: nowu Signed on behalf of the various organizations aud congregations of H. Barw ‘BY, pastor, ae ile. working at e Robt. ee Mr, Magra made a touching and Oh Groseb IAA bile" wae missed hia] MoPTae te Teh eneshane the friends footing and-fell to the floor, a distance |", Words te appreciation of himself of about ten fect, . bre his wriet }@ud family and assurivg them he no badly injuring besides a| Would treasure their gifts, and offer- bad shaking up which will confive ie teva tay anatase hospitality is home, not only 6 evening ies to com Sis pa reciea of appreciation wert Ae Contre eo . Brown A. Kei arks, Tas. Greate ou After fais prod fe bounty Shea Tait and abe a ei ple ant and sociable time was hope ta public ners week the of Qua Board ag wood’s removi

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