H.C. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, “NEWTON, - ONT. signed, lot 5, con. 2, Mornington, on srolghing i in the aeighborliood of 49) info Sree From the ee of the under- or about Oct. 12th, a white sow, to will be thankfully a ‘BANK OF MONTREAL ceived by Tuos. ATTRIDGE, SR., © - Milverton, P.O. Established in the Year 1817 Eee ap Capital and “Re- e Fund 000 | bai “motal Assets (April, 1908) 8125, 5000" 000 ag ira The Bank is at to_receive| aepeatts Ge A Sao funds and other {moneys and to Soren oN interest iodically at current rate, Corres- ndence invited. zener banking FARM FOR SALE. ‘That valuable < pal ofland being lots 12 rnington, containing furnace. of oreh well fenced a1 Sell watered, fall plowing, all, Gone, 28 acres In fall wheat’ Convent School, post office and rail way station. por further particulars mpy, ALLIXGHAM, ‘Millbank P.O. ‘business transacte E. P. Winslow, Manager, Stratford. ‘Once a Customer Always One.. | The uppermost efforts ‘in| ‘our business is to make our “Watch Repairing and. Jewelry ‘dealings such that the buying “public will realize the advan- stage of making this a favorite] hi er in thew Jewelry pur ,chas' Reliable goods for the least -money, correct in style and vartistic in design, is our assut- ance that it pays to buy at this store. You have the assur- ance that when you buy at this -store you get the best value for your money. J. WELSH & SON, STRATFORD. ‘Marriage Licenses Issued Con- fidentially. abies Milverton, on Sunday, BY Se, the wife of Jas. Wilson of a Co. Sores Mi ington, 0! ‘burs- ree: , Nov. oth, the wife Oe ee orl ’ Torrmn—At Mi Nov. 8rd, Totten, ephen Morrison—At Carthage, on Satur- y, Oct. Bist, the wife of James Morrison. werton, on Tuesday, ihe wife of Charles G. 'T. R. station agent, of peer, he fnforins Peffers aes nae his children, along with some of neighbo: a re- move a gate as a anita ish pre but that he did ow of the Socurene we. regret Mr. e annoyance through the appearance of the item sent IB hy bir oor respondent pet gladly ie plaee to the correc- tio LINWOOD. Miss i. Paraill je visiting friends in Calais harpe is conducting liven servicesat Bethlehem appoint- ment. sae wisl ir. Sharpe success The eee Nichol, of en eee Optician—Eyes Tested Free, ) Rowe at Solid Progressive ‘That another year of very substantial | progress has been experienced by The Mutual Life of Canada will appear evident from the YBusiness written in 1902 $4,527,828 THE New | Harness Shop Open A full line of Heavy and Light Singie and Double Harness, Collars, Blankets, Whips, Combs Brush- es, Etc. in stock, nt A nice sett of Single Harness, nickle ee ny hand-made Heavy Team Harness from $26.00 up. All harness guaranteed hand made. Repairing a Specialty at lowest rates. G. F. GROSCH, Next door to Grosch's Shoe Store. H. Mohr GROCERY, 20 Ibs. Redpath gran. sugar $1 “ $r 6.lbs Cooking Figs for 25¢. 10 lbs. Green Coffee for $1 Carbolic Soap per cake, se. Tar re Gah at ee Postum Cereal per pack. Shelled Amond Nuts per Ib.4oc 25 «yellow 15¢. Large Onions per Ib. 2c. Sage and Savoy per bottle 10c Eggs 20¢.,,Butter 17¢, and ee are visiting friends in Conesto rry to say that, Master ‘Adam Crookshanks is quite sick and under the doctor’s care. We hope he a soon recover. arterly official board meeting chureh which was eld on Monday. afternoon was well ttended and a great deal of business aes patched. e railway, committee sent a depo- ti hie to Listowel on e the te M4 force c. ee ti He pugey a 7 ; R. coming gh Linwo Bist, F $34,407,370 |e “committee shonld be congratu Gate Thtewae. Tuaone, lated on thelr energy and zeal in this 2 i a matter... 1902 $275,415 | ine ecalts of the here meeting ‘ were received too late for reportin, Death Losses, 1902 $210,590 Tet weck The. hee has’ well attended ani lowing officers ‘The Cash ns a In- elected: President, Almond Reni terest _exce captain and manager, 0. Bundy ; sec Death Losses for tae reas., unmer. Linwood in: Bei by: 854,719 | Sends'potking a good fast team on the year and many good ial W. H. Grosch, ites peewee! n as fergie Toon! Agent. | Weather comes. SOOERDE) Duncan Stewart, Stratford, Gen. Agent COMMERCIAL. MULVERTON, Rohe ee ss ‘all wheat pes bush pring wheat, per iurley per bush arkeys per pound « Hoge live a ee per poun 2, 190; ete per bug 40 1 potatoes per ha ry 20 Bsa . 19 eet per 3 1 left for Auakohe on Mo: z4| Our ol “ “MONKTON A very pretty house wedding took David ; the home of n, on Wed- od by Rev. . Roderick McKay. was beautifully gowned in venoti a cloth, trimmed enjoy ‘The shui couple ar known and highly respected in this epi ualiy: i through the woods in ees factor; soason on Priday last, eh ae increase. a Mr: McKinnon, of Milvertoy. shed annivi oe hneider, who now fone! employed at cheese making he in Crosshill a Wednesday. be much mi quite a number of o1 haying it patip their n their daugh- ter Miss Beatrice Bsubaliee was matri- ‘as. Abrey, of Morkton, The bride aly geri away by Hee oor and itel FY Blank in a whitel HOPSO ankets| silk a d ate and carried a large ie To mil ‘git and ‘After ; Poe ceeiittcas Gite ee oe eee tea was oe wl fers aS 50C. W. Steinhoff and James in the villoge with our ': Horse Clippers the pas a gis ome lay tok tie aone He wil} oy, tlaphona lite a eaosas i ar villagers arg MeL, H. MOHR. oe Silverware Just received a __ship- ment of Choice Silver- ware, very suitable for wedding presents. Cutlery The sale of Cutlery still going on. Call and satis- fy yourself as to quality and style. Stove Polish Give-your Stove Pipes a coat of our Stove Pipe Hluminum,' and your Stove a coat‘of our Black) Stove Polish and you will be satisfied. We have some extra; ood bargains in Horse! «Nickle Tea Kettles Our stock of Mickle Tea Kettles ‘is large, style and prices correct. Horse Clippers — in abundance. services in Finkbeiner’s Hardware, Grosch Pfeffer Milverton ’s Greatest Store. Furs We carry a most complete line of Furs. Nowhere in Canada can you get better Furs for the money. We stand at the back of every piece we sell, our guarantee goes with every piece. For style, fit and finish we won't be beat. For instance, take. Sable Goods, we never handled nicer sable goods. Some ; choice Sable bargains : 4 only, Alaska Sable Ruffs, 6 tails, we a all season at $12.50, and never sold finer ones, this week only $9.95 6 only, Flat Alaska Sable Ruffs, chain fasteners, te 15 to $16.50, this week, special $12 2.00. 2 only, Alaska Pen ane regular 15.00, this week $11.5 3 only, Sable ee extra long, full hea and_ heavy, regular 21.00, this week $18. Blectric Seal Jackets, Bok- haran Jackets, blouse effect, some real choice ones. In Astrachan Jackets, never had better, all lengths and sizes. Men's Furs, a big assortment. Fur-lined Coats, Coon Coats the like we never had. Tasmania Coons, Waillaby’s Mangolian Lamb, Dyed W ombats, all kinds. In Men's Persian Lamb Caps and Gauntlets we carry a full range. Persian Lamb Caps from $5:to $12. we Never since we have been in business have we carried such a big range, clothing galore, We are selling agents for the famous 2oth Century Brand Clothing g, the finest makers in Canada. Good Suits from 3.98 to $15. Boy's Clothing, large rangé, 20th Cen- tury yOvercoats from ro to $15 Milverton,